#but in all honeslty I am not super happy about how this turned out
littlemindblabbles · 3 years
Off day
Trying to write some Jaemin fics, might be really bad sorry!!
Summary: (FLUFF) You finally get some long awaited free time with Jaemin and he’s determined to make up for beng busy
Pairing: Jaemin X Y/N
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Mornings were not your thing at all. You hated getting up at any time earlier than 12 noon, but unfortunately, school didn’t let you have the luxury of doing that most of the time. But although today was a Saturday, you were quite happy to be awake when your alarm rang at 9 am. The reason lied in the boy whose pair of arms were currently wrapped around you, his face buried in your neck. 
Jaemin and you had been dating for over two years, and recently moved in together for 6 months. Due to his never-ending schedule as an idol, he was hardly around during the day and usually came home when you were asleep. However, good communication between the two of you helped your relationship, and you always supported him in all his work, knowing that he was under immense pressure to constantly better himself for his fans. You didn’t mind eating by yourself when he called to say he was coming home late, and always left a portion of dinner in the fridge for Jaemin to eat at night. You were his shoulder to cry on when the stress got too great, and his biggest fan whenever he had a new song to play for you or a new dance to show you. 
But today was different, for the first time in a very long while, Jaemin had the entire day off. A whole 24 hours for the both of you to spend time together, with no interruptions. Jaemin had told you beforehand that he had told his manager and group members not to bother him today, then promptly switched off his phone before going back to cuddling you. You haven’t had this much time to your boyfriend for so long, it almost felt too good to be true. 
“Morning princess, what a beautiful start to an amazing day with you.” Said boy you were thinking about finally stirred and stretched his arms out. You smiled and turned around to face him.
“Good morning, what shall we do today Jaem?” He smiled brightly at you before sitting up on your shared bed. You made a move to sit up too, but he pushed you back down gently and tucked you back under the sheets. 
“No no, you can lie in a bit longer, I know you love your sleep. Just relax, today will be my turn to make up for everything you’ve done for me so far.” With that, he grinned and skipped out of your bedroom, shushing away your sounds of protest. Well, the bed was really warm and you were quite tired, so it wasn’t long before you were dozing off again. 
“Princess, wakey wakey. Time to eat!” The most delicious smell of pancakes and coffee reached your nose even before you opened your eyes. When you did open them to see your boyfriend with a tray of the best-looking food ever, tears nearly welled up in your eyes. How long has it been since you tasted Jaemin’s amazing cooking? Way too long that’s for sure. 
The both of you settled down comfortably in bed and ate breakfast in comfortable silence. His pancakes were just as good as you remembered, and you loved that he added a few strawberries on top which were your favourite and that he was carefully avoiding and moving to your side of the plate. As you were studying his cute movements, he felt your eyes on him and looked up, giving you a cheeky smile. 
“I’m gonna spoil you so much today, I can’t wait. You’ve been the perfect girlfriend, more than anything I could ask for, and I finally have the time off to treat you the way you deserve.” 
“Jaem, I love you, but you really don’t have to go out all this way for me. It’s your day off, a day to rest.” You emphasized the word ‘rest’ and eyed him. “You don’t have to do anything for me, honestly just being able to eat your cooking again has put me in cloud nine. I just need to spend time with you.” Jaemin took your hands in his and looked straight into your eyes. 
“Baby, I love you too. And I actually planned a super fun day where we could go out for a picnic and have fun together. I don’t know when we’ll get this chance again, and I wanna treat you right. Coming home to you every day has been a literal dream, I love that you always keep food for me to make sure I’m not skipping meals, and I love the cute little messages you place on top of the containers to cheer me on. I love how you never get upset with me whenever I cancel plans or return home later than predicted, and your little reminders throughout the day to take care of myself. But I guess you’re right, and you always are, I do need a bit of a rest before our comeback next week.” He looks like a kicked puppy at the end and you can’t help but give him a small peck on the lips. How is he so perfect?
“I know, and it’s alright, we have all the time in the world for your future plans. I'm really glad you appreciate all the small things I do, and I just wanna reassure you that you still show me how much you love me in your own ways too, even though you're so busy. So don't feel too guilty and that you have to make things up to me, okay? We can just have a chill day in today. Tell you what, I really miss you cooking, so my one request would be for you to cook for me. Is that alright?” Jaemin was already nodding his head vigorously, his eyes lighting up again. 
“Of course princess, I’ll make all your favourite foods. And in the meantime, we can cuddle and watch that drama we’ve been wanting to watch? How’s that sound?”
“Absolutely perfect.” And he leaned in to kiss you again, just that this time it was a bit longer than a single peck. Not that you were complaining, you had the whole day together right?
Note: I honeslty thought it was really short, but it’s about 1k which is not bad ahaha. Hope you liked it, check out my masterlist for more fics! 
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winters-history · 5 years
Past, Present and Future || One shot || S.S
Requested - “One where the reader is part of marvels newest phase and is a very powerful character. She is also super confident in real life and doesn’t ever get flustered. She goes on an interview with Ellen where she gets asked about her celebrity crush Sebastian Stan which she doesn’t talk about publicly because she knows she’ll get flustered and Ellen goes into it anyway and surprises her by calling Seb in and however you want to take it from there”
Requested by @beingonpointe
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‘ “Please everyone, welcome the amazing and beautiful Y/N Y/L/N to the stage!” Ellen says and the cheering from the audience starts and I walk out as calmly as I can trying not to run
As I walk out I see everyone waving and cheering and it makes me smile even more, I wave back to them and they cheer even louder making me laugh.
I walk over to Ellen and hug her as we both sit down, with me crossing my legs and getting comfortable in the chair.
“Welcome to my show Y/N. Let’s start of with the amazing news that was released this morning - you have been officially cast as the newest marvel hero in the MCU.” Ellen says and the cheering starts again
“Yeah, it’s honestly amazing - I don’t even know what to say about it, I mean I can’t wait to start filming with everyone- I’m so excited to meet them all” I say with a smile Loki g from Ellen to the audience
“Well I don’t blame you have you seen some of them? “ Ellen says making me and the audience laugh
“I know, I’m actually scared for the workout regime that they’ll put me on - it looks like a lot of work” I say laughing
“Honestly I’m sure they won’t need to put you on one, I mean all the photos that people get of you are when your at the gym or out with friends” Ellen says
“I do try to keep as fit as I can - and it’s a great way to relax- I can just go to the gym and not focus on anything but being there yknow?” I say and Ellen nods
“I get that - but there is something I’ve wanted to ask you actually its someone” Ellen says and I laugh
“It wasn’t me I swear!” I shout for dramatic effect
“Hahah. No no I’m not questioning you about that today. But I’ve seen the interview you did with James corden a few days ago” Ellen says and I blush
“Fill your guts or spill your guts?” I ask
“Yes, honestly o don’t know how you are some of that- but I wanted to focus on one question which you decided to answer, your celebrity crush. Which I was ashamed wasn’t me I mean really Y/N” she says and I laugh even harder
“Ellen you know your my number one gal, but Sebastian Stan is just - ugh” I say and the audience laughs
“I can’t deny that - at all, but I was wondering what was gonna happen there because your going to be working together an awful lot soon and well I don’t mean to be nosy, well I do but, have you met him yet. When you do what are you going to say?” Ellen asks and I blush even more
“ Honestly Ellen I have no idea, I mean I saw him when I was out for lunch with Chris Hemsworth - I met him years ago when I was filming a movie with his brother - and I froze and was so scared, I have no idea what I’ll do if I meet him, I’ll probably state random facts” I say and everyone in the studio laughs
“But your so confident and have this powerful aura, I couldn’t imagine you getting flustered or nervous” Ellen says
“Honestly, around that man I think I would freeze. I’ve only ever once gotten nervous like that and that’s when I met Michelle Obama - it that’s a story for another day - and I started talking about the techniques Van Gogj used in his piece ‘Still life : Drawing Board, Pipe, Onions and Sealing Wax’ honeslty is was so embarrassing” I say and Ellen laughs and just as she goes to say something. I hear this giant “Rrrrereaaaawwwwwwrrrrrrrr” from behind me and I jump out of my chair and turn around and see it’s Sebastian Stan..... it’s Sebastian Stan
“H.....hi” I say and I put my hand out to shake his and he takes it laughing
“Hi...hahahah I’m so sorry it was all Ellen” he says and I nod slowly
“Guys take a seat, take a seat” Ellen says and I sit slowly as Sebastian sits next me and j can feel myself turning into a tomato
“So Y/N how are you feeling?” Ellen says and I look at her
“Good.” I say trying not to say tk much and I hear Sebastian laugh next to me
“Sebastian?” Ellen asks
“Honestly I’m so happy right now, I got to meet my celebrity crush” he says and I trim to him and smile. I’m his celebrity crush?’
“Ahahhaah I am a matchmaker aren’t I folks?” Ellen asks as I look from the screen behind us that was playing my interview from around two years ago
“Honestly Y/N when I thought of that I thought you would make a great new friend” Ellen says but I interrupt
“You gave me my best friend Ellen, really” I say looking down at the engagement and wedding rings now on my left hand, and smiling.
“Well it was my pleasure, everyone may I present you with the amazing actress and my close friend Y/N Y/L/N-Stan”
I can’t wait for my future with Seb.
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whencallstheheart · 4 years
Mid-Season 7 Survey Results
You’ll find the responses to the 2 short answer questions under the cut.  Apparently you guys aren’t into the love triangle.  What a surprise!
What would you like to see more of this season? -
Lucas and Elizabeth
More friendships ans less if that stupid love triangle. I'm done with it.
Jack return
More serious plot lines, less filler plot lines that are just boring
The triangle to be over. Decide who stole your heart.
More Lucas and less of boring Nathan. I would love it if both Nathan & Allie left the show. Both have ruined the show for me. I am about to start recording the show, so I can fast forward their scenes. That is something I rarely do for any show.
Jesse and Clara. Lucas and his past. Lucas and Elizabeth.
I’d like to see more Henry, and less love triangle! I’d also love more about Lee and Rosemary starting a family, and Jesse and Clara settling into married life.
More townspeople stories other than the triangle. There are so many stories to tell. I’d also like to see a pastor again. I miss the services, etc
More Elizabeth story lines independent of Nathan and Lucas
More of Lucas and Elizabeth of course ? They are just so perfect. I love them because...he shakes things up for her, but he isn't to wild or not caring and solid enough for her. It's just perfection lol
The other kids
Lucas and Elizabeth romantic scenes!
Lucas and Elizabeth getting together by the end of the season.
More girls fun, like the bachelorette party, I was hoping to see more of that in the last episode. But the mixing of the two parties in the end was kind of a fitting ending. And more teacher/classroom moments
Rosemary! Florence and Fiona’s friendship. Meaningful plot lines for the whole town and characters who are not paired off.
Lee and rosemary
Baby Jack! Those twins and how they interact with the cast are priceless and adorable and sweet!
Lucas and Nathan friendship
Better story lines for Bill and Henry
Elizabeth in the classroom.
I'd like to see more good writing ;)
something interesting apart form the triangle like, idk really just something interresting.
Nathan and Elizabeth
Elizabeth and Lucas together courting and starting a life together
Not sure
The triangle over sooner rather than later :)
Romance, more Mountie investigations, Elizabeth’s choice
Nathan actually being a mountie, the library kinda has disappeared, so maybe more of that, some storylines that aren't striclty connected to romance. And also more bonding amongst the boys, the bachelor party was super awkward and not because of Lee, because we've never seen them interact with each other before, Nathan only talked with Bill, Lucas only talked with Henry and barely Lee. The girls have lot more scenes together about other stuff then them. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it seems like they are using the guys just as romance ploys XD
Henry fall in love
A little more drama. This series has had a lot of fun and the triangle have taken a lot of screen time. I would like to see more balance.
Carson & Faith
Deeper character exploration
more fiona/henry interaction. More interesting plot that would overshadowed the love triangle. Also Nathan/lucas....what Girl can dream...
Lucas and his past in more details. Gowen finding a woman
Henry Gowen!
I want more meaningful drama. To me the plots are resolved to fast. It feels like they rushing every moments.
I would love to see a plotline pick up speed. I DO NOT want this love triangle drawn out for 2 o more seasons
Nathan's mountie work
More of Lucas and Baby Jack!
I want Bill-centered stories that have nothing to do with any of his jobs...also I want to know more about Fiona
More Lucas and Elizabeth scenes and more students besides Allie. Seems like we’ve had a lot about her and haven’t really seen the other students much.
More of Elizabeth with her students, teaching and like the opal scene we had where she read to her!
henry/abigail but if not then henry
Lucas in casual clothing
More Nathan and Elizabeth moments with little Jack and Allie!
Henry and Elizabeth scenes
Better writing
Rosemary and Lee
More Elizabeth and Rosemary friendship
community problems
The coulters
BETTER and more INTERESTING writing!!! Please
Lee and Rosemary dealing with infertility.
More of Florence and Molly! Theyre useless right now, tbh.
More of Rosie and Lee! And Henry!
Elizabeth with the children
clear communication instead of romantic hints PLZ haha
Elizabeth and Lucas together
I would like to see Nathan do more Mounty stuff. More scenes with Henry.
More of Lucas and Elizabeth romantic moments together. Rosemary is pregnant . Maybe a scene of Elizabeth telling baby jack about his father and that he is always with them. Elizabeth and Lucas kiss.
More of Henry storyline . Maybe a love interest for him. More Elizabeth and Lucas moments. I think they have great chemistry and really hope they end up together. The Mountie storyline is dry and already been done. I don’t think it will happen this season but fingers crossed for Lucas and Elizabeth kiss. Even a kiss on the check would be really nice. Also more of baby jack.
Lee and Rosemary
Lee and Rosemary in a serious argument, Rosemary meeting a friend Lee doesn't like, the women of Hope Valley doing more together, Henry finally not being looked down on/frowned upon.
Rosemary and Lee
More of the Hope Valley kids! There’s been very few scenes with any kids besides Allie.
The growth of Elizabeth and Lucas's relationship. I'd like for them to explore their feelings and eventually fall in love (maybe next season?)
The kids, even with chicken pox they managed to be overshadowed by the adults. they used to be more present and be part of the plot. now it's just Allie, kind of feel like Elisabeth is not a teacher anymore...
More scenes with Lucas and Elizabeth. I'd also like to see more storylines with the Hope Valley kids.
Nathan and Ally
Scenario with Lucas and Baby Jack
Any other thoughts about the season so far?
It would ne nice to see other characters developement such as Molly, Florence, Ned who bring the sparkle of fun and lightness to the show.
Without Jack and Abigail, stop the season. WCTH no longer makes sense.
Too much make up - cut it out!
Hate how Brian Bird has turned the Hearties against each other with this triangle. Then the fact he gloats about it is so unchristian. Apparently Mr. Bird is not the Christian he claims to be with his behavior on social media. He loves the fact the Hearties are divided and the community has become hateful towards each other.
I just hope the triangle ends this season and finally be on the path to develop the second love chosen for Elizabeth
I’m unclear on who is in charge of Hope Valley right now. There was a mention of the town council in this week’s episode, did the head of town council become mayor? Did they get rid of the mayor’s office, and now the whole town council is in charge? I’m not sure why, but I think about this a lot whenever I’m watching.
I’m not a huge fan of this supposed love triangle. Not at all.
Not enough drama for this time period. We need more cliffhanger type moments. Stakes aren't high enough like they used to be.
They have done a FANTASTIC job. Honestly, this season, along with season 6, are my favs.
It’s been great
I absolutely detest the "love" triangle. It is out of character for Elizabeth to be attracted to two men. She's a one-man woman. Also I HATE the way this unnecessary triangle has divided the Hearties and caused so much ugliness.
Lucas and Elizabeth are constantly getting interrupted by Nathan. Less of Allie and more of the other kids. Little Jack walk and not be carried all the time. Lucas and Elizabeth dance at the wedding and/or on the trip they take. Nathan sees he is not winning over Elizabeth and Lucas
I really want Elizabeth to end up with Lucas and show their love story
I'm leaning more towards Lucas mostly because I don't want the teacher/mountie storyline recycled but for both options, I would like more in depth characterisation.
I actually really like love triangles, so I don’t mind it at all if they manage it well. The season is certainly not good so far, but I’m mostly enjoying it and looking forward to new episodes more than in previous seasons. My expectations are very low, but I’m still worried they’ll manage to disappoint me in so many ways. On a completely positive note, I’m loving the importance of Rosemary’s friendship with Elizabeth!
I like it
Kevin is only there when he's needed for the Fione storyline, the guy that works for Gowen is in the back more than Kevin. Kevin actually doesn't make much sense since he doens't interact with many characters other than Fiona and the occassional storyline with the livery
Get storylines for Henry and Bill
It’s ok - some plot lines are strong and some are very weak and waste a lot of viewing time.
Not happy w/the triangle. #Hearties are too divided.
Better writing not so predictable
I prefer Elizabeth to be with Lucas because he isn't a Mountie, we already had that story-line with Jack and i just want something fresh for Elizabeth.
We need a love interest for Henry!
I hate the triangle! It is causing division among the #Hearties. I think if the writers are going to put Elizabeth with another mountie which i hope and pray they dont! They should have replaced Jack. I think this triangle is making Elizabeth look silly and the men look like teenage boys. It has took the Elizabeth we have known away. Lucas is so perfect for Elizabeth he reminds me so much of Jack and to put them together would bring back the excitement to the show it has lost.
It's really ok. I don't really get why some have these like, HUGE expectations. It's a Hallmark show, I only have 1 real expectation: Be good, and realaxing.
Please renew for more seasons. I love this show. This is a great season
Honeslty it's quite okay. I would like to have more active plots, but this is Hallmark, so it's fine
More Lee and Rosemary and a quick end to the love triangle would be perfect.
They really need to work in the Spanish Influenza of 1918
I like the evolution of Elizabeth and Bill’s relationship - he is becoming a father like supposrt foe her and surrogate grandfather to Jack Jr developing
It's like the writers are running out of ideas. They did better with S6 even with kicking out Lori
Triangle needs to end by season
I feel like Henry would have had a bigger role with Abigail, so I'm sad that his character has to suffer the consequences of the Loughlin scandal. He's still a very good character but he deserves more plot than he gets.
Don't want the love triangle go to the next season.
This season is an improvment because there is no behind the scnes drama to accomodate for, however, it still feels stiff or something. I am looking forwrd to seeing Jesse and Clara's wedding! It will be the best since Rosemry and Lee's
No, it's all good
Would like to learn more about Lucas' family!
It's been kinda meh, with parts i've adored and parts i've loathed. trying to stay open-minded
Nathan’s character boring and needy. They way the writers have written him is very off-putting. Allie is grating on nerves too. Where are all the other students? I realize the writers must have a plan in place, but I honestly do not understand why they are dividing the fanbase over Elizabeth’s love life. It’s heartbreaking.
Please have Elizabeth choose already!! I feel like the love triangle is being dragged out!! Lol! But I love all the Elizabeth Lucas scenes!
Love it!
This season is so amazing so far! I cannot wait to see what is in store for Elizabeth and the rest of Hope Valley!
The ensemble cast really shines through. And also Erin is doing really good work with what´s been given her.
I miss the previous seasons and how much more interesting they were
Drop the love triangle
I don't think Elizabeth has chemistry with either man
If things don’t improve - end the show. Sorry - but my honest opinion.
I would like see a less competitiveness between Nathan and Lucus, the way they are acting is just silly and it belittles both of them. I think it would be more interesting if they were friends 1st before they both became interested in Elizabeth. Other than that I like the season so far, it feels fresh!
Nope, everything is pretty solid. But i really hope they don't go the Nathan route.
It’s great to be invested in this show again!
I’d like them to stop trying to make Henry into a bad guy
I would like the triangle over
I dont want this love triangle to continue for too long because it is becoming confusing and annoying to watch. I prefer Nathan because i feel like Elizabeth has more chemistry with him than Lucas. I think she also prefers Nathan but is afraid to allow herself to make her feelings known because shes afraid of lossing him too. I don't see her with Lucas because he is everything she left behind when she chose to stay in Hope Valley.
I’m really enjoying it! The flowers episode was my favorite! Very sweet and romantic.
I like Molly having a job now, too.
It’s pretty good. I wish the love triangle would be solved soon.
I love Jesse & Clara!!!
Really enjoying it! Excited to see where the storylines are Going!
I could use a little less Nathan and Allie.
Less love triangle.... wishful thinking
#TeamLucas. That's all ?
Need to end the triangle
With Elizabeth being the teacher she should interact with all the students. Sorry, not sorry but enough of Ally
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allmyuwuswerestolen · 4 years
@ismycapsloudenoughforyou​ here we goooooooo ily 
1. How long have you been stanning SEVENTEEN?
About uhh, 2.5 - 3 years? It’s hard to tell because it was a gradual slipping into that diamond life ya know. I think, beginning of 2017 (march maybe?) is when I first r started liking them, but I had seen Aju Nice and it was on my playlist for a long time before that too
2. How did you start stanning SEVENTEEN?
I liked other kpop groups beforehand and my friend showed me Aju Nice even tho she didn’t like them she liked that song, and then after a while i just searched for more and more songs and suddenly i was whipPED
3. First impression of SEVENTEEN?
At first I thought they were super fun and I digged the youthful and fun vibe from them back then, I knew they were super talented and loved their choreos from the beginning
4. How long did it take to memorize names and faces?
I’d say... About a month until I had them all down perfectly without messing up anything but I remembered all 13 names within a week or so, but I was a bit slow remembering which name belonged to which face
5. Bias(es)?
JUN! He is my ULT and my absolute mans who i wanna smack but I feel like Minghao also deserved the title as bias since he has been wrecking me too much the past year so #Chinalinehoe
6. Biaswrecker(s)?
Everyone honeslty, it changes often. But these days my top boys are Chan, Uji, Mingyu and Seungcheol always circulate the top but everyone takes turn hitting me in the heart
7. Which member first caught your eye?
My first bias was actually Mingyu and he was the member that first caught my eye but Jun in Aju Nice also caught my attention but didn’t keep it at first lmao. Jun didn’t start being my bias till around mid 2018 huehue
8. Which member did not turn out who you expected him to be?
All of them? I didn’t have any specific expectations to any of the members but Minghao turned out to be a lot more artistic than I has first imagined and Jeonghan turned out to be super sly :>
9. First song heard by SEVENTEEN?
Aju nice!
10. First MV seen by SEVENTEEN?
Also Aju Nice :>>>>
11. Vocal, Hip Hop, or Performance Team?
Big fat Performance team 
12. Have you had any dreams about SEVENTEEN?
I actually frequently dream about Seventeen, it doesn’t have to be specific things, but they very often turn up in my dreams as characters and stuff. I’ve had a few dreams about the different members as love interests too but they are more rare
13. What concept would you like to 👀 SEVENTEEN try?
I am a big fan of fantasy and flowers, I think Falling Flower MV had a lot of the vibes I have been longing for for a while, the pastels and flowers and the implication of Angel/Demon Wonhui. Otherwise I love their own artistic expression 
14. What hair color would you want to 👀 on a certain member?
I’d like to see Jun in silverblue hair, I’d LOVE to see Seungcheol with black and neon red hair!!!! And DK with any bright colour tbh
15. Which members do you think look better with their hair up?
It really depends on the mood, but I think Mingyu looks really good with his hair up, so does Jeonghan even if it doesn’t happen often
Uji needs a proper updo, its either only parted (kills me, oof) or down
16. Have you seen SEVENTEEN live?
Nope :( I wanted to buy tickets to their concerts in Seoul last year but I didn’t have the money at the time to buy them so I never got tickets :(((((
17. Which member do you think is the most “boyfriend material”?
I honestly don’t believe in Boyfriend material because every relationship is different and everyone shows love differently. 
18. If every member were hanging off a cliff, who would you save first?
I would save Seungcheol first, due to him being beefy and woould immediately help me save the rest, then have him take the weakest members so they don’t fall while I take the stonger ones to help out 
19. Which member do you think is the most savage?
Minghao is truly a bitch and I love it. Everyone says Seungwan is so savage but nothing really compares to when Hao spits fire 
20. song?
Uh, Top 5?
3 ot13: When I grow up , Hit song, lie again, 
Hiphop: If I , Whats good
Performance: Swimming Fool, lilili yabbay 
Vocal: SECOND LIFE, Habit or Come to me 
Other unit: MY I, Flower 
No I can’t chose because I love all of them except like, 5 songs
21. choreography?
Uhhhhhh: Don’t wanna cry, Home, Happy Ending, Call Call Call and flower + lilili yabbay
22. era?
Oh my,  Minghao black mullet, minghao blACK MULLET, MINGHAO BLACK MULLET
and lowkey boom boom era
23. song cover?
Anything Jun, but especially Crazy For You , and Seungkwan - Beautiful 
24. Unit?
Leader line !!!!!!!!!
25. OTP?
I dont ship but I love their overall family vibe and I think ot13 is a true OTFP 
26. reality show?
I enjoy all of them equally
27. performance?
this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SMEiyVbrwk aka 200105 performance at GDA 
AND mama stage 2019 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28. meme?
HUEHUEHUE theres so many of them
Is it even possible to chose? I dont think so 
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Which member would you like to…
29. have as your brother?
Vernon is already my twin , so 
30. have as your best friend?
CHAN Minghao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Mingyu :>>>
31. go to school with?
I guess, all of them would be hillarious to go to school but I wanna go with Joshua, Wonu and DK 
32. have as your boyfriend?
or low key Chan, Seungcheol and veeeeeeeeeery lowkey Minghao 
33. have as your husband?
Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun <33333333
Have go @wwounu​ my babes 
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nivks · 6 years
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i feel like #followforevers and online love letters etc etc havnt really been a thing in 2018 but u know what. thats dumb. 2019 is better and were all gonna be emotional and loving towards the people that make us feel emotions speciffically - Love! so heres a #followforever emo loveletter ashdfg gahwahh OKAY EDIT: kjhsdf i finished writing this mess and its SO LONG i am SO OSRRY i cant even SPELL im so sorry whatever im gonna post it still cos maybe hopefully simething i have to say mihgt make someone smile. just skip to ur namee. happy 2019 kids! nick WILL become a dad!.
@harryfeatjack @rightgirl @happilygryles @rocketmommy @19-million-memories @drugsnotwar @ithadmefromhello @spyro2018 @acuzena @carswinky @shiftylinguini @bourgeoix @hiatusniall @julesg @itsallaboutzarry @ihavea1dbloghelp okay we might have been close but you dont post much anymore, we might be new mutuals or like?? might just have that special follow and love from afar type thing happening but you all do make my dash a happier place and i hope 2019 is incredible for u all and u are all amazing people who do brighten my day. thanks for making 2018 better!! love u. 
@chantillystars Miss Starsadrift, lover of my hart. ur so fucking BRIGHT andsweet and u always make me laugh and ur always there when im crying and u light up whatever place youre in and i know that for a fact cos when we went on holidays together you honest to god were like. the brightest and beautifulestestest in the whole street. youre also an excellent cook and the kitchen we were in was just shit. love ur snaps and msgs and how much you love gardens and flowersand sunshine. glad youve been working on feeling better about Life and its been helping cos u deserve it alllll <3<3 love u like u love yoongi. 2018 wouldve been terrible without u. @clipsandstuff your tags at times make me crack up and your love for nick is so warm and iv followed ur blog for years and youre always so consistently lovely and i hope 2019 treats u well <3 @ladsfm you barely ever have time to be on anymore but youre like. out there. living your life and i see u on instagram and ur so incredible and SMART and beaiutful and then whenever i text you a #nickupdate or more specifically a #harrynickupdate your all caps replies always make me smile so big also you are quite possibly the most lovely person iv met i lvoe you! @lordendsavior i made my url dikolasgrimshaw. for you. for me a bit too but you were that final little push. the voice of reason that said yeah! do it! thats how much i love you. akjsg anyway JOANNA you are somehow so lovely and kind but like Real at the same time and u have a way of saying your opinions that makes me wish i knew how to fucking get my thoughts out as put together? as you. idk everytime i see you like giving advice and stuff im always like YUORE SO good you really are just! so good for this world and the people you talk to. i hope everyone knows how lucky they are that gets to talk to you and stuff ily. @cashewdani your tags. iv been following your blog since like? 2013? and i have no idea what your look like and im only guessing where youre from and what youre name even is but pretty much every post you make has incredible tags and has inspired me to watch movies/tv shows that i use to skip over and you are alawys so fucking delightful to see on my dash and i feel like everytime i see you posting it brings a smile to my face. also youre writing is incredible and i feel like iv seen you posting about new jobs and new living places so i hope 2019 is super amzing for you cos you deserve it! @yourghostcat <3<3<3<3<3 gamZE you are! you ar so bright and loving and warm and sweet and gentle and FUNNY and i feel liek every single time we talk im alawys just like ‘i love you gmze’ but honselty i DO and i hope u know youre super important and im so glad i know you. every single on of youre edits are beautiful and all the work u put into them is so appreciated and ur so talented! i hope 2019 is so good to you <3 @sehunchis u barely go here anymore but im including you anyway whocares KELLY i love you. your love for vivi?? feel that. love for vivi and sehun togeth? fukcing Feel that. youre so funny and rly smart and thoughtful and u make ppl so happy by just being there and i miss being in new york with you but seeing ur tweets still makes me smile just as biggggggg lvoe you. @lollipop-popsx youre so damn funny whenever youre done with anons purposely trying to start shit but you are so so lovely to everyone else and u pretty mch always come across as genuinely happy and caring and i rly hope that you have a super amazing 2019 love uou. @fullstopmgnt again u dont go hre anymore but just in case! i LOVE you and im so GLAD ur doing better and feeling better and working on getting even better im proud of you my lovely. miss u i WILL see you soon i have gifts for youuu @meliora i was gonna say i got to hug you TWICE this year but dunkirk came out in two thousand and seventeen im a fool whatever i got to hug you ONCE this year and while thats not really a lot its still!! im so happy i got to meet u cos ur SO FUKCING lovely and beaituful and warm as a person and so chill and have such good taste in music and hair colours and i know theres been some tough times this year for you but you deserve the fucking world so i hope 2019s nothin but great stuff ILY @baaatgurl bby gir lover darling MARIE light of my life. u are! incredible and i feel like whenever we meet up im laughing and smiling constantly and even when were not together i can like. listen to audio messages u send me and even when im sad i know i got something to smile about cos ur right there! u mean a lot to me and im so so so happy we met on this dumbass website in like 2013 youre so so so important. shits been tough but 2019s gonna be The Year and 2020? were leaving australia together. @cptkirked finish the walking dead. ALJHFGLDS okay FOR REAL first of all thankyou for making me watch love actually WAIT did i tell you! when u and me watched it and my brother was like ‘that movies terrible’ HE TXT ME LIKE 2WEEKS AGO and was like ‘just rewatched love actually. i get you both now. was good movie.’ ghhhhhahh i think ur relaly great and u always make me laugh and from your tweets i feel like youve had an up and down year so i rly hope 2019s good for you in every single way cos u really deserve it. love u. @nightandstarlight milesssss we havnt talked too mcyh this year but knowin youre out there living youre life! just happy. thankyou for alays been sweet and kind and positive and making me smile. hope 2019 is beautulf for you. @plaintoast TAELOr i know 2018 has definyely had highs and lows for you but 2019 IWLL be great and u deserve honeslty SO MYCH happiness and i hope u get all of it. u are so soft and lovely i lvoe u truly. @gettingdizzy giggled when i saw your url just then dont know why. SAVANAH do u have any idea how incredble u are? ur so important and ur texts like 90% of the time make me laugh and the other 10% i wanna like fight someone on your behalf. ur smile is 100/10 and i can not wait till the day we get to MEEt. ur gonna fuckign graduate this year and finish school and 2019s really gonna be your year and i love u so mcuh. @twelvegrimmyplace LIZ! LIGHT OF MY life. u are one of hte most beautiful and funniest and ur so fucking Good and lovely and always make me smile. u also make me laugh a lot and i lvoe ur tags and ur love for nick and nick and m/esh and nick and Glasses is the reason why 2019 has to be a good year. thankyou for ebing you. love you. @erinsbreakfast cheesed real hard with my smile then as i typed your url. thankyou for always making me smile big time and making me LAUGH and thanks for loving nick the way u do. ur super sweet and super beautful and i hope 2019 is everything u dream it to be. ur incredible and i voel you. @silveredsound YOU are BEAUTUFUL and always alawys making me smile with your tags and posts and ur heavenly pictures of Harry Styles and Harry Styles’ Hair in HQ and ur thoughts about nick gshaw. thankyou for being you and i hope u know how amazing u are. i love you. happy 2019 darling. also thnakyou for the gift that was TOWEL FIC. ur a hero. and ur wrtiing is!!!!!! stuff of dreams ur so talented hoenslty @magog83 ur literally the hero that goes above and beyond for the whole nick fandom and we will never be able to thankyou enough. you are increbible and amazing and lovely and you deserve so mych happiness and good things. thaknyou for so mych youre BEAUTIFUL. @junkshop-disco every single cow i pass by in my day to day life i automtically name mabel. ur posts make me smile and ur so lovely and kind. you are so fucking talented. i hope 2019s super super lovely fro you. @kilimiria !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mariE!!!!!!!! do u KNOw how big i smile whenever i see i have msgs from you? okay i know it takes me forever to reply a lot of the time but like literally msgs from you can turn my whole day from shit to the happiest of days. thanks for existing and being you na dmaking me smile u are sososo lovely and funny and beaitufl and i hope 2019 gives you the entire world. i lveo you. @apopstarontheradio thakns for making me smile a lot this year and being funny! and kind and lovely and having a big heart. hope 2019 beings u nothin but happiness loverlyyyy @thegreenaubergine i love YOu you make me laugh and make me smile and ur so so sweet and so lvoely i really relaly hope 2019 is great for you!!!!!! @hinickgrimshaw everytime i see u posting amd ur tags i feel like. ur just really great and amzing. sounds lame typing it out auhfhahhhhh BASICALLY everytime i see you saying things and read ur tags on nick posts im just like ‘youre SO good i trust everythignu say.’ youre so so lovely and u make me smile and im pretty sure i have a screenshot of a post u made once cos it made me smile on a bad day. anwyay i hope 2019 is GREAT for u and i think ur fucking incredible and ur love for nick is so soft. @writsgrimmyblog i smiled at your url like you could see it or someting kjhasdk WRIT u are. so organised and smart and FUNNY and beautiful and LVOELY and i am soossoso lucky to know you. youre nick thoughts and posts are a joy to read and ur writing is incredible and u made grimmy appreciation fest happen whcoh was!!!!!!! i Love you. 2019 better be the best for you <3 @fapfapfashion ayhhhh!!!!!!! ZHENya. i thnk i first saw you when u started leaving anon msgs for joanna you ARE so so so soft and kind i love you so much. you ALWAS make me laugh and you have some of the best tags and i hope everyone that knows you in real life knows how lucky they are to know youuu LOVE you a lot. hope 2019s super freakin amzing. @blueskybuzz77 youre so sweet and lovely and i hope so much good happens fro you in 2018 also u make me laigh and u deserve the WOrld LOVE you @fantofirehazard ur lovely and super sweet nad ur tags make me laugh and  i hope 2019 is increible for you because you deserve it a lot <3 
@grimshaw @brckhmptn i would die for you.
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jisungshotfirst · 5 years
Ah! A debut is like a big celebration for girls when they turn 18 in the Philippines! (´∀`) + I reallyy liked ill give you the sun!!! I read it without knowing anything about it so i was surprised to see the supernatural element and i liked it!! i really like reading about family dynamics and different relationships in general so i found it to be really interesting and entertaining! Oh boy! Nd like judes cherubs tattoo i didnt know what it was but like she said it reminded her of twins - Kao♡1/?
Like i searched it up and!!! We have that painting in our rooom!!! It kinda scared me when we were little when i was trying to sleep sjdj but i do associate it w twins especially bc we grew up w it! Crazy!! But yeah when they stopped talking and sabotaged each other it made me so sad! And i cant imagine not talking to mich for a day! We always do! I really liked the characters and i think it managed to convey an important message on familial love and self improvement while still being super funny and cute at times too! I thought it was super cool how both perspectives had like diff things that were significant to them constantly sprinkled into the text for Noah his self portraits and Jude the bible passages!! Those were fun things to add! And I feel like every reader imagined Noahs self portraits really differently bc its just the title so it gives the reader creative freedom too! I think itd be really super cool if someone illustrated their take on his portraits!! oh yeah! Some questions! Did you prefer one perspective over the other? Favourite character? Were you satisfied with the open ending regarding Noah n Brian? I actually applied to a bookstore and they asked me to talk about a book i read recently in an email so last night I talked about this! Oop nd i just realized rhis might have spoilers;; i tried to be a lil vague but tag it w somethign or put a warning if u want!
aww i hope she has a ball at her debut. And yay!! i’m so glad you liked it. I didn’t know of the supernatural stuff either reading it! lol yeah the family stuff was so dramatic haha but it’s wonderful. ahhh twin things that’s so cool that you associate the cherubs with twins too. And you and mich are precious oml. I was so sad reading all the times they didn’t talk to each other :(( I love how you put that, that it conveys an important message while still being lighthearted. honeslty, thank you Jandy Nelson for the such unique writing, one of my fav things is that you can tell who’s perspective it is from a single sentence, she wrote differently for each of them and those additions were so great! I loved imagining the self portraits so much!! I guess i should tell you i have a blackboard wall in my room that i draw/write on and tbh most of it is from this book. I’m on my laptop rn but i’ll post pictures afterwards! I prefer Noah’s perspective! i just find it happier and all the romance and his beautiful mind ugh. and also it was my friend who showed me this book and her only words were “read this, you are Noah”. I relate to him a lot so i loved his perspective. As if my favourite character would be anyone other than Guillermo (sorry noah). Guillermo is precious and deserves all the happiness in the world i love him. I was really happy with Noah and Brian! ofc i’d have loved more kisses and cute stuff but them just coming out holding hands and the dad (BLESS HIS SOUL) was like “huh that makes sense” was wonderful. Noah and Brian are so close to my heart i can’t... And that’s so cool that you talked about this! ah that makes me so happy. Like this book is so close to me it’s amazing, I read it while I was kinda lost, questioning everything and sorting out all that icky gender stuff, and it just hit so hard. I read it mostly while on holiday in Paris (lovely city, not lovely time in my life) and it was maybe 1 am or sm and I was reading and the Brian and Noah kiss came out of nowhere and I broke down sobbing. ugh it’s my favourite book in the world and to be able to talk about it with you is amazing!! it makes me so happy :)) now you gotta get mich to read it hahhahaha i’m so glad you liked it. ily <3333
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auroraphilealis · 6 years
just a small list of fic recs
Earlier this morning my friends asked for some fake dating phan AU fics and I realized that making a fic rec list might be a good way to show some appreciation for fanfic author appreciation day!
I don’t have all day free like I wish, so I asked my friends for a few smaller catagories that I could shift through and find a few fics to rec from, that way I can get a good mix of fics for people to enjoy, and find as many authors as possible to thank! 
Of course, I can’t possibly have read every fic out there ever, so if you aren’t on here that’s no like, disrespect to you or anything. Every single person whose ever written and posted a fanfic deserves to be recognized and loved for what they’ve produce for us, so just know that I appreciate every single one of you, on or off this list!
To add to this, I tired to pick some older, or smaller works that people may have not seen before to give the authors a little lift if possible :)
Without further ado, below you’ll find some fic recs and author appreciation below !
Fake Relationship:
Our Threadbare Lies - @ramonaspeaks -  Dan is eighteen years old and newly single. He's ready to come out to his family but he thinks it would be a hell of a lot easier if he had a boyfriend to help him through it.
This is like one of my all time favorite fake relationship fics of all time. Honestly it was so well done and really realistic and the writing is just superb. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve re-read this fic, (as well as most of the authors other works) because it was just so well done, so thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the author for all the hard work they put into it! On top of that, it holds really, really close to 2009 timeline (as we know it) and manages to make things work that might not have worked in their AU if they weren’t so smart about it
Maybe, Possibly - @cafephan -  Phil’s mother is adamant that he should be settling down, so invites one of his turbulent exes to an annual family get-together the following day. In a moment of panic, he tells her he’s already dating someone. With no other options, he turns to Dan.
aldjflkas I fucking love this fic so freaking much. I’ve read it like ten million times. Everytime it shows up on my dash I open it to read it again. It’s just really funny and sweet in a strange way, and captures an essence of dnp that I really enjoy. I like how easy it is for dnp to pretend to be together in this fic, and how easy it is for them to then transition to ACTUALLY being together. It’s the perfect kind of non-dramatic get together fake relationship AU ever and I really, really do love it. Again, massive thank you to the author!
friends dont treat me like you do - @internetakeover (i think i got your @ right) -  Why had Dan agreed to this? Pretending to be Phil’s boyfriend at his ex’s wedding had seemed like a nice idea at first, a way to meet some of Phil’s old university friends while helping him avoid humiliation, but already Dan’s on edge. If Dan allows himself to relax for a day, lets himself watch Phil as much as he wants, touch Phil as much as he wants, carry on their flirtatious banter when normally he’d laugh it off... he’s worried about what Phil might see.
I ended up re-reading this after I stumbled across it again just now hahaha I really love this fic. It’s super cute and a little sappy cause WEDDING FIC but that’s what makes it so worth the read. I love that both Dan and Phil realize how easy their relationship is, and the fact that they’ve technically been dating for a long time and that they love each other. I love that they realize this the way that they do, and it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, so thank you so much to the author <3
Between Us - @winteredspark who doesnt appear to have a tumblr :( - "I think I'm asexual," Dan breathes against the crook of Phil's neck, blinking back tears.There's a pause, then -"Nice to meet you, asexual. I'm Phil," says Phil.
This is the asexual fic that helped me to realize that I’m asexual and that asexuality is a spectrum that isn’t limited to one version or another. I remember leaving a really long thoughtout comment to the author but I can’t not rec it here as well. It’s just such an amazing asexuality fic and it’s a little bit of a different take not it considering the character exists on a different part of the spectrum than most ace fics portray. I will always be grateful to this author for this fic!
let’s save up for something new - @deletablebird -  Phil wakes up shivering the morning of October 19th, 2009. Today is the day he meets Dan. Fluff, 3.5k
I love this author with my whole heart and I’ve read everything they’ve written lol. This is just a really, really cute and lovely take on 2009 with the asexual aspect included and it really made my heart happy, so thank you so so much for this fic!
Disguises - @ramonaspeaks -  Phil auditions for a play at a local theater and meets Dan, who spends most of his time acting whether he’s on stage or off.
Again, another fic from one of my favorite authors of all time. This is like my actual favorite theater au of all time. I am completely in love with the whole thing. It feels so real, and their characters are so well fleshed out, and each scene is just actually fantastic. I solidly recommend this one and I am soooo thankful to the author for bringing it into existence!
just touched down in london town - @phanetixs - "Hamilton is actually really nice and the plot is very interesting and okay, well, there’s this guy."In which, London is not as bad in the summer, a cute guy dies considerably in Act III and Phil has actually lucked out for once.
Look not only do I stalk all of this authors fics, but this is one of my all time favorites of theirs. They managed to take an idea that almost seems ludicrous and make it into something not only super hot, but super realistic and really, really, really fun. I absolutely adore this fic and I give you all the kudos my wonderful author. Thank you for writing such a wonderful au!
Which as they kiss, consume - @irrevocablys which for some reason it wont tag you :( -  Dan’s an aspiring actor, and Phil’s so over studying Romeo and Juliet.
This was one of my first theater au’s and I truly adore it. its just like got this super cute undertone to it thats incredibly wonderful? I just love the way the characters interact and the ease and flow of the writing <3 thank you for giving us something so beautful
Supernatural Elements
Ride with the moon in the dead of night - @mooksie01 -Phil seriously needs to buy some allergy medicine or something. Or at least open a window next time he performs a demonic ritual. He wouldn't have thought that one little sneeze could've messed up a spell so bad, but now he has a demon on his hands and only six days to get rid of it before he's stuck with it forever....And maybe the demon is acting like a total cinnamon roll, but Phil is positive that it's all just an elaborate ruse.
ajdlsfkjasdlkjfls omfg I love this fic so much. I actually adore fics with supernatural elements in them and this is one of those fics that always stands out to me. It’s just really hilarious and well written and is just overall a fun take on witch phil. I just, i really love it, and I’m so grateful it exists. Thank you wonderful author <3
Reflections of the Heart - @butterflyphil - “Being told to dress up in a dinosaur onesie and have cereal catapulted at your face is a little odd. Waking up to find that you and your best friend have switched bodies? That’s fucking bizarre.”(Or, the multi-chaptered, slightly smutty bodyswap fic that no one asked for. Featuring whiny/annoying!Dan, sassy/beguiling!Phil, unintentional innuendos, intentional innuendos, unnecessary kitchen supplies, and just a pinch of magic).
UHM, THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVE FICS? Lol. I just really freaking love body swap fic and you did such a good job with this fic. it’s honestly just super fun and a little hot and really cute and beautiful overall. I really just, really cant thank you enough for this fic and rec it really really highly!
Vampires & Werewolfs
High - @icandigelvis -  Just the ordinary story of Dan and Phil, except one little detail. Phil isn't human in this one. Expect biting, bickering, playlist live, blood, bad jokes and sex.
ajdslfkjasl listen I love vampire fic and this one is just so good. it’s so true to dnp’s personalities and just like, accurate to who they’d be tbh. And like, the fact that it sticks so close to reality aside from the vampire difference is what makes it even better so thank you so much to the lovely author for writing it. It’s everything I ever needed and more from a vampire fic
Taking Every Chance I’ve Got All - @nagirci - Dan wanted was to get drunk, really. Have a good time, meet a few new people. He didn’t really think about getting involved with someone as dangerous as Phil Lester (someone as cold, as pale and, well, as not alive), and he definitely didn’t think that one trip out to a bar would change his life forever.
This is like a really older fic that’s from one of the first phandom big bangs but it’s one of my first favorite vampire fics of all time as well and it’s just. really good and really well thought and the collaboration work on it is incredibly flawless. I honeslty would tell anyone to read it at any time because it comes together so well
Sharp Teeth - @theshyauthor -  AmazingPhil is a Youtuber and a vampire and according to Dan Howell, he is the nicest person to exist. From their first meeting in 2009 all the way to that one incident in the elevator at the BBC, this is their story.
Again this is just such a good take on 2009 and the reality of dnp with added vampirism tossed in. Plus the author is a beautiful wonderful person and I really enjoy their writing so its a total please go read this kind of fic x3 Thank you darling for writing something so wonderful <3
be sure to ring the doorbell - @frostbittencheeks -  Dan’s a tired sports reporter, Phil’s a friendly vampire with no real sense of boundaries and a propensity for bad Dracula jokes as well as leaving his unconscious victims in Dan’s kitchen. This isn’t how Dan thought courtship goes, but he’ll take it.
Can you tell I love vampire fics? This one is so well done, I literally re-read it constantly. I love the whole idea behind it, specifically the fact that Phil’s version of courtship is literally ridiculous and he doesn’t even think that they need to talk about it hahahaha I just love how funny and adorable it is and it’s just totally worth a few minutes of your time
a puppy sort of love - @symmetricdnp -  Dan's supposedly a werewolf. Phil has doubts.
I honestly want to beg this person to write me more of this fic cause the permise is just that good. There are so few werewolf fics in the phandom, and especially ones that are this cute, thoughout , and well written. I absolutely adore this fic and I totally rec it to all of you. The author is wonderful, thank you so much for writing this fic <3
It’s the blue of your eyes, and the way you’re scared, love - @glitteraccent Soulmate (Color)! & Blind!Phil  au 
Okay but like this story always sticks out in my memory and I think on it often. It’s one of my all time favorite soulmate au’s and blind au’s, because it was just structured so well and the characters make your heart fall for them really, really fast. I love this author and tumblr wont tag them, but reblog their fic and give them all the love in the world!
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All right, so @thislifeisawasteland tagged me to answer a bunch of questions that are actually an ask meme, but w/e. (There are kind of Riverdale spoilers in this post? I’m bitter, sue me.) Here we go:
Full name: I’m not really gonna tell you that, so settle for Jessica
Zodiac sign: Taurus
3 Fears: Death, spiders... that I’ll never fall in love?
3 things I love: Chocolate, green tea, & my laptop
4 turns ons: Humour, kindness, bad pick-up lines, goofy smiles
4 turns offs: Racism, homophobia, an annoying voice, a terrible smell in general?
My best friend: Like all of them
Sexual orientation: Bi
My best first date: I’ve only had one first date, so walking around the mall
How tall am I: 5'8"
What do I miss: My friends, knowing Jughead was safe and happy smh
What time was I born: 9:04 a.m.
Favourite colour: Red
Do I have a crush: Not unless we’re counting fictional characters
Favourite quote: *gross sobbing* “It’s like my home.” Nah, I’m kidding, I don’t really have a fave quote
Favourite place: My library
Favourite food: Chocolate
Do I use sarcasm: No, never...
What am I listening to right now: "Leave” by Jojo (lmao, idk why)
First thing I notice in new person: Their hair, tbh
Shoe size: 6 1/2 (yes, I have tiny fucking feet)
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Brown/blonde
Favourite style of clothing: Casual, comfy
Ever done a prank call? Yes and omg worst experience of my life, almost had a panic attack, never again
What colour of underwear I’m wearing now? Pink
Meaning behind my URL: It’s a line from White Collar
Favourite movie: He’s Just Not That Into You (it’s on Netflix now, I’m so excited!!), also Pretty in Pink
Favourite song: Atm, “Prom Queen” by Molly Kate Kestner
Favourite band: ??? idk man
How I feel right now: Pretty good
Someone I love: Jughead Jones (honestly, fight me)
My current relationship status: Single af
My relationship with my parents: It’s good
Favourite holiday: Christmas
Tattoos and piercings? My ears are pierced and I have no tattoos
Tattoos and piercing i want: I kinda want a sternum piercing, and a rose vine tattoo up my side
The reason I joined Tumblr: I was filling out my social media quota before I went to uni
Do I and my last ex hate each other? Well, I didn’t think so but then she made me answer all these questions, so? It’s up in the air ;)
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts? Nah, never (unless you count my mom checking to see if I’m awake when I’m home alone)
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Nope
When did I last hold hands? ...? Fairly recently probably, I hold my mom’s hand all the time.
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes, maybe?
Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? Nope
Where am I right now? At my desk
If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? N/A, never been that drunk
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Reasonable (pretty quiet actually if you ask other people)
Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Yup
Am I excited for anything? Jughead to be loved and cared for and warm and safe, for the love of god.
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? All right, well “can” and “would” are different words, so technically yes, but I wouldn’t?
How often do I wear a fake smile? Rarely
When was the last time I hugged someone? Last night?
What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Eh, might bug me a little, but you go girl. (I mean, as long as it’s not an old man.)
Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? I don’t think so?
What is something I disliked about today? Today just started, buddy. Umm... for some reason my hands are really sweaty? I hate that?
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Atm, the cast of Riverdale, but that’ll change in like a month if not a day.
What do I think about most? Probably w/e I’m writing atm.
What’s my strangest talent? ...? I don’t have very minute talents, idk what to tell you. I’m very talented at drinking too much green tea and procrastinating things I actually want to do.
Do I have any strange phobias? Mustard
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind, probs.
What was the last lie I told? ...? I lie a lot, idk. I probs lied on here. Kidding, don’t think I have. Umm... I honeslty have no idea. It’s anyone’s guess.
Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Both are horrible and probably the worst forms of communication, but I’m gonna go with the phone b/c I have an unnecessary grudge against Skype.
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Maybe? and yes.
Do I believe in magic? Little magic, sure.
Do I believe in luck? To an extent.
What’s the weather like right now? Sunny, average temp
What was the last book I’ve read? I’m in the middle of Crooked Kingdom right now, but the last book I finished was I’ll Give You The Sun
Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yes
Do I have any nicknames? Yes: Jess, Jessie
What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I broke my wrist by getting knocked down a hill and landing on concrete.
Do I spend money or save it? Save it.
Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Nope
Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Yeah, more things than I expected too, tbh.
Favourite animal? Pigs
What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Talking to Rachael on Tumblr/watching Misfits
What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Claus (yes, I know it said Satan not Santa, but it’s a conspiracy)
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? I Don’t Wanna Be Sad by Simple Plan
How can you win my heart? Be nice and funny and care about me (honestly giving a shit about me is really all I need, my standards are fucking low as shit)
What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Idk but something kind of weird and maybe a quote I like?
What is my favourite word: Feral
My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Ugh, I don’t want to do this.
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? “I love you, take care of yourselves.”
Do I have any relatives in jail? I don’t think so...
I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Flight
What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Umm... lots of things, I’m sure.
What is my current desktop picture? It’s a city that Natasha made for a class and it’s super pretty and green.
Had sex? Nope
Bought condoms? Yes, actually
Gotten pregnant? Nope
Failed a class? Nope
Kissed a boy? Nope
Kissed a girl? Yup
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Nope
Had a job? Yes
Left the house without my wallet? All the time
Bullied someone on the internet? I don’t think so, I hope not
Had sex in public? Nope
Played on a sports team? Yes
Smoked weed? No
Did drugs? No
Smoked cigarettes? No
Drank alcohol? Yes
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No
Been overweight? No
Been underweight? No
Been to a wedding? Yes
Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes
Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yes
Been outside my home country? Yes
Gotten my heart broken? Eh, probably not
Been to a professional sports game? Yes
Broken a bone? Yes
Cut myself? No
Been to prom? Graduation in Canada, but yes
Been in airplane? Yes
Fly by helicopter? No
What concerts have I been to? So I went to like three in a row a few years ago: One Direction, Marianas Trench and... shit, I thought there were three... it might have been two... oh! Shawn Mendes! (And I’m listening to him right now and I forgot that, lmao)
Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Yes
Learned another language? Kinda
Wore make up? Nope
Lost my virginity before I was 18? Nope
Had oral sex? Nope
Dyed my hair? Yes
Voted in a presidential election? Federal election yes, I’m Canadian
Rode in an ambulance? Nope
Had a surgery? Nope
Met someone famous? Nope
Stalked someone on a social network? I don’t think so
Peed outside? Nope
Been fishing? I have.
Helped with charity? Nope
Been rejected by a crush? Yes
Broken a mirror? Nope
What do I want for my birthday? *laughs* Umm... not a clue. 
How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 4: Marcia, Whit, Eli, & Beth
Was I named after anyone? My middle name is my Oma’s middle name too, but my first name’s not from anywhere
Do I like my handwriting? I used to b/c it was literally flawless when I was younger, but now it’s like a mess, so no.
What was my favourite toy as a child? Should I even remember this? Barbies, probably.
Favourite Tv Show? Atm, Riverdale
Where do I want to live when older? Not a clue. Probably Toronto or Vancouver? Maybe somewhere in Europe. Who knows?
Play any musical instrument? I used to play guitar but I probably can’t remember any of it.
One of my scars, how did I get it? Idk if I have any scars, man. There’s like kind of a scar by my elbow? But how I got it is a mystery.
Favourite pizza toping? Green peppers
Am I afraid of the dark? Nope
Am I afraid of heights? Nope
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? No, I don’t think so. (I once was caught squirting water in a guy’s face? But he kind of deserved it.)
Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? I don’t think so...?
What I’m really bad at: Figuring out my life
What my greatest achievements are: I once predicted the end of a book, does that count? And my highest post here is almost at five thousand notes?
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: "I love you, but sometimes I just don’t like you.” (Honestly, I deserved it, but it was savage af.)
What I’d do if I won in a lottery: Buy a house, buy a lot of fandom merch, invest a bunch... 
What do I like about myself: I’m pretty laidback, I know what I want for the most part, and I try to be a good person.
My closest Tumblr friend: Not this again.
Something I fantasise about my ex: (lmao my first instinct was to put “dying” and that’s not true, my babe, I’m sorry) Honestly? Just having sex, like nothing fancy.
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