#but in my fanon heart Flora is so cool and badass and smart and fun
cayenne-twilight · 2 years
i'll kill a small child for the flora bingo bestie /lh
I’d kill a small child for Flora period
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Kind of a bingo? Almost? Maybe a bingo?
She’s soooo… I’ve talked about her so much on here but you can’t have enough.
She needs her own game, okay? She needs that good sweet development and to not be the damsel in distress all the time. Give her that autonomy and interesting character traits. Usually when people say, “the fanon version of this character is the valid one, the canon one sucks and we fixed them” I’m like ew no you didn’t, but she’s the exception. Fanon Flora is so good and true. People always give her interesting hobbies and wits and a sense of humor, but in canon she’s just The Girl One but naïve.
Flora’s a prime example of “shouldn’t they be a bit more fucked up over this?” She’s been through so much messed up junk that you’d think she’d have a villain arc like all those rich guys, but instead she’s going in the professor’s direction where she’s being constructive and optimistic about it. Not that villain!Flora isn’t the AU of all time. I wish they’d make something of these parallels, but instead the professor just ignores Flora “for her own good”. They don’t even tie that into the effect of his traumas like they easily could.
There is so much to work with. She likes murder novels. She isn’t intimidated by many scary situations in a (Disney’s) Rapunzel-like way. She’s an orphan who grew up in a tower in a fake village full of robot people built to raise her. How’s that for a backstory. She sees everything as an adventure. She likes dragons. She’s a Baroness with a huge inheritance. Paul used to be her enemy, but in UF he says he’s only helping Layton for her sake.
But canon only focuses on her silly girl character traits. She loves to cook but she’s so bad at it ahaha. She doesn’t know proper running form and no one’s gonna teach her so she runs like princess peach. She gets kidnapped all the time and has to be saved. She only solves a few puzzles, and none of them are really important. In the JP version she has a crush on Layton. He doesn’t even consider her as part of his family, she stays in his office? and they never explain what happens to her after UF.
Like come on! Focus on her bravery and optimism! Have her problems adjusting to normal society be a plot point that she overcomes! She’d be so good as someone who actually helps solve the mysteries and, y’know, has helpful traits.
I don’t remember who came up with the hc that she has a messed up sense of taste from growing up in robot society, but they’re a genius. One of my biggest Flora headcanons is that she’s disabled which is why her father focused so much on protecting her, paying for her whole future life, and hiding her away until someone can come take care of her. Also why Layton is so scared of letting her go out while he’s fine with Luke going on dangerous adventures after he literally died. It could explain why she’s seemingly frail and prone to tripping and falling a lot. I also hc that she’s into studying the very realistic robot stuff and that she becomes a mystery solver like the Laytons as an adult.
If I had any energy or attention span I could write a billion fics about her. I was cleaning out my tablet earlier this week and found a bunch of doodles of her. I still don’t understand why they never made a spin-off for her and instead made new characters, just isn’t clicking. My girl.
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