#but in order to NOT be shitty to sakura he can't just be like '....and she'll agree because she's in love with me!' and fuck off
mixelation · 2 years
my guilty pleasure is sasusaku but like- the absolute worst parts of them together. i think they’re a ship capable of bringing out the worst of eachother, but in a very hateful toxic way (not like the Disaster Man/sakura ships where she gets to feel Seen). what’s your opinion on them?
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
I'm.... mostly neutral on fanon SasuSaku. In Part 1, he's shown to actively care about her and appreciate her contributions to the team. I used to read this ship sometimes back when we were in Filler Hell and Shippuden hadn't come out, and I liked to see Sakura ~getting the guy.~ So I can see why someone might be attracted to this ship, and I can see a lot of ways to develop them as a fun pair. That being said, the way their relationship played out in canon seems so shitty to Sakura that I'm baffled that a lot of fans seem to like it. I don't, like, hate it because I do like Sarada and so I'm fine with reading/writing Sasuke and Sakura as a married couple...... but seriously? Seriously?
I have a very hard time conceptualizing Sasuke as a person who does ~romance~, and romance is obviously what Sakura wants out of their relationship. I don't think Sakura necessarily needs a generic romance to be happy, but she's built up her Sasuke-themed fantasies so much that.... yeah, she needs dates that last longer than 30 seconds or whatever they said happened on their canonical first date. Meanwhile, Sasuke was obviously struggling with a lot of internal demons and he needed to either be into accepting support from someone or not start a relationship, wtf.
If I could make some minor tweaks to canon to make this ship make more sense, here's what I would do: 1) Nix Sasuke knocking Sakura out with genjutsu during the war arc. WTF was that? Have more panels of him reacting positively to her instead. 2) Have Sasuke be the one to ask Sakura to travel with him, not her asking him and being denied. She doesn't have to say yes, but him making the gesture is so much more powerful than her asking and him being like "next time!!" 3) Instead of leaving her with a baby, let Sasuke raise his kid for a few years. You can him leave them for long enough Sarada doesn't have many memories of him if you really want to keep the familial drama, but have him be involved in raising her, jfc. I know Sarada has a flashback of him holding her hand when she's a toddler, but other than that, it's pretty strongly implied that Sasuke just.... wasn't around? What??
All that being said, I am pretty fond of Sakura and Sasuke as close friends. So I think if I was forced to write them as a couple, it would be pretty "married my friend for tax benefits" in vibes. That or Sasuke having the abrupt and sweaty realization that Sakura's biceps are VERY attractive.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
SO I went from having almost 600,000 yen to about 200,000 yen which means the Strength SLink is complete.
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As was pretty predictable, it pretty much confirms that the twins are actually one person that has been split apart.
ALSO THIS SLINK IS INTERESTING because the twins talk explicitly about Strength and its meaning and they begin to theorize that they are the ones undergoing the Strength arc, not Reverie, and that it is his responsibility to guide them through it and observe them.
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man it'd be neat if the twins reunited into Margaret or Elizabeth but I assume they will become a new attendant altogether.
I miss Margaret, she was funny and hot.
Also, i took the twins to a Maid Cafe.
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Reverie's core character trait is being a huge bitch and I love him.
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the maid scaring the twins is really funny tbh lmao
Everywhere Reverie goes, he has to play older brother to someone. Something about him exudes big brotherly vibes in a way that Reverie The Fourth could only dream of. Everyone even a day younger than him feels his gravitational pull.
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It's called the Alice form factor, Futaba, and it's better for your wrists due to the natural way they want to tilt when you reach forward. You wanna see something wild, pull up an ortholinear keyboard form factor and call me in the morning.
In Sojiro's SLink, the asshole uncle returns to cause some trouble, because the Sakuras are not allowed to be happy I gUESS.
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Fuckface McGee here makes a move towards Futaba and Reverie immediately steps in to shield her. Fuckface falls and then, just like the dude who framed Reverie in his backstory, cries assault.
Suddenly shit is way more serious because Reverie is on probation and even more infraction is going to get him into deep shit.
So Futaba's like "yeah we need to steal his heart," so we're gonna do that.
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jfc haru you can't just rent a theme park, i'm aghast.
While they are sitting having dinner, the Okumura press conference begins and everyone tunes it to watch.
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What's interesting to me is: Why did he die now? Probably-Akechi shot him, at this point, 21 days ago back in the Palace. Why did he die now? That's super weird. I don't understand it unless it's a Necessary Contrivance that the game needs to function, like how Nanako wound up on the Midnight Channel despite that shit not making any sense.
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yeah i bet you do haru. jeepers creepers, uh, sorry about your shitty dad who was essentially selling you off into sexual slavery for the sake of political power I guess???????
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On Law & Order Supernatural Victims Unit, Akechi shows up to FLIP AGAIN ON WHETHER THE THIEVES DID THE THING AGAIN.
Bro, WHAT is with you, is he just gaslighting Sae? I cannot figure out what the fuck his deal is, he keeps giving Sae ideas and then going "nah actually that's dumb" then a month later he's like "altho....... yanno......" then another month later he's like "lmao you actually are following that lead like a dumbass? wow."
If he's the killer then the only thing I can figure is that he's purposefully fucking with the investigation to keep himself and whoever is pulling his strings in the clear.
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So in the Twins link, they kind of imply what I've been theorizing for a while, that the Wild Card's purpose is to reach and summon the World/Universe arcana. And one of them was like "is that the same thing as rehabilitation" and the other was like "um. dunno?"
So here with Notigor.... Is his goal to guide Reverie to the World arcana, or..... like.......
What happens if Reverie, uh, fails his "rehabilitation"? And what does that entail?
I still find the fact there are other cells in this Not Velvet Room extremely sus, so idk. I'm fixating on this shit.
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God, here's where the fucking wheels come off, huh.
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Back in the framing device, Reverie nearly passes out randomly and Sae mentions they're on very limited time. What did they inject him with, I assumed it was a sodium pentothal situation but maybe not?
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...... what the fuck
hang on a sec.
/opens screenshot folder and goes all the way back to the beginning of the game
That. Would explain..... so much. But where does the Palace end and the real world resume? Is the interrogation happening inside the Palace? Is her Treasure a briefcase? Is Reverie getting caught a ploy to reduce the target's sense of being threatened?
I'm so tempted to just start a new game file and replay the intro with this in mind but I think that's cheating, so I won't.
I hope the game eventually just replays that introduction sequence again but with all the characters un-blacked out. We'll see.
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hanako-san · 2 years
I hope Tsukasa won't be able to fullfish Sakura's wish. I'm reassured I'm not the only one who think that Hanako's haters are hypocrites for not complaining about Sakura and Tsukasa's selfishness. The weirdest part is why she's going to all this trouble to leave the school when the easiest solution was to ask to Tsukasa to fullfill her wish (= leaving the school) since the start.
Me too, Anon. In order for Tsukasa not to be able to fulfill her wishes, Amane must be stopped. And I think Teru should do it, even though everyone who follows / knows me knows how I feel towards him. I mean Teru's awareness of Amane, not what he has been doing so far. The hell mirrors arc Amane was unaware and Tsuchigomori explained to him chapters 91 and 92 confirm that he doesn't know everything and someone has to tell him that God will not fulfill his wish. I think Teru is the right person for this. Teru always says "more or less" this is evasive and I think he is more aware than he tells us and could help Amane. Kou is too little experienced. It is not known if Teru will change. That's my loose theory. I really wish Amane found out …
Thank you, I can tell you in this part how disappointed I am
They are hypocrites. I think so too, but not only them. I saw Hanako stans considered Tsukasa "king" for Amane saying "selfish",now is silent. The "king" turned out to be shitty (who would have expected? riiiight), Now that Tsukasa has been revealed to be manipulating (Who would expect, SHOCK, riiiiiiiiiiiiight?) And manipulating the unaware Amane and Nene all the time, they won't stand up for Amane. Just as a member of the Hanako fandom, I'm disappointed. I really don't care if Tsukasa and Sakura are antagonists should be called out, but they won't. I know that if Hanako do something again haters will be the first to complain and say how "evil " he is. I thought that Sakura would be called out for her selfishness, because a lot of people said she was actually a good person. Absolutely nothing.Sakura got a support for her selfishness because " ship uwuwu" - this is scary!!!! Also doesn't surprise me. Sakura may be selfish, but Amane not. The bias and hypocrisy in this fandom shows ever greater levels. The thought of what comes next scares me.
Tsukasa is just fulfilling her wish and uses Amane and Nene to do it because he can't do it himself. Tsukasa must get rid of all Yorshiros to fulfill her wish.f he could otherwise grant her wish I think he would, I guess , it seems there is no other way to fulfill her wish. It's like Yorshiros is creating a seal that traps her in school for some reason. She must be really dangerous since the Yorshiros keep her at school.
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destinyninjatrash · 5 years
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Yoshitsune would definitely try his best to help out once he found out about Hyosuke's depression, partially because he would know what it's like to feel so alone, but also because that's just who Yoshitsune is. He'd do anything to help out his friends because he cares about all of them deeply, although I do think plenty of the other guys would help out too, particularly Sohma, Enya, and Mizuki.
Sohma: He's the big brother type, so of course he'll be one of the first people to swoop in and try to assist in any way possible, even if it's just to be an open ear to Hyosuke. Sohma also has been shown to care about him in the past, for example when Hyosuke almost got his eye taken out protecting Sakura, Sohma was the one to patch him up and later take him to the doctor to have the wound looked at. Then there's the fact that he could possibly relate the most to Hyosuke, I could go more in depth on Sohma's shitty childhood, but the important thing is that he knows what it's like to loose both your parents and never know a normal family life. He'd feel awful knowing Hyosuke had gone through something similar, and would offer anything he could to lighten the others emotional burden.
Enya: Initially this one would be a little bit of a shit show. Hyosuke is implied to be one of Enya's best friends (or crush depending on how you read their interactions) next to Hyuga, the two of them are almost always seen together, so at first he might get a little upset that Hyosuke didn't feel comfortable about confiding in him. He doesn't show it usually, but Enya can be really sensitive when it comes to the people he cares about, as we see towards the end of Hyuga's route where he almost starts crying seeing Sakura make his childhood friend so happy. Once he got over the initial reaction though he'd insist on helping Hyosuke, not taking no for an answer and doing nothing short of moving heaven and earth in order to help him feel better.
Mizuki: This is his childhood friend, you can't tell me he hasn't picked up on this, although I would imagine Mizuki probably didn't want to pry into Hyosuke's mental state, wanting the other to come to him once he was ready to talk it. This would change though once Mizuki noticed him getting progressively worse, stepping in and confronting Hyosuke on his behavior, and suggesting that they have a conversation about it. During it Mizuki, similar to Sohma, would be an open ear, letting Hyosuke vent to him while giving the odd comment here and there. Afterwards he would tell him that he'll always be there for him, and that Hyosuke should never be afraid to confide in him about how he's feeling, especially considering the fact that they grew up together.
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