#but is there the kind of depth most of the other ones have?
jeons-catalyst · 1 day
Hello. I am a taekooker who doesn’t lurk in other ship spaces but through another taekook blog post, i came to know about the post you made about taekook’s dynamic where you said you don’t think taekook have a deep emotional connection. I really hope you don’t see this as me being confrontational because i just really would like to understand your POV more so do you mind explaining why you think taekook don’t have a very strong emotional connection?
I also wanted to share this post from this taekook blog which i really agree with. Don’t you think perhaps your take on things is one sided?
Hi taekooker anon,
The truth is that there is certain things you and I would never agree on or see in the exact same way because we are rival shippers. I don’t expect taekookers to see sense in the opinions of jikookers the way i’m sure taekookers don’t expect jikookers to but instead of explaining to you again what i meant when i said i don’t think taekook have a very deep emotional connection, i will show you, using the post you sent me.
Let me preface by saying that, stating that taekook do not have a very deep emotional connection imo, doesn’t mean they don’t have an emotional connection at all. The kind of bond and friendship those two have with each other wouldn’t be possible unless they have an emotional connection. Tae wouldn’t have been able to pull Jk out of his shy shell and help him feel more relaxed and comfortable if trust which requires an emotional connection was lacking. Jk and Tae wouldn’t feel each other’s pain and try to be there for each other in good and bad moments if an emotional connection was lacking. All the members of bts have emotional connections to each other and that is why even us the fans can feel how much they all love each other but you and I know that all their relationships with each other don’t have the same level of depth. They all relate and connect to each other in very different ways with some being deeper than others for various reasons.
In our lives, we don’t have the same level of closeness to everyone we are close to. I personally am close to a bunch of people but i don’t have the same level of an emotional connection with all of them. I have some friends whom i bond with mostly through outdoor and fun activities, i have friends who i go to when i need to be vulnerable or have deep emotional talks with and i have friends who are kinda inbetween. The reason for this is because my dynamic with all my friends doesn’t allow for the same kind of things. My friend X is one of my oldest friends but we have never had the kind of dynamic where we could be vulnerable with each other. We just don’t relate to each other like that but we are still very close. We know where we connect most and we focus on that part of things. This is the same way it is in groups of friendships. You just don’t do the same things with everyone and physical closeness doesn’t always mean emotional closeness.
Now let’s see what the tk blogger said to counter my post.
“it is beyond stupid to think that Tae and Jk do not have meaningfull conversations. I'd even extend that to saying it is beyond stupid to think Jk and Tae don't know how to be together without having anything fun to do.”
First of all, no one said Tae and Jk don’t have meaningful conversations. They do have meaningful conversations, sometimes but i have never gotten the impression that, that is the foundation of their friendship or that it is something they do often. Even people who don’t know the first thing about each other might still be able to have atleast one meaningful conversation so why wouldn’t taekook? The question here is when, where and how do they have those meaningful conversations? How often do they have those meaningful conversations?
We all watched ITS and we heard Tae mention that he hadn’t had a drink with Jk in a long time. Having drinks could mean having heart to heart talks because people often have meaningful and deep conversations over drinks and snacks. Jk also mentioned that he had been able to have a heart to heart talk with everyone else except Tae. Now, we know that prior to their talk in 2020, somethings had been a little weird with taekook by their own admission so they had not really been in that space to be vulnerable with each other. So from this we can deduce that, these two never lost the love, care and affection they had for each other but that deep connection just wasn’t there. On the surface, they could laugh with each other, play with each other and care for each other because they loved each other but that was about it. They didn’t go to each other with their issues or when they wanted someone to be vulnerable with. I remember during Festa 2020 when they were asked to write little notes to each other, Jk wrote to Tae telling him that he had noticed that Tae was alot quieter and he just wanted Tae to know that Tae could talk to any of the members whenever he needed to. This tells us that Tae didn’t confide in Jk even though it was obvious that he was going through something and Jk saying that Tae could confide in any of the members and not specifically him (Jk) suggests that Jk didn’t even expect Tae to come to him with his issues. You see what i am saying?
“ I'd even extend that to saying it is beyond stupid to think Jk and Tae don't know how to be together without having anything fun to do.”
Most times, my opinions on certain things come from my observation of the members actions, their words and maybe the words of other members around them. I don’t think taekook feel the need to be around each other much if there isn’t a reason or something fun to do and this is why.
Let’s start from the beginning. When the members were rookies, everyone and their mama saw taekook as the closest pair because of their sweet, fun dynamic and how chaotic they usually were everytime saw them together. When we watched content from back then, we could see Taekook together alot, just goofing around or playing or being their usual partners in crime. Jk said Tae was his idiot friend and it was always fun when they were together. What happened after all the fun though?
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This is from 2014. Here we hear Jimin and Jungkook telling us how them two always sleep outside their rooms together even though they had beds in the room. Looking at so many tweets from back in the day, it is clear as hell that Jk and jimin liked spending all or most of their downtime together. Sometimes there literally wasn’t even a reason for them to be together but they still were.
We had Namjoon telling us how Jk piled clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed.
We had Jk himself telling us that he spent most of his nights/downtime with Jimin doing things he doesn’t even know and some one could say this was because both Jimin and Jungkook had the same sleeping habit but then my question would be, if Jk didn’t mind being around Tae when they were doing nothing, then why didn’t he still stay by his side cuddling him or something if tae had already fallen asleep at night?
Taekookers like to reference chapter two or the solo era alot so let’s look at chapter two shall we.
In chapter two we know that taekook hung out quiet abit doing different fun stuff like going on a ski trip with friends, attending concerts, musicals, premieres or hanging at home with friends playing video games. But let’s look at these a little closer shall we?
Jk mentioned that when he went snowboarding when Tae and his friends, he really enjoyed snowboarding and thought they were going to do it again the next day but Tae and his friends probably had had enough and left while Jk stayed there alone. It is first of all difficult to imagine a couple going on a ski trip with friends and one partner leaves the other all alone at a Ski resort and chooses to journey back home with friends because wouldn’t it make more sense to stay back with your partner so you both can finally have some alone time or just go back home together? But my point here is that, once one party had had their fill of the fun, they were ready to leave and left even though one person wasn’t done with the fun. See my point?
Let’s also look at taekook attending a Park Hyosin’s musical back in March last year. They met, hung out for a few hours and Jk went back home late at night, started a Live, sang for over an hour and even fell asleep on Live. Taekook went out for a reason and that was to attend a musical. After that musical was done what happened? They went their separate ways because there was nothing more to do. Jk coming to start a Live shows that he was clearly lonely and probably needed some company. If it was normal for taekook to be around each other while nothing fun was going on then why didn’t Jk just stay with Tae instead of coming seek company from fans online? Now one time could be a coincidence but this didn’t happen just once.
Taekook attended the dream premiere back in April last year. They attended this premiere and even had drinks after with Tae’s wooga and you would think that after drinks, they might just want to hang together maybe cuddling or something but Jk literally went back to his house even though Tae was literally passed out drunk, he went back and like clockwork, started a Live. He still look needed company so why didn’t he just stay with Tae?
On white day last years, Jk went Live for almost 5 hours. Everyone could see that there was something off about him as he even got emotional. Tae was in the country on white day unlike Jimin who had travelled to the US to promote his album. That was a couple holiday too which Jk acknowledged by speaking about it and even changing his clothes to white. Why wasn’t he spending that time with Tae who was in the country? Why did he have to come seek company and comfort from a bunch of fans online even though his “boyfriend” was right there?
Compare all of these to him going to Jimin’s room when he was lonely/bored. Jimin said Jungkook visited his room about 3 times a day, came in and stayed for about 4 hours at a time doing nothing. Just laying there. It’s not like Jk went there to play games with jimin or work on something or do any fun activity. He literally was just content laying there doing nothing.
Or how on the day their first BB # 1 was announced, jikook were casually together at 4am.
Or Jungkook going over to Jimin’s place after a concert, cooking for him, filming some content and both of them being seen the next day which was white day at a local restaurant with friends, with Jk wearing Jimin’s hat which heavily suggests that he probably spent the night there and they just went out to eat the next day.
Hell even before the last four members enlisted, we saw that taekook were on a facetime call at 8 am on Tae’s enlistment day from their separate houses which heavily suggests that they didn’t even spend any physical time together before being separated for 18 months and only caught up via a facetime call.
“You'll notice they don't really know Tae well, going for the 'fun, weird, quirky' description of him.. going along with BH's narative of Tae basically being pretty but not having much depth or brains (ugh). While it's refreshing to see a jkkr not directly dismissing their bond, it's still such a faulty take. What do you mean Tae and JK don't have a deep emotional connection? Is it really logical to think Tae and Jk search each other for comfort, spend time together both in and out of public, spend time together both alone and with other people present, share their musical projects, mention each other constantly, look worried or proud or happy (any type of emotion) when something happens with the other, cry together, etc... but they do not have a deep emotional connection? "
This part was kinda funny to me because it seems like i know Tae better than most taekookers or i listen to him better. Another thing that was funny was them talking about BH narrative of tae being quirky, weird and fun. How do you claim to know Tae and you don’t even know that be used to be all of these things? That wasn’t BH narrative of him, that was/is him. I have noticed many Tae stans having an issue with Tae being described as this but do you love him if you don’t accept him for who he is ? He is all these things but he is also deep and certainly has brains. When he was younger, we only saw the quirky, fun and weird side of him but as he got older and matured, we saw more of his depth and intelligence and uniqueness. Jk himself has referred to Tae as a genius and has mentioned tae having deeper thoughts than we might realize, so that isn’t news.
People spending time together, sharing projects with each other, caring about each other is indicative of love, care and an emotional connection but not necessarily a deep one because all these things the blogger mentioned aren’t things that are exclusive to taekook but i’m sure she wouldn’t say all the members have the same depth of emotional connections would she? These are things Jk even does with his 97 liner friends but i’m not sure the all share the same level of emotional connection with each other. These are things friends do but not necessarily friends who share the deepest emotional connection which is my point. Jk has shared songs first with Namjoon and Suga, Tae has shared songs and albums first with Jimin and Hobi. Tae has cried with Jimin, cried with Hobi, cried with Jin. All these are indicative of a friendship.
She lost me at “Tae and Jk search each other for comfort” because this isn’t something i have ever noticed. I have seen tae and Jk providing comfort to each other but i haven’t seen them actively searching for it from each other. They also haven’t mentioned it either. Tae has spoken about being thankful to Jk who sometimes listens to his worries and advises on what to do. He has also spoken about crying together with Jk and Hobi back in 2018 when they were having a hard time but again, these are things all the members have done. The members have all spoken about crying together and being a comfort to each other in those trying times but if we have to nitpick, there is nothing really indicating that taekook seek each other out for comfort. They both tend to seek Jimin out and i am not just saying this.
This is Tae talking about how he wasn’t keen on letting his stress show or confiding in others but the first time he did, it was to Jimin. He let himself be vulnerable for the first time with Jimin and not Jk.
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This is Tae saying that he goes to Jimin for advice when he has worries.
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This is Tae specifically thanking JIMIN, friends and members for worrying about him when he was having a hard time
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I’m sure we all remember when Tae wrote this letter to Jimin thanking him for being the one who cried and laughed with him and was always there for him.
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If Taekook sought each other our for comfort, why didn’t Tae go immediately to Jk when he had a nightmare? We all know that in moments of fear, pain and other unpleasant emotions, we immediately seek out those we feel safest around. Tae literally got up from a nightmare and immediately went to Jimin instead of Jk. What does this tell you?
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Or during this moment from BV when Tae was crying and the staff immediately went to get Jimin. Why didn’t they go get Jk, if that was who Tae sought out when he needed comfort?
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I always say tkkrs problem is that they don’t listen to the people they claim to stan. Tae isn’t one of my biases but i pay attention to everyone he says and does. This is Tae saying that he likes Jimin best. Hell, Jimin even knew the letter was for him before it got to him. This also reminds me of how all the members were shocked when Jk pranked Tae like his letter was for him. Tae himself was shocked but jimin knew that Tae’s letter was coming to him.
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Even on the day when they got to their first BB # 1, when Tae wanted someone to come sleep by his side, he asked for Jimin not Jungkook. Why?
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These are all moments over the years that prove without a doubt that Tae has always sought jimin out. Not only do we see it, he literally said it. The first member he allowed himself to be vulnerable with was Jimin. So when tkkrs say Tae seeks Jk out for comfort, what exactly do they mean?
For Jk, it is clear that the one member he constantly seeks out for comfort is Jimin.
In 2013, Jk was asked at a radio interview which hyung gave him the best comfort and attention and without hesitation, he said Jimin. Things like this go to further prove my point of taekook not having a very deep emotional connection because back then, everyone saw how physically close taekook were as they were glued at the hip with Jk always following Tae around so anyone would expect him to pick Tae since that is who he seemed closer to of the two, but even in this case, he picked Jimin whom he had known for the shortest period of time out of all members.
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Jimin was the last member to join the group which means that others had, had years and months to form bonds with each other before he arrived. We all know that in 2012 Jk travelled to the US for a month to strengthen his dance skills and mind you that was barely a few months after Jimin arrived but Jimin was the one whom he confided in when he had thoughts about quitting singing to become a dancer and Jimin tried convincing him on their way home from the practice room over ice cream. Mind you Jk had already formed bonds with the other members but in this moment the one he confided in was the one he has known for the least amount of time. This proves that jikook’s bond was built on a foundation of a deeper level of trust. One where they could be open to each other and valued each other’s opinions. Jungkook hadn’t known Jimin long but he already felt comfortable enough to seek out Jimin’s opinion on something as important as his career. Why didn’t he talk to Taehyung about this? Why Jimin?
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Or when Jungkook was asked how he was able to overcome the harsh and intense trainee life and he he said Jimin was there for him and listened to his worries. When he said Jimin motivated him the most.
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Jk said out of all members, Jimin knew him best.
Out of all members he felt his heart connected most to Jimin.
We have this moment when Jk felt bad about messing up his performance and even though there was enough space between Jimin and Tae where he could sit, he went and squeezed himself in the small space close to Jimin. Why didn’t he seek Tae out when he needed to be comforted?
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There is no moment that speaks more about how deeply connected jikook are than this. You can literally see the way Jk breaks down and lets the tears freely flow the moment he turns around and sees Jimin already looking at him. This is what is means to be vulnerable, to let your guard down around someone you trust and have a deep emotional connection with. I had made a post about thid on my previous account and likened this moment to when a child falls and holds their tears in but the moment the see someone they trust like a parent looking at them with concern after the fall, the completely let it rip. Here jk was emotional and was trying his hardest to keep in it but the moment he turns around and sees Jimin smiling at him, he breaks down completely. I have never seen Jungkook like this with anyone else
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This is a compilation of moments where Jungkook actively sought out Jimin when he wasn’t ok and needed comfort
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Even after the rainy day fight, when Jungkook was lost, why didn’t he seek Tae out? He was lost, angry, sad and all the unpleasant emotions you could think about but in that one moment all he wanted was Jimin. What does this tell you?
Jungkook gets bored and lonely and immediately seeks Jimin out, out of every one else.
For Jimin, we all know how many times Jimin has spoken about feeling safe with Jungkook. Asking him to grow up and protect him lol.
When Jimin was asked whom he would like to travel with, he said Jungkook and the reason for this was that Jungkook was going to protect him. He wouldn’t say stuff like this if he didn’t already feel protected by jungkook ( not that he really needed the protection)
And then here he picked Jungkook to go to a deserted island with. It’s not so much that he picked Jungkook but why he did. He picked him because that is where and who he felt comfortable with.
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Compare this to Tae also choosing to take Jungkook but not necessarily because that is who he felt most comfortable with or safe with but because Jungkook is good at doing many things and Jk would do it if he asked. The reasons always make the difference. With one it is more about Jungkook’s physical abilities while with the other it is about how being with Jungkook makes him feel, which is protected and comfortable.
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This is another moment that tugs at my heartstrings alot and tells me just how much these two get each other. Jimin was obviously really nervous but in that state, he kept his eyes on Jungkook who also kept his eyes on him and nodded to encourage Jimin that he was doing ok. It honestly doesn’t get deeper than this. Without any words uttered, Jimin knew that he could depend on Jungkook and Jungkook knew what Jimin needed most at that time and turned his body to him, nodding as he went on. This ladies and gentlemen is what i am talking about.
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There are so many other moments like this when the members are giving their ending ment after concerts and you see jikook turning to each other when talking. It happens almost all the time. Jungkook has hid entire body turned to Jimin and keeps looking at him while talking and Jimin does the same thing. It almost feels like looking at each other gives them a sense of courage and security in tense circumstances.
This one is abit risque but you get the point
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This one.
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This one. Jungkook strugging to be beside jimin while he gives his speech with jimin looking at him
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This one
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This one. Jk immediately turning his entire body to jimin while he talks
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This one
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I could only find these few but there is tons and tons and tons of moments like this.
“If you want to speak about the difference between Jkk and Tkk you have to have an understanding of all members concerned. Only giving your point of view from Jk's side is a very narrowed take on things”
I have given my point of view from all the involved members sides as we can see above so i don’t get accused of having a one sided faulty take. As we can see from everything stated above, Jk, Tae and Jimin all made it extremely clear on so many occasions who they sought out for comfort and their own words and actions hold more weight than some random person’s perception things.
“I think a very fun and interesting watch is vminkook videos, because through those you can spot how the relationships between those three actually work. Think of Tae and Jk at the first Harry Styles show, think of the three of them at Yoongi's show (leaving Jm behind for crying out loud), think of the vminkook live and Jm's reaction to the stare, think of the many times Tae was having a reaction about Jm and Jk and even acting out a certain possesiveness towards Jk.. a possesiveness that Jm accepts and a possesiveness that neither Jk or Jm act out on when it comes to each other.”
When this blogger mentioned Harry Styles concert, i felt vindicated lol. She is literally making my point for me. What did i say in my other post?
“ I think they those types of friends who always need a reason to hang out and hanging out is probably more fun for them with other people around. I don’t see Jk just going to sit in Taehyung’s room for hours doing nothing. I see Taekook spending hours, even days together when they have something to keep them occupied. That thing gets taken away and they don’t feel the need to be around each other much.”
This is from the other post i made. This blogger has mentioned the HS concert in LA as one of the ways you can tell the difference in vminkook’s dynamics but like a typical taekooker, they never pay attention to anything these boys say. Do we remember that the HS concert was during the exact same period when the members were in LA for PTD and we learned from Jimin and Jungkook that they worked out everyday together, ate together and Jk pretty much spent all his time in Jimin’s room? We all saw how glued taekook were at the concert, having the fun of their lives, holding each other and singing along to songs, it was adorable but remind me again who during that exact same period, Jk chose to go spend time with when he was lonely or bored? It wasn’t Tae who was had all the fun with at the concert but Jimin who tkkrs claimed he ignored. You see my point? Taekook were glued at the concert where they had something fun that they both enjoyed, to bond over but the moment that particular fun stopped, Jk didn’t feel the need to go to Tae when he was lonely or bored. He said he went to jimin so often because his room was closest but let’s be honest. Would it hv killed him to take 10 more steps to the next menber’s room? Also, it gets all the more interesting when you remember that he went there and according to Jimin, did nothing but lay down for about 4 hours at a time. Why didn’t he go to tae in moments like that? Why did he go to Jimin even though he literally wasn’t doing anything in there? With the way tk were at the concert, you would expect that the one jk would seek out in loneliness would be Tae but it wasn’t. Also what does it speak about Taekook if Tae thought jimin’s room was Jk’s? Thanks for making my point i guess.
On a serious note, can anyone show me moments when we know for sure that taekook chose to be together without a reason like them hanging out or doing something fun? Just one moment when we see or hear of them just casually spending extended periods of time, just because. I’ll wait.
Let’s not even talk about “leaving people behind”because that could get messy. Taekook came together to a concert and left the same way they came and let’s not pretend we don’t know taekook came together because they don’t live too far from each other. Besides they were just driving a few minutes back to their houses and not leaving to never see each other again. This will never compare to Tae leaving Jk all alone at a Ski resort and choosing to journey back home with friends.
I wouldn’t even talk about the so called possessiveness because this is stupid on so many levels. It is beyond funny to see someone claim possessiveness as proof of romance when we all know that feelings like jealousy and possessiveness are not exclusive to romantic relationships.Friends do get possessive over each other and nothing screams more possessiveness than Jk literally not letting Jimin go help tae out on his Live but that is a topic for another day. Also, tkkrs once again proving they are the ones who really don’t know Tae. They will see Tae was his RBF and swear he feels some type of way about Jikook’s interactions when my man has probably just zoned out. What sends me is when i see tkkrs claiming that Tae was jealous beyof jikook’s on stage interactions but you turn around and see the same Tae flirting up a storm with Jin. Or how tkkrs will swear that taekook are dating because Jk ate a particule of food that fell from the chopsticks when he tried feeding tae but you turn around and see Tae doing this💀
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“You also have to understand that Jk and Jm are being placed in offical content way more than Jk and Tae are.. ofcourse you're going to get more Jkk moments to refer to. "
I swear it wouldn’t be a taekooker if they don’t whip out the company narrative. Do tkkrs really think anyone ships Jikook because of how much they are seen together in content? Which jikooker has ever said “i ship Jikook because they are together alor in content”? Tkkrs wouldn’t have a way to explain jikook away if they don’t run with the company narrative. Jikook were seen together in content because they were together ALOT! We have words from jikook themselves, other members and staff which literally confirms this. We are in the big year of 2024 and people are still going on about people being cut from official content? Ok i’ll bite. Let’s ignore the moments bighit gave us and focus on things we know from the members themselves or from things we saw which were not from content.
Jikook were the ones who told us they spent most nights together.
We don’t know about Jikook spending birthdays and Holidays together from the company but from them.
We have so many moments of them being sighted by people on the streets.
Tae was the one who told us that jikook were together alone at night twice.
Hobi was the one who said Jimin and Jungkook always stay up together
Hobi and Namjoon are the ones who told us that jimin likes taking jungkook places.
Jikook were the ones who told us they eat together alot and Hobi confirmed the story.
Was it the company who told us that Jk liked being in any room Jimin was in?
Jk shared a room with Tae for crying out loud but he still went to sleep in Jimin and Hobi’s room everynight.
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It wasn’t the company that told us that Jikook we’re together on white day.
It wasn’t the company that showed us that Tae doesn’t go see Jk on his birthdays. Jk literally mentioned that on one of his Lives in the same chapter two which taekookers claim taekook were joined at the hip. And speaking of birthdays, we have literally heard Jk say that he thinks birthdays should be spent with close people but we know of about 3 different times when Taekook werent together on birthdays. How on earth do you go on believing that people are in a romantic relationship when they do not care much to see each other on a day that one of them thinks should be spent with loved ones and family? Tae will literally make sure he is there for Wooshik’s birthday but doesn’t go to see Jk on his?
Was it the company that told us that during an entire 6 week break Taekook didn’t see each other and Jk only saw Jimin and Hobi?
Was it the company that asked Jk to tell us that his mom made seaweed soup because it was Jimin’s birthday?
Was it the company that asked Jk to take Jimin to Tokyo?
Was it the company that asked Jk to only give Jimin a gift?
Hell, was it the company that asked Jk to stay in the dorm with Jimin and only moved out when he did and not when Tae did?
Was it the company that asked Jk to start a Live to watch Jimin and support him for almost 2 hours?
All these are moments that we know from the members themselves or from sightings. So which one is, “the company places jkk more in official content that tkk”? It’s not even about the company placing jikook more because if taekook were always together as some of you claim, then we would see alot of vminkook no? Did the company refuse to take footage of Tae all those times we saw jikook being the only two to stay back and watch each other practice? If tae was around jungkook alot wouldn’t we have seen him with them? We didn’t see him because he wasn’t there. Or those moments when Jk was sick in burn the stage and Jimin didn’t leave his side. Wouldn’t we have seen Tae there if he was around much the same way we saw Jin being around Jk much? Tkkrs have run with this narrative for so long even though it is obvious that the reason there was not as much taekook in official content was because those two just weren’t together as much as jikook were.
We all saw a drastic uptick in taekook moments after their ITS talk and i have seen taekookers even commenting on how much taekook content they got within the past few years, with some claiming that bighit now trusts taekook not to mess up on official content, or they had re negotiated the terms of their contract to allow for them to be shown more🙄. Let’s be serious please.
There is so many things that have happened over the years consistently that have proven beyond measure that there is no way in hell taekook are in a romantic relationship but every single time these moments are brought up, tkkrs blame the company, call taekook liars or make up the most ridiculous excuses. Cuz what do you mean your excuse to why Taekook don’t spend any birthdays or holidays together is that they have mentioned that they don’t care about birthdays or couple days? So jk doesn’t care yet he spends those days with Jimin and celebrates with other members like Hobi and Jin who ho to visit him? Tae doesn’t care abt birthdays yet he makes sure not to miss those of his wooga squad members? Let stop blaming the company for things they had no control over.
“That account wants t be objective and base their thoughts on what is being fed to them in official content. Sure, if you don't mind buying into what the company wants you to think, that is a great way to go. When we are speaking of two closeted bandmembers though.. it is not a failproof way to go. They are basing their thought on edited footage, without giving it a second thought.”
I am not basing my thoughts on what i am being fed in official content. I am basing my thoughts on the words and actions of the members, which i have gotten to see through official content and out of it ( as we all) and i have shown above the things they have said and done themselves. So unless you want to claim that we cannot believe anything the members themselves say or do, in which case everything you believe in too will be null and void because we get information from the same place, then i don’t see how someone could claim that i am basing my claims on what i am being fed by the company.
Resorting to blaming the company for not getting moments of your ship is how you know you are wrong as hell. It is even more ridiculous to reduce these boys to puppets with no autonomy or agency all in a bid to make sense of your ship. What i find ironic abt tkkrs is that, y’all claim to know tae and Jk so well yet you don’t know that these two are the most stubborn members of the group. On one hand you are claiming that Tae is someone with intergrity who values truth and wants to live in his truth and doesn’t condone nonsense but on the other hand, you are implying that he is a liar or someone who has no qualms misleading or lying to his fans and someone who has let the company maltreat him for years. One moment you claim Jk is tough for drinking on Live and falling asleep there knowing damn well the company doesn’t want him to but the next moment you are indirectly calling him a puppet or someone who doesn’t have a brain of their own. Common!
The edited footage they are talking about, is it the same footage from bighit which we all consume because i’m pretty sure if i go on any taekook pages, i will see that same “edited footage” which you celebrate and base your thoughts on.
This is was incredibly lengthy but i hope i have shown you my POV tkkr anon💜
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defnotev5 · 2 days
BLOCK!-Satoru G.
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Featuring: Gojo Satoru x Female reader
synopsis: After being tired of stalking your ex, you decided to block him. Will he not gaf or maybe he will show up to your house to remind you that you are still his?
smut!! spanking(ass), oral(f! receiving), creampie, pet names, that knee thing, swearing, make up sex, degradation, hair pulling, fingering, mean Satoru, reader is a tease, unprotected, overstimulation(kinda), marking, aftercare, a little bit of crack and fluff, mentions of “The diary of a wimpy kid”
A/N: It’s my first time writing, so please be lenient:))
!Art or cosplay is not mine, credits to the owner¡
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It’s over. It really is
That’s what you’ve been telling yourself for the past two weeks. You had to understand that your ex boyfriend won’t come back and that, from now on you have to focus on yourself. Will it be easy? Definitely not. After your two-year relationship with Satoru and the countless hours you two have spent together, you knew that it would be difficult for you to deal with this situation. Stomach pains, headaches, bawling your eyes out… Yeah, definitely not the best experience of your life. At least, you had your best friends, Maki and Nobara. When you told them that the two of you broke up, they tried to cheer you up in numerous ways and in the end, they forced you to go clubbing until 6 am(this didn’t age well).
Here you are again, stalking his social media. It started to develop as a habit and now you can’t help but wonder what he does, where he is and if he found someone else. The reality is that you really wanted him to contact you, but his ego would never allow him. He was cocky, confident and definitely competitive, he wouldn’t text first. And that’s when it hit you. The stalking wouldn’t do anything as it was a situation that made you suffer. An endless cycle of pain and suffering. After some seconds, you decide that you have to stop this bad habit and move on. You opened your instagram and searched his profile, it was kind of strange that both of you hadn’t removed each other. You stared at his profile for six minutes, to be exact while your hands were shaking. Maybe it really is over. That is what you told yourself as you finally pressed it. He was blocked… After a while, you repeated the whole process and just like that, you blocked him from everywhere.
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It was 3 am and you woke up to the notification on your phone. You grabbed your phone to see who it was and that’s when you realized….
Have you lost your mind
Why did you block me?
Oh. My. God.
The messages were sent by a random number, but you instantly knew who it was.
What do you want Satoru?
Well, I definitely didn’t want you to block me
Deal with it
Your heart beats fast, your palms are sweating and you are socked. What the fuck just happened. Why would he care? He didn’t show any discomfort when you broke up. Why did it bother him that much?
Half an hour passed and you decided to go to the kitchen to drink some water and calm yourself down. As you were heading downstairs you heard the doorbell ringing.
“Wtf, who decided to visit at 3 am”
You headed towards the door and opened it. And that’s when you saw him. White hair, stunning features and his eyes…
His eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue. Its hue is so bright and vibrant that it might even put the sky to shame. Like the depth of an ocean and shimmering like a precious gem. Satoru’s eyes are like windows to his soul. One look at them and you can't help but feel like you are staring into the universe. They are so mesmerizing, they have a unique intensity and there is an intriguing glow in them.
“What the hell…”
“I’m sorry for coming without a warning but I didn’t have a choice”
“You must be kidding me. It’s 3 am.”
“I know but I can’t stand all this shit Y/n”
“It’s your fault Satoru, just leave me alone. I don’t have the energy to deal with you rn”
“You are wearing my shirt”
You were surprised by his unexpected comment. You looked at the shirt and realised that indeed it was his.
“All of your stuff will be returned”
You spoke with an emotionless and serious tone that wasn’t familiar to him.
“Oh yeah? And when exactly do you plan on returning them?”
He raised his eyebrow and looked at you curiously. A smirk appeared on his lips that tempted you to slap him and make him shut up.
“You know what? I’m actually returning them now” and after your response, you took off his shirt slowly in order to provoke him and handed it to him. Except, there was a minor detail that couldn’t be bypassed. You were completely naked underneath.
Satoru’s mocking expression dropped and his eyes widened. He was speechless for a moment while he was admiring your body. It was something he always did. No matter how many times he has seen you naked, he would always feel aroused by your body.
“You have no idea what you are starting right now”. His stare now became cold and possessive while his eyes darkened. You would be lying if you said that he didn’t frighten you. “I’m not starting anything Gojo. Plus, I’m pretty sure that the fact that I’m naked at the moment, leaves you completely indifferent”
You didn’t believe your statement, you just wanted to push his buttons in order to see his next move. You felt the adrenaline rushing through your veins while your heart was beating so fast that you swore you could have had a heart attack.
Without a second thought, Gojo grabbed you and leaned you against the wall. Your bodies were pressing together and you could feel his skin against yours. He put his knee between your legs while he applied pressure on your clit, hitting your vulva. You let out a low moan from the sudden friction as his grinding movements were gentle and slow.
“Why did you block me Y/n?”
“B-Because I wanted to”. You tried to respond but the state you were in, made it hard to do so.
“Oh really? So you don’t miss me?”
“I don’t miss you at all”
That was a big lie, he consumed your brain and soul but you wouldn’t admit that to him. As you said those words he leaned to the side of your head until you felt his hot breath on your ear.
“Say that you hate me”
Your breath starts to get heavy as the tension builds up by second. You felt your body giving in as you started to tremble a little. You looked at him with pleading eyes and obeyed his command.
“I-I hate you”
You didn’t even believe your own words and Satoru exhaled.
“Really? Then why is your pussy this wet just from my knee”
Your body felt hot and your cheeks started to become red. You couldn’t stand this, it was too much. When you were about to reply, Satoru interrupted you.
“You know, I missed you so fucking much and I don’t even care about this breakup shit anymore”
His confession made you feel shocked but somehow excited at the same time. You were on the verge of giving in.
“Satoru, please leave”
You tried to sound unbothered and uninterested but the truth is that you wanted to just grab him and kiss him hard.
“Okay… if that’s what you want. But I need you to do something first”
“I swear if it’s something stupi-“
“Just one kiss. The day we broke up I didn’t have the chance to talk to you”
It’s true. Both of you didn’t have the chance to see the other when the breakup happened. You hadn’t seen him in a while…
“Just do it”
Without being able to process the whole scene, he kissed you. The kiss was soft and you could sense the taste of candy in his tongue. He grabbed your hips, tracing circles around them, while you caressed his hair. After a few seconds, he deepened the kiss while your tongues were fighting for dominance. The kiss became hard as Satoru bit your lip and his hand made its way to your boobs. He pinched your nipple while his other hand was caressing your chest.
After breaking the kiss, he traced wet kisses all over your neck that made you flinch. You were still in his embrace while he kissed and nibbled on your neck, right near the spot where your collarbone and neck meet. He started to suck on that spot, creating hickeys on your skin.
“Satoru…. P-please upstairs”
You weren’t able to talk properly as he picked you up and headed towards your bedroom “I know baby how much you missed me. It’s okay you know” he teased, “F-fuck you”. When the two of you made it to your bedroom, Gojo threw you to the bed. He then, crawled on top of you, his gaze locked on yours as he grinned mischievously.
“Such a dirty girl, ready to be fucked by her ex”
“Satoru… Please”
“Please what? Use your words baby”
“P-please… touch me”
“Be specific babe, where do you want me to touch you?”
“My c-cunt”
As soon as you said those words, Gojo started to slowly rub your clit again while he maintained eye contact “Fuck love, its so wet”
“Satoruuu, shit-”
“Moan for me baby, pussy’s so sweet”. You weren’t able to comprehend what was happening, your body felt like it was going to explode and your loud moans filled the room. Gojo started to leave kisses all over your body while he shove two fingers inside you “Oh baby, too much? Seems like you have to remember the way we fuck then”. You were going crazy as you felt him kissing your inner thighs now “Ahhhh~ b-baby oh my god”. Satoru licked your clit and you felt your legs trembling, “Someone’s sensitive”. You grabbed the sheets tightly as he kissed your cunt and started to give it licks “S-stop this-fuck… this torture”, “Eager huh? Beg me”.
“pleaseplease Satoru eat me out pleasee”. After begging him, Satoru sucked your clit while he curled his fingers inside you. The moans you couldn’t control echoed in the room because the pleasure you felt was unreal. After a few minutes, you felt your orgasm approaching “F-fuck Satoru I’m so close”.
After hearing those words, Gojo stopped and smirked at you “I want you to cum on my cock baby”. You whined and pouted at his response “Fuck off Satoru”. Satoru unexpectedly grabbed you and pulled you over his lap, pushing you down on your stomach. “Seems like you want it the hard way”. He landed a hard smack on your ass while he made sure to keep you in place with his other hand. Satoru had now full control of the situation.
“Count with me babe”
He told you while caressing your ass and giving it a playful squeeze.
“This is for blocking me”
“Ah-one”. The first smack stung, you weren’t prepared and as a result, you squirmed.
“This is for testing my patience”.
“t-two”. The second time, he did it harder. You let out a muffled scream as you felt pleasure and pain mixed together. It was like a rush sensation, you didn’t want it to stop.
“And this is for making me so fucking horny”
“THREE” You shouted as the third time he smacked your ass with much more force. He then gave your ass a kiss as he placed you on all fours, “You have no idea how much I missed you, how much I missed this”. Gojo started to undress himself while admiring your naked body in the position he put you in. After he got fully naked, you couldn’t help but turn around to look at him. Satoru never failed to surprise you with his size. His dick was for sure eight inches, it was veiny and pale. It had the perfect thickness and it was slightly curved to the right. Satoru’s pelvis hair was white and well-trimmed but what stood out to you the most was his tip. Its color was a pretty pink and a large amount of precum was leaking from it. It seemed almost like he had already cummed, his cock was wet as fuck. “Baby, it’s very big… I don’t think I c-“, he smacked your ass and you flinched. “Shut up, you are gonna take it like the good girl you are”, he told you before grabbing a condom, “Wanna feel you raw… I’m on the pill”.
Gojo pulled your hair and whispered in your ear “Wanna breed you baby? Wanna feel my cum inside you huh?”, “Ohh fuck yes Satoru”. After he heard your moans, Gojo teased your entrance with his tip while he left small kisses on your lobe. Within the next minutes he began to thrust slowly into you “Fuckk baby you are so freaking tight”. You sobbed as his cock was too big to handle but you tried your best to take it. After getting used to it, you begged him “Please baby, go f-faster”, “Oh, that’s what you want?”, “Yesyes oh my god please”. Gojo thrust his whole length into you without a warning “Take it, fucking take it slut”.
Your whimpers became louder as Satoru fucked you hard and fast, his hips rocking and thrusting deeper inside of you. You grabbed the cupboard of the bed for support as he fucked you like he hates you, hitting a spot that made you go crazy with every thrust. Your back is arched and Gojo hammers into you harder, with an animalistic speed. “Shit baby, you feel so good around my cock” he praised you while his eyes rolled due to the overwhelming pleasure. You clenched around his cock and he slammed inside of you before pulling out and then thrusting again.
He fucked you dumb, with so much force that you started to feel dizzy “G-Gojo too much”, “Shh baby, keep being a good girl and take it”. You couldn’t control yourself anymore, Gojo rubbed circles around your clit at a fast pace while fucking you deep “Filthy girl, you blocked me but still moan my name like a bitch, pathetic”.
As you felt like you were going to cum, your hands grabbed his thigh from behind and your nails dug into his skin, leaving marks on the places your fingers touched. His tip was hitting your cervix and you felt his cock twitching inside you. “Satoru I-I think I’m going to-”
Without a warning, he flipped you over and pinned you down to the bed. He puts your legs on his shoulders as she starts to ram into you harshly, without mercy. “Not yet b-baby, have to feel you a little more”. You whimpered softly as his thrusts became sloppier as time passed. You looked so beautiful yet so wrecked underneath him, he fucked you so good. “Are you close baby-ahh?”, after hearing his moans you felt your orgasm approaching and you instinctively grabbed Satoru’s neck. “Satoruu-Oh god I feel it coming~”
“Yeah? Cream my dick baby” and after a few seconds, your orgasm hit you. Your body was trembling as he fucked you through your orgasm, you were seeing stars and you swear you were going to pass out from the excessive dose of pleasure. “I’m getting close baby, shit” you tried to calm yourself down due to your orgasm, but you failed as Satoru kept slamming inside you, trying to reach his high. “I’m cumming oh shit, gonna cum inside you, fill you up”, he growled and you felt his hands squeezing your hips with force while he lets out hot spurts of cum inside you that reached your womb. You felt his muscles tensing and his breathing became heavier “You did so good baby”. He took his cock out of your pussy slowly and held you close to him. Your previous orgasm was so intense that you couldn’t feel your legs, “Stay here, I’m coming back”.
He got out of the room and after a couple of minutes he was back with water and a towel “Let’s clean you up princess”. Gojo cleaned your thighs that were stained with his cum and brought you comfy clothes to wear. After he was done taking care of you, he hugged you while playing with your hair. “Satoru, did you sleep with anyone else these two weeks?” “Such a dumb question, of course not”. You remained silent for a while and then you asked him “Well I feel like we need to talk”, “Talk about you breaking up with me? Wow such a great conversation” he replied sarcastically as he held a hurtful expression, “Satoru, you agreed as well to this”.
The truth is that it was a mutual decision, let’s say a confusing situation. You and Satoru had a big fight and both of you said some hurtful things that you didn’t mean. The worst part was that due to his job, he had to be abroad for some days and the argument occurred the day he was leaving. Due to stress and the words that escaped both of your mouths, you and Satoru made a hasty decision that you should break up. After the fight, none of you tried to contact each other and you thought that it was over. “I thought that we would communicate and solve the problems you know, we acted childish”, “I’m sorry Gojo… I’m genuinely are”, “No I’m sorry, I was a jerk”, “Well you definitely were but I wasn’t better at all”. He started at your lips for a second before giving you a long soft kiss, “Now that we are okay, does it mean that you are taking me back ?”, he smirked.
“You literally had me at hello bitch”. After hearing your words, he smiled at you while caressing your cheek “I need you to be a part of my life, don’t ever do this again”, “I promise Satoru”, you pressed a quick kiss on his neck.
“Babe…” Gojo looked at you with puppy eyes “I have a bad feeling for th-“ “ZOO WEE MAMA” “SHUT UP”. You yelled as you thumped Gojo with a pillow “Just because we got back together doesn’t mean that you can say zoo wee mama all day”. After you and Gojo rewatched the diary of a wimpy kid, he wouldn’t shut up about zoo wee mama, for some reason he finds this phrase iconic. “Well, it’s a punishment for blocking me, I won’t shut up from now on”. This man will be the death of you.
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“HE DID WHAT?” Maki yelled from the phone as you FaceTimed your best friends to catch up. “Y/n I swear to god, if you gave in so easily I will-” “Well, um we…”
“YOU HAD SEX?” Both of them yelled while looking at you with wide eyes. “I mean, I’m not that surprised but what the heck, I spent money on this stupid club just for nothing?” Nobara said while looking annoyed.
“Guys, calm down. Everything is fine and healthy between me and Gojo” “I swear to god… If this zoo wee mama guy breaks up with you again-”. As soon as Maki said zoo wee mama, Gojo slammed the door open “DID SOMEONE SAY ZOO WEE MAMA?”
Yeah… He will definitely be the death of you.
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The Owl House Critical Post, scroll away now I don't know if I am being too harsh in this post but I wrote it anyway so if you don't wanna read something potentially upsetting this is a warning (to those who decide to read please tell me if I'm being too harsh)
I remember initially hating how the show handled its villains, they all felt like jokes, they never felt like threats or like they provided a meaningful challenges for the main cast, they never had any real depth or complexity. but i bit my tongue, I was told that I was basically a dumbass for complaining that Bump openly breaks a law that's supposed to be punishable by death so that Luz could fulfill her witchy fantasy and that he wasn't arrested. the show could've had him make the multiclass student thing be something underground- boom it lets luz live out her fantasy but doesn't ignore what was established about the setting and creates potential stakes if these underground classes ever got discovered! That already made me angry but the cult thing is what I wanted to complain about- i only had basic ass knowledge about cults and TOH fails at portraying that crap, most people in the EC can just quit and do so in a way that makes it feel like they're just quitting a job, it doesn't feel like they fear losing their friends or sense belonging and community, they don't feel like they're anything but jokes. Leaving a cult is scary, often times cults will send their followers into the real world and set them up to have bad experiences so they'll come running back, they'll hire thugs to scare them into staying or position them in away so that they suffer (sending them out without money or the skills to survive), they humiliate those who begin to ask questions so that they stay in line. guilt tripping, putting members against each other, cutting off contact with the rest of the world! The show only adds the whole 'forced to fight on a mountain' thing for flavor! Everytime it brings up actual stuff cults do it feels like it's more for flavor than actually writing this topic with sensitivity- look at how they treat Lilith! Imo It feels like the show insulting people for ever trusting belos, treating them like they're braindead and could've just realized fairly easily that he was evil. It's the most egregious with hunter who was basically fucking born into the EC. the show is also pretty black and white, which is curious for a show that gets praise for its portrayal of religious trauma. You think the show would be more grey. I did deeper research into cults and just got SO tired of people talking about how good the show was at conveying such a heavy topic. The titan reveal also doesn't help- Luz is told by an all powerful deity that she is the chosen one basically and is told that old man is evil and needs to go down- isn't that the same justification that belos uses for his actions- not saying belos should've gotten redemption or forgiveness but this feels wrong. He deserved to die don't get me wrong but using this justification feels gross. What's even worse is that the titan made Philip's life harder on purpose- ah yeah that brainwashed cult victim would totally change his mind especially if you make his life harder- yeah I would've preferred if belos was depicted in a flashback just having a bad time on the boiling isles and cherry picked those bad experiences to justify his actions. Also I hate that the show just writes belos off as greedy and glory seeking when it could've conveyed a message about how people can get absolutely get warped by religious dogma. I do wonder though if I'm being too harsh because TOH is for kids and I was told it would be hard to portray this stuff in a way kids could understand. I can come up with ways to make the breaking the law openly thing less egregious but I am struggling to think of ways the show could have handled the cult thing, I am aware that maybe I'm accidentally saying stuff that is kind of bad faith but this is my truth. I feel like TOH wasn't good at villains and it sure as hell didn't write cults well
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supercorpkid · 3 days
How You Get the Girl - Final
Supergirl. Lena Luthor x Reader!, Kara Danvers, Barry Allen.
Word Count: 3335.
Part 1 / Part 2
Lena holds your face firmly, planting kisses all over it, making it impossible for you to move. Not that you would—there's nowhere else you'd rather be. You wouldn't move even if the room was on fire.
"I can't believe this is real." she whispers between kisses. Your cheeks flush, not because of her words, but the raw, desperate sincerity in her voice. It makes you feel like the most amazing person in the entire multiverse.
"Mhm, you know," you say, pausing between her soft pecks on your lips, "I love all this, but maybe we shouldn't be at CatCO anymore."
Lena pulls back slightly, her face betraying a flash of insecurity. Kissing someone that looks exactly like her employee at the workplace, one in a committed relationship even, clearly unsettles her.
"Okay, you're right." She slips into CEO mode so quickly it startles you. Pacing the room, she starts brainstorming. "Should I sell CatCO? Or find someone to run it for me and come back to this Earth on sporadically occasions? But what’s the point? Should we be worrying about which universe we're going to and—"
You get up from the couch, silencing her with a kiss. She's left breathless, lips shiny and red, staring at you as if you've taken all the words from her. "You were asking a lot of important questions, honey, but I was thinking of something else. I meant we should go to your place. I'm pretty sure there's a bed there, and we'd be much more comfortable."
"You know what? You do have good ideas!" She grins, and you can't help but mirror her smile. This smile. This one is new. Something your Earth's Lena never did.
"Look at that, I found a difference," you say, kissing the corner of her mouth. "That smile, I've never seen it before."
"I've never given it before."
You raise your eyebrows, surprised. "It's mine?"
"All yours." Lena says with such depth it knocks the air out of your lungs. And you realize she’s not just talking about the smile.
Lena looks at the ring on your finger, and you give her a nod. There's a lot to be scared of while facing this new reality you both wished into existence, but figuring out where to go next shouldn't be one of them. Yet, Lena's sweaty hands gripping yours tell you she didn't get the memo.
By now, you have traveled to so many Earths that they all look different and somewhat the same. It's hard to explain. The novelty of new worlds has started to wear off.
"Hey Barry!" 
"Y/N!" Barry exclaims, his voice filled with surprise. "And Lena?" His eyes drop to your intertwined hands. "Wait, which Earth are you guys from?"
"Earth-99," you say, pointing to yourself. He nods, recognizing you. Then you point to Lena. "Earth-242."
Barry's eyes widen, and he stays silent for a moment. You don't rush him, knowing he needs time to process. "Okay, wait a minute. Kara told you about the Earth I visited?" You nod. "So you went to a different Earth and found a Lena that loves you?" You nod again. After a pause, he adds, "Please don't tell me you're here because—"
"You guys could use my powers," you interrupt, raising your eyebrows suggestively. "And you could use her brains."
Barry looks like he wants to argue, but he can't. Not when he’s the guy who makes some of the most questionable decisions across many worlds. "I guess this is kind of my fault, isn't it?"
"One hundred percent started with you, yeah."
"Well—" He still seems like he wants to argue, but then something clicks. He realizes you and Lena could be valuable assets to the team. Soon, he smiles like a child. "Fine, you guys can stay. Welcome to Earth-1! Oh, and the S.T.A.R. Labs. The team will love having you here."
Lena looks around with a huge smile on her face. "Oh, I'm going to like this place."
You can't help but mirror her smile, seeing how excited she is. "If you're happy, I'm home."
Barry gestures for you both to follow him. "Let's go tell the others."
Earth-242 loses its Lena. She sells CatCo, donates some of her money, and invests the rest in her friends. Initially, they seem upset, but when they see her smiling at you, their anger softens. They want her to be happy, and she is happy. If they find it awkward that she is dating you, they don't mention it, and you’re grateful for that.
Assuming it would have been the same on your Earth, however, was a clear misjudgment of your friends' characters.
"So," Lena is helping you pack. She carefully folds your clothes while you toss them haphazardly into a box. "When are you going to tell your friends?"
"Well, I sent my resignation letter from CatCo a few minutes ago, which pretty much means Kara will be barging in through the window anytime now."
Lena comes closer, "And you're sure, right?" Her hands make way to your face and her touch is so good you lean into it without a second thought. "Darling?"
"Hm?" Lena has her eyebrows raised in question while waiting for your answer. "I've never been more sure about anything else in my life, ok?" You hold her waist and smile at her insecure expression. "You and I working in S.T.A.R labs sounds like a dream."
"There's no Kara in his universe." Lena makes sure you remember that. 
"Yeah I know." You kiss her forehead and smile. "We'll be fine, honey." She still looks uncertain. "Come on, Lena. I can live without Kara just fine."
"Oh really?" Kara barges in through the window that very second and you roll your eyes at the situation. Great, here she comes right on time. "You can live without me, huh?" 
You've never seen Kara this upset before, not while looking at you anyway. Perhaps at one super villain that got her really mad. But not you, never you.
"Kar," Your heart beats faster while you approach her. "I can explain. That was completely out of context." 
"Well then, please." Kara points at you, then glances at Lena behind you. "What is Lena doing here? I thought she was at headquarters."
"Right." You gesture for Lena to come closer. "Kara, this is Lena from Earth-242."
"Hi!" Lena smiles kindly. "I know this is confusing, you look exactly like the Kara from my universe too."
Kara's mouth opens and closes, unable to form a sentence.
"Well, Lena and I are together!" You smile brightly, throwing your arm around her. "And we're moving to Earth-1. Barry got us a job at S.T.A.R. labs and so we're packing my things."
One of Kara's eyes blinks, just one, while she tries to comprehend all that you're saying. She stumbles back into the bed, and lets herself fall into it with a murmured, "What?"
"I emailed in my resignation letter to Ms. Grant today, I was terrified to face her."
Kara clutches her chest. "What?"
"Darling," Lena calls your attention and you look at her. "Maybe go slower." She points to the door. "I'll be packing your kitchen stuff. You two can take your time."
Kara isn't listening to you. She fires off question after question, without giving you time to answer. So, you stay silent, watching her process everything.
"You're leaving? With a Lena? You're dating Lena? Oh my Gosh, you did love Lena. And I said it was crazy. But it is crazy. It's so crazy you're dating a different Lena from another universe and you're moving to Barry's universe? Is that even legal?" Kara reaches for her comm. "Emergency meeting in the headquarters, something insane is about to happen."
You sigh, looking at her, about to argue, but Kara points a firm finger at you. "Get your Lena there. Now."
"You know you're not my boss, right?" One hard look later, you call out, "Honey, we're going to the headquarters!"
You and Lena make it to the headquarters with Kara on your tow, so she is sure you two won't vanish into another universe (her words, not yours). The whole team is there already and Lena squeezes your hand a little stronger when she senses your anxiety.
"Hey," She whispers close to your ear. "They love you, they'll be happy that you're happy." You look at her, swallowing hard as she assures you with her eyes. "And if not –" She taps on your ring lightly.
"Is that…" Lena narrows her eyes at her counterpart waltzing in the headquarters hand-in-hand with you. "Me?"
"Hi everyone. This is Lena, from Earth-242." You decide to tell them all at once, so they can't argue. “She’s my girlfriend. We’re very happy, and we’re moving to Earth-1 together and working at S.T.A.R labs.” 
Kara points at you, “See! Something crazy!”
“It’s not crazy.” You huff annoyed, even though all of your friends are looking at you like you just grew a second head. “It’s love!”
Earth-99 Lena, it’s the first one to say, “well, this is awkward.”
“No, no. There’s nothing awkward about this.” But they are all looking at each other trying to understand how to best react to this. 
J'onn clears his throat. "Well, I wish you both good luck on your journey." He says getting opposite reactions from everyone else. He ignores them, and comes closer, shaking both yours and your girlfriend's hands. "I hope you two find happiness on Earth-1, and visit us anytime you have a chance." 
"What the fuck!" Alex exclaims from behind him.
"You'll be missed, Y/N, but I understand your decision." J'onn looks back at the others. "I'll patrol the city while you continue this conversation."
For a moment, the room is silent, but then Kara takes a deep breath, and everyone starts talking at once.
"You're crazy!" 
"This is insane!" 
"Are you shitting me?"
When they finally stop, they all look at each other, seemingly agreeing on a plan.
"Earth-242 Lena, can we talk to you?" Kara starts.
And at the same time, this Earth Lena looks at you, “Can we talk in private?” 
You agree with your head and follow her into a private room in the headquarters. Only Kara would be able to listen to your conversation, but you don’t think she is dying to know what’s happening inside this room when she is quizzing your girlfriend to death in another one. 
“So, you’re dating… me.”
You bite your tongue. How will you get yourself out of this one? “Well, you said that we’re all different people, remember?” 
She doesn’t, by the way she is looking at you completely lost. You’re not surprised she doesn't recall the moment when everything changed in your life, she was, as always, barely aware of your presence.
"I asked about it and you said there wouldn't be a paradox. We're different individuals."
"Well, yes, but she's still me somehow." She seems to be carefully choosing her words, but when she speaks again, you don't think she chose the right ones. "Isn't that the reason you're with her? I mean, you barely know her. What you know is because she reminds you of me."
"That's not true. You two are different."
She doesn't believe that, but for the sake of winning this argument she lets it slide. "Then how do you know that you're in love with her?"
"Sometimes there's no proof. Sometimes you just know."
She stares at you in disbelief and repeats, "Darling, she is me." 
"No, she isn't. And you wanna know why?" Lena raises her eyebrows, encouraging you to speak. "Because she loves me. Because, God, Lena, she can give me everything you never could. Love and smiles and—" You turn around, you can't look at her face while you say that. "We've been falling into beds together, and in each other's arms. Just loving each other so hard, I can't even remember what it's like to be a mess over someone who never gave a damn about me." You breathe out. "So, do I still need to tell you how she brought me back to life?"
She doesn't talk for what it feels like an eternity. You never once thought this was how you were going to confess your feelings for her. But now, it doesn't matter anymore. It might never have mattered in the first place.
You turn around slowly, Lena's eyes are filled with unshed tears. "Smiles?"
"She can give you smiles?" She repeats. You're sure you've said many, many words after that one, but 'smiles' is the word she decides to focus on. You nod slightly and Lena lets out an incredulous laughter. "Like I never smiled at you?"
"Different smiles."
"Different smiles, okay." Lena parrots, wiping her eyes even though no tears have fallen yet. "So, what? You jumped into different universes to find a version of me that would give you different smiles?"
"Shut up." You try to push past her, but she blocks you. "You don't get it. You'll never get it."
"Why?" Lena's voice is small, despite her standing tall in front of you, blocking your escape.
"Because!" You try to move past her, but she holds your wrists, pinning you against the wall.
"Because what? Say it!" Lena growls with such intensity, a hard gaze flickering between your mouth and your eyes.
"Because you wouldn't love me!" You yell.
Lena blinks at you. The splash of blue in her eye takes you off guard, you've never noticed it before. You knew that about your Lena, but you hadn't realized all of them had just a tiny bit of heterochromia. 
Then she finally blinks away a tear. You hold your breath to the small tear rolling down her cheek and time just stops between you. You both get so caught up in the moment, she lets go of your wrists, hands dropping to her sides. You swallow deep while raising your hand to her face. Your thumb brushes softly against her skin to clean a single tear she shed for you. 
You smile. "Different smiles, different tears." You explain. "I know you're confused, and I was confused too. For so long I was confused about this. But then I kissed her, and now I know."
"Well, maybe you need to be confused again." Lena pushes you further into the wall, no space for you to even breathe without having your body fully pressed against hers. 
You know what's coming next, and here's the thing, you could fight it but it doesn't even seem worth it. 
So when Lena kisses you, you think back of the many Lenas you've kissed in different universes. The sweet familiar pecks; The passionate disgraceful kisses; The 'you're mine' kisses; The 'I wish you were mine' ones; The many lips and tongues and hands; And then this one.
When she breaks the kiss for air, you have a dopey smile on your face and a light behind your eyes, you don't think it was there before.
Lena smiles too, satisfied with herself. And if you're being fair, you don't think you've ever seen this smile on her face. 
"Ok. So now that I have you confused again," She starts and you think she keeps talking, something about how to keep you on this Earth and get the other Lena back home or whatever. You're not even sure, you're not listening. Body buzzing so loud, you're shaking. 
"Sorry, I've got to —" You run to the door, since now she's given you enough space to do so. 
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Oh." You offer her a smile, the first one since this whole conversation started. You see, the other ones, they weren't for her. "I'm going home."
She looks puzzled, so you give her more information.
"You know, Lena, when you have perfect, 'almost' is never enough." You run back into the main space, you think Lena is right behind you but you're not sure, can't see her. You're not even aware if there's anyone in this place except for her. Your Lena, the Lena. 
She's caught by surprise when you hold her hand, but is quick to get up and ignore the last question fired at her by the three musketeers. "She's done explaining herself to you. We're going home."
"Wait —" Kara tries.
"No." You keep making your way out.
"Y/N, please." You think you hear Lena's voice, but it could've been Kara, or maybe even Alex, you don't care. But your escape is put to a halt, and you turn around with a frown on your face.
"No, you guys don't get it. And we don't have to explain ourselves. I love her. This one." You raise your intertwined fingers so they all can see it. "This Lena is the one for me. And you can accept that and be happy that I'm finally happy, or not. But what you can't do is try to mess up with this. Do you all get me? Me and my girlfriend are moving to Earth-1, we're starting a life together. Because she is the one I want. And no other Lena will ever do. No other person will ever do." 
You look back at her and see the smile. Different, unabashed, yours. Earth-99 Lena might have a thousand different smiles you've never seen, but you don't care about them. You like this one. This one is yours.
You look at her, doe-eyed. "You're with me?"
"I'll die." She whispers. "I'll die a sure death if I can't be with you."
"Honey, do you know if Barry is bringing Iris?" You ask, going to the kitchen. Lena is organizing the many dips she bought so they look nice. She has her hair down in messy little waves, a large t-shirt and comfortable sweatpants. Barefoot on the kitchen floor, and not even an ounce of make up on her face. You smile at the perfect sight. "Why are you making all of that? It's just a game night with our friends."
"You know your friends from Earth-99 are coming too. And yes, Iris is coming too." She accepts the kiss you plant on her cheek with a bright smile. 
You peek inside one box. "You bought potstickers just for Kara, didn't you?"
"And the special beer Alex likes, and I snuck the new prototype out of the lab so I can show Winn." Lena says, sounding more excited to see your friends than you.
"That's why they love you a lot more than they love me." You joke and she chuckles, holding you from behind.
"I'm just happy they came around."
You turn around so you can face her, but her arms never leave your waist. You kiss her forehead and peck her lips.
"They would be crazy not to. You're the best Lena in the multiverse, even they can't deny that."
"How about Earth-17 Lena who helps every other Earth when they are in crisis? You know, the one responsible for this." She raises her eyebrows and you know what she means.
"No one's responsible for this, but us. If we hadn't kissed, we would never know." Your finger goes to her chin and you tilt it the slightest so you can kiss her better. And God, how is it possible that every kiss you share with her, feels the exact same as that first one. Explosive, urgent and in perfect harmony. "Just don't tell Barry that, or he might kick us out of S.T.A.R. labs."
"We're indispensable at the labs, darling."
"No. You are indispensable. I'm just the comic relief." You joke and Lena laughs as bright and easy as the sun. And shit, this Lena is so much better than any other Lena. Not only because she is yours, but like, damn, look at her. You're sure, you'd have died many deaths if it wasn't for her.
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tokiro07 · 8 hours
Still thinking about past Zeldas getting their own games
Obviously not all of them have enough going on to really warrant their own games, though that shouldn't stop anyone from giving them something to do, but which ones lend themselves to getting new stories the best?
Ocarina of Time is a pretty easy one with a seven-year gap for her to train herself up as Sheik. Sheik is extremely popular and has a lot of demand for her own game, even getting optioned for one by Retro once, so it's both the easiest to pitch and seems like the most likely to happen
Wind Waker's Tetra is similar, being super popular and having a large gap in her history that could easily house any number of adventures. Tetra spent who knows how many years at sea, and could easily have fought all kinds of monsters or discovered all kinds of treasures. We could even get her and Link finding the land that will become New Hyrule, defeating some kind of evil before its founding, like Malladus perhaps
Skyward Sword also provides ample opportunity with Zelda going on her own adventure one step ahead of Link at pretty much all times, though literally "Skyward Sword's levels but playing as Zelda" doesn't sound like a very worthwhile story. If they can find a way to keep it fresh, I'm all for it, but it may be better to have her exploring the Surface after the people of Skyloft begin migrating down to it
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom has a gap between games, while also having the events of the Imprisoning War, though neither seems much like something they're interested in continuing to explore since we got to see so much of it already. It might be easier to just continue exploring the Depths or the lands surrounding Hyrule to get a deeper understanding of the Zonai's culture and historical impact
Pretty much all of the other Zeldas weren't very active in their own stories and don't leave a lot to the imagination, so any stories involving them would definitively have to be post-game rather than mid- or pre-game. Of these, the most interesting candidates would likely be:
Twilight Princess's Zelda investigating the Twilight Realm and looking for a way to reunite Link and Midna to repay them for their help in saving Hyrule. This could give us an opportunity to see more of the Twilight Realm and understand its ecology and culture while also giving us more insight into Midna herself. Personally I'd rather have a Midna game than a Twilight Zelda game, but I have a harder time seeing that pitch going through
Link Between Worlds, same thing, but Hilda and Lorule; Zelda may go back to check on how reviving their Triforce worked out and may end up facing some new villain who's trying to steal it. Again, I'd like to play a Hilda (or Ravio) game, but I'll accept any excuse to spend more time in Lorule and expand on its history and it's version of the Triforce; does it symbolize different traits, does it have its own goddesses, what?
Adventure of Link's Zelda I is definitely not a well-remembered or beloved character, but I think that the story angle of a princess waking up after countless years to find her descendant has taken the throne provides an excellent opportunity for characterization. Perhaps she feels out of touch with her kingdom having been away for so long, or maybe she feels unneeded since there's already a reigning princess? A search to find herself and possibly a confrontation with the spirit of the wizard who cursed her would make for a great plot, especially if they can find a way to incorporate the other Zelda like having the player control both with different abilities to help differentiate them. Unlikely, but certainly the most novel and the one I personally want to see most
Spirit Tracks's Zelda returned to her body in the end, presumably removing her ability to control Phantoms, so it's harder to see how she'd get to go on further adventures. However, it was stated that Byrne would reincarnate sooner or later, so that would at least provide a story opportunity even if new mechanics would be necessary
Minish Cap, Four Swords, and Four Swords Adventures don't really give Zelda much reason to go on an adventure post-game, but again, neither did Link to the Past, and if I'm right Echoes of Wisdom is branching off of a hypothetical ending where Ganon took Link with him as he was defeated, so I'm sure any number of excuses could be given for them
Minish Cap's Zelda had the most personality, but FSA's story is a little easier to see continuing, since Vaati or Ganon could well be revived again afterwards. Still, they're both pretty weak as inspirations for new stories, even if more Vaati content would be wholeheartedly appreciated
It's not very surprising that the biggest name Zelda games have the clearest routes for expanding on their stories, but since the opportunities still exist in all of the others, I would hope that Nintendo would try to do more than just the most obvious options
Or they might just make up new Zeldas and eras entirely without any regard for the timeline or previously undeveloped story segments, that seems like something they'd do
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aroaessidhe · 5 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon
follows an unhappy nightmare god in the Orisha spirit company - the corporate structure of gods & spirits in the modern world who deal in prayers and belief
he meets a succubus who convinces him to go freelance, and they travel the world getting their own sustenance and building a relationship
but the elder gods aren’t finished with him, and he’s tasked with stealing an artifact from the British museum, with the help of a human magician from the succubus’ past
nonlinear storytelling
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thedreadvampy · 10 months
I tried listening to Olivia Rodrigo and I'm sure this is really good for its target audience of Teen Girls Going Through A Breakup but has she actually ever put out a song that isn't about a guy cheating, breaking up with her and moving on to someone else?
like babe he's not coming back it's been 2 years you gotta find something else in your life
#red said#it's not to my taste. tbh#content aside pop music is going through a very early 2000s breathy oversinging phase#hated it with xtina and alanis hate it with ariana and olivia sorry#it's a personal taste thing but to me however hard you go with the backing track that kind of soft pretty vocal style kind of#drags it back into midtempo sludge for me#also tbh it's just extremely normal music. like i went over to her yt bc people were talking about how Weird vampire is#it's not though????? it's super not????#anyway the only one I've got anything out of is good 4 u cause she sounds more involved and less self-pitying on it#every other Olivia song I've heard sounds kinda the same bc they all have the same earnest self-pity vibe#which is what a lot of people need out of music! music that makes them feel the depth of their anger and sadness!#but idk it's never done it for me i like there to be something of a tongue in cheek or a hysterical edge#i think most of the songs I've heard from her are just too controlled and polished for them to not sound to me#like she's the person who sees you crying cause your partner is in hospital and goes YEAH I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL#MY EX CHEATED ON ME 5 YEARS AGO AND IT REALLY TRAUMATISED ME AND I'M STILL NOT OVER IT and then you have to comfort her#like i recognise she's a 20 year old making music for teenagers so that is. appropriate.#but i struggled with the wallowing then too. were i a Teen at school with Olivia's character i would be so desperate to tell GROW UP#and it's not the lyrics it really is the music#heartbreak is a perfectly good theme to write on but oh my god not every song about it needs to be a mouthful call to arms
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orcelito · 1 month
God, what even is my "reasons this hasn't been updated in 4 and a half months" list anymore hfkshdj
I think we're at: wrote a smut fic, got a new girlfriend, got into bg3, quit my job I had for 8 years, my dad fucking died, got Throat Bleeding Disease, got into crochet, started watching way too much anime, got into Stardew Valley again...
🤔🤔🤔🤔 things sure have been busy, huh?
#speculation nation#One of these 🎵 is not like the others 🎵#well actually 2 of them are negative. but throat bleeding disease was just awful and sucky for like 2 weeks#ONE of these was a permanent and incredibly life changing event that left me traumatized in its abruptness!#im planning on expanding on it a little bit in my end notes. the above list is what im planning for my opening notes.#i know i dont owe anyone an explanation on why it's been so long. but. idk#i just wanna be upfront about it ykno? for people who may have been worried about me and all#also i kind of snapped at someone in the comments of the most recent chapter#after they just commented 'please update' & i was like 'my dad just fucking died so sorry if im not exactly quick rn'#& i feel a little bit bad for that lol. i mean their comment Was inconsiderate. but i doubt they meant anything bad by it.#but yea idk ITNL has just happened to be spanning the hardest year of my life.#from the end of may up until now. god i really hope the Year Of Death is over now.#and i hope this is the last abrupt hiatus due to an abrupt death/trauma in my life.#at 4 months it's the longest one. but that makes sense. given. ya kno. it's my dad.#itll be my birthday chapter. and ill want to hear birthday wishes.#but i guess i just wanna be. understood and heard. i want readers to know about my pain.#i wont go too in depth and all. but i dont want to keep it a secret.#my birthday chapter and my official 'my dad died lol' chapter. what a way to go.
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dnangelic · 7 months
smth that's good to remember about dark is that he's doomed. he'll never get what he wants. he can never get what he wants. he's allowed to 'dream' (to desire) but not to 'wish' (to attempt to fulfill those desires.) the other thing that's good to remember is that he's already redeemed. dark will never be able to have his own body or to love who he wants to love. he'll never have the true freedom and individuality that he craves above almost all else. he, as he is, can never be or become a proper human being- as a live artwork, he too is just a 'thing,' a hollow vessel for human emotions. alone and by himself, he's unfeeling and inanimate, no matter how otherwise convincing, no matter how beautiful. all of his 'feelings' are like single droplets in a dry well that evaporate in an instant. dark has no true heart, because he's an artwork. he has no humanity, no great amount of emotion alone that he himself can muster up or express. if he has anything inside of him then it's that very nothingness; an empty cathedral made up of restless, dissatisfied desire; a somber, passive longing to juxtapose krad's obsessive behavior. it's thus only with a tamer, or daisuke, that dark truly becomes someone. more than just a ghost, a phantom beneath the floorboards. the point is, despite daisuke's own terror of those around him rejecting him as worthless and unnecessary in comparison to dark, dark will always need daisuke. not just want, but quite literally need; 'to dark, i am a necessity.' dark doesn't admit it and very likely never will but he's already saved and endlessly comforted by daisuke's presence. there's the part of him that rejects others' comforts and attempts to reach out because of his own understandings over himself (he's doomed, he's already used to being avoidant and subtly excising himself,) but also the part that decides he just doesn't need any of it because he always has daisuke with him --- he's redeemed. he has someone to rely on and to always trust and to be proud of as his 'other self.' dark will never say it (both out of pride and guilt) but he'll always, always admire daisuke for the strength of the boy's emotions and the stubborn goodness of his heart.
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#reference.#i cant find the post i made commenting on satoshi's page @ insomnia so im just typing all of this shit up again#w more detail this time#saying it a million times until all 28943885 of my followers understand it. dark is not human. dark will never be human#emotional depth is an inherently human quality. dark doesn't have that. he can't Feel Shit alone. he has no heart. he's empty#it's DAISUKE who serves as his heart. both literal and metaphorical. daisuke who's his body. whose emotion dark reflects n vice versa#the hikari artworks all work in the same way: human emotions enter the arts and then produce magic#and anyways dark's pride and dislike of pity aside. he really is comfortable for the most part now#if it could be said of him. he genuinely. from the bottom of his heart loves and admires daisuke as another self#it's not a 'i don't ever need comfort bc im bitter' case. its 'you dont have to worry about me bc i already have sb to rely on' case#for dark and daisuke their relationship almost always remains the same. as long as the other is there#they can find some kind of strength to keep going#dark needs his heart. he has to protect it. to keep it safe. to keep it motivated and inspired#daisuke needs his dream. to have a direction that he can keep stepping forwards towards. something to proudly accomplish#for others- accepting only one half of the equation never works. to love dark you have to acknowledge dai#to love dai you have to acknowledge dark#etc
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erythristicbones · 1 year
i don't feel like copying what i wrote, so take some screenshots of me having brainworms for the JDK villains again. primarily spurred by me going "hey wouldn't Nisha and Artemis and Apollo make cool rockstars instead"
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#i really need to hurry up and finish organizing my writing blog so i can start posting these there instead#anyways i feel like this finally nails EXACTLY the kind of vibes that i wanted for the Acolytes and Solanace#and tbh.....even if i cant find a way to work JDK's original curse themed plot with these ideas#i feel like it would absolutely be worth changing the stories/motivations for the POV trio to fit this new set of ideas#kinda adds a lot more to the villains as a whole#and also sets it apart from a lot of my other stories that revolve around 'essentially a cult' as an opposing force#if i decide to be the most self indulgent that i possibly could be#i might even consider the idea of making it a story ABOUT Solanace and the acolytes in the POV sense#theyd still obviously be villains but the protags of the story instead of the antags#at which point jonas/lydia/hayes would have to be majorly reworked to then fit into the antagonist roles#could also theoretically work with the idea of jonas AND nisha being POVs#so the reader would be getting insight to the good guys and the villains at the same time#JDK(which STILL needs a better placeholder title) really is a story that ive had to majorly change multiple times#most of my stories i have the general idea + genre settled before anything else#but this one is more character driven#i have two groups of OCs ive thought about in depth and i just havent been able to build the story around them in the right way yet#i think once i can Actually get my brain focused long enough to draw#i wanna doodle more rockstar inspired designs/themes for nisha/artie/apollo#see if the idea continues to tickle the brainworms in such a great way + then have time to make polished refs b4 artfight#bc i really love my overdramatic artsy villains okay. i think they deserve to be extra as fuck ya know?#who doesnt love a villain whose primary goal is to put on a show and THEN to do the evil things?
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
in the novel why claude so refuses to let Athy leave the palace alone? I remember that Claude did not allow athy to leave the Palace and every time she asked him to go to a tea party he always refused very strongly, even after athy returned to it he still had a hard time allowing athy to leave the palace alone.
I don't think there's another reason other than Claude being very, very overprotective of Athy.
To be fair, Athy had... more than a couple of near-death experiences (some of them because of Claude's own fault lol), so I can understand him to a certain extent. Plus she's a princess, the only princess and heir to the throne, so her going outside of the palace is a pretty risky thing, overprotectiveness aside. And Athy made it a point that she didn't want to go with guards, so despite her being a magic user and being more than capable of taking care of herself (as proven by her surviving for... months? outside of the palace during the amnesia arc), it still would be dangerous.
But a thing that I really liked about Claude and Athy's relationship development in the novel was that, when Athy returns and Claude still didn't have his memories back, she is like "okay, this kind of dynamic can't go on, I'm going to be more independent and you are going to have to trust me and be okay with it". And so she has her own birthday party (Claude being uninvited lmao) and goes outside of the palace. Of course, Claude is uneasy about it, but he lets her do it anyways, since he'll give Athy whatever she wants. Athy says that she wants to change their broken relationship and build trust between them, have an actually healthy father-daughter bond (this is a very mature thing of her to do just after going through incredibly traumatic events).
It's not the same as the manhwa scenes when Claude apologizes to Athy and cries, or when he opens up to her before the coronation, but I think that narratively they serve the same purpose of moving forward their relationship, and them finally being honest with each other. For me, they are the natural conclusion to Claude and Athy's arc in both versions, because WMMAP's main point is that family relationships take effort and time, they require mutual understanding and honesty. Real love is not just a thing automatically granted by blood ties or magic, that is a naïve notion that the narrative goes very against of and actively calls out.
In the novel scene, Athy then says that she'll always tell Claude beforehand when she plans of going outside, and that she'll always come back. As long as Claude waits for her, she won't disappear forever, because that is her home. "Where you are is where I should return to", because he would always be her dad, and she would always be his daughter.
From my point of view, Claude's overprotectiveness of Athy comes from his lonely life and fear of abandonment. Diana promised to be with him forever, and yet she died and left him alone. Athy almost died more than once too. He fixiates on her good bye to him at the debutante because of that, and he is afraid of Athy growing up and building her own family in the manhwa for that very same reason. Claude is terrified of Athy leaving him behind, in one way or another. It's understandable, considering his backstory and characterization, and that's also why I find it so beautiful that Athy takes it into her hands to reassure him that such thing won't happen. In both novel and manhwa, she takes the initiative of building real trust between them, while also demanding that Claude apologizes for hurting her and that he changes his unhealthy behavior, and reaffirming her own independence (not asking for it!).
I know this is probably not where you wanted the conversation to go, but I couldn't help myself. Their development is one of my favorite things about WMMAP.
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woolydemon · 1 year
Ok so basically I think Daphne Blake (of Scooby Doo fame) should have a minor in fashion design and a major in Law. She's studying to be an attorney
#rando thoughtz#this is from an in depth convo with my friends (one being a fellow scooby enjoyer) abt how we would approach a modern scooby doo reboot#and were like. 1) lets make them college students thats way better than having them be high school students#and we're like well of course Daphne would study fashion#but my brain was like ''ok. so shes klavier g core what if . she studied law''#if he can be a rockstar and a prosecutor SHE can be a fashion designer and attorney. both at the same time#i know this makes her v similar to elle woods and i would not be lying that i was thinking of her during this moment#but the key differences between them are deffo there#like for one daphne is doing both law and fashion (and didnt rlly need convincing to go for law she was already into it from the start)#and other thing daphne is more jock in comparison she is A Biker and very athletic. she does martial arts#AND third which i think is most important is that daphne is more of a mean girl#BUT I NEED TO BE SPECIFIC ON THIS#elle tends to be much more nice and kind even when shes playing dumb#Daphne does not do that#shes a lot more visibly assertive and tends to snap at ppl if she feels its right to#and when she plays dumb she's more goading abt it like#shes not like ''oh! haha is this low viscosity rayon? And top loop stitching?''#NO daphne is like Daphne is ''Low viscosity nylon? I won't accept anything less. It also has the top loop stitching of course?''#like literally baiting them more just to go ''lol syke i played you for a FOOL''#she is more mean about it#BUT do not get her wrong she is actually a nice person & very good friend#its just she does not have mercy if u face her as an opponent#and thats why daphne is the ace attorn-#oh my god i also forgot to mention the importance of her being in law shes the one that knows all the legal shit for ghe Mystery gang#she knows all the legal parameters. invaluable knowledge for the team
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amplexadversary · 1 year
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thecubes · 8 months
my new bit apparently is i make gifs under the emotional duress of this one anon who will check in with me when i havent been making gifs finster style except im not girlmoding and theyre not paying me
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
also am suddenly and without warning at the age where people my age (i.e. my CLASSMATES) are getting engaged. Seeing as I still feel like a baby, this is just so bizarre to me.... I thought we were all on the same page*
*same page: I found out how to make rice cakes out of rice paper a few days ago and was utterly delighted, my Elinor came back from her honeymoon and I cried when I heard because I'd missed her and was so relieved that she was back in Canada, I lay awake at night with muscle cramps last night and thought: this is the Worst I hate this......life feels like new every day and I feel like a very young child who has to constantly make sense of reality vs. my imagination. How people my age making huge life decisions like this already, I have no idea......
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ghosty-schnibibit · 1 year
me finishing the new graphic novel like on the one hand yes the art is gorgeous as always yes the chalice scenes were handled well yes the lunar interludes got included in a cool way but on the other hand me looking at ren (and also a bit at taako by proxy) like
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