#but isn't ur semester done soon??
arthenaa · 6 months
blurred lines — mizu x f!reader
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synopsis: your relationship with your roommate often threads the lines between friends and of something more.
content: fluff, suggestive themes, modern! au, roommate!mizu one jumping off a cliff joke mentioned, taigen, ringo, and akemi being great friends, mizu uses she/her pronouns, she/her pronouns for reader as well, mizu and you call each other bon/bonnie as an endearment, mizu is ur bf but not rlly your bf yk, mutual pining
song will be later mentioned in the story but listen to it while you're reading <3
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It isn't to anyone's surprise that more often than not, people mistake you and Mizu as a couple. It's gotten bad to the point that it's already counted as an inside joke in your little group of five.
Taigen was the main culprit of the joke (as usual). He often lets his tongue run loose in the most random of situations. Whatever piques his interest, he always has something to say about it. You're not sure if it's because of Taigen's natural person magnet trait but surely, you think this is somehow his fault.
"I just want to say how adorable of a couple you two are!" A person from your year—someone you had met in passing during your Ethics class for sure—gushed as she sat down on the empty seat in front of you. You stare at her, mouth slightly agape in shock at the sudden intrusion, Akemi chortles from her seat while Mizu's starting to look like she's about to commit homicide. It was currently your free period, hoping for a time to relax and wait for your next class, you sure weren't expecting to be bombarded by a series of questions about your love life. You're hoping that both of your unwelcomed stares would drive this person away, but the gal continues off on a tangent. "Not to be like—a real gossipy person, but like, I heard from Sanchez that you guys were dating, and I had my suspicions back then during Ethics class but I just HAD to confirm it, y'know?"
You lock eyes with Akemi seated beside the girl as she hides her grin behind her drink. You're so going to wipe that smile off her face soon.
"I'm pretty sure that's none of your business," Mizu deadpans as she stares at her under her tinted glasses. She taps her index finger on the surface of the table, a telltale sign of her impatience. The girl remains oblivious.
"Oh, come on! We were groupmates last semester! I'm pretty sure we're already close enough to know stuff like this," She sends the both of you a wink to which you wince as Mizu stiffens beside you. You're sure it was taking a real toll on her to prevent her from committing a felony and so you've decided to step up.
"I-I'm sorry," You give her a sheepish smile, hand raised to provide a calm reassurance of not being hostile. "I'm sure you mean well and everything but we're really tired. Whatever you're thinking, it's a no."
You give her your best award-winning smile with the hopes that she'll leave you both alone. You see her slightly pull back, finally reading the room but she pauses at the last second as Mizu wraps an arm around your waist. You're not sure why the girl gives you a cheeky grin as she adjusts her bag on her shoulder but your resolve is soon starting to waver if she doesn't get her ass off your table.
"Alright, whatever you say," She coos, eyes squinting playfully as she gathers herself off your booth. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. See you around!"
The three of you watch as she makes her way out of the shop before your shoulders release the tension you've both been holding over the past few minutes. Akemi chuckles at your expressions
"Oh my god, If you hadn't done that I would've gone off the rails," Mizu groans as she rests her head on the table.
"You should've, to be honest, might make this whole debacle a lot more interesting than whatever you have with Y/N," Akemi snickers from her seat as Mizu sends her a glare. "Funniest thing I've seen all semester. Keep it up."
"You're full of shit," Mizu grumbles from her seat. Akemi flashes her her middle finger. You roll your eyes at their banter.
"I don't get what's the big deal," You cross your arms over your chest. "I mean people do the things me and Mizu do all the time."
Akemi gives you a blank stare. "I mean this in the best possible way but if I didn't love you and you said that to me, I would actually slap your face."
"I can slap your face for free, right now."
"Not now, Mizu," You nudged her knee in retaliation as the blue-eyed girl grumbled in response. "Also, bullshit. That's unfair."
Akemi rolls her eyes before slamming her drink down on the table. "That's unfair? You two are basically me and Taigen if Taigen grew the balls to actually court me instead of parading his biceps like a damn himbo. That honestly felt like I'd lost 20 years of my life. She's at your beck and call and even fucking ditches our hangouts just because you had a little cold. That's what's unfair."
You stare at her with furrowed eyebrows as she huffs and takes an angry sip of her drink. You slowly nod, trying to get a sense of her reasoning. Well, you and Mizu had developed a natural sense of service-giving to each other. After all, your deep friendship was only a resort of living together. Wouldn't anyone be that considerate to their best friends?
"I swear to God," Akemi places a hand in front of her mouth as she looks between the two of you. Mizu had already tuned her out, opting to hug you close by the waist and leaning her head on your shoulder as she took the time to rest. "I'm so close to throwing myself off the cliff figuratively and it's both of your fault."
You roll your eyes at her, crumpling a tissue paper before throwing it towards her. The gal dodges it with ease before scrunching her nose.
"You're overreacting."
"Sure," Akemi squints her eyes. "Whatever fits your story."
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You're not sure when it started but somehow Akemi's words started to get to you. You knew, for sure, (you think?) that she was just bluffing. Your relationship with Mizu was yours and yours alone, anything between the two of you must be kept between the two of you only. It wasn't as if the comments of other people had affected you—you often tend to brush them off, treating some of them as either praises of your close bond or jokes due to their easygoing nature. You're not sure if it's because of Akemi's short-tempered personality that you've started to notice things too.
"Here," Mizu's voice startles you out of your focus. You turn your head to see the raven-haired gal, hair down and cozy in a black hoodie and sweatpants. You had been studying and getting things done at your uni's library as finals were nearing. The desk at your dorm and the familiarity of your room seemed to mess up with your productivity and so you decided to change venues. Mizu, being the good-hearted angel that she is, drops a cup of coffee beside you and a bag of your favorite food. She then tucks her hands into the pockets of her hoodie.
You look up at her with a pout, eyes softened. "You didn't have to."
Mizu pats your head before gingerly pulling the seat next to you. She sits down and leans her head on her arm perched on the table. "It's the least I could do. You're working hard."
You smile at her praise, glancing at the worksheets sprawled on your table. It wouldn't hurt to take a break, no?
Mizu gives you a raise of an eyebrow as you turn your body towards her, copying her form. Your lips pull into a small smile as you reach out to brush her loose locks. "It's way past your curfew. You should've just slept."
Mizu snorts. "You say that like I'm a child."
You reach out to pinch her cheek causing her to swat your hand away. Letting out a few giggles as she scrunches her nose at you. You would've continued to act normal afterward, there was nothing to freak out over but then Mizu started staring at you with that gaze of hers. Usually, you would either jokingly stare back or playfully ignore her but somehow this time, you're suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. You let out a cough as you turn back toward your worksheets, unable to handle the intensity of her gaze.
Not sure if she noticed it or what, you make quick haste to get back on track with your studying. About 15 minutes in, you hear shifting beside you. Thinking that it's her cue to go, you turn toward her with curiosity but then your chair moves swiftly to her side. You let out a yelp as she moves your chair with one arm, closer toward her.
"Mizu—!" You squeak at the sudden movement as she lets out a few chuckles at your reaction. Soon enough, a deep flush bursts across your cheeks due to the sudden proximity. She's faced toward you, legs spread to accommodate your figure, and her other arm perched on the back of your chair.
You feel your heart speed up as she leans close and smiles. "Get back to studying, Bonnie."
You obediently follow her orders as you lower your head to get back to answering the worksheets in front of you. You hear Mizu chuckle beside you as you willed yourself to continue writing and ignore her very existence.
Heart? Speed up? What the fuck?
There's a moment of reprieve before you feel the sudden thump of Mizu's head against your shoulder.
"What's up?" You hum gingerly, your free hand moving up to gently pet her head. Mizu shifts her body close, the arm at the back of your chair pulling your shoulder and body to her.
"Do you want Italian or Chinese?" She asks out of the blue, eyes watching you write down equations and numerical formulas on your paper. Your heart softens as you feel her other hand envelope over your stomach, pulling you into a side hug.
There weren't many people around the library at this time of the night besides the occasional suffering computer science major seated at the far end of the library and the librarian herself. Mizu allows herself to be vulnerable within your care. You eye your worksheets, debating finishing them or giving your cute roommate dozing off on your shoulder attention.
Nah, fuck it.
You gently close your notes before cupping Mizu's cheek, softly pulling her up from your shoulder.
"Hm?" Mizu hums as she slowly blinks at you, face leaning towards your touch as you cup her face gingerly within your palms. You give her a soft smile, thumbs running softly across her cheeks.
"Ordering takeout might be a bit too much right now," You quietly whisper to her, eyes crinkling playfully. She lets out a few chuckles at your response. "Although, I recall having a waffle mixture back at our dorm and we still have your dad's waffle maker. What do you say?"
Her gaze darts over you face before she pulls away from your touch. You look at her curious as she scoots to the edge of her seat before pulling you into a hug. The raven-haired girl burrows her face on your neck, letting a loud sigh of relief as she encased you in her arms.
"Alright," She mumbles on the collar of your shirt, breath tickling your neck. You flush at her proximity, opting to rest your head gently against hers. Just as the two of you would continue to bask in each other's presence, a cough alerts the two of you to pull away.
Your eyes dart toward the culprit as the librarian raises her eyebrow toward the both of you.
"You can take your couple date elsewhere if you both have nothing better to do here." The old lady deadpans, fanning herself with her foldable fan. The both of you stare as she gives you one last judgmental look before walking away. Mizu wordlessly helps you pack up your stuff, leaving the library with you trailing behind with your ears flushed red.
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"Listen," Taigen takes a deep breath before continuing. "We're only choosing your dorm because Akemi has their annual dorm parties, Our kitchen broke so Ringo can't cook, and we know Mizu is a loaded motherfucker, alright? It's absolutely not because we want to see your icky mundane domestic life."
Mizu leans against the doorframe, staring Taigen down as he finishes his piece. You, on the other hand, can only smile from your spot behind Mizu. It had been your scheduled movie night with friends and originally, it was Ringo and Taigen's turn to host but due to unfortunate circumstances, the duty of hosting befell on your shoulders again. Albeit, a bit rushed this time.
Akemi rolls her eyes beside Taigen before stepping up towards the doorway and pushing her way through Mizu's defense (Mizu let her in, she didn't do anything wrong). Ringo smiles gleefully from his spot beside Taigen before sliding his way inside and pulling you in a hug (again, Mizu let him in, he's the only person who can actually cook).
"Y/N!" Your tall bubbly-bear looking friend cheers as he swings you back and forth in his hug. You giggle as you return the gesture, slightly pulling away and patting his cheeks. Ringo grins. "I missed you!"
You playfully roll your eyes at him. "Oh come on Ringo, I saw you last week."
"Too long!" Ringo whines as he rests his head on top of yours. Your heart warms at Ringo's affections. Your dear friend was a walking talking incarnation of a life-sized teddy bear. The two of you continue to giggle at each other's presence, not noticing the pair of blue eyes trained on you.
"Oi, Ring," Mizu calls out from her position by the doorway, eyes pulled into a glare. Ringo stiffens beside you at her tone. You could only blink your eyes at her with a curious gaze. "Get your ass in the kitchen."
"On it!" Ringo makes no haste and eventually bolts to your dorm's kitchen. You place your hand on your hips as you stare at her with a raised eyebrow. Mizu only looks away before catching a sneaking Taigen trying to move his way inside. The raven-haired girl slams her hand on the doorframe preventing Taigen from entering.
"Where do you think you're going?" Mizu asks with a threatening glare. Her eyes squint as you watch Taigen sweatdrop.
"C'mon, man! I just want to fucking watch Ryan Gosling, can you let me in?!" Taigen whines, stomping his foot. Mizu's face stays blank, hand clutching the doorframe. Taigen resorts to plan B and looks up at you from his spot with the most disturbing try of puppy eyes. "Y/N, please I'll treat you all the fucking bobas you want just please pull your war freak of a wife away from me."
You chuckle as he clasps his hands together, ignoring Mizu's pointed glare. You knew that Mizu would let him in either way. After all Mizu says, and you quote, "It's like leaving a fucking dog outside with all that yapping."
Finally deciding to help Taigen, your eyes gaze at Mizu's back with a smile. "Bon, c'mon leave him be."
There's a pause of silence before Mizu eases up on the doorway and eventually side steps. Taigen lets out a noise of victory before making quick steps toward you and places a kiss on the side of your temple.
"This is why you're my favorite," Taigen crinkles his eyes playfully. You roll your eyes, slapping his arm.
"You said that to Akemi 3 days ago."
"The past is past, what matters is the pre—"
A loud smack on the head propels Taigen forward causing your eyes to widen. You turn to Mizu who looks at him with disgust.
"I let you in and you still yap like a dog. Do you want me to kick you out again?" Mizu stands next to you with a menacing glare. You watch in amusement as Taigen frowns, rubbing the back of his head.
"Goddamn, just fucking marry this emotionally constipated motherfucker please so that I may find peace," Taigen makes a pointed look towards you. "I hate that I'm always at the receiving end of your punches when Y/N doesn't give you a bit of her atten—AGH!"
You let out a few giggles as you watched Mizu try and kick him away from where the two of you were standing. The poor man cowers behind Akemi who elbows him off her figure as she tries to browse through you and Mizu's shared Netflix account.
Your eyes glance toward Mizu who grumbles under her breath before turning towards you.
"Never let him in our dorm ever again please." Mizu deadpans prompting soft laughs from your lips. You then watch as Mizu walks toward you, eyes squinting at the side of your temple before grabbing your face with one hand—cheeks smushed.
"Mijuuuu," You whine as she tilts your head to the side. You notice her gaze on where Taigen kissed you. Your eyebrows furrowed as Mizu reached you with the sleeve of her hoodie pulled over her fingers. She then makes harsh wiping movements on your temple causing you to groan.
"Ow." You sob playfully as she finishes her ministrations. Mizu then turns your head towards her, the corners of her lips slightly upturned as she squishes your face within her grasp.
"Cute." She mumbles before leaning down to place a chaste kiss on your forehead. Your heart thumps against your chest—eyes wide as a deep flush rises to your ears. Whether Mizu noticed it or not, she only pulled away and walked over to where Akemi and Taigen were—both too busy fighting each other for the remote (Akemi wants horror but Taigen insists on a Ryan Gosling marathon).
You stand still in the hallway, breath hitching as you try to calm yourself down.
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There's a nagging thought at the back of your head that you think that you might've been a little bit too lenient with Mizu.
Your friendship and current situation as roommates didn't start off in a good footing. Having met Ringo and Mizu during freshman orientation, you had no choice but to stick close to them due to the unfamiliar environment. Ringo welcomed you with open arms while Mizu didn't care if you joined or not. Apparently, she didn't really care about Ringo or you.
It was safe to say that your first impression of your roommate with her ever-perpetual stone-cold glare had not been the best. After all, she had ignored you most of the time and tended to stray away from your group of three.
It was during that time that she had issues with her current roommate who always tried to bring people in as a one-night stand that the two of you decided on common ground.
You were out that night, going on a quick walk break from midterms when you saw Mizu complaining at the front desk. Still considering her your friend albeit a bit hesitant due to her off-putting nature, you hear Mizu complain to the landlord. You overheard her issues with her roommate and decided to offer your space up as your previous roommate had shifted courses, was transferred to a farther building, and therefore had to move to a closer dormitory. She seemed awkward but grateful enough to accept your offer.
Then things are where they are now. After knowing and living with each other for at least 2 years now, your closeness with Mizu didn't really bother you. It was nice being comfortable enough to just be authentic in front of somebody without the fear of getting judged. Mizu tends to be quite direct with her words and doesn't like to bluff around. That's what you kind of love and hate about her.
Love because she's upfront—what you see is what you get. She gives you thoughtful advice, the most rational between the two of you, mature and level headed enough to tell you the truth when nobody else would. Hate because sometimes she's too direct. Direct about your mistakes and wrongdoings but also direct about what she feels.
Like this instance.
"Mizu?" Your feet cladded socks thump loudly against the wooden floor, waddling your way toward your roommate who is busy mopping the living room.
"Yeah?" She calls out, hair tied in her usual bun as she continues to clean. She hears you enter the area, turning towards you with her hand outstretched. "Careful. Floor's wet."
"Yeah, yeah." You grab her hand, watching as she puts the mop away to the side. Finally having her undivided attention, you swing your hands back and forth as you come to say what you went for in the first place. "So y'know how Akemi got her internship at that company she really worked hard for?"
"Then she was offered like a position right?"
"So like, as a reward for her great performance, she got tickets for us to watch Laufey next week."
Mizu's eyebrows raised in recognition. "Really?"
You nod your head with enthusiasm, smile brimming from ear to ear. Mizu's eyes softened as she lets you continue.
"So I was wondering," You bite your bottom lip as your hand shifts to wrap around her index finger—still swaying it back and forth. "Can you help me find an outfit, please?"
Mizu hums as you peer at her with an excited grin. The raven-haired woman glances at her unfinished work before sighing.
"I suppose cleaning can wait." She responds before getting pulled in a hug.
"Thank you! Thank you!" You make careful tiptoes around her work as you walk back to your room.
It takes Mizu about 7 minutes to finally reach your room with a soft knock on your door. You tell her to come in as she gently opens the door to walk inside.
"Options?" Mizu sighs in relief as she plops down on the bed. You tell her your options and Mizu nods for you to try them on.
It takes a while for both of you to decide—eventually having to stick with two dresses. Finally trying the last dress on, you twirl in front of the mirror, examining the way you look before meeting Mizu's eyes on the reflection.
"That's the one," Mizu says with a soft tone. There's something about the way she eyes you up and down with a gentle look in her eyes paired with the soft tone of her deep voice. You pause, turning around to see her on the edge of your bed, arms resting on her knees—hands interlocked with her body leaned forward. Those hues of blue peer up at you with half-lidded eyes. Your cheeks heat up.
She breathes a heavy breath before motioning for you to come over with a come hither motion of her fingers. "C'mere."
You make slow steps toward her form, a couple of inches away from each other. You look down at her as she eyes you up, an unreadable look on her face before she suddenly stands up from her seat. Suddenly you're reminded of Mizu's height, albeit only a couple of inches taller than you, you still had to crane your neck at a distance as close as you were now. Suddenly the air seemed thick and constricting.
There's a sudden tension filling the air as the two of you only look into each other's eyes. You find yourself unable to blink as you admire her features. A mix of handsome and pretty—a face you've seen countless times and yet still be in awe of.
Just as the moment had started, Mizu suddenly ends it with a flick on your forehead causing you to blink.
"Hey!" You whine at the sudden gesture, hands reaching up to touch the spot she flicked at. Mizu smirks, chuckling.
"You blinked, I won."
You scoff at her. "Unfair."
She then fixes the fabric of your dress, making sure that the pleats and the flow is positioned nicely. Then the next few words stun you.
"You look really beautiful, Y/N." She says with such a genuine tone that it leaves you speechless. Seeing your reaction she lets out a few laughs then pinches your cheek. You let out a chuckle at the sound of her laughter.
"Favorite Laufey song?" You tilt your head in curiosity as you look up at her with a smile. Mizu softly blinks with a gentle smile.
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Your hands slam against the wooden surface of the desk inside the library's discussion room. Three pairs of eyes—one filled with curiosity, one with indifference, and one with annoyance. You breathe heavily as you lock eyes with each one.
"I think I like Mizu."
Suddenly Taigen stands up from his seat and applauds you—Ringo, ever the sweetheart he is, smiles at you and waves his arms for a little celebration dance.
"Congratulations, Sherlock," Taigen smiles sarcastically. "If I had to watch the two of you in an eternal battle of who's the most oblivious, I would already have a degree in Bachelor of No Communication, Major in being a pussy and a minor in having mommy issues."
Akemi gives him a disgusted glare. "Can you shut the fuck up or is being a yapper your honest profession?"
"Alright," Taigen raises his hands. "Chill."
Akemi rolls her eyes before looking at you with her lips upturned. "Happy that you're finally realizing it, hun."
You groan as run your palms over your face. "That's the problem!"
"Why's that a problem?" Ringo asks innocently. You pull yours hands down with a huff.
"It's Mizu."
"So?" Akemi raises an eyebrow.
"Mizu's my best friend," You whine. "I can't risk it when I don't know if she feels the same."
"Be fucking for real right now." Akemi deadpans as she crosses her arms over her chest. "The damn woman looks at you as if you've just given her the stars and the moon. Y'know know how much I envy that?"
Taigen nudges Akemi beside him with a pout. Akemi glances at him with a sigh. "I was just making a point. You'd have to be dumb stupid to not notice anything at all, Y/N."
You purse your lips as you sheepishly look at Akemi like a child being punished.
"You did, didn't you?" Akemi squints her eyes with a smile. "Precisely why I favor you over that emotional catastrophe of a woman. I suggest taking the chance. It's not every day that you find someone that's a complete fit for you."
Akemi gives you a soft smile. You purse your lips as Taigen gives you a thumbs up.
"You can do it, Y/N." Ringo smiles at you from his seat. "If there's anything I know about Mizu, it's that she cares for you a lot more than you think."
You nod, encouraged by your friends' advice and reassurance. While Mizu's someone you didn't want to lose, you'd rather take the risk on giving her the love she deserves rather than keeping it buried within you.
Finally, your resolve is built and strengthened. It's just Mizu, it should be alright.
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To put things simply, it had been 3 weeks since your talk with Taigen, Akemi, and Ringo.
The three have tried their very best to allow you to confess but somehow Mizu always has something to do or something keeps ruining the moment. Confessing in a cafe? Suddenly a random NPC interrupts. In the library? Librarian follows you everywhere with that judgmental gaze of hers after your previous altercation. Campus garden? Mizu's getting called for org duties. Your own dorm? Mizu's asleep.
You're at your wit's ends and while you can tell that all of this isnt intentionally done, you can still feel the frustration.
It's this night where you reach your final straw.
You had just gotten home after a day of requirements, finals, and activities. Mizu's schedule was moved a bit earlier causing the two of you to be quite busy due to the gap in the dates for your finals. When you're free, Mizu's taking an exam. When Mizu's got nothing to do, you're working your ass off in the library.
The finals season has completely ended and you're walking home with a fleeting mind and relieved sigh.
As you make the turn toward your dormitory, you notice a familiar head of black crouched over the sidewalk. Your eyebrows furrowed as you see Mizu busy with whatever caught her attention. Just as you reach at least a meter away from her, you see a fluffy white cat perk its head behind Mizu's figure, blue eyes sparkling with curiosity as it mews at your figure.
"Huh?" You hear Mizu hum before turning to face you. A look recognition passes her eyes. "Oh. You're home."
You fall silent as you continue to watch her pet the cat. You hear its purrs as it leans its head to Mizu's touch.
"I cooked hotpot upstairs," Mizu says, eyes still looking at you. Her hair is down, only pinned back by her glasses worn over her head. That little frail bang escapes with ease from it as she looks down to see the cat on its back, paws demanding a belly rub. She's wearing the black sweater you gave her with its sleeves rolled up to her arms.
Fuck. Why does she look so—
"I can tell you're spent," Mizu softly smiles at you. There's a slight breeze that gently ruffles her hair. "You did so well, Bonnie."
Then it's as if something snapped within you and there's nothing that could stop you from unleashing the pent up frustration of not getting a moment with her.
"Oh my god," Your gaze is unwavering as you stare at her figure. She raises an eyebrow at your response. "I'm so fucking in love with you."
Mizu stops her ministrations with the cat, figure tensing as the light breeze of the wind fills in the void. Your heart thumps as you breathe heavily, watching any sort of reaction for her shocked face.
Then it is as if you could hear a pin drop then a change in the atmosphere. Mizu is flushed deep red, eyes blinking as she stares at you with mouth agape.
Your eyebrows raise in amusement.
"I love you." You repeat taking a step closer to her crouched form. She furrows her eyebrows, blush spreading up to her ears. Oh?
"I-I don't—"
You grin as you crouch in front of her, eyes trained on her shy features. "I said I love you."
"Y/N." Mizu grumbles as she tries to glare at you.
"What?" You shrug, smile brimming from ear to ear. The emotions on her face are clear as she stammers and stutters in front of you.
"That's not fair." She grits her teeth.
"What's not fair?" You tilt your head in amusement.
"I wanted to say it first." She mumbles as she looks down at the cat purring between the two of you.
You let out a soft laugh at her whining.
"Well, I'll pretend I didn't say anything and that I just walked back from school," Mizu eyes you in confusion as you stand back up and run a few meters away from her—back from where you previously stood. You clear your throat as you straightened yourself up. "Oh my god! Finals is so hard, if only there's a hot tall masculine woman to declare their love for me."
You end with a dramatic touch of the back of your hand against your forehead. Mizu chuckles, shaking her head before standing to her full height. She reaches you with ease, lips turned to a smile as her hands make their way to cup your face.
"You're an idiot," She grumbles with affection before pulling you in a kiss. There's no time wasted as you kiss back, clutching the fabric of her sweater as she tilts her head to deepen the kiss.
You squeak as you feel her tongue intertwine with yours. You feel yourself get lightheaded, melting in her touch as your arms wrap around her neck while hers takes hold of your waist. She pulls you closer with no distance left to break you apart. You whine as you feel her bite on your bottom lip, gently pulling it before pulling away. Heavy breaths are what fills the space between your bodies, eyes still trained on swollen red lips while want and need courses through your veins.
She lets out a grunt as she dives to taste more of you, pecking your lips once, twice—thrice before finally breaking off.
There's a moment of silence before hushed giggles errupted between the two of you—Mizu swaying your bodies as you both bask in each other's presence.
Hushed whispers, sweet nothings, wide smiles, and stolen kisses are all that's seen between two idiots in love. Before you can further enjoy your moment with Mizu, a loud meow interrupts your moment. The two of you look down at the cat licking its paw as it stares up at you both.
It swishes its tail back and forth, tilting its head before stretching. You and Mizu look at each other with a smile.
"You up for another roommate? Might be severely in love with you too." You tease as the cat leans its body against Mizu. Your girlfriend rolls her eyes. You giggle.
"Oh, shut up."
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you: *sees mizu w a cat* marry me
mizu: ?
projecting ken tendencies in taigen mb. akemi is a mood tbh.
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loveackermannn · 1 year
Can u maybe do a college au levi x reader where they're super close friends with feelings for one another. And there's this project they have to work on and reader is struggling. She's never really been good with grades and she's barely passing her classes.
She gets super frustrated and starts pulling all nighters for a whole week to get the project done. She starts skipping meals and isn't hanging out with Levi as much anymore. Saying that he's super worried is an understatement. Hes never seen you like this.
One night while you were working on ur project, he got up and off of the top bunk and walked up to your desk (you both share a room). He began slowly massaging ur shoulders, telling you to go to sleep already.
After a lot of bickering back and forth, you agreed. You both cuddled against each other and fell asleep. It was the best sleep hes had in a long time.
Have a nice day♡♡
☰ MORE THAN ENOUGH.ೃ࿐𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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It wasn't supposed to get this bad – It wasn't.
While you did expect the late nights to bleed into the early hours of the morning considering how much you decided to dedicate your time for the final semester project, you didn't think it would be difficult. But fuck, was it draining you to the absolute core. On top of that, it didn't calm the fact that you were on the edge of final grades as you couldn't manage past a C+. You were trying your best, you really were.
And one person could very well see that on the sideline.
You instinctively jolted at the husk of the voice you could only recognize as your best friend who held nothing but earnest and concern. He rested his head in the palm of his hand as he peeked from the top bunk of your shared bed, comfortably dressed in sweats and a plain shirt. He'd been eyeing you from a distance, not wanting to disrupt the groove you had going on for a few hours – but that was the issue. You had been glued at your desk for god knows how long and he can't even recall the last time you actually sat down for a meal with him.
Visibly, he seemed cross with you for completely neglecting your needs.. and admittedly, him too. You spare him a glance once your attention was directed away from the damned laptop that Levi internally despised for keeping you up so many nights in a row – Childish it may seem, but all he wanted was for you to take a break.
"What is it, Levi? I really need to finish this project or I won't pass the class. You already know how my grades are looking right now, I cant afford-"
Suddenly, you felt the sheets ruffle from above as he began to make his way down the ladder and over to your desk. Your eyes finally met his for the first time in a while and from what he could tell, your undereyes darkened with each day and night that passed – It was almost as bad as his.
His features softened only for you while two fingers hooked underneath your chin, forcing your gaze upwards to him.
"When was the last time you slept?"
"I don't.. know," you shrug, wanting to look away in shame for knowing well that you hadn't been taking care of yourself the way that you should have. But, he kept your head trained exactly where he wanted. He narrowed his eyes to you and decided to press on more – with such gentleness, of course.
"Hm. You know it's not good for you to be doing this. I understand you have a lot to do, but cramming all of it in a number of days isn't healthy. You could've just asked me to help you, you don't have to go through this alone."
You knew he had you. There wasn't much you could say nor object – the papers and assignments on your desk were long forgotten the moment he spoke out to you. His palm traced down to your shoulder as you couldn't do anything but merely give into his careful touch.
"Turn around, I'll ease up your neck and shoulders. Is that okay?"
"Of course."
Your body faced back to your now dimly lit computer and you soon came to realize how strained your eyes felt to any sort of brightness. So, you opted for closing your eyes entirely as Levi worked out the tender knots and muscles that have built up over the past week. It felt so good to finally relax like this.
"Damn, you're tense. All 'cause of that fucking laptop.."
You groaned in response while he continued his ministrations on your back and neck, to which he softly smiled to himself – You deserved to rest.
"I want to pass though, Levi..."
At that, it caused him to raise a brow at you questionably, wondering why you put so much pressure on yourself when you've been doing the most these past few months to achieve your goal. "You are passing. I don't understand why you're so fixated on your grades when you're not even failing."
You took a breath, "You don't get it. I want to get better grades than last semester. Or else.."
He paused for a moment, turning you back around to face him directly and his hands continued to rest on your shoulders as he waited patiently for you to finish.
"Or else what?"
"I'll be a failure..."
Oh that did it for him.
Immediately, your face met the hardened surface of his chest while his arms wrapped around you tightly – safe, warm and secure. It's what you've craved for a really long time.
"Listen to me closely, yeah?" He feels you nod against him which gave him the cue to continue, "You're not a failure, you hear me? No matter what those shitty grades come out to be, it doesn't and will never define who you are. Your hard work has already proven how determined you are and you're not giving yourself as much credit as you should be. You're too hard on yourself. Let me take care of you for now, okay doll? You can rest for a while, you've done more than enough and I'm so damn proud of you."
It was rare for Levi to ever console someone like this, but only for you would he ever keep you safe within the home of his arms whenever things get rough or even when it had been a long day for the both of you. You missed this and every word that he spoke, rang through your ears with nothing but the truth.
You felt bitter tears prick at the corners of your eyes as he only embraced you tighter, not daring to let go in the slightest. Your own arms finally lifted from your sides, coming to wrap around his waist to further secure you into him. Soft sobs were muffled into the fabric of his shirt, but he made no move to let you cry anywhere else.
"I'm sorry.. I just got too carried away and I haven't been communicating with you and-"
He pulls away to cradle your face in the calloused, but gentle palms of his hands, wiping away the streams of tears that trailed down your face, "Shh shh, it's okay doll. You're okay, just take deep breaths for me. In and out.."
Everything was always going to be okay with him.
Wordlessly, he tugged you along into the living room where the two fo you shared many movie nights and midnight talks – a space of comfort that felt familiar. Levi laid down first, then opened his arms as an invitation for you to finally settle down on him.
You wasted no time in making yourself comfortable on his chest, finding a spot on the crook of his neck to rest your head. His hands met the small of your back with his fingers threading through the delicate strands of your hair. While you felt your eyes come to a close, Levi's lips brushed against your forehead and his hand reached up to smooth your hair back as he quietly whispered, "I've got you. I always will."
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
hi, it’s the anon who sent the ask about online schooling. I personally find it extremely draining, but all ur points resonated w/ me and I find it interesting that even though we face similar difficulties (scheduling, making the effort to interact w/ people, etc), we have opposing opinions on it. as u said, its up to a person to decide what their stance on the subject is. and actually, related to that, I think it also depends on how pos/negatively they view it. so !! as someone who is feeling rather exhausted of online schooling atm, i was wondering if u have any tips on overcoming the negatives of it (lack of discussion, organization, etc)?
hello! welcome back, nonsie! I think finding online schooling draining is fairly common, which is why so many people push to come back despite concerns about safety. Not saying you're one of them, just that the fatigue is not singular to you.
I can try to give you some tips, but I don't know how useful they'll be so please feel free to modify anything you need to or to disregard everything. That being said, my biggest issues online are scheduling, and my biggest in-person are interacting with others and combating anxiety. So that's where I'm approaching this from in terms of difficulties, but there may be more I can help with so feel free to ask about it!
under a cut to save space
Change as needed. If you're like me, you jumped between a lot of different methods of coping to try and figure out how to exist during all this chaos. This means I tried a lot of different schedules, different approaches to interacting with others, different study methods. And of course, seeing as this is so new, there's a lot that's not going to work for you. So my advice here is that as soon as you recognize that something you're doing is starting to fail you--regardless of whether it's worked in the past--find something else. Change it now before you get stuck in the rut trying to make it work when it clearly isn't. Even if it's been successful in the past, if it isn't right now try something else, even if only for a little bit before going back to your original method.
An example of this would be how you study. Over the summer I had four classes that I need to complete, so I set aside four hours a day to do homework, one for each. it was great! I got assignments done early, stayed on top of every class, and wasn't very stressed. But as the semester went on I had trouble staying focused for the entire hour and ended up slipping, assignments being completed in a rush right before they were due, only able to do 30 minutes of work at a time if I was lucky. Clearly, my schedule stopped working, but I kept trying despite the evidence. That just made everything harder, so I should've changed my approach, created a new schedule to deal with my temporarily shorter attention span, using that until I could return to the hour long sessions if ever.
No one else needs to see what you do. This one is more about organization and letting you adapt more to yourself than what is helpful for others. I don't know about you, but I know that personally organizing things like keeping track of homework and keeping my room clean is an all or nothing situation. I either have a complete color coded list for the week or just try and remember everything. My room is either immaculate or I can't tell which shirt I'm looking at amongst the four others on the floor (downside to wearing all black). So I tried a lot of methods I found on line: keeping a planner, creating a discord only I had access to to send myself messages of tasks, downloading apps, etc. They didn't work for me. So what I've found most helpful is just doing whatever method will be effective in the moment. And no one else needs to see it, so it doesn't need to make sense to anyone but you.
Sometimes I write a to-do list in huge lettering on my arm in bright colors so that it's always with me and i have to remember it later. Sometimes I write a post it note and put it somewhere I can't avoid interacting with it, like my laptop screen. Sometimes I use that discord I created and send myself a message about a thing I need to do. No one method works for me, so whichever method I remember in the moment is the one I use, a combination of the most effective parts.
For organizing a room, I apply this by making it make sense to me, creating a series of places I keep things. For example, my books are on my bookshelf, but that's also where I keep my wallet and my glasses and they have specific spots I put them. No one else would think to look for them there, but that's where I always set them down, so it became their place. My speaker is on top of my sticky notes. I have a hanging organizer in my closet so I can shove laundry in there that I would otherwise leave on the floor, things like jeans that aren't dirty enough to put in the hamper but don't feel clean enough to put back in the dresser. There's probably a better place for all those things, but that's where they are and it makes sense to me. it's effective, and that's the result I need. No one else needs to understand it but you. I do think it's also important to lower your expectations when it comes to your room. It takes so much more effort to clean your room and keep it nice than the rest of a house or apartment--you are fitting your entire life in there!! Adults have the entire place to spread out their belongings, able to dedicate rooms to different things, but you have the one to fit everything in. Of course it's gonna look messier.
School isn't the world. Now I don't know how helpful this would be because I don't particularly mind the lack of discussion on online classes, so this is more just what my life is like than me trying to cope with anything. I will be honest: I don't think there's anyone at my school that I care about. I don't consider a single person there my friend and my favorite people there are the teachers (I have excellent teachers). School doesn't have to be the entirety of your social world, though it can be a huge part especially as a student. If you want more interaction than what online school provides, there are people in other places to talk to. I personal turn a lot to online spaces, interacting with people on discord and tumblr and making acquaintances that way--and then I can also find people who are more like me and share more interests, which makes the bond stronger.
I'm aware that I may be a little alone on that one, as I know a lot of people value in person friendships more than I do. I feel more authentically me when in writing and online that's how people perceive me. They see my words and that's how they get to know me, and I like that. There are parts of me you don't see online that are genuine, like the cadence of my voice or how fast I talk when I get going about something I'm interested in or all the stimming I do, or the way I dress and the color I've dyed my hair. But that's something I'm personally okay with. I feel more articulate in written word, so I really value online friendships (not saying you don't, just sharing my experience)
I guess I'm saying this kind of goes back to the change as needed one. If you aren't interacting with people as much as you want, change something until you see improvement. interact with people online or in person outside of school if it isn't providing what you want. I don't know how helpful that is, but it's how I deal with not being friends with the vast majority of people I see in person.
Check in with yourself. This is getting long so this'll be the last one, I promise. Online school can be incredibly draining, but that's worsened when you're not taking care of yourself. Maybe today feels harder; did you forget anything? Do you need to drink water, grab a snack, talk to someone? Do you need to stretch, stim, get some fresh air? When's the last time you took a shower? Have you brushed your teeth today? Are you dressed for the weather? When's the last time you changed your clothes? Is your environment helping or hurting you? Do you need to clean? Have you done something you enjoy recently? Things like that. Taking care of all the little things builds up and can make it easier to get through the rest of the icky.
It may be something you need to be strategic about with how much energy you have. For example, cleaning my room and showering go together for me. I can't just do one. If I clean my room and haven't showered in a while then I feel dirty and uncomfortable, and if I shower but my room is a mess than I feel icky to be in it. So I have to remember that I can't plan for just one and both have to be done together, otherwise I won't be able to get anything else done effectively.
Check in with what it is you need, mentally and physically, so that you're kinder to your current a future self. You don't need to suffer.
I don't know if any of that is helpful, but I wasn't sure exactly what you might need so I tried to be more vague so it's more applicable to whatever it is you're experiencing. Online classes can really, truly suck, but they aren't forever. You'll get through them <33
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ttlmt · 3 years
Oh don't worry! I literally just sent that a day or two ago. Rn my skating isn't going too well, but that's purely because I don't have time, not because of the skating itself. It's the last week of the semester rn so hopefully starting saturday I'll be able to go back to skating most days of the week rather than a few times a month like it's been lately. I know you said you were interested in skateboarding at one point, tell me about that? Why you haven't done it yet, what made you interested, if you have plans to start, etc. Hope you have a good night, bee! 😘🌈
okay cool glad i wasnt too late. smh @ ur school they should make time for you to rollerskate its more important dslkajfhs hopefully soon tho!
as for me and skateboarding, its something i’ve wanted to do since i was a kid but my parents didnt let me for sexist reasons lmao. good news tho! a week or so ago my brother and his gf taught me the basics and i’ve gone out a couple times since using my brothers landyacht and i love it so much oml. i’m not good by any means, i can barely stand on the board when its moving, but i’m already improving a little. i mostly want to learn as a form of transportation tbh, also it gives me a certain gender euphoria haha. im hoping to keep going out a few times a week, its a lot more of a work out then i thought, but i’d like to be able to get the hang of it before i go to school in the fall so we’ll see 😊
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