#but isnt it wild that we will never have an answer unless they show up (and selfishly saying ruin the infinite)
nofuckingbody · 11 months
what I often think about is abandoned blogs .....you never know about the owner, there must be so many blogs who used to run is dead now, became a millionaire, or lost everything while gambling, or is living in the woods far from everyone theyve ever known, or is in jail. there's infinite possibilities of reasons why they aren't active anymore, that makes me go insane
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milfgritty · 6 years
“You might not like me, but you definitely want me.” With Matthew Tkachuk
this isnt even a blurb anymore lmao
You and the older Tkachuk have what one might call a love/hate relationship.
Except it’s all hate and no love. At all.
From day one he’s done nothing but get on your nerves and drive you crazy. And the worst part is that he does it on purpose and no one believes you. So not only are you forced to go to places where he’ll be, but unless you want to look like the bitch you also have to play nice.
Which he never hesitates to remind you of.
Somehow though, you’ve managed to avoid him so far.
Skirting around yet another drunk, you head to the back patio for some much needed air. Your friends all ‘lost’ you within the last twenty minutes, leaving you wandering aimlessly and unable to go home since they also convinced you to ride with them.
More often than not lately, you wondered why you were still friends with them.
Making it to the door, you slipped out and heaved a heavy sigh at the wave of cool air hitting you. Already relaxing, you moved forward to lean against the railing.
“Tough night, princess?”
Head snapping up from where it had drooped down, you spun around to face the insufferable prick himself.
“What the hell are you doing out here, Tkachuk?” you questioned, a sneer curling on your lips. If there was anytime you weren’t in the mood for his shit, it was right now.
He raised his beer bottle at you in a mock salute, that arrogant smile fixed in place, “Wasn’t aware you owned the patio, princess.”
“Stop calling me that,” you demanded, sick of all of the nicknames he deems appropriate. Catching his eyes drifting downwards, you hastily pulled your jacket over you exposing top that one of your friends said that you just had to wear.
“Fits you though, doesn’t it,” he smirked, eyes boring into yours.
Scoffing, you commented without thinking, “Just as much as angel fits you.”
“Come over here and let me show you just how much of an angel I can be.”
Nearly gagging at the blatant innuendo, you couldn’t restrain the acid dripping from your voice, “You’re fucking disgusting.”
What looked like a flash of hurt flickered over his face, but you wrote it off to the lack of lighting as the next second he was back to being his usual self.
“Hey, you might not like me, but you definitely want me,” he told you, raising his hands in a pseudo shrug.
Pausing, you shook your head in disbelief, “Is that what you seriously think, Tkachuk?”
You saw him open his mouth, but instead of giving him time to answer you steamrolled on. “From the minute you opened your mouth and told me that perverted pick up line, I’ve despised you. And you’ve done literally nothing that can be remotely considered redeeming, so no I don’t like you and I most certainly don’t ‘want you’.
Hell, I’d rather get with Johnny and he’s practically a child, but at least he isn’t a nasty asshole who doesn’t know when to quit.” You finished your rant, feeling just as surprised as he looked.
It was silent as you both processed the tangent you just went on until he spoke.
“Is that what you think of me?” he asked quietly, features that you once briefly considered attractive twisted up.
“Have you ever actually done anything that would make me think otherwise?” you shot back, though your tone was nowhere near as scathing as before.
He stopped, brows furrowing as he thought. “I wasn’t really… that bad, was I?”
Avoiding his eyes was answer enough, apparently.
“Fuck, I fucked up so bad,” he went on, dropping his head into his hands and tugging his wild hair. The statement took you by surprise, deciding to remain quiet in case he continued which he swiftly did.
“The only reason I acted like that was because Jessica told me that what you liked. Fuck, I saw you at so many parties but I was always too goddamn scared to say anything to you so I asked your friends. Even when you didn’t seem to be into me and I asked them, they said you liked playing hard to get. I never thought…”
He trailed off after that, looking so sincere and sorry that your heart dropped. The more you thought about it, the more plausible his story seemed. Ever since you started hanging out with your current friends, you could tell something was off in the way they treated you. You had just written it off as them being shitty friends since that’s how they acted with each other, but to go that far?
You were done with all of them.
“You’re serious? One hundred percent? Because I swear if I find out you’re lying to me, Tkachuk–”
He cut you off, shaking his head energetically, “I swear to god, Y/N. If I had known, I would have just left you be until I managed to work up the nerve on my own or some shit. Hell, I would’ve let Johnny wingman for me before that.”
The last part got a snort out of you. Tka–Matthew, his name was Matthew–looked taken aback by the noise. When you quieted self-consciously and your smile turned into a frown, he rushed to clarify.
“Shit, no, it’s just,” he stuttered out, running his hand through his curls as you thought you saw him blush a little, “I don’t think I’ve ever made you smile or laugh. I should’ve realized sooner.”
Drawing your lip in between your teeth, you thought for a split second before making up your mind.
“Yea, you should’ve,” you agreed, ignoring the way his face fell further and hurrying on, “But maybe we can start over.”
As soon as you finished, his face lit back up, this time with a hopeful expression that had another smile flitting across your face.
“Really?” he asked, like he couldn’t believe it.
Nodding, you made sure to warn him, “Just don’t fuck this one up, Tkachuk.” Stopping again, you added, “I hope for both our sakes this one goes better… Matthew.”
Looking at you like you just handed him the stars in the sky, you knew you made the right choice.
“Matty is good, too,” he told you on your way back in, smiling shyly at you and causing butterflies to flutter within you for the first time since before you met.
Things will be different this time. You could tell.
Send me things for sleepover saturday!
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 4
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Ok, so for those who don’t know I face cast Miracle Laurie as Hazel Stevens, Titus Drautos’ love interest (*cough* love of his life *cough*) and in the upper right hand corner is my face cast for Ada, @the-immortal-marshal ‘s OC, she gave me Ada’s particulars forever ago so now I’ve just finally face cast her. And we have TADA I finally found a face I liked for Charlotte Stevens. Hazel’s sister who is of African American and Chinese decent. And I am OBSESSED with Empresses in the Palace which is a six episode long mini series that USED to be on Netflix, you can find it on Amazon Prime video now. And there is a lot of symbolism from that show that I’ve taken and run wild with because in this fic Gilgamesh (who I have taken so many liberties with) is a Chinese drug lord who thinks of himself as an Emperor and calls Charlotte his Empress. And Cor is obsessed with taking him down (like he is in the canon-verse). 
Ok so you can read it here -> AO3 or below. Tumblr, be cool, keep it under a cut. 
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 4
“Ok, I stand corrected, this is my favorite house.” Selena announced as she came into the mansion in California wine country that was styled in a blend of Italianate, Spanish and Mediterranean. With it’s overall warm tones and clay tile roof. She fell head over heels in love with it.
“Knew it would be,” Ravus beamed.
“I want our house to be exactly like this.” Selena urged Ravus who chuckled.
“Yeah, I figured as much.” Ravus nodded in agreement, having figured that the moment they hit the road.
“Yeah, you can keep the house on the coast Luna, I love that location but I love and adore this house and the vineyards are just...spectacular. It’s so beautiful I think I’m gonna cry.” Selena teased herself as her eyes actually started to water which only got Ravus to pull her into his embrace and kiss the crown of her head.  
“Well Ravus did buy you that place up the coast so you’re only a stroll down the beach away.” Luna teased her.
“Yeah,” Selena sighed wistfully before she gave Ravus a quick peck on the lips before she had him really show her around.
“Holy shit!” Selena exclaimed when she saw the wine cellar.
“Yeah, this wine cellar alone is worth as much as the actual house I think.” Ravus speculated.
“It’s all dry isn’t it?” Selena asked in disappointment.
“Actually, no,” Ravus began as he hunted through the cellar. “Yes! This Darling, is ice wine. And it is exceptionally sweet.” Ravus said as he handed her a little mini bottle.
“Should we chill this first?” Selena asked as she looked it over.
“Yes, yes we should.” Ravus nodded as he used a special wine bottle carrier box to put in a half dozen bottles in, going through the rows picking out different ones before filling the box full and putting it down before getting another before he turned the corner and it was like it kept expanding, Ravus going through the bottles like anyone would go through a library to look at books.
“Does it ever end? I could get lost in here.” Selena teased as Ravus grinned but kept his eyes moving through all the labels.
“You could.” Ravus answered but only half teasing himself before his phone went off.
“Yeah?” Ravus answered.
“Where are you?” Luna asked.
“In the wine cellar?” Ravus answered.
“Where at in the wine cellar?” Luna asked.
“I’m at the Rieslings, just about to head into the Moscatos. I already handed Darling some ice wines.” Ravus answered.
“Ooh, could you get me my favorite please?” Luna requested.
“Sure, what does Jock Strap want?” Ravus asked.
“Oh he’s found the bar, he’s good.” Luna snorted a laugh.
“Well then get me my favorite.” Ravus insisted.
“Already gotten.” Luna reassured him.
“Thanks, when you guys figure out what to get for dinner call me back.” Ravus urged his sister.
“Yup.” Luna nodded.  
“That’s really kind of sad that the house is so big, you have to call each other on your phones to talk to each other.” Selena teased as she leaned up against a brick wall and gave him a giddy smile.
“Oh trust me, once we start our family, you’ll be happy it’s as big as it is, in fact I think you’ll love it down here because it’ll be the one part of the house where the kids won’t be allowed to play and you’ll have some nice ‘quiet mommy time’.” Ravus gently teased her with a look that had Selena wishing she could speed up time just to get to that and she just couldn’t help but pull him away from the wines to pull him flush with her to kiss him deeply.
“Can’t wait.” Selena purred when they broke for air and Ravus put the box down but only to allow him to pin her to the brick wall behind her before he picked her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he slipped her panties to the side since she was wearing a sundress as he unzipped his shorts and quickly entered her and moaned with her.
“I can, it’ll be worth the wait. I promise.” Ravus beamed at her.
“Aww,” Selena fawned.
Meanwhile Hazel and Titus were about to get ready to go to the store when Hazel checked her phone for the time before the screen went haywire for a moment as Titus’ phone did the same before both her phone and Titus’ phone turned themselves off and wouldn’t turn back on and Hazel inhaled sharply as her eyes went wide with terror because she knew what was going to happen next.
“Titus, you either need to get to the car right now or you need to get into my bathroom and don’t come out unless I come in and get you.” Hazel immediately ordered and Titus blinked in surprise when he saw how terrified she suddenly looked.
“What are you talking about?” Titus asked.
“No time to explain, here.” Hazel decided for him before she seemed to pull a gun out from under her breakfast bar and put it into his hand and shoved him into the bathroom.
“Sit right here, don’t move, don’t make a sound and shoot anyone but me who tries to come in.” Hazel ordered, keeping her voice whisper quiet but the hiss to her voice put him on edge before Hazel quickly locked the bathroom and quickly ran to her door and pulled out another hand gun and watched through the keyhole as Charlotte and two body guards came walking purposefully down the hallway, each body guard taking up an end to the hall to leave Charlotte to approach Hazel’s door alone before she knocked her special knock.
“Please tell me you’ve come to say goodbye.” Hazel told her sister in Mandarin when she opened the door for her sister, her gun visible at her side as Charlotte came strutting into Hazel’s apartment as Hazel shut the door behind her as she warily watched her sister.
“I came with a warning.” Charlotte began and Hazel’s stomach dropped. “You should go out to dinner tonight.” Charlotte suggested.
“Where and with who?” Hazel’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“It doesn’t matter where but I think you’ll know with who.” Charlotte grinned as she laid a manila envelope on the counter.
“What part of ‘I never want to be involved’ is hard to understand?” Hazel bit out.
“It’s Heaven’s wish, either serve the warning or you can try to Witchhazel.” Charlotte returned coolly and Hazel’s jaw clenched. “Your choice.” Charlotte shrugged before she stood in front of Hazel with a challenging smirk before hugging her sister before Hazel begrudgingly returned it.
“Why can’t you both go back to Hong Kong? At least you’d be safer there.” Hazel asked as she hugged her sister tighter, always feeling like she was seeing her sister for the last time when her sister came to her like this.
“Soon.” Charlotte answered and Hazel knew that was the closest to a straight answer she could ever get from Charlotte.
“Ok.” Hazel whispered.
“Now tell Titus hi for me and to keep his nose out of our business.” Charlotte offered in English as she let go of her sister and left, snapping her fingers once she was in the hallway before both henchmen were back at her side as she left the building as Hazel blew out a shaky breath as her cheeks burned as she put the gun back into it’s hiding spot and went over to the manila envelope and opened it to find a tiny flash drive and found 50 thousand dollars with it. Hazel just huffed and shook her head. She took the money out and when she did, she found ‘Warhorn Lion’ written on a piece of yellow paper that almost looked and felt like tissue paper but was in fact a recreation of the paper used by Chinese Emperors to write edicts and orders on- on the inside of the envelope in Mandarin calligraphy and Hazel just closed her eyes and fought not to cry.  
“Shit.” Hazel hissed as she got gloves on and took it out and folded it carefully, damning her hands for shaking. At least it wasn’t Titus’ name. She put the paper and the flash drive into a new envelope and into her purse before she put the money into her lock box and once she was done she took her gloves off and threw them away before she knocked on the door to the bathroom off her bedroom where she had put Titus.
“It’s safe now Baby.” Hazel called out softly as she unlocked the door and opened it to find Titus still sitting in the same spot she left him in.
“What the fuck is going on?” Titus demanded as he stood up and stared at her incredulously.
“If I answered that, I’d have to kill you myself.” Hazel answered defeated-ly as she took her gun back to put it away.
“What kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit is that?!” Titus spat angrily as he followed her and took note of where it had come from in the first place, having sat right there before and not having the smallest clue it had been there the whole time.
“The kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit that will get you killed, moreover it’s the kind of convoluted clandestine bullshit that puts car bombs under cars and straps C4 to someone’s chest and tells them to walk into hospitals and schools with the power to bring anyone to their knees before it lops off their heads, that kind. The kind that already knows your name, where you work, your routines, the truck you drive and where you are at all times. The kind that’s kept a tail on me since I went to college, the kind that has already buried the last nosy boyfriend. So do yourself a favor if you want to live and let it go and never, ever breathe a word of this ever again. This is your one warning. The next time you bring this up, that sniper on that roof right over there will shoot you and I’ll have to change the carpet again because blood doesn’t come out from white carpet well.” Hazel snarled as she pointed her finger into his chest, the tip digging into his flesh hard every time she said the word ‘you’ as tears flowed freely from her eyes as her expression was a pleading one as Titus just stared in shock at her as he finally really sensed what kind of predicament and danger she must be in and all he wanted to do was make her feel safe again, he didn’t care if he had to set the world on fire to do it either. He knew Hazel was smart, brilliant even and as badass as the day was long but if his Hazel was this scared, she would only have every justification to be so.
“Ok.” Titus answered softly as finally nodded as he brought her in and hugged her tight and kissed the crown of her head.
“Obviously you don’t have a choice in this. If this is the way it has to be then it’s the way it has to be.” Titus offered as Hazel just broke down crying and bawled into his chest and when she was done, she pulled herself back together and kissed him so deeply it started their own familiar chain of events and once satisfied, they left and went about their day, Titus doing his best to act like nothing was wrong and that nothing had happened out of the usual.
“Hey you wanna meet up with Cor and Ada for dinner?” Hazel asked innocently as they were putting their groceries away.
“Yeah sure.” Titus nodded and texted Cor.
“Where to?” Titus asked Hazel.
“I don’t care, whatever they want is fine.” Hazel waived off. “Actually I could go for some rice noodles though, maybe Chinese? Japanese? Vietnamese? Thai? Something like that.” Hazel waived off.  
“The Mandarin?” Titus suggested, knowing that was her favorite Chinese restaurant, it was a bit upscale but very authentic and the whole menu was in Mandarin and English and he loved the way Hazel could order for them in nothing but Mandarin and get things that weren’t even on the menu.
“Perfect.” Hazel beamed and once at the restaurant, Cor was exceptionally happy and even giddy because he had gotten a break in the Gilgamesh case that day and Hazel was grateful that she wasn’t sitting right next to him but feared for Ada, knowing that Ada was in grave danger but was powerless to say anything to her directly. Hazel excused herself from the table and took her server aside as she went to the bathroom and gave her a hundred dollar bill if she put the envelope into Cor’s bill. Hazel having taken the envelope out with a tissue and put it into a folded napkin to hand to the server who thought it was some kind of practical joke before the owner, who had been watching over them, took the envelope and looked inside before their eyes went wide for a moment and made a quick phone call before they nodded and got a red envelope and wrote something out with a calligraphy pen and comped not just Cor and Ada’s meal but Titus and Hazel’s too.
“Mr. Leonis, could you please come with me?” The owner asked Cor as he came and pointed to the bill as if the card had gotten declined.
“Oh, that shouldn’t of...” Cor said as he got up and got his wallet out as he followed the owner to the cash register.
“Oh no, your card wasn’t declined, no your meal was taken care of already but I didn’t want to disturb your party by handing you this.” The owner said as he handed Leonis a red cash envelope typically given to newly weds at their wedding.
“What does this say?” Cor asked as he pointed to the writing on the envelope.
“It says ‘compliments of Emperor Gilgamesh’.” The owner answered.
“Fuck.” Cor breathed. “Is he here? Like right now?” Cor asked the owner.
“Of course not. Even if he was, you could not do anything Marshal.” The owner pointed out with a smug grin.
“I could have you arrested for aiding and abetting.” Cor threatened.
“Perhaps you should look at the flash drive first before you make any foolish threats.” The owner suggested sagely as Cor narrowed his eyes and got the flash drive and put it into his phone before picture after picture of Ada and Ada and himself came up on the screen before a new message came into his phone with a picture of himself, Ada and Titus in the cross-hairs from a scope while they were still there at the restaurant and Cor looked up and searched the room, trying to find the threats and the vantage points these pictures were taken from.
“It really would be quite rude to answer generosity with disrespect. Perhaps you should go home now.” The owner suggested. “And please do not think that my restaurant is unique in that his Majesty has reign here. There is no where any of you could ever go that he would not come for you.” The owner warned. “And if I may let you in on a secret. His Majesty is being lenient with you and has written your name in black. This is your warning that you have come too close. If you come any closer, he will write your name in white. White is the color of death in our culture. And it will be as if he would have written your death warrant.” The owner added and Cor gulped.
“Understood.” Cor nodded before he went back to the table and tried to casually get them all out of there as the owner came and thanked them for coming and invited them back as he handed Hazel a to go container of her favorite dumplings- raw so she could steam them herself when she got home and once back in Titus’ truck Hazel found a thick black card with what Gilgamesh liked to referred to her as written in gold ink along with a quick message of thanks.
“What does that say?” Titus asked as he noticed it.
“It says ‘thank you’ and my name.” Hazel answered honestly.
“I’ve never gotten a thank you for getting takeout from here.” Titus frowned.
“Well you’re not on first name basis and friends with the family.” Hazel tried to reason with a lop sided grin as Titus nodded in understanding.
“So that’s why our meal was free?” Titus asked.
“Yup.” Hazel nodded.
“So...I’m thinking we should take up a new hobby together.” Titus began.
“Which is?” Hazel asked curiously.
“Shooting. I’m already into hunting, I need to be a better shooter though.” Titus realized as he squeezed her hand a little tighter and gave her a gentle yet reassuring look and watched as Hazel’s grin grew into a full blown smile.
“That would be...amazing.” Hazel praised as she squeezed his hand back tightly and just fell in love with him a little more. Because usually right about now any guy would be running for the hills but instead, Titus was making plans to stay and try to help her.
“Wanna stay at my house tonight?” Titus asked.
“Hell yeah.” Hazel nodded as Titus then turned to head to his house since Hazel already had enough of her things to stay there for a few months straight already.
Once back at his house, Titus put her dumplings in the fridge before he turned to face her, wanting to tell her a thousand different things all at once as he had thought about her predicament all day.
“So, if I wanted my house as secure and defend-able as possible, how would I go about that?” Titus asked her before she grabbed the shopping list pad off of his fridge and a pen and handed them to him.
“Take notes.” Hazel grinned as Titus returned her grin and took them before Hazel began to go through the whole house and tell him exactly how to accomplish that and insisted that she pay for it all because it would be getting quite costly but it was investment in Titus’ well being and would help her sleep easier at night.
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fireflyof-hope · 5 years
Loving the Dangerously Broken (March 2020)
DEAR MARK- I really hope the best for you, and in your life. I hope you dont end up in prison, at eastern, or dead. I hope you can get the help you need, to rewire the parts of you that are so jagged and broken, that as a survival coping mechanism to deal with such pain, your soul openly hugged insanity for any escape from your turmoil. It's not your fault, that all you know now is survival and pain. Not your fault, that you lack the ability to trust anyone, including people willing to get hurt for you, or with you if it meant lessening the weight of your pain even a tiny bit. We are products of our environments. You are living proof of how cruel this world is, and what can become of us who lose everything to live for. You are living proof that some people can live through immense pain, without having no purpose to reason to continue. You are living proof that sometimes survival wins, and even without anything to live for, you havent taken your own life. I hope one day your heart, mind, soul, spirit can find true peace. I hope humbleness and peace overcome your paranoia when you put your heart into being the best you that you can be, when you open your eyes enough to realize, that you can only save yourself, and have the power to create the outcome of your life. I dont want to see you, nor do I care for much for having contact, but the impact you had on my life, I'll never forget. You've managed to become the inner voice that lives inside me, that makes me question my own choices, and if they are logically safe for me. Your voice of reason and protection echos inside me now. I'll always love you, but love wasn't enough for us. Our damages were just far to great, neither of us being healed enough to not have anything but toxic intimate relationships. It greatly saddens me, that this whole time we've known each other, you always thought that I was trying to get you in trouble be it with cops, friends, family, exs or whoever. You always thought I was faking tears, or intentionally acting like a victim, as an attempt to make you look like a POS. Fact is, I couldnt fake tears if my life was dependeing on it. I wish now, that I never cried and allowed myself to be so broken and vulnerable around you, because you could only ever get it twisted and think badly of me when I let myself feel pain around you. You always thought more was going on than what you could see or hear, than what was even possible at times. I will forever be haunted by your suspicious comments towards me, like "What's really going on Joelle?". I felt so bad, helpless, and sometimes horrible that I didnt understand you being suspicious of me, even felt worse that I had nothing to say to you in respond, because there honestly was nothing shady or sneaky ever going on at my house, despite what you convienced yourself of and what you were set on determined to beileve. Any efforts to show you nothing was ever going on, failed because your ego was to prideful to let itself be faced with anything that gave you any room to have to question your sanity. You always over analyzed everything, and determined that you were being set up somehow, someway, by someone or something. You always thought various people were hiding from you, everywhere you went, now just my place. You somehow put it together in your head, that you'd be worth the effort, time, and the actual self neglect by not eating or using bathroom it would require from any person who had any willingness, or time to waste of thier own life, to even hide from you, while remain in the same building. I dont know a single person, who would be so absurd to take the time from their own life, their own comforts in order to stalk, or hide from you. Honestly, and logically, I believe that even your enemies wouldnt go out of thier way to waste time out of their life on such extreme levels to hide in your mom's basement, Lorenda's basement, or in a nasty attic where someone had killed themselve all for the sake of hiding from a crazy paranoid guy who constantly yelled at bickered at any noise around. Not even for shits a d giggles would a person want to hide from you. Sure you might have fucked up in life, done people dirty, or seriously hurt people, but even at that, no one would ever make personal vengeance against you what they live for. Despite what you think, I will confidently, lovingly and bluntly tell you as a matter of fact, that it is no ones life mission to destroy you or fuck with you. Wish you could see it, that you really arent that special of a person. Your paranoid thinking about people being sneaky and hiding from you was just so absurd, and even impossible when you actually try to use reason with how you thought these things. People all have thier own lifes to worry about, and I promises no one wants to take any time away from the real important things in their life all for the sake of keeping a paranoid tweaker on edge. It's not funny, not amusing to watch you distrust everyone and everything around you, even the people who have opened thier heart, and home to you. It's not a joke. You are not a joke when you get this way. It's actually very hurtful, pitiful, sad, and frustrating when you refuse to combat your paranoia with logical reason. Your so smart, I know you can combat your paranoia with your own logic and reason, if you would only try. For your own sake, I dont get why you havent even tried, other than maybe its your prideful ego, maybe the importance of being right on your first impuslive thought of what you assume is going on, just sadly means far to much to you, or maybe Kevin is right, and the even sadder possibly for why you dont try using logic or reason when you think someone is hiding from you, is that your paranoia isnt even real, that its all just a fat act you put on, because you want or like special attention from people having to question you, even if they begin to fear and hurt for your sanity. I just couldnt ever understand how nearly ever single time you let your paranoid thinking overpower your intelligence. Seriously how you be so paranoid that your intelligence vanishes in those moments, so unless either the paranoia was really a fake act, or you faked being intelligent, to hide and cover up how much of an idiot you are. I've tried hard to understand your paranoia, to understand all of you and what makes you tick as you do, I wanted so badly to help you. I have no answers, I have only theories that scare me about you faking paranoia and/or insanity, or you lying about your own intelligence. I've realized that there is just impossible for the genius that you have claimed to be, to not be able to rationalize and reason with your own paraniod behaviors and/or thoughts. Do you listen to much to your fearful and wild imagination when paranoia causes panic to settle in? Did you just imagine people sneaking around hiding from you and plotting against you? When and why do you let your imagination cross over into externally reality? Is there a trigger? Do your memories, or inner pain associated with the person who you think is hiding from you trigger painful flashbacks with the person that your mind chooses to beileve is hiding from you? At what moment within your frantic racing thoughts, do you stop being able to separate and reason what your truama and imagination have you thinking is happening, vs what is our shared external reality, aka what is really happening, where you can prove or disprove your paranoia if you allowed yourself. You always hold back, on fact checking yourself in reality. It's not hard to disprove your paranoid thoughts, if you would only try more. That's part of the issue, everytime you've been on a wild goose chase in my house, your paranoia was always 100% been wrong and disproven. I think sometimes that being right is most important to you, maybe you'd rather not even clarify for your own peace of mind, because you don't want to risk the proof or embarrassment that your mind is anything but perfect. Maybe your pride is just delicate, and you'd rather not know, than to know for sure, and admit to yourself that it's your overactive mind having an episode that's now took control of you of your reasoning skills, making you seem like a arrogant lunatic, jackass and a fool to yourself and anyone around. I'm still learning to not take it so harshly, and so personally hurtful that it can be so easy for you to beileve that the very same person who opened thier home to you, risked all they have by even associating with knowing you, who forgives you constantly, who writes to you if you go to jail, who isnt even bothered by the fact you might not be sane or even safe, and even considers you to be one with them, as if you are part of the house family, the person who got nothing but endless ride or die love for you and only seeks to nurture and sooth your paranoia in hopes it can vanish, the person that you feel safe enough to fall asleep with, the person who would stay the night in Newport in their car for you and fight the systems bullshit by your side, the same person who discards people who try to force them to cut you off, the same person who ignores the darker parts of you, the same person that wants to count on you so badly, the same person who bite off the head of any person to dare speak of you like your a monster, the same person who tries so hard with nothing but love and healing intentions to get through to your thick skull, the same person who your existence in thier life allowed your impact to be so great, the same person who broke and ditched the heart of their mexican high school sweetheart all for you, the same person who is a bit damaged and broken by life just like you, the same person who unsuccessfully tries very hard to give up on you but just can't, the same person who has a worn out heart because all the effort and energy they put into ressuraning and loving you even when it was only ever a losing battle, the same person who's effort and loyalty towards you remained unshakable, the same person who wants to hate themselve for how much they love you, the same person who recklessly gave a felon/criminal their priceless heart to only to end up feeling unappreciated and depleted entirelly, the same person who fears and hurts when your suffering, the person who wants the best for you in life whether it's with or without them in it, the same person who wants you to realize such things about yourself so you can decide how and who you want to be and gain control of your mind back, the very same person that you seemed to push away of the love of, and punish with painfully doubting everything they stood for in loving you, the same person who cherished the time they had with you in the moments that matter rather than paying any mind to your outrageous wild goose chases, the same person who would use their own body as a shield over your body when fear of being shot dead paralyzed you, the same person who continues to die and bleed out while determined to climb over your thick painful spikey wall, the same person that loves you so much that they found enough value in themselve to not have meaningless sex, the same person who has undying painful hope in you when you havent even given them a reason to continue hope, the same person who only ever wanted you to feel and accept such crazy love they have for you, the same person who gets to feel more pain than love come from you but choses to love you regardless, because they are selfsacrficing, and dont love you for their benefit, but chose to love you, for yours, the same person for forgave you at your very worse towards them, the same person who deserves so much better treatment and yet wants no one else, the same open who has nothing to hide, is a complete open book, and operates on being a healer, the same person who actually got ran over and nearly died because they couldnt help but have such adoration and fondness over you... this person, is all actually the very same person that youd rather believe is lying about no one being in the attic or whatever sneakness you think is happening, the same person that you'd rather beileve has something to hide, the same person you'd rather distrust and doubt, the same person you beileve wants you beat up or in prison, the same person you'd rather beileve cant own up to thier bullshit, that you'd rather beileve is sneaky around doing sexual acts, the same person's who house you do but dont feel safe at, the same person you enjoy calling names and lashing out at, the same person you think you read the emotion of, the same person who can be crying to themselves for thier own reasons who you heartlessly and suddenly accuse of laughing at you, the same person you think is fun to make angry, the same person that you trash the room of and show no value or respectful for, same person that you beileve is lying about noises, the same person that you think behind it all on some freak show of a malicious plot, it's the same person you think always has another agenda in mind, it's the same person who gets dragged through mud by ignoring themselve inwardly and by staying so focused on only just helping lessen your pain, paranoia, and doubts, the same person who's unconditionally loved you without expectations, same person who cant stop loving you who only hope that one day the love they have for you can reach deeper than any pain you've felt and all accusation, doubts can disappear into nothingness. The same person who's heart is broken, who's entire world shakes when facing the reality that the doubts never ended and that there was never any trust no matter what everything they tried to do right by you, the same person who feels utterly ripped into pieces by your disbelief and doubts, the same person that found love for themselve through all the pain they felt that came with loving a broken forbidden impossible person. It really breaks my heart, that this person I've described willing to endure so much, give so much, and end up so much more broken inside all for you, is in fact ME. I was just to eager to give love to someone, who had maybe never known real love, and that's on me. I should have ran when I had the chance, like anyone in thier right mind would do. I'm talking about details of your paranoia so much, because that's how our first fight started, and I beileve is the core issue in a lot of our fights. You'd rather beileve that after all I've done for you, and would do for you, that me the person who wants you to feel love greater than pain, wants you to feel the safest and be able to have internal peace and self love so that you can heal, and overcome your pain and paranoia. I want so desperately to make a difference and be the loving healer that people like you have searched for all thier life. I really do live to bring light, and hope to others, for you to even think that I could possibly have the ability to set you up, lie to you, ruin your life or do you wrong in anyway, straight crushes my soul. This whole time you've known me, you haven't really known my heart, your accusations, doubts, distrust, disbelief that I ever want to intentionally go against you, is proof of just how much of a stranger you've stayed to my heart. It hurts very badly. God only knows if you actually really do care for me, if you will ever actually read this I dont even know. You'd rather believe that I'm lying to you about people, my house, my attic over the idea of having to admit to yourself, that maybe you are losing it a bit. It's easier for you to beileve that the person who will probably intimately love you more deeply in your life than any other person is capable of is untruth, is intent on destroying what's even left on you. I dont know what to do anymore, sit with my pain and grieve it maybe, again it turns I'm that I'm just throwawayable chopped liver in the life of who Ive dearly love, with more fierce love to give that I didnt even know I had. I feel my efforts, energy, words, heart, loyalty, tears, my forgiveness, honesty, patience, pain, heartbrake is just all worthless to you. Why did you trick my heart, when you never trusted it and never even wanted it? All the pain and doubts that I've endure from you the entire time I've known you, it's all been for you, the dangerously broken one, who had managed to help me feel alive again without even meaning to. I feel like I've wasted my time and my love, on someone who couldnt even see me standing there trying to help you to carry your pain, despite any potential risk to myself. I tried to kill the monster within you with the purest love that I'm capable of, and yet that same monster it seems, would rather kill the light within me, than let down its guard and wholeheartedly believe that someone be capable of loving it and embracing it as if it were my own. Your monster is a reflection of your soul's deepest pain, and it doesnt scare me. I've never considered you to be a joke or a fool with your paranoia. I know that you arent a joke, and my heart doesnt operate of thinking it's funny to see such loved ones hurting. It pisses the fuck off you think I'm some sick person who is capable of laughing at your misery. Ive loved you with the purest love and intentions I've had to give, and it wasn't even good enough. In you thinking your pain, brings me laughter to any degrees has again shown more proof that you've actually stayed a stranger to my heart. I've never been called a liar or accused of being a sick fuck that enjoys when people hurt in ALL of my entire life until you. You really dont think healers, who selflessly try to better the world and give impossible broken people like you hope actually exist dont you? Your a stranger to my heart, because you dont even believe what drives my heart to continue to beat even through my own brokenness. Why did you asked if I was an angel all those times, when you wouldnt beileve me anyway? Im someone with such a powerful heart and the rare gift of such intense love to give that has the power to move mountains. And here I am moving mountains for someone who doesnt even see me, stretching myself out so thin, with just barely enough hope that it will all me something to you. I really hope that you didnt just act out your paranoia this entire time for your own amusement. I hope I fell for a real person, and not some gaint act. I'm the joke and the fool for possibly loving a felon and a person who might live thier life acting. I will straight say with nothing but love for you, that your paranoid thoughts have always been 110% WRONG. I know you couldnt help it, you just knew survival so well, and the things that you've already been through. Never have I tried to get you in trouble purposely. Never had even been a throught or objective of mine. I DONT live my life with the agenda of destroying broken souls. Broken soul and me find each other naturally, yes, but I just try to shine light on reasons to get back up again when their darkest is drowning them, when pain is to intense to see any good in life, I can only try to show them any reason, light, hope to not give up on themselves. I dont live my live trying to ruin people that I love. I just dont, that is my word, mind, heart, soul and my bond. That is what makes me, me. The whole reason I ever took my chances with you as a roommate even though, I knew you were a wrecking ball, because i saw behind those sad eyes, behind the hustling, behind the needles, behind the drug use, behind the distrust and paranoia of the world, were such loud soul wrecking- ear piercing cries for help, cries for love, even though you already knew that you didnt know how to accept what you really longed for most, unconditional love. Someone who would get you, understand all of you, and still love you through all the pain, anger, bad, grief, passion, love, darkness, selfishness, selflessness, stubbornness, abusiveness towards yourself & others. I live trying to build broken people up by bringing out their rawness and showing them, even at their worse, they deserve to feel loved to. I live my life trying to bring people light and hope, because I'm lost and broken myself and in helping people, i find reason not to kill myself. I loved to feel needed, love to nurture, love to pant seeds of hope in the shattered hopeless souls and hearts. I love to feel like I'm making a real difference for anyone in life, even if I only made a difference for but a moment in another's life. I dont know if i actually make a difference to you, and that's okay. In my heart I've succeeded in how I had shown you, that even your darkest, your most feared demons deserve to be loved, unconditionally. If only you had felt loved all your life, those demons wouldnt have such power within you, if only the world didnt rob you of being a father, how much different of a person you would be. Love is foolish, and I love all of you, just as you are. I've always been me, Mark. The girl who tries to bring people back to life, because I painfully understand all to well what that inner void feels like of having lost all that I was living for. No lies. No bullshit. No acting. I PROMISE you that no one has ever hid from you in my attic, accept for me myself when I needed space. You always wanted me to and demanded of me to "own up to my bullshit" in your hurtful accusatory ways, well fine. Here we go. I'll proudly own up to it, and who I've become now. I own up to how I allowed myself to fall in love with the most too far gone, most broken, most dangerous, most worthwhile, most doubtful, most hurtful, most strongest at surviving, most saddest, most childlike, and yet the most wise wild and goofy person, that I've ever known in my life, and although there is continually great heavy pain, I will never regret having known you, and you cant make me. I will love you, with or without contact. My spirit stays with you. You can run, you can hide, but my love for you is carried inside. The person who had been my greatest life mentor and teacher in my life, as been unregrettably, non the less, you Mark Conner. Maybe it wasn't me who was suppose to make a difference in your life, maybe it was you who purpose was to completely shake and rock my entire heart and world.... and my goodness, you fucking did! I now have new strength, self love, and survival instincts within myself, that I didnt know even existed. I'd rather have an empty bed, and no cuddles than to be with less that I deserve, than to tolerant bullshit treatment from myself, or anyone else. I feel okay being alone now. Actually okay in my own skin now. Holy shit the chick who tried to pay $200 to kevin just for cuddles, the chick who brought $100 stuffed animal to cuddle, the chick who had reckless sex and let people use her with just mere hope that someone could really love me, need me, just a little bit. Im the very co dependent chick, who never couldnt picture herself single, never picture myself alive without no man at my side, and with no kids at my side to pour my precious love into. Im the burdensome chick who was always desperate for closeness, would settled for anyone who would give it. Your own darkness and pain brought to light for me, my own inner power, and as it turns out, I'm dont being prey that men/predators thirst for and seek out to just use and discard. Done playing the mental games of others who I was just trying to show them the way out of consuming darkenss. I know now, my thoughts and my reactions to my thoughts and feelings, are what allow me to be the creator of the outcomes in my life. Even if you really truly are a hopeless tweaker, a monster, or some unsolved mysterious wonder Mark, I refuse to accept that there is no hope for you, even if you've made a mess out of my heart by turning me to chopped liver by trusting paranoia over love. I refuse to beileve you cant do better for yourself. I refuse to think your future will be in prison or eastern. I gave up on us as a couple, at least for now, but I havent, and will not give up on you as a person. Your heart feeling sincerely loved, is worth all the pain I've endured, that I'd go through repeatly for you if I had to. All I can do is still have hope for you, for YOUR sake, because you deserve to not live in such torment, to never be able to feel safe, to never feel trust, to always think that something, or someone, somewhere is plotting against you no matter where your at or who your around. I've fallen for and have embraced and chosen to love the toxic impossible parts of you, even if I do discarded, or dont feel loved in return. I dont love you without expectations for my benefit, I love you for your benefit. You would not be you, without your imperfections, and I love every bit of you so much, that I cant be around to watch you destroy/hurt yourself, and/or your loved ones unintentionally. I know when you hurt others and are aware of it, the painful guilt you have to live with inside, for surviving the ways the you knew how, is your greatest enemy. You are you own enemy. You hold yourself to the highest standards. You can't forgive yourself either, that grudge you hold against yourself is so power, that you cant see it when others have already forgiven you and have attempted to move forward with you in the present moment. Your own survival game is real. Your intense af, and your brokeness, your intense emotions, your pain, your will to survive, is how I was able to feel alive again, instead of just floating around like some darkness engulfed broken depressed empty lifeless thing that only desired for death. That isnt me anymore, thanks to knowing you, and mostly thanks to me for seeing myself through my own loving eyes and ways. One day I hope Mark that your PTSD gets treated, and that you can learn how to just live and cruise through life enjoy all life has to offer instead of fear it. One day I hope you can feel safe in your own skin, with the people who love you. Home is where the heart is, but your heart is in so much pain, that your in denial of even having a safe loving home. Your insecurity and vindictiveness got you to cut my vibrator cord at some point, and has your goodbye to me, you poured gatorade on my jeep seat like a child having a tantrum as if I had done something to even deserve that episode from you in my jeep, joke is on me for loving the impossible. I went from being all eager to feel valued and worthy by a good steady stable man, to developing actual self value. Im awake now, and there is no going back. No one can take that away self value from me, and it cant abandon me. Your solo ways, have taught me much needed tools to get through life when it storms. I dont care about our feelings towards each other, I just care that you one day can see and feel your own inner power to. I'd often wonder if there was a God, how dare you have been made to suffer all your life, but your right when you told Trina when we were both in Springdale, that "God wouldnt ever give us more than we could handle." Your darkness, your incredible survival rate, the deep footprints (or should I say BMX tire tracks) that you leave behind you, that you left on my heart, are very loud, and impossible to be overlooked by someone with a very rare and real heart like mine. The broken who cant escape darkness because they chose to run back into the fire (pits of hell) trying to save people from bone chilling pain, because we understood it, and have endured it ourself with no real escape. Empaths, healers, people who can see the good in you, know what I'm talking about. You showed survival be possible with nothing to live for, and you lead the way, for probably not just me, but others who have lost their way and own sense of hope or belonging. If you couldnt see no way, you created a way, and I'll cherish witnessing how you could start from nothing, and how you just kept going, no matter the curveballs. You didnt surrender your life to this hell, even when you've felt dead and hopeless inside, even when the flames gave you third degree burns. Your living prove at how possible life is, even when you have nothing, but yourself. "Coming in hot!!" You'd say. Damn right you are hot, you came into my life on fire from both hell and holy flames. You can light a fire within anyone, who can see into and feel your very wounded, yet shattered warrior soul, or at least, you did for me. I hope that counts as something towards you finding self love. I want you to see your value, through my eyes, my heart, my soul. I want you to feel it in the core of your being and never doubt that you are so very loved, never doubt that you make a difference in someone's life, to love yourself enough to be able to stop thinking that your just a failure, to stop thinking that your loved ones think or fear that your just some psycho monster. You ignited my healing firefly flames again, which were well burnt out after my divorce, Trench suicide, Ordai's betrayal, and my children having to live in a different place than me. I'm a firefly Mark, I was given that nickname for a very real reason, when times are dark, I still have light flickering, even if the darkest of places, it's my gift to still have light and life within me to share when others have died inside. I'm glad we touched each others lifes. I had no beacon of hope, until you, I was always the person, everyone themselves turned to for help... it was finally my turn to get the help, get the inner healing, that I didnt realize I ever needed, through knowing and having such love developed for you inspite the pain. You unintentionally lead the way, and even paved it for me. Us going through our own individual inner hells, and how you left me alone at the many times when you knew I could handle it. You didnt piggyback me through hardships, instead coldly, and harshly, you demanded I got up and fought my will to die away, you didnt jump in and saved me from my self hating bullshit, you did more more for me. By watching you torment yourself mentally, you brutally and painfully taught me the strength it takes and how to have power over my own darkness that tries to control my life. You showed me, and unknownly taught me how to save myself. For that, I will always be thankful. Mentally a lot of what we both went through together was just flat abusive, but through the sick mental illnesses we both suffered, and the shit that we dragged each other through, I've trained myself very well in adapting whatever life throws at me. Stress doesnt break me anymore. Rarely does anything scare me anymore, I'm scared of loved ones dying, scared of unintentionally hurting people I love, but that is about it for my fears. I want you to face it, like a man should, that whether you believe yourself to be a prison/drug/felony flats-made monster, You just might of did something good, and wonderful, and life/heart/soul changing for someone you love in your life. I want you to own it that you arent all bad, that through your existence, I picked up on self love, self value, and survival tactics. I also didnt know had it in me to love such scary, damaged, spung out of their mind, hurtful yet loving in balanced ways, unpredictable, unstable, controlling, broken, addicted, pos, dangerous and yet safe, insane, older gentlemen with southern/Christian ethics, and just all around love a person who could actually survive so much pain. I'm your biggest fan and cheerleader. Ordai a long time ago when he first left Feb 2019, Nick told him that my buddy would go after him with a gun. I'm sure or at least hope that Ordai knows kevin now, and can see how ridiculous it was back than to be in fear of Kevin coming after him with a gun, but Nick had created those fears in Ordai, in hopes ordai wouldnt come around me ever again. But as it turns out no was ever gun needed, I was given something far more special in meeting and falling in love with you. Thank the universe, the trees, Kevin, drugs, ex roommates, Ordai for first leaving me, or even thank God for me knowing you, because I now wield a secret invisible gun at my side, thats well cared for, well polished, and locked away when it's not needed. This gun that I call self love and survival, is the only weapon I need, and it was you that taught me how to aim with it. I'm unbreakable now. Thank you Mark, if you get nothing out of this message, than please just try to be good to yourself, gentle on yourself, because you do create inner miracles within at least with me. You will never be a lost cause, no matter how much you try, it's to late for you to not have worth to me. Your impact on my life, is part of who I am now. I didnt even figure that in loving a man so much who is so rough and jagged around the edges, a felon, a broken surving badass who lost so much in life, that I'd end up becoming a badass myself. May warmth, and love, not doubt or paranoia follow you, and be with you everywhere. THE AFTERMATH & PROCESSING OF MY THOUGHTS Now I'm realize, my upbringing.... it wasn't my fault, I didnt ask for it, I didnt do anything wrong to deserve it, that my parents neglectfulness wasn't because they didnt love me and my brother. But it was only because they both had a very deep lack of love for themselves, and learned to cope through making pain with emotion numbing substancesain order to survive. I cant even be mad at my parents as an adult for kt. They didnt mean it. Nor could they even ever comprehend the long-term outcome it would have on thier full grown children unable to stop questioning love, and at a painful war with having to decide to chose whether or not to hate themselve, or to love themselve. I realized we each have our own power within us, and I will be a model of self love now, no more self destructive bullshit. My children will know love. They will feel so overall loved and overwhelmed with love, that they wont have to experience questioning the love either of their parents have for them. My children deserve to have a mother who loves herself and can thrive and be happy, with or without a partner. I'm worth the entire world to my kids whether I'm with them or not, and that wont go unnoticed by me again. Loving myself shouldnt be to difficult, now that I chose to open my eyes, and see my priceless value. I'm actually not the garbage that I treated myself to be. I let the actions, or lack of actions of others hurt me a good bit, but I know that I'm not chopped liver. I have so much to give to myself, and those who have endlessly loved me when I couldnt love myself. I have so much to live for. My existance can and might one day be just one living proof of an example for other shattered by life, broken and self hating souls. Through how I love and live, maybe people can start to uncover their own inner voice, worth, and love. Its amazing at how much power and control we have in our lifes, to share with all we cross paths with, if we chose to take back our life and become our own pilots. Its magically to become the love that I've needed my entire life, instead of putting it in the hands of others, instead of burying the ability to love myself because I blamed myself for my life, instead of substance abuse, instead of lashing out and hurting others we love out of never knowing how to accept being loved. I think I might have figured out a major life hack, and the short cut to inner healing through our own childhood and past relationships.This shortcut to happiness might be real? What we think, we create and become, we are the masters of ourselves. The answers to how to be alone, and not dependent on another's value and love for us, can only be found within our own self. Not another person, not substances, not money, not travel, not sex, not working, and not escaping from reality with friends, tv, videos games or school are part of it. Gotta be okay with facing yourself, head on without distractions. I've tried so hard, and for such a long time to hope for a sincere strong willed, adventurous, steady, and stable, man, who just incapable of abandonment, abuse, or giving up without any effort. I wanted my fairytale to be real, wanted a man to come along and magically love me unconditionally in the ways my broken self had always freely given, but had gone without. Ive learned that no perfect match for me exists. The joke was on me, but the fact is, I acccidentally fell in love with the least likely type of person that I would ever let in or trust in my life and heart. I blindy fell for someone and I knew it was the most toxic relationship that I would ever experience, yet my idiotic heart didnt care. I learned that happy ever after is a overrated unreal concept. Through this on and off crazy yoyo relationship I had over the period of a year with Mark, I started to give up entirelly on the idea of my heart being unconditionally loved and accepted without expections. I seemed to feel accepted just for being me with all my intenseness, my wildness, my BPD, my selfless ride or die love, and my total inner indecisiveness about whether I'm monogamous, polyamorous, open to kinks, or if I had just enjoyed bring healing energy to others through intimacy. All I knew was that just once, I didnt want to feel like loving all of me would be such an inconvenience for someone, just once I wanted to experience feeling that I was more than enough, instead of less than what was hoped for. I dont know if the cupid in my life just is a wingnuts or what happened, because I fell in love with the complete opposite of what I'd ever search for within a potential partner. I fell for the most broken, dangerous, controlling, closed minded, arrogant, possessive, needy, lost, abusive and damaged soul that I had ever come to know. The hardest part about loving this person, was how full of expections he was for me, and how he didnt agree with how the healer within me freely gave endless love to broken souls like ourselves. He couldnt love the core healer that I truly was inside, that even make me, me. The only reason I even could befriend this guy in the beginning, was because the way my healing empathic heart could hear and even feel the pain his heart would sing. It seemed he was only out to try change and shape my heart. It seemed that his greed wanted to kill the healer inside of me, instead of love me for the healer that I was.... This experience taught me so much. I wasn't willing to bend to his demands and expections, I wanted to be free to be true to myself. Many times I'd be feeling so down on myself about his treatment towards me, I'd isolate myself to my room out of fear of upsetting him if I was to try to hang out with my roommates. I allowed him to put distance between me and others, and even allowed his presents in my life and home chase people away from me. At times I didnt even feel like my life was my own, I just did what was I told, just did what I knew was allowed, just barely even allowed myself to move, use my phone at all, or cook or use the bathroom, or even breath in the wrong way with him around me, because that was the only way to stop the painful demeaning nonstop doubts and accusations. I automatically started obeying all his passive aggressive signals, in order to keep any sense of peace in my life. I felt trapt as my life became constantly just tipy toeying on eggshells, receiving lots of concerned looks from friends and very bad inner anxiety in the mist of trying to keep the most impossible, dangerously broken man happy at the cost of allowing myself to get robbed of everything I was.... I stopped feeling like this man loved or cared for me at all, because while I was being a stranger to myself, he was a stranger to my heart. My feelings and emotions when mentioned went entirely ignored, or back fired on me and gave him reasons to guilt me into feeling worthless by just trying to be me. Only he mattered, his greed, no one and nothing else. My voice, values, beliefs werent ever even heard in his mind. He just demanded that he be the Alfa while telling me hurtful things to crush my spirit. I couldnt use my phone, playing video games, do art, or listen to my own music without his attitude changing on me, he was okay with my entire life stopping, if it meant that my focus was on him and nowhere else be it person, animal, nature, errand, or hobby. I wanted this man to feel loved so badly, wanted him to trust me, to stop doubting me, so I willingly self sacrificed, overlooking myself, my own free will, because I had desperately hoped it would all be for something, hoped with time that he would loosen up, that he would open his eyes and realize just how much he was suffocating the life out of me. He didnt, it didnt get better, when I expressed how at times everyone needs breaks from each other, his grip on me would get even tighter. At times it got to the point in our fights to where I'd just have to take off, away from him, to where I'd find myself hiding from him in my own house silently letting tears fall, because only in that very moment of hiding, could I even seriously fully take deep breaths again. It's threw going through this time with him, that I gained a backbone with how I would let him treat me. The break I got from him felt so good, that I learned to pamper myself in the little moments I had to myself. I began to learn self love through this scary possessive abusivness. I learned that I could never do right by him, and that he would always need someone to control of entire day of in his life. After learning that from someone who also loves him and been in my shoes, naturally my heart and adoration started to repell and withdraw from him. It was about time that i embraced some of the love that I freely gave away and would throw into the darkness hoping it would touch the life of someone who'd value and cherish it. It's about time that I allowed my own damaged heart, to grieve, heal, and feel the absolute love that I carried within myself. It was a lucky miracle that became and gave to myself what I couldnt find in a man. I literally embodied and became love, as a result of feeling of the lack of safe comforting love, and no one can take it from me. That is such power. My life is my life. I'm responsible for myself, not the entire world. I must be good to myself first, so others can witness and feel the best of my healing heart and soul, so it wont be hard for others to just naturally feel they are valued and loved by me, instead of having to only witness and share in just feeling the pain I hadn't accepted within myself. I am much more than just my darkness. I do more than just drown, in fact I was giving up feeling alive, before my own survival called bullshit and my own hidden will to live forced me to learn to stand up for myself and on my own. I survived it all, but the fact that I had allowed myself to go through such a thing, reflected that I was my own worst enemy. Sure that I took a dangerous risky route, to find self love. That it did in fact take me falling in love with, and seeing the only the best within a very deeply disturbed, broken, truamatized, and paranoid person who needs the type of help that goes beyond my control and power, to see that the only way to survive through the dark hardships of life, and the pain that comes with unconditionally loving impossible people, was to learn to love myself, find truth and beauty in my own pain and grow from it instead of become a monster myself. I'd learn to be, what I needed and couldnt find. I wish for all the broke souls I love in my life, for their eyes, hearts, minds to be open to their own inner power. This abusive man who I very dearly do love, torments himself greater than it even be possible for another human to do to him. It was honestly through being part of watching him destructively cope with his sadness, paranoid thinking, helplessness, unforgiveness and lack of trust towards himself, and the inner misery he inflicts on himself, that I was even able to recognize myself, and how much I was alike to him within our inner pain. I felt trapt in ways of never knowing how to stop repeatly breaking myself through using the pain I've lived to justify all ill treatment towards myself from myself and all my interactions with people. He cant save himself, but he isnt a failure. Somehow he taught me how to save myself by isolating and silencing me, by being my most toxic relationship, and by watching him drown himself and survive the entire time. It was through the worse mental pain I felt and seen in life, that wasn't even my own that I was lucky to been gifted such an ability to intensely directly empath the pain from Mark's inner turmoil. It was within hurting so deeply and helplessly for him while he allowed himself to burn alive and internally suffer deeper as he lashed out and hurt people who he said he loved, that Mark had accidentally showed me the way out of our own inner hell. I didnt want him to hurt alone, didnt want him to roll over and surrender his life, so i let the flames that continued to burn and consume his fragmented self, also lick me. I tolerated absurd bullshit and treatment for long, because that is the nature of my love, to ways forgive, to ways see the best, to kill everything I know with love. I willing chose to love the darkness and demons that had shown him how to survive. I decided that it was wrong of me to have expectations on how he should love me, especially when he couldnt even love himself, and was quickly becoming more and more of a stranger to my heart. I only started diving into self love, because I had helplessly hoped for so long that Mark would find it for himself, so that he could be able to heal and see the endless love and light that lays right beyond the all consuming pain that keeps his soul dead. I love myself now, I had to learn it quickly for my own survival and sanity after I would embrace his flames, and let them surround me with flame kisses and burn me alive, along with him. Mark is like that of a burn victim. The on going effects of his trauma have been everlasting. I got out and away from my hell engulfing me, I can only hope that he isnt too far gone himself, and that he would stop squeezing his eyes so tightly shut from the pain he experiences. If he just opens his eyes wide enough to see, there is a way out, that pain doesnt have to consume him, that only he can put his own fire out, and find inner love and forgiveness for himself, how much he could change his entire life around. He just needs to see and come back to reality just enough to register that the waterhose to put the fire's flames out he is already gripping in his hand. He can stop the burning so easy, so quickly and regain his life back, find his self love, just like I'm doing, he just has to chose the outcome he wants in life.
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groundramon · 7 years
Bnha (like who do you legit dislike will all of your being?)
So the obvious answer is, well, obvious - Mineta, of course.  I dont trust anyone whose least favorite BNHA character isn’t Mineta //sHOT  Mineta is a boring answer so im gonna talk about my second least favorite character, but I wanna talk about Mineta for a second because I do have a lot to say about him.
The problem with Mineta isn’t really Mineta; it’s that he’s indistinguishable from every other child-like annoying pervert character out there.  I dont watch a whole lot of anime and what I have watched was either 1. recommended to me by someone who I know hates this kind of shit too, or 2. was written/dubbed for kids.  Having said that, I already know he’s indistinguishable from other perverts because I cant even distinguish him from the one other child-like pervert I’ve had the misfortune of coming across in an anime.  He’s a tired trope and nothing more; it’s just unfortunate that he had to be such an uncomfortable trope to begin with.  In a way he’s fundamentally broken, but it’s less that he’s broken and more that he’s uninspired.
Like, Hagakure is arguably in the same “role” as Mineta (and I know that seems like an insult but bear with me its not I sWEAR, I LOVE HER) because they’re both entirely comedy reliefs.  Hagakure may have a serious moment later in the manga, I wouldn’t know.  But Hagakure is a well-rounded character that doesn’t fall into a clear trope (albeit her jokes are somewhat predictable since, yknow, invisibility isnt an uncommon super power) and has a multi-faceted personality.  As a fairly minor character, she’s more than developed enough for her role, however if they made her more central to the story she would have to get more development.  But she’s quirky, she’s shy, she can be feisty when she wants to be, and she has known relationships with other characters.  We know which characters are her friends and which she doesnt interact with much.  And because there’s so much to her, she’s 100000x better than Mineta on a fundamental (ie not factoring how much better she is because mineta is a pervert and i love hagakure) level because she’s a comic relief who isn’t just a tired trope.
The other part of Mineta is that the thing about pervert characters is that the “humor” in them kind of follows the same rules as grossout humor, from my understanding.  Unfortunately I’m not a fan of either so even if he did this right I wouldnt like him.  With gross-out humor, the goal is not to gross out your audience.  The goal is to gross out your characters and have your audience laugh at their misery.  Kinda like how slapstick is supposed to be funny; you enjoy watching characters get hurt, but you dont want to be hit with a frying pan yourself.  In mineta’s defense, he actually….kind of does this well.  I cant believe I’m about to defend mineta, but fuck.  A lot of the humor in his jokes tends to come from punishment coming to him for his advances and punishment just coming to him in general.  You’re supposed to laugh AT him, not with him.  His advances are the setup to the joke, and Tsuyu or Jirou killing him or him having to clean up a house when he went on a heroing internship with a beautiful woman instead of actually hanging out with said woman are the punchlines.  This isn’t the case in all of his jokes though, just the majority of them.  And that doesn’t override the initial uncomfortable-ness of pervert characters.  Like I dont like seeing characters throw up because something is gross, that just makes me uncomfortable.  Even if I dont see the vomit it’s still not comfortable.  Neither type of joke is my style of humor and I cant imagine that ever changing. (slapstick is tho, love me some slapstick)
BUT because Mineta is an obvious, boring answer, I’ll give you my second answer too - which is Bakugo.
I dont have some big wild tangent to go off on on the fundamental badness of Bakugo, because Bakugo is actually a really well-crafted character.  Probably not BNHA’s best since BNHA has so many good characters, but Bakugo is above most shows’ and stories’ characters by a sizable margin.  He’s well crafted to be a dick with a motivation/inspiration that also isn’t sympathized with by the narrative.  The narrative isn’t like “aww poor Bakugo” even though he has a reason for why he acts the way he does, it’s like “haha fuck Bakugo” and I really appreciate that.  His bad behavior is properly punished.
But as much as I respect him and his treatment on a fundamental level, HE MAKES ME ANGRY.  I’ve never been a fan of angry anime characters, ever.  They almost always piss me off and the only ones I can sort of tolerate are emos with tempers.  If a character’s first reaction to something is “punch it/blow it up/whatever” I’m going to dislike them on a personal level.  I dont know why, but I just cant stand angry characters.  I guess I’m just such an opposite to them that they make me mad.  They’re the kind of people I would loathe meeting in real life, because I HATE yelling and loud people and angry people and UGH.  Like calm down, eat some bread, and just fucking talk about your issues jfc.  I’m the kind of person who, well first of all I rarely get angry, but when I do get seriously angry, I either go completely quiet or I talk very seriously.  As in, story-level serious writing, no jokes, no emojis or internet talk, none of that.  If I’m only a little upset or angry I might try to diffuse a conversation by calmly calling someone out and saying “its okay!” or just completely ignoring it and being friendly anyways, but my point is that I dont yell.  I have no idea how people can write in caps and be seriously angry like…dont you feel ridiculous.  And yelling irl hurts my throat and my ears so
But obviously I hate Mineta way more than Bakugo on every single level.  Bakugo might arguably make me angrier but also I underestimate how angry Mineta makes me unless he says something right in front of me so
thanks for the ask!!!
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My crush’s name is: Cassie
I was born in: 1998, Australia, NSW
I am really: I am really annoyed that you wanna know so much about me anon y u do dis
My cellphone company is: Optus
My eye color is: Brown
My shoe size is: 11 Australia Mens
My ring size is: i dont know
My height is: 181cm or 5′10″ i tihnk
My 1st car was: No Car
My 1st job was: I was an assistant at some guys authentic pizza shop. He was an asshole and i shouldve killed him before quitting.
Last book you read: Ready Player One
My bed is: My bed is my one true love and warm machine luv u bb
My pet:  I have 2 dogs they’re fluffy love muffins called Pepsi (boy) Bella (Girl) ill post photos of them later!
My best friend:
at this point i have as many memes with Kat as i do my real life best friend.
My favorite shampoo is: Really nice smelling ones.
Xbox or ps3: PS3
Piggy banks are: Piggy banks are dumb i have a golden pineapple for my spare change.
In my pockets:  earphones.
On my calendar: every friday i do stuff but thats it
Marriage is: cool
Spongebob can: produce good memes
My mom: Isnt nice i probably wont talk to her once i move out.
The last three songs I bought were?Buying? Songs?
Last YouTube video watched: Masculinity by Mr Sark
How many cousins do you have? at least 3
Do you have any siblings? 3 Brothers and a Sister ive seen twice
Are your parents divorced? Yes
Are you taller than your mom? Hell yeah shes a goblin at like 150cm.
Do you play an instrument? No
What did you do yesterday? I slept, watched movies, complained about the internet being down.
[ I Believe In ]
Love at first sight: Not unless its a dog
Luck: No but if someone does something better than me they’re lucky >:(
Fate: No
Yourself: No
Aliens: I wish they would fix everything
Heaven: Questioning my religious beliefs lately
Hell: ^
God: ^
Horoscopes: No but they’re funny to read
Soul mates: No.
Gay Marriage: Yah its about as good as straight marriage
War: its about as shit as i am
Orbs: what are these?
Magic: Refer to both ghosts and aliens.
[ This or That ]
Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
Drunk or High: Drunk
Phone or Online: Online
Red heads or Black haired: Red Heads
Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
Hot or cold: Cold
Summer or winter: Winter
Autumn or Spring: Spring
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Night or Day: Night
Oranges or Apples: Apples
Curly or Straight hair: Straight
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate
Mac or PC: PC
Flip flops or high heals: High heals like healing in video games am i right?
Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Hillary or Obama: Obama
Burried or cremated: Burried so i may rise again!
Singing or Dancing: Dancing
Coach or Chanel: What
Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks:Who
Small town or Big city: Big City
Wal-Mart or Target: Target
Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler
Manicure or Pedicure: neither? 
East Coast or West Coast: East coast cause western australia is a bunch of weirdos
Your Birthday or Christmas: My birthday cause giving gifts is hard and spending time with people is easy.
Chocolate or Flowers:Chocolate
Disney or Six Flags: Disney
Yankees or Red Sox: is that sports?
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
War: War Never Changes
George Bush: He definitely did sleep with that woman.
Gay Marriage: Good again!
The presidential election: Trump is a rollercoaster of emotion ranging from bad to worse. At least the memes are good!
Abortion: Choice
MySpace: Had some pretty good games on it
Reality TV: awful
Parents:  My parents? Out of the 4 ive had i like one of them.
Back stabbers: What kind of question is this i hate them.
Ebay: Dont use ebay really.
Facebook: The thing i use so real life friends can contact me its trash.
Work: My experiences have been, less than pleasant.
My Neighbors: I dont know any of my neighbours but they’re rude and dont reply to my hello’s.
Gas Prices: i dont fucking know
Designer Clothes: I dont care for clothes i wear tshirts and trackies all the time.
College: No opinion on call egg.
Sports: Fun to play boring to watch
My family: i like my dad and my brothers
The future: must be better than now?
[ Last time I ]
Hugged someone: someone i wasnt related to like a month ago
Last time you ate: literally always
Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: last friday
Cried in front of someone: fucking years ago i dont cry in front of people anymore
Went to a movie theater: like a month ago
Took a vacation: never
Swam in a pool: 3 months ago
Changed a diaper: never
Got my nails done: a year ago
Went to a wedding: also a year ago
Broke a bone: never
Got a peircing: never
Broke the law: never
Texted: couple hours ago
[ MISC ]
Who makes you laugh the most: myself, anime
Something I will really miss when I leave home is: the internet
The last movie I saw: Taking of Pelham 123
The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Finding my happiness again
The thing im not looking forward to: my ex making social interactions awkward again
People call me: Jack
The most difficult thing to do is: get out of bed, finish breakfast
I have gotten a speeding ticket: no
My zodiac sign is: Sagittarius 
The first person i talked to today was:
First time you had a crush: Primary School one of my Teachers
The one person who i can’t hide things from: Nobody.
Last time someone said something you were thinking: Constantly
Right now I am talking to: Nobody
What are you going to do when you grow up: Anything hopefully ill be happy
I have/will get a job: Someday
Tomorrow: Movies with dad, night with friends
Today: nothing
Next Summer: nothing
Next Weekend: also nothing
I have these pets: 2 diggity doggos
The worst sound in the world: the sound my computer makes when it bluescreens while music it playing
The person that makes me cry the most is: my ex
People that make you happy: almost nobody
Last time I cried: like 5 hours ago
My friends are: trash shit garbage
My computer is: absolute trash after so many issues im planning on getting a new one
My School: sucked complete ass i was abused by a teacher
My Car: doesnt exist
I lose all respect for people who: no answer
The movie I cried at was: anything that involves any form of friendship and love, or dogs dying
Your hair color is: brown
TV shows you watch: read my about
Favorite web site: tumblr/youtube
Your dream vacation: the fucking moon
The worst pain I was ever in was: I had a cough last year that completely killed my voice and tore up my throat, coughed up blood
How do you like your steak cooked: Well Done
My room is: Clean and tidy af
My favorite celebrity is: none
Where would you like to be: in the future
Do you want children: no
Ever been in love: yes it fucking ruined me
Who’s your best friend:
we already have more memes than my irl best friend
More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends
One thing that makes you feel great is: memes
One person that you wish you could see right now: nobody tbh
Do you have a 5 year plan: nope
Have you made a list of things to do before you die: climb Mt. Everest, thats it
Have you pre-named your children: nope
Last person I got mad at: myself
I would like to move to: a place with good internet
I wish I was a professional: Twitch Streamer
[ My Favorites ]
Candy: Red Licorice
Vehicle: Shopping trolleys i guess
President: Obama
State visited: I dont travel
Cellphone provider: Optus
Athlete: None
Actor: None
Actress: None
Singer: None
Band: None
Clothing store: None
Grocery store:None
TV show: Doctor Who
Movie: Cant remember
Website: Tumblr/Youtube
Animal: Dogs
Theme park: Wet n’ Wild
Holiday: New Years
Sport to watch: None
Sport to play: None
Magazine: None
Book: Ready Player One
Day of the week: Friday
Beach: Nobbys Beach 
Concert attended: None
Thing to cook: Potato Bake
Food: Pork Ribs
Restaurant: Any place that sells pork ribs
Radio station: None.
Yankee candle scent: what
Perfume: no
Flower: any that can go in my hair like a hipster
Color: Purple
Talk show host: John Oliver
Comedian: Louis C.K.
Dog breed: Shiba Inu
Did you answer all these truthfully? maybe i dont know myself
Fuck you anon you cant stop me im dedicated as heck and butts fight me.
:Update: I went and updated these cause my internet came back!
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Tumblr media
Congratulations, SYMONE! You have been accepted as KIAH CHAMBERS.
Note from Admin Jade: Kiah is a much more complicated girl than the world gives her credit for, and it was clear from the very beginning of your app that you understand that without a doubt. You showed me both sides to this Parisian Roman princess — the Kiah that's concerned with material, wealth, status, and (of course) the limelight, and the more fragile soul beneath that craves affection and validation. Your sample did such a wonderful job of capturing her flair for the dramatic, and beyond that, you showed her reasons behind it all — that she’s got a very sensitive soul that hurts far more easily than she’d like to acknowledge. I can’t wait to watch her demand all of our attention on the dashboard — and I know she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Name: problem child, but I will answer to Symone
Age: 23
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: CST
Triggers: REMOVED
Anything Else? I’m so down for yall, regardless if I’m accepted or not, this is an amazing rp and I cant wait for you to start.
Desired Character: Kiah “Princess” Chambers
Describe this character in your own words: S P O I L E D B R A T— that’s how you spell princess, right? I’ve nicknamed Kiah the primadonna because her life is truly a production that of which she is the star. She’ll do anything to keep her single spotlight and her name on the giant social media marquee. Every tantrum, meltdown, and blowout is marketable, every party, shopping spree, and getaway is an event. If there’s one thing I know Kiah looks forward to is an occasion– but that’s only surface. underneath I Kiah has this very deep need for affection that lasts and personally I don’t think she realizes how much she really wants it because material thing fill her up and she jumps from item to item. Real love is is something she lacks, especially maternally and the way it effects her demeanor shows more than she means it to.
What are this character’s motives? luxury my girl Kiah is a princess who needs to be taken care of. She needs to be coddled she’s honestly been cared for and for so long that in Rome she’s secretly out of her element.
What potential plots do you foresee for this character? REMOVED
Would you be open to this character’s death? REMOVED
Cue William Tell: Overture by Rossini as the scene opens up to a luxurious princess bedroom, complete with lace drawn canopy, in its center lies a sleeping princess with a dainty eye mask over her covered eyes as she slept away her morning hangover. Her beloved peace and quite is suddenly disrupted by the ever obnoxious sound of a whirring vacuum cleaner….
Kiah could feel the anger pooling in her veins as she woke with a groan, forcing herself to to open her eyes to the darkness presented by the pink sleep mask she wore. She had not yet risen, thought the clock was nearing 10:30 in the morning. Even in her blindness she could still feel the room spin ever so slightly, remnants of the night before coming to mind. It was the two thousand dollar bottle of Hennessy Paradis she’d flaunted on Instagram with her friends in the VIP section of Le Crazy Horse de Paris the night before. The photo had nearly 2,000 likes before she’s gone to sleep and probably accumulated thousands more by now, but her social standing (currently) was of no concern. What was the loud whirring that was much too close to her ears. With a huff, Kiah sat up, pulling off the eye mask and squinting at the bright morning view. “Who the hell is being this insufferable this early in the morning?” She muttered to herself as her attention turned to her Persian cat, Lady Balmain perched upon an extravagant cat tower. “Did the stupid housekeeper wake you up baby?” She pulled herself out of bed to walk over to the white-haired cat scratching her behind the ears. “Come on now, let’s go see who doesn’t respect the sanctity of beauty rest.” And in a swift motion, she lifts the cat from its pink perch and carries her into her closet. In the walk out space she notices the stacks of cardboard boxes, her closet usually adorned with the latest fashion and accessories now looking barren as her personal house keeper, Brigitte packed and stored belongings as two others cleaning and vacuumed. They hadn’t stopped their hurried movements until Kiah cleared her throat.
“Miss Kiah,” Brigitte was the first to speak up, her voice soft and gentle, always treading lightly around Kiah, the girl would never admit how find she was of the woman who was truly always the first to tend to her desires— and quell a tantrum. “My apologies we didn’t mean to wake you.”
Kiah would have started a rant then and there, but her confusion was still set on her near empty closet. “What are you doing?” She quipped, letting Lady Balmain fall to her paws onto the plush carpet.
“Packaging your items for the move as your mother requested dear.” Both Kiah and Brigitte spoke fluent French, but Kiah looked at the older woman as if she was speaking Chinese. “—What?”
“The move to Rome next week, you mother has been planning for wee—” Kiah held up her hands to interrupt the woman, she could feel her blood boil, her body desperately aching to scream at the top of her lungs, but she held off, storing the energy for later. “Get out.” The maids all looked to one another before she raised her voice and they moved to scurry away. She stopped Brigitte however, snatching her would be outfit of the day out of the woman’s hands. “Have a French press ready for me in when I finish preparing for the morning. Thank you.” The woman nodded and left Kiah to her own devices, heading to the showers to deliberate How she would crucify her parents for finding new and creative ways of ruining her life.
Two very tense hours later, Kiah sat primped and polished with a French press in hand and her rose gold iPhone in the other typing away to several different group chats while her father and mother sat across from her inside of his office. She hardly came into the room where her parents played most of their little games or devised their dubious plots unless she wanted something she couldn’t get, today she came to yell.
“Kiah, you’ve known for weeks now that we were moving—”
“YOU were moving, papa you didn’t say WE—” she gestured to her elder brother Zaine, who stood quietly in the background waiting to play mediator. “— were moving. To Italy’s no less, it’s as if you’re purposely trying to ruin MY life.”
“Had you come to the several discussions about this move instead of gallivanting off to Monte Carlo or whatever beach you can find to parade your ass on you would have known this was going to be a family operation.” Celine’s words were curt and to the point and they stung like small cuts to the body, every word. “Don’t feign surprise or throw one of your tantrums, neither of us have the time.”
“You’re being absolutely putrid, mother.”
“And I’m sure you would know, living definition. How I was saddled with such an ingrate I will never understand.” It had been clear from the beginning of the conversation Celine didn’t have the energy to deal with Kiah, gesturing to Harland to finish the job for her.
“Kiah, everything is already set in motion, there is no staying in France. You’ll join the rest of us as we join your family in Rome. Period.”
The tantrum that had been bubbling since she’d awoken that morning suddenly rose to the top as Kiah Chambers let loose a blood curling scream.
“ENOUGH.” Harland’s voice was booming, clear that he’d endured enough torture, Kiah grew quiet and slightly smug, knowing her father would follow routine to give her what she wanted. “Continue to assist Brigitte in packing your things and make your necessary arrangements,.I suggest you hurry, you have less than a week.”
The shock and utter disbelief that fell over Kiah when he father refused to fold for her. it left her in complete silence, something that was nothing short of unheard of in their household, reasoning with her parents hasn’t worked, screaming at them hadn’t worked either. Kiah only had one card left in her deck to play.
She cried.
In a matter of seconds, wild wracking sobs overcame her slender frame. “THIS ISNT FAIR!”
Celine, sitting on the edge of her husbands desk was completely in amused by her daughters cries, In fact her face held a look of that could not be mistaken for anything other than regret. “Fine. You won’t move, your father, brother and I will move to Italy as planned and you’ll be left here…”
Kiah’s sobs died down only to hear the end of her mother’s words. “And we will leave you penniless and without a place to stay, does that suit you?”
Her frustration met one last miserable scream as she bolted out of the room, ignoring her brother’s calls to calm down. it was not happening, there was no way in hell this was happening to her.
“Hey Instagram! You’ll never believe what I’m up to today— let me show you. [pans to an empty room and closet.] if your first guess was remodeling, you’re off— I’m moving! To the Eternal City herself, Roma! Clearly Paris wasn’t enough for me, I can’t very well be queen of one city, I must have two! So, if you want to stay update, follow me on snapchat for more updates, you won’t wanna miss out. Au revoir à la ville-lumière, and ciao la città eterna!” [ she blows a kiss and the video ends right before the one minute mark]
here is her tag, and a playlist. luh u/
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Is sex the answer to your relationship woes?
New Post has been published on https://relationshipqia.com/must-see/is-sex-the-answer-to-your-relationship-woes/
Is sex the answer to your relationship woes?
Michele Weiner-Davis, the marriage-guidance counsellor, explains why she thinks having sex even if you dont feel like it is the foundation of a happy relationship
Is sex the answer to your relationship woes?
Inner life
Is sex the answer to your relationship woes?
Michele Weiner-Davis, the marriage-guidance counsellor, explains why she thinks having sex even if you dont feel like it is the foundation of a happy relationship
Amelia Hill
Sun 21 Jan 2018 01.00EST Last modified on Sun 21 Jan 2018 09.52EST
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Just Do It. Your partner will be grateful, happier and therefore nicer, too, says Michele Weiner-Davis. Illustration: Andrea De Santis/Observer
How does it make you feel when your partner is cold and distant? Or when theyre critical and prickly? Does it make you want to rip their clothes off, order in a vat of whipped cream and install a chandelier to swing from?
No? Well theres your problem according, at least, to Michele Weiner-Davis, the marriage-guidance counsellor whose Ted talk explaining her unconventional advice to warring couples has been viewed almost 3.5 million times online.
Her advice couldnt be simpler: shag. Do it even if you dont want to, do it especially if you dont want to and, most important of all, do it frequently whether you want to or not. To make it even clearer, shes borrowed one of the most famous advertising slogans of recent times: Just Do It. Your partner will be grateful, happier and therefore nicer, too, she explains from her clinic in Colorado. Its a win-win situation for both of you!
Weiner-Daviss self-confessed zealotry for marriage has its roots in the moment her mother blew her teenage world apart by announcing that her seemingly perfect marriage had been a sham for its 23-year duration. She was 16 at the time, and says she wasnt the only one who didnt recover from the bombshell: her mother never remarried and her two sons rarely speak to her.
The experience, says Weiner-Davis who states that her greatest achievement is her own 40-year marriage was transformative. She became a staunch believer in the fact that most divorces can be prevented; that the relief of a post-divorce life is temporary but the pain of divorce is permanent; and that if couples put enough work into staying together, they can fall back in love and live happily ever after.
Over the years, Weiner-Davis has honed her message. Shes now stripped it back to what she believes is the essence of a successful marriage. Gone is any therapeutic consideration of a couples history; of their emotional travails; of cause and consequence. Now she is entirely one-track minded: no matter how appalling the state of a marriage, she believes that kind, generous and frequent sex can bring it back from the teetering edge of collapse.
Her realisation was hard-won. For decades, I was in the trenches with warring couples, she says. But there were times when I was not too effective. I realised that there was a pattern to the times Id failed. There was always one spouse desperately hoping for more touch and because that was not happening, they were not investing themselves in the relationship in other ways.
Weiner-Davis stopped focussing on the couples difficulties from an emotional angle and addressed them exclusively as sexual problems. that when the so-called low-desire partner who is, she is at pains to emphasise, just as likely to be a man or a woman was encouraged to have sex they didnt particularly want, not only did they end up enjoying themselves but the high-desire partner became a much nicer person to be around.
I heard the same story from my clients so often that I did some research, she said, and found several different sex researchers who confirmed what I was finding: that for millions of people, they have to be physically stimulated before they feel desire.
Armed with this new theory, Weiner-Davis began encouraging her low-desire clients to be receptive to the sexual advances of their high-desire spouse, even if they werent feeling up for it. I found that unless there was something a lot more complicated going on, she insists, there were usually substantial relationship benefits to making love with your high-desire partner.
She rejects any suggestion that shes advocating a sexually subservient, anti-feminist, lie back and think of England approach. In fact, she says this is the embodiment of female empowerment.
Its not just telling women to spread their legs, she insists. This is not just about sex. For a high-desire spouse, sex isnt usually about the orgasm: its about someone wanting to feel that their partner desires and wants them. Im hoping that women will feel empowered that they are getting their own needs met through understanding their partner.
No still means no, she says. But it helps to not just say no. Instead, explain why you dont want to make love, suggest a later date and ask whether theres something you can do for your spouse right now instead. But heres the deal, she adds: There had better be a whole more Yess or Laters than Nos because if the Nos win, it leads to the problems I have been talking about.
Weiner-Davis points out that while its commonly accepted that couples should make all their important family decisions together, when it comes to sex, who ever has the lower sex drive makes a unilateral choice for them both. And, just to rub salt in the wound, she adds, the disenfranchised, high-desire one is expected to stay monogamous. No wonder, she says, they get cross.
I mention Weiner-Daviss theory to some female friends of mine. The overriding response is: Oh God, not another thing for my To Do list! Weiner-Davis is quick to condemn this response. Imagine if, when a woman said she wanted to have more intimate conversations or a date night, her husband said: Its just one more thing on my To Do list! For a high-desire spouse who experiences love through touch instead of quality time, its exactly the same impact. Ive had grown men crying in my office, crying about the sense of rejection they feel from their low-desire wives.
I then regale her with the experience of a friend whose husband had started his own business which quickly went catastrophically wrong. The family finances were in peril and he couldnt cope. His wife stepped in. Alongside her own job and while juggling the childcare, she worked late into the night for weeks to stabilise their security. During this time, she was scrupulous in not blaming her husband, either explicitly or implicitly.
With crisis narrowly averted, the stressed and sleep-deprived wife realised her husband was being snippy and sulky. When she asked what was wrong, he exclaimed: We havent had sex for weeks! Surely, I ask Weiner-Davis, this shows that not all demands for sex should be met with her Just Do It ethos.
Not at all, she says. This woman knew his ego needed to be protected and tried to do that by not blaming him for his mistakes. But it sounds like the bigger statement for him was: Am I still a man and do you still desire me?
But its the selfish, uncontrolled behaviour of a spoilt child, I insist. Weiner-Davis doesnt disagree. Women often say that they feel they have three children instead of two children and a husband, she admits. But the fact that this husband was telling his wife what he was feeling sad about is a really good sign: some people throw in the towel.
Is the deal explicit, I ask, does the low-desire one say: OK, well make love more often, but then you have to turn your iPhone off every once in a while so we can actually talk?
Yes and no, Weiner-Davis says. This isnt about keeping score. Relationships are not 50:50. Theyre 100:100. We have to take responsibility for doing everything that it takes to put the relationship on track even if youre not getting the response you want initially. Thats really hard.
Its about asking yourself, she says, when he or she speaks and acts badly, whether its because you have not had sex for four weeks. Is their anger actually about feeling hurt and rejected? If it is, the low-desire spouse needs to be more sexy even though they will not want to do this. And the other one needs to ask themselves when the last time the couple spent quality time together.
On the other hand, Weiner-Davis admits there is a limit. Id say that after several weeks, if nothing has changed in terms of reciprocity, then the couple do need to sit down and identify whats missing in their relationship for each of them and what they would like to have.
Michele Weiner-Daviss cure for a sex-starved marriage
If you have a low sex drive try to adopt the Nike philosophy and Just Do It!, even if you feel neutral towards having sex at that moment.
If youre the one with a high sex drive, try to discover the way your partner wants to receive love. Its typically through quality time, words of affirmation, thoughtful, practical acts of caring and material gifts.
If you dont want sex at a particular moment, explain why and suggest another specific time – and ask whether you can do something else physical at that moment for your partner instead.
If you have a higher sex drive than your partner, try to empathise with them and accept they might never want wild or creative sex, but see the increased level of intercourse as a gift showing their love.
Remember theres no daily or weekly minimum to ensure a healthy sex life. As a couple you need to work out together what works for you.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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Is sex the answer to your relationship woes?
New Post has been published on https://relationshipguideto.com/must-see/is-sex-the-answer-to-your-relationship-woes/
Is sex the answer to your relationship woes?
Michele Weiner-Davis, the marriage-guidance counsellor, explains why she thinks having sex even if you dont feel like it is the foundation of a happy relationship
Is sex the answer to your relationship woes?
Inner life
Is sex the answer to your relationship woes?
Michele Weiner-Davis, the marriage-guidance counsellor, explains why she thinks having sex even if you dont feel like it is the foundation of a happy relationship
Amelia Hill
Sun 21 Jan 2018 01.00EST Last modified on Sun 21 Jan 2018 09.52EST
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Just Do It. Your partner will be grateful, happier and therefore nicer, too, says Michele Weiner-Davis. Illustration: Andrea De Santis/Observer
How does it make you feel when your partner is cold and distant? Or when theyre critical and prickly? Does it make you want to rip their clothes off, order in a vat of whipped cream and install a chandelier to swing from?
No? Well theres your problem according, at least, to Michele Weiner-Davis, the marriage-guidance counsellor whose Ted talk explaining her unconventional advice to warring couples has been viewed almost 3.5 million times online.
Her advice couldnt be simpler: shag. Do it even if you dont want to, do it especially if you dont want to and, most important of all, do it frequently whether you want to or not. To make it even clearer, shes borrowed one of the most famous advertising slogans of recent times: Just Do It. Your partner will be grateful, happier and therefore nicer, too, she explains from her clinic in Colorado. Its a win-win situation for both of you!
Weiner-Daviss self-confessed zealotry for marriage has its roots in the moment her mother blew her teenage world apart by announcing that her seemingly perfect marriage had been a sham for its 23-year duration. She was 16 at the time, and says she wasnt the only one who didnt recover from the bombshell: her mother never remarried and her two sons rarely speak to her.
The experience, says Weiner-Davis who states that her greatest achievement is her own 40-year marriage was transformative. She became a staunch believer in the fact that most divorces can be prevented; that the relief of a post-divorce life is temporary but the pain of divorce is permanent; and that if couples put enough work into staying together, they can fall back in love and live happily ever after.
Over the years, Weiner-Davis has honed her message. Shes now stripped it back to what she believes is the essence of a successful marriage. Gone is any therapeutic consideration of a couples history; of their emotional travails; of cause and consequence. Now she is entirely one-track minded: no matter how appalling the state of a marriage, she believes that kind, generous and frequent sex can bring it back from the teetering edge of collapse.
Her realisation was hard-won. For decades, I was in the trenches with warring couples, she says. But there were times when I was not too effective. I realised that there was a pattern to the times Id failed. There was always one spouse desperately hoping for more touch and because that was not happening, they were not investing themselves in the relationship in other ways.
Weiner-Davis stopped focussing on the couples difficulties from an emotional angle and addressed them exclusively as sexual problems. that when the so-called low-desire partner who is, she is at pains to emphasise, just as likely to be a man or a woman was encouraged to have sex they didnt particularly want, not only did they end up enjoying themselves but the high-desire partner became a much nicer person to be around.
I heard the same story from my clients so often that I did some research, she said, and found several different sex researchers who confirmed what I was finding: that for millions of people, they have to be physically stimulated before they feel desire.
Armed with this new theory, Weiner-Davis began encouraging her low-desire clients to be receptive to the sexual advances of their high-desire spouse, even if they werent feeling up for it. I found that unless there was something a lot more complicated going on, she insists, there were usually substantial relationship benefits to making love with your high-desire partner.
She rejects any suggestion that shes advocating a sexually subservient, anti-feminist, lie back and think of England approach. In fact, she says this is the embodiment of female empowerment.
Its not just telling women to spread their legs, she insists. This is not just about sex. For a high-desire spouse, sex isnt usually about the orgasm: its about someone wanting to feel that their partner desires and wants them. Im hoping that women will feel empowered that they are getting their own needs met through understanding their partner.
No still means no, she says. But it helps to not just say no. Instead, explain why you dont want to make love, suggest a later date and ask whether theres something you can do for your spouse right now instead. But heres the deal, she adds: There had better be a whole more Yess or Laters than Nos because if the Nos win, it leads to the problems I have been talking about.
Weiner-Davis points out that while its commonly accepted that couples should make all their important family decisions together, when it comes to sex, who ever has the lower sex drive makes a unilateral choice for them both. And, just to rub salt in the wound, she adds, the disenfranchised, high-desire one is expected to stay monogamous. No wonder, she says, they get cross.
I mention Weiner-Daviss theory to some female friends of mine. The overriding response is: Oh God, not another thing for my To Do list! Weiner-Davis is quick to condemn this response. Imagine if, when a woman said she wanted to have more intimate conversations or a date night, her husband said: Its just one more thing on my To Do list! For a high-desire spouse who experiences love through touch instead of quality time, its exactly the same impact. Ive had grown men crying in my office, crying about the sense of rejection they feel from their low-desire wives.
I then regale her with the experience of a friend whose husband had started his own business which quickly went catastrophically wrong. The family finances were in peril and he couldnt cope. His wife stepped in. Alongside her own job and while juggling the childcare, she worked late into the night for weeks to stabilise their security. During this time, she was scrupulous in not blaming her husband, either explicitly or implicitly.
With crisis narrowly averted, the stressed and sleep-deprived wife realised her husband was being snippy and sulky. When she asked what was wrong, he exclaimed: We havent had sex for weeks! Surely, I ask Weiner-Davis, this shows that not all demands for sex should be met with her Just Do It ethos.
Not at all, she says. This woman knew his ego needed to be protected and tried to do that by not blaming him for his mistakes. But it sounds like the bigger statement for him was: Am I still a man and do you still desire me?
But its the selfish, uncontrolled behaviour of a spoilt child, I insist. Weiner-Davis doesnt disagree. Women often say that they feel they have three children instead of two children and a husband, she admits. But the fact that this husband was telling his wife what he was feeling sad about is a really good sign: some people throw in the towel.
Is the deal explicit, I ask, does the low-desire one say: OK, well make love more often, but then you have to turn your iPhone off every once in a while so we can actually talk?
Yes and no, Weiner-Davis says. This isnt about keeping score. Relationships are not 50:50. Theyre 100:100. We have to take responsibility for doing everything that it takes to put the relationship on track even if youre not getting the response you want initially. Thats really hard.
Its about asking yourself, she says, when he or she speaks and acts badly, whether its because you have not had sex for four weeks. Is their anger actually about feeling hurt and rejected? If it is, the low-desire spouse needs to be more sexy even though they will not want to do this. And the other one needs to ask themselves when the last time the couple spent quality time together.
On the other hand, Weiner-Davis admits there is a limit. Id say that after several weeks, if nothing has changed in terms of reciprocity, then the couple do need to sit down and identify whats missing in their relationship for each of them and what they would like to have.
Michele Weiner-Daviss cure for a sex-starved marriage
If you have a low sex drive try to adopt the Nike philosophy and Just Do It!, even if you feel neutral towards having sex at that moment.
If youre the one with a high sex drive, try to discover the way your partner wants to receive love. Its typically through quality time, words of affirmation, thoughtful, practical acts of caring and material gifts.
If you dont want sex at a particular moment, explain why and suggest another specific time – and ask whether you can do something else physical at that moment for your partner instead.
If you have a higher sex drive than your partner, try to empathise with them and accept they might never want wild or creative sex, but see the increased level of intercourse as a gift showing their love.
Remember theres no daily or weekly minimum to ensure a healthy sex life. As a couple you need to work out together what works for you.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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the-final-world · 8 years
Another one Yeah b ooo ooo o oo oo oo o oo o oo ooooiiiiis rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag LAST… [1] drink: bepis [2] phone call: my little buraza [3] text message: beef sushi [4] song you listened to: tag ur it [5] time you cried: honey have you seen the amount of angsty fics im reading rn Contrary to popular belief i do have a heart in there somewhere #edgyish HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: nah [7] been cheated on: nah [8] kissed someone and regretted it: [9] lost someone special: i lost my cat once but he was actually hiding under the car [10] been depressed: well thats a stupid question who isnt [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nah LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] gloomy blues [13] bright blues [14] bright cherry reds IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes [16] fallen out of love: nah [17] laughed until you cried: im p sure i just skipped laughing at one point [18] found out someone was talking about you? Yeboiiiiii [19] met someone who changed you: nah [20] found out who your true friends are: [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all but two ? I havent been on facebook in months [23] do you have any pets: i am the sole parent of 6 cats and a dog 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐶 [24] do you want to change your name: i think about it often but nothing really suits me [25] what did you do for your last birthday: i wokeup at 2 am and had a mental breakdown and started crying A memorable day 🎂🎉 [26] what time did you wake up: 9:30 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: drawing then erasing it all bc it was rly shitty [28] name something you cannot wait for: idk man the new episode of twd i guess? [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: like 13 minutes ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my motivation [31] what are you listening to right now: nothin rly [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes he was a real jock typa dude Apparently he had a crush on me bc when we were in primary i hung out w him alot [33] something that is getting on your nerves: brain fog [34] most visited website: dunno man [35] elementary: whats uh What's elementary for u americans Is it primary school [37] college: i took a business course and dropped out bc im a human failure altho it wasnt rly a 'college' i guess [38] hair colour: blue, green and aqua where the blue and green blended [39] long or short hair: short [40] do you have a crush on someone: i dont think so [41] what do you like about yourself? I look p cool and i can make some fucking weird facss hell yeah [42] piercings: no [43] blood type: a mystery ill never solve [44] nickname: [45] relationship status: single and probably 4 the best [46] zodiac sign: taurus [47] pronouns: whatever [48] fav tv show: twd twd twd twd twd and fresh prince of bel air [49] tattoos: :3c [50] right or left handed: right FIRST… [51] surgery: nah [52] piercing: i had my ears pierced when i was like 12 or something and they never healed properly [53] best friend: this one loser right 10/10 [54] sport: eating [55] vacation: i went to queensland once [56] pair of trainers: what Like Like a training bra? RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: e v e r y t h i n g [58] drinking: pepi [59] i’m about to: idk [60] listening to: m8 [61] waiting for: more food [62] want: more food [63] get married: no never gonna happen [64] career: :') pls hire me someone WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: uhhhhhhhh can u pls refrain from touching me m80 [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: leggo [68] older or younger: literally any way i answer this will creep me out [70] nice arms or nice stomach: nice nice [71] sensitive or loud: loud [72] hook up or relationship: uhhhhhh none [73] troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? No [75] drank hard liquor? No [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? No [77] turned someone down: yes [78] sex on first date? M8 [79] broken someone’s heart? I remember in high school i was a "notorious heatbreaker" some guy spread that rumour and i was like??? He later ended up havin a crush on me and thwn told me i was a second choice [80] had your own heart broken? H AV E YOU R E AD SOMEOF THESE FICS 10/10 would break again [81] been arrested? Nobody believes my but my family and probably the police that were there but my dad got arrested and i was in the car w him holding one of my cats bc i was taking her to his place in the next town simne i was gonna stay there for a bit but he got pulled over and the policewoman asked me to go w her and i had to sit in the front seat w my cat as we drove to the station and that was wild I wish i took a photo or somethinf but i didmt have a phone back then :') [82] cried when someone died? No Unless they are fictional Then yes [83] fallen for a friend: DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? someones gotta [85] miracles? Uhhhh i guess i do [86] love at first sight? No [87] santa claus? Daddy [88] kiss on the first date? No [89] angels? Maybe OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: yes [91] eye colour: blue grey idk its very dull bc i have dead fish eyes [92] favourite movie: mulan or jurassic park
0 notes