#but it does piss me off to see all this finger wagging and scolding without a drop of real world strategy to back it up
lamplightjuniper · 8 months
hmm not really sure how calling out 84 tumblrinas who are specifically Not Voting is more useful than idk contacting 85 apathetic real-world people and trying to get them to vote instead.
it’s SIGNIFICANTLY easier to convince people to move from the middle or neutrality towards your opinion compared to people who already have strong opinions.
it looks like this:
neutral -> mild conviction -> your opinion
strongly held conviction -> weakly held conviction -> neutral -> mild conviction -> your opinion
and it requires a LOT of energy to get from every single step to the next. Swaying someone once they’ve made up their mind is difficult under ideal circumstances.
there are so many apathetic and non-voters who can be reached with much less effort than people who are adamantly not voting.
If you are in the US and really care about the presidential or any elections, take a quick pause from posting on tumblr and google:
<county name> phone bank democratic party
(or <state name> if you are in a rural or very red area)
and link up with people who are actually trying to mobilize potential voters. posting can be useful but it isn’t boots on the ground.
And phone banking can be done from home in a lot of cases, you don’t physically need to knock on doors (although if you can that also has an impact) but you need to put your energy where it actually matters if you want people to vote.
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tory-ben-hi-shelton · 3 years
my favourite quotes from exposure
Multiple sets of handcuffs appeared and were applied. Bailiffs began peeling off the dog-pile like layers of an onion. And there, at the bottom of the scrum, was Kit. He was panting like a marathoner, arms still wrapping the Gamemaster's legs in a death grip. He'd clearly been the first to react.
"Oh, man!" Shelton had both hands on his dome. He seemed winded, despite not having moved during the attack. "Things just got real in here."
"Sorry I froze in there, Tor." Shelton frowned as he shirt wiped his glasses. "Not exactly my 'One Shining Moment', huh?" I waved off his apology. I knew Shelton hated how skittish he could be.
I try to hide the eruptions, but the guys can always tell. They do their best to support me even though it makes them uncomfortable. It's very sweet, but teenage boys make lousy grief counsellors.
The previous semester, Ben had been in half our classes, too, despite being a junior. Obviously, he was no longer around. Sometimes it felt like a limb was missing.
"Jason might be there," Courtney chirped. "He likes you."
"Oh." Not a brilliant response. "Yeah, maybe. I might have a thing, though."
Wonderful. Good job, good effort, Tory.
Behind me, I heard Hi fake coughing to cover his snickers
"I should be a secret agent." Hi blew on his fingernails, then buffed them on his lapel. "Or a magician. Maybe both. Someone write that down."
My hands shot for the Ray-Bans, but Ben caught my fingers mid-flight.
"It's not nice to grab," he said calmly.
"I can't handle all this tension," Shelton moaned. "Too much fighting."
Hi nodded, watching Ben dissapear down a side street. "We need to work on our conflict management. Maybe attend a seminar."
"Make your own?" Hi shifted to look at my face. "Victoria Grace, have you been holding out on me?"
"Tell me everything."
"You're not gonna be happy," Hi warned. "Don't kill the messenger."
"Or his good-looking buddy," Shelton added.
"On Saturday Ben and I drove to John's Islands to see Skyfall."
"You did?" Hi said sharply. "Thanks for the invite, jerks."
Shelton raised his palms. "You were at temple. We're suppose to wait around? Plus, you've seen that movie like five times."
"You still could've asked," Hi grumbled. "I don't—"
"Guys!" I clapped my hands once. "The story, please."
"So many gentleman admirers," Hi mused. "Must be tough, being a heartbreaker."
"Zip it. Unless you wanna see a leg-breaker too."
Ella adopted a mock serious tone. "Will you bodyguards consent?"
I giggled. "If Shelton and Hi are my bodyguards, I don't like my chances. And yes."
"See this?" Ben glanced at the mirror and pointed to his chin. "This is my 'couldn't care less' face."
"Boys?" I stood and faced them. "Something to share?"
"It was a secret." Hi aimed a kick at Shelton, who dodged easily. "Ben made us swear not to tell."
I crossed my arms. Waited.
"Tell Kit we're cutting a music video," Hi suggested as we walked. "Something real gangster, so we need to smash-cut our dance routines. Lay down some visuals. We could offer to let him freestyle rap over the second verse."
"Come on, Sambo!" Hi winked. "Live a little. What are we going to do, rob the place?"
The guard crossed his arms. "Wink at me again, Hiram, and I'll throw you to the wolfpack."
"Did I not mention that?" My brain was truly deep fried. "We went together."
"Oh." Hi and Shelton at once. Ben looked away.
"Hey, wait." I leaned closer to the screen. "You guys wouldn't have wanted to go. I took Ella so I wouldn't be paraded around like Whitney's toy poodle." No one spoke. Nonplussed, I decided to change the subject.
I glowered at Ben from the backseat. I'd given Hi shotgun, having sensed this argument was inevitable. I didn't want to be close. The urge to slap might become overpowering.
"Why don't we use our friendly words?" Hi suggested. "Let's take five, and everyone can say something we like about each other. I'll start. Shelton you're super at—"
"Shut up, Hi!" Ben and I shouted, the first thing we'd agreed upon all morning.
"Must be hell to keep the pH balance correct. I know how it is. I owned a goldfish once."
"Once?" Shelton asked.
"It died. Almost immediately."
"Nice work."
"It's a cultural thing," Hi was saying. "I think you're being insensitive."
Hines snorted. "Do you want me to cuff you?"
"A minute alone, Tory. I'd like a quick chat."
Ben shot forward. "You can stick chat right up—"
Hi waved at me from across the yard, waiting for his mother to arrive. Apparently he'd body-blocked the first cops to chase me through the house. The police were none too pleased. I owe you one, Hi. You bought me enough time.
Entering the Virals chat room, I found all three boys present.
Uh oh.
They'd met there ahead of time, before alerting me. To discuss me.
I glanced up to see Shelton holding latex gloves. Hi had the ziplocks. Ben handed me a cotton swab and stopper. "Anything else?"
Despite the circumstances, I smiled.
Ruth popped her son on the back of the head. "Mind your manners, Hiram."
"Why does everyone do that?" Hi muttered. "And that was child abuse. In front of the police, I might add."
He looked away. The harbour breeze ruffled his silky black hair. My hand found his, almost by its own volition.
I couldn't be mad at Ben anymore. It was like being mad at my left arm. And right then, I needed my arm back.
A smile quirked on my father's lips. "And you, Mr. Blue? Ready for a good ol'-fashioned backyard barbecue? My daughter will be there."
Ben's uneasy smile was his only response.
Ben reached up from where he was lying with his eyes closed. Smacked Hi's dome.
Hi rubbed his head. "I'm getting pretty tired of that move."
"Then quit being a dope." Ben's lids remained shut.
"Hey, sure. No problem. I just need to—"
Hi lunged for Ben, intending a flying body slam. Ben caught Hi in midair and tossed him downhill in one quick motion. Hi tumbled, rolled, and dropped over the berm of the sand.
"That was dumb." Hi informed the blue sky.
Ben started talking about Wando High. I countered with news of Bolton. Before long, we'd exchanged stories, catching up on the last five months of each other's lives. I hadn't realized how much I missed Ben. How badly I wanted him back at Bolton.
He was right, of course. I was keeping several secrets from Ben. Like how comfortable it felt to be alone with him. How much I'd missed his reassuring presence. His quiet strength.
Ben removed his shoes, plunged both feet into the lapping salt waters Then he leaned back against a post, sighing contently. The little-boy maneuver brought a smile to my face.
"You're staying out here?" Shelton asked. "Alone?"
"No big deal. I don't want Kit to see what I'm up to."
"I don't like it," Ben said. Behind him, Hi looked uneasy.
"No one knows this place exists." I pointed to the other room. "And there's an 85 pound predator in there that loves me. I'll be fine."
"Text me when you get home." Ben requested. "Please don't forget."
I hid a smile. "Will do. Bye, guys."
I sat forward at the table. "Okay, so ... like, don't freak out."
That got their attention.
"About?" Ben took the seat across from me, next to Hiram.
"There was an incident last night." Oh so calm. "I'm perfectly okay, but on the way hone someone attacked me on the beach."
"What?!" Three stunned voices.
"That's why you didn't text," Ben muttered.
Ben shook his head in wonderment. "Incredible. It's nice having a genius around."
"It's only genius if it works." But I flushed at the compliment.
I squeezed Ben's shoulder. "Who's the genius now?"
He snorted, looked away.
"You let her go alone?" Ben scolded, slowly working his way down to where Hi was beached. "That defeats the whole purpose!"
"I'm aware of that, Benjamin." Hi tried slinging a leg onto the riverbank, but it flopped back into the rolling current. "But she'd figured out you sent her away from the mine on purpose. You try telling Tory what to do when she's pissed."
"I'll pass."
"How's the leg, detective? Or did my wolfdog bite you in the ass, instead?"
"Hey, at least it's not your birthday. Worst one ever, by the way."
His fist came up. I dapped it with mine.
"For Tory," Shelton said.
"For Tory." All jokes shelved.
Coop was rolling in the leaves, pinning someone beneath his massive bulk.
Ben dove on the tangle with a voice-cracking whoop.
I was no longer alone. The Virals had found me. Ben was beaming, unable to hide his relief. He turned quickly, wiping his glowing eyes. Shelton darted forward and crushed me with a hug. Coop was dancing and bucking, his tail wagging so hard he had trouble keeping balance. My boys. My heroes.
"Do you confronted the twins alone, without waiting for us?" Ben couldn't keep the anger from his voice. "After making us promise not to do anything like that?"
"We can discuss my impulsiveness another time—"
"Oh, we will." Ben assured me.
I ejected the spent clip from the HK45, slammed the new one into place, then worked the slide to chamber a round. Then I held the weapon loosely at my side, barrel pointed toward the ground.
"I'm terrified of you right now," Hi said wide-eyed. "And in love. Take me shooting with your aunt Tempe next time."
"Take the SUV and go. I'll stay with Ella and handle the fallout."
"Out of your mind." Ben said immediately.
"We could drive away without anybody knowing."
"I'm not leaving Tory to face this alone," Ben insisted. "Get serious!"
I spoke softly. "The cops will eat you alive, Benjamin Blue. You have to go."
Ben tensed, ready to argue.
"Detective Hawfield died. This is going to get serious. It's way too much heat for you. Please be sensible."
Ben hesitated. Then his shoulders slumped.
"Maybe you're right." Deep breath. "But you're taking away the other possibility, too."
"I don't understand." I glanced over my shoulder at the approaching vehicle. "What other possibility?"
He smiled wanly. "Ben Blue, The Hero. That kinda would've been nice."
I paused, at a loss for words. My heart broke for him.
"But that's okay." Ben dug keys from his pocket. "After all, we're Virals, not heroes. And that's fine. Plus, I'm not really the hero type."
He turned to leave.
Impulsively, I grabbed Ben's arm. Pulled him close. Smashed my lips against his. The kiss only lasted a second, but also an eternity. Then I stepped back an shoved Ben towards the Explorer.
"Of course you're the type." I was grateful the darkness hid my blushes. "Now go."
Ben stared, stricken, thunderstruck. Hi and Shelton watched, wide-eyed with shock.
"Weirdest birthday ever," Hi whispered.
"Corcoran will survive," Ben commented sourly. "He always does. We crack the case, he gets to be the hero."
My head whipped to Ben. Was that bitterness?
I saw no trace. Ben was smiling, relaxed for the first time in days. Maybe months.
As my father strode away, Shelton and Hi both unleashed dramatic yawns.
"Welp." Hi stretch his arms over his head. "I'd better go check on various things that aren't right here. You coming, Shelton?"
"Oh you know it." Hiding a smile. "Stuff to do. No time to waste."
I descended two steps.
Shot back up.
Wrapped Ben in a bone-crushing hug.
Startled, it took him a moment before he hugged me back.
"He didn't say anything to me," Hi repeated. "And if Shelton were sick, I'd be the first to hear about it. At length."
"So what's the plan?" Ben asked.
"Go inside. Look around. Improvise."
"Brilliant." Hi stroked his chin. "Quick question: Is having no plan the same as having a terrible plan, or are those different categories?"
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
In Spare King Au maybe something like after taemin gets caught sneaking out alone multiple times Boa and the palace guards realize that taemin is just too good at it and turn to an undercover body guard. They pull Minho who is like 22 (or chose someone else) right after he graduated special forces school because he has a baby face an tell taemin please don't sneak out but if you do take him he is yours and will not tell us anything unless you are actively in danger.
Security staff members and Boa have caught Taemin sneaking out several times. He always gets scolded, always gets lectured, always gets extra guards for a few days until he can get away from them and go off with his friends again. It’s quite a bad habit, but the only reason he hasn’t totally seen Boa’s wrath at that point is because the media didn’t seem aware of it.
But after a particularly close call with Taemin almost getting caught up by paparazzi, Boa takes more drastic measures in the form of a young new special guard for her suddenly rebellious little brother.
“This is Minho,” she tells Taemin one morning. They’re standing in Taemin’s room, and she knows he’s hungover by the way he throws a pillow at her and then buries himself under his blankets. “He’s your new guard.”
“Piss off,” he croaks. “Get outta my room.”
“It’s time to get up,” she says firmly, pulling Taemin’s curtains open fully to get a smuch sunlight in as she can. “You have lessons in half an hour.”
“Get bent.”
She yanks the blankets off of him and physically pulls him out of bed.
“Let go of me!” he shouts.
“Get ready for lessons,” she snaps. “And meet your new guard. Be nice.”
She leaves after pushing him towards his bathroom. Taemin makes a face at her as she leaves, then runs a hand through his hair as he narrows his eyes at Minho. But that’s mostly because he’s blind as a bat without his contacts in or when he isn’t wearing glasses. Also because his head is killing him, but he’s trying to hide that little fact.
“So you’re a new babysitter?” he scoffs. “Lovely.”
“Nice to meet you, your highness,” Minho says, bowing slightly.
Taemin just snorts and goes into his bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
He’s thirteen minutes late to his first lesson. He doesn’t particularly care, but his tutor sure does, and Taemin tries not to make it obvious that he isn’t listening when his tutor starts droning on with his latest math lesson.
It takes Taemin a few days to memorize Minho’s usual patterns. Then, that Friday, he’s back to climbing over a fence behind a blind spot in the security cameras.
He’s sitting in the back middle seat of Kai’s car in no time, music playing too loud and the wind billowing around his face while they drive too fast back to the school dorms. Once they’re inside the school roads, Taemin moves to sit on the console and poke his head through the moon roof. The moon is particularly bright that night, and Taemin can’t help but smile while the wind chaps his face and sends a shiver down his spine.
“That’s how people get decapitated!” Ravi jokes, and Kai laughs loudly and agrees.
“Well that sounds fun,” Taemin smirks down, then throws his arms up and shouts, “Off with their heads!”
Kai drives even faster, and Taemin’s laugh is loud and a little hysterical while they do donuts in a parking lots.
There’s booze under the backseat, and they do shots in the parking lots before going into the dorm where that night’s party is being held. Taemin is already stumbling, holding on tightly to Ravi’s arm.
Taemin doesn’t see Minho once that night. Minho doesn’t mention anything the next morning, either. It’s three weeks of constant partying until Minho finally seems to make his nightly presence known.
Taemin’s head is bent over a dorm toilet, and he’s puking his guts out and heaving until there’s nothing left, until he’s certain he’s going to puke out his actual stomach, and he can’t stop heaving, can’t stop panicking, can’t stop shaking in toilet stall in a dorm bathroom of a school he doesn’t even go to. The music from the room across the hall is still loud and blaring, and it’s only making Taemin feel sicker.
He flushes the toilet and falls onto the floor, slumped against the side of the stall, his head lolling to the side when two feet appear outside the stall door. He doesn’t want to move, so he doesn’t, not even when the door is pushed open and Taemin’s flushed face and puke-splattered shirt is on display for whoever is on the other side.
And it’s Minho. Just staring at him. Shaking his head.
“Don’t you dare lecture me,” he slurs, moving a hand up to just barely wag his finger. “You don’t know anything.”
“I think it’s time to go,” is all Minho says.
He bends over and helps Taemin to stand up, pulls him over to a sink to rinse his mouth out and splash his face, then drags him out of the building and into the car he’d followed them in.
Taemin stays slumped against the window the entire drive back to the palace, his eyes staring at nothing in particular out the window. Minho doesn’t say anything. Not a word. Taemin doesn’t know if that’s comforting or unnerving.
But Minho helps him inside, doesn’t let his stumbling make him fall down any stairs or crack his head open or anything. Then once they get to Taemin’s quarters, he stays outside the door like he always does.
“I’m right here if you need anything,” Minho tells him.
“I need another a drink,” Taemin says in a snarky tone, then closes the door.
But Taemin isn’t done partying just because he’s home. He plays his music as loud as he can stand, he dances throughout the sitting area and his bedroom and even the bathroom. He changes into pajamas and screams along to any song he wants, he stares out his windows wishing he was outside, and he sweats away any sort of buzz he may have been left with.
Coming down is worse than being sick. He hates regaining his senses, hates when the dull ache in his head sets in, hates when it’s still dark out and he’s aware of his senses. It’s the worst. Once it’s mostly gone, he drops down from the bench near the window and trudges into the bathroom, his music still blaring loud enough to hear down in the kitchens. He stays under the water of his shower for over half an hour, his knees hugged to his chest and the water pouring over his head. He only gets out once his skin is splotchy red and his fingers and toes are wrinkled beyond belief.
When he’s finally ready to fall asleep, he slams his music off and puts the TV on instead. Any channel, any show, any movie, anything to drown out his own thoughts.
Boa is in his bedroom when he wakes up. The curtains are opened, the maid has already been in and probably couldn’t wake him up. Boa looks pissed, as usual.
He doesn’t listen to a word she says (or shouts). He stays in his room all day, the thought of food alone making him nauseous.
Minho’s back in the evening. That night, Taemin goes to the club that ends up getting pictures in the press the next day.
He stops going out. Just for a while. Just until his coronation.
But Minho stays. He doesn’t say much to Taemin, but he’s nice to have around. Comforting, in a way. Taemin wants him to stay.
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royal-iris · 3 years
Iris paces back and forth in front of the door, constantly stopping to tell himself that this time he’ll definitely knock. Then he just starts pacing again, growling under his breath. Why was this so hard, dammit?
What’s worse is that Addie knows he’s here. Or that he’s on the ship, anyway. Otherwise he wouldn’t have made it this far. Addie had to confirm his identity and everything. Damn. He’s going to have to ask her about all that. The level of authority she seems to have is phenomenal. 
 He takes a deep breath, scolding himself for being such a coward. There was a lot he needed to ask her, especially about...everything that was going on now. Everything that’s happened. About her family. Who the fuck was the pretty boy with the snarky mouth and nice ass trying to start shit with him?
He stops pacing once more, staring at the door. This is it. This time he’ll definitely knock. He can’t pace here forever! Come on, Iris, you can do this!
The door opens before he even moves his hand, and standing in front of him is Addie herself. He finds himself breathless, as if he’d forgotten from the last time he saw her how different she looked now compared to how she looked when they were teenagers. Her hair is longer, currently in a ponytail. She looks more filled out. With muscle! That’s exactly what he means with muscle!
“You know I cameras out here, right?” she asks, allowing Iris’ horrible train of thought to crash and burn like it deserves.
“Um...” he tries, unable to form words. He clears his throat and tries again. He doesn’t know where to start.
“Come in?” she offers, opening the door wider to let Iris into her quarters. The quarters she shares with her fiance, the High Chancellor. He hesitates for far longer than what’s probably normal before moving.
“Oh! Uh...yeah. Yeah.”
He practically scrambles his way inside, finding a large living area that has perhaps more plants than he’s seen in a lifetime. The decor is dark and simple, with hints of gold nick-knacks to bring the place together. There are also two rather larger creatures in the corner, one a dog and one that looks a very large, odd looking cat.
“You...you’re place is nice...” Iris says awkwardly.
Addie raises a brow out him as she shuts and locks the door. “You can sit down. Do you want any think to drink? I got coffee, tea. Alcohol.”
Iris shakes his head. “No, no.” He does however sit down, flopping on the couch. The big dog is look at him and wagging it’s tail. He twiddles his fingers for a moment, staring at a small succulent sitting on the coffee table.
Addie sighs, walking over and sitting next to Iris. Not too close yet. She doesn’t want Iris to get overwhelmed. “Iris. Look at me? It’s still me, you know?”
Again, Iris takes a moment to respond, lifting his head and meeting Addie’s gaze. There’s a scar under her right eye. Small but jagged, lighter than the rest of her skin. Her green eyes...well they’re no less bright just...a different kind of light shine there now. More like a sparking flame than the bright sunshine he say last so long ago. She’s seen some shit. He remembers seeing the same look in his parents’ eyes.
“I...Addie I don’t get it,” Iris finally says, a deep frustration present in his words.
Addie offers a small smile. “Last year, Dwight kidnapped my brother. However, when I went to go rescue him, do you know what I found? He wasn’t even trying to kill him. Instead Dwight was losing a fucking game of Go Fish.”
“Then he and my Uncle Johnny started talking. Then he saved his life. Took care of him. He’s...done a lot of saving people lately.”
“Iris...you don’t have to do anything. Nothing has to change. You can keep hating him for as long as you want because it’s valid. He hurt us. We’re allowed to feel however we want about this situation.” She doesn’t know how much Iris and Chance talked about before or during their scuffle, so she won’t say anything about Chance’s relation to Dwight just yet. Regardless of how obvious it may be.
“I...I was pissed off at first, too,” she mentions.
“At first?” Iris asks.
Addie nods. “I...he’s trying. And he can’t do anything without me knowing anyway with his anklet. But...Iris...I’ve seen this song and dance enough to know I can’t just...I can’t just ignore it.” 
He’s also helping protect my uncle with everything he has and that’s worth some merit.
Iris stares at her for a long time.  It’s hard for him to find his words. His nerves are jittery with being with Addie again, he’s confused and still frustrated by this situation. But Addie’s sincerity keeps him from snapping again.
“You...you’re different,” he says. He catches himself quickly. “I mean! Not...bad different. And not entirely! Just...you’re the same but...not.” Smooth, Iris.
Addie shrugs. “A lot has changed,” she tells him. “But...you and me? That hasn’t. I...I missed you.” Her eyes glimmer as her smile widens.
Iris can’t help but smile back, scooting a little closer. “I...I missed you, too, Addie.”
“Hey, Addie, have you seen my-” Chance enters the room, looking between the two for a moment. He then smirks at Iris. “Come for round two?”
Iris glares at him and growls. Well that moment is ruined. “You’re just asking to get your ass kicked, huh?”
Addie mutters something under her breath that neither boy catches. “What was that, Songbird?” Chance asks.
“Nothing. You two are just being ridiculous,” she says, getting up from her seat. “You wanna stay for dinner, Iris?”
Iris looks between Addie and Chance. While Chance looks way too satisfied for his own good with that stupid grin on his face, they both look like they genuinely would like him to stay. Still, he hesitates, wondering if he’s still intruding.
“Don’t worry I don’t bite,” Chance says suddenly, winking at Iris. Addie nearly smacks herself too hard when she face palms.
Iris gets to his feet, glaring and growling at Chance for a moment before. He really does look like that bastard, with some small differences. “Unfortunately for you, I do,” he snarls before turning back to Addie. “I would love to stay for dinner.”
Addie just sighs, already wondering how long it would take Chance to figure out that Iris has no idea he’s flirting with him...
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heroloverangel · 5 years
Something You Like
aka how the HELL does Hawks wear shirts?
You’re only slightly tipsy as you stumble home, giving an annoyed glance at the darkened sky and the rain that’s coming down harder by the minute. You hadn’t planned on being out this late, but there was a fun crowd at the bar and you lost track of time. You even got another chance to flirt with that cute hero you met last time. It’s been a good night; not even the increasingly heavy rain is going to ruin your mood. You lift your purse over your head in an attempt to keep dry, then without warning you feel a hand tighten firmly around your wrist from behind.
“Isn’t it a little dangerous to be waving that around? Looks like you’re just asking for trouble, cutie.” You whirl around and find yourself gawking at the smirking face of Hawks, the same hero from the bar. Before you can ask anything, he leans in close to whisper in your ear. “That creep over there’s been following you since you left. I don’t wanna start a fight, I’m just gonna walk you home.” You glance over his shoulder and can just make out a shadow hiding in the alley you passed a moment ago. You feel a chill shoot down your spine and sober up instantly. You nod and resume your walk, Hawks falling into step beside you down the street.
Gradually you relax, not quite returning to your earlier spirits but it’s hard to feel too upset with your current companion. “...He was so pissed, I swear you could have roasted a turkey on his face!” He finishes his story just as you reach your apartment building, both of you soaked from the worsening storm but laughing too hard to care.
“Thanks for everything, back there.” Reluctantly you take a step forward, seeing his wide grin fade into something more neutral as another flash of lightning illuminates the clouds. A thought strikes you, and the words are out of your mouth before you can second-guess yourself. “Do you wanna come up and wait out the rain for awhile?”
If he’s surprised, he doesn’t show it. “That’d be great.” His grin is infectious as he follows you up the stairs and into your home.
“Can I ask you a question?” Hawks looks up from your doorway, shoes halfway off and wings dripping buckets of water onto the floor. “Why didn’t you fly here? It would have been faster.”
He holds up one finger almost teasingly. “You ever seen a bird fly in a storm?” You cock your head, open and shut your mouth in confusion. You honestly have no idea if birds can fly in the rain. “Or maybe I just wanted an excuse to stick around longer.” Okay yeah, he’s definitely teasing you now. He laughs at your reaction, wings twitching and alerting you to the fact that your carpet is being soaked worse with every move. You excuse yourself to grab some dry towels, praying you have something large enough to dry his feathers.
You return a few minutes later and find him digging through your fridge like he owns the place. “There’s a microwave right there, you animal,” you scold as you take sight of the leftover teriyaki chicken enroute to his mouth and he shows you that smirk again, completely unphased at being caught sneaking food like a stray raccoon. You dump it onto a plate to heat up before tossing a towel over his damp hair, drying him off yourself to keep his teriyaki-covered fingers from staining it. His head is a fluffy mess when you pull away and two thoughts cross your mind. 
One, he’s a lot smaller than most of the pro heros you’re familiar with. His cohorts like All Might and Endeavor are massive, almost larger than life figures, intimidating just from their size alone. Hawks in comparison isn’t much taller than you, he feels more like a regular person than a living legend. It’s comforting, how normal he seems in your home.
Two, you realize you were mistaken to think of him as cute earlier. Here in your kitchen with his messy hair and that taunting grin, he’s actually wickedly, stupidly handsome. On impulse you reach up and ruffle his hair; it’s surprisingly soft and feathery between your fingers and the man in front of you practically chirps at the contact. 
Without warning his wings flap, spraying water across the room and knocking half your cooking supplies off the counter. “Hey, at least they’re mostly dry now,” he points out, giving his feathers a tiny shake as proof. He’s nice enough to help clean up before swiping the hot chicken from the microwave and sauntering over to claim your couch. You can’t help but take interest in the way he automatically unfolds his wings behind him, spreading them over the back of the furniture in a movement that’s fluid from years of practice. Something occurs to you as you watch him settle in and devour your food.
“Hey, Hawks? How do you even wear shirts? Y’know, with your wings and all?”
The hero perks up at the opportunity to show off, wipes his fingers clean of sauce and sits up to face away from you. “Watch this, it’s fun.” You keep your eyes trained on him as he pulls his arms free from his jacket and does some kind of....weird little shimmying motion with his feathers. It’s almost like he’s compressing them as he flexes his shoulders to shrug the coat off, slipping the appendages through the slits in the fabric so it can fall off behind him. He looks back at you with a wink. “Cool, huh?”
“I have no idea what you just did,” you admit, trying to figure out how he managed that maneuver. 
He shakes his head, not even bothering to hide his snort of laughter. “Okay, watch again.” Before you can protest he’s yanking at his shirt, doing that shimmying thing again that your brain point-blank refuses to understand and relaxes back against your couch, arms folded and expression smug. It’s an unfair move, it’s hard to focus on what you were seeing when there’s a half-naked demigod sitting in your living room like a king on this throne. You don’t hide your curiosity as you look him over; toned muscle showing that he puts plenty of effort into his body even though it’s unnecessary with his quirk. You tear your eyes away from his chest and meet his gaze, enjoyment clear on his face as he relishes your attention. “See somethin’ you like, huh?”
You’re not going to be out-seduced by a guest in your own home. “Yeah, I do.” You sit down, matching his grin as you curl up beside him and reach for the remote.
The two of you carry on like this for awhile, flipping through commercials and listening to the rain slam against your windows as you share the plate of chicken and crack bad jokes at each other. It feels surprisingly natural when he splays his arm across your shoulders, pulling you tighter to himself and the warmth of his body seeps into your clothes. “See something you like, hero?” you ask playfully, tilting your face up to his.
“Yeah, I do.” He can’t quite hide his smile as he leans down to kiss you. His fingers twist into your hair, holding you in place to coax your mouth open for his tongue. He tastes like teriyaki, and the beer he’d had earlier, and something indescribably Hawks that your distracted brain identifies as sexy bird, and somehow it all works for him. He bites at your lip and you groan, pressing closer against his bare chest. You break for air and he takes the opportunity to tug your shirt over your head, no weird shimmy required, and throws it over his shoulder. His fingers wrap around your waist to yank you up into his lap, wings fluttering up to cage you in. “I’m seeing a lot that I like.”
You feel yourself blushing, kissing him again to hide your reaction. He trails his hands up your bare skin, leaving goosebumps in his wake. He takes notice of your nipples hardening under your bra and wags his eyebrows. You can’t help but roll your eyes but don’t complain when he reaches up your back to pop open the hooks and slip it off you. Hawks licks his lips almost unconsciously and grabs for you, giving your breasts a firm squeeze. His lips trace along your pulse, thumbs circling over your nipples and you begin to melt into his attention. Your own hands drag down his firm abs to the front of his pants where you can feel his dick hard for you and you let out breathy sigh before fumbling with his zipper.
“Babe, chill. I’m not going anywhere,” he teases, giving you a whistle of appreciation. “Were you gonna hide these from me all night? That’s downright cruel.” He pinches your sensitive flesh in his fingers and your whimper only spurs him on to grope you more.
“Maybe we’d have got...gotten to this sooner if you hadn’t spent all night s-shoveling chicken into your mouth like--oh shit, Hawks...” your sentence trails off as his mouth leaves a trail from your collarbone down your chest to capture a nipple between his teeth. He’s got you squirming on his lap in seconds, sucking on your tender skin until you’re whining out his name with every breath. He releases you with an indecent slurp only to kiss a path across to its twin, already stiff and ready for the same treatment. You grip onto his sleek hair, raking your nails across his scalp as his tongue lathes over you, stubble on his chin teasing you to an almost embarrassing arousal. He finally separates from you after several more minutes of admiration, once you’re reduced to a panting mess on top of him and nearly pleading to be fucked.
“Sooo,” he drawls, leaning back to get a good look at you and allowing those giant wings to support your balance. “What do you wanna do now?” 
You’re already slipping out of your jeans before you answer. “Fuck me, hero.” You try to sound confident, you really do, but the request comes out sounding far too needy to be convincing. You’re not sure whether you want to slap that shit-eating grin right off his smug face or kiss it away.
He sits up a little straighter with interest, thumbs rubbing patterns into your hips and then catching the edge of your panties. That cocky smile only grows wider as he pulls your underwear down without a moment’s hesitation to see just how wet you’ve gotten for him. His hand presses between your thighs, ghosting over your clit and dragging a sigh out of you. “Wow, it doesn’t take much for you, does it?” His fingers slip into you before you can reply, scissoring your pussy open and all you can do is moan and hold on to him. You let out a little sound of disappointment when he pulls them out to lick your juices off but don’t have long to complain before he gets to the point. You can’t tear your gaze away from the movement of his hands; you watch intently as Hawks reaches for his pants and somehow manages to yank them down past his knees, taking his boxers with them and finally revealing his cock to you.
There’s no trace of self-consciousness on his face, only total satisfaction while you look him over. He’s not huge, proportioned nicely along with the rest of his body, and you have to admit it’s the best looking dick you’ve ever seen. He’s flushed such a pretty rosy color all down his length, light veins decorating him perfectly. The wide head of his cock stands eager for attention, you can’t wait to feel it buried inside you and your inner muscles clench at the idea. 
“C’mere babe,” he grabs at your hips again, voice husky as you straddle his thighs and he lines himself up to enter you. Without a second thought he’s pulling you down onto his shaft, low groan in his throat as you sink down to take him. Your cunt is so wet you offer no resistance and he bottoms out inside you in one firm thrust. A choked little gasp escapes you and he pauses, fingertips tracing a random pattern along your thighs. “You okay there?” You nod, offering a little smile of your own as you adjust to the fit and the soothing touch of his hand stops to grip firmly at your hips. “That’s good. Hold on to me.”
You know how fast Hawks can move; you’ve seen plenty of videos from his fights. You’re expecting to get fucked at some near-inhuman speed, your brain scrambled inside your skull like a plate of eggs. He surprises you instead, holding you close and rutting up inside you slowly enough to make you intimately familiar with every inch of his cock sliding in and out of you. It’s unexpectedly intimate and you find yourself focusing on his face, where he’s still giving you that same pleased smirk. “I take my time when it matters,” he explains simply, pulling you down to meet his grinning lips. Another roll of his hips has you breaking away to let out a shaky whimper as his dick presses against your g-spot.
“F-faster, Hawks,” you pant, struggling to speed up against the steady hold on your hips keeping you in place. There’s a spark of mischief in his eyes that makes something in your stomach fip.
“Ask me nicely,” he teases, squeezing your hips down just a bit more to thrust deeper in your pussy. Well, you’re not going to beg; you have too much pride for that. You clamp your mouth shut and he laughs, wings flexing around you and grazing your back. “Bet I can make you ask for it,” he challenges, gaze never leaving yours and you can feel sweat trickle down your back.
Your partner keeps one hand firmly in place to control your movements but lets the other one roam over your body. You’re hyper aware of the path of his fingers while he circles your navel, tickling over your stomach and ribs and up to your breasts. He pinches at your nipple without warning and you cry out despite yourself and instinctively tighten around his dick in response to the simulation. “You’ve got a real nice voice,” he huffs out, voice rough and you think to yourself that you really shouldn’t enjoy the sound of it quite so much.
You’re not going to beg; you shut your eyes so you don’t have to look at that absolutely sinful expression on his face as he continues to fuck you at a brutally slow pace. Hawks shows no sign of giving up, he’s only spurred on by the squeezing of your cunt that you can’t control. He pulls you closer, nips at your ear and his tongue follows a bead of sweat running down your throat. His lips find your nipple again and suddenly it’s hard to breathe, your eyes snap open and the bastard winks at you, sucking it into the heat of his mouth and you can’t stop the way you clench tight around his dick.
You’re not going to beg, you remind yourself as a sound coming out of you that’s shamefully close to a whine slips out. You’re not going to beg, even when he lets go of your nipple with a wet pop and targets the other one. You’re not going to beg-
You’re so distracted by his attack on your breasts you don’t even notice him finally releasing your other hip to rub his calloused thumb over your clit, and your resolve snaps like a rubber band.
“Fuck, Hawks. Please, go h-harder! I need more, please. I-” your words devolve into a needy moan and his attention to your clit speeds up.
“See, all you had to do was ask.” His unoccupied hand reaches over to squeeze hard at your ass and he picks up speed, your body following along with his movements. “Was that so hard, honey?” His smile is taunting but you love it, your greedy cunt milking him for anything he’ll give you. You cry out for him and his grip tightens to pull you up and down faster on him; you wonder if he’s getting as close as you are. You relish every second he’s got you bouncing on his cock, his hand continuing to make quick work on your throbbing clit and you can feel yourself starting to come undone.
“H...god, Hawks, I’m gonna come, you feel-mmm, feel so good...” you manage to pant out in his ear, unsure if you feel lightheaded from the sex or the heat of your bodies trapped within his wings. He redoubles his efforts, thrusting up inside you with even harder, faster strokes and his touch against your clit becomes almost painfully intense. Your climax comes with his lips sucking a red mark into your neck, your own hands buried in his messy hair and your ragged voice squealing his name over and over.
He doesn’t last much longer once your own needs are taken care of. He fucks you at that same frantic speed for a few more minutes, enjoying the sight of your breasts jiggling with every rapid motion of his body as you do your best to keep up with it. Lucky for you both, he’s got enough sense to slam on the breaks and pull out at the last moment, painting your shaky thighs and stomach with his cum only seconds after retreating.
“Shit.” Hawks falls back against the couch and spreads his wings out to allow you to slip from his lap and sprawl uselessly beside him on the cushions. The two of you sit together for a minute, slowly catching your breaths and shooting each other satisfied glances. “Now that’s how you spend a rainy day,” he jokes and it’s so stupid you can’t help but laugh.
You’re a good host and remember to toss the dirty plate from earlier into the sink and offer him some water after that workout, and then excuse yourself to the bathroom to clean up the mess he’s made of your body. You come back out wearing an old t-shirt and fresh underwear and find yourself a little disappointed to see him slipping his own clothes back on. You watch him pull his jacket on, doing that same weird little shimmy from earlier to get his wings through the slits and have to admit that you still don’t understand how that works.
“Oh, are you leaving? You don’t have to, you can stay over if you want.” You try not to sound too hopeful.
He shrugs his shoulders and gives you a sad little smile. “Sorry, I gotta get back to work soon. A hero’s job is never done, and all that.” He puts his shoes back on then stops for a moment and steps over to you. You’re pulled in for a quick kiss before he opens the door. “I’ll see you around,” he calls before walking out. You’re not surprised to see a red blur flying past your window after another minute, soaring higher up into the clearing sky.
You sigh quietly and settle back down on your couch, reaching for your phone to distract yourself. You never bother to lock it simply for convenience’s sake, and you pause at the fact that there’s an open text to an unfamiliar number on your screen. You read it and grin when you realize who was using your phone.
🐔 the food’s my treat next time 🍴
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gutterdreams · 7 years
miss atomic bomb [b.hargrove headcanon]
I’ve always loved this song by The Killers.
You were standing between two other girls, laughing quietly to yourselves and almost dancing with your hips when you spoke.
The three of you were obviously sharing secrets
That was the first time Billy saw you
Arm out the window of his car
Holding a burning cigarette 
Staring behind his dark aviators
He was new in town and parked outside the arcade
It was his and Max's first full day in town 
Susan asked him to take Max out and while his frown looked permanent 
He was happy to be out of their small house that was still packed in boxes 
You looked up at him and slowly and waved
He was staring and you wanted to make it plain that you saw him 
It wasn't until six minutes later that you trailed behind your friends, walking into the diner steps away from the arcade that you spoke to him
Confidently, you walked right up to his elbow and caught his head leaning back on his leather seat 
"Didn't your mom tell you it's not polite to stare?"
Instantly, your friends giggled in front of you 
Billy had just enough time to sit up and smile at you
He told you his name was Billy 
"I like that name." You said back and then headed over to your friends.
He had enjoyed the way you looked
And now he liked the way you sounded. 
It didn't surprise him like it did you that that you quickly became a staple in his day to day in Hawkins
Making out in the Camaro 
The leather seats sticking to your limbs 
Making out to every song on the radio
Your fingers like comb teeth in his curly hair 
His hands practically magnetized to your open knees 
Going back to California was still his end game
But you were an intoxicating intermission. 
You encouraged him to drive as fast as he could
Your screaming a cheerful song deafening his ears 
It was the only time that he didn't feel like he had the weight of the world on his back
You in the passenger seat of his car, your nails between your teeth and a mischievous look in your eyes.
Billy felt like it went without saying.
You were his
It didn't need a discussion.
But then after he drove you to Candy Porter's party, you were dancing with Scott Ewing. 
Against Scott Ewing. 
He never liked Scott. 
Scott was preppy and Billy felt like an outcast
At first, Billy just smirked at you and drank viciously while he watched.
He assumed you were being cheeky.
Playing a stupid game that would result in his fingerprints all over your body like a blue and purple dot-to-dot activity page.
Then you kissed Scott.
He was leaning in and mouthing the words to the Van Halen song right at you
But you put your hands on both sides of his face and kissed him
Billy felt instantly betrayed. 
His face was red and knuckles white as he threw his red Solo Cup down and didn't think twice about the flat beer puddle of Candy's carpet.
He thought about just leaving, but the anger bubbling through him was sharp and vile.
He couldn't just walk away 
Billy rushed between everyone and ripped you away from Scott, practically yanking your arm off and sending Scott onto his ass from the force.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Like a violent authority figure, he scolded you. 
"Hey, man...we are just having fun..." Stepping closer, Scott tried to butt in.
He couldn't see how surprised your drunk eyes had grown
He couldn't see that Billy was ready to destroy anything in his path.
"Fun?" There it was.
Vibrant as sirens and crazed like circus music
Billy replaced any signs of human normalcy in his eyes with mania.
"Fun? I can have fun." He shrugged and started wagging his tail out in Scott's face. "I like to have fun too." With both palms shoved into Scott's chest, Billy began to fight. 
He just kept pushing him backwards
"Is this fun? Are we having fun?"
Billy laughed, but he was obviously pissed.
"Billy -" Joining on lookers, you tried to butt in from behind.
This was unnecessary, you thought.
"Hey, man- " Scott finally shoved back.
It hit the switch and Billy swung at him.
Around them, other party-goers cheered while a few girls screamed.
Billy had Scott on the floor and was using his fist like a hammer.
Nailing Scott's head into the beige carpet over and over
"You don't have fun with my fucking girl, Ewing!" Billy's voice was a coarse roar through the room
You swore you heard a rip form in his throat.
You had been pulling on Billy's arm, but it was useless when it kept wailing into Scott.
"You're going to kill him!" Horrified, your voice choked out in a scream.
Billy didn't stop though.
"Billy!" You let go of him to leave.
You were going to call the police, get Tommy, get a frying pan, you weren't sure
But Billy stopped as your hands were off him.
He stood off of Scott and caught your wrist, pulling you back to his chest
Out of breath, he was heaving as you two held each other's glares.
Yours, disgusted.
His, enraged. 
"Hey, aren't you having fun?" He almost spat at you.
"I'm not your girl." You snapped back and shook his fingers off you.
Maryanne Flowers was on the floor, kneeling by Scott while his friend, Derek Morris, propped his head up on his folded jacket.
Scott was a bloody mess.
And it was your fault.
So you did the only thing you could think of and went to the kitchen to get a glass of tap water.
You longed for adventure, but this wasn't it. 
When you came back to Scott, Billy was gone. 
You didn't look for him for long. 
You tended to Scott and then once Derek was ready to take him home, you went to find a friend to confide in.
Instead, you went upstairs and found Billy coming out of the washroom, fresh from washing Scott's blood from his knuckles and between his fingers.
You turned to leave, but he charged toward you.
"I don't have anything to say to you!" Keeping your eyes down, you waved your hands in his face
Billy took them and pinned them to your side.
"What do you mean you're not my girl?" That's what bothered him about tonight.
That's what stung the most.
In his world of never ending pain and humiliation, you were a gentle touch and tenderness.
Now you were refusing to look at him.
Sure, he hadn't come out and asked you to be his girlfriend.
But he wasn't a lame pussy like that.
Billy tossed his head from side to side, trying to make you look at him. 
"Hey, answer me." He shook you, but you wrestled your arms out of his grip.
"No, I'm not your girl!" "You're a psycho!" "I could never be with someone who acts like you just did!" 
Billy was hurt. 
Inside, he easily slid back into the seven year old boy rejected by his dad for wetting the bed. 
He could feel his eyes burning, but he reacted against it.
Billy refused to let you see that you had this affect on him.
"So, what you're just a slut? I'm good when you need dick, but that's it?!" 
He was lashing out.
If ever there was a wrong time to call you a 'slut', Billy had found it.
Giving him a taste of his own medicine, you shoved your fists into his chest and pushed him back into the wall
The back of his head collided into one of the framed and hanging pictures of The Porter family.
“You know what, Billy Hargrove, everyone's right about you. You're a fucking pig!” You screamed at him
The drunk couple at the end of the dark hallway, parting mouths to watch
A snickering girl entering the bathroom, but not before watching. 
Billy growled at you and muttered 'bitch' and took off, leaving the party in a fury.
Not before knocking all the contents off of the kitchen table and sending them to the floor. 
He felt like a fool.
He was falling for you.
And you didn't want him back.
You wanted some polo-wearing asshole like Scott Ewing or Steve Harrington
Someone who would go on to work for their old man. 
Billy didn't think he had asked for much.
He just wanted you.
All of you.
He drove home furiously, crushing the rest of his 12 pack of beer as he ripped through the night. 
Under the pale half moon, he practically drove in circles and let the soundtrack of your backseat sessions harass him from the radio.
“I like your smile.” “I can tell you're smiling when you kiss me.” 
Billy recalled your laugh as you pushed the corners of his lips up with both hands, sitting in his lap with his hand between your knees.
“Who hurt you, huh?” “You always look so sad in the halls...” 
Sweetly, you would cozy your nose up against his chin and kiss his jaw, showing him sweetness could exist in his new life.
As long as it had doe eyes and long waterproof lashes.
Billy tried not to push you away. 
He tried to be gentle and not break you like everything else delicate that had been put in his hand.
He felt like he had done a good job.
It just burned like Hell flames inside to see you enjoy yourself with someone else.
To see you happy with someone else.
Internally, he had to keep telling himself that you would regret pushing him, you would miss him, that you were an idiot.
Still, he didn't believe it. 
Beer cans between his gas pedal and brakes, rolling around on the floor
It wasn't enough.
His vision blurred, but he just saw you.
He smacked the wheel as hard to the beat of the Slayer song he had gone down on you to, but all he felt was your soft thighs between his fingers. 
He screamed, but Billy swore he told you say 'it's all okay, it's going to be okay'.
Billy slammed on his brakes, a dust cloud forming around his car.
He swore you were there standing as it settled, your little white dress ending before your knees and flowing in the breeze.
You had those stupid patient eyes that he loved first.
Covered in his sweat, Billy panted and scrunched up his face in pain.
This was going to be a dull ache that he couldn't drink away, he couldn't silence through metal music, and he couldn't fight away.
This was a mistake that would taunt him until he finally left this town.
Until he was gone and it was you missing him.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
I Can’t: Part 3
Pairings: Seb Stan x Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, introvert stuff… angst. IDK I’m bad at this kinda thing. Fluff & swearing as usual.
Word Count: 1,910
A/N: Looks like we got another one shot turned mini-series. Enjoy & Thank @magpiegirl80 for the adorable derp photo of her dog, Ollie & send love to my pups, Lucy and Skye!!!
Part 1 / Part 2
‘So what are you up to tonight?” Seb texted roughly two months after you had started texting like he did almost every day. You took a deep breath and exhaled forcefully through your nose as you set your Mountain Dew down on your table and pulled up your messenger app. 
‘Apparently watching Jaws 3 for the millionth time on TV. So not a damn thing LOL. Why, what’s up?’
‘I have a proposition for you, sweetheart.’
He didn’t give you any time to respond.
‘I’m back in New York for a couple weeks; got in this morning. I was wondering if you would consider meeting me again maybe for dinner? Let’s say tonight at your house so that you’re not somewhere out in public and you’re somewhere you’re comfortable being. I’ll order pizza and I’ll even bring a movie from our list if you want.’
You stared blankly at your phone and reread the message a couple times before you responded with the only thing your brain could come up with.
‘But I live in Queens.’
‘Yea, you do. That’s what taxi’s are for. Don’t over think, sweetheart. I know I’m asking a lot from you but I promise, if I didn’t think you could handle it, I wouldn’t ask. So what do you say? Pepperoni pizza and ‘Reservoir Dogs’?’
A nervous, small smile pulled at the corner of your lips.
‘I still can’t believe you haven’t seen that, Sebby.’
‘So that’s a yes then?’
Your stomach turned a few times and you bit your thumb nail as you considered his proposition. Sebastian waited patiently for your response, which took about five whole minutes to come up with.
‘OK. Send me your address, sweetheart. I’ll come by in let’s say an hour. That way, you don’t over think it and back out. Is that OK?’
You nodded your head at the screen.
Knowing that you were already starting to get anxious, Seb sent you a selfie he knew would make you smile.
Tumblr media
With a giggle, you sent him a thumbs up and your address. He let you know he’d see you soon and you quickly shot your mom a text letting her know Sebastian was coming over to hang out for dinner and a movie.
‘Clean your bathroom mirror and don’t leave your clothes drying over the backs of the dining room table chairs. And for God’s sake, PLEASE put (and keep) some pants on! A little mascara wouldn’t kill you either.’
‘Yes, boss lady.’
You responded sarcastically as you kicked your foot rest down, set your laptop on the coffee table and went to go get ready.
“Lucy, hush.” You scolded as you gently put your foot on her chest and carefully moved her back away from the front door she was barking at. “Hush, you’re fine, mouthpiece.” You tried not to psych yourself out as you unlocked your front door and pulled it open with shaky hands.
“Hello.” Sebastian said behind a large, fake, handlebar mustache. “My name is… um… Bass. Yea, we’ll go with that. I am not a famous actor what so ever, and I’m here to hang out with a pretty lady. Not an actor though.” You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling as you stepped back.
“They won’t bite. They’ll just smell you.” You said as you pointed at your dogs. He nodded to himself and smiled behind his mustache as he pulled open your screened gate door and instantly bent down to say hi.
“Hi puppies. Hi! Are you good girls?” He asked as Skye jumped up on his thigh and Lucy wagged her short tail (which meant her entire body) to say hi as she sniffed his jeans.
“Alright, let him in.” You said. “Let him walk, Luce.”
“They’re alright.” He laughed as he crouched down in front of the pair. Skye, being the little shit that she was, stood so her front paws were on his muscular thighs and when he bent over to get kisses, she snagged his mustache and took off at a run for something new to chew on. “Well that lasted long.” He laughed as you scrambled to grab your dog to keep her from choking on the fake hair piece.
“She’s a little shit.” You said as you grabbed her around the middle and picked her up so she couldn’t run and hide. “We give her a new toy and within an hour, it’s missing all it’s stuffing and every appendage it has.” You held onto the mustache with your left hand and wiggled your left pointer finger between her teeth to push down her tongue and force her to let go of the hair piece. Once she did, you balled it in your fist and put her back down so she could turn and look at you indignantly.
“How old is she?” He asked as he closed the front door for you.
“Umm… she’s about six. She was about a year old when we rescued her and we got her in 2013 when my parents got divorced. Lucy is eleven, born on Cinco de Mayo.”
“That’s actually really cool.” Seb chuckled as he scratched Lucy’s head a few more times before standing up to look at you with a smile. You froze awkwardly as he looked at your face to try and commit it to memory before he gestured to the couch behind you. “So I know I said pepperoni but on the drive over I kinda decided I wanted sausage, too? I know you said you like both so we can do like half and half or whole… I’m not picky. I also brought this…” He said as he pulled out a DVD from his jacket pocket. “… and I figured we can find a pizza place around here that you haven’t tried before to try together. Give us a little adventure.”
“OK.” You said simply as you walked over and sat down in your usual spot. He sat down on the same couch but a little bit away from you.
“Just keep breathing. You’ll get used to me being here. I’m just another guy. It’s all in your mind… Oooo!” He joked as he wiggled his fingers near your head; purposely being extra goofy to make you relax faster. “So, let’s find some pizza.”
“I love this part.” You said softly as you sat curled up in your spot and watched the Mr. Blonde cop torture scene set up. You shrugged as you reached out and pulled a piece of pepperoni off the slice of pizza on Seb’s plate. “But I’m twisted.”
“Yea, I got that.” Seb teased as he picked up his slice and ate it, not even caring that you stole half the pepperoni off it already. “Wait… is he gunna…”
“Oh yes he is.” You giggled. “Fucking love Tarantino.”
“Damn, and I thought I was messed up.” You smiled and barely glanced over at him as he took another large bite of his dinner. You didn’t know how he had managed to do it, but he got you to relax and forget that he was an actor within twenty minutes of him getting there with funny faces and seemingly never ending jokes. “Get it!” He cheered over the cop screaming.
“Oh he got it.” You said as you watched Mr. Blonde look at a severed ear before delivering on of your favorite lines ‘Was that as good for you as it was for me?’ You missed Seb glance over at your twisted smile and he shook his head.
“I feel like I should be worried about you here, sweetheart.” You let out a huffed laugh and shook your head as you rested it on the back of the couch and met his eyes.
“My mom has told me thousands of times that I find joy in other peoples misfortune. I legit laugh when I see people get pulled over when they do stupid shit. She thinks that’s bad. I find it hilarious.”
“I think I have to agree with you on that one. It is funny.”
“See, I knew I wasn’t the only one.” You said as your laptop started to ring on the coffee table in front of you. You glanced at the screen and reached out to his mute when Seb started to laugh.
“What does that say?” As he read the name you had Christine saved as in your contacts list.
“‘My Favorite British Cunt’. It’s a friend of mine that lives in the UK.”
“Answer it.” He laughed as he grabbed the remote off the table and paused the movie. You looked over at him with your eye brow raised and he nodded. “It’s fine.” With a small shrug, you answered it.
“Where the fuck’ve you been all day! I’ve a story for you.”
“I’ve been busy, bitch.” You said as you picked up your laptop and put it on your lap. “What do you want?”
“So you’ll never believe what happened to me…” She started as Seb reached over and slowly started to turn the laptop toward him.
“Bet mine’s better.” You laughed as the corner of his eye, part of his forehead, and some of his currently short hair appeared beside your face in the screen. Your friend’s eyes went wide as the laptop stopped moving.
“Is he there?” She asked as she pointed at the screen for confirmation.
“No, I bought a life size cut out and decided to hold it up next to my face, you idiot.”
“Piss off, ya cunt.” She said as Seb blinked a few times but otherwise stayed perfectly still. “I’ll let ya go then…”
“No, keep talking.” He laughed. “Pretend I’m not even here.”
“Oh, cause it’s that easy.” She laughed.
“This is Christine, by the way.” You said with a glance over at him. “She’s the Tumblr girl I talk about all the time a.k.a. my internet wife.”
“The fuck’ve ya said ‘bout me, twat?” She shouted.
“That you’re a terrible person who swears more than I do.” You laughed. “Tell me your story.” You listened intently for a few moments as she launched into the story of how her house key broke in the lock and how she and her fiancé got locked out of the house for a couple hours but your attention was claimed more locally when Sebastian moved out of the camera frame and carefully slipped his hand into yours. You looked down at it as he laced his fingers with yours and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“OK?” He whispered as you glanced over at him. You nodded subtly as you let your fingers relax around his hand.
“Are you even listenin’ ta me, wench?” Christine hollered at you.
“No, not any more.” You said honestly with a laugh. “Let me call you tomorrow, OK?”
“I hate you.” She growled as she hung up the phone without even waving good-bye. You closed your laptop and set it on your side table as Sebastian grabbed the remote.
“Keep watching?” You nodded in agreement as you turned in your spot toward him and let your knees rest gently on his hip. He smiled broadly as he picked his arm up and set it on your legs with your hand still in his. He hit play and settled back against the couch, happy that he was took another couple bricks down from the mental wall you had up.
Part 4
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anavoliselenu · 4 years
freedom ch 13
"The moment we choose to love we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others. That action is the testimony of love as the practice of freedom."- Gloria Jean Watkins
"You're being too rough," I shouted as Katy Nana's nimble fingers tried to pull the needle through the cut above my eyebrow. She had already done all the gashes over the rest of my body and just a few more remained. I was over the attention and medical services.
"Justin, you need to sit still. I can't help you if you keep moving," Alec said, dabbing my knee with medicated cloth.
"God… That fucking stings. Stop it," I grunted.
"You're such a baby." Emmett crossed his arms. "For a man who just got blown up, you'd think you'd be a little more subdued."
"I just want to see Selena. Can that be arranged?"
"No, you need to be checked out by a doctor, and she's still sleeping."
"She's been sleeping for three hours. Wake her up. I need to make sure she's all right."
"Trust me, she's okay. You, on the other hand, need to slow down," Emmett scolded. "Esme is going to flip her shit when she finds out what's been going on here."
"I'm fine," I said for the fiftieth time.
"How exactly did you get out?" Jasper asked. "I was the track star in high school. You were the lanky, awkward one. Since when did you get running legs?"
"I ran like hell and obviously, didn't do a good job, did I?"
I looked down at myself. Burns covered most of my body, and I been through hell. I had bruises from top to bottom and scars that probably wouldn't ever heal. There was a dull ringing in my ears, along with a strong smell of fire that was stuck up my nose. My back hurt, my sides ached, and my legs felt like jelly.
I tried to pretend like nothing was wrong, but I was in pain. So much pain. I really only wanted to see Selena, though.
"This is no good. I can only do so much. Where is that doctor?" Katy Nana was about to cry, her hands covered in my blood.
"He's on his way."
"This is why you don't touch bombs!" Emmett ranted. "We've learned it since day one. Now you're whole house is blown up, and you look like complete shit. Selena is worried sick, probably caused stress to the babies, and we have another person after us."
I threw a lamp at his head; he ducked, and it shattered against the wall.
"I'm moving us out of this fucking city," I said. "At least until after the babies are born. I can't take this anymore. I have to look over my shoulder every five seconds, and this was the last straw."
"And where do you plan on moving to?" Alec asked.
"The lake house."
"The lake house? We haven't been there in… years," Jasper said. "I don't like that place. It's haunted."
"It's safe and it's secluded. I'm moving." I hopped off of the desk and grunted in pain as I landed on my feet. "Shit!"
"You're not going anywhere. You probably need some kind of surgery and the lake house is hours from here." Katy Nana pushed me back down. "I won't allow you and Mrs. Selena so far away, especially with her being so close to her due date."
"You have no choice in the matter. We have no house at the moment, so it doesn't really matter, anyway. We have to move."
"Then go to the city," Emmett suggested. "You have three penthouses. Hell, live with us."
"This city is toxic. I don't even know why we fucking moved back."
"Because you had family obligations, like you do now. You can't run away."
"I'm not running away. I'm making sure my wife and children are safe! You can all fuck yourselves." I limped as fast as I could out of Emmett's office and down the hall.
Alec ran behind me. "Justin, are you really leaving?"
"For the next couple of months, yes. I can't live here anymore."
"That's ridiculous. How are you going to work?"
Damn. I hadn't thought about that.
"I can work from home and come in when I need to."
"Selena's not going to like this."
"She doesn't have a choice. Our lives are too dangerous right now. My house just got blown up. I'm not sticking around for the next bomb to be delivered to my doorstep."
I opened the door to the guest bedroom and found Selena sprawled out in the large bed. She was softly snoring, without a care in the world. I breathed a sigh of relief. Just seeing her safe was enough.
"Justin, you can't just uproot your life…"
"Until the babies are born," I repeated myself. I climbed into the bed with Selena, not caring that I was still bloodied and bruised. "Call me when the doctor gets here."
"Justin, you're being irrational. The lake house is on the other side of the state. You can't function over there."
"I'm more worried about my wife's health right now than anything else. Just leave."
He wanted to say more, but didn't. Alec closed the door and I heard his feet retreat in the hall.
The lake house had been a Bieber family staple since I could remember. We used to go every single summer and had a blast. Carlisle basically bought the whole town along Lake Shellbyville and could probably be considered somewhat of an unofficial mayor. It was about five hours away—on a day with no traffic, but since there is never a day without Chicago hustle, the trip usually turned into a seven hour one. Perfect. Far enough away from all the drama.
Years ago, I would have scoffed at the thought of me running away from the city. Now, things were different. I had a family to protect. I couldn't keep them in this hostile environment with guns and bombs and whatever the hell else was about to drop from the sky.
It wasn't like I had options right now. The city wasn't an possibility. My house was destroyed. I had to get out, and the only place close enough was the lake house. It would do for the next few months while our house was being fucking rebuilt.
I ran a hand through my hair just thinking about the damage.
Everything was gone, disintegrated. That thing had more power than I thought. My whole house was basically a hole in the ground. I got out of there fast enough, so I didn't have to deal with the authorities, but I'm sure they would be asking questions soon enough. By now, the fire department had deduced that it wasn't a gas fire, which was the only fabricated lie I could think about right now. They knew it was a bomb.
I didn't care who sent it, but I was sure Alec already knew. He was a bomb expert. He could figure out in no time. I didn't want to know, and I didn't want a big deal made out of it. I didn't have the strength. I just needed to get Selena out of here as soon as possible.
I didn't even realize I was asleep until dreams started running through my head.
I heard Selena's voice. "You have to go slower than that. He'll wake up."
I felt the tug of another needle through a cut on my cheek. I decided to stay asleep so that I wouldn't be such a bitch about the whole thing.
Small fingers tangled into my hair, trying to sooth me.
"He could have died." Selena kissed my forehead. "What would I have done without him, Rose?"
"I don't know, but you can't think like that. He made it out."
"Have you been to the house? What does it look like?"
"Selena… there's nothing left. Everything's gone. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. It's just stuff. We can replace it all." Selena's hands were now shaking in my hair. "How's his health, doctor?"
"His lungs don't sound too good. Probably some inhalation problems. I need to get him to an x-ray machine. I don't like the look of his ankle, either. And, of course the obvious surface blemishes."
"Is he in pain?"
"He probably is. I just need to make sure he can breathe. That's the main thing right now."
I felt a wet tongue on my face and prayed to God that it wasn't Selena. That would be too creepy. Thankfully, I smelled the horrible breath of my dog.
"Francis, no," Selena said. "Leave him alone."
Francis whined and huffed. I still felt him close.
"Mrs. Bieber, I think we should check you out as well," the doctor said.
"No, I'm fine. Just make sure he's okay."
"Selena, stop being so stubborn," I croaked. For the first time, I heard just how horrible my voice sounded, a symptom of the smoke that I had to crawl out of.
"Oh, thank God. He's alive!" Tight arms wrapped around my neck. "I was so worried. Don't you ever do that again."
Francis went crazy, jumping over the bed, yelping in joy, and being a big baby.
"Selena, let go of me." I pried her arms away. "Please don't make this a big thing. I'm fine. Francis, stop it."
He sat down, wagging his tail frantically, but staying calm.
"What about you?" I asked.
"I can make it a big thing if I want."
I opened my eyes and saw that she was mad. No, she was pissed. Her face said so.
"What made you think you could outrun a bomb?" She hit my sore shoulder. I didn't bother hiding the painful noise that came from my mouth.
"I did what I had to do."
"No. We could have thought of something else. We could have saved you all this pain."
"And what would have happened to you?"
"I don't know but we both could have made it out of there."
"You're being stupid." I tried to sit up. Rose and the doctor were there to help me. "Leave," I told them.
"Mr. Bieber, I need to check…"
"Leave," I demanded.
They both took their sweet time walking out of the room, and once the door was closed, I exhaled deeply. Francis snuggled up to my side.
"Justin, you could have died. I could be planning a funeral right now."
"That's the least of our worries."
"Our children could have grown up without a fucking father! You're so stupid."
"I saved your life."
"Thank you for that, by the way. You're always so selfless when it comes to me."
"Are you and the babies alright? That's all I care about right now."
"We're fine, Justin." She cupped my cheek. "Look at your face. You look so beat up."
"I'm okay."
"I was so worried, and then Amun with his fucking needle thing."
"I told him to do that if you ever got out of control."
"I was not out of control. I almost threw up three different times when I saw the bomb go off. We have so much to talk about. I just got a wakeup call today."
"So much to talk about?"
"Yes. What if you're gone tomorrow? What if you die? There's so much unfinished business we haven't even discussed."
"This might sound stupid, but I just kept thinking about you not being here, and we haven't even come up with names for the babies." She was sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't know what to do.
"Selena, calm down. You're going to stress yourself out."
"We're so fucked, Justin. I don't even know what you want to name them."
"Well, we can do that now. Just please stop crying."
She nodded and blew her nose on the edge of the sheet. I cringed. She held Francis close to her chest.
"Now do you see why I was telling you all that stuff about my will?" I asked. "My life could be gone tomorrow, and I have so much to take care of. We can't take anything for granted."
"I thought you were just talking hypothetically."
"Well, I was until someone delivered a bomb to my house. It probably will only get worse. I try to lay off on the security because I know you don't like it, but I need to keep you safe."
"Do whatever you need to do. I'll live in full lockdown if you want. I swear I won't complain." She hugged me tightly.
"You have no idea what your life is about to become. First of all, we're moving."
"Moving?" She pulled away. "Back to Brazil?"
"No, and it's not permanent, but I have a house about five hours from here. Until the babies arrive, I want you to stay there. It's secluded and barely anyone will know."
"But… my doctor is here. Our family is here."
"We can get doctors and family can visit."
"What about your job?"
"I'll… have to work during the week here in the city, and then drive out there for the weekends. That's probably the only way to do this, but I can't have you living here right now. It's too dangerous."
It looked like she needed more convincing.
"We currently don't have a house, anyway."
Selena groaned, "All of our stuff is gone."
"I know." I sighed. "Everything."
We stayed silent for a couple of minutes, taking it all in.
"We'll have to rebuild," she said. "Do we have enough money for that?"
I looked at her with disapproving eyes.
"I was just asking." She shrugged.
"Okay, we can talk about that later. Baby names. Tell me what you've been thinking."
She immediately pepped up. "You first."
"I haven't really thought a lot about it. They have to have strong names, though. They'll need something to grow into."
"That's doable. How about you pick for the boy, and I'll pick the girl. That way we can both have input."
"Alright. What would you like to name our daughter?"
"Well, excluding middle names. I haven't thought about that yet, but… I like Sophia."
"Sophia." I let it roll off of my tongue.
"Yeah, it's certainly Italian, and it was my grandmother's name."
"Your Grandma Swan that you're always talking about?"
She nodded. "I loved her so much."
"Sophia is a wonderful name."
"Really? You like it?" Selena became enthusiastic. "I'm not stuck on it if you want to change it or something."
"No, no. I really like it," I assured her.
"Good." She smiled. "Okay, your turn."
"I have a few. My top would have to be Bartholomew. Hands down."
Selena looked at me with the blankest stare I had ever seen. Even Francis twisted his face in uncertainty.
"What? You don't like it?" I asked.
"Justin, we can't name our son Bartholomew."
"Why not? That's a strong name. It was Nicola's middle name. I think it's perfect."
"Um, sweetheart, I think it's just very… unique. A little too unique." Selena bit her lip, trying to hold back.
"What? Tell me."
"I don't like it."
"Really? I'm quite fond of it." How could anyone not like that name. It was perfect.
"Justin, try something else."
"No. I wanted it to be old word and strong."
"It's old world, that's for sure."
"Give me some other ones, Justin."
"No, I don't think I will." I crawled out of bed. "I have to go back to the drawing board now that you've dashed my good name."
"I didn't mean to. I just don't really like it. Maybe it will grow on me."
I stretched and felt the pain all over my body. "No. I'm keeping my thoughts to myself until your due date."
As I was going through the wreckage that used to be my house, I found small trinkets that survived the fire. A wedding picture. One of Francis' chew toys. An antique clock. Constriction crews were still hauling off debris.
It hurt to witness my things in tatters. I didn't let Selena see anything for at least a week. I had to talk with the police and fire department first. They had cleaning up to do, and I didn't want her to break down again. She had been doing that a lot lately. I think all of this was too much for her, especially in her current condition.
When Selena finally did make it over to the house, I couldn't console her. She spent the whole night crying on my shoulder. Nothing I said would make her stop. I had to get her out of here as fast as possible.
I sent a bunch of people up to the lake house to get it fixed up. They stocked the pantry, got all the beds prepared, and made sure Selena didn't have to do anything when we got there. Like I predicted, I couldn't just stop living my life here in Chicago. I would have to commute every weekend to see her. That was the only way.
Alice, Katy Nana, and Alec would be staying with her. It was hard for Selena to grasp that we would probably be separated for a little while. Renee was also coming up and staying for a while, at least until the babies got here.
Construction on the new house had already begun, in a far more secretive part of town. It was further away from the family, but much safer. It would take a long time to complete, but we should be able to move in right after the New Year.
"Justin, phone call." Emmett suddenly appeared next to me with a cellphone.
I took it. "Hello."
"It's been done, sir," the ominous voice on the other line said.
"Both of them?"
"Yes, sir."
"I'll inspect the bodies when I get back." I hung up and handed the phone back to Emmett. "They're both dead."
"That was fast."
"It's easy to disguise murder in prison. Victor and Victoria knew it was coming. They should have prepared for it."
"We're ready to go." He clapped my shoulder.
"Alright, I'm coming." We carefully walked across the dirty lawn. Well, I limped badly. Rubble still scarred the scorched grass, and holes littered the ground.
Thankfully, no one else in the neighborhood had to deal with the explosion. It was contained to my property only. The only casualty from the bomb was poor Valentino the python. He didn't survive the fire and his shriveled body was carted away in a wheelbarrow by Animal Control.
The cars… all of my cars, were destroyed. I had to use rentals until I had time to actually go restock.
The caravan of black SUVs were lined up in a row, waiting for me. The whole family was going to the lake house for the weekend. We all needed to get away. But along with us was what looked like the secret service. I couldn't take any chances anymore.
"We'll be in Shellbyville shortly, Mr. Bieber." Amun held the door open for me. "The ride should be a smooth one."
"Thank you." I climbed in next to Selena. She was dressed comfortably in sweats, eating a donut. Francis was begging for a taste.
"So what is this lake house like?" she asked me.
"Well, I can't really remember. I haven't been there since high school," I admitted. "It's a pretty big property, though."
"And I'll be there all alone," she said with regret in her voice.
"Not all alone. You'll have security plus Katy Nana, Alec, and Alice."
"And my mother." Selena rolled her eyes. "Why did you have to invite her?"
"She kind of demanded that she be there for the birth of her grandchildren. She won't be here until next week anyway."
"Yeah, and you know she wants to stay until well after the babies are born. I can't handle her that long."
"You'll survive."
Selena took my hand in hers, running her fingers along the veins of my palm and wrist. She liked my hands. She found them fascinating.
"Your pulse is racing," she commented.
"It's always racing these days, either from you or from some shit I'm dealing with."
She trailed her digits up my long fingers up to the tips. She felt them for a few seconds, and then stopped. "You're smooth."
"Um, thank you?"
"No, you don't have fingerprints." She lifted up my hand to examine.
"I never have."
"What? Since when? I've never noticed that before."
"Carlisle scalded them off with battery acid when I was thirteen."
"Oh, my God. That must have hurt."
"Not really?" I lied. "It had to be done. Why are we talking about this? It has to be the most random subject ever."
"I realized that I don't know enough about you. What if you die tonight? I won't ever have known what you favorite number is or what your high school experience was like. We never talked about your past. We skipped over it."
"For good reason." I cleared my throat, taken a little off guard.
"Why did Carlisle burn you?" She kissed each of my fingertips on my left hand.
The whole process took over a year of painful scaring. I still remember how my body shook after each time Carlisle completed the procedure. He had no sympathy for me, though. It was all business.
"It's standard." I answered, "They can't track you down if you don't leave prints."
She could tell how this conversation as affecting me so she changed the subject, "While I'm at some abandoned lake house, you'll be in the city?" Selena asked.
"For the most part, yes. Believe me, I wish I could stay with you."
"Justin, I have a question." Selena sat up.
"William, can you slow the fuck down?" I shouted up front. "This isn't a race."
"Oh, sorry, sir."
"Okay, continue, Selena. What is your question?"
"Um, do Carlisle and Esme realize that I'm pregnant?"
"I'm not sure. I don't think so. They would've come back by now if they had."
"Would they?"
"Maybe. Probably. Selena, I don't know. Why does it matter?"
"Because they're going to be grandparents. They should know sooner, rather than later."
"Well, then they shouldn't have left. That's their problem."
Selena finished her donut and started on another.
In an attempt to change the subject, I decided to question her about them. "What exactly is that you're eating?"
"These are the best donuts in Chicago. They're deep fried and coated in cinnamon sugar. You've never had these? Emmett got them for me and said they were basically their own food group. You have to try one." She pushed it towards my mouth.
"No, I can't eat that. I'm on a diet."
"A diet?"
"I've gained ten pounds of muscle and lost two inches off my waist. My workouts are working."
"You sound like a woman."
"I don't care. I look good and you know it." I smirked. "You're just jealous."
"I can't wait until I get these babies out of me."
"I think you look beautiful." I rubbed her stomach. "Baby Sophia and Baby Bartholomew agree with me."
"Justin, for the last time, we are not naming him Bartholomew."
"Oh, yes we are. You got to pick your name, and I get to pick mine."
"William," Selena scooted up in her seat, "would you ever let your daughter date a guy named Bartholomew."
He looked at me in the rearview mirror. I glared at him.
"I think it's a fine name," he answered.
"You're lying," Selena accused. "Justin, just give me another name. Please, I beg you."
"No. I'm sticking with it." At this point, I just liked making her mad about it. If she didn't really like the name, I didn't mind. Watching her get aggravated was funny, though.
"You're just doing this to make me mad." Selena went back to eating.
I laughed. Francis, sensing her anger, sat next to Selena. I petted him behind the ears as we settled in for the long drive.
Turns out, Selena slept the whole way there. After her fourth sweet treat, she couldn't keep her eyes opened any longer. I pulled out a book and read. I was so involved in Machiavelli's The Prince, that I didn't hear the sloppy noises of Francis chowing down until it was too late. He had eaten the whole box of donuts
"What is wrong with you?" I held him up to my face so he could see just how mad I was. "You're going to get sick and die from eating all that."
He didn't care.
"This is why you're so damn fat. Female dogs won't even look at you. Have you noticed that? You're fat and lazy."
He licked my face.
I didn't know what it was about this dog, but he got under my skin. He agitated me to no end, but I couldn't help caring for him in some small form. Now I could see why people had pets. They were happy to see you no matter what you said or how shitty a person you were. Just give them some food, treat them right, and they were set. It was a simple life that I envied immensely. I never thought I would think of a dog as part of my family, but he was a good animal. I somewhat liked him.
"You, sir, will be punished. No dog treats for at least a week. If I have to go on a diet then so do you." I sat him back down on the seat. He went right to sleep. "Fat ass dog."
My phone rang. Noting the number as Mario's, I picked up. "What are you calling me for on a Saturday?"
"I'm just making sure I have your size right for your suits. I'm at the Armani store now. They have you down for one in every color."
"And shoes. If you forget my shoes, you're fired."
"Yes, boss. I got it."
"What kind of shirts do they have?"
"Um, a variety of shirts."
"Who's there? Who are you dealing with?"
"A woman named Liz."
"No. Get away from her. She's useless and completely unattractive. Ask for Ivan. He knows what I like."
"Liz is the only one here."
"She's lying. He's in the back.'
"Okay, boss. You'll get your stuff. I promise."
"Don't call me again." I hung up.
"That boy does more work for your company than you do," Selena said sleepily, her eyes still closed.
"He's still in training."
"Are we there yet?" She leaned against my shoulder.
"Almost. Do you have to use the bathroom?"
"Surprisingly, no. Maybe in another hour."
"We'll be there by then."
We pulled into the small town of Shellbyville earlier than I expected. It was one of those places left untouched by modernity. There wasn't one restaurant, grocery store, or business that wasn't locally owned. They didn't even have a McDonalds. It looked the same as it always had. This was more of a vacation spot for wealthy families than a permanent residence kind of place. Fall was quickly approaching, so people were out in full force, trying to soak up the last bit of holiday they had left.
"This place looks really cute," Selena said, leaning out of the window. "Which one is your house?"
"It's actually Carlisle's house, but it's across the lake." I pointed in the distance.
"That's a whole community over there. It's like ten different cottages."
"You know him, never does anything halfway."
"So how are we supposed to get over there?"
"Well, there's a small bridge, but it's closed every night at seven, for protection reasons. So we have to take boats across the water."
"We have far too much stuff for a couple of speedboats."
"Selena, I think of everything. Don't worry."
The cars stopped and I helped Selena out gently. She made sure to grab Francis' leash. I did a quick headcount on the docks, making sure that everyone was here. There were eight of us, including myself. Plus bodyguards. Katy Nana ordered security to get the bags and not drop anything. She was fiercely determined to take all of the burden off of Selena and not let her worry about a thing. I liked that idea.
Francis took the lead with his nose, sniffing his way onto the large boat that could fit us and the luggage, and still had enough room to spare. This was one of Carlisle's many pieces of aquatic machinery that he never used.
"I can't convince you to stay during the week?" Selena sat next to me. "Look at that view."
"Yeah, it's beautiful," I sighed. "I can't leave work right now. Here I know you'll be safe. I can stay during the weekends until you get closer to your due date. Then I'll take off."
Selena launched into a well-rehearsed speech about how I needed to be staying with her instead of going back to the city. I just sat and listened. She still wasn't done by the time we reached the opposite shore. The lake compound was large and consisted of several different houses that were all connected.
"This is… huge," Selena commented, looking around when I opened the door. It was all cleaned up and ready for our arrival.
"This will be home for the next couple of months."
"I just have one and half more to go. Then where are we going to live?"
"I have that covered."
The house was styled as a hunting cabin. Fake animal heads dotted the walls, a stone fireplace looked like it could heat five houses, and the walls were covered in thick pine. I wasn't too outdoorsy, so all of this made me feel slightly awkward.
Francis took it upon himself to explore. Selena walked around, checking out the accommodations. Jane and Alec would be staying with us as well. Jane was coming back to work with me, but Alec had to stay here. He protested like there was no tomorrow, but he didn't have a choice. I needed someone here to watch over her, and I trusted him to do a good job. Plus he had a break from school. It was perfect.
"I think I might like it here," Selena said, sitting down on the comfortable couch, "It makes a nice prison."
"I'm not imprisoning you." I sat next to her.
"If you stayed with me…"
"Selena, no. I'm leaving tomorrow, and then it'll just be five days until I'm back."
It took me the rest of the weekend to convince her that I wasn't abandoning her in the forest. Selena understood that I was just trying to protect what I cared for, but that didn't stop her from trying to persuade me otherwise.
This was a time for family. None of us had been to the lake house in about a decade, but it was nice to be back. A lot of our time was spent in the lake. It was cool and relaxing, but I made sure it was clean first. Once I deemed it safe, we didn't want to get out. The weather report said it was supposed to rain all weekend, but the gods blessed us with sun and clear skies. It was actually… fun.
"Justin, let's go over there," Selena said. She was currently in the large inner tube. I wouldn't let her actually swim since the lake was too deep. She was fine with me pushing her around.
"Alright, I'm going." I kicked my feet, propelling us to where Emmett was fastening a tire swing to a large tree. Each movement of my body hurt a bitch from that fucking bomb. My back and legs, especially. I didn't say anything, but there was something seriously wrong inside of my body. I needed to see a doctor as soon as possible once I got back to the city.
"Before you even ask, you're not getting on that thing." I said.
"I wasn't going to ask. I just want to see what everyone's doing."
Rose floated by us on her own blowup thing. She was in the smallest bikini known to man, sipping some kind of fruity cocktail. "We need to come back here more often."
"I second that." Jasper jumped from the dock, splashing water everywhere then resurfacing. "Dad always tried to get us to come during the summer, but we never did."
"Because we were too busy working,." Emmett added. "He would probably shit his pants if he saw us now."
"Selena, when the babies are born, we can teach them how to swim." Alec joined me in pushing her on the tube.
"What if they drown?" she asked worriedly. "I don't think I want them near any water."
I had a whole list of things I didn't want them near. Every time I had a thought about the babies and how I planned on raising them, I wrote it down. I had a journal full of ramblings and lists of things for me to do before they got here. Time was ticking and we needed to move fast. Selena and I had just gone shopping for their things, and now, it was all gone. We would have to start over. Maybe I could enlist Alice for that. I couldn't see myself enduring the torture of picking out a crib for the second time.
That night, we roasted marshmallows for s'mores. Selena had five, out-eating Emmett. Alec took the crown, though. He tackled seven. It was rather impressive. We were all exhausted from a day in the sun and climbed into bed around midnight.
"Justin, are you nervous about when the babies get here?" Selena asked me, lying on my chest.
"No, not really," I lied.
"I am."
"I'm trying to just take it one minute at a time."
"Well, we've studied the books. That's all we can do, right?"
"I'm not sure. We can change diapers, and we know how to feed them, but I feel like all the research in the world won't help. We need experience."
"Trial and error isn't really an option in raising children."
"At least we have two so if we mess one up, we'll know what to do with the other," I joked. Selena didn't find it funny.
"We're really unprepared for all of this."
"Yeah," I sighed in agreement.
There wasn't any more baby talk that night. We just stayed wrapped up in each other.
The next day was spent, once again, in the lake. Selena and I tried not to think about the fact that we would be separated shortly, but the thought was looming over us. We had to leave right after lunch, but I really didn't want to.
"Okay, so you have all her vitamins?" I asked Katy Nana as I continued to pack my small bag.
"Yes, sir. Everything will be fine."
"I'll call every couple of hours and make sure everything is okay. Do you have all the phone numbers?"
"Yes, sir." She was getting tired of my questions, but they needed to be asked.
"Everything should run smoothly up here. You have security and when she's closer to her due date, I'll have her doctor come up here so we can have the birth at the local hospital. He should be up within the next two weeks just for a checkup."
"Mr. Justin, I know the schedule. She will be fine. I assure you."
"I'm just making sure." I zipped up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. "Alec, Alice, and Rose will be able to help you with anything you need."
She wrapped her arms around me securely. I shuddered slightly, just as a learned reaction. "I remember a time when you used to let me actually hug you."
"When I was five?" I chuckled.
"Now you're about to be a father. God, I'm so old."
"Thank you for coming back. We really needed you."
"I know. That's why I'm here." She pulled away from me. "You go home and don't worry about anything here. We'll be fine."
I nodded and then walked out of the room.
Everyone was outside saying goodbye.
"Goodness, we'll be back in a week. Calm your lady tits," Jasper said to Alice.
"You're so vulgar. I love it." She kissed him heatedly.
"Here," I pulled out my wallet and handed Selena one of my credit cards, "just in case you need to go somewhere."
"I have my own credit cards, Justin."
"I'd rather you use mine."
"Okay," she said. "Thanks. You'll be safe, right?"
"I always am."
She brought her hand up to my face, tracing the still stapled scar over my eyebrow. "And you'll call?"
"Every minute if you want."
"I'm really scared you're going to get in some kind of trouble."
"I'll be fine, Selena. I'm more worried about you."
"The babies and I are going to chill."
"Little Sophia and Bartholomew have just a little more growing to do before we get to see them." I rested my hand on her rather large stomach.
"Our son will be mocked for the rest of his life if we name him that."
"Then he'll become president, and no one will care."
"Maybe." She kissed my chin. "You'll be missed."
"I will be back before you can even blink your eyes."
We prolonged our departure, but when I finally climbed onto the boat, I was a second away from just quitting work. I was the boss, after all. I could do whatever the fuck I wanted. It was only a few days; I had been telling Selena that, but it felt like a whole lot more. This had the potential to be the longest week in history. My mind started to create different scenarios of what might happen in my absence. I had covered all the bases, but there was still the question of 'what if'.
Selena didn't cry once. I knew once I left, she would break down, but she didn't say a word.
"Don't look so sad, Justin." Jasper revved the boat's engine.
"It's just five days," I said to myself.
We went further across the lake, and I tried not to turn around, but couldn't help it. Selena was standing there, just watching. I waved. She blew me a kiss and that was that.
Just five days…
"Under the law of nature, all men are born free, everyone comes into the world with a right to his own person…This is what is called personal liberty, and is given him by the Author." – Thomas Jefferson
All things Twilight related belong to Stephanie Meyer.
"Selena, get off the phone we have to watch this," Alice whined from next to me.
"No, leave me alone." I pushed her away. "Sorry about that, Justin."
"How are things going today?"
"Fine. I can't move and I feel like I'm about to pop, but it's fine."
"We won't have to wait too much longer."
"I'm ready."
We had been at the lake house for a week now. Justin and the boys had just left after another fun weekend. I missed them all terribly. I understood why I needed to be here, but I wished Justin would stop working and just stay with me. I never said anything, though, because I didn't want to sound like a child.
"I might be able to come up a little early this week," Justin said.
"Yeah. In fact, this might be my last week of work. I need to take paternity leave so I can help you out."
"That's much appreciated."
"Ask him if he's bought more cribs yet," Alice whispered.
"Tell her that everything's ready in the penthouse for when you come back."
"He's got it covered."
"I even had the nursery painted."
"What does it look like?"
"You'll just have to wait until you get here," he teased.
"Selena, get off the phone!" Rose shouted. "We have to watch this video."
"Okay, Justin, I'll have to call you back later."
"Before you go to bed."
"Alright. I love you."
"Love you too, Selena. Have fun." The line went dead.
"You two talk on the phone entirely too much," Rose complained, eating from her bag of chips.
"You're all driving me crazy."
This place had become like a sorority house over the past few days. Alec was our only mediator, because Katy Nana refused to get in the middle of out petty fights. Between my pregnancy hormones and Rosalie's permanent bitchy attitude, there was always a fight erupting over something. Alice got tired of it and would just start shouting because we were. We would fight and then five seconds later, hug it out. It was infuriating.
"Ladies, please." Alec sat between us on the couch. "We just need to watch this movie that the doctor gave us and then we can all go to our separate corners."
"I hate you," I snapped at Rosalie.
"Selena, stop it," Alec warned. "We're not going to have a repeat of yesterday."
"Alice started it," Rose complained.
"You pushed her down the stairs!"
Katy Nana came into the room. "I'm off to the grocery store. I have everyone's list. Anything else?"
"I need tampons," Alice said quickly.
Alec groaned.
"Noted." Katy Nana wrote it down. "I shall be back shortly." She left the house, flanked by three bodyguards.
It was like Fort Knox in here. I wasn't sure how much security was around, but it was a lot. I quickly found out that we were on a small island, in the middle of the lake. The only way in or out was by boat or the small bridge, which no one used. It stayed closed. There was another family who had a house here, but they were mysteriously gone now. I hadn't met anyone since being here, which was okay, but I was starting to feel claustrophobic.
Bodyguards continuously walked around the island, patrolling with guns. Then there were more in boats, circling all day and all night. Tall flood lights would illuminate the skies once the sun went down, and if a civilian even dared to jump in the lake from across the water, a siren would blare to alert everyone. This was all Justin's doing.
"So tonight's movie of choice is The Wonderful Miracle of Birth," Alec read the DVD cover. "Well, that sounds nice."
"You've obviously never seen one of these videos before." Alice clicked the remote.
"Wait, I don't think I want to watch this." I shuddered, just thinking about the images that might appear.
"Selena, you need to watch it," Rose said.
The medical documentary started. I had never really thought about the pain that I might have giving birth, because I didn't want to dwell on that. Thousands of women have babies every day. If they could do it, so could I. That was my main thought so I could keep myself sane. This video shattered that to pieces.
"Oh, my God!" Alec covered his eyes as we watched the second birthing. This one was more up close than the first and with a ten pound baby; the images weren't pretty. There was so much blood.
"This is kind of intense." Alice didn't seem fazed at all. She seemed entranced, as was Rose. I was just shocked.
"This can't be real," I said. "How does… it stretch like that?"
"I can't…" Alec looked green. "Why do I have to watch this?"
"Because when Jane has a baby ten years from now, you need to be informed." Alice pinned him to the couch with her mighty, small person strength.
At this point in the birth the baby was crowning.
"Holy shit!" Alec cried.
The lady was screaming so loudly, the medical voiceover almost couldn't be heard. I tried to make mental notes about what I was seeing.
"You giving birth without drugs?" Rose asked me.
"Hell, no," I said adamantly. "Especially not after watching this. I need as many drugs as possible."
"I read about a woman who gave birth in a pool. Maybe you could try that," Alice suggested.
"I just want a normal birth. Nothing fancy. Let's keep it as simple as possible."
"Sweet Lord." Alec hurled into the empty trash can by his side as the bloody baby fell out of its mother.
"Men are so sensitive." Alice rolled her eyes. "After all the shooting and killing you do, you can't watch this?"
"This is torture," he replied. "Why would anyone want to go through this hell?"
"It's beautiful."
"I'm never having a child," he argued.
"Why, because it's so much work for the man?" Rose punched his arm. "You get to fuck, and then sit back for nine months while we get fat. Then you get to just watch."
"We have to deal with your bitch attitudes."
I sucked on the popsicle in my mouth, trying to cool down. I had been having really bad cramps all day, and I didn't particularly feel all that comfortable sitting here watching this kind of movie.
"Gross." Alec almost threw up again as we witnessed a C-section. It looked brutal.
Another hour went by and the blood just kept gushing onscreen. It was rather graphic, and I didn't think I was prepared to watch woman after woman scream in agony, but I didn't move a muscle. I knew I had to watch this. I still wasn't scared to give birth, because I knew I would have Justin there. Plus, I planned on being medicated until I couldn't feel my lower half.
We had to turn the movie off when Alec threw up for the fifth time. I didn't think he had anything left in him. My cramps got progressively worse, but still didn't feel like anything more than gas. I just felt so uncomfortable nowadays.
That night, Katy Nana made us all a large feast of some kind of chicken. I wasn't sure what it was, but it tasted delicious. She was the best cook in the world and anyone who contested that, just didn't know good food.
I took a shower and called Justin before I went to bed.
"How was the movie?"
"Alec almost passed out multiple times," I laughed.
"Sounds wonderful. How do you think I'll handle it? I still haven't watched my tape."
"You should do that. It's kind of vulgar. You need to prepare yourself."
We talked about our days. It sounded like he was super busy, and I knew he was stressed out, but he tried to act like nothing was wrong.
"Are you marking off the days?"
I stood in front of the large wall calendar and placed an 'x' through September 10th.
"Hey, my birthday is in three days," I said suddenly.
He chuckled, "I was wondering when you'd figure that out."
"You didn't remind me?"
"I wanted to surprise you."
"I didn't even realize it."
"Your mother will be here later in the week, and I'll just drive her up when I come. She's very excited. She called me three times today."
"Oh, really? About what?" I climbed back into bed.
"About what I should be doing in preparation."
"And she's yet to call me once. Unbelievable."
"Well, I'll let you get some rest. It's way past your bedtime."
"I'm not a child."
"Goodnight, Selena."
"Goodnight. I miss you, Justin."
"I miss you too. Now go to bed."
When my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
I woke with a start, my cramps suddenly too much to bare. I had felt them throughout the night, but was didn't think anything of them until now. My abdomen hurt so much, I almost couldn't breathe.
I became more and more coherent as the pain worsened. I started to wonder what the hell was going on and couldn't think of a viable theory until I felt the slow trickle of liquid roll down my thigh. I almost thought I was peeing myself, but my bladder wasn't relieved.
I pushed myself up against the headboard. "What the hell was that?"
I ripped the sheets off of me and turned on the bedside lamp. The light blue sheets were stained with clear liquid. I was sticky and felt sick for some reason.
I let out a deep breath and assessed the situation calmly.
My water just broke.
"My water just broke." I must have said it fifty times before it set in. "No, that can't be. I still have five weeks. That's a long time."
"Babies, what are you doing to me?" I lifted up my shirt to see my stomach. It all looked the same, but the kicks were low in my abdomen and they were very active tonight.
I scooted out of bed. I moved inch by inch, trying not to jostle myself too much. I was surprisingly calm on the outside, but I wanted to cry and scream.
I waddled, slowly and deliberately, down the hall to Alec's room. I opened his door and went into his dark room. His snoring was so loud I thought the walls were shaking. We had only been here a week, and the place was already a mess. There were discarded boxers on the floor and a stench of staleness was in the air. It smelled like… a teenager. Gross.
Francis lifted his head as I got closer to the bed.
"Alec," I whispered. He didn't move.
Francis licked his chops, waking up further, trying to figure out why I was in his room.
"Alec," I said louder. By this time, I was at the bedside. I started to push him. Unlike Justin, Alec slept like a log and couldn't be woken by simple tactics.
"Hey!" I yelled and pounded a fist on his bare chest. I almost lost my balance and I grabbed the bedpost to stabilize myself.
Alec jerked awake and sat straight up, pulling a gun from underneath his pillow. "Who is it?"
"Were you going to shoot me?" I asked angrily.
"Selena? Is that you?"
"Who else did you think it was?"
"I don't know." He rubbed his eyes. "What's wrong with you? Why are you in here?"
"My water broke."
He looked at me strangely for a couple of seconds. "I'm confused."
"My water just broke," I repeated slowly. "I'm in labor."
"You're what?" He shot clear across the bed and almost fell out of the other side, pushing Francis with him.
"Calm down. I'm not in any pain, but need to go to the hospital"
"Oh, God. Justin's going to kill me." He got out of bed and began to pace. "You're in labor. But you still have…" He started to count off of his fingers.
"Five weeks, I know."
"Okay, let's just stay calm and collected."
"I am calm."
"Don't argue with me, Selena." Alec became frantic and rushed to my side. "Here, sit down." He almost pushed me on the bed.
"We don't have anything ready. I'm not ready," I told him.
"Don't cry. Everything's going to be okay."
"I'm not crying."
"Yes, you are." He wiped my face. "Alright, I'll handle everything. Just do your breathing."
"Right." I inhaled and exhaled in rhythm.
Alec went out into the hallway, "Thunderbirds are go! Thunderbirds are go! This is not a drill!"
Francis snuggled up to me just as I contracted. It wasn't too painful, but it certainly hurt. My stomach tightened up and felt like a severe case of cramps that had a vice grip on my insides.
"Ouch." I held my stomach.
A second later, Rose bolted into the room, in a skimpy night gown and disheveled sex hair. She looked stunning.
"Selena! What the hell is going on?"
"I just had a contraction."
"Are you sure it's a real one? It could just be Braxton Hicks."
"No. My water broke too."
"Oh," her eyes went wide, "well this is good, right?"
"No! I'm five weeks early! Is that healthy?"
"Shit. I don't know."
Alice burst through the door, her usual whirlwind, dramatic self. "I'm here!"
"Has someone called Justin?" I asked.
"We don't have time for that. We need to get you to the hospital," Alec insisted. There was a flurry of hands that attacked me and tried to help me stand up.
Katy Nana was there in the hallway, wrapping me in a blanket. "All is going to be well, Mrs. Selena."
There was a lot of talking, and it was happening so fast. My brain was going a mile a minute, but my first thought was to call Justin. I needed to hear his voice.
I couldn't step into the SUV that was situated in front of the house. Amun lifted me up gently, but it still scared the shit out of me. Alec was already behind the wheel, ready to take off. Rose and Alice were in the back.
"I'm going to be fine," Alec said to himself as he drove down the dirt road towards the bridge that was being lowered like we lived in some kind of medieval castle.
"You'll be fine?" I screeched.
"I think it's safe to say that she's scared," Alice said. "I called the hospital, and they said to just pull up front."
"They don't even know who I am." I sobbed a little. "Do they have my medical records? Is the doctor any good? This wasn't in the plans!"
"She's getting hysterical," Rose commented. "Has someone called Justin?"
Alec started to dial the number on the keypad phone that was connected to the car. Justin didn't pick up on the first couple of rings, and since it was three in the morning, I didn't expect him to be awake. Finally, on the second try, a groggy voice answered.
"Hello? Who the hell is this?"
Four voices talked at once, trying to explain the situation.
"Hold the fuck up! I can't understand anyone."
"Justin, this is Alec. We have a problem."
"Okay, I'm listening."
"Selena's in labor. Her water broke, and we're on our way to the hospital. There are about fifty security cars behind us, and we're fifteen minutes away."
"Um…" For the first time in his life, I think he was speechless.
"I'm fine, Justin. I promise I am," I said. "Please just get here as soon as you can."
"Wait, so this is really happening?"
My second contraction hit just as quickly as the last, but was a little more forceful this time.
"Oh," I huffed in pain.
"Selena, are you okay?" Alec swerved on the road.
"I'm timing them." Rose flailed a stopwatch in the backseat.
"Selena, I'm coming. Don't worry!" Justin was off the phone, and I suspected tumbling out of bed.
"How do you feel?" Alice stuck a video camera in my face. "This is being documented for later. Smile!"
"Leave me alone." I pushed her away.
The drive to the hospital was the longest in my life. I continued my breathing, but with each second the pain increased just a little.
"How you doing, Selena?" Alec kept asking.
"Don't talk." I was mad at him, at Alice, at Rose, at everyone. Justin, being the meticulous planner that he was, had a set schedule for my due date. Things were prearranged and rehearsed hundreds of times. Every minute and second had detailed instructions. That had all gone out the window.
"What if the babies aren't ready yet?" I asked.
"Oh, they're ready," Alec scoffed. "Obviously."
"No, they aren't. It's too early." I held my stomach. "I can't do this. I can't."
"Selena, pull yourself together," Rose snapped. "You're having these babies whether you like it or not."
"No, I can't."
Alec halted in front of the hospital. The town had a population of five thousand, so the place was small, almost smaller than the hospital in Forks. I didn't like this one bit. What if something went wrong and Justin wasn't here? I couldn't have these babies without him.
I was in a wheelchair within seconds, being pushed up a ramp and into the hospital as another contraction hit.
"Mrs. Bieber, I'm Dr. Martin." An older, small man held out his hand.
"Oh, hi." I shook it. "Are you going to be delivering my babies?"
"Yes, ma'am. Your husband has already set things up."
"Really? When did that happen?"
"A couple weeks ago. He just wanted to be prepared."
Always thinking ahead…
"I'm going to take good care of you," Dr. Martin assured me. "I hear you're early."
"Five weeks. Is that healthy?"
"I'm not sure yet."
That didn't sound too assuring. A sob erupted from my throat.
"Don't you start, Selena," Alec scolded. "We don't have time for more tears."
The hospital only had one floor, and I was rushed inside, down the hall, and around a corner to a section that was dimly lit with no one around.
"Where's Justin?" I grunted. "He needs to be here… now!"
"He's on his way. I just got off the phone with him." Alice ran alongside, camera in hand.
There was a room set up that I guessed was for me, and it looked like one of those places that used to hold an MRI machine. It wasn't anything like the normal maternity room. It had a large bed with the standard hospital sheets and blankets and machines that I was dreading being hooked up to. Against the far wall was a station that I recognized as a baby cleaning station for after the twins were born and needed to be washed off.
There were chairs against another wall and a fridge in the corner next to the private bathroom.
"This is nice." Rose walked around.
"Um, who are all these people?" Dr. Martin asked.
The room had since filled with not only Alice, Rose, and Alec, but about five bodyguards. They looked so out of place and confused.
"Hey, everyone out!" Alec commanded, pushing them through the door.
The next half hour was very strange. I had never been in labor before, so I didn't know how this was supposed to go.
I was given a hospital gown that Rose helped me change into, and then laid down in the bed while the doctor hooked me up to all kinds of machines. Alice stayed outside, trying to call Justin. As luck would have it, his phone ran out of battery.
Dr. Martin had a difficult time trying to get in touch with the hospital at Northwestern to obtain my medical records. My doctor wasn't on-call tonight, so they had to track him down at home. They finally got my stuff faxed over so that Dr. Martin could review them. He kept sucking on his teeth and shaking his head. Finally, Alec got fed up with it.
"So, what's the verdict?" He tapped his foot.
"Well," Dr. Martin scratched his chin, "you're early. We already knew that, but…"
"But what?" I tried to sit up.
"Let's just see with the ultrasound." He smiled tightly.
I lied on the bed during ten minutes of silence as he ran the paddle of the ultrasound machine over my swollen stomach. He was making faces and talking to himself in a voice that was too low for me to hear. The man was driving me crazy.
"The girl looks fine." He circled one baby on the monitor. "She's healthy and looks pretty developed even at this stage."
"What does that mean?" Alec asked.
"Twins usually come early because of the limited space in the womb. They can be smaller, as a result; not always, but most times. It all depends on the mother, really. Your son, on the other hand, seems like he's not done growing. I don't like what I see."
"Is something wrong?" I was getting worried.
"They're both coming out, very soon from the looks of it, but he's not ready. His lungs, especially, need a little while longer. But thankfully, there are ways of dealing with that once he's here."
"No. He has to stay in if he's not ready." I clamped my legs together in a stupid effort to shove the babies back up.
"There's nothing we can do about that, Mrs. Bieber." Dr. Martin wiped the goo from my stomach. "Would you like me to have the nurses keep trying your husband? From the looks of things, he doesn't have long."
I nodded, dumbfounded and silent.
"He's going to be here, Selena." Alec held my hand. "I promise you."
"Are you sure?"
Alec nodded, but I could see the worry in his eyes.
I just laid back into the pillows and prayed that Justin got his ass here in time.
Thirty minutes passed, two more centimeters along, and it hurt like hell. I was given some wonderful drugs that helped, but only minutely. Justin somehow got a phone and called me right away. I cried our entire conversation after he revealed he was about three hours away. He wouldn't make it in time, but I didn't tell him that. Justin then proceeded to scream at Dr. Martin that if anything should happen to me, he would lose his medical license and end up at the bottom of some lake. Scaring my doctor was not the tactic I wanted to take.
"You'll be fine." Alec was the only one allowed in the room. Justin's orders.
"You have to stop stressing me out."
"I might not make it, Selena. I'm just admitting that right now." He shoved some ice chips in my mouth, haphazardly and only half paying attention.
"Sit down and shut up," I ordered.
"If I see blood, I might pass out. Where is that no good husband of yours?" Alec checked out of the window. "I can't do this."
"Fine. Then get out and we'll have someone else be the godfather."
He looked at me with a blank stare. "Godfather? Me? Really?"
"We were talking about it." I did my Lamaze breathing, "Nothing was final. We thought we had more time."
"I'll do it! I'll be the best godfather in the world, I swear." Alec was suddenly gung-ho about the impending birth and became very supportive.
More waiting, another centimeter.
"How are you doing, Mrs. Bieber?" Dr. Martin checked on me every so often.
"Great," I gritted through my teeth.
"Well, we should almost be ready to go."
"No, we have to wait."
"Selena, we do have time."
I was sobbing and couldn't stop. How could I do this without Justin? He needed to be here.
"Mrs. Bieber, I can't understand you. Please stop crying. This isn't good for the babies."
My horrible sounding tears were drowned out by the whirl of helicopter propellers. The whole building shook slightly, as if it was going to be lifted off of the ground. I looked up to the ceiling and smiled.
"Justin!" I said, overjoyed.
A nurse rushed into the room. "Sir, there's a private helicopter landing on the roof. What should I do? Do you want me to call the police?"
"No, that would be Mr. Bieber." Dr. Martin quickly left.
"He's here." I grabbed Alec by his shirt and hugged him. "He's here. He made it."
"Selena, your drugs are making you incredibly strong. I can't breathe."
"Sorry." I let him go and held my breath.
The door banged open and a haggard looking Justin walked towards the bed with a bad limp. He was in boxers and a plain white t-shirt, his normal sleepwear.
"Oh, my God. What's wrong with you?" I squeaked.
"My back is killing me, and now the doctor says I have something wrong with my leg. I don't know." He took my hand. "Are you okay? What's going on? How many centimeters are you? Where is that fucking doctor?"
"Justin, you're stressing her out." Alec pulled him away from me. "She's fine. The babies are fine. Well, the boy needs to grow more, but Dr. Martin said he'll be alright."
"What's wrong with my boy?" Justin's voice cracked.
"He's just a little small," I assured him. "The doctor was saying something about steroid shots or… I'm not really sure."
"I'll take care of this." Justin stomped out of the room with his left leg looking a little stiff.
More waiting. More painful noises from me. But this time, my husband was there to freak out along with me.
"Oh, shit." Justin moved to my side. "This is all happening so fast," he muttered.
"Mr. Bieber, why don't you go get some ice chips and take a walk. You look like you're about to pass out," Dr. Martin suggested as he took off his gloves.
"No, I can't leave Selena," he responded.
"I'll be fine. Just don't go too far." I patted his arm.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, we have everything under control."
"Okay, but I'll be back in ten minutes. I just need some fresh air." He kissed my forehead, and then slowly left the room.
Things happened very quickly within the next hour. I dilated another two centimeters, bringing my grand total to eight. The contractions came more frequently and more painfully but still nothing that would make me scream to the high heavens like I thought I would be doing by now. The one thing that didn't change was Justin's reaction to all of this. He acted like he was going into labor, and I swear he was eating my ice chips, even though I never caught him.
Justin called Renee to let her know what was going on. By the time the phone conversation ended, she was crying at the prospect of meeting her grandbabies and booked the first flight to Chicago.
"Justin, calm down," I hissed as another contraction hit.
"I can't help it," he said as he made his fourth circuit around the room in a minute.
It didn't take that long for me to realize that labor was just as horrible as I thought it would be.
"Holy shit," I panted as the contraction hit and then left. That was my most painful one yet.
Justin held my hand and looked as pale as ever, but he wasn't going anywhere.
"Isn't there some drugs or something you can give her?" Justin yelled at a nurse.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you wanted to do a natural birth." She smiled sweetly.
Stop smiling!
"Hell, no. Load me up," I whined and laid back into the pillows.
"Selena, you're about to break my hand," he complained.
"I don't want to hear it, Justin."
The nurse put something in my IV. The relief was instantaneous.
"Thank, God." I laid back and Justin dabbed my head with a wet cloth.
"You're doing great, sweetheart," he assured me.
"I hate you," I said seriously.
It only took five minutes, and then it was time.
Dr. Martin told me the contractions were coming every 15 seconds and that I was 10 centimeters dilated. The first baby was in position to come out.
"This is really happening," Justin said to himself.
"You're damn right its happening," I growled. "This is all your fault."
"What did I do?"
"Just get out."
Dr. Martin chuckled. "She'll be back to normal once this is all over."
"Like hell I will!"
"Alright Mrs. Bieber, this is going to come fast so I need you to pay attention," Dr. Martin said quickly.
"You did such a great job, Selena." Justin smoothed the hair out of my sweaty face.
"Can I see them?" I asked, my voice harsh and hoarse.
A nurse brought my daughter over to me, who was wrapped in a soft pink blanket.
Sophia was so cute. She had a small tussle of dark brown hair on the top of her small head that matched mine perfectly. Her skin was as smooth as butter, and I almost didn't want to touch her because she was so fragile. It was pale and kind of shriveled, like all newborns. I couldn't see her eyes because they were closed, but she was moving around and making the sweetest sounds imaginable. She looked exactly like me.
"She's the most beautiful thing in the world," I sobbed. "I love her so much."
I was still feeling the effects of the drugs, plus added exhaustion, so I was sure I sounded like a fool, but I didn't care. I meant every word.
"We need to give her a middle name." Justin took her from me, cradling her in his arms. It was such a precious sight, and I wished I had a camera. He adapted to her small body perfectly, not an ounce of hesitation or doubt.
"Since when did you learn how to be so fatherly?" I dried my tears with the edge of my blanket.
"I… I don't know." He smiled down at Sophia. "I want to name her Verena, after the saint."
"I've never heard of her."
"She's one of those obscure saints who did good deeds under the radar. I've just always liked the name."
"Sophia Verena Bieber." I took her back from Justin. "She's so wonderful."
"And you, young man, need a strong name." Justin took our boy from one of the nurses. He was small, but had a lot of attitude.
Justin sat on the bed next to me, holding him delicately. His eyes were opened and were that bluish-grey of all babies. I was wondering what color they would be as he grew older. My brown, or Justin's green? He had a small patch of dark hair just like Sophia's. He was looking around the room with wide eyes and sucking on his hands. I almost didn't even want to stop to blink.
"You can name him anything you want. Just not Bartholomew." I said.
"Alright, then." Justin thought for a second. "Roman."
"Roman Telemachus Bieber."
"Tel-em-a-chus?" I repeated slowly.
"My favorite character from The Odyssey. Sounds Greek, but is actually Italian. Son of Odysseus and Penelope."
"You're such a nerd." I had to smile. His thought process was ridiculous.
"Roman was Esme's youngest brother's name. Do you like it?"
"I think it's perfect."
He leaned in close to Roman's face. "Do you like it, little one? You'll have to live up to that name. I expect amazing things from you."
"He's active." I laughed as Roman flailed his fists around and stretched his tiny body.
"I think I did quite well for my old age." Dr. Martin wiped his brow with a handkerchief. "It might be time for me to retire."
"Thank you so much for helping me." I said, "I'm sorry for being such a bitch."
"You weren't bad at all, Mrs. Bieber. And I was happy to assist you."
I hugged Sophia close to me and felt her soft skin against mine.
"Should we show the family?" I asked Justin.
"No, let's let them wait a little bit. You need some rest, anyway."
"I'm not tired." I was like a child on Christmas Eve, not wanting to sleep for fear that I might miss something.
"Mr. Bieber, I'm going to need to steal this one from you." Dr. Martin said, taking Roman before handing him to a nurse.
"Where's he going?" I sat up.
"Don't worry, he just needs a little extra care in the incubator. You can visit him if you'd like in bit, but I don't want him to struggle for too long."
"Is he in pain?" Justin cracked his fingers.
"No, he's just having a hard time taking full breaths. It's nothing to worry about. This is common with early births."
"How long does he have to stay in there?"
"Well, it all depends. I'll be monitoring him for a few days and we'll go from there. Usually, about four weeks, though. Just to be sure. We're also going to be administering steroid shots soon so that his lungs can develop a little more. I'll give you all the details later. Right now, you just need to rest."
"Thank you, doctor." Justin shook his hand.
"He'll be down the hall if you would like to visit."
Dr. Martin left the room. It was just me, Justin, and Sophia.
"He's going to be fine, right?" I heard the trepidation in my voice.
"He'll be perfect." Justin kissed my forehead, "Go to sleep."
He took Sophia from me and she started to come alive, moving around and cooing.
I tried to stay awake, but I had little energy left to even hold him eyes open. It didn't take long for me to drift off, dreaming about my newborn babies.
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aldreaoakley · 8 years
Kissed by the Baddest Trainer! [KBTBB Pokemon!AU]
(Based off a lot of @maidofstars’ and @catchthespade’s posts. Just a warning, I will be jumping back and forth in time. I'll denote that when it happens.)
Ota sets his pencil down and stretches while watching ___ from a corner of his eye practicing with Minccino and Deino. Ampharos, Sylveon, Delcatty, Furfrou, and Lopunny are all there with helping the trio. He's glad that Lopunny, Sylveon and Delcatty are happy to have another female around. Milotic is swimming with Gyarados together in playful jests making him smile. It's been a while since even put his pencil down to design new coordinator's outfits since that day years ago. He didn't like that his mentor had claimed a move that he invented as his. Since then he keeps pushing himself despite all the times he runs away from his problems. Not that he'll tell ___ that. As Minccino mimics Delcatty in doing Ice Beam and Deino with Ampharos and Furfrou working on his coordination, he smiles at ___ practicing poses with Sylveon and Lopunny. He still remembers how funny it was when they first met. ~Five Weeks Ago~ Ota walks to a park to see if he can get any new ideas for his upcoming matinee and opening performances for the Sky Dance Contest that approaches in six weeks. He cannot believe this block he's having. It's the worst luck ever- huh? What's he hearing? Ota deviates from his path to see the back of a girl, a Deino and Gyarados in front of her with a Minccino on her head. They have to be Trainer and Pokémon team... But what really catches his attention is the way the Gyarados moves. It like watching Sylveon's ribbon feelers. Then he sees the Deino darting. Did she say Quick Attack or Tackle? He's not sure but when the Deino was about to use Bite, it stops as the Minccino throws itself so it's on its back. He walks out clapping with his angelic smile on. "Well done there," he smiles. "A beautiful performance there." "I wasn't per- Are you Ota Kisaki, the Angelic Coordiator," the girl asks him in surprise. Not a performance? "Are you a coordinator," he wonders. She shakes her head and produces an item from her bag. Hang on! "How'd you get an Ichinomiya Corp. backpack," he wonders. "That model just showed up on TV a month ago!?" After she introduces herself and explains how she meets Eisuke, Ota feels a bit foolish but then laughs at his mistake. "I see that you are getting ready for a battle but I can see you have more potential for contests," he voices. "Come on, I'll get you something that can help you keep your ribbons." In a desperate act of hope, Ota holds his hand out. "Come on. I don't have all day," he tells her. ___ takes it and he takes her to his high-rise flat, fitted with a tank for Milotic and an electric powered shower for Ampharos. He can hear her marvel at the sight of his home and squeals of admiration over his Pokémon. Naturally as Ota ranks best with his cute Pokémon team. He walks over to a cabinet and pulls something out. He holds it out to her while her small team warms up to his full one. "This is a ribbon case," Ota explains. "Whenever you win a contest and earn a ribbon, you put it in here." ~Present~ Ota chuckles as he remembers her face beaming at the beautifully self-made case he gift her with. And thanks to her, he's able to get not just his matinee and opening but several more ideas for any other shows he'd have to do as the top and reigning coordinator. He smiles as he finishes the last touch to her costume for her debut. He will tell her after he hands her the dress. He would like to give his muse the credit for the fountain of inspiration she given him. ~*~ Mamoru stumbles out of the building with a frown. He knows that he can't give much information about Team KōriRyu or Lupin because that would only mean that his life and Pokémon will be targets of their wrath. Including Eisuke's. He walks past an electronic billboard broadcasting the Sky Dance Contest for a distant city. 'Aaaaaand now for the debut of our newest coordinator~ Everyone please give a warm welcome for ___ and Minccino~,' he hears the anchorwoman and turn to see if his ears were playing tricks on him. They weren't and on the large screen is ___ in a very cute outfit with her Minccino all groomed to perfection. Mamoru does have to admit that ___ does look cute but what he can't believe that the girl on the screen is the same klutzy girl with the evolved Magikarp he met a month and a half ago. ~Six Weeks Ago~ Mamoru grumbles while fiddling with the holder for his recently acquired key stone. It had somehow turn into a requirement for those who have a Pokémon who can undergo Mega Evolution have a key stone and corresponding Mega Stone on hand. Mamoru did put a brace on his Slowbro with reluctance. The key stone for Slowbronite rests in a small case that resembles a matchbox and his coat pocket. Why did he even need to have one? He knows that Ayase and Hayami have a male Mawile and Pidgeot on their respective teams. His thoughts got interrupted when he hears a battle going on. He runs towards the sound to see a girl falling backwards while three Pokémon battle some poachers. This wasn't right, especially when she was there to point him in the correct direction prior to this. The Deino, Minccino and Magikarp are giving it their all. Not wanting to have this go any bigger than it already is, Mamoru pulls out three Poké Balls and tosses them. "Jumpluff, Slowbro, Arcanine move out," he yells and the three Pokémon jump out and team with the three present. Once he gets a good view of their opponents Pokémon, he pulls and pushes the key stone out from its case. There is no way that their team can make it past the Meowstics and Claydols without loosing all their Pokémon. "Just hear me out and make this work," Mamoru growls as his thumb brushes the stone while pointing it at Slowbro. "Mega Evolve!" It wasn't long before Slowbro's appearance changes and Mamoru hopes this gamble is worth it. Shell Armor should hold the psychotic pulses from Meowstic and give them some level of an edge. Despite how some of the poachers laugh at him and his team, he was more than ready to pulverize their Pokémon. The cage and net captured Pokémon cry out, making the fire inside of Mamoru go from campfire rage to bonfire fury. He's really pissed off now! "Jumpluff, Sleep Powder! Arcanine, Leer! Slowbro Yawn," Mamoru orders. The Pokémon follow. Then he hears the girl yell her's. "Minccino use Helping Hand! Deino use Dragon Rage! Magikarp use Tackle," she hollers. It wasn't long before their attacks hit some of the opponents. "Claydol, Sandstorm," one of the poachers demands. "Wah," the girl screams as the Sandstorm hits her and not just their Pokémon. Then the last thing anyone expects happen. "Minccino!?" "Deino?!" "Right now," the girl gasps in shock. Well Mamoru can't blame them. It's not that often Pokémon evolve mid-battle. Despite the whirling sand, the Magikarp turns into- "Gyarados look out," the girl panics. The Gyarados turns to see Hyper Beam being shot at it. A smooth dodge then fires its own Dragon Rage at the Claydol that hit the girl. Complete knockout. "Use Dragon Rage again," the girl commands. "Arcanine, Flame Burst! Slowbro, Water Pulse! Jumpluff, Sleep Powder again," Mamoru adds. With Minccino's Helping Hand still active for their team, the battle was soon over and the group in handcuffs. "Ah... I'm tired," he whines while scanning. "Damn. I need a soda..." The girl runs off and he sees her nearly tripping a few times going to a vending machine next to a pavilion. He should remember to turn his head more often. "Thanks kid," he appreciates after taking a can from her. "I'm no kid! My name is ___ ___," she pouts while opening her smoothie. "Well ya gotta be more careful than just going at those poachers on your own," Mamoru scolds, ignoring the annoyance in her voice. "And whadaya doin' every time I see ya?" "Me?! I don't know and half the time it's just dumb timing on my part... what's your name," ___ wonders. "Detective Kishi," Mamoru sighs after another gulp. "Well Detective Kishi I am only doing what someone with a a good heart can do," she sulks. "Oh darn! I need to get to a PokéCenter!" Recalling their Pokémon, they run to one near the station and wait. ~Present~ Mamoru watches ___ coordinate her commands with Minccino in an elegant performance. Gone was the klutz and here was a graceful being. "Nice work kid," he smiles softly that soon vanishes. "But don't forget your dream. Being a Trainer requires as much dedication as a Coordinator. The only difference is how things are done. Care for your Pokémon and they will care for you." With that Mamoru grumbles as he goes to get a soda, chewing on his pipe. After that was done, with Jumpluff's help, he clocks out at his desk. That recent battle with not just poachers but teaming up with Soryu got him tired fast. He really didn't like the guy despite the near hostile banters they have. ~*~ 'And ___ wins the Sky Dance Ribbon,' the hostess smiles while ___ accepts the award in the background with her Minccino wagging its tail happily. Eisuke switches the TV off and sighs. He already misses her presence and still has the old backpack she hit Persian with hiding someplace. He chuckles and scratches Persian, who lets out a sad mewl. "What is it," Eisuke sighs. He notices that Persian is still looking where Minccino was on the screen. Then it all clicks into place. Much like how he likes ___, Persian likes Minccino. ~*~ ___ wrings her fingers so much that a large hand covers them. She looks up at Ota then at the glowing and pulsing egg. Just why did the egg have to hatch now?! Thankfully Luke manage to get there in time to help Nurse Joy with his own Chansey helping. So far so good. Then the pulses start to be more intense and everyone holds their breath. Within a few seconds a small Togepi is born. "Toge," it chirps sleepily and sees ___. "Toge!" ___ gently scoops it up with a smile. "Welcome to the world," ___ greets. "Toge Togepi," the little Pokémon grins back. "Thank goodness that it was a smooth hatching," Luke breathes in relief. "The egg wasn't doing well but you managed to get a healthy one." ___ didn't mind. The love she gives her Pokémon is all the same, even with the few adjustments for each persona. She didn't ignore the egg and keeps it clean while letting it have enough care that she can manage while unhatched. ~*~ Hikaru sighs with crossed arms looking out his hotel window. All his Pokémon are asleep save Sableye and Greninja. They stand near him watching. They both know something is bothering him. Was it the girl they bump into at the clearing with the Minccino? {What do you think,} Sableye asks Greninja. {It's not like him to think like this.} {That human is clearly something else. Enough to have only a few Pokémon and still say something back when they are defeated,} Greninja nods. {Whatever her spirit is, she can't loose it. If she looses sight of it, her dream won't happen.} {Eh,} Sableye shrugs. But Hikaru wasn't hearing his Pokémon talk. He still can't believe that the girl... ___... is still going to try and beat him. But it's all if she can beat the Elite Four then him... "That face... why is she so determined," he breathes with furrowed brows. ~One Day Ago~ Hikaru has Greninja out with Sableye, helping the latter to be stronger with his Mega Evolved form's status ability. Magic Bounce was hard at first despite how he used it instinctively during the first time. "Hello," comes a cheerful voice and Hikaru was ready to punch when he drops his fist. "Are you okay?" Not far from him is a girl with a Minccino on her head. In her arms, a Togepi nibbles with evident joy on a Poffin. He turns his head to hide his blush. He knows better than to make a Togepi upset. "Yeah just can't get my Sableye to battle," he grumbles. "May I lend some assistance," she inquires. "I may not look it but I dream of being the Pokémon Champion." The last part knocks Hikaru's focus for a few microseconds before he turns back with a smile. It's not that he won't accept help because of his pride but mostly "help" makes him feel like he can't take it without being a bother. He then spots her Pokédex and realizes that she's still early in her journey and feels a small sadistic scheme form. "I do have one condition," he smirks. "If your assistance isn't good enough, I won't let you have this HM." He pulls one out and holds it up. He suppresses his chuckle at her expression. "Bring it," she says with determination. "Minccino, Deino, let's go." He can't help but be amazed at how she throws her Poké Ball while the Minccino hops off. The Togepi is still working on the Poffin. The battle begins with Roserade as referee. Deino gets knocked out thirty seconds in by Power Gem. Minccino dodges Greninja's Cut with ease. Deino gets recalled and Gyarados takes its place. Dragon Rage makes Greninja and Minccino work together to put out a fire while Sableye ducks behind his gem. He uses Leer but that didn't work as Gyarados uses Leer too. Huh? Why are Gyarados' attacks a bit weaker? "No way?! It actually works," he hears her exclaim while the Togepi gains tears. It clicks in. For his Sableye, he can only use Magic Bounce with certain status attacks. It wasn't long before Gyarados is out the same time as Sableye. He makes a mental note to not use Shadow Ball on Gyarados the same time it does. But the one between Minccino and Greninja is taking a while. Even though he orders Water Shuriken, Minccino is countering with Iron Tail. Having enough, the last move did it. Hidden Power takes Minccino out but it was strangely able to hop back onto the girl's shoulder. The Togepi is eating another Poffin. "What's your name," he asks while twirling HM02. "___. ___ ___," she answers while cradling Togepi. ~Present~ Hikaru peeps at his bag to see that he is one HM02 short but it was worth it. Worth it to see if she was a worthy opponent. "Sable Sable Sableye," Sableye brings up. "___. Let's not go easy on her," he responds. "If she's going to go against the Elite Four and myself, she'll need all the battles we can give her." "Gren Gren Gren," Greninja asks. "I have enough HM,TM and tools necessary for evolution. Push her to go beyond her limits," Hikaru elaborates. "What do you guys think?" Both nod. "Let's tell the others in the morning. Get some rest," Hikaru grins. ~*~ Shuichi sits down and watches as ___ walks off with Minccino. He recalls advising her to be careful when with Minccino is being obsessed to a point of keeping things clean and maintains good level of happiness for Togepi for her to evolve to Togetic and eventually Togekiss. Somehow... there was something familiar about that Togepi she's carrying. He's not sure if his Togekiss was the father but there is a chance that it is.
Author's Note: I decide to close the meeting of all the bidders here. I'll start on MC's adventure in the next section. There may or may not be multiple parts to it and other ones but I'll do what I can to keep them at three to five the most. If anyone has anything they'd like to add, would you please be nice enough to send me an ask? If it's too long, the submit box is open. I'm still doing research and collaborating where I can in the stories fit with what's canon in games and anime. I'll still be using @maidofstars' and @catchthespade's posts for help. This is their idea and I'd like to respect it as much as I am able to.
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