#i know callout posts are cathartic and yelling at people on the internet feels good
lamplightjuniper · 8 months
hmm not really sure how calling out 84 tumblrinas who are specifically Not Voting is more useful than idk contacting 85 apathetic real-world people and trying to get them to vote instead.
it’s SIGNIFICANTLY easier to convince people to move from the middle or neutrality towards your opinion compared to people who already have strong opinions.
it looks like this:
neutral -> mild conviction -> your opinion
strongly held conviction -> weakly held conviction -> neutral -> mild conviction -> your opinion
and it requires a LOT of energy to get from every single step to the next. Swaying someone once they’ve made up their mind is difficult under ideal circumstances.
there are so many apathetic and non-voters who can be reached with much less effort than people who are adamantly not voting.
If you are in the US and really care about the presidential or any elections, take a quick pause from posting on tumblr and google:
<county name> phone bank democratic party
(or <state name> if you are in a rural or very red area)
and link up with people who are actually trying to mobilize potential voters. posting can be useful but it isn’t boots on the ground.
And phone banking can be done from home in a lot of cases, you don’t physically need to knock on doors (although if you can that also has an impact) but you need to put your energy where it actually matters if you want people to vote.
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