#but it was a request and there’s nothing inherently super wrong with the pairing outside of that
quibbs126 · 6 months
So what if Fire Spirit Cookie and Sea Fairy Cookie do have a child? 
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Alright, this is Hot Spring Cookie
“Within the scorching land of Dragon’s Valley, there lie a series of hot springs said to be capable of soothing any injury, some even claiming it grants the Cookies who bathe in it special blessings. However, the springs are not uninhabited, and they are home to the lovely yet fickle Hot Spring Cookie. Born of searing heat and the untamed depths, it is unknown who appeared first, the springs or the Cookie, but she deems herself the guardian of them, and she decides who gets to bathe in them through a series of tests. However no two Cookies go through the same tests; some are remarkably easy and others near impossible, the difficulty being determined only by how much she likes the Cookie and her mood of the day, and whether or not she feels like being entertained. However you cannot force your way to the springs, as no mere Cookie can best her power, so it’s best to simply do as she wishes and hope you catch her on a good day!”
“She claims she cannot leave the springs’ surface, but some claim to have seen her near the coast, very far away from where she claims she cannot leave.”
Okay writing that was pretty fun, I think I might do this more
Alright, so design time. I’m gonna be honest, Hot Spring probably isn’t the best name, but I couldn’t think of a better one that still kept her hot spring theme, so that’s the best I got. Maybe if I come up with a better one I’ll change it
But her name’s hot spring because it’s water that’s hot. Simple as that
Hot springs:
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So I kind of just drew her on Monday while sitting with my friend at dinner, instead of studying for my political science exam. But whatever, I did fine on that one. I just kind of started drawing, no rough sketch really needed
Truth be told there’s not really much to say on the design front, I sort of just went with the flow for most of it. I know that I added that cape in because her design felt too plain without something else. It’s supposed to be connected to her dress or something but I didn’t really figure out how, or how it really works at all. I made it red and orange because I wanted to reference the orange streaks, and also Fire Spirit, so that’s what I went with
I was flirting with her having a darker dough tone, but I couldn’t figure something out that worked with the colors, so Sea Fairy’s tone it is
I think the eyes look too small and a bit off. To be honest I’m blaming that on the lighting of the dining hall, I was having trouble seeing the eyes in the sketch. I may change it later
But yeah, that’s about it really. Her design’s probably a bit plain but eh, so are Sea Fairy’s and Fire Spirit’s (though Hot Spring’s might be too plain). But overall I like her and I hope y’all do too
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Pining companions and sole getting stuck in a small cramped place to hide from some enemies maybe? Also with X6 if possible...? 👉👈 and I absolutely love your most recent companions react. Keep up the great work and stay safe!
(Thank you so much for the request and extra special thanks for the compliment, things like that are what keep me wanting to write 💖 hope you enjoy.)
She was both super excited and super freaked out. That was a major problem for her, mainly because she wasn’t nearly as unnerved by the feral ghouls outside the shitty little fortress you assembled as she was scared of saying the wrong thing while you wait. She never has been the type to worry about such stupid things, but with you? That was a different story, ever since you proven yourself to her...and since she realized that you stopped becoming just friends and she started wanting something more.
So with that being said, she’d nervously tap her foot, bite her lip and take back-to-back swigs from her flask- sheepishly offering you some of her drink as well. Just anything to keep her mind off of how strongly she felt the urge to grab ahold of your pretty face and kiss you and tell you how crazy you drive her.
That probably wouldn’t be the best thing to do when your life was literally being threatened.
Oh my, she was so excited. I mean..as excited as someone forced into hiding for their life could be..which was still pretty excited for her. She was well aware of the dangers beyond your tiny refuge but she couldn’t help but focus on the way that your hands brushed up against each other as you settled, a big smile on her lips and a small blush to pair.
She wasn’t quite sure why you had this kind of effect on her much less what the “effect” really was, but whatever the reason, it was intoxicating.
At first he was completely fine, jumping out his suit of armor to use it as a barricade in case the super mutants just so happened to track the two of you back to your makeshift hiding space. However..when he climbed out of the steel contraption and realized just how small the room was, he began to panic all over again.
There wasn’t anywhere he could move without brushing up against you. It would’ve all been okay has you been literally anyone else, but you? Well you just had this terrible way of setting his flesh ablaze with a mere look, his nose and cheeks flushing bright red when you flashed a small cheeky smile.
“Well Paladin...think we should just wait it out this time. I call being the big spoon..”
And just like that, Danse thought he was going to faint.
More than anything deacon was scared. Not because it was you though, no, he was far too comfortable despite his little crush to be scared to hunker down with you. You were like his best friend after all...well he certainly hoped that one day you’d be a little more when the two of you were in a better place......literally.
As for now, he’d settle for whispering small jokes to distract you from the looming feeling of peril that took form as the pissed off institue synths lurking just beyond the safe refuge of the meager broom closet he pulled you inside.
His primary objective was to make sure the stupid nuka-lurks wouldn’t bust through the doorway, his single hazel colored eye darting around the ridiculously small room in search of a way to fortify your surroundings.
He’d be damned if he let anything happen to you.
After your help putting up what little barricades you could make, he sighed, turning on his heels..only to completely brush up against you.
It was then the raider realized just how cramped your makeshift refuge was...he realized just how close the two of you were going to be for who knows how long.
While the thought made his heart hammer in chest, he couldn’t help the smug grin that tugged at the corners of his lips.
This should be interesting to say the least.
Had it not been for the inherent danger of the vastly outnumbering amount of raiders on the other side of the wall, he might’ve actually gotten to enjoy the close contact with you. Don’t get me wrong though, a piece of him was starting to feel all..strange.
By this point he was well aware of his feelings for you, just not on how to proceed with them..there wasn’t really ever a good time to confront you with it anyways. Besides, now certainly wasn’t either.
That still didn’t stop Hancock from doing a little victory dance internally. Hey, it might’ve not been ideal..but at least he was damn close to you right now.
He’ll take it.
Be it his experience in little lamplight or the countless other “eventful” things he’d endured throughout his life, Mac wasn’t terribly phased.
Sure, the mere thought of being truly stuck, death literally around the corner was scary, but it was nothing compared to the rushing of blood in his ears. Had you been anyone else, he might’ve been more annoyed, willing to toss you out to whatever was trying to get the two of you and run but..no.
It was you. It was you that truly made him afraid now. A seemingly endless amount of time to spend with the one person he felt such intense feelings for after Lucy..so much time to fudge it up.
This was going to be a long night.
The close proximity didn’t even register with him at first. Instead his mind was more preoccupied with firstly, devising a way to get out with the two of you wholly intact and secondly, pondering just where he went wrong...also just what the hell was taking the backup he requested so long.
However when he tried to back away from the closet door, only to bump right into you he visibly froze.
Oh by steel, this was hell.
He had been in plenty of predicaments like this one before, but never in any of said experiences had the person he was with has the ability to make his speechless nor cause an unfamiliar fluttering in his stomach.
So...he’d remain rigid until finally the spinning barrel of a mini gun could be heard on the other side of the room’s barricaded steel door.
He should’ve seen it coming. Thanks to him, the two of you were stuck, completely at the mercy of whatever higher power was watching over.
Since when did deathclaws inhabit old department stores??? It didn’t matter.
What mattered to him at this point was the soft lulling of you voice when you yawned through whatever witty remark you were going to shoot his way. If he had a true heart, it would’ve been hammering out of his chest at this point. As a matter of fact, it would’ve probably stopped altogether when you decided to take a long overdue nap- snuggled up in his trenchcoat.
What was he going to do with you?
Old Longfellow:
This wasn’t his first rodeo with this kind of predicament, so he wasn’t entirely bothered. An uncontrollable grin shaping his face as he watched you visibly pout, leaning up against the boarded up window as you eyed the only visible entry way- trying to block out the snarls of the feral ghoul hoards on the other side.
He couldn’t help but chuckle when you scoffed, rolling your eyes when the noises stopped.
Damn, you were cute.
Wait...what? Where did that come from?
Luckily she had an ability to pretend nothing was wrong at all. It was one of the many perks of what her occupation and its experience does to a person. So, outwardly Piper would just snicker as she watched the Deathclaw outside frantically try to find where you ran off to- almost outwardly busting out laughing as the fearsome creature literally chased its own tail for a moment.
However on the inside she was practically jumping for joy. It was perhaps not the best way to get to spend some quality time with you but..eh, beggar’s can’t be choosers. She wouldn’t want anyone else to hide from death with anyways!
It had crossed his mind to simply just jump out of the window a couple times. It wasn’t because you were just that insufferable, heavens, it was quite the opposite. He just couldn’t stand the way he couldn’t stop staring at your lips, the way he could hardly form a intelligible word and the way you just seemed to radiate beauty in a time where most would’ve been scared shitless.
How were you so unbothered? How did you manage to make him feel so out of control?
To make matters worse, the close proximity you shared only intensified the nervousness he felt. As though the thought of an angry mole rat pack eating him wasn’t enough...
He knew the reason, but..why?
This wasn’t exactly the first time this had happened to you and him..only this time was different in the sense that it was just you and him, the room was a whole hell of a lot smaller and finally, the first time..you didn’t make his heart flutter by just smiling at him.
Surprisingly he’d be pretty good at hiding his awkward internal feelings, instead choosing to focus on an escape plan.
However...this event did encourage him to finally find himself at your doorstep one night to confess the way he truly felt.
Life certainly has a way of surprising you, doesn’t it? X6 certainly thought so at this point. There was hardly ever a situation that he couldn’t shoot his way out of, even if there was, he would just relay the fuck out of there as soon as he could...and yet here he was. Stuck behind some old collapsed building while a behemoth aimlessly hunted the two of you down.
Although the structure was big, there was no telling how safe each room was so using better judgement, the two of you decided to stay in the one tiny interior room.
It was then that X6 really wished he could teleport at that time. He loved being in your company, he really did..but as of late? Well lately an unfamiliar, scary feeling took over his senses when you merely looked at him.
He was terrified. Now? He was absolutely horrified. There was no stopping the awkwardness he felt as he so desperately tried to look anywhere but those pretty eyes of your’s.
Wait, pretty? Oh no..what has taken ahold of him?
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that-yandere-life · 5 years
Hey! First time asking anything of a fan fiction writer, but are you able to do multi yandere hcs, your choice of yanderes, with a super villain target? Please don't burn yourself out over it, I don't have a preference over time! I love your writing a lot, take as much time as you need
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Peter Parker-
It took him awhile to figure out that you were actually his arch nemesis as you wore a mask over your face.
That explained why sometimes when he was near you his spider senses went off like crazy.
So the next time you guys got into a fight he managed to knock you out.
Peeling back the mask confirming his suspicions much to his dismay.
Since he had you already he decided to help you change your ways and become a better person.
After all who better to make you rethink your choices than the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?
Sure he had his doubts on whether you would accept his help, but in the end he realized that over time you had no choice but to.
His love could be what gives you a change of heart, and instead of fighting him you could learn to love him in return.
Maybe it was a little delusional of him but he didn’t see it going any other way.
Locking you up in a room making sure that you couldn’t use any abilities that you had with a device Tony had built to secure prisoners in rooms.
When you woke up you immediately noticed that your mask was missing, and now you were in a pair of guys sweatpants, and a t-shirt that did not belong to you.
Peter walked into the room and started talking to you like you already knew who he was.
As you expressed your confusion he used his web shooter to drag himself up to the ceiling instantly showing off his identity.
Of course you tried to convince him to set you free but that was in vain as he had no plans to.
Explaining your reason’s for doing what you did, didn’t help either.
In return he explained how he only wanted the best for you, and that meant that you couldn’t hurt anyone anymore.
Fighting against the restraints he had placed on you only infuriated you more by the minute.
“It’s okay we can be together now.”
“I don’t even know you besides fighting you!”
Understanding your plight he tried to make you feel better, even showing you how much he cared.
Laying down next to you holding you as you attempted to struggle away.
That didn’t matter to him, he was going to hold you until you gave in whether you realized it or not.
Stroking your hair and telling you how much you meant to him over and over again attempting to sway your opinion of him.
Eventually you couldn’t help but start to listen to him, actually surprised that someone truly cared about you for once.
Giving you his life story over the course of the next few days, you opened up with your own which was a tragic tale to say the least.
How could you say no for long to this adorable brown eyed boy who only showed you love, something you had never really felt in your entire life.
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Clint Barton-
[Warning: Slight Mention of Suicide]
It was when he was assigned to take you out that he fell in love with you.
Seeing how you interacted with everyone outside of your villainy he could tell you really had a good heart inside.
That you didn’t really want to hurt anyone, but you felt forced into it because it is what your parents had done.
Almost like a family business gone wrong sort of deal.
While they were proud, you hated yourself every single time you went out in your costume tormenting someone or another.
Never did you kill however, that was the one thing you couldn’t bring yourself to do in the end.
Instead you just caused mass panic and mental anguish for anyone you encountered.
Cornering you one night he had his arrow trained right at your head.
But what really surprised him was you begging him to fire and put a stop to your actions for good.
There was no way he was going to allow that to happen even though that was his original goal.
“Come with me, you don’t have to do this anymore. I can take care of you, keep you safe.”
Part of you wanted to run at him to force his hand, but the other part desperately wanted to believe his intentions were pure and real.
Nodding you dropped your weapons walking towards him with your arms in the air showing that you surrendered and were now unarmed.
Clint would take you with him to his farm that only Fury knew about, but wouldn’t suspect he was holding you there.
Contacting HQ letting them know that the job was done, he secured your freedom as a trusted member of the organization.
There he taught you how to just be a person, that you didn’t have to fight anymore.
Although he did teach you archery, which you actually got pretty good at much to his surprise.
That was when after you asked him, he began truly training you how to be a hero instead of a villain.
Someone who could help people instead of hurting them should the occasion arise.
Forever would he be by your side to keep you safe and feeling loved.
Life would never be the same for either of you.
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Steven Rogers-
During a big fight between you and The Avenger’s he managed to knock your mask off with his shield.
Seeing your face he couldn’t believe how breathtaking you were despite being sweaty and panting from the heat of the battle.
That didn’t stop you from continuing to antagonize them and terrorize the civilians running from you.
Quickly he announced his plan to capture you instead of kill you over the comms making everyone think he was crazy.
However he was the Captain and therefore whatever he said went.
Dodging every attack they made upon you, it was hard to focus on everyone at once when they all rushed you.
Taking an unexpected shield to the back of the head you were knocked onto your knees harshly.
Trying to get back up you felt a foot kick you all the way down the ground face first, hitting your head on a piece of concrete you had destroyed as part of a building earlier.
Bleeding heavily you reached up and touched it wincing as you again tried to get to your feet.
Steve took that opportunity to pounce on top of you effectively pinning you to the ground.
There you felt the prick of a dart in your neck as your world started to turn black.
Waking up you felt your head throbbing almost unable to focus on your surroundings, just shocked that you were still alive.
Steve entered the room being notified by FRIDAY that you were now conscious.
“Why didn’t you kill me?”
“I didn’t want to, that’s not what we try to do here if we can avoid it.”
Calling him out on his lie having heard their change of plans with your advanced hearing.
That was when he went into a speech about how you can change, how you don’t have to do what you are doing.
When you tell him you like it, you like feeling powerful he laughs at you.
Nothing feels more powerful than when taking down someone like you.
Sitting down next to you on the cot you had been laid upon he touched your shoulder softly.
Looking into his eyes you couldn’t help but see a spark there, what it was you didn’t understand yet.
But you would, oh you would.
He never had any intentions on letting you leave, his true intentions were to make you his.
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Tony Stark-
How Tony found out that you were anything other than a normal human was a little unethical.
Hacking into your communications on your cellphone he found out that you were planning something catastrophic.
Something that he needed to stop before it was too late and you became a cold blooded killer with a thirst for blood.
So he planned on taking you out for a night of fun, you were friends after all.
Now how you got it past him was unknown, he never felt anything off about you.
Plus you were friends with a real life superhero, how could you possibly think what you were planning was okay?
Slipping some sleeping medication into your wine when you went out for drinks he knew it was only a matter of time before he could keep you safe from yourself.
When you told him you were starting to feel drowsy he offered to take you home, having no real intentions of actually taking you there.
Falling asleep in his fancy sports car, he drove you to the tower having a special room connected to his own to house you in.
Laying you down on the bed, he activated the special power deactivator he had invented for Loki once upon a time but had repurposed for you.
Of course he had no idea if you had abilities or not but he wasn’t going to take the chance of you busting out of there and fighting him.
Honestly he didn’t know if he could fight you or not if it came down to it.
He had been in love with you for a long time, and he couldn’t set aside his feelings to harm you.
Upon waking up you felt yourself start to panic and bang on the huge metal door blocking your exit.
Tony entered crossing his arms over his chest, and you knew in that moment that he figured out what you were and what you were planning.
Looking down at the floor you didn’t want to face him or answer his questions.
He didn’t really give you a chance not to as he bombarded you with one after another demanding you respond.
All you could do was apologize, you knew what you had planned was wrong but you wanted his attention even if it was for a bad reason.
Unable to believe the words that came out of your mouth he made you meet his gaze by tipping your chin up.
“You’ve always had my attention, you needed only to ask.”
Sobbing you cried into his chest as he held you, reassuring you that you weren’t inherently bad you were just about to make a bad choice.
With him by your side you could work on rehabilitating, and turn your misfortune into something good.
And he was never going to leave your side again.
[Okay I went off a little and did way too much, but we all should have realized by now that I have the too extra gene hahaha! Thank you so much for your request and your compliments! I really hope that you like it, and that it was what you were wanting!
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mjallanwrites · 7 years
Love Me
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LOVE ME ( IF THAT’S WHAT YOU WANNA DO ) — in which ( Y/N ) and peter have been best friends since middle school despite the fact that she’s constantly been pegged as shy and withdrawn. ever since they entered high school ( Y/N ) has had a small crush on peter, but remains convinced that he’s never seemed to notice because she’s always been lost behind her giant frames
WARNINGS — none !!
REQUEST — can you do a drabble where the reader is the nervous one and has a huge crush on peter and he sees her one day without her glasses and realizes his feelings
AUTHOR’S NOTE — so i don’t wanna get ahead of myself or anything, but honestly y’all i’m super proud of myself for getting this one out in a timely manor. anyways, i hope this drabble lives up to your vision and thank you so much for requesting it ! also if anyone needs me to tag anything, let me know and i’ll be happy to add it to the warnings. !!
“PETER DID YOU hear what I just said?” The question is sullied by a sardonic kind of bitterness, and had it come from the mouth of anyone else—it would have read more like an affirmation of sorts. Of course Peter hadn't been paying attention, the capricious nature of his gaze ( which for the record, always seemed to return to the foggy window pane in five minute intervals )  had corroborated that very fact. But ( Y/N ) seems to posses an infinite amount of patience, and because she’s his best friend she’s polite enough to overlook his incessant flaw.
Sheepishness replaces the usual softness of Peter’s features, his smile wavering in the slightest fashion. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been a bit—”
“Distracted? Yeah I can tell.” ( Y/N ) adjusts the thick frame of black spectacles until they rest atop the bridge of her nose. Peter can’t help but to notice that she’s always careful not to smudge the lenses. She’s meticulous like that—straining over the minor details which would elicit indifference from most.
Spoiler alert: she isn’t most people.
“Hey! You have my full attention now, I promise.” And for five minutes he means it, listening intently to the girl who’d always prioritized physics over physical education and read Fitzgerald for fun. Only verb conjugations and the laws of grammar don’t intrigue him nearly as much as intercepting bank robberies or engaging in battle with the Avengers themselves. It was as if becoming Spider-man had cast a dullness over the intricacies of ordinary life—kaleidoscope colours gingerly draining from blank sky and left to saturate the worn out soles of his sneakers. The only time he’d ever felt some semblance of engagement was when school clothes had been swapped for red and blue spandex.
What could he say—being a masked hero could do to that to a person.
“It’s fine Peter, we can just do this another time. I have to go home soon anyways.” Peter can sense the  tinge of disappointment in her tone, it’s tethered to the faint lilt of her words—entwined like vine to stone. And he hates that he always seems to let her down, especially in times where she needs him most.
The pair had been inseparable since middle school, venturing through central park hand in hand and padding along beneath sweltering sun until the heat seemed to consume them entirely. They would feed throngs of ducks who never failed to linger by the shallow ponds, content with both the day and each other. She’d been his rock for what felt like an entirety, a paperweight which kept him fastened to the ground when his personal trials and tribulations threatened to blow him away. But above all she was tempered despite all irrationalities and empirical injustices. Perhaps it stemmed for an inherent timidness which she seemed to carry upon her shoulders like a perennial burden, or maybe she had just been that good at reservation—he could never quite put his finger on it.
Peter’s posture is stiff, as if one wrong move and her apathetic disposition may just contort into exasperation. “I swear I’ll make it up to you! Tomorrow—at that ice cream parlour you like.” He watches as ( Y/N )’s gaze seems to falter, and being the observant person that he was—he can’t help but to notice that she never seems to meet his eyes. “I’ll meet you there after school, my treat.”
( Y/N ) fiddles with the remaining notebooks which rest idly on the table. “Yeah that’s fine I guess, I-I mean you really don’t have to. But if you really wanna go then that’s cool.” She smiles that flimsy grin of hers that she’s worn since she was twelve years old, only now it’s less toothy. ( Y/N ) stopped baring ivories when she was fourteen, despite the fact the braces her parents invested thousands on ended up doing her a world of good.
“Great I’ll see you then.” Peter slips his phone into his pocket before giving her hand a light squeeze.
“Looking forward to it.” 
And as always, she really means it.
Peter Parker considers himself to be good with faces.
He can recall the identities of mask clad vigilantes who’d only exposed that particular chink in their armour for a brief moment, and the distinct profile of every librarian who’s ever shushed both him and an overzealous Ned Leeds. Such a tendency wouldn't come as a shock to those who actually knew the boy. He exuded a natural brilliance which seemed to recede that of his peers, and should he have made his intelligence the focal point of his persona—perhaps those who hadn’t known him would have dubbed him a genius. Genius’ had a tendency to notice things; they were constantly alert as if a peculiar kind of hyperactivity replaced the vitality which coursed through overt veins.
Peter was no different than the very people who never seemed to overlook even the littlest of things.
So you can only imagine his shock when a perky—and barely recognizable— ( Y/N Y/L/N ) arrives at Eddie’s Sweet Shop, clad in a floral patterned dress comprised of thin material and long sleeves. Honey lacquered nails clutch at the baby pearls which adorn her wrists—a family heirloom that she’d always donned in memory of her grandmother. On any other day, the beat up converse she’d purposely slipped on her feet that afternoon ( her solid attempt at contrasting her dress ) would look wrong—something so obviously out of place. Today they resinate with Peter like the ballet flats she’s grown so used to wearing for the sake of appearances. And it’s not that his inherent shock stems from a sudden recognition of her beauty—because she’s always been beautiful and she always would be. No, the jarring nature of his response stems from the unfamiliarity of character. The way she seems to have blossomed before a crowd of oblivious strangers, confidence etched into the crescent shape her mouth effortlessly conforms to. Light shades of pink stain the surface of her cheeks, and he knows it’s because she’s stood in the sun for far too long. More than that, the chunky frames of her glasses are missing in action, and for the first time ever—she’s visibly unfazed.
Yeah, his best friend has always been beautiful—but he’s never really seen her like this before.
“Hey ( Y/N )! You look, uh—wow, I mean, you look good.” His stuttering seems to intrigue a smiling ( Y/N ), which turns his own cheeks a deep red.
The giggle which escapes ( Y/N )’s lips is airy and delicate, and should it have been something of physical tangibility, it would have broke underneath the burden of her weighty expectations. “Thanks Peter. You don’t think it’s too much?” There’s a sudden crook in her right eyebrow as she gestures to her lanky form.
Peter holds back a nervous gulp. “N-No, definitely not.”
“Well that’s a relief.” She slides onto the stool next to him, and for a moment his throat seems constrict upon catching the light floral scent of her perfume. Was it possible for someone to smell pretty? Peter wants to ask her, but settles for requesting a menu instead.
“So I was thinking we could share a banana split—y’know, like when we were kids.” He begins to fiddle with the menu’s laminated edge, and ( Y/N ) watches him like it’s the most endearing thing she’s ever seen.
“That sounds great, but aren’t we technically still kids?” There’s a teasing glint in her eye, a stark disparity to a cautiousness which laces her words. And to anyone looking from the outside in—she was right. Peter and ( Y/N ) were nothing more than two kids who’d always harboured feelings for one another, though neither of them had ever been brave enough to act on such a sentiment. Instead, they continued forward with one another—ceaselessly pursuing the future with no intention to ever part, even if it meant an eternity of friendship and friendship alone.
The nights in which ( Y/N ) buried her head in the crook of Peter’s neck on her fire escape, tracing constellations with yearning fingers and telling tales of both science and fiction had been enough to cement an emotional attachment she could never quite shake. She’d loved him in a childish kind of way.
A stolen kisses on the cheek by the duck pond kind of way.
And Peter had loved her too, he always had. He loved the way she’d never been seen without a novel of some sort tucked at her side—pages tattered and cover torn because she always read her books more than once. The way she never grew weary of him, even when he lost focus during their study sessions in the library. And how he could know everything there was to know about her—only to reevaluate it all by the next morning. Because she’d never just been one thing, even when she was shy and vulnerable there’d still been a confidence to her; a security which transcended all hesitation.  
Aren’t we technically still kids?
“Yeah—I guess we are.”
Two kids who were just friends—but loved each other nonetheless.
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