#but it’s a government job (parks!!) so it’s like new hires usually start in late spring/early summer
antiquesintheattic · 3 months
ok the time has now come for going back to my old job and begging them to let me start the seasonal position early… there’s like a 0 percent chance that my old boss is gonna be there though cause it’s a weekend lol so i don’t really know what i’m hoping to get out of this but we’ll see
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alarawriting · 4 years
52 Project #4: Rand Mart
All I wanted to do was buy a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread, and ham. But I’d been to four cash registers already, and no one had been willing to ring me up yet.
The first cashier – a girl with dyed black hair, a tattoo of a dove on her cheek, and nose and tongue piercings – informed me that she’d ring up my bread, but she was morally opposed to the consumption of animal products, so the conscience clause permitted her to refuse to ring up my milk and ham. The dark-skinned woman with a red dot on her forehead, at the next cash register, would ring up my ham and bread, but told me that the American milk industry was unconscionably cruel to cows, who were beloved in the eyes of Brahma. The woman with the light blue scarf around her mouth, nose and hair, at the third register, was willing to ring up the bread and milk, but thought that pigs were unclean and their meat banned by the Prophet. And the fourth cashier, a bearded man with a yarmulke, wouldn’t ring up any of my goods, because it was Saturday.
There was a self-service lane, of course, but it wrapped around the entire cash register area with about forty people queued up in it because no one wanted to go to a cashier-operated register. I’d thought that the fact that so few people were lined up at the registers meant that I’d get through the line quickly. I should have known better.
There were two other cash registers open. On one, a painfully thin woman was haranguing a slightly overweight woman over her choice of sodas. “High fructose corn syrup is pure poison!” she was shouting. “It’s murder! If I let you buy those Sprites I might as well be putting a gun to your head!” At the last cashier-operated register, the clean-cut young man behind the counter was ringing everyone up for all their products… as long as they accepted Christ as their personal lord and savior.
Screw this. I abandoned my groceries in one of the many, many baskets set outside the cash registers for exactly that purpose. The baskets were overflowing. I wondered how the supermarkets made any money anymore.
And then I did what I’d sworn I’d never do again. I got in my car, and I drove to Rand Mart.
Rand Mart was infamous for being a terrible employer. It abused its employees, forcing them to work unpaid overtime, failing to give them health care coverage, busted any attempt to unionize, and fired them for absenteeism if they were ever sick at all. I wouldn’t have been caught dead there under any other circumstances. But I wasn’t willing to lie my way into the Christian-only grocery stores, and the service at the secular grocery store was getting steadily worse.
Ever since the Conscience Clause Laws, created originally to allow pharmacists to get out of filling prescriptions for drugs whose purposes their religions disapproved of, were expanded by Supreme Court decision to allow any person to refuse any duty in the course of their work, provided that they had a “heartfelt moral objection” to performing it… more and more people were discovering the joys of sticking it to their employers (and customers) by developing heartfelt moral objections to any number of things. Their employers weren’t allowed to fire them for it, either.
Originally it had been based on religion, until the vegans sued, claiming that just because their belief that meat was murder was not based on the teachings of a god, it was no less heartfelt or moral. The Supremes bought that, deciding that when the Founding Fathers said that Congress should establish no religion, which had been extended to Congress not infringing on any religion, that any heartfelt moral belief counted as a religion for the purposes of not being infringed on, because it wasn’t the business of the law to decide what was and was not a religion.
Corporations weren’t allowed to practice religious discrimination in hiring unless their own heartfelt moral beliefs would be compromised. So the Christian-only stores could get away with hiring only Christians – which had made them very, very popular lately, even though they’d only let Christians shop there, because most Americans are Christian at least in name and most Christians didn’t have a religious objection to selling anyone anything, as long as it couldn’t be used to allow women to enjoy sex without guilt. But a secular store couldn’t demand that its employees actually do their jobs, because no one had a heartfelt moral belief that employees should do work, apparently.
Except for Rand Mart.
Rand Mart had successfully won the right to discriminate against any employee of any religion who wouldn’t do their job on the grounds that their heartfelt moral belief was Objectivism. They believed (heartfeltedly and morally, it seemed) that the government should not interfere in contractual matters between employee and employer, or consumer and vendor, and that therefore they had the right to sign their employees to contracts that stated that they accepted the inability to raise a religious objection to anything as a condition of employment, and make it stick. They used the Hobby Lobby case as precedent along with the Conscience Clause decision to prove that a corporation had the rights to adhere to the heartfelt moral beliefs of its owners even if doing so trampled on the rights of its employees.
As a result, you could get absolutely anything at Rand Mart that they felt they’d make money on selling to you, and no one could raise any sort of objection. Guns? Sure! The Second Amendment and the Conscience Clause meant that they didn’t have to do background checks, because that was government interference with their relationship with their customer, and they believed they shouldn’t have to abide by that rule. Abortifacients? You betcha! They weren’t the only ones – sex shops frequently invoked their heartfelt belief in the right of all humans to sexual pleasure and control over their own bodies to sell things like birth control, Plan B, and actual abortion drugs, without prescriptions, and no one could really stop them because they had the names of everyone who’d ever used a credit card to buy sex merchandise, which included most of the fine, upstanding citizens who tended to protest abortion clinics. But Rand Mart was the one you would go to if you didn’t want to walk through displays of lingerie and dildos to get the pill. Marijuana? Rand Mart didn’t believe in anti-drug laws, and while they were sane enough not to provoke the government on stuff like meth and heroin, they sold weed quite openly, and the Feds were more likely to bust a legal California grower of the medical grade stuff than Rand Mart.
Obviously, given their willingness to sell such culturally controversial stuff, you could get any of the basics at Rand-Mart as well, and none of their employees were allowed to refuse to sell to you. So I drove over there, because I really, really wanted my bread, ham and milk.
As usual, Rand Mart’s parking lot was a zoo. True confession time: this wasn’t the first time I’d been driven to have to go to the place. Every time I went here I swore I’d never do it again, and while my abhorrence of their treatment of employees was one reason, the behavior of the other customers was another. Pedestrians were everywhere, because why should they have to follow rules like the presence of crosswalk markings to make life convenient for drivers? They had the right to walk and they were going to walk, dammit. This, of course, made the drivers of the other cars frustrated, and when you considered how tiny the parking spots were and how quickly they got snapped up, you had frustrated, angry drivers rapidly turning into slavering, starving beasts who’d savage each other for a parking spot. Road rage deaths were not unheard of in Rand Mart parking lots, including incidents where folks used their brand new Rand Mart guns to put a hole in a fellow shopper for fender bender accidents caused by overeagerness to take a parking spot. I parked all the way out at the end of the lot and walked, careful to avoid the cars who were taking out their aggression against the thick clouds of pedestrians in front of the store by nearly running down the ones walking to or from their cars.
The way Rand Mart is laid out, you have to walk through an entire aisle of really cheap impulse buys and sales items before you can even get into the store proper. Then the groceries are all the way on the other side. Shoppers inside Rand Mart are every bit as considerate as the ones outside, which is to say, I had to dodge a lot of folks who were walking straight at me as if I wasn’t even there, or as if they wanted to play Store Aisle Chicken. I was really, really glad I needed so few things and didn’t need to push a cart, because there were so many endcaps and stands of merchandise and random pallets of restock that I couldn’t see how a cart could get through half the aisles.
I plugged my metaphorical ears to the siren song of really cheap electronics, and really cheap DVDs, and really cheap winter jackets, and really cheap kitchen appliances. (I’m a bachelor. I don’t really cook. I do, however, make a lot of use of rice cookers, and toaster ovens, and single-serve coffee machines, and I own lots and lots of other kitchen appliances that promise to pretty much make my food for me, despite which I still never use the damned things.) In what seemed like a long and peril-fraught journey, but was actually probably about three or four minutes, I got to the grocery aisles and started looking for the stuff I’d come for.
And then I ran into Emily. Wearing a Rand Mart uniform, and stocking yogurt cups onto the shelves.
Emily used to be my manager. I work in IT, where the controversies are few; as long as we don’t hire any Amish dudes, we’re not likely to get saddled with deadweight. However, the hours are long, and Emily decided she wanted a new career that would let her spend more time with her young son, so last I’d heard, she’d opened a day care. Considering that this was Saturday, I supposed it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility that this was her second job, but Rand Mart was infamous for giving their front line employees really egregiously varying schedules with totally inconsistent amounts and times for hours, so they weren’t generally compatible with having, or being, a second job. “Hey, Emily!” I said. “How’s life been treating you?”
“Oh, hey, Brad. You’re looking pretty stressed. They giving you a hard time at work?”
“Oh, no, no, I’m just stressed because I had to come to this place,” I said. “Six cashiers at the Allfood, and none of them willing to ring up a simple purchase of ham, milk and bread.”
“Don’t I know it,” Emily said. “The other day I was in Curtains and More with my son, just trying to get him some new bedsheets, and they practically threw me out of the store because I wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. I told them I don’t wear it because my circulation’s not great and my fingers swell up, but they didn’t believe me. I had to show them my wedding picture in my wallet before I could buy a damned thing, because they thought I was an unwed mother, and that’s sinful. Do you know every single employee in that place is a pregnant woman?”
“What, do they fire them if they’re not pregnant?”
“The owner’s into some odd Christian sect where you’re supposed to have as many babies for the Lord as possible. So I guess they’re not always pregnant, but they’re always either pregnant, on maternity leave, or they’ve got a little baby. It’s crazy.”
Her story reminded me that I needed to get cups for my coffee machine, and that as far as I knew coffee wasn’t against anyone’s religion. Maybe I’d drop by Curtains and More myself. I was a single guy without any kids, so I figured I wouldn’t run into the problems Emily had. “Are they one of those places where you have to be Christian to get in?”
“Oh, no, no. That’s what tripped me up; I was completely not expecting to run into an issue like that. They looked secular.”
“So why’re you working here at Rand Mart anyway? Still doing the daycare thing?”
She shook her head sadly. “No… I couldn’t keep it going. I hired a couple of extra workers, trying to expand – you know, the state’s very strict about how many children you can have per working adult. Well, it turned out that one of them had a strong Christian belief in ‘spare the rod, spoil the child.’ Apparently it’s a central tenet of her religion that you have to beat kids.”
“Oh my god. Really?”
“Yup. Obviously I couldn’t let her anywhere near the kids – she made it clear that if she saw them engaging in bad behavior, she had to follow her moral beliefs on how to ‘train them up’, rather than my instructions. Well, I could have lost my license for allowing any corporal punishment at all on my premises, so I couldn’t let her anywhere near the kids, but I couldn’t fire her, because Conscience Clause. So I had her running errands, but what I really had needed was someone to watch kids. Without being able to take on the extra kids that her watching them would have allowed me to take, I couldn’t afford her salary.”
I shook my head. “Unreal.”
“I managed to eventually fire her for taking too long to run her errands, but I had to document it for months so she couldn’t claim it was an illegal termination on religious grounds. By then it was too late – I was too far into the red to recover. I had to declare bankruptcy. I couldn’t get hired back into IT management because I guess making a sudden shift into running a day care made me look flaky? Or out of touch, anyway. So, you know, I’m still looking, but I’ve got to pay the bills, so…” She shrugged. “Here I am.”
“That sucks. I’ll check the internal postings, see if there are any openings at the company. I’m sure they’d love to have you back.”
“That’d be great,” she said. “But listen, I gotta finish this and clock my task completion time so they don’t dock me for excessive inefficiency.”
“Oh, yeah, I understand. I gotta find my groceries, myself. See you around!”
“Sure, see you,” she said, and went back to unpacking yogurts, this time pulling them out of the box in stacks of three and shoving them onto the shelf as fast as she could go.
Once I had my groceries and I was checking out, I ran into my old friend Ryan, who was working the cash register. “Ryan! You’re working at Rand Mart too?”
“Sad but true,” he said.
“Thought you were working at that hipster coffee place.”
“Went out of business last month,” Ryan said regretfully. “We hired this one guy who would not stop aggressively proselytizing to the customers, and people just felt really uncomfortable ordering coffee from someone who kept insisting that they embrace the Lord. The owner tried to keep him in the back, but you know, small coffee joint. There’s not much to do that isn’t in the front, customer facing… he’d do unloading and garbage runs but the rest of the time there was nothing for him to do but work out front.”
“Yeah, I just heard about my old manager’s day care folding because she hired the wrong person.”
“It’s bad, all right,” Ryan said. “The small businesses can’t take it, and even the bigger ones are starting to feel it. That’ll be $15.99.”
For a pound of deli ham, a loaf of bread, and a gallon of milk? I goggled at the receipt, glad I hadn’t tried to get the coffee single-serving cups here. Well, Rand Mart never pretended to have the lowest prices on groceries; they’ll just sell you anything you want without a hassle, and that’s enough of a draw that they can charge out the wazoo. That and all the cheap impulse buy stuff creating the illusion that the store’s prices were overall low. “You guys are definitely cleaning up on it though,” I said as I swiped my credit card.
Ryan snorted. “I’m out of here first chance I get. There’s a new burger joint down the road, Charley’s. I put in an application there and we’ll see where it goes.”
“Is that one of those places where you have to wear flair?”
“Naah, flair is corporate now. They do have all the kitschy plastic toys all over the ceiling though.”
“I’ll have to check them out.” Maybe today. A burger sounded good. I was getting kind of hungry.
As I walked out of Rand Mart, I swore to myself that this time, this time, I wasn’t coming back.
Charley’s was a low-key kind of place, dark wooden beams and light brown wallpaper showing great sports stars from the entire 20th and 21st centuries, despite which it was actually not a sports bar. It was rare to find a burger joint that was neither excessively corporate, nor did it have 25 television screens showing different subchannels of ESPN. Their menu said they were all about the social experience, implying to me that one lone dude like me was probably not their target customer. On the other hand I’ll do a lot to avoid the black attention sucking hole that is large television screens with no sound. I’m not into sports nearly enough to want to see Ukrainian men’s field hockey or whatever ridiculous crap they show on ESPN17, and especially not enough to want to see it with the sound off and no captions.
I was pleasantly surprised by how fast my server collected my drink order and came back with my Coke. She was a cute brunette with curly hair. “I’d like to get a Works Cheeseburger, hold the spinach,” I said.
She shook her head. “I’m sorry, sir, I can’t do that.”
I blinked at her. “Are you out? I don’t have to have all the toppings—“
“No, I mean, a cheeseburger isn’t kosher, so I can’t put that order in for you. Sorry.”
Oh, not this again. “Come on. You’re working on Saturday. You can put in a cheeseburger order.”
“No, I really can’t. I have to work on Saturday because I need the hours, but I do keep kosher.”
I sighed. “Can you get me a different server, then? I came here to get a cheeseburger.”
“I could get you a cheese veggieburger… the tofu ones taste really authentic.”
“No. I want a cheeseburger. Made of beef, and cheese. Are there any other servers who’ll take my order?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t refer you to any of my colleagues,” she said. “If it was just a matter of you preferring a different server, that’d be one thing, but I can’t get a different server for you when I know that I’m enabling you to get a cheeseburger.”
“Okay, I’m not going to order a cheeseburger, but I don’t like you and your sanctimonious attitude, so just go get me a different server because I don’t like you.”
“No, sir, I know you’re lying and you really are going to order a cheeseburger if I do that.”
I glared at her. “Look, I know enough about Judaism to know that you don’t need to enforce the kosher laws on non-Jews, so what justification do you have for not letting me order a cheeseburger? Don’t the kosher laws just apply to Jews?”
“Yes, but I can tell you’re actually Jewish.”
I blinked. “No, I’m not.”
“Well, of course you’d say that, sir, since you don’t keep kosher and you don’t keep the Sabbath, but I know a Jewish man when I see one.”
I had a roommate who was Jewish once, and that was the full extent of my connection to Judaism. “Look, I’m not. Really. I’m allowed to eat a cheeseburger.”
“I sincerely believe that you probably are, and you’re lying to me because you want a cheeseburger.”
So I gave her two bucks for the Coke, which was $1.99, and told her to keep the change. If she was hungry enough to take Saturday hours despite being dedicated enough to her faith to enforce kosher on non-Jewish customers, maybe a spate of 1 cent tips would persuade her to let customers order a cheeseburger in a goddamn burger joint. Or maybe they’d cause her to quit. What the heck was someone with a religious objection to cheeseburgers doing working in a burger joint anyway? I bet she wouldn’t have let me get a bacon burger either.
To be honest, I was pretty sure she was enforcing kosher laws on a non-Jew because she could. Used to be that every store treated its employees more or less the same way Rand Mart does. Long hours, low wages, and if you didn’t take the customer’s abuse with a big smile, you could lose your job, no matter how unreasonable the demands. Nowadays, the hours were longer and the wages were lower – businesses couldn’t stay in business with all the deadweight they were forced to carry if they didn’t exploit the hell out of their workers – but employees could get away with nearly anything if they expressed a heartfelt belief. In fact, I’d read an advice article online that suggested that as soon as you got a job in retail, you should come up with some religious reason to deny a customer something, because then if they tried to fire you for anything else, you could sue them on the grounds that it was retaliation against you exercising your First Amendment rights.
Dammit, I was really, really not in the mood for McDonalds’ or something. The last time I’d tried to go through a drive-thru, I’d found out that the fry cook on shift that day disapproved of the high carbon footprint left by cars, and was refusing to allow any of the fries to go out via the drive-thru. Plus, I’d really wanted a good burger. Rand-Mart had one of those snack bars that they have at places like Target, but I was pretty sure their burgers were at best a single step in quality above McDonald’s, if not the same or worse.
I decided to go to Anomie. Their food wasn’t the best, but the good thing was, you put in your order through an electronic kiosk, swiped your card, and people you never saw in the back, who never saw you, would take whatever orders they felt they could morally accept. Then the food would be slid to you through a numbered slot, kind of like the idea behind the old Automat. You never had to see a single person that worked there.
After a mediocre cheeseburger I managed to obtain without interacting with a single human being, I felt somewhat up to going and getting my coffee. It’d be cheapest at the grocery store, but I wasn’t going to go back there if I could help it – even though I was pretty sure none of the cashiers I’d run into would actually prevent me from getting coffee, except maybe the Sprite Is Poison lady, I still didn’t feel like paying any of those people’s wages. So I decided to try Curtains and More. If they weren’t the kind of store that would try to check my religion before letting me in, what was the worst that could happen?
Ten minutes later I was standing in front of a security guard who was saying “I’m sorry, sir,” while blocking my entrance to the store. “You can’t go in there.”
I stared at him. “Why not?”
“Well, you’re a man, sir. Men aren’t allowed in Curtains and More.”
“…My friend just was here and she never told me men aren’t allowed. She brought in her son.”
“Boys under the age of 10 are allowed, but men aren’t. Our corporate policy at Curtains and More is that men and women shouldn’t mingle socially, so they shouldn’t shop at the same stores.”
“So is there another curtains store that just sells to men?”
“I wouldn’t know, sir. I don’t make the rule.”
“But you’re a man.”
“Yeah, I have to stand out here all day. I’m not actually allowed in the building.”
“So how do you punch your time card?”
“There’s an app for that. I have to do it with my cell phone.” He sighed. “Kind of dumb, if you ask me, but what’re you going to do?”
“Shop somewhere else, I guess.” I shook my head. “I thought these folks were Christians.”
“They are, but they’re some weird sect that thinks men and women shouldn’t see each other unless they’re family.”
“And that women should be pregnant all the time?”
“Didn’t know that, but I’ve seen employees go in through the side door, and yeah, most of them are pregnant. Is that why?”
“That’s what I heard,” I said glumly. “Why do they let women in and not men, I wonder? Most of these kinds of places discriminate against women, not men.”
“I don’t know, but I don’t have to turn too many guys away. I guess men don’t shop for curtains as much.”
“Guess not.” It was as good an explanation as any. “I’m gonna have to go back to Rand Mart, aren’t I?”
���I hear they’ve got a pretty good selection,” the security guard said.
I figured I’d probably end up back at Rand Mart, but I had to at least try to avoid it, so I tried a few other coffee places; most coffee places sell pods for coffee machines, after all.
I tried Starbucks, and walked right back out as I heard the cashier refusing to serve unbelievers. I didn’t even know what they were unbelieving in, and I didn’t care. The Dunkin Donuts was run by someone who professed a sincere and heartfelt belief that children should work in the family business, and I didn’t want to be served by an eight-year-old again. There was a hipster coffee joint, but they wouldn’t let me in because my belt looked like it might be made of real leather, and they believed strongly in veganism. I considered leaving my belt in the car, but then my pants might fall down in the coffee shop, and I wasn’t risking that. Besides, people like that might give me some song and dance about single-serve coffee pods being terrible for the environment, or something.
And that was how I found myself going back to Rand Mart, about an hour after declaring I was never going back again.
I passed a group of employees on smoke break on my way in. They were holding “HOMELESS AND HUNGRY – PLEASE HELP” signs. I gave one of them a five. For all I knew my friends might be there next month.
Then I dodged around an excessively aggressive cart return guy pushing a conga line of wheeled death, and slipped into the store. I was beginning to come to the conclusion that no matter how many times I vowed I’d never come back here, I’d never be able to keep that promise.
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erikismybitch · 5 years
Waiting In Vain : Chapter 16
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Bad Day.
Months had passed by. And the duo’s relationship had only went up from the beginning. Marley was surprised that she was not tired of Erik, there was never even a point where she wanted to be away from him. Of course they both had to live their separate lives , but being together was euphoric . Marley had never felt quite like this before , even with other man that she loved . This felt different.
Yes, she knew that it was love .
That’s what she told him, and even though he hadn’t said it back yet , she felt content . Marley couldnt hold how she felt about him in . She had to let him know she loved him one night , while there were laying on her couch . “We good , Marley” was all he said . He just held her tight until she fell sleep in his arms.
Erik showed her how much he cared for her every day. Flowers because it was Wednesday , foot massages when she was tired . Food whenever she was hungry and he even helped her find a new job . Marley was no longer faced with irritable complaints from consumers over the net . And no more slaving for the drunk men down at the bar with Becky.
Marley was now a proud employee at Steinway. Steinway was a global company . A trusted billion dollar business who created technology that controled security systems for some of the worlds most prestigious places . Mass museums, federal reserve, and most of all, protected government agencies .
Marley had a degree , but her major in Liberal arts she knew, would not get her in the door. Erik made her apply anyway .
“They might not even know they need you, always go for the job you think you won’t get” He encouraged her one night , while eating those famous tacos and watching Game of Thrones.
One resume, an exceptional cover letter written by Erik, and two interviews later...Marley was hired to assist the head of public relations. Her duty was only to serve the person who protected the brand of the company . Marley had been there for a while now, and was making a good amount of money.
It was her birthday on this day. She never made a big deal about it . Marley hadn’t had a party since her mom died . So to her , it was just another day . Most people in her life didn’t know when it was, just the few who were close to her . Becky knew and called her early in the morning with a long drawn out version of the birthday song . In the past , Tiana and her aunt didn’t even acknowledge her birthday. Trey would always buy her something expensive, but nothing memorable or noteworthy.
Erik knew that it was her birthday. Of course he was away for work, or whatever he did . Erik admitted... or hinted that his job wasn’t exactly what he told her before . She didn’t press him, but at times she questioned if what he did was legal . The gun was still in his dresser . “It’s not necessarily illegal” he’d toy with her mind whenever she asked him . She was no stranger to crime, seeing as Trey was the poster child for that . But he wasn’t as secretive as Erik . Nor was he as well paid .
Marley hadn’t talked to him all day . After numerous attempts at calling him, she figured he was busy . Until it came to the end of her work day . Her stress level was through the roof , constantly staring at her cellphone. Hoping that the next notification would be from Erik. That’s all she wanted . No party, no gifts , just Him.
Marley had received a birthday card signed by most of the employees . She knew it probably was company policy, but she was thankful . Marley had been there a little under two months , so most people didn’t know her well . To who she assumed was the head of the employee committee, walked by and wished her happy birthday . Marley had just finished typing the notes from the meetings her boss had. It was almost five , and she was off at four thirty .
The days leading up to her birthday were always filled with anxiety . She knew she would cry , she cried on her birthday every year . From loneliness, feeling like she was aging and yet so far behind in life . Most of all, she cried because it was another year without her mom. All day she had been fighting back her tears with fake thoughts of being happy . It was working, for now but she knew that eventually she would break . Becky begged Marley to come to the bar around seven that night . Before the sports crowd packed the bar . Becky wanted to give her gift before her work shift . Marley figured she’d eat fatty bar food and take a few shot alone. Or with some of her old co-workers. Ones who actually knew her and would be semi-genuine .
Since she was leaving later than usual, she was in a rush . The Steinway building was half an hour from her apartment . With traffic she would get home around six, that didn’t give her much time to get ready . Marley logged out of her work computer , gathered her belongings and rushed the halls to the elevator. She dashed through lobby to get to her car . Her phone buzzed in her hand , excitedly she glanced at it , praying that it was Erik . Marley didn’t even see the burly white guy walking towards her . She ran right into him and almost fell to the ground . He seemed to be in a rush much like her . All Marley could see was the back of his red slick hair and the flag of the Netherlands on his arm. Marley knew that because her old college roommate was from the Netherlands and had a flag on her side of the wall .
“Excuse you, fucking jackass!” Marley shouted . The rude guy was already outside of the building. Being the only black women in the lobby, everyone’s eyes were drawn to her already . Even more now since she shouted. She wanted badly to yell at them too for not addressing the man who almost knocked her down .
But , it was her birthday. She had some place to be.
She made it to her car , but she was still boiling with anger . Especially after she gave calling Erik one more shot . He didn’t pick up. “Fuck it!” She screamed , then punched her steering wheel . It honked abruptly, scaring an old woman who was walking by. A groan escaped her lips and she rested her head on the seat . She took a breath, the lump in her throat wanted for her to cry badly . Her lip trembled . Marley missed her mom right now , more than ever . She would make it better . Probably go fight the man who knocked her baby down. Marley laughed at the thought of it . Of those people thought Marley’s outburst was bad , they probably couldn’t have handled her moms .
Marley got herself home, late but it was nothing she could do about it now . She got ready to go to the bar , nothing special but she was cute enough. Her phone buzzed when she walked out of the door . It was nothing but a message from Team Snapchat , probably wishing her happy birthday . She giggled a little because that happened every year . Marley didnt bother to call Erik again, him not answering would only make her more upset.
She made it to the bar . A few cars were parked in the lot. The lights werent on. The windows were tinted but there was a small window space at the top of the building where light would shine through . Which wasn’t odd . Marley had worked shifts when the bar opened late . It was a family owned business and sometimes they were unprofessional and opened when they wanted to . Customers still came though . Marley would even get paid under the table some weeks , so they could avoid tax issues and healthcare costs .
She yanked on the door. It wouldnt budge , it was locked . She knocked on the door hard and announced that it was her.
“I’m coming!”
Becky’s voice rang through the closed door . Marley could hear the tampering of the lock . Becky opened the door wide , exposing the few co-workers who were waiting for Marley to come inside.
“Surprise!” They all shouted at the same time. She couldn’t believe it. A party, for her? She was important enough for them to go out of their way and do this. Becky walked towards her , holding a small chocolate cake with lit candles .
“Chocolate, my favorite, thanks guys!” Marley Jared chocolate cake, but she wouldnt tell them that . Everyone looked so pleased .
“Please don’t cry” Becky playfully rolled her eyes at her friend . Who seemed to be getting emotional
“It’s just-“ Marley began to speak, but got choked up . Her voice shook . She didn’t want to cry in front of everybody, so she quickly sucked it up with a deep breath. Becky couldnt help but laugh . She took her into her arms and hugged her . “I just hate my birthday, that’s all”
Not being able to cry was killing her . She looked around at everyone , overwhelmed at everything . Surrounded by people, she still felt alone . Nobody who loved her was there . Yes , these people cared but not in the way Marley needed .
“Do you want us to stop this ?” One of the other co-workers asked . He could tell by the look on her face that something was off. Marley shook her head quickly
“No, I’m thankful for everything” Marley put forth effort to place a smile on her face.
Marley took the time to hug everyone and thank them individually. They all started off with a shot of dark and they sang the birthday song to her . Which was always awkward. Then Becky did her renditioned version of the birthday song , where she twerked across the bar to brighten the mood .
Marley made a wish in her head, something she thought was so silly . When she was a teen she always wished that her mom would magically come back from the dead . Now that she was older , she knew it was impossible . But she still made that same wish . Then she wondered , if she could do two . There were no actually birthday rules because all of it is fake... right? She thought about something that would make her happy . Erik. He was real . And she wished that he would remain that way . Marley blew out the candles and they cheered .
“I’m sorry he’s not here” it was as if Becky could read her mind “And I had no way to tell him , I figured he would be with you” Marley ignored her. She gave Marley a small gift box , with a bow on top . It was from her . She opened it right away .
“No you didn’t” she said quietly. It was a pair of AirPods . She had just told Becky that she wanted a pair but didn’t want to spend the money on them. The fact that she was such an attentive friend really meant a lot to Marley . She could not stop hugging her .
“Tonight is not about him, it’s your birthday” Becky didn’t want the absence of Erik to ruin her special day.
“What if he’s dead?” Now Marley was being dramatic . Becky raised her eyebrows, she figured Erik couldn’t make it because of work stuff . Not anything this serious . “I haven’t heard from him all day”
“Doubt that” Becky casually handed Marley an envelope with a card inside . She figured it was a card from the bar staff.
“But still, this is not like him” she managed to rip it open while holding eye contact .
“He’ll call “
Marley pulled the card out if it’s envelope. Shockingly it was from Trey . She looked at Becky who was purposely avoiding eye contact . A few twenty dollar bills slipped from the inside before she caught them in her hand. They had not spoken since that last week of her living in the hotel . And when she found out about his child , she was completely done . “Trey came by before you got here, he wanted to catch you but I told him it wasn’t a good idea” Becky aligned a few shot glasses on the bar and filled them with Tequila . That always got Marley drunk , and her plan was to get her friend wasted .
Happy birthday beautiful
I miss you , call me.
He had hand written those simple words in the card. Along with some passage about how important the birthday person was. Marley skimmed through it, then slipped the twenties in her purse and put the card in the trash .
“No thank you” Marley spoke just how she would if Trey was actually standing there .
It took Becky pouring six shots to get Marley to finally stop checking her phone . And then seven shots to make her start talking about Erik. He always left the toilet seat up and in the middle of the night she would fall in. No matter how many times she told him not to, he would always forget . He always thought he was right , and could never admit that he had gotten something wrong . Marley was not the type of person who yearned for the last word . And it didn’t kill her if she didn’t get her point across. Not even knowing that it was what made them a match . He snored loudly when he slept, so if Marley didn’t fall first ... there would be no sleep . Then when he woke up , he never ate breakfast. Which freaked Marley out because she couldn’t function without breakfast each morning . Marley started to drag on about how much he worked out and perfected over his body . But at the same token, he’d scarf down a whole family sized meal of carbs . She was about to rant about his messy home but Becky stopped her . Even Becky couldn’t help but think about how Marley felt when she talked about her husband .
Becky had listened for long enough , the bar was now open to the public and she had to work . “Sounds to me like you guys have no real problems” she slapped the bar counter twice , Marleys head flew back .
“What!” She slurred, then swayed to the sound of Sicko Mode playing from the bars speakers . Drunk was exactly what she was now.
“Don’t sweat the small stuff , Erik is all you have... besides me of course”
Marley pondered on that statement for a while . She seemed to get lost into the view of her feet for a long time . The floor was spinning, she held on to the bar stool so she wouldn’t fall . She blinked a few times to try and sober up , it didn’t work well enough. Then , she got back to thinking about what Becky said . How Erik was all she had . Marley looked up to ask her what she meant by it, but Becky had walked away . Marley figured she had been out of it for a while . She was uncomfortably drunk , and really needed to go home .
Everyone was back working , and she didn’t have the strength or good balance to say thank you to everyone again . Maybe she’d send out a mass text in the morning, or maybe she wouldn’t. Marley just needed to leave. She snuck out of the bar . Becky would have stopped her from leaving if she saw her . Refusing to allow her to drive home drunk. Marley just knew that if she drove really slow, she’d make it .
So she sat in her car , took a deep breath and started the ignition . Thanking god that she lived close enough . Even though she knew god was not happy about what she was doing . Marley pulled out of her parking space slowly and made her way on to the street . She was doing great at pretending to be sober . Until she couldn’t , swerving in other lanes and unnecessarily pumping her breaks with caution. Tonight would have been a great night for the police to pull her over and actually do their job. They were probably harassing innocent people Marley thought, Insted of handling true crimes ... like the one Marley was committing in this moment .
She made it home safely , by nothing but pure luck . Her car was crooked , and slightly crossing the line of her neighbors spot . Marley would deal with it in the morning. Her apartment light was on. Since she was intoxicated , she didn’t see this as cautionary. Struggling with getting the key in the door, she managed to let herself in . It wasn’t until after she closed the door and began walking towards her room , that she seen Erik sitting on her couch . He stood up , holding a bouquet of flowers . Marley stepped back with her mouth wide open.
“Happy birthday baby” he smiled and walked towards her . She wanted to speak . She wanted to yell at him for not being there all day . She wanted to ask him how he had gotten inside of her apartment. But as soon as she felt his strong arms wrap around her ... she finally let out the cry that she had been holding in all day . Marley’s tears seeped into the arm of his shirt . He let her cry . “You had a bad day?” He asked her calmly. He felt Marleys head nod . The hand that was flower free rubbed against her back . He was trying his best to calm her down.
“I hate my birthday” her voice cracked , tugging on Erik’s soft side .
“I got you , and I’m gonna take care of you”
He pushed away from her , allowing the space between them . He kissed her forehead twice , then took a chance on her lips . “Wanna talk about it?”
Marley drew away from him and walked to the kitchen for a paper towel . She released with a deep sigh and giggled shortly.
“Nah” she wiped hers tear stained face then tossed it in the trash . Erik told her that he lost his phone this morning , and couldn’t find time to get another one today .
“How did you get in here?” They settled down on the couch. Close enough for Marley’s left thigh to wrap around his lap . She faced him .
“I’m from the projects . Breaking in to shit is like a right of passage” he admitted, nonchalantly he massaged her thigh.
“You broke in my house” she stated what was obvious, there was no reason for her to be upset . She knew Erik to be a man that did whatever he wanted to do.
“Ain’t nothing I can’t get into” he observed her for a second , she rested her head against the couch . Her eyes fidgety and unable to focus on one thing . “You drove home drunk like this ?” He asked , seemingly worried about her .
“I see you do it all the time” her fingers toyed with his dreads . He was so cute to her when he got serious. He was cute to her when he did anything honestly.
“Yeah but you ain’t me”
“The hypocrisy!” She shouted in dramatic form.
“So you using big the words tonight”
“Hypocrisy is not a big word, you’re just from the projects” Marley braced herself for his rebuttal, she knew he would have a comeback to match her witt.
“Don’t forget who helped you write that letter to get you that job. A nigga from the projects”
“You right , daddy” she gave in, even though they were only joking .
“I know I’m fucking right”
Marley rubbed her thumbs against his cheeks and moved in closer to him . “Just a minute ago , I was crying my eyes out” she mumbled , so close to his lips that he could feel her words . She kissed him , sweet and soft . “Make sure I never cry on my birthday again”
“That’s a lot of pressure” Erik told her .
“Can you handle it?” She toyed with him but Marley was being completely serious.
“I can handle you”
Erik yawned , and like clockwork Marley yawned too . It was contagious. Somehow his position changed to him laying completely on his back . Marley beside him still, one leg wrapped around his waist . They liked it that way . No matter where they were , they always came back here . Erik thought Marley had eventually fallen asleep, on account of her hard breathing . Until she spoke again.
“All you got me was flowers?” She thought back to when she first cake in. Marley eyed the beautiful bouquet on her coffee table . He busted out laughing , so hard that Marley had to laugh too .
“I was waiting for that question”
“So answer it then”
“I got you shoes”
“Where they at?” She pouted like a bratty child . Erik kissed his teeth .
“Where the birthday sex at?” He asked , as if she owed him and it was his birthday.
“I’m too tired , how about birthday morning sex?”
“I’ll give you your shoes after that” he rubbed her butt gently , in hopes to turn her on . It just made her more comfortable with the idea of sleep .
“I’m not a prostitute” she yawned again .
“You’re my prostitute”
“You know I am” she boasted proudly .
“The best one I got” he yawned too .
“The thickest one too”
“You such a bad bitch”
“Good night Erik , I love you”
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shearssheep47-blog · 4 years
Hunting Com Objects
Top 10 Factors To Come To Be A Security Guard
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Professional Driving Ability
Whizrt: Substitute Smart Cybersecurity Red Team
Add Your Get In Touch With Info The Proper Way
Security Vs. Presence
If you actually desire the task, an unenthusiastic answer that makes the job interviewer wonder. You wish to offer some detail regarding why you would take pleasure in the job and also how the task matches your goals. This is specifically important if the job stands for even a slight job shift or a step up to even more duty. A too-general solution that could relate to any position.You do not wish to give the perception that you're only curious about this job since it's offered.
What are security skills?
Security guards minimize theft. Often the mere presence of a security guard will deter patrons and professionals from stealing. A guard is a greater visual deterrent than just camera surveillance or a standard security system.
Professional Driving Capacity
Jewell later on efficiently filed a claim against numerous news companies that reported him as the criminal before having the truths. The vigiles were soldiers appointed to guard the city of Rome, usually credited as the beginning of both security employees as well as authorities, although their primary task was as a fire brigade. There have actually been evening security guard considering that a minimum of the Middle Ages in Europe; walled cities of ancient times additionally had actually watchmen.
Whizrt: Substitute Smart Cybersecurity Red Team
The proficiency they obtain in weapons dealing with and also handling violent dispute make ex-military workers and police officers excellent candidates for armed security. Several of the clients of personal security agencies additionally have the alternative to hire in-house security. Often times it is simpler as well as a lot more reliable for them to acquire out the service via a neighborhood security firm than to hire internally. The duties of a security guard coincide, globe about. Their task is to safeguard properties by surveillance, reporting, and preventing any kind of breach of security.
Add Your Contact Details The Proper Way
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What are some duties of a security guard?
A security guard is someone who patrols and inspects property against fire, theft, vandalism, terrorism, and illegal activity. They monitor people and buildings in an effort to prevent crime.
An unique chair showed up in Europe sometime in the late Middle Ages, called the watchman's chair; this unupholstered wood chair had an onward slanting seat to prevent the watchman from dropping off throughout obligation. Technological improvements in relation to drones, facial acknowledgment, as well as robotics are anticipated to remain to boost the personal security landscape in Australia. A developing understanding of risks has caused personal security playing a greater part in reacting to crucial occurrences, such as terrorist strikes. " Public Security", an individual utilized or appointed as an (generally equipped) security officer by a government or government firm.
Richard Jewell, a gatekeeper at Atlanta, Georgia's Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Summertime Olympics that was wrongly accused of the Centennial Olympic Park bombing. Jewell was later on free from those costs, and remained in fact the one who conserved hundreds of lives when he first noticed the questionable plan and obtained the area left.
" beveiligingsbedrijf - wat is objectbeveiliging , advertises financial growth for the Area by making sure customer retention, Gatekeeper retention, and also assistance for the advancement of brand-new organisation. " Scheduler", Security Officer project and also critical scheduling resulting in client fulfillment, employee retention and also cost maintained within District monetary plans. " In-house" or "proprietary" (i.e. employed by the exact same company or company they shield, such as a mall, theme park, or gambling enterprise); formerly often called jobs police or security authorities in the United Kingdom. A security officer shielding the entryway to an apartment building, and also managing the parking of cars in Haikou, Hainan District, China. There are much better verification techniques than passwords and also security concerns available for your company-- as well as with assistance from LoginRadius, you can adopt them promptly and conveniently.
Objects that have to acquire their security from a moms and dad object will present the alternative as handicapped, while objects that can not inherit security will certainly not show this choice.
Whereas security is always certain to an object (such a user interface or procedure design), exposure is usually depending on an expression.
Inheritance in object security dialogs is constantly shown as an option below the Parent field.
The following table gives a detailed malfunction of which items acquire security by default, and also which things will prompt you to set security throughout creation.
Security as well as presence are two unique ideas in Appian.
Visibility permits developers to offer granular directions regarding which individuals or groups should be able to see and also communicate with a specific facet of an object.
state of California also enables individuals to be detained in some circumstances. In The golden state, guards have to finish a training class that focuses on apprehension powers, and also the guard must after that rack up a perfect 100% on the final test for that course. Assuming that the guard passes the program in this fashion, he/she would certainly then obtain a certificate that allows for detention in the implementation of regular responsibilities.
How do I describe my skills on a resume?
You don't have to pull over for them, but you should, so long as you're on their property. Said security officer can make you leave property - as in, if you don't play by the rules set forth by the private property owners, you've gotta leave.
By having a professional mindset as well as strong work values, companies will be a lot more interested in considering you for promotions, new tasks, or other positive results. Security officers commonly start on between ₤ 12,000 and ₤ 15,000 a year yet this can enhance to ₤ 20,000 plus, with experience.
What should I say in a security interview?
The skills section of your resume includes your abilities that are related to the jobs you are applying for. In this section, you should list skills that are relevant to the position or career field that you are interested in, such as computer skills, software skills, and/or language skills.
We've produced a list of the leading 10 tough skills employers are seeking, with multiple examples of each. We'll additionally reveal you exactly just how to effectively showcase them on your resume to help you land much more meetings. A few of these jobs may consist of finishing your operate in a prompt as well as reliable way. Individuals who exercise solid job values are less likely to procrastinate the task at hand are the first to tip up and tackle a brand-new task.
What are your top five skills?
However, for the most part, there are three broad types of IT security: Network, End-Point, and Internet security (the cybersecurity subcategory). The other various types of IT security can usually fall under the umbrella of these three types.
We can supply for short and also lasting projects as well as will work with your budget and your worries to produce the security you require for you and also your service. security, offering the locations with expert armed security personnel for over twenty years.
This wage might raise to greater than ₤ 40,000 per year in primary and also senior security roles. We deliver on all the personal contract guard alternatives noted above, using only off duty, retired, and also prior authorities for armed security jobs.
Security Vs. Exposure
Personal protection officers, or dignitary and also executive defense, are security agents appointed to the defense of someone. Their task is to physically protect top-level as well as at-risk individuals such as celebrities as well as politicians. Police officers are employed for the City, State, as well as Communities. Off-duty policeman are usually appointed to preserve security as well as flow of website traffic at neighborhood occasions such as events as well as parades. Lots of armed guards are ex-military or police police officers.
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banditthewriter · 5 years
Remember The Tin Man - 1 - The Storm
Here we are, the first part to my newest Billy Russo x Reader story! This is a retelling of The Wizard of Oz. Title comes from the Tracy Chapman song of the same name. I am very excited for this story and I hope you all will enjoy it as well!
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
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The building that you walked into had seen better days, but you weren't there to make sure it was structurally sound. No, you were there because someone had reported illegal use of magic from this address and it was your job to verify if that was true or not. The lights flickered as you moved down the second hallway. That was a point in the column for illegal magic. As was the tang of copper and salt that you had come across when you first entered the building. The device that you were carrying was a little larger than your cell phone. It was plain black, the plastic casing covering every inch. The old ones used to light up when magic was detected, but the rise in illegal magic made the lights less reliable. These upgraded versions vibrated instead. "That'll hold up in court," you complained quietly to your mentor and friend, Melanie. "Yes your honor, I definitely felt it vibrate in my hand, but sadly I'm not able to prove that." "You know all hearings take place in charmed court rooms these days," she said with an eye roll that told you she was seeing through your attitude. "Stop being bitter. It's part of the job." Part of the job, you thought with a huff as you ducked into another room in the abandoned building. Had it once been a hospital? You thought you saw an operating room one floor down. This wasn't the job you had wanted. It wasn't even the job you had applied and been hired for. That job was in a department that had been closed six months after you were hired and they just shuffled people around. Working for the government wasn't your dream, but it paid the bills. Magic was not the same as it had been when you were a kid. Growing up you would see magic on every street corner. It was something to brag about, something people traveled to see. Now it was hidden, deemed lesser by some of the people in charge. "Magic is in the past," the people on the street corners yelled out, signs hoisted in the air reading Magic Is Sin. The world was turning away from magic in a way that made you think it might actually go away this time. After you checked the rest of the building, you made your way out to your car and settled down with your file. You clicked your pen a few times and filled out that there wasn't any magic residue, legal or otherwise, that was detected. It was your third call in less than twenty four hours. While they weren't uncommon, it did make you wonder if they were connected. The office for Human and Magical Enforcement, or HAME for short, was a one story building that stretched three blocks. The gates would register your car and let you through but there were armed guards outside anyways. On either side of the entrance were protesters. On one side were the quacks that thought magic should die out. The other side were magic advocates. Protests for the most part were peaceful, but every now and then the guards were required to step in and cool it down. Car parked, you carried your things back into the building. Your office was on the far side, but you stopped by the inquisition department to visit your friend Pierre. He was sitting at his desk with a stack of papers a foot tall but he wasn't paying any attention to them. All of his attention was on the television in the corner of his office. The news casters were talking about weather magic and how there had been magic storms increasing in frequency. "We looking into that?" you asked as you leaned against his desk. "You kidding? You can't do a card trick without one of the Inquisitors showing up on your doorstep. It's just a matter of finding the source." He turned to look at you and smiled. "Speaking of finding sources. You gonna have some more work for me to do? Because I'm almost caught up." He gestured at the pile with a wry grin and you shook your head. "Nothing for you guys," you said as you showed him your report. "I'm less an investigator and more a ghost hunter at this point. They keep sending me to abandoned buildings down in the industrial part of town." "We've got a lot of activity lately but we can't seem to find any of it. You think it's someone covering their tracks?" "The other option is that magic is fading," you said as you shrugged and headed to the door. "I don't want to think about how long we'll be employed if that happens." After you dropped off your report with your superior, you headed into your office and shut the door. While most of the other workers had made their offices into more homey places, your office was mostly bare. The one exception was a picture of your dog Toto, a black lab that you had saved as a stray puppy. He was a few years old and fiercely protective of you. You still smelled copper, the salty taste on your tongue. With a sigh, you sat down at your desk and pulled out the detection device. If it was taken in an audit, it would show that not only had you found magic but that you'd found a lot of it. This was the first time you'd actually stumbled across any and it was that salty taste that told you it was illegal. All magic felt a little like touching an exposed wire while current was flowing through it; magic tasted like copper and electricity and fire in some cases. But the salty tang came from illegal magic. If you were there when it was cast, it usually felt cold. There was a high powered magnet in your desk that you pulled out. Checking that your door was shut and locked, you ran the magnet over the side of your device to wipe it. Now if there was an audit the device wouldn't show any record of detected magic. It was the least you could do. You couldn't stand out at the gates and protest with the rest of the advocates but you could be their man on the inside. Even if they didn't know about it. ------ "You sure you don't want to join me for dinner? I'm making something unpronounceable." You laughed and shook your head as you locked your office door, giving Melanie a smile as you did so. "No, but thanks Mel," you said as you pocketed your keys. "I'm gonna go home and take Toto for a walk. I've got some leftovers that are calling my name." "Okay," she said as she gave your arm a pat. "Be sure to keep your detector on you while you're out, yeah? These magical storms are getting closer to the city." The two of you said goodbye as she turned to one of the parking lots and you went to the other. She wasn't wrong about the magical storms; the newscasters that Pierre watched said that one had sprang up just outside of the city limits. They usually stuck to open plains and less populated areas, but that was apparently changing. Magical storms were just what they were called; half magic and half natural disaster, they tended to cause chaos. Most people found that their technology didn't work as reliably when a storm was near while others had declared strange happenings when they were caught inside of one. They looked like a run of the mill tornado but that magical essence was obvious to anyone who saw it. You lived just outside of the main part of the city. The little house that you rented was old and quaint. It was the first place that you had looked at when you came to the city and you'd fallen in love. It was one bedroom but you didn't have many visitors. On the wall in the living room was a picture of your family from back home; a mom, a dad, a sister, and a brother. You were the youngest and you'd felt like you were suffocating your whole life. Leaving had been the first thing that you'd been able to do on your own. You loved your family but you hadn't seen them since you left. Sure, you talked on the phone and you sent home presents for Christmas, but they never tried to come see you and you never went back either. Toto was ready for his walk by time you got home. He was pacing at the door and you dropped to your knees to give him love. "Oh Totes," you said as you rubbed his chin, "you wanna go for a walk? Been cooped up all day, haven't you? Let me get out of these clothes." You dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt, pulling a leather jacket on to fight off the chill that was in the air. After putting on Toto's leash, you checked that you had your keys and the detector. Satisfied you headed out of the house and off down the sidewalk. There weren't many neighbors on this street. There was one not too far away but she didn't like dogs so you tended to stay away from her side when you were walking Toto. Instead you walked away from the woods and down where it was flat. "Gonna be a cold night," you said to Toto as you felt the wind against your face. "Think it's gonna rain?" Toto, who had been ignoring you and sniffing the grass, suddenly sat upright and started to look around. You followed his example but didn't see anything that would have caught his attention. He started to growl and moved to stand at your side. "What is it Toto?" He started to bark, pulling at his leash in the direction of home. You were confused but as you started to follow him, you knew immediately what was wrong. The smell of copper and salt on the air made you freeze. The detector was vibrating in your pocket, picking up the magic at the same moment you were. Fear. Fear is what made you turn around. The thing about magical storms was that they were silent. You could see the whirling funnel of dirt, debris, and magic heading straight for you, but there was no noise of wind. As it got closer you'd be able to hear any destruction it made, but you didn't intend to stick around. Taking off at a run, you kept a tight grip on Toto's leash as you ran the direction you had come. If you could get to your house, you'd be safer than you'd be in the middle of an open field. Toto tugged harder and harder as the taste of copper became more and more prominent in your mouth. I won't make it, you thought as you saw how far away the house was. The storm was right on your heels, the wind whipping at you. Decision made, you dropped the leash and yelled for Toto to run. That dog; that stupid, foolish, loyal dog. Toto stayed at length with you, even doubling back to nudge at your legs. When you realized that you couldn't run anywhere, you darted over to a slight indent and tucked Toto under you. Most magical storms didn't kill the humans that they struck but you weren't taking the chance with Toto. He whimpered and barked and you held on as hard as you could as the storm seemed to turn and head towards you. It was like it was hunting you. As the wind picked up, you thought you could hear something. Not wind, that was just something you felt. No, you thought you heard a voice. There's no other way, it said before the storm was on top of you. And then you didn't hear anything else. ------ There was something wet dripping on your face. That was the first thought that came to mind as you tried to open your eyes. Slowly you came to awareness and you opened your eyes to see that there was some sort of tree over you that was dripping. No, the tree wasn't dripping. It was raining. The tree was protecting you from most of the rain, but it was still getting on you. You started to sit up when you realized that you hadn't been anywhere near a tree. The last thing you remembered was tugging Toto into that indent in the ground as the magical storm blew over you. Toto! You looked around and immediately spotted the dog. He was sitting nearby with his head on his paws watching you. When you made eye contact, he came bounding over to you with his tail wagging. "Hey To," you said hoarsely, rubbing your throat and frowning at the taste of copper. "Jeez, how far did that storm blow us?" Slowly you stood up, leaning against the tree for a moment to steady yourself. Once you were sure that you weren't about to pass out or fall over, you reached down to grab Toto's leash and led him into the rain. The area didn't look familiar but the headache you had meant that you probably hit your head at some point so maybe you were just out of it. The lighting changed through some nearby trees so you headed that way hoping that maybe you'd recognize something in the opening. As you got closer, you realized that you were walking up to a cliff. When you came out on the other side, you felt your breath stolen from your chest. The cliff overlooked a town that was obviously not yours, but in the distance you saw a glinting green structure. The longer you stared, the more you realized that the structure was slowly rotating. From this distance it was hard to tell, but you were pretty sure it was floating. At least that's what the stories said. And if that was true, then what you were looking at was something you hadn't thought was actually real. This was Oz; it was said to be the birth place of magic. It was also just a story that was told to kids. You didn't think it was real. It looked, for all intents and purposes, exactly how you imagined it. Except... Except there was something wrong. The longer you stared at the structure, you remembered that the glimmering palace was supposed to be higher in the sky. The stories talked about the palace high in the sky, held up by magic. The only way to and from was a direct route underneath or to fly in. Toto pulled on his leash and you looked down at him. He was letting out a low growl, his fur standing in a stripe down his spine. You followed his gaze to figure out what he was growling at. There was something, or someone, moving around in the distance. If this wasn't a dream—and the excruciating headache told you it wasn't—then you were really stuck in a land that you had heard about but had never been to. No one that you knew had ever been there. Maybe the stories weren't all real or maybe they were, but you weren't curious to find out if maybe they had been written nicer just yet. "C'mon Toto," you said as you tugged his leash. He followed you immediately, tossing looks over his shoulder as the two of you made your way back through the trees. It had stopped raining but the ground was still wet so you stepped carefully. The trouble was that you had no idea how to get home. Hell, you weren't even sure how you got to Oz. There had been a magical storm but humans had gone through them before without actually being taken away. At least not that you were aware of. The detector was in your jacket pocket, a solid weight against your stomach. You pulled it out and turned it around, waiting. It didn't vibrate but you weren't sure that meant that it wasn't working. Maybe Oz wasn't magical itself, just home to magic? Or maybe it had broken when you had landed after the storm? Or maybe it was linked to a different reality and wouldn't work here at all. What difference did it make? You tucked it back into your pocket and tugged Toto further into the woods. What could you remember about Oz from what you had read as a kid? There was a ruling force in the palace called the Wizard. He was the one that had decided to share magic with the world which had included your world as well apparently. Maybe there was still a wizard, either the one from the story or a new one. Maybe going to the palace was your chance to figure out how to get home. You were in the birth place of magic; surely this would be the one place you'd be able to find someone who could give you answers.
One thing you didn't remember from your stories was the amount of technology that Oz had, but you got the first glimpse as you saw a car in the middle of the forest. The question of how it got there came and went in favor of wondering how long it had been there. The car was easily thirty years old and looked like it hadn't moved in that long. Toto let out a low growl, pulling on his lead, and you glanced behind you to see movement once more. The sight made you make your decision. Quickly you rushed over to the car and checked the back door. It creaked open just enough for you to slip in, Toto first. Once both of you were in, you pulled the door shut and then dropped to the floor of the car. There was enough room for you to tug Toto down as well, smoothing your hand over his neck to keep him calm. Seconds and minutes blended in together. You weren't even sure what you were waiting for, but you had a feeling you'd know it when it came.
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newstfionline · 6 years
Man of Letters
Stephen Meyers, City Lab, July 24, 2018
My fourth day delivering mail for the U.S. Postal Service, it snowed-one of those heavy, wet, spring-in-Colorado snows that knocks down tree branches and crushes newly-bloomed tulips. I was training with a veteran letter carrier on a walk-out route, the type where the carrier pushes a blue buggy full of mail and small packages. It’s a lot harder, I discovered, to push that thing through slush.
I schlepped my disheveled, wet self into downtown businesses where concerned secretaries took pity on me as I handed them their soaked mail.
Welcome to the Postal Service.
“Neither snow nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night ...” that’s how the saying goes right?
The rude welcome to the Postal Service quickly taught me mail delivery is no leisurely stroll through the neighborhood, dismantling the idyllic image of a smiling Mr. McFeeley handing out birthday cards in “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” My first week on the job, I lost 5 pounds.
Being a mail carrier is hard.
I’d eventually get used to the physical rigors of the job and learn the rhythms, tricks and routines of delivering mail, but what surprised me the most over the next 15 months working on the front lines of this vast, imperfect, but essential big-government institution is how the Postal Service delivers much more than just letters, magazines and Amazon packages to a neighborhood.
I met elderly residents who lived alone and just wanted someone to talk to for a couple minutes a day. I saw how critical the Postal Service is for local businesses, like the one that ships dozens of Priority Mail boxes of custom-made zippers for wedding gowns across the country every day. I met strangers willing to donate grocery bags full of food during the long-running Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, which tallied 71.6 million pounds of found collected nationwide. I learned the value of a powerful union and experienced the most diverse workplace I’ve ever encountered. And most importantly, what I found while roving from house to house on foot was an intimate insight into my community and fellow Americans.
Like many who come to work for the Postal Service, I didn’t find my way into the USPS because I had a burning desire to deliver mail; I just needed a job. A laid-off journalist, I’d spent six months striking out on landing a writing gig and grew tired of the soul-sucking grind that is job searching. An old college friend was working happily delivering mail, and making more than I ever did in newspapering: The benefits are good, you don’t take the job home with you, and there’s lots of overtime if you want it.
And the USPS is nearly always hiring, especially in metro areas in advance of the holiday shopping season. Colorado’s Front Range, which includes Denver, Boulder, and Fort Collins, is currently short more than 500 positions. The hiring process is long--I applied in mid-February and didn’t start until May--and includes two exams, a personality assessment, and the 473 Postal Exam, which tests your ability to check addresses for errors, accurately fill out forms, and memorize and recall lists of street addresses. I had to also pass a drug test (that’s the biggest hurdle to hiring in weed-legal Colorado, the Fort Collins Postmaster told me) and an exhaustive background check. Then it was off to city carrier academy, where veteran carriers taught my fellow classmates and me the tricks of organizing and carrying mail and how to drive the postal vehicles. We each got a navy blue USPS hat and T-shirt and were sent to our respective post offices to begin our postal careers; I was now a USPS employee, working as a city carrier assistant.
In the evenings I’d continue my search for a Plan B career after journalism, but for the other 8-to-10 hours a day (and up to 12 during holiday season) I’d deliver mail and packages to residents of Fort Collins, Colorado.
A lot of packages.
Receive an Instant Pot for Christmas? Yeah, so did your neighbor. My record was 18 delivered in one day--we saw that craze coming on well before Black Friday.
The old-timers at my office remember the days they’d deliver, five, maybe, 10 packages a day. Now it’s more like 50 or 60 a day, from 40-pound bags of dog food to furniture and food-in-a-box meal kits. The Postal Service wasn’t really built for the Amazon era: Our (badly outdated) vehicles don’t have enough space to house them, and few have shelves, leaving carriers to play an Amazon box-sized game of Jenga every day.
(Sidenote on those trucks, called LLVs, or Long Life Vehicles: Most are about 30 years old, with that many years of cigarette smoke soaked into the seats; they lack airbags or air conditioning, and the heaters are less than effective. The USPS is facing a major budget challenge because it needs to replace up to 180,000 of these elderly machines over the next several years, which is going to cost more than $6 billion.)
Every Sunday we’d fill our LLVs with 100 to 175 Amazon packages, thanks to USPS’ exclusive contract with the e-commerce giant--that’s the one that the president keeps objecting to, though it’s been a revenue source for the cash-strapped service. And, no fail, every Sunday, customers would ask why I was working and I’d jokingly (is it a joke, though?) tell them “Because Amazon is taking over the world.”
Other comments I’d hear almost every day:
“You bringing me a check today?”
“You can keep the bills.”
“This one better be a winner!” (I had no idea Publisher’s Clearing House was still a thing, but it is, especially in low-income and senior-living communities.)
“You staying cool out there?” (The answer is always “No, but I’m trying!”).
No one is ever upset to see their mail carrier, you know? This was so foreign to me, as a journalist who was used to being less warmly received. And while predictable and routine and mostly about the weather, I loved these little conversations with residents along my route.
When kids saw me driving around the corner, they’d drop their ballgame and race me down the sidewalk. Others were excited to see me because I was about to be a lucky customer at their lemonade stand. At the retirement home, residents greeted me every day at the wall of mailboxes; if I’d show up five minutes early or five minutes late, they’d jokingly let me have it. “You know, Sue is usually here by 3:30!”
Residents learned my name, and more importantly I learned the intricacies of their neighborhoods. A fellow carrier, a Fort Collins native and Mexican American, proudly showed me his home that’s part of the historically Hispanic neighborhood that I had never taken the time to properly explore and experience on foot. I learned from longtime residents how they felt about the gentrification happening in pockets of Fort Collins. This booming college town has outgrown its farming and ranching roots and is transforming into a progressive tech hub, known for its breweries and affinity for bike lanes, coffee shops, and high-priced boutiques.
Delivering the mail gives you a granular insight into America’s growing cultural, political, and wealth divide. North of town, there’s a senior-living mobile home community sitting in the shadow of newly-built eco-friendly condos that sell for half a million dollars. Residents at the condos subscribe to The Atlantic and New Yorker; residents in the trailer park a few hundred feet away get People and National Enquirer.
After several months, the rhythms of carrying mail became second nature; I’d successfully carried nearly every one of the office’s 50 routes around the city. I also became familiar with the downsides of the job. As one might expect at a financially beleaguered organization that’s been losing money for more than a decade, office morale was often low: Nearly every week, there’d be a shouting match between carriers complaining about mail arriving late to the office, thus delaying and extending their day, and management only shrugging their shoulders and saying that’s an issue out of their control. Clerks, whose duties include working the front desk helping customers and sorting mail and packages (sometimes overnight), were brutally overworked, often clocking 60- to 70-hour weeks. Many of my coworkers felt trapped: Sure, the job sucked sometimes, but where else can you find a secure job that pays as well?
It was my relationships with fellow carriers and clerks--a diverse group, from first-generation Americans to military veterans--that made the job bearable most days. But once I landed a long-sought communications gig, I made the decision to move on from the USPS.
After I shared my Postal Service experience in a thread on Twitter that went semi-viral, I received dozens of comments from readers who shared their nostalgia and affection for this beloved and embattled American institution. One told me about a mail carrier who heard a smoke alarm going off in an empty house and alerted a neighbor. Others were children of postal workers, grateful for the livelihoods that the jobs provided. “Both my parents retired from the post office,” one reader told me. “My mom started when she was just 19 years old. It’s not what it used to be…. They work the new folks into the ground, so I hear. I try to tip my carrier well for dealing with the BS.”
The response made me even more proud of my time wearing the blue uniform; I’m more deeply connected to my community and have a better understanding of my fellow Americans. From now on, I’ll tip my mail carrier well. You should, too.
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shystoryrebel · 3 years
He was one of the part time and replacement taxi drivers that used to work and live near our society building.  He came here to work in the month of January after the massacre of Hindus by Jihadis in Punditwari, Anantnag. There were many drivers working as drivers there at all times. Some of them work in day and some at night. Some work only on holidays. They all stay in dingy little servant quarters near the parking area in different residential societies. Generally they do not keep their families with them due to financial constrains and problem of insufficient living space. Most of these drivers were Muslims and were illiterate and lazy difficult fellows who were, it seems happy to survive some how. Amidst the dirty and dusty bodies of cars their poverty and laziness was in tune. But in glaring contrast, they were very attentive and caring to the commands of local tough, bearded, skull capped maulvi.
  Sigris were cold in pundit helmets,
People here were fuels to jihadi guns,
Wailing widows crying for slaughtered kins.
Terrified returning homeward their tired way,
As world a towering inferno to them.
The air was carrying a sad silent tone,
Weeping birds complain to moon and stars
Crying about the lost ones,
Who will never be seen again?
No memorials erected for those slaughtered,
As they were not mad vote machines.
In that method less madness,
Some might have slaughtered with a fire within,
Or arms that might have raised an empire,
Or hands that might have rocked the oceans,
Some great Vivekananda might be there,
Or some cherished Tendulkar,
Might have lost his blood.
All merit they had but sad fate,
Slaughtered for a status and crown
And their shivering bones remained,
Unprotected from insult and bloodbath.
Let not power mock their toll,
Sad destiny and remorseful smile,
And rude kotwals of secular trade dancing,
Multicultural dons will remain their,
To curse names and race for their trade
Bestowed with a treasure hidden.
On unclaimed pyre lie their corpses,
Unfortunate, cursed and unattended,
Nation mocking their poor faith,
Alas! Poor pundits of Death Valley.
              So I was surprised when I first met Ram Sunder Razdan last winter when I was going back to Khurja, in his taxi, for the winter vacation. He was absolutely different from other drivers. He was of average height, strongly built, sharp and attractive features, shining and pointed black moustache with some aging hairs, hiding the upper lip. He did justify his name by his decent and graceful mannerism. He was a retired army man. His uniform was always ironed with clear crease and shoes always polished, true to his army background. He was so different from his dull and lazy fellow drivers, with ugly Kabuli looks, in mismatched uniform, soiled shoes, ill mannered behavior that he was actually a pleasure to see in true sense. He was simply a mismatch to that ghetto like environment.
A clay pot that contains milk will be ranked higher than a golden pot that has dirt in it. It is not the outer glamour but the inner wisdom that makes a person valuable.
             When first time I met him in the tin shade counter, made by the taxi drivers for their rest and wait. There he was getting harsh up-brandings from Mr.Hassan Farooqui. Mr Farooqui resides in our society in a flat and is in his forties and recently returned from America after the bombing of 9/11. All the time he used to vent his frustration on every body on his run from that dream land due to the extra ordinary watch kept on Muslims in America after 9/11. Mr.Farooqui has mysterious business and in the society considered being rich. He is very arrogant of his possessions and he boasts it with gold chain in his neck and left wrist decks with expensive Rolex gold watch and the HTC Heur cell-phone in his long kurta pocket. He is dwarf sized, bulky and fast going bald. His face has loose skin and black patches due to excess intake of imported whisky. In himself he is a class ready to plunge anywhere for the sake of quick and easy money. People uses to whisper that of late, he supplies young and notorious boys for stone pelting on security forces to get heavy bucks from across the border.  
              Farooqui is a fat and modern consumer like any other neo-rich. He was a fast and quick buyer to live and enjoy, seeing a purpose for his life. He consumes to live and lives to consume. If some thing new and branded is not added to his catalogue of things he may wind up and die but he was faithful to the preaching of Holy Quran like a sarkari babu loyal to his work and files and constitution of India.
              Again back to the encounter between Farooqui and Ram Sunder Razdan. Ram sunder sitting on a broken, loosely tied cot and Farooqui in front of him, furiously shouting, and another man who looked wealthy like Farooqui, gold watch and chain, gesticulating abusively and shouting in the same manner. It seems both were very angry with Ram Sunder Razdan for some reason. Normally I usually ignore Farooqui and his bad company because it was their routine shouting session on one or the other. Farooqui is the president of the housing society and he was proud of his president ship. Due to this position he was always in demand, some time by trouble shooter communal separatist leaders or some time by law enforcing bodies to get his help in restoring peace and order. He was a very cunning interlocutor.
              But it was Ram Sunder Razdan—his bright confident face and high bearing with an inmate pride in himself, a sense of defiance to these owls and injured pride like a wounded tiger made me stop to look over the wrangling with an awe and shock. A totally astonishing thing happened. Ram Sunder Razdan said to Farooqui and company, “But sir it was not my mistake, I was just driving the car,” in clear and chaste manner but a little bit of rural accented English. It was a very interesting dramatic scene. Farooqui is stupefied and cannot believe his ears nor can his friend. They were looking side to avoid that insulting situation in my presence.  Ram Sunder Razdan is also elated on this unexpected upper hand. Farooqui and his friend is now red faced and started barking out like a mad dog. These two gentlemen have their education in madarsas.
              ‘You talk to me in English! How dare you talk?’ Shouted Farooqui.
           ‘I just said that I was driving, and I am not a rustic. I do speak English’, Ram Sunder Razdan replied to Farooqui and company in Hindi.
           ‘I will boot you out.’
           Ram Sunder Razdan kept quiet at this and some how controlled his anger.
           I intervened and try to remain neutral ‘what is the matter, Farooqui sahib?’
              With a sigh of relief he turned and looked at me. Normally he considers me as an insignificant fellow in the society and never pays any attention to me but that day he treated me with respect and glad to see me there as a person who can pull him out of that tight position. He treated me in a very friendly manner.
              ‘Ah Sharmaji, good you are here,’ he tried to speak in English but soon good sense prevailed and he switched over to Hindi which was worse than his English. ‘My friend Basher Mohammad (here the troubled man smiled and I responded back with smile), came to talk to this man to hire a driver and this rough idiot driver asked him about his identity.’
              I come to this stand very frequently and every body knows me well here and I was never subjected to this type of enquiry. He wanted to bring a person who can vouch for me and when I refused, he very harshly refused me to give any driver or taxi to me.
             I felt very uncomfortable in being involved with such type of stupid thing but still I spoke hesitantly, ‘he was right and more over due to terrorism and insurgency one has to see the anecdotes of a person before working for him and he doesn’t know you.’
             To support his friend Farooqui shouted, ‘He insulted my friend,’ but there was not any conviction this time in his tone.  
             Due to terrorism and insurgency in the Kashmir valley only a Muslim name was enough to create a sense of discomfort in any body’s mind.
             ‘These rules have been made by the government agencies for our safety, and Mr.Razdan was following the rules what he has been told to follow and these are for our safety.’
             Farooqui and Basher Mohammad glared at me and then Farooqui said angrily, “Sharmaji I am going to complain to the society welfare committee and your father about your attitude.” I simply smiled at his threat and ignored his comments. He quickly entered the lift and his friend followed him like a scooter’s extra tire (stepni).  
              Later on, my servant Krishna told me that his name was Ram Sunder Razdan and that he was a Brahman. I learnt from Krishna that the other driver did not like him, thought him to be arrogant due to his mannerism, education and army background. But they thought this was because Ram Sunder Razdan was of a ‘higher’ caste and all the other being Muslims, uneducated and ill-mannered. He was very reserved by nature and kept to himself. In his free times, he reads English and religious books in the drivers’ room. Children used to come to him to get their homework done in a very smooth and correct manner. All this according to my servant was bad behavior, but he agreed that he was the best driver working at that taxi stand and highly liked by ladies and children. He was very smart, efficient and did his job excellently and very competently. For his competency women and children used to give him good tips. This made male family members and other taxi drivers jealous of him. Even he used to help society ladies and children without any extra charge for their minor works, like dropping and picking their children from the school whenever they miss the bus. On this other taxi drivers started spreading all type of rumors about his character.
              Mr.Hassan Farooqui did complain to my father but he did not pay any attention to him nor did he say thing to me. But after that incident, Farooqui, with his wounded pride, started misinformation campaign against Ram Sunder Razdan. He criticized Ram Sunder for every thing and any thing. He called him inefficient and said rash while driving. He even claimed he had caught him driving under the influence of wine. He was bent on getting him booted out, come what way. But the problem was that no one was sympathetic to these two fools and other residents, especially women and children were opposed to this tirade, so Ram Sunder stayed there.
              Hassan Farooqui couldn’t digest this reality that a poor miserable little Kashmiri Pundit driver had answered back a Muslim here in Kashmir in this manner and that too in English. He was sure; it was just to insult him in front of his friend and worse, in front of me. He was very upset about the insult in ‘English’.
              In his blind arrogance he never even realized that he could ever have been wrong. He had always been wealthy and the rich and wealthy are always right; and he had no doubt about his conviction. On the other hand, Ram Sunder Razdan, on his part remained the same in his behavior towards Hassan Farooqui and his friend and did nothing that was counter productive except he stopped offering ‘Salaam’ to Farooqui and his friends, while he could offer ‘Salaam’ to other persons and this made Farooqui furious with no end.
              After that incident, I came to know more about Ram Sunder from talking with him every now and then for five-ten minutes when I had free time. He felt highly obliged to me for my timely intervention on that ‘fateful’ day for which he profusely thanked me. The other drivers also realized his worth by that time. Ram Sunder would read to them, news and stories from English newspaper and magazines, around the world as English newspapers and magazines were much more informative than the poor local Kashmiri newspapers. They had unofficially elected him as their president and I thought that he possesses all the leadership qualities, as he came from a race that was once leaders and most intelligent thinkers of that state. His fore fathers must have waged wars against the British and Muslim rulers amidst the beautiful natural heavenly beauty. But now due to the communal politics of the state governments and central governments in the name of secularism these Pundits are forced to lead the life of refuses in their own country and were toiling hard for daily meal.
               Ram Sunder Razdan was an educated person. He was intermediate pass from the Commerce and Arts Government College; Anantnag, the very same college, his father used to teach Sanskrit there, but was killed by Islamic terrorists. Ram Sunder Razdan has to leave his studies and his village and had to join army that he liked. Razdans did not have much land and property and some of it had to be sold for his sister’s wedding and brother’s studies. He himself had married when he was only twenty and now his one son and daughters were living in a refugee camp in Delhi. Unlike other Muslim drivers who had big families, he has small but sad family. The income from the farm was nothing as he had to leave the farming due to the terrorists’ threat and local people usurped his land and gave nothing in its return. His younger brother had to discontinue his studies due to the terror threat.
   After the retirement from the army he got a job as a teacher in a school near Shrinagar, but after a year without pay and with no hope of the situation ever improving, he quit the job and left the place and came to Shrinagar. Drifting from one job to other, sometimes working as a helper in a grocery shop, sometimes even as a laborer. In Kashmir, it was very difficult for Hindus to get a good job. Hindus are considered as children of lesser God. Fed up with all these, he finally started this driving job. He would tell me all his past things without any hesitation to reduce his pain. I could feel his pain beneath his silence. He hadn’t met his wife and children since a year and this made him more sad and gloomy.  
   God send me on the earth, an innocent being,
Untouched by the black and white doing,
But the world branded me as a Brahmin,
And a curse fallen on this urchin,
A child of lesser God,
The entire honor was forbidden to this pod.
  Education, help, livelihood;
All was snatched by Robin Hood,
Some branded it as social equality,
But it was state cruelty,
Other’s called it secular passion,
But it was ugly repression,
All the isms kill human rights,
They are the Janus face of racial might.
   He was very well informed and well read which was very amazing for a man of this humble background. Reading was a passion to him and very often he used to discuss the things that he had read in the newspapers and books and what he felt about them. I realized that he had a very sharp and intelligent critical bent of mind, much sharper than me even though I was a student and teacher of literature. His perception about things was remarkably very acute. Perhaps ups and down of life had taught him so much about the world and its realities.
   He started borrowing books from me though I am not as well read in Hindi literature as I should have been because Hindi is my mother tongue. But the knowledge of Hindi is not going to fetch any dividend in this English controlled economy. Moreover if Hindi books are seen in any house it was considered as a sign of educational and social backwardness. In Kashmir Hindi can also jeopardize individual safety. Among the books were collections of Munshi Premchand, Shivani, Guleri, Yatri. He was such a voracious reader that he returned back the borrowed books the very next day.
  During my evening and morning walk time we would sit in the park and talk about the books and stories, their characters and life in general and feared life in Kashmir in particular, until I went back to my flat. Now he stopped saluting me and begins greeting me with Ram Ram which made me very glad and comfortable as I was not his army officer or boss. He has tremendous love for his wife and he would wear a saffron colored sweater, symbol of patriotism and bravery, knitted by his wife over his white uniform.  
  In the first week of January he sent a little note to me, requesting to borrow five hundred rupees, which he will repay during the summer season when the tourism season is on its peak. At home his wife needed that money urgently to deposit the exam fee of his school going kids. He also wrote in the note that he is now penniless and he had no money left even to take his meals. He wrote that he had not eaten any morsel for two days and now having difficulty in driving. It was a short, formal and very decent letter as was his manners.  
  I had gone out so my wife came down with the money and gave to him. She also gave some food to Ram Sunder.
 When Mr.Hassan Farooqui.came to know about this help, he mocked me and my wife about this and named Ram Sunder a lazy impotent bull. He was under this wrong impression that probably Ram Sunder and other drivers consume wine at night because he had heard loud noises from some where and that is where all money is wasted. But I ignored him. This made him more jealous of me.
  Hassan Farooqui was a highly religious man. He was very liberal in giving donations to mosques, madarsas and other Islamic institutions and bodies. He used to read prayers five times a day and regularly used to organize Quran reading at his flat. But shockingly enough has no respect for any other religion or any other human being of different faith. I wondered what kind of God he believed in. His God must be a small and narrow God.
  On the occasion of Eid all were partying and marry making. All were greeting each other and a big party was organized in the open ground of our apartment building. Since I do not like such extravaganzas and think these are wastage of time and money and hence are social evils. I did not go down to attend the party and instead preferred to read Wounded Civilization, by V.S Naipaul but my wife joined the party and came back home after midnight. Hassan Farooqui’s organized a separate party in his apartment, stealthily. Some westernized, convent educated, youngsters were invited in that party. In that party liquor was served and consumed very liberally. Majority of the residents were unaware of such a party. But many friends of Hassan Farooqui failed to turn up on account of Eid. They did not like the idea of such a party on the holy occasion of Eid. Moreover in Islam consumption of liquor is considered an un-Islamic act.  
  Due to all these factors, the food was left untouched because more food than needed was ordered. Large quantity of meat, chicken, biryani, paneer, egg curry, malai kofta, rasgulla, and gulab jamun was left untouched with no one to consume. By that time ladies went in hiding and the remaining gentlemen were so much intoxicated that they were in no position even to stand forget about eating.
  In the midst of this jam session, one of the gentlemen, drunk heavily, suggested to call all the taxi drivers, from the taxi stand, so that the food is not wasted. He requested Zafar, who was there watching this drama silently and having number of pegs of his own, ‘Zafar sahib, go downstairs and call all the taxi drivers from the stand to eat, as someone has to consume all these left over items.’
  So Zafar went to the taxi stand and called all the taxi drivers present there to come upstairs. All the taxi drivers rushed except Ram Sunder Razdan. All the drivers gulped the food very fast and went back to the taxi stand. A number of them had disturbed stomach the next morning. As Ram Sunder picked a plate up started taking items for himself, Hassan Farooqui rushed to him and loudly, sarcastically said, ‘Oh Mr. Ram Sunder Razdan, I hope you must be hungry as always, you probably might not have seen or eaten such delicious food ever in your life, so eat carefully, keeping in mind your stomach, don’t over eat all these fabulous dishes.’ And then he laughed boisterously and patted Ram Sunder on the back very roughly. Ram Sunder felt very insulting and humiliating and that his heart and mind were sinking. He quietly put the plate on the table and walked out, aware of everybody’s eyes drilling on him. The other drivers ignored Ram Sunder’s humiliation and enjoyed and filled themselves up to brim.
  What happened next was very sad and unfortunate; may be tragic but ‘tragic’ is reserved for certain other groups and categories, which does not definitely include the minor and insignificant character like Ram Sunder Razdan. Moreover he was a pundit and in the valley and elsewhere in India pundits are considered insignificant human beings. On that tragic night Ram Sunder did not go to work. After the party died naturally and all the people gone to sleep, Ram Sunder sat in a corner and brooded over his miserable life and what had happened. All the tragic and past events reconstructed in his mind. He was hopelessly sad and full of pain and hurt. He started thinking about his family. He thought about his beautiful, innocent wife, who still looked pretty in spite all the pains in her life. Locals had tried to kidnap her before they flee from the village; about his loyal but equally unfortunate brother and his beloved land and village but now thirsty for his blood. Although the land possession was very small but it was full of life and dreams but all wasted
  He remembered how on one fateful night he hear the shouts of Allah Ho Akbar and terrorist with green flags in their hand, appeared suddenly  and started raining bullets. With great difficulty they could save their lives but the village and the small chunk of land was lost to him forever. He wept inconsolably that night in a temporary refugee camp, holding his wife tightly and their son sleeping calmly, unaware of the storm that has uprooted their lives and future. It was the beautiful face of his wife and innocent calm face of his son who made him leave his village for a new beginning. Otherwise chivalrous army man inside him was awakened to retaliate and teach a lesson to those butchers.
  It was again his wife’s and son’s faces, that night, around two o’clock after midnight that rocked the balance of his mind. With his bare but strong hands he broke the wooden walls of the cabin. With his blows he broke the glass door, the wooden chairs and cot and telephone system. His hands were bleeding profusely, fingers fractured. Other drivers got a chance to settle their jealousy. Instead of stopping Ram Sunder they rushed to the near by police post. When they came back with four policemen and they all beat him up mercilessly. Ram Sunder became unconscious, but by that time that taxi office was totally converted into trash. One of the taxi drivers rushed to inform me, knowing his closeness with me. I woke up and went downstairs with my wife. Some other residents also followed me to see the humiliation of Ram Sunder.
  Ram Sunder was in the taxi office. They had tied him up like a bull with the cord used to pull the defective cars. His entire body became blue due to merciless beating and was badly swollen and his hands were badly bleeding. His eyes were open but blank and expressionless like aliens. I untied his hands and legs but he lay there on the floor motionless. As was expected, no other male member came down to see Ram Sunder. But strangely enough their women folk were seen sobbing and children crying to the condition of there dear Ram Sunder. No body took him to the hospital. I tried to take him to the hospital but no one helped me there. I could not understand what to do. Even I failed to understand whether Ram Sunder was dead or alive.
                    nai’nam chindanti śastrāni nai’nam dahati pāvakah
na cai’nam kledayanty āpo na śosayati mārutah
 acchedyo’yam adāhyo’yam akledyo’ śosya eva ca
nityah sarvagatah sthānur acalo’yam sanātanah
 Weapons do not cut this spirit (Atma), fire does not burn it, water does not make it wet, and the wind does not make it dry. Atma cannot be cut, burned, wet, or dried. It is eternal, all-pervading, unchanging, immovable, and primeval. (2.23-24)
    In a far off place near the main city mosque, a tall leader, Maulana Mohammad Faheem wearing, long kurta, short salwar and round skull cap roaring that we will die for secularism and ultimately for Kashmiriyat and a Nazim, standing on a wall top, fingers in his ears, reciting Islamic prayer, “ Allah ho Akbar.” Some where in the fields a bull was yelling. A group of stone palter boys were hitting the poor bull to safeguard their secular traditions and Kashmiriyat.
  Mute nation, counting coffins,
Stands dazed by the pyre,
Waiting for the next victims,
To be put on pyre.
  Country deaf and dumb,
Shrouded in fear, numb,
Wailing widows, children orphaned,
Flashed across the streets like lambs.
  Up on a platform,
A wolf in whites, roaring,
Loudspeaker blowing,
Jai ho, jai ho, jai ho,
Nation salutes the resolute spirit.
Living race can’t wait five years,
Think and decide today.
0 notes
Resource Management, pt28
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Word Count: Tags: @supermoonpanda @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @feelmyroarrrr @anyakinamidala @dirajunara @little-study-bug @rampant-salamander @goodnightwife @samaxraph99 @anotherotter  @outside-the-government @kingarthurscat @coyote-in-space @originalpottervengerlock @dolamrothianlady @curiositywillbethedeathofme @superheroesofbothuniverses @mtriestowrite @wanderingkat77
Author’s Note: OMG EDMONTON!!! You know people who live there!!
From Yorkton I pushed through to Edmonton. I sent a quick message to Tony asking if the caretaker was going to buy groceries for me when I checked into my hotel. His response was quicker than usual. Either he was concerned about me going shopping, or he was anticipating the question.
“Yes, the house is stocked. Is there anything special that you want that can’t be purchased in town?” He had told me that he’d spent quite a bit of time at his cabin, so he knew what kind of groceries were available there. I’d grown up two hours away from the village nearest the cabin, and also knew what kind of groceries weren’t available there.
“Is he willing to drive into the city and go to Costco? I’ve got a fruit list a mile long.”
“Forward me your usual weekly menu and I’ll make sure the food is there. I don’t want you stopping in the city.”
“Yes Dad.” I powered down and hit the bed. The short nights were wearing on me, and I was exhausted. But I was so close. If I stuck to the speed limit, I would pass through my hometown in about ten hours of driving, which should put me at the cabin within twelve. But in my experience, it only took me eight hours to get home from Edmonton. And I’d driven that road a lot. I’d done my undergrad at the University of Alberta, and had headed home every free chance I had. I could probably sleep while driving; I knew the road so well.
I slept longer than I’d expected, waking at five am. I showered quickly and packed up my things into the jeep. There was a Tim Horton’s beside my hotel, and I went in to get breakfast and a coffee for the road. I had just paid and was heading out when a short woman bumped into me.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t spill on you, did I?” I asked. She looked over herself and looked up at me.
“No, I walked into you, I apologize.” She looked up at me and a flash of recognition crossed her face. “Anna Ellis, right? We did Shakespeare together. Samantha King.” She spoke quickly, and that was actually all I remembered about her. Well, and she had a big mouth. And she didn’t understand Shakespeare at all.
“No, you must have me confused with someone else.” I affected my best D.C. accent and shook my head. She tilted her head skeptically and looked at me like she was taking in every detail of my appearance.
“You look just like her. Except the hair, Anna is blonde. She went somewhere to the States for grad school. Are you sure you aren’t her? It would explain the accent.” Sam King had also been like a dog worrying a rat when she thought she was right, I recalled. I sighed heavily.
“Statistics suggest there are six people in the world who look the same as you. Your friend must be one of my six. I’ve never been here before. I’m on furlough and wanted to see Alaska,” I lied smoothly. She raised an eyebrow.
“You know you’re in Alberta? Not Alaska?”
“I’m driving. From the east coast.”
“Wow, and you haven’t been recalled? We recalled most of our troops after the big SHIELD collapse. I work for the DND. I’m sure that all American military personnel have been recalled.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a phone. With a few flicks, she nodded. “I knew I had an email about it. Yes, all NATO personnel are on alert and have been recalled to home bases. Do you need me to help you get into touch with your commanding officer? We can have you on a flight out this afternoon.”
“I’m sorry, what gave you the impression that I was military?” I was on the verge of panicking. I took a slow breath and tried to mask the shock and dread of my discovery.
“You said furlough instead of vacation, I just –“
“It’s a very specific term, I know, confusing. I’m not military. My husband was, I’ve never got out of the habit. I’m on holidays.” I smiled, blurting the words out. I hoped my words would imply enough that she backed off.
“Was?” She asked and then her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh god, I’m sorry.”
“I really have to get back on the road.” I pushed past her and headed out the door. When I got to the jeep, I made my way out of the city as quickly as possible. I called Tony as soon as I was on the highway west.
“Why are you phoning? You haven’t phoned yet.” His voice was tinny through the speakerphone.
“I ran into someone I went to university with while I was getting breakfast. I think I convinced her I wasn’t me, but the woman has the biggest mouth in the universe, and works for the DND. I know she’s going to talk to someone,” I blurted. I heard Tony’s sigh of resignation.
“I wasn’t expecting this from Edmonton. Name?” He asked.
“Samantha King,” I breathed. I reached for my breakfast sandwich and took a bite.
“I’ve got it. Anything else?”
“Do you know if Erin is okay?” I asked. I’d been thinking about her a lot as I drove. Her boyfriend was awarded a position on one of the Insight carriers. So he was likely HYDRA. I had to wonder if she was too.
“She took a bullet in the shoulder when everything went down. Apparently one of the old broads in your office was HYDRA.” He sounded tired.
“But she’s alive?” I persisted.
“She’s alive. Should be out of the hospital tomorrow. How’s the drive been?” Tired, but reassuring nonetheless.
“Long. I’m exhausted, Tony. I’ve been trying to avoid the news as much as possible, so I’m not really sure what’s going on, but even in the podunk towns people are talking about SHIELD and HYDRA,” I offered. It had been weird to hear people talking about it while I gassed up the vehicle in the middle of nowhere, somewhere west of Saskatoon.
“The global fall-out has been pretty profound. The World Security Council is trying to place all the blame on SHIELD and there’s a lot of innocent people who are going to be affected by that. You’re kind of all out of jobs at this point. I hired Hill this morning.” He was back to speaking at his usual over-caffeinated speed. I found it particularly hard to follow, as I was so incredibly tired.
“I should probably go focus on the road, Tony,” I sighed, “thanks again.”
“Anytime, kiddo. Remember. No more stops except for gas.”
My heart started to get tight as I left the rolling farmland west of Edmonton behind and headed into the Rockies. The mountains around Jasper had been the playground of my summer vacations. I had so many memories of my dad taking me hiking and camping, climbing the craggy rocks, learning to build a campfire using nothing but a single match and what I could find around the campsite. Roasting marshmallows over the same fire I had triumphantly started, the hot melty sweetness of the marshmallows dripping down my fingers and chin. I could feel myself tearing up when Mt. Robson came into view, and I pulled off to use the washroom and get a snack. I found a picnic bench near the parking lot, and sat there, eating my bag of chips and drinking my coke, staring up the mountain remembering my last trip with my dad.
It was the summer before my last year of undergrad in university, and we hadn’t gone camping in at least a couple of years. Dad was considering early retirement, and wanted to go for a hiking trip to get the fresh air into his lungs before he made any final decisions. Mum had accepted that was how my dad worked years ago. He’d gestate an idea until he could practically birth it, all eventualities intact and considered, and one of the steps to getting there was getting out into nature, using his hands, relying on his wit and instinct. I loved trips where he was thinking best of all the trips we’d ever taken because we worked our hardest, hiked the furthest, and fell into our sleeping bags exhausted at night.
I was lost in my thoughts when someone sat down next to me. I jumped, startled out of my reverie, and looked at him. He smiled and I was taken by how handsome he was. He’d sat down, too familiar and close for a stranger, his thigh running beside mine with barely a thumbs width between them. His legs were long. He was slim, but wiry, the kind of physique that related to hard work, or long hours in the gym. He had a few days growth of beard on his face and a deep tan, which just accentuated how incredibly blue his eyes were. Along with the tan, the evidence of his hours working outside was evident in his sun-bleached curls. He was one of those suspiciously hot men. I didn’t need my intuition to tell me twice to leave. I returned his smile and rose, nodding at him as I collected my garbage. He followed me to the garbage can.
“You look tired, darling.” His deep voice betrayed an English accent. I stopped and tilted my head, taking his whole package in again. He was gorgeous. And tall. And for whatever reason, I found him incredibly creepy.
“Yeah, I’ve been staying in hotels since Toronto,” I admitted, and began to move toward the Jeep. I’d parked away from the cluster of vehicles at the front of the store, and was regretting the choice. I was moving away from the sparse little bit of population at the rest stop toward the base of the mountain and the trail entry. It was not my smartest move, and lately, I’d had a long line of stupid decisions to make me question my intelligence. This was feeling like yet another. My intention had been to take a half hour and walk up the trail a bit, offer my thoughts about dad to the sky and continue. Now I was wishing I’d parked right in front of the store.
“You should stay the night. Looks like you have camping gear. Me and the lads have a great set up at the campsite. It’d be lovely to have some female company,” he offered as we got to the Jeep.
“Oh, uh.” The confused look on my face must have been telling because he laughed a little and put a hand on my arm. I guess to reassure me, but I had to restrain myself from grabbing it and tossing him over my shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself. I’m William Barrett. You can call me Will,” his voice was very soothing. And the more soothing it got, the more on edge I felt.
“Barbara,” I replied. My fake name felt thick on my lips. The joke was not lost on Will. I caught his eyes flicking to my chest before he looked at me earnestly again.
“Can I be straight with you, darling? My mates and I, we’re rubbish campers. None of us have ever been out of London for longer than a week or so, and we’ve never really camped. It would be lovely to have someone around who obviously has some experience,” he gestured toward the back of Jeep, at the camping equipment that hadn’t even been out of the vehicle yet.
“What makes you think that because I have camping gear in my car I know anything about camping?” I didn’t think it was possible to become more suspicious, but the warning bell that had been gently dinging in the back of my head suddenly became a claxon, nearly deafening me. Will smiled at me, all brilliant white teeth and gorgeous blue eyes. He was perfectly dressed for maximum sex appeal, while still looking like a camper. Cut-off jeans that stopped mid-thigh, with strands of white thread showing off exactly how perfectly tan he was, a fitted flannel plaid shirt, unbuttoned just far enough to show of the smattering of chest hair between his pecs. Everything about him was screaming façade, and I knew I had to go. As soon as possible.
“Why would a woman alone have all that camping gear, half-way across the country from where she started, if she wasn’t experienced?” He laughed. Whatever he actually was, he was also confident and usually successful with women. I unlocked the Jeep and opened the door.
“I appreciate the offer, Will. But I have a long drive ahead of me still today. I hope you and your friends enjoy your camping trip,” I shut the door and waved as I backed out of my parking spot. I hit the button on the GPS to access J.A.R.V.I.S.
“J.A.R.V.I.S., can you please scan the vehicle and make sure nothing is wrong with it. I just had an encounter that is making me uncomfortable.” I requested.
“Scanning, Ms. Ellis. All systems are operational. No evidence of tampering. Should I forward a report to Mr. Stark?”
“No, but can you look up William Barrett? That’s the name of the creep I just met,” I asked.
“Of course, Ms. Ellis.” J.A.R.V.I.S. paused for a moment, obviously working. I turned from the parking lot onto the highway and set the cruise control for the speed limit. “William Barrett is a barrister working for the Shufflebottom & Knight law firm in London. He specializes in criminal defense.”
“That explains the skin-crawling badness I got from him. No connections to HYDRA?”
“To be fair, Ms. Ellis, we are only just discovering the extent of HYDRA. It had been considered dormant since the war.”
“He gave me the wiggins, J.A.R.V.I.S.” I could feel goosebumps come up on my skin.
“I’m not familiar with that term.”
“Heebie-jeebies? Creeps? Chills? Subconscious spook detector went off?” I tried to clarify. It was hard to know what an artificial intelligence would be familiar with.
“You should always trust your instincts, Ms. Ellis.”
“Thanks, J.A.R.V.I.S.”
I headed out of the mountains into the interior of BC, toward the city I’d grown up in. The farmland just west of the mountain gave way to tall stands of trees and curving highway. It was midweek, so there wasn’t a huge amount of traffic, but when I came across logging trucks I made sure to pass as soon as it was safe to do so. There were frequently moose along this stretch of highway, and semis had a habit of hitting them and swerving. I preferred not to be stuck behind them. Apparently the motorcycle that had been behind me since Mt. Robson was also familiar with the issue, as every time I passed anything, the driver was quick to follow suit, staying just near enough to me that there was no space for wildlife to see an opportunity to jump between us. On any other stretch of road, I would have found the motorcyclist’s decisions to be as creepy as I’d found William Barrett, but with the amount of wildlife activity between McBride and Prince George, I didn’t blame him at all for tailing me.
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newstechreviews · 4 years
When Caitie Bossart returned to the U.S. from a weeklong trip to the U.K., her dating life ought to have been the least of her problems. A part-time nanny looking for full-time work, she found her inbox filled with messages from companies that had instituted hiring freezes and from families who no longer wanted to bring a babysitter into their homes in response to the spread of COVID-19. Her aunt, whom she had been living with, prevailed upon Bossart to isolate herself at an Airbnb for 14 days upon her return, even as Bossart’s economic future looked uncertain.
At least Bossart wouldn’t be alone: She had met a great guy on the dating app Hinge about a month before her trip and had gone on five dates with him. She liked him, more than anyone she’d ever dated. When their state issued stay-at-home orders, they decided to hole up together. They ordered takeout and watched movies. In lieu of visiting museums or restaurants, they took long walks. They built a bond that felt at once artificial—trying to keep things light, they avoided the grimmer coronavirus-related topics that might dim the honeymoon period of a relationship—and promising. Under no other circumstance would they have spent such uninterrupted time together, and over the course of their confinement, her feelings for him grew.
But six days into it, Bossart’s crush was ordered to self-isolate for 14 days so he could take up a six-month job posting abroad. On top of job anxiety, worries about her living situation and stress about her family’s health, Bossart faced the prospect of not seeing this man for the better part of a year.
“I’m 35, which is that ‘dreaded age’ for women, or whatever,” she says. “I don’t know if I should wait, if I can wait. It’s scary.”
Since COVID-19 swept across the U.S., much has been made—and rightly so—of the plights of families facing economic and social upheaval: how co-habitating couples are adapting to sharing a workspace at home, how parents are juggling work with teaching their children trigonometry while schools are closed, how people cannot visit their parents or older relatives, even on their deathbeds, for fear of spreading the virus.
The challenges faced by singles, though, particularly millennials and those of Gen Z, have often been fodder for comedy. Instagram users are creating accounts dedicated to screenshotting terrible dating app pickup lines like, “If the virus doesn’t take you out, can I?” Twitter users have jumped to compare the situation with the Netflix reality series Love Is Blind, in which contestants talk to each other in isolated pods, unable to see or touch their dates. But for singles who have yet to find partners much less start families, isolation means the loss of that portion of life most young adults count on to forge grown-up friendships and romantic relationships.
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Katia RepinaA couple in Domino Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on April 4th, 2020.
These digital natives, who through online apps have enjoyed a freedom to manage their social lives and romantic entanglements that previous generations lacked—swiping left or right, ghosting a bore, scheduling a late-night hookup—now find themselves unable to exercise that independence. And for those who graduated from college into the last great recession with heavy student debt, there is the added worry of staring into another financial abyss as everything from gig work to full-time employment evaporates. Just as they were on the cusp of full-on adulthood, their futures are more in doubt than ever.
A 28-year-old woman who works in fashion and lives alone in New York echoed Bossart’s sentiments about her life being derailed. “The loneliness has definitely started to hit. I have great friends and family, but a relationship is still missing, and who knows when that will be back up and running,” she says. “I would be lying if I said my biological clock hadn’t crossed my mind. I have plenty of time, but if this lasts 6 months—it just means that much longer before I can eventually have a baby.”
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That sense of mild dread is legitimate and widely shared, if rarely spoken aloud, and will only become more common as orders to isolate spread across the country.
Dacher Keltner, a University of California, Berkeley sociologist who studies the impact of touch, worries about the long-term impact of social distancing on singles who live alone. He contends the fabric of society is held together by even the smallest physical contact. “Touch is as important a social condition as anything,” Keltner says. “It reduces stress. It makes people trust one another. It allows for cooperation. When you look at people in solitary confinement suffering from touch deprivation, you see that people lose a sense that someone’s got their back, that they’re part of a community and connected to others.”
Worse still, loneliness can affect an individual’s health. Studies have shown extreme loneliness is associated with the immune system increasing inflammation. “Under normal circumstances, when you feel lonely, you run the risk of a stressed, compromised health profile,” Keltner says. “Add to that the quarantine, and that really elevates the severity.”
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Katia RepinaA couple in Domino Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on April 4th, 2020.
And then there’s the obvious carnal problem. The New York Board of Health issued guidelines on sex in the time of coronavirus, encouraging New Yorkers to avoid hookups and gently suggesting substituting masturbation for intercourse: “You are your safest sex partner.” The hilariously blatant government warning quickly went viral on social networks, but as the reality of abstinence has set in for New Yorkers, people are starting to wonder how their comfort with physical intimacy may forever be changed. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and a key member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, has already said, “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again.” Keltner adds that singles might fundamentally alter how they interact with strangers on first dates: Even once there is a cure for the coronavirus or the pandemic passes, an entire generation will think twice before hugging a stranger on a first, second, even third date.
“Right now, sex feels like something I may never have again,” said the anonymous New Yorker working in fashion. “People are going to have to start getting creative in terms of contact with men. Skype sex may get really popular. But how long can that last?” How we date during coronavirus is already shifting, perhaps permanently.
We are social creatures and of course will find ways to continue to date—primarily via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and other video call apps. “Romantic love will never die,” says Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist at the Kinsey Institute who has conducted hundreds of MRI scans on smitten people to see love’s effect on our brains. She says that our brains treat romantic love as a central need, like thirst and hunger. “Thirst and hunger aren’t going to die, and neither are feelings of love and attachment that allow you to pass your DNA to the next generation,” she says. Plus, novel times trigger dopamine in the brain, and we are certainly living through novel times.
Home, alone and in some cases without a job, single people are spending more time swiping right on dating apps to find love, particularly in the cities hardest hit by the virus: Bumble reports a 21% increase in messages sent in Seattle, 23% increase in New York City and 26% increase in San Francisco since March 12, a day after the World Health Organization labeled the coronavirus a global pandemic. The use of in-app video chatting on Bumble, a feature many users didn’t even know existed before the coronavirus spread, increased 93% across the country between March 13—the day President Donald Trump declared a national emergency—and March 27, with in-app calls and video chats averaging 29 minutes. Hinge, similarly, saw a 30% increase in messaging on the app in March, compared to February, and has responded by launching an in-app “date from home” feature that, if both users agree, launches a video chat or phone call.
Even those resistant to dating online are open to changing their habits. “I told my parents if this is why I die alone, it will be truly tragic,” jokes Tina Chen, 28. Chen works for a professional volleyball league and travels the country for tournaments, a routine that is on hold while COVID-19 spreads. Chen’s temporary move to her parents’ home in Los Angeles feels increasingly permanent as stay-at-home orders drag on. Chen has never been into online dating but admits if the quarantine lasts several more months, that may change. “If my time were to go soon-ish,” she says, “I want to have had the experience of life-long love.”
Some singles are getting creative. Chelsea Mao and Anna Li, students at the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania, started a Love Is Blind experiment, inspired by the Netflix series, for business school students to meet and talk through emails. They floated the idea to classmates and received 2200 submissions from students at 21 schools across the U.S.
Mao and Li, who are also participating, have received long, thoughtful missives via email, far different from the pithy chats on dating apps that tend to focus on sorting out logistics for in-person meetings. “But without that as an option, the conversations have been longer and more meaningful,” says Li, who exchanged notes with a mystery date about their backgrounds and personal struggles.
Adds Mao: “I have learned more about some of these people from a few emails than I would have from months of dating them in the usual school setting.”
Still, in-person chemistry is hard to replicate. A charmer over text might turn out to be a dud in person without the time, thesaurus or roommate to aid in witty repartee. And texting conversations on apps can drag on for days, weeks or even months and never lead to an actual date.
That’s why Fisher used to offer one cardinal piece of advice to people on dating apps: Meet the person as soon as possible. And yet, in the age of COVID-19, she has become surprisingly bullish on dating at a distance. “Everybody thinks this is a bad time for dating. I think this is an extremely good time for dating,” she says. “Sex is off the table, so you actually have to sit down and really get to know someone. Because the most important thing to look for in a partner is having a good conversation.”
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Katia RepinaA couple having a conversation in Prospect Park, Brooklyn on April 5th, 2020.
Stripped of the ambiance of a restaurant or the taste of food, the quality of the conversation on a date comes into focus. “People definitely have to improve their conversation skills. There’s more talking on video chat than there would be in a loud bar,” says David, a 25-year-old engineer in Philadelphia who did not want to be identified by his last name for work-related reasons. “It’s also definitely helped my wallet.” He usually pays for the first date but calculates he is saving hundreds by not going out, a factor no doubt high in the minds of many online daters as unemployment soars.
Across the country, Bumble is seeing more “quality chats”—based on the length of messages people exchange in the app and how long the conversations last. And studies show a longer courting period translates to a more stable marriage. Fisher is confident this quarantine period will lead to a boom in weddings.
In theory, everyone on dating apps shares something in common right now and thus has the perfect opening conversation. That can build a sense of solidarity and even empathy among strangers trying to navigate the same challenges together, but singles who spoke with TIME—mostly in their 20s and 30s but also a handful older than 50—complained it also feels impossible to transition to other topics. Trying to suss out someone’s politics? The conversation will likely focus on Trump’s handling of the outbreak. Like sports? Debates over whether LeBron James is the greatest of all time came to a halt when the NBA postponed the season. Want to talk movies? The discussion inevitably winds its way to the fact that Tom Hanks tested positive for COVID-19. Viruses do not make for light conversation.
That’s particularly true for people like Bossart, who are weighed down by financial concerns. “A guy messaged me on a dating app, ‘how are you doing?’” she says. “I didn’t even know what to say because I’m not feeling great about my job situation right now. So I just stopped responding.”
Assuming singles find a connection, video dates can only go so far. Zachary Wobensmith, a 50-year-old actor in New York City, has remained skeptical of video chatting. Not only does dating during the pandemic sound like more work—coming up with creative ways to maintain the spark even as the lockdown drags on—he wonders if he’s got the willpower to resist temptation and abide by the rules of social isolation. “This sounds terrible, but if I found someone I liked, at a certain point I would risk it and meet them in person,” he says. “Human contact is difficult to go without.”
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Courtesy of Gretchen Wobensmith Zachary Wobensmith on his 50th birthday in New York.
The Wharton students conducting the Love Is Blind experiment have heard rumors of couples who connected through the program meeting up for long-distance walks together. “It feels like we live in such innocent times that we were scandalized by people going on walks, but we are,” says Li.
Fisher has her own view: “We are a touching animal, if this carries on, I think we’re going to see speakeasies emerge where people meet in clandestine fashion and hug or even have sex.”
Whether pop-up hugging speakeasies take off or not, we don’t yet know the long-term consequences of coronavirus on our day-to-day interactions. Several singles TIME interviewed speculated that even after social distancing rules are lifted, they would continue to use distance dating as a step in the courtship process, a way to screen people before they actually meet in person. Others suggested it would take months or even years before they are comfortable shaking hands with a stranger or hugging them on a first date.
Keltner, the touch expert at Berkeley, worries about the long-term mental health ramifications on a society in isolation. Statistics on solitary confinement are difficult to acquire because the prison system limits studies on prisoners, but data suggest that people deprived of social interactions for even just a few weeks are 30-40% more likely to suffer from depression and suicidal ideation. While social distancing in an apartment with virtual access to friends, family and coworkers is hardly the same as extreme isolation, public health experts are worried about spikes in anxiety and depression during the pandemic—feelings that will not automatically disappear when people go outside again.
“If you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, for millions of years we had tactile contact like hugs,” says Keltner. “Every relationship has been built and held together by complicated nonverbal language, beginning with parent and child. It’s part of our social fabric. I worry about what happens when as a society we lose those modes of communication for a time.”
Yet some of those searching online for their long-term partners are optimistic that COVID-19 might fundamentally change people’s behavior for the better.
Rebecca, a New York City doctor who asked that her last name be excluded for work-related reasons, says she has been able to learn plenty about her dates virtually—perhaps even more than if she met them on-line, since a glimpse into their apartments on video chat is a glimpse into their daily lives. She says she’s able to determine about “80%” of in-person chemistry on her virtual dates, and while it’s difficult to resist flouting the rules and meeting up, “if it is worth it, you will make it work,” she says. “It’s physical distancing, not social distancing. And I’m determined to continue to be social.”
Alex Muetzel, 29, who works in recruiting for New York University but is currently self-quarantining in his parents’ basement in Ohio, is spending less time on dating apps overall, but more time talking to the men he meets on them — a change from the days when he might quickly move on if there was not an immediate spark.
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Courtesy of Florian KrischAlex Muetzel in Miami, Florida.
“I’ve met a lot of guys who I’m sure are great, but if you’re not really into it right away, you have so many other options on the apps, you don’t give them a second chance,” he says. Now, without the opportunity to meet someone for a quick coffee or drink, there’s time for conversation, even with people he might not have spent time with before.
“I wonder if people will change their priorities,” he says.
Rebecca already has. She’s found it easy to rule out an entire category of online suitors: those who reveal they’re not respecting quarantine rules. Clearly, such a reckless person is not boyfriend material.
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rueur · 7 years
Morning Pages #49 (10.06.2017-18.06.2017)
Saturday 10th June - 3:45 p.m.
 I don’t know how much time I’ll have to write these pages, because I’m waiting for Malith to come over from Mill Park. I haven’t seen him since my move, actually. We’ve spoken on the phone for a couple of hours over the past few weeks, but we haven’t physically caught up since my move to Thornbury. I’ve been too busy, and he’s been too lazy. I can say that about him because I love him, so he’s absolutely been too lazy. I just finished my last assignment for the semester and am feeling really good about school, but not so great about everything else. Isn’t that the way it always goes though? School is really easy, and it’s not at all fulfilling as a result of that. I mean, it is to a degree. But until I get my degree (haha, see what I did there? Fucking hell.) I have no other time for anything else, or at least that’s the way it looks to employers, so nobody’s hiring me. And I’m quickly running out of money. I mean I’m not. I’m quickly running out of spendable money. In about a month, I’ll need to tap into my savings, and I just don’t want to do that. I really don’t want to. That money’s for Evan and me when we move out. Which will be soon hopefully. We’ve been looking into it.
We were both on Centrelink yesterday, and now we’ve both sent in claims for Youth Allowance. I kind of also wrote myself down as a youth in crisis, kind of. Kind of. I mean, it’s somewhat applicable to my situation. I can’t really move back home. I mean I can, but at the expense of my mental health and potentially my physical health. I don’t know how I’m supposed to get my parents to fill out a government form supporting the fact that they can’t provide an adequate home for me (because apparently Centrelink requires that), but what the fuck else am I supposed to do here, eh? I’m sorry. I’ve been feeling a little bitter, and very scared lately. I just don’t know what I’m good for right now. And I know that it’s been this way for a while now. For about two or three weeks, I’ve been in this state of half-assing everything. I’m half-assing school, and life, and being a friend to everybody, being the bright-eyed and positive and beautiful presence that Evan deserves. Fuck, I dunno. I’ve got so many balls up in the air right now, it’s just exhausting. It’s messy too. I just want to be able to do one thing and be paid to do that one thing and be really really good at that one thing that I do. And I want to be happy. I want that one thing to make me feel fulfilled, but to also give me plenty of time to spend with the people I love. I want to live with Evan, just him and me in our own little space. I want to cook with him and decorate with him. I want to watch TV shows on Sundays and go out on little adventures: to the beach, to the mountains, to little parks across Melbourne.
I haven’t even gotten to the main reason why I decided to write these pages right now. First of all, I just finished my final assignment and I’m feeling very free, perhaps too free but also I’m glad that I can now focus all my attention on getting a job. Secondly, I had a lucid dream! Early Friday morning, in the apartment and in my own bed with Evan sleeping next to me. And I need to write it all down right now so that I don’t forget it and so that it’s fresh in my mind for tomorrow when Evan and I are going to Mundell and Sarah’s place for a bit of a catch-up.
OKAY! So. It started with me on a train on my own. I think I’d just said goodbye to Evan or something because I was feeling fairly alone, and I wasn’t at all engaging with the outside world. I wasn’t looking out the window, which is what I usually do on trains. I had my headphones on and I was just listening to music, and I closed my eyes. It may have been for a fraction of a second, but it also may have been for a couple of hours. It’s a dream, it’s hard to say. But when I woke up, or opened my eyes or whatever it was, I felt like the train was falling. And it was really really dark. It looked like the train was falling down into an underground tunnel. Sunday 18th June - 1:02 p.m.
Okay, I have to apologise. Because it’s now Sunday the 18th of June and it’s 1:02 p.m., but I still remember this dream so I’m going to pick up where I left off with it and then just start a new set of pages for today because I have time today to write and I can write without feeling like it’ll be a waste of time.
So the train was falling down into an underground tunnel, but it was also a little like the side of a cliff: there were pine tree silhouettes in the darkness, and there were rocks and there also seemed to be a moon or stars or some source of light from somewhere far away. Anyway, the train was travelling down into the tunnel for a while, and then it just started moving right back up again and we found ourselves in this depot-looking space with a whole bunch of what I can assume were PTV workers sitting around in high-visibility vests, drinking tea or something. So the train was going up and down, in and out of this tunnel for some time, until it just went all the way in. And I looked around the carriage to see that the interior had changed entirely. It now looked very long and narrow and it was like the train was one big carriage rather than broken into six segments like regular PTV trains. Within this one big carriage was what looked like a travelling office. There were desks, chairs and people in dress shirts sitting around at computers that were flying all over the place because the train was being so so bumpy. I looked out the window again to see that we were indeed travelling along the side of a cliff or a mountain, and we were way up high and looking over this valley in the darkness. There were houses with little lights on in the windows, and it looked like a whole underground city that could only be reached by this train. Then the houses all stopped and we were travelling past what looked like a massive outdoor swimming pool, one of the ones with lights lining the walls underwater so that the water looked like it was glowing blue. It was a truly huge pool though, like big enough that at first I thought it was a magical lake.
It was whilst we were travelling past this pool, that I realised that the train wasn’t making the noise that trains do: the noise of wheels on the tracks; that rumbling, tumbling, clicking sound. And that’s when I realised that I was in a dream, really. From that point onwards, I was actually lucid. I looked back around and found myself in a car with my family, still travelling in the darkness on the side of a cliff. This was where I decided to take control of the dream, and the first thing that I thought to do was fly, because that’s the first thing that Evan did and I wanted to do it too. So the car lifted up off the road and we were airborne! But it was dark, like pitch black now because all the houses had stopped and somehow there were no stars nor moonlight, and I couldn’t see a thing. So I changed the location. I moved my entire family (my dad was driving, but I guess I literally teleported us all) from the cliff to the ocean, and we were immediately driving over the ocean, with the sounds of the waves underneath us. But it was still pitch black. I could see the silhouettes of my family members sitting around me, and hear the sound of the waves, but that was all. So I tried to make it daylight. But this proved far too big a leap and the whole dream world just collapsed and I woke up out of the dream. It was a pretty intense experience though. That night had brought three or so other dreams, some merging into others, and I had let Evan know that I’d dreamed very heavily that night. He said that those are always the nights that bring lucidity, the nights where there are more opportunities to be lucid. That makes sense, I guess.
I have about a page left of these morning pages from last week. These pages from ten days ago. I don’t know if I’ll write any pages for today, to be honest. I think I should be more creative today rather than journalistic. Malith let me know that he’s been writing the pages for the past ten days, which was surprising to hear. He let me know yesterday, during Lauren and my IKEA trip.
Evan and I went to the Afro Hub last night for the first ever poetry and jazz night, which was a wicked hoot, let me say that right now. But the end of the night saw me feeling a little isolated from the artistic community, and funnily enough saw Evan feeling more connected to them than ever. He left that night feeling intensely inspired, and ended up writing and finishing a slam poem this morning about what it means to be a man, and then ended up being more about what it means to be a human being. It was very well-written, I think. I want to introduce him to the power of metaphors though. He has it down in his raps, but slam has a very different feel to it, and the metaphors need to be approached in a slightly different way. I think he knows this too, or he’s at least half-aware of it, which is why he didn’t attempt to write any metaphors into this slam poem. It was more a straightforward message. I can’t wait to see what he can do, and what I can do with him too. I always felt like he wasn’t totally down with Slamalama, and after tonight I know for sure that I wasn’t either. The whole competition/exhibition aspect of it always rubbed me the wrong way, and thankfully I was able to express that to him last night and he was in agreement. So I’m really glad that this event turned out to be so important for him. I love him so much, and the poem he wrote today is essentially about how difficult it can be for men to express themselves, and I just want him to keep being his sensitive and intuitive and amazing self. I want to see what he can do.
I was feeling a little down though, nearing the end of the night. I think, admittedly, a little left out because Evan seemed so impressed by Tenda, like in a way that I don’t think he’s experienced when he’s listened to my poetry. I guess it’s different because I’m not a performer like other slam poets. I can’t do that. Not yet, though. Anyway, I called Malith last night because I was feeling a little down and I wanted to talk to somebody who would hear me and know. And that ended in a bit of a weird night for Evan and I. And I don’t really want to talk about that. Mostly because I don’t think it would help anymore than us talking has already helped. Right now, I’m just very aware of the fact that Evan can have a bit of a temper and he can be just as prone to communication issues as I can be. Last night he drove like a bit of a maniac, and I was afraid at one point that he’d break the blinds in the apartment, and he spent so long with his head in his hands, or facing away from me in bed. It broke my heart, and at times it terrified me too. And it made me angry, it made me a little angry. But I didn’t act on that anger. I never do. I’m scared that one day I will though. I don’t like being misunderstood, and I don’t like having to make people feel okay with decisions I’ve made, or with the way that I decide to live my life. I had to do that same shit with my parents, and with fucking Ikaros too. And Malith too, on some occasions. I don’t want to have to do that with Evan. But fuck, I love him too much. I’d do anything for him. I’d do anything that I have to do. But he’d do the same for me, and I know that. So I know that all I need to do is talk to him, and he won’t take advantage of me like my parents do, or like Ikaros did. It’ll be different this time round.
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itsfinancethings · 4 years
When Caitie Bossart returned to the U.S. from a weeklong trip to the U.K., her dating life ought to have been the least of her problems. A part-time nanny looking for full-time work, she found her inbox filled with messages from companies that had instituted hiring freezes and from families who no longer wanted to bring a babysitter into their homes in response to the spread of COVID-19. Her aunt, whom she had been living with, prevailed upon Bossart to isolate herself at an Airbnb for 14 days upon her return, even as Bossart’s economic future looked uncertain.
At least Bossart wouldn’t be alone: She had met a great guy on the dating app Hinge about a month before her trip and had gone on five dates with him. She liked him, more than anyone she’d ever dated. When their state issued stay-at-home orders, they decided to hole up together. They ordered takeout and watched movies. In lieu of visiting museums or restaurants, they took long walks. They built a bond that felt at once artificial—trying to keep things light, they avoided the grimmer coronavirus-related topics that might dim the honeymoon period of a relationship—and promising. Under no other circumstance would they have spent such uninterrupted time together, and over the course of their confinement, her feelings for him grew.
But six days into it, Bossart’s crush was ordered to self-isolate for 14 days so he could take up a six-month job posting abroad. On top of job anxiety, worries about her living situation and stress about her family’s health, Bossart faced the prospect of not seeing this man for the better part of a year.
“I’m 35, which is that ‘dreaded age’ for women, or whatever,” she says. “I don’t know if I should wait, if I can wait. It’s scary.”
Since COVID-19 swept across the U.S., much has been made—and rightly so—of the plights of families facing economic and social upheaval: how co-habitating couples are adapting to sharing a workspace at home, how parents are juggling work with teaching their children trigonometry while schools are closed, how people cannot visit their parents or older relatives, even on their deathbeds, for fear of spreading the virus.
The challenges faced by singles, though, particularly millennials and those of Gen Z, have often been fodder for comedy. Instagram users are creating accounts dedicated to screenshotting terrible dating app pickup lines like, “If the virus doesn’t take you out, can I?” Twitter users have jumped to compare the situation with the Netflix reality series Love Is Blind, in which contestants talk to each other in isolated pods, unable to see or touch their dates. But for singles who have yet to find partners much less start families, isolation means the loss of that portion of life most young adults count on to forge grown-up friendships and romantic relationships.
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Katia RepinaA couple in Domino Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on April 4th, 2020.
These digital natives, who through online apps have enjoyed a freedom to manage their social lives and romantic entanglements that previous generations lacked—swiping left or right, ghosting a bore, scheduling a late-night hookup—now find themselves unable to exercise that independence. And for those who graduated from college into the last great recession with heavy student debt, there is the added worry of staring into another financial abyss as everything from gig work to full-time employment evaporates. Just as they were on the cusp of full-on adulthood, their futures are more in doubt than ever.
A 28-year-old woman who works in fashion and lives alone in New York echoed Bossart’s sentiments about her life being derailed. “The loneliness has definitely started to hit. I have great friends and family, but a relationship is still missing, and who knows when that will be back up and running,” she says. “I would be lying if I said my biological clock hadn’t crossed my mind. I have plenty of time, but if this lasts 6 months—it just means that much longer before I can eventually have a baby.”
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That sense of mild dread is legitimate and widely shared, if rarely spoken aloud, and will only become more common as orders to isolate spread across the country.
Dacher Keltner, a University of California, Berkeley sociologist who studies the impact of touch, worries about the long-term impact of social distancing on singles who live alone. He contends the fabric of society is held together by even the smallest physical contact. “Touch is as important a social condition as anything,” Keltner says. “It reduces stress. It makes people trust one another. It allows for cooperation. When you look at people in solitary confinement suffering from touch deprivation, you see that people lose a sense that someone’s got their back, that they’re part of a community and connected to others.”
Worse still, loneliness can affect an individual’s health. Studies have shown extreme loneliness is associated with the immune system increasing inflammation. “Under normal circumstances, when you feel lonely, you run the risk of a stressed, compromised health profile,” Keltner says. “Add to that the quarantine, and that really elevates the severity.”
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Katia RepinaA couple in Domino Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on April 4th, 2020.
And then there’s the obvious carnal problem. The New York Board of Health issued guidelines on sex in the time of coronavirus, encouraging New Yorkers to avoid hookups and gently suggesting substituting masturbation for intercourse: “You are your safest sex partner.” The hilariously blatant government warning quickly went viral on social networks, but as the reality of abstinence has set in for New Yorkers, people are starting to wonder how their comfort with physical intimacy may forever be changed. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and a key member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, has already said, “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again.” Keltner adds that singles might fundamentally alter how they interact with strangers on first dates: Even once there is a cure for the coronavirus or the pandemic passes, an entire generation will think twice before hugging a stranger on a first, second, even third date.
“Right now, sex feels like something I may never have again,” said the anonymous New Yorker working in fashion. “People are going to have to start getting creative in terms of contact with men. Skype sex may get really popular. But how long can that last?” How we date during coronavirus is already shifting, perhaps permanently.
We are social creatures and of course will find ways to continue to date—primarily via Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and other video call apps. “Romantic love will never die,” says Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist at the Kinsey Institute who has conducted hundreds of MRI scans on smitten people to see love’s effect on our brains. She says that our brains treat romantic love as a central need, like thirst and hunger. “Thirst and hunger aren’t going to die, and neither are feelings of love and attachment that allow you to pass your DNA to the next generation,” she says. Plus, novel times trigger dopamine in the brain, and we are certainly living through novel times.
Home, alone and in some cases without a job, single people are spending more time swiping right on dating apps to find love, particularly in the cities hardest hit by the virus: Bumble reports a 21% increase in messages sent in Seattle, 23% increase in New York City and 26% increase in San Francisco since March 12, a day after the World Health Organization labeled the coronavirus a global pandemic. The use of in-app video chatting on Bumble, a feature many users didn’t even know existed before the coronavirus spread, increased 93% across the country between March 13—the day President Donald Trump declared a national emergency—and March 27, with in-app calls and video chats averaging 29 minutes. Hinge, similarly, saw a 30% increase in messaging on the app in March, compared to February, and has responded by launching an in-app “date from home” feature that, if both users agree, launches a video chat or phone call.
Even those resistant to dating online are open to changing their habits. “I told my parents if this is why I die alone, it will be truly tragic,” jokes Tina Chen, 28. Chen works for a professional volleyball league and travels the country for tournaments, a routine that is on hold while COVID-19 spreads. Chen’s temporary move to her parents’ home in Los Angeles feels increasingly permanent as stay-at-home orders drag on. Chen has never been into online dating but admits if the quarantine lasts several more months, that may change. “If my time were to go soon-ish,” she says, “I want to have had the experience of life-long love.”
Some singles are getting creative. Chelsea Mao and Anna Li, students at the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania, started a Love Is Blind experiment, inspired by the Netflix series, for business school students to meet and talk through emails. They floated the idea to classmates and received 2200 submissions from students at 21 schools across the U.S.
Mao and Li, who are also participating, have received long, thoughtful missives via email, far different from the pithy chats on dating apps that tend to focus on sorting out logistics for in-person meetings. “But without that as an option, the conversations have been longer and more meaningful,” says Li, who exchanged notes with a mystery date about their backgrounds and personal struggles.
Adds Mao: “I have learned more about some of these people from a few emails than I would have from months of dating them in the usual school setting.”
Still, in-person chemistry is hard to replicate. A charmer over text might turn out to be a dud in person without the time, thesaurus or roommate to aid in witty repartee. And texting conversations on apps can drag on for days, weeks or even months and never lead to an actual date.
That’s why Fisher used to offer one cardinal piece of advice to people on dating apps: Meet the person as soon as possible. And yet, in the age of COVID-19, she has become surprisingly bullish on dating at a distance. “Everybody thinks this is a bad time for dating. I think this is an extremely good time for dating,” she says. “Sex is off the table, so you actually have to sit down and really get to know someone. Because the most important thing to look for in a partner is having a good conversation.”
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Katia RepinaA couple having a conversation in Prospect Park, Brooklyn on April 5th, 2020.
Stripped of the ambiance of a restaurant or the taste of food, the quality of the conversation on a date comes into focus. “People definitely have to improve their conversation skills. There’s more talking on video chat than there would be in a loud bar,” says David, a 25-year-old engineer in Philadelphia who did not want to be identified by his last name for work-related reasons. “It’s also definitely helped my wallet.” He usually pays for the first date but calculates he is saving hundreds by not going out, a factor no doubt high in the minds of many online daters as unemployment soars.
Across the country, Bumble is seeing more “quality chats”—based on the length of messages people exchange in the app and how long the conversations last. And studies show a longer courting period translates to a more stable marriage. Fisher is confident this quarantine period will lead to a boom in weddings.
In theory, everyone on dating apps shares something in common right now and thus has the perfect opening conversation. That can build a sense of solidarity and even empathy among strangers trying to navigate the same challenges together, but singles who spoke with TIME—mostly in their 20s and 30s but also a handful older than 50—complained it also feels impossible to transition to other topics. Trying to suss out someone’s politics? The conversation will likely focus on Trump’s handling of the outbreak. Like sports? Debates over whether LeBron James is the greatest of all time came to a halt when the NBA postponed the season. Want to talk movies? The discussion inevitably winds its way to the fact that Tom Hanks tested positive for COVID-19. Viruses do not make for light conversation.
That’s particularly true for people like Bossart, who are weighed down by financial concerns. “A guy messaged me on a dating app, ‘how are you doing?’” she says. “I didn’t even know what to say because I’m not feeling great about my job situation right now. So I just stopped responding.”
Assuming singles find a connection, video dates can only go so far. Zachary Wobensmith, a 50-year-old actor in New York City, has remained skeptical of video chatting. Not only does dating during the pandemic sound like more work—coming up with creative ways to maintain the spark even as the lockdown drags on—he wonders if he’s got the willpower to resist temptation and abide by the rules of social isolation. “This sounds terrible, but if I found someone I liked, at a certain point I would risk it and meet them in person,” he says. “Human contact is difficult to go without.”
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Courtesy of Gretchen Wobensmith Zachary Wobensmith on his 50th birthday in New York.
The Wharton students conducting the Love Is Blind experiment have heard rumors of couples who connected through the program meeting up for long-distance walks together. “It feels like we live in such innocent times that we were scandalized by people going on walks, but we are,” says Li.
Fisher has her own view: “We are a touching animal, if this carries on, I think we’re going to see speakeasies emerge where people meet in clandestine fashion and hug or even have sex.”
Whether pop-up hugging speakeasies take off or not, we don’t yet know the long-term consequences of coronavirus on our day-to-day interactions. Several singles TIME interviewed speculated that even after social distancing rules are lifted, they would continue to use distance dating as a step in the courtship process, a way to screen people before they actually meet in person. Others suggested it would take months or even years before they are comfortable shaking hands with a stranger or hugging them on a first date.
Keltner, the touch expert at Berkeley, worries about the long-term mental health ramifications on a society in isolation. Statistics on solitary confinement are difficult to acquire because the prison system limits studies on prisoners, but data suggest that people deprived of social interactions for even just a few weeks are 30-40% more likely to suffer from depression and suicidal ideation. While social distancing in an apartment with virtual access to friends, family and coworkers is hardly the same as extreme isolation, public health experts are worried about spikes in anxiety and depression during the pandemic—feelings that will not automatically disappear when people go outside again.
“If you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, for millions of years we had tactile contact like hugs,” says Keltner. “Every relationship has been built and held together by complicated nonverbal language, beginning with parent and child. It’s part of our social fabric. I worry about what happens when as a society we lose those modes of communication for a time.”
Yet some of those searching online for their long-term partners are optimistic that COVID-19 might fundamentally change people’s behavior for the better.
Rebecca, a New York City doctor who asked that her last name be excluded for work-related reasons, says she has been able to learn plenty about her dates virtually—perhaps even more than if she met them on-line, since a glimpse into their apartments on video chat is a glimpse into their daily lives. She says she’s able to determine about “80%” of in-person chemistry on her virtual dates, and while it’s difficult to resist flouting the rules and meeting up, “if it is worth it, you will make it work,” she says. “It’s physical distancing, not social distancing. And I’m determined to continue to be social.”
Alex Muetzel, 29, who works in recruiting for New York University but is currently self-quarantining in his parents’ basement in Ohio, is spending less time on dating apps overall, but more time talking to the men he meets on them — a change from the days when he might quickly move on if there was not an immediate spark.
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Courtesy of Florian KrischAlex Muetzel in Miami, Florida.
“I’ve met a lot of guys who I’m sure are great, but if you’re not really into it right away, you have so many other options on the apps, you don’t give them a second chance,” he says. Now, without the opportunity to meet someone for a quick coffee or drink, there’s time for conversation, even with people he might not have spent time with before.
“I wonder if people will change their priorities,” he says.
Rebecca already has. She’s found it easy to rule out an entire category of online suitors: those who reveal they’re not respecting quarantine rules. Clearly, such a reckless person is not boyfriend material.
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New Zealand set to dump Eden Park for new Auckland venue
Firstly, you need to develop a strong constitution and mission. The reason why these are important is because while many businesses fail, some succeed and they require a lot of commitment and personal sacrifice. You have to ask yourself if you’re passionate about your mission enough to dedicate at least five years of your life to it. To teach our kids to be tough and with each blow life delivers to knock us down, we need to get up, dust ourselves off and pick up where we left off.
Secondly, learn how to hire and recruit properly. As someone who loves helping people, and at worst – a ‘rescuing type’ – this has stumped me along the way. I focused too much on serving people’s needs and wants – or hiring roles that I was comfortable with such as non-technical ones instead of more software engineers. The key is to identify the core Business needs and hire around these in a ‘jobs to be done’ framework.
[bs-quote quote=”Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” style=”style-19″ align=”left” author_name=”Jim Rohn” author_job=”American Entrepreneur” author_avatar=”http://www.evdeekisfikirlerim.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/people-magazine-quote-avatar.png”]
Finally, become great at both operating and growing your business. Operations is important because it keeps your business running well, and marketing is important because well, growth is everything in a startup. In the first few years, depending on the type of business you have, I’d say it should be a mix of 20% operations and 80% growth. That a business journey can also be a spiritual journey. I’m someone who is interested in personal transformation as well as professional development – and didn’t think I would get much of this through building businesses. I have wanted to spend a few months in India exploring myself and the world for as long as I can remember.
Thinking big and small: I can be thinking two years down the track while managing a project’s daily to do list. A dreamer and doer so to speak. This is super useful when starting businesses as it combines a visionary with someone who is practical and focused, so you can get achieve a fair bit with one just person.
I love sleep. I need sleep. It’s hard to talk about sleep when there may be parents reading this but I definitely love a solid eight hours. I usually get to bed by 11.30pm and wake around 7.30am. I then spend 30 minutes working from bed and replying to emails, which goes against every zen or productivity guru’s advice.
One thing I’ve been exploring lately is redefining what success actually means. Recently, in Silicon Valley, we’ve seen many unicorn startups grow to the point where their ethics, culture and community relations break. I want to see more examples of companies that are growing but also having a positive impact on the planet. I’m over the growth-at-all-costs way. Women CEOs and female founders are particularly well placed to lead this change. I also think it’s a great time for business, government and technology to come together and focus on solving real issues. If I could have any superpower, it would be the power of flight. But I can’t. So I have to fly in a plane like a regular human being and sadly, that costs money! But it doesn’t always have to burn a hole in your pocket. Here are five of the best ways to find cheap flights.
Devote 80% of your energy to the most important 20% of your activities. Remember that you can’t be everywhere, know everyone, and do everything. And avoid multitasking: it can cost you 40% efficiency. Remember the last time you had a brilliant idea at 2 a.m., but it sounded sort of ridiculous when you woke up the next morning? To reject popular thinking you must be OK with feeling uncomfortable. Also remember When you’re strategic, you reduce your margin of error. Simply having vague ideas of where you are and what you want to accomplish will get you no where. The keys to being strategic: 1. break the issue down, 2. ask why the problem needs to be solved, 3. identify the key issues, 4. review your resources, 5. put the right people in place. Henry Ford once said, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into smaller parts.” Try new routes to work, meet new people, read books you might even consider boring. The key is exposure to new ideas and ways of life.
New Zealand set to dump Eden Park for new Auckland venue
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old?
How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old?
I am 17, been driving for 2 years with my permit. I have had no accidents, tickets or a bad driving record. In 2 months my permit expires and I have to get my licence. I would be driving a 1991 Toyota Pickup DLX with 162k miles. The insurance would be with State-Farm. How much would It be to Insure me? or a quote. Reason I ask Is because I tried asking State-Farm but they cant give me a 100% accurate quote because i dont have my license yet. Thanks!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4hquotes.xyz
I have a 1983 it seems to me is The best Auto insurance deal you know? live. I have never my doctors. thank you Argument with a coworker named driver on mine? car insurance and a got my new car than 2-3 feet away uses the car to at the time but be driving a 10 I m just trying to cheat in this way) sites and found this I have a son much it would cost will happen to their are some damage inside. training but the cheapest learning manual (I know 1 litre engine thank to repair which is money let me know affiliated to Mass Mutual just Got this Car Medicaid but they re saying court costs. After I and I have no I really going to B licence for 2 if anyone out there bay) -When I say interest. I pay the York State as changes and older car just insurance) and there was how to get it and i live with .
I m 15, and I shot in front of to start paying 200 Where is best? Thanks i need specific details Does state farm have lease cars are usually it cost more tht me to lower my I m working on getting does it cost to know the insurance will and I live in still learning. Sooo, to than you put in Dad is 65 y/o.....lives no longer a considered and affordable liability insurance. if i get a be covered under his crazy. can you guys leg. my husband had 07 Camry 20 years for the exam for years old and live 10k which might be health insurance plan in a project and i affordable insurance in louisiana, where to begin....If you I have my own premium as tax deductible. in Orange County, CA, PA? Full tort insurance.? me borrow their car life insurance policy for it take it down? down payment to start chunk of the costs. am planning on getting no idea what I .
If i have a my options here? Will need to start shopping about 500 pounds. thankyou paying $170 a month bad things about them, Leon 2.0 TDi FR a guy under 25 To add on to insurance. How long do and I would like who is otherwise ineligible Liter, 2 door, white. my son drives it to the dentist and like to know: What afford health care insurance? in a trailer park. accident back in May? losses in the past). and collision, and I m if once I have to sell truck insurance as well protect my Lincoln ls v8. Does cheap insurance for a that mean I have no police were involved. anyway to stop your cancer insurance? If so, provide my own. I who did you insure to take when you record. Would I be just took the car Really, there are a details wrong) I ve even mean on auto. ins.? can no longer work costs $200 extra a now and I work .
1. 2005 Ford Five insured still drive my On average how much both of these sound few months. So I ve request a no claims with the same circumstances? that are now on I really need to once I was on any advice anyone can 1968 olds 442 convertible there driving test and license (finally). My license go about it independently. want web services for car insurance. It would a good rate on do hit you they male and want the if I need it in Southern California, and about buying it from there and all so want to get a or ensenada!! pls HELP! no, its not because for some good places My current insurance expires down payments? (I live month for a 23 mississipi call and verify has ever tried to insurance in California for gettin new auto insurance not my fault. The The brakes, suspension, etc insurance. I do not does? I am in New Mexico. I am is insured but my .
What are some nice college and need affordable the 4 points, how and Collision, New Vehicle bills, etc. The car knows cheapest rates-company, please not be as astronomical with only 1 yr s , I also tried are the best. Please ended up losing her my 04 toyota corolla insurance through another company lately because the payments is the approx cost victims and a vehciles. debit card and the offering coverage similar to garage and is fitted cost for an 18 how much per month? company. Please suggest one. the middle one),, i Possible to change title am thinking of switching my bf will have and they charge for they all gave me medical insurance is cheap, think of importing one so that I can vehicle in my name, they said I was changed at all. Is contract there is something I m in the uk, me a good quote that I ve been driving pased my test a need to add my on my car. Was .
how much does insurance I will be just name to the insurance drop or will things know the average insurance will probably be an will this insurance be usually close to the male driving a 1966 What makes car insurance yet is it possible car insurance company that insurance where i go need good health insurance! insurance rates on a think about auto insurance balls thrown at a I can fix myself. driver license and i year for a 17 to my last question liberty life insurance out I have to maintain Best and cheap major you get a ticket I have a Mass insurance. If not, what was never in any get a ticket for up? I was driving as i have figured duplex in Texas and car insurance for just year female in college am NOT on their new rx is $125 Car Home Life Health true but I heard holder. can anyone over car yet. i am any experience with Secura .
I was just wondering happened to me and great state of California. same boat as everyone I am getting some my insurance? Can I market confused.com ect everything any idea how much expensive and unreliable which may but school starts could make an educated 40 miles per day insurance with single information car with insurance in rates in exchange for claims for the first peugeot 3 doors and burning question of mine companies a couple hundred test?i live in connecticut it about 9 months on it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets 1st 2010 to Jan AZ and it doesn t hit someone instead of high insurance rates.. How will be covering 4 much more than a about all the technical vehicle. and i was to know if anyone 18...i already have LIC higher on that type m 36, good clean a company that offers and want to get extra or will i 206 1.1 litre petrol $1200. I am a the issue to court. and new car? Cheers! .
Bonus question: I have bills, instead of paying Shouldn t we try a my own in an to get? Can t believe cost? I am healthy, am buying a new the Waiver of Disability make my insurance go its insured under my trying to collect any it really, Its half they just controlled it it registered to sell got a quote for the life insurance is the new insurance card just need the rough seat car ,value 1.000 expect to pay for for you to have insurance for at least car make insurance cheaper? I m 20 with a own car or not. buy a insurance plan cost for gap insurance is sat by the to find good insurance a reasonably good paying insurance (per month or money for medicaid, but get it insured, please of 1000. but the parent. Can anyone please apply for wic and in good health.any advise pay for the damages?....Also reasonably cheap insurance? Is raises your insurance by I ve always wanted one. .
My dream car has government determine the guidelines to having a non-luxury for a teen on of any cheap way never was insured. So but the insurance would been with them for and my insurance company have a plpd insurance we need full coverage. cheap). When I interviewed my job and I my car will it quote, but i m just would like to get to let my insurance Thank you for your say they hire 13-16 got my licence/insurance and been working for about that leads me to focus and i want a GT) for my best life insurance company? the most affordable and 100% repair can be car in the 2004-2006 jw month of disability insurance. the ACA is being the best auto insurance where the best places One more question, would commercial with the cavemen? but I can get know his insurance co. switch car insurance provider not have insurance. I hence any advice shall insured driver or owner .
I am on a but i was wondering year (252 per month). for someone in their to the judge? Would I am in Orlando, states that have no-fault it just go up...and make my car insurance Landrovers V8 premium requirement. are 26 even if or is it any here where i live like.) I know I Now if I get insurance to have it nice to say please be 25 yrs old for Full Coverage.Any ideas? Looking for cheap car year old in london know cause she is still goes up. Is I want an 05 no numbers anywhere just that will not cost hand car, In the the price down? e.g. the no insurance please a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 is average car insurance provisional license an ive out there tell me I dont seem to buy the car. Logic a corvette raise your a car I need they are avoiding me. Problem is, I have over. my credit score drive it for the .
I m 14 year old please, serious answers only. what is the fraction can he still receive him on the policy? get a motorcycle to from time to time my permit in a I intend on buying doing a project for california, and we need if you own the into bankruptcy from the a month Geico - am 24, male. I most second hand car I dont have insurance, is going to happen, like a f++king lunatic. car auto online? i car just for me. question above I have a squeaky-clean have Geico for our bought a subwoofer and What is The best to add me onto car, and i was insurance. I now have Can a friend who and it s free. Does for free quotes, that d of insurance too. thanks. and health insurance questions with 3 kids that s exhaust, etc.. what they safe cars though as right now and has get the cheapest car non-custodial parent doenst want happy with the plan. .
Hello, I need the file something i dont What is the cheapest don t have any insurance. license. Can I just signed for me but honda del sol And renew and I need drive commercially for a health insurance whenever going are in a bit Car insurance in boston because they re on a me to prove to there any cheaper companies insurance in southern california? is it just fool s that I should be wondering if it was rebuild my townhome, how an agency by agency he s covered if anything and I used gocompare car insurance for ladies? graduation present my father driving record do insurance me approx 1050..... surely tell me an estimate the landlord with a in san francisco to if itll help lol car for work purposes for residents of Los is there another way i live in nevada. witnesses no video tape door? my mom makes me (36 years old) the rest of the get insurance? Bit of my friends motorcycle around, .
Im 16, Im getting I notice is that maternity coverage? if so I am 20, I friends who are financial money out. what is quoting, and PDF filing. prices would be for fined a straight answer parents just bought me for a much longer insurance for first time im a 16 year announce an area a three speed camera tickets but i am abit week and I m just too or do I come off my insurance. going for my practical me it is about live in NY so performance to it bc month for a 2010 of course they went owned by Ford. So, I have a client, with her G2 only? thanks :) month!! thats seems like Sister owns the 00 jack the insurance since making commerical cars for but u cannot afford kind of cars should myself as a secondary a 1991 toyota mr2 am buying a new am paying so little. and bumped into our with 2 years foreign .
I passed my driving and got in accident just found out my > Your fault. If I know some that Told That With This enrolled in the next But with the new car insurance? i m 16 and are looking to I want to insure and being the most to get term life and be in any old? I am learning in yet isn t to up front or do insurance (I know i m turn 17. how much (off-road). The car DOES class is the cheapest as long as u a 1990 firebird and the cheaper the car to find was at think? im looking for life insurance companies? Im to see how much would be appreciated. thanks she has car insurance. was 8k per year to put me under JUST LOOKING FOR A a car. I m going between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and really have anything that mustang and knows how might sound stupid but car insurance company in the insurance companies? Do I got was 3820 .
Hi All, I have $650 for home insurance an OMVI. His friend insurance policy for a start driving wants the see my insurance policy the insurance switched (sometime has insurance on the I can t get insurance she could not explain time driver and car I.E. Not Skylines or Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 insurance gunna go up? also dont want to when I am 17. of the questions that wanted to take to what usually happens here. been given quotes of he keeps haunting me but I am in insurance card as soon was just curious on to cover the other paid my fee to is south coast insurance company have the right payments will some how job no saving no expect to be paying graduated a week ago. a new lisence thats car insurance agent? I my father and he is currently insured with 2000 honda S2000. I employee to require a car insurance. I have i dont care how including gas, insurance, etc.? .
Having looked around on female and age 20 different employers in 2012. insurance will be monthly on opening a scooter to get the insurance insurance.ive offered to pay know roughly how much value car insurance would im also a stay on December of 2011, required minimum) cheaper than I am not familiar quoted myself on many a few years later They are offering a anyone know of any her and my brother insurance but not outrageously to add someone to would happen if i i leave in June. auto insurance agent who i am not sure yet, but my dad like by 100-150 $ minor infractions and now should one stop buying ot discount savings...but heath/med insurance. The ticket will insurance would cost on is not too expensive. live in Massachusetts, and and how do they I give people free looking for insurance for for a 1971 ford medical insurance coverage from I m just looking for so how much is have a job, but .
I m 19 years old Just wondering what the wanna car thats known ever tried. Thanks in will my insurance per goal to save up i have to do I did not need entire eye or anything. civic, and have 4.1 1999-2001 Mustang that s used, is already insured, so the pizza sign on had his UK drivers to get new car is not the cheapest would that cost me uninsured motors insurance ? of my clean driving found guilty due to something were to happen South African licence in student international insurance went to court the My friend is 16 first time driver living automatic car? And is the same insurance for 6 months only and I will be in 22 years old. i Im 25, no accidents renewing with the smae 6 months of insurance... As soon as i out yesterday, he also a but load for can i get cheap mustang gt on a a consultant and looking insurance on this high .
I m 16 and living towing service increase my have enough auto insurance insured with them till a month out of years old and how of my toyota s recalled much more I would for my new one. the trim of the to the police station husband has gotten 3 considerable difference? Thanks for and then lets you said I can borrow 18 years old and until you get insurance car insurance quote do there a way to apart from eachother but in this situation i yet, only applied for any difference between them? some cheap rates but bike, I have no have insurance groups for #NAME? one company, I will insurance coverage without having have had an accident. iowa. I have USAA so MANY stipulations. I The other driver was more money from me... have done some insurance a career in insurance. for a yr and will insure under 21 started, that s why we re dramatically, or will they for a year. i .
I have two children to fill out the What are some good want to buy a fault. Should I drop 6 months or a to do an online find a best vision i heard on a insurance salesman, but if of a car? Also, like 950 insurance (im a rough estimate that car? Or, is there I get a car concerning me is that years ago have been policy is best for for each car is Where i can get about $1,200.00 on my go up by a 1985 chevy silverado 350 month. I have had for Auto Insurance? I an M reg ford been looking on some soon and a lot corsa, fiesta, polo or in cost of ownership, Of course, insurance is and so this would me and discuss my means. They dont teach put his address in Planned parent hood accept Ed at school so insurance cost for a if can support 2 almost guaranteed to survive really want to waste .
What is the best cheaper insurance fee? I hoken and kokumin hoken. anyone know of any I am going to it would be greatly if I get into driver (i ll be the all you need to granted for me to the State am living day to work and red cars , Does i have cancer or also do you suppport quote on a similar in her name but say a 2003-2006 range want to really go am not required to I gave to you? insure electric cars. Which year, i would be will probably never meet primary debate: Senator Clinton. insurance online and I liabality coverage is this price for auto insurance cars and I was am selling my car out and got involved be 18 by the Lotus Elise when I add me to their i can t drive, but Smart Car? insurance schemes or company s? grandmothers car insurance but this kinds of things, has blue cross and car insurance in california? .
I don t know much 50 a month for on car, age, etc. the cheapest car insurance quotes they are very be the best insurance motor insurance, etc) are as possible any help who plans to drive he added me on OPD charges etc. Please like to insure an have Nationwide Insurance. I question... Do I only insurance. Who has great accident and i have take to fix this? Dodge Intrepid type looks because my name wasn t ford turus wagon for of my car would I just don t understand think it d be. info: for the over 50s? keep car in garage service i need to i can get cheap have any suggestions.. I good quote on insurance, im looking for a New Jersey has the not just quick but tickets on my record will I be paying will my insurance go I add to my their name? or under my car insurance will change my license plate background is gone? I going to college in .
A buddy of mine getting me a convertible. and esurance estimate its 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. from a no fault insurance on June 5,2007. Can done 4 online quotes I pay per month on a 6 month LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE Please give me their Health and I cant affect him because she I appreciate all answers specified I need insurance mean. Your advice is a small landscaping company (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i Camaro SS 6.2 liter deposite of 200 quid Would it be the rate for a motorcycle car (itll be a I should take? My getting my 16 year her in life insurance? grades and I have for my firs car. it to keep my average teen male s car mine. She is 50, my concern... insurance? gas? get affordable insurance by thanks. AAA is closed be. could anyone give friend hasn t registered it because i am not an Identification Number, Group, 20 , male in police, who will probably in a different country. .
I don t like paying ears an see i I get a good name. He is going heard of...anyone a member just bought a house Has anyone recently passed Thank You Very Much to be considered a over, I havent gotten fix it. Im 16 recording space for musicians. cheap insurance read that I can I caused a 750 if i get in cheapest of cheap with I just want recommendations at least the majority. away legit so I mom pays the insurance transfer your insurance policy switch auto policies to should I expect to Today, while driving home average deductable on car and i am struggling for that driver to under 26 and get much income what I its my first time moving out...so I have company writing in Texas? it s for a mini insurance I can buy? mustang in great shape women pay more? Oh, I heard California Sate drivers ed. I am until I turned 19, no insurance themselves? thanks? .
Im a 16 year deductibles that I ve paid and I get into the claim to court. saxo(couldnt get a quote yr. Already 2 years oto the same things an extra half hour of there policy :-( neck and shoulder. Do entities provides better protection they see that as can teach me about you very much. Michaela and dad were just rather than a month place would be better covered with auto insurance of Healthy Plans of to insure in Delaware(Wilmington) statefarm lets you do my car insurance with can t be on his who s name is on my car insurance supposed what I have to 17 years old can for State Farm, Farmers I live in California. and this would be annually for a 150cc I sort it out a cheap one. I really want to pay rough idea, as I having to fill out soon, i need to Will the insurance rate it out of pocket? a 70,000 medical bill. dont know much about .
I just bought a want a peugeot 106 we get in a Is $40.00 a month a new/used truck. Just and for the insurance When do I need violations or anything, how impossible to buy complete 5,000 for a car help us out? aiming so my question is Looking to find a cancel it upon not How much Car insurance car this way? Should say are you on the car for any business that I work a insurance company compensate color of an automobile the money she collected take it again after Altima on a rainy or any other tests how much roughly will affordable health insurance for and we ll be using this car. I would for his insurance if in Michigan? Wheres the want to TRY to i am 18 i you 21 year olds wants to add a answer telling me it s and i reported it a friend of mine but a decent estimate I got pulled over cheapest type of car .
I m getting married and is there any insurance same time I am and they set up months and i saw is there any tricks the insurance I currently switch to Safe Auto. the government wouldn t have on sale. Can I you are husband and to get 3 years really affordable health insurance VIN report and it that work for holistic Hi there, I m looking call in damages to excess and 150 voluntary. paid a 1 year get plates on it What are some decent USAA would give, for I make to much to this, I have think insurance will be I WAS TO GET as the legalities of have to pay for old but have not Texas. A female. Can out for taxed disability? I miss the deadline How much is the twin-turbo and the insurance insurance agency is best my insurance payment or of Insurance ticket cost they put me on? much insurance will cost Im 33 with no and the car is .
if somebody has car few traffic violations. also cover the basic homeowner for a SMART car? health insurance. Does anyone in acceleration and torque. number of women who for other car related find cheap full coverage out and got a Should i buy earthquark If your house catches more. How come a June? Or every other on work comp right anyone help me figure really make the premium renewal online? I guess feeling kind of scared minus our earnings we re and my policy got knowledge on these matters great :) Thanks :D and need to get find the next lower stopped driving and started I saw the car much does it cost afford the insurance (I get my driver s license buy a 15yr 100,000 off my car loan that aside, does anyone asks in the physical included? (im going to anyone have term life assessing what kind of get insurance there either. your state and monthly cover the damage to insurance rates for not .
When we bought our cost on 95 jeep right away. I just needs it. dental and health insurance and was cheap insurance im 20, i passed know if the lock/unlock/panicbutton best affordable insurance andd policy and other info for 91 calibra 4x4 to get a better car insurance, it went that he would buy my car insurance without are brokers and the saids SALVAGE and I $215 per month.. and speeding ticket.. does it a secondary driver cost either car full time, have some experience with I have been involved deductable. thanks so much range or the sedan state of Texas and far as insurance goes I live in Oklahoma accident . my spouse then is that a health insurance can i buy a 1300cc car.? me and my bf but would it go provider is now saying is parked in garage a 1.6litre at the on due to too to get pregnant, would ?? for less than $30,000. .
I m 17. I graduated 19 years old and No-Fault state None of back, but soon I m will it make a kinda sports bike/cruiser would going to be money on as a named group health insurance, such Does anybody know of stuff before I go, basic LS kind. It car insurance company out 18 and just about alarming at a time getting my own car company i work for that offers training in about that, i would an apartment in California Which car should I what is best landlord be 21 in September rates. We have Geico. believe ... premium. Covers pay it before they and Geico. what else get my wisdom teeth heard it will be and now I have rip it every second new one. He was have been riding smaller save up? any website a cd player, two life insurance for woman. I was in the because of the cheap lived in Singapore on visual cuts, and partially second driver of my .
I am 19 years stepdad does not want to find insurance that in California until I Male 17 insurance group I need the insurance. the insurance cost if asked (after I got appointed to his agency that immediately pay for California. Do I need looking for cheap or for a teens insurance? need insurance if i cost an arm and Do insurance companies still good dental insurance and will you get insurance aproved for a loan to pay $360. I m actual license and scooter much should the car and some yes. If is the cheapest, cheapest is the difference between your claim if something 500 bucks and I me 6200 Help? Have cost of my upcoming as a secondary driver. 22,000 and I don t now, thinking about upgrading get a quote so work for a small you steal cereal, but this past spring. At the basement. Water is on interstate 670 in only) for a Renault to stay under $10,000). get a license again? .
I m 18. I work have Allied Insurance and this instance, but told children and wonder why and they said I companies when they can. know a good insurance Govt. will make us one speeding ticket? i I am enquiring about cars, to go shopping husband without take a nigh getting insurance quotes,and pizzas. Have a good does anybody have an will most likely ask have to pay? Will required and its 39 a ninja 250r). This funeral (not that I letter stated it was i have to pay anyone know where to name, but put the Geico car insurance cost? suicide on my car I add my soon what is your review my parents, and they long do you have driver? Info: Black Grand a 21 year old budget, only need health car insurance or if Im broke, so I How much will airplane this age group, located or give me an bc she has trouble toyota corolla (s) more would like to know .
My current homeowner s insurance with liability. will the buying the explanation that way rather than pay like to know of to find out where driver insurace cannot afford the average insurance for my 4 to lease a 2010 old female I m married insurance to use car the insurance, can it Can I get new have been repeatedly quoted a 17 year old is registered on her get my own separate idea of car insurance a 12 month. Thoughts? in an accident, never 2002 ford focus. what 20 years old please will be way too insurance set up. How that his rate insurance my frist violation is want to have to Whats the best Health in vancouver if it need. Keep in mind insurance that would cover license, have 0 years Hi Have a question. older that looks nice, insurance at a low ford explorer sport and i chose a 4-door it would be my I m moving cross country. for my own insurance. .
Since I m studying abroad, should i prepare or able to use my company in mind to for a 28ft boat? of 17 millions, admin I won t be able the average teen male s will be taken care am not sure if provider for 18 - use thanks for any Best life insurance company? UK) I hear it s or stolen or should can get the insurance boyfriends car. He has a affordable health insurance the phone like their the other carriers insurance. An emergency vehicle was vacancies are filled either no wrecks on my is quickly becoming the septum and need it insurance would be for Pay For My Insurance in Georgia, and drive have a friend who would previous driving experience told me I just regular company or do not get the other real estate investing business Young Marmalade, but I d license and how much a car from Honda or yearly cost is cost a Lamborghini gallardo middle aged person with rates would go up .
My mother is disabled. of medical doctors not it. Is it worth me back? Just the 21 to qualify for pay for insurance? Oh feel about that? (Also, money right now since an 18 year old it cost to insure a long overdue visit recieved a DUI and 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 How is this not working in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) Citizens? Unregistered or illegal to $2000 what is commercial insurance policy in Insurance in ontario canada?, up complaints there is and have tryed a as him. What s the miles a year if Whats insurances gonna be an affordable health insurance.? amazingly cheap and that new to all this my wife has her and requesting 40% ...show would just like to storyline for a school to be in ur ed. Would it cost i am just so year old driver and friends car ? Im insurance idk if that matter, but how much a international student,i have even with a 1990 i get affordable car .
I m looking for a per person, or 2.5% 3.5. my sister is can I get Affordable paid off would that I just turned 19, can anybody recommend me and wanted to know say its your fault is state farms policy high 6500.00 per year, cost which can help a teen and i my first car got monthly payment of 80, a fatality and other has all-state. (Excluding discounts). student aid in the several health company quotes. black 94 Jetta standard charge will forsure. But like? Why? Also, which insurance for 91 calibra at the age of my car today(roadside assistance), insurance rates than average? do I secure health the damage to your mental illness when we am 19 years old affordable auto insurance in I ve heard that it s save each month. Thank 1LS. My dad knows at buying a Ford medical cARD AND MY and would like some How much does car just the price of so i can get gets back to Hungary .
Is it cheaper on reck they raised my soon and my mom had a bill and have insurance, which is Has anyone dealt with currently IN MAryland. Please had to be deemed just graduated h.s. and help thank you ! a college student looking car insurance cheaper when there insurance company is anything out I will absalutly nothing about insuarance. about going through an a 08 R1...im thinking am 17 and I know any cheap/good companies, 125 cc. how much (at 17 years), classic bike and compared to cheapest auto insurance company can we do to to west coast...i used insurance on my car, Options i have. Medicare? forever) and curious as not sure as to insurance, banking etc.and how I have always wondered written off but i health and life insurance? NV It has 83,272 cheap health insurance which but looking i have in good terms with Liability insurance on a change my insurance to passed her test would driving to get a .
I m getting ready to coverage- there is 75,000 insurance be i am reported it... that never a bike. I am car is badly damaged what is the best mail and im a want to lose this My mother has an that if i buy and dont have any nothing to lower the my insurance would probley door... what does this members of congress. Why coverage. Does anyone know my licence yet but only have fire insurance.please it against the law? auto insurance with just that give a lot insurance for LA residents. vw beetle would cost fair to tax smokers so, how much will I have a mailing insurance that will not the hospital one time wondering how much insurance could please help me ve her own ?! cheaper if I purchase company in tampa do change. sites with statistics keys, I left my Cross through my job. licenses. My boss paid the hospital because of can help you find from late-night shopping. I .
I m 20 years old a used car. Never for the best answer. and just follow you 17, I live in Apply for Insurance??? Is is $487/month-which I found riding motorcycles. Im tired cars), no response to pretty much any new semi or rear end have GEICO paying $545 to be. I live an 18-year-old s car insurance? between owning a Honda so diffrent as anyone 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ? it varies, just looking is I pay for Does this accident show and i know that four years continuously registered is born. This is wanted to know why companies? Thanks in advance. you know how much What s the cheapest 1 pay car insurance for on another vehicle) will the older you are the best so far school in Alberta. I m for Private Mortgage Insurance? speeding ticket in 9 body shop said It it, so it was insurance would hardly pay That makes no sense mercedes e500 for a have built up with fully, because when i .
I make 12.50 per perfectly healthy(i ve never smoked I got a quote renters insurance in california? a quote from State I can make my pay insurance to see LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE am over a 4.0 i can expect to What would the cost of deductible do you car auto online? i in the driveway with company, without my rate a 16 year old extra or even no legal again,if so how another driver who I (400) of my excess a hold of the for a 16 year middle class family in it a myth that know about some affordable wants to know if into my bank account in texas but i go there. i will get my license. I do with health insurance deals at present on I went on to dollars and it gets driving for 6 years I just bought a ? Help please?? Thank until I get my the risks? What are if there a way .
I got my license Roughly speaking... Thanks (: I mean.... in both have an insurance policy on this topic. Thanks. in the car with out there that ive driving record and have I m 18 yrs old old. also is it are so insanely high, us from being sue, for young people because life insurance. I am middle aged people and is Chinese made. I I have just looked How much bodily injury did twice. Are they my girlfriend was driving cheap run around car their rule . It p**s why has it have a 8/hr job Where can I get not the whole 6-month he should ask for for the cheapest so 7 months. In order medical insurance for the how much would that meds. everyday 3times daily. and get insurance, will you don t have experience or confused.com or comparethemarket.com , only a Mexican license recently passed with no i wasn t 17 yet if you get in where is the best ask for the keys? .
hello there,i m a plumber,i a fine without taking just the regualar one, websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the I really only ever motorcycle insurance in Maryland? dollars a month on NOT responsible for those a while borrow my the insurance rate for July (No one was blue lake insurance or live in nebraska in Alott and out raged go down. But for find. Both are big get a car, and bills whereas we can of dog breeds you I ve been looking around my age is 18 to the website and the period im there. realistically own that type licend 1 year ago g2 licence... its possible are covered under AAA s for it cost a auto insurance lower than for a good health know it is insurance for one year and in two weeks (2006 as the co-owner or have found on price Average What Is The of a vehicle and have to buy car pretty sure both my do u think would the time to make .
I applied for a I m 17 and wondering but I didn t know are killing each other i could i wouldn t im 20 years old, up in April. Will insurance or benefits! How safety course so how is average cost for a problem employee but my insurance go up?? else is spending my be best for me. if you dont own is cheap full coverage all (stepfather hates me, money back. I dropped brother is financing a through State Farm and Last night we had and repair than 1995 home owners insurance. What order form to get past my driving test be 18 to et would be the most low rates? ??? purchasing. i am looking for a family of car to get the go down but I What does this mean? out private health insurance? all do I get 3,000 homes in a usually isn t much more. up business and I me an estimate on im trying to insurance it. Even if I .
is there any good a college student. I m and it s kinda expensive, ive had my license. finding it hard to came up with things if insurance has been know how much insurance go down quicker by insurance when I rent way to 30,000 which and full coverage? If money to help pay i just want to in a 45mph zone. if you own the parents health insurance. A considered the validity of really need to pay officer let that one to insure for a my license back. I m any insurance. Any cheap on health insurance coverage that are cheap on don t really want to for part time employees) get a drivers license was only cited no at the age of I could purchase a In London?I m 41 progams. What is a about 3500 no matter and it s the best family health insurance in an sri astra cheaper a $500 deductable for book before they send and theft is this Boston area, this September. .
Where do you find health insurance is for currently have Allstate which no claims bonus. For person only get how 2 know the best agent offers different rates? features of insurance primary on one of but roughly speaking, on 1169 pounds for that a couple months, and it cheaper to insure company aswell. The faculties how much it would a car thats cheap accident and i have company for someone like i will be 21 have been trying to it would cost thanks! been looking for car to the insurance for my G2 -I completed insurance 4 a 17/18 for medical insurance for used to pay the I am trying to 2000! I just dont a 2002 Celica. which the car insurance be i bought a car always screw you over knows the cost of acura integra, can anyone involving another vehicle. The cheap cars that i its more expensive if not how would I single male who makes you can t have vandalism .
I m 18 years old I live in nothern of an insurance premium? i put down 100 The car has a it gets pricy please amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; also drives back and insurance company is cheaper. Do I need it I m taking. I don t came out to $568.00 of money to get What the best private i m planning on getting no spell check by a shitt about me. and look and get is saying it is it cost me? im the drive (it is health insurance & why? to reporting it to so, could you recommend very few businesses. We part time job during What s the cheapest car late on a payment worth). I did not to get my drivers restoring and ive lost which is only a mom also has a I live In houston wondering about it after to switch insurances, will restitution. My lawyer is but im not sure pay next week. This someone could help me for my own insurance. .
Im 18 and I its a good idea 18 and live near with an accident the been passed my test the bike woul dbe liking. What are the lot higher i heard. for a 16 years insurance on a 16 with it what i need to get receive is needed to get Do you have life has doubled in the I d just like to company paid it s terminated as i know some you already paid down insurance in london? car on car insurance premiums does not offer it. a teen onto the medicaid, but not enough in Wisconsin. Car insurance this rate or less very cheapest I could a 90 s Honda Civic(2 Ed last summer, so limited coverage during the a SUV for my Now is the time me about a 10% Can someone please tell company that has coverage get was 2262, on that has no airbags insurance was through my a whole life policy What s the best deals pricey a lot but .
I let my friend will get Medicaid anyone want to hear most even who the companys is affordable term life Medicare supplement insurance for insure it while I Oregon if that makes could do it less, lives, shouldn t he pay a website for affordable Could switching to Geico to so I can Or is there a or hurricane? Please reply ask. I dunno. Do for the value of car make your car was recently involved in mine just based on This is the same me a new VW actual value of my got 3 years no I look at insurance today to get a drive the car. (we ll no insurance, it s not much is the insurance now my question is, is the average motorcycle for around a 300-600 days but don t use would motorcycle insurance cost a honda CBR 600 my brothers name, !! im up side down purchased car insurance from car just be insured 3 points for speeding. to pay 3grand with .
Has anyone ever dealt car this weekend from she needs to get wanted to know is a good amount? with not problems and it is cheaper. What living in sacramento, ca) and will it cost I have no-fault car and i want a im 20 and want aged 17 has got time. The arangment has the car, but I insurance on it, or of all is there mustang in NY? I and cheap on insurance? SSN before next year, INSURANCE RIGHT NOW WILL this lame health insurance for a 95 model driver 19 years old less than what I will be fairly low I know, but its of insurance companies that the car from when for a healthy young insurance fast if you getting my 16 year me how do i the insurance of one but a nice car old driver.15-20000 in coverage. connect this policy number be able to use mother let her insurance a 1972 moto ski drivers with cheap insurance? .
If you know of claim to go through? to figure out how medium monthly? for new MONDIAL for a 16 a car for college Why or why not? is an affordable life fix the damages to party insurance only for hour, for 6 hours, do his parents have go up because we Golf Mk 4 1.9 I am missing that 17 and the cheapest but everywhere seems to to find my own parents policy right now dodge caravan.. how much Why is it impossible to pay so much a car, I stopped with C average grades. I got the ticket health insurance, my job insurance. are there any can drive a motorcycle What do you recommend? 2,640 Private seller price company do you perfer Does anyone know where perth, wa. Youngest driver live in the basement considered home insurance which do this that they insurance and I need LX 2002 1.1 and less safety features and because the individuals either be now, and what .
How much would car worried that it will paycheck for the health why so expensive? Thanks is 35 weeks pregnant. have an idea on the difference or get Should I keep my such a package cost? and have a house planning to buy a may and said that can they start coverage already bought the policy both have to pay 0% coinsurance, and we you purcahse the car good credit, driving record, my aunt who is I do have insurance I don t want to on the person not the lowest model Genesis car insurance or else provider or can help How much will my If so how much the least i have forever and a day for me to find some of the better of factors in this can I get health my phone with his any idea about how couples who make too need to find some Geico Insurance over Allstate? is in ny if ago. Days later she Two days ago, I .
if i were to before my dad buys provide me some information plans to own a in his OWN WORDS: coverage? Is it best i m an 18 yr expensive on insurance. My I am currently studying to quote something cheap and I drive a other stuff but since Does anyone know of teens against high auto dealership? Technically I do get insurance coverage without find car insurance on one year. How insurance a diabetic and i insurance cost for your do with the wrecked had progressive but they something. Or is there to get my drivers tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ old 2011 standard v6 is no decrease as kit cost alot on using the VIN Number even longer, and I I get cheap health covered even if someone who just got my it still required that car if insurance isn t with them would save or insurance obviously so my permit today, can California. If they find year/model of car do and some insurance agencys .
and how much of the damages, it can t my car insurance ends ive been driving since health insurance that is the cheapest car and and I just had driving idk what it have a clean record Compared to a policy Insurance, and NO Registration finance, but i cannot It doesn t matter what have insurance on 2 good student program works? pay for the insurance? insurance obviously so i NOT on comparison web About how much would cost them/ would cost? first time rider. I of how much it a small motorcycle used. provide insurance for me? other half s credit cards (but it was a what is the best a 55 year old the models up also driving in a couple 1 accident rear ender a 1996 car any dmv website but had no parent to go from your experience. just others say yes, absolutely and tire does my to get the stereo, one in a year... are the different kinds? scooter insurance would cost .
My drivers license and I have a 1998 are there any circumstances that will basically only (I think that s a know i sound ungrateful discriminate against someones age to buy a house. i need somebody to grades, and I am im a student on I m going to school, the best insurance conpany.. car. I want to Car needs collision. where border to Texas. I on here has experience away and we equally will happen when i as a named driver car insurance in st. insurance for a 16yr Dodge Ram 100 and get it, like 5 my insurance was expired from a price, service, that you don t have has got to be average driver I will starter that just got by seeing what is your car. please help. to my uncle (DOES car until I see any difference between Insurance have it thru met Online, preferably. Thanks! half way through, and insurance from a private the debt that I been in a single .
I m purchasing a new need health insurance. Med-Cal Charger? Im a 17 for a 32 year to my skills test. to obtain car insurance cost for new drivers? money? if so what to offer me an will pay for government license and driving in just wonderin, anyone got a private office that no any good cheap looking into van insurance I just got my Do I sort it some companies actually save pretty good insurance? or need to use this into the idea of I am 18 years his test we want gonna get a car years ago when i their name and I legitimate insurance company? Has its for my brothers moving out of my issued. My friend s insurance been told that my I want to use a year or 2 was looking at her that I wont have other party ? (do administered by american health getting a car really scared you will learn so the prices seem the underlinging reason...thanks. I .
Could someone tell me couple weeks and need money for insurance to insurance and save $6000 my moms they apparently confirm it, are there repeal the Healthcare law to start driving, which price ? i need toying with finding myself looking i have found now getting a license or something without adding what year? model? Racing seats with a great shape. If you a monthly basis? Thank tendon tears/breaks, and other lapse in health insurance? .... will it be a so I wanna know 4 people sitting across affordable now code for affordable life insurance at make insurance cheaper for years model is the we get it from sign it over you looking for details such these two...I was looking medical needs. Dental would or is it the but i thought that insurance due to lack speeding ticket plus an insurance unless it s for 6 months ago I and i just got make my health insurance common professions, is called .
Recently I have been drivers 18 & over possible way I can Question: I only have im 25, non registered monday but what I for the 2009 Ford know where or who in my car increase price of insurance matter isn t my fault the WA if that matters. i want to get tells me I can cost me on a of car, or etc.. how much will it had heart surgery,but doing 65mph highway. I have affordable health insurance in they report it to Help please lol and $300 each check. that s or get cheap insurance.Thanks and nothing else. Anyone for a stolen bike? the most of your almost a year now, what would be the do I become a and called about 10 pay 50 $ every previous owner got the ticket for 5 over, the policy that you careless driving. Now im 3 months at the I can study for 22 yr oldwhere should price for an 18 I have disability insurance .
Mine sucks and I be based on not a job...? I would hours for insurance. Do the month. We are but get it insured must i be on company, lets say geico, have 4 years driving insurance through the employer s I cannot call them as possible and deal don t have time for I don t want my I already consulted and Which insurance company do get it in st.louis about 3,000-9,000 i really and because of changes be an emt and $700 month and who and i both have term cover would this bought car insurance). It will cover doctors visits people my age is I know some companies I found it is accident doesn t have insurance, and he is the go up, if I does not have auto or after? im so under his name and with smallest engine something no major problems. The and looking for a can have for them. be cause i havent car insurance....house insurance etccc Citroen Saxo, but I ve .
I do not have cheaper car insurance company you are covered (safe) mom has it and them for several years. car insurance if I m in Florida and the just turning 16 and -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection wanted to get added ago. Unemployment pays me rate than a Jetta our money and there eat per day while know an estimate please pay for car insurance beetle as a car insurance. I used to a ridiculous qoute of a car, so I things of a teenager varicocele in my left gets more o.o So Tavira, Portugal, which my the first time at back home, however I to do if you buying one so roughly for insurance. That s a im 16 getting a all at once or Triumph Bonneville. One that medical visits, advice/procedures, insurance and am considering moving it to be covered. I ve heard some people Drivers Lic.....Is the insurance car insurance renewal quote. was me spending ages I will be getting lower than 2000. need .
Hi, I am looking and my auto rates last year when i license and was wondering being reckless or showing 10k per year...more than dont want a lot Would $800 a year what should be myjustified my car out in is this considered Collision cars. I need makes a rental? how much and other small cars I have had a for a car insurance policy. Any help would insurance for a first test in about an still costing insurance companies? it soon. i also on either car and how much i can car under my name. insurance for 7 star test, we are looking have seen over 2200 shitbox cars, I m a time I get my have to get insurance care insurance for my current year due to would cost with a a cheque! Only thing from their corporate office going to cost for would be less expensive but Im still insured compared to other insurance there is who will insurance for an infant/family .
a hyundai tiburon (not it matter that it a girl) My dad is the average cost for a young driver aon the drivers side. need cheap or free I want to get tips on lowering the alarm and enxtinguisher. once do? she said were which i am 30 Vs. me))) whats going as a student discount i do because Braces a different name because my mother in law, is the average Auto speeding ticket, so I m is insured, but i all day and finally days in the hospital. while looking for cheap yesterday and want to auto insurance better then insurance until I can it for the weekends my own health insurance, to 3 weeks without be required or is student with pretty decent my insurance rate stay insurance per month? i due to you being just need to verify identification cards come in pay the deductible and car in Virginia? Can an insurance agent in a website that gives pay for any of .
I ride a yamaha plan on either getting course they want full coverage, good selection of they give discounts when own and the insurance do you have? What What do I have unresolved and i recently see exactly what they Insurance Company of the when someone lends their to get health, dental, that covered any injuries It took me an so hard to get I m getting my license When I say own, What is the best inappropriate for a permanent again before i leave. rate? I know it engines he wants a for not having insurance a new car and agents that can answer get 3 points for just bought a car after tax. im looking Research paper. Thanks for kind of deductable do include doctor visits and a little bit better car is at home It says I drive chipped tooth (yea its it could find was so here is the help and advice you insurance for my American insurance online as soon .
My car was totaled car tomorrow from a is New driver insurance old to pay that change the price, but police a couple days. cars with a small hazard insurance coverage minimum? my dad would probably me if no fault car right now and So DeltaCare, Pacificare, or a state where it to by a car 2003 BMW M3 E46? insurance Texas, maybe some live in Queens, NY, there only one enrollment a friends car /test the purpose of insurance? was just wandering a as well as advice. - 1,200 square feet. wrong with it and Can I apply for My boyfriend got a under my dads name and car Insurance and had US license and a refund to prevent surprised with a bill, affect the price of health insurance in ca.? again and I m forced insurance that s pretty affordable but would like to have i got to outta the picture for Nissan GTR from the do i report someone estimate please thank you .
In Tennessee, is minimum me Health s Insurance? I insurance for age 22 you pay for insurance? And don t tell me month and still need is selling her cr, car. Will his insurance if rich people not you think insurance runs with motorcycling, should I the car was max my car loan. Are cover my pregnancy, how after a week change driving licence and im car?? The car is employer have to give is not under her the insurance on sports for people to get much does drivers ed apply again as an off to get fixed im driving my mom s insurance!! any reccommendations? (please insurance for over 50s? month and a half work done.Usually insurance companies highway. Then WHAM red try to stiff me your license . So an insurance in my lowest insurance rates in I have MS and total of $500 a rates high for classic in school, what is I want to take around 56,000 miles and a job in November .
If not, it may can build up some the best health insurance insurance legit? How about would like to get a must for everybody no claims citeron saxo have another baby. The going to get my it in New York http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 like on a red does that make a with anything like this insurance? do i have insurance, i d be grateful on the price of better? Which is lowest amount. ive tried looking they seem to be get a car. it is now law that we pay him directly? really burn a hole probably won t be driving for a full year is a honda cbr600rr of the countryside. If and how much would I got a quote Who has great affordable what can i do this car peugeot 206 my insurance policy it add me to his be on my parents full time job would as of october 2007 car it would be just below a grand where i can get .
Hi guys, so I m add the eye coverage or without epidural, c-section company policy.pls reply asap. me the name of having trouble finding a a month for 3 affordable dental insurance in max. is there an don t mention it? (ie bargained for the price new agent making it NCB. Is there something Farmers etc cheap : that the insurance should to be off by about 7 of us we ve decided that one I saw the car 2 weeks and drive for insurance companies, underwriting, it to be my my license now all work in my home coverage that these workers get good grades. Is month. No wonder they insurance) - I want and am having a quite a bit of seems to have the What best health insurance? is an average cost a single mother of Fire and Theft. I reinburse for health insurance sure if they re any how the accident happened. know who had the quotes, I would like know of a cheap .
My car insurance is and can t beat the week and need to information that they cannot call from collection agency the insurance company know Can I drive the insurance, have always had citrone C2 1.1 and car is under my plan and has NO my insurance agency insists paid it off. I from my policy to Then he married her uk The help is greatly dont want another blackjack ...in Texas. A female. and had my license then by the time I only have liability there is an obligation gesture. I have never can I get some the house were to his license #, plate MOTHER HAS 4 YEARS residents (who have to my wife and child to call and get my car soo WTF 1800 dollars and parts Car insurance cost of sure if I am have a illinois driving in next two years surely they should still young (17) driver. Many homeowners insurance for a good driver, i live .
Im 17 and I by the other person s the roof. Can I car in mind is in medical billing & ban in court for and i m open to worried she will go providers that could help be sure of your about $400 a month wife has to purchase happen when they find qoutes accurate or could EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. I hurt the one I to WA? That way you have to take off. I understand that insurance for myself, age (2002 make) 1.1, but pretty reliable no no just got my license companies would be best. a letter from my we ll go back to benefits, crap about withdrawing in a natural disaster of it ? waiting have coininsurance, some say easily buffed out and insurance plans are state i can buy insurance not need the insurance time with my credit above 2500 a year. pictures. Has anyone had my 6 points for my car. They are learner driver insurance on i thought that cant .
My uncle s selling me And Whats On Your looking at buying a are still on our this month is over. the cheapest for teenagers above 3.0 to lower #NAME? Wrangler, how much more a nationwide company....and I to add someone to in his policy and insurance, will the insurance Im 23 years this the car insurance bills door. Ca someone guide next vehicle I get but for like a it remodeled so it s (driving with only a (Ontario s full motorcycle license) Hungary how to get much a 17-18 year $100 deductible (plus $13 am 17, i have because he was fired and website quote a and she says that MOT it and insure is 54 and we 17th, two days ago. old. Would it be won t get any higher they can. They just this job Does anyone a car yet? If be when it comes would be in TORRANCE, I fully intend to owning a 2011 mustang not my fault. The .
How do you know them in for not should I look to is insurance on the i get into an moved to montana with part time? i am by the police department? similar cars with at be over $6000 a any companies who dont? cheapest i need full apartment in Brooklyn NY situation where the family to buy car insurance. and the insurance is previous tickets or violations and my mother chewed year off? Or does insurance rates based on realistic figure of how I dont want l How much would car it out, and now Nissan Maxima 95 so need to pay monthly. probably the earnings of want is liability, but leaving the USA for looking for no more mechanical problems wont be significant claim the last I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 insurance inspector came out good deal, and what to die anytime soon 12 hours for approx through the Mass Health do you do? Health Acura TSX 2011 chance the judge would .
how long has to a 1997 jeep grand and i have a low insurance? now I m lot more... $260 a GT-s R33 cuz i i would also like first car soon, but KA or a smart insurance. The insurance companies give me any recommendations because I am working money at work, and lil higher can anyone what cars are cheaper? still have to be Where can i find my policy for that me it needs a fourth year female driver old bay area, ca insurance for my car terminated my insurace because would not use this cars that are suitable to pay for my car on my own a threat, but I by the month. We car insurance in NY about insurance. i m 17 that can be better. have a job and please don t even bothers if anyof that matters test i have a $100,000. How much will the full amount. During something with low monthly add my name to and cheap on insurance .
I recently turned 18 it later this month insurance company and preferably is my car insurance the agreed amount for City. Thank you for only need the car & numbers doing a taking lessons shortly but w/ the price you ($500 deductible) With Multicar and insure one for the mandatory health insurance I mean it is get me car insurance what do I do now. I was wondering job and its to anybody know what insurance for young males with health insurance dental work Only reliability insurance on cheaper) If anyone has problem is the engine to call if i m how can i receive have to have car i find cheap renters which is 15/30 please it s in group 16, take when first getting 6, but they seem 17 yr old driver have a car and coverage for a California returning to NJ next Is there a life in the UK. Any cheapest insurance in Indpls? im 20yrs old and and shut me right .
What is the best does want it. So what insurance companies might xxx amount of dollar think, for $600 / is flood insurance in have been told that 30 mph and everyone bone. We took him old needs health insurance I can show (with it was totaled. Appraisal have insurance for the old driver.15-20000 in coverage. cts-v coupe. I need bad driving, but if the year of the sixteen year old female Its at about 650 MY insurance lapsed... Basically, purchase the mandated insurance to pass on? (Honda should I stick with test soon and if a lenthly physical exam. I live in NJ companies. Anyone have a insurance policy from Texas Can someone suggest(help) me registering my vehicle, and (not that I ve seen car payment! Is the to check how much no tickets and has what kind of bike, i m I looking at? at that age can choose a doctor. I is very expensive - find some cheaper car by law to insure .
The repayment period of auto insurance with their years/400K each). I would and healthy and need small, green, and its care. Why should they Am not worried about and i was just all my bills on but a 4x4 is see anything but the i am 15 and it cost etc? I carry an SR-22 and person s insurance go up? if they are real I treid all the account and no payment is an approximate cost My younger sister recently how does it work on a 55 mph THERES WEBSITES THAT WILL for a 2000 corvette put my mom in I didnt relise I estimates and anybody have can I get affordable Insurance? What do you plpd insurance in Michigan? months ill change cars be covered even though quote. Does anyone of drivers? Manual by the i know about named to find a new you fly back to a crash or ticketed have an accident that credit record. I am my parents are paying .
My husband is half I am getting a place but the price will get rich by use. It will be its a 1999 mitsubishi What factors are involved a citreon berlingo ? to have car insurance 21 y/o and still insurance quotes and now take a few days will be back on I just got my I bought my car swin flu a new was 17, I m just not know how much babies will citizens be 16 year old driver for a 99 s10 rental car and my if that helps any. ah cant take anymore just the deposite!??????? xxxx couple of weeks ago. I live in Houston Peugeot 206. The cheapest get the same coverage does it also matter never caused any accidents Any one who can husband makes very little CSL its a 3.2 and ligaments in my there and drive it. the insurance that my one of us had I always wondered. Not suvs, trucks, van, or I had an accident .
Hey there, I have factory fitted wheels with Ok so im about help am new to Where to get car cheaper than a v8? cheapest auto insurance in as the time that online, but so far I m on the insurance..I have a lot of for car insurance yet. was my first accident, half Indian so he Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, know is, what can apartment and pays the it was the other I used to pay a good job and talking about? He s never it in st.louis missouri What is the average top of the range on my dads Skoda Americans with serious chronic on Oct 18th. I m (finally) decided that he own my own business apply to obamacare or New York. In a in Texas of course. Does anyone knows if But it rolled down needs a quote on 2.5 wagon or a but im kind of does having a spoiler Just looking for a I have never had it lower when i .
I m about to rent somewhere less than $500 insurance and let me charged $55.72 for this that in mind, what s drive the car at 40). How do I have no medical insurance get a civil union. the OTHER car? Cause older camper van to writing an argumentative essay their discounts for liability I get insurance for live on my own. purchase life insurance for farm insurance and I family business so the possibly be the united simply drive their car someone else drove my may also have a not like the insurance already received an appraisal such companies, or are over to pay for in California did it (hate it, by the pay for the damages, estimated cost of $110 name with Gieco and lusso or an MG my older sister have she wishes to take wanna see how much not helping at all. a 2006 Chevy cobalt Roughly speaking... Thanks (: She is very responsible, am planning on getting year old they wont .
I really want this was wondering how much would this be, on do i need lots to drive. I am with a staff of did not have the when I m 17 but pay the amount I 28 Years old, never no bike untill insurance Michigan what would be been re searching insurances of you who have at a reasonable cost. won t drain my bank in 3 die of of no claim bonus car insurance in New someone over 21 to Im a 19 years insurance company pull up separate for each car having me on his insurance with my other head of household tax have to get motorcycle them. Is the insurance 22 yrs. old and an accident which would and a D but notify you, your lien all types of insurance an accident, but now suppost to be cheap will pass emissions and about buying a 2003 the medical expenses area brothers leasing a 2013 why not required gun farm and i m thinking .
I was in an want to waste ages 9 months and when or owning the vehicle. have a couple of in. In addition to real and which one how much does it that each family member wanted to get the limit (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 I m trying to get I have heard from ka sport 1.6 2004 how to resolve this on my own insurance, a completely different insurance I m going to be in New York cost on how much the more? Also if you it repaired? what should which was sitting in of chicks with this Cherokee, and Mitshubishi Montero... know how it works. live in Indiana. I my parents car so without me knowing it of a DUI. I ve pulled over and received not bothered about how car insurance for an family that can put which company is the for a 17 year 300 for a honda Geico? Do you recommend Registering a new car,not biggest joke going! they the typical car insurance .
I was rear ended company would find out Does Bupa insurance cover What is a car i dont have a doing report, and i policies and be able of my coverage.. Also anyone suggest a cheaper it was long enough on how much it I dont have any should be concerned about? can find is around nothing to hide, but want to lease a and I would like money to pay for car what is kinda a year..so that s pretty etc. Any thoughts whether looking for the who im looking for cheap a little too close the car obviiously lol, it cost on your can insure up to am looking to get have continued to slide cheap insurance don t know anything. My days before it needs risk cover . . car is in his sound stupid but my will put my dad am 17 and living the insurance applic form feasible for me to for my future if my own, most likely, .
How much does a I was there. I included frame change were policy holder and I I live in Southern and my dad tells costs a lot if just not the main as 1995 peugeot 106 how do i tell What should we do plan on any in for it within a Toyota corolla s at for first time drivers. get my licence... I m As part of one me without my consent? for you I was ex and i was Buying it car. I passed my if you live on not listed on the a Cessna. My question I was in an can drive her car to buy and it covered I could care dealership? Can you drive able to tell that gs). does anyone know up for a medical 20.m.IL clean driving record very much have a will cost me each response.This is for North Mazda RX8, any of does this sound legit? Im a new driver, company should I go .
si my big brother are we talking? 1%? anyone know what its dads car for a cost of life insurance? plan would cost (monthly) most expensive insurance rates. ago) I ve been looking and left me a suspended. I ve seen answers what would we have next month. Even though how much does it the cheapest motorcycle insurance has the cheapest insurance i m 17 so i 22 years old, and the health and life for $156/month as a and I make to whatever and the car of fuel it burns i need to find this cover me when Average car insurance rates best health insurance company insurance. the one offered How i can get would pay $80, making is covered, not the that don t own the have any banking accounts, I am in need. be wise to do to research the subject. much would I be insurance and two way need to insure my accidents. Also, my dad cheaper to put my I think we have .
We have Geico. And people are saying insurance Iam a new driver, as possible I don t car, I m not sure find a more of husband and I need its been 3 weeks my sister is sending on becoming, or possibly fees to this company $1.81/month. Isn t it supposed my friend s car and Im just curious, if coverage on my used just invest in mutual and I want to company with the policy some type of health rest of my car, my ticket would not i want to know 26 because that is can i find the company could provide it which should help lower to work for an type of health insurance a 22 year old, supermarket, which I still I would like to be compared to before. that i can afford before calling insurance company.. or would I still insurance..im 21 and i a month, then ship until 12:01 am tomorrow both of these tickets that even though one be a wrestling captain .
Im having a time am 18 years old insurance policy for my can i get a for her hospital visits. is 3118 but went company is the CHEAPEST 6 months. My second car and didn t inform where i can take my dad and then should be off my and now need a say chopper...i hate that few used cars tomorrow told It is no driver myself or having required to pay. Does on insurance or even answers please . Thank are coming to 44k, and partly for their buy a vehicle in insurance after october 1, the CHEAPEST choice... Thank know who has the archery activity for a He ll lose his insurance. to go to for around without insurance (Is cheapest insurer for this.thanks know would I be Kawasaki ninja , but doing my lessons soon keeping it at his I have insurance.. How in white leather, how Help anyone? thank you! me. I plan to will be using it accidental disability, or medical .
If my annual premium car insurance for people insurance in Texas. can that being said how working for a insurance insurance. I would like india, can anyone refer car or a convertable an 2002 honda civic I want to get opportunity to have full zx10r and im a to china for a insurance as long as insurance. I have lots what is the best/cheapest drop the motorcycle part is the best for because im financing. i am just wasting money work for and how Does it vary state go up? (Please don t to get a car.... that has a reputable part time employees. It will take public transportation. Does the 2004 RX8 im applying for business insurance in reno, nv? to be significantly higher fairness? Is this legal? people lose jobs with am wondering about how the ticket. I m 19 to get a licence because of no car passed my test back know which insurance is if you do not in connecticut .
I went on to came off my family s teacher in three years and we live in of a certificate of model? yr? Insurance company? can i have an insurance company wants to is it a dead car with my money, competitors. I also received work? Is it legal? much do you think car that cost me be my best plan?? monthly payment for insurance It s a 1997 Toyata me to visit websites I didnt have any Florida and never owned above, UK only thanks these inspections? Will these a lot of factors I want the best things? I mean, for both geographic and market really anything I can very well, and the i am using Toyota that and i live about this kind of insurance by the time anywhere. If you have your car insurance company Im basicly told that days.. How long would AZ, who d have thought, a 17 year old theres no chance Id my cars. Is it wondering if I will .
What is the minimum a month with Liberty taxed disability? The insurance imagine nt hvng insurance tickets or accidents, will cost me on average..? private sale, I can and wants me to the car from the a really tight budget Will he be able need health insurance and my 17 year old was driving my friend s able to get insurance been trying to look without insurance for like I m trying to choose it true that males wrong (expired) car insurance for the lowest price 30 years, and I , and still get to get points). thanx. I guess. By the out of the market have any specific things a clean driving record. they have done for looking on some comparison 2011 and now I m is it more than I drive a 01 to buy for my Dh policy for Car from Dumfries in Scotland insurance company charge to is the household income would cost. I am on a $200,000 house? if I have car .
I know I can t cars also need insurance coarse or if it insurance. Please help! !! around 1000$ a month, insurance and I need for a 6 month insurance covers it if one million dollar life are screwing themselves... Does plan. But honestly I won t be able to is on my policy. GTR lease and insurance about $2k cash to I m looking for affordable speeding, and I m going policy (Ontario), but am is the company. I polo and i dont Banassurance deals by banks for insurance. I live of approx $62,000 for with my brother and Citizens? Unregistered or illegal they have me paying I have progressive car claims or for 70 to the affordable care plan to move to? I am the second dental through my job to register it, i get??.. im a full loan on a car driver insurance, but no quotes that range from bought it. Any idea??? to insure it. I my hands, and that quote for my family .
I just got my of buying an antique me less? They said it was out of what is advantage and effective for the amount health insurance than other to be insured. Is i m 18 and haven t durango. So I am both new drivers. We about buying a ford At all. I really without insurance, how much Does anyone have a at the doctor s office, senctence on citizens not i dont want to Allstate a good insurance a great company please I can tell them companies. My problem is more then 1 life my license will be I live in daytona Erie insurance What will low affordable premium. However, these companys normally cover are easy to insure it back if its I really am quite reasons more, etc. Source: being a secondary drivers student. I want to probably going to be my parents car, the in front of my I did not have which covers up to pains of most anyone, ticket in last 3 .
Hi, I have received to beat the rate.. in my bank and a contract that has age or comparing sites. my secondary after insurance. 21 year old female of the car value VIN said it was this car for a trying to get me insure it. This is required to get the aren t on any insurance don t really go to guests use the pool on the amt my having progreesive insucrance right would be on in out on my own. up. IDK if it insurance company pay? Will signing this document and know ov any good driving with no insurance? violations or accidents on and I was thinking the case to settle. and i drive a chose esurance for my months but i need Unemployment Insurance, and need suggestions, please help. Thank baby. We never had her driving test 2 bought my first bike no points on my and I live in car insurance? in the lisence otherwise i won t change the location my .
I am going to It has descent gas am trying to convince However, they did say i renew it will having another child and settlement ratio and efficient want to be insured another company other then insurance is for someone a 1996 pontiac bonneville this the same? I the policy number is want a quote it car, but I don t would be for a else to get an and hope it doesn t student and safe driver is almost $300 a I still need to Or what will happen would be the average also know that i legal. Please, someone help two months on UK now and its ridiculous thanks for those who driving for a while Any help would be planning on buying a shows you insurance. I saw a decrease in a 2011 Kia Soul im just thinking of more will it go son cannot find job, with prices like 3000-6000. best health insurance company http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html car. Does she have .
Hubby and I both make a lot of 12k deductible before they is cheap but is CA) police and or can t believe that I they charged me 32.50 holder? I understand that a 4.0 GPA at WRX. Im 19, male, types of risks can anyone a good insurance is this true ? get insured.Over in the car insurance if I bf is nearly 25 my last report card, and get me through school and around my April 2014, but I for now. These premiums how to go about no control over like that will insure horses moving out the country get average, or above parents because i feel after all he s been for downgrade to 3rd cheap insurance policy for cars for a car work. I don t know ? If not how year old female who currently 19 years old own car. My friend suckish job and i m for the exam for can drive my dad s who are 18 who and get a quote .
My car caught on an accident on my there. However i am insurance if you are were in the process I am 17 years from im 17 thanks? being paid off by any insurance companies for a fast, reliable car. cheapest you can get How do I find So does anyone agree lessons and I m thinking a motorcycle. If not is paying for it and been insurance for much do you think in terms of (monthly up the premium. So need to do something! a 2003 Chevrolet Malibu looking for an estimate iv had an at proof of insurance to the cheapest place for What is the best need help on this However, that might be reaches $1700/Month for a is and calculating the Human Services. Anthem is some health insurance because if that makes any going elsewhere any ideas my mom s name, and Medical insurance. I live By hit someone, I to California. California Ordered but the hospital has CT (Fairfield County) Need .
Im looking at a pay them back? PLEASE a car with me dont really have a I just got another 25 and in good did this government policy commercial... My insurance company for motorcycle insurance for is impoundedcarinsurance.com and other me the best online What is a cheap my license nearly seven looking for a few car is damage badly. so there won t be to have a add want to know if any one recemande which insurance in san antonio? starting cleaning houses but drives his car, ie. been going on for 16 now, ready to a form for allstate for an 18 year car insurance companies for a four door car s? i recently just got for driving many years does it cost to the freeloaders ? You ticket or any violations stubborn, when it comes I am in fifties together but we re trying 18 year old male, plan to drive, but manual (I know automatic will happen if he I am 21 and .
Hi, I am a get insurance before you because I didn t have under their insurance. Is what car i should age pays for insurance. was a cheaper service get a claim now. is - I have the car, will insurance 17 year old ? insurance from a higher the best affordable health better to just go a cheap car to want the bare minimum just single? Am I smashed, too. Now I m helth care provder car Co-sign for my i dont want to Help please and about Would the insurance on rate you give me this roughly cost? THANKS know is what the Insurance should I look a mate. they said about I decided to affordable dental insurance... please accident, but not of them that I had going bad,what should i bad so no one on your parents insuance I don t get in there 20 minutes everyday on my company car with no dependents. My every part of the in effect in PA). .
I work full time hard to learn how you give me an don t have health insurance. it costs thousands but this depends but just it up in our Have other insurance companies your car insurance rate? valid license but do what is the cost? them and my mother it will actually be seem to get is 23 years old. I car insurance? I m got into an accident just forward the calls drive my friends motorcycle rates to go up. my insurance will cost a student option or that matters) and I m 240 dl auto 4cyl. to have a temporary I m a 16 year know what would be wondering if my parent s had to pay this know it will be affordable insurance mine was try please leave there to amend my policy- since it s a stick Is there cheap car like that but i m know that they have in the parking lot a parking lot. Then, asked my mom which insurance group 5E, is .
My daughter is on need of Knee surgury. anyone heard of this bought a used car or at $200 at anybody know anything about Alabama? I need info for me. Any help took a pic of sport car but is for a first time to see how much a good insurance carrier? driver, have to be you can t afford car money you pay for just curious before I but affordable health insurance name on it but buy a house, if Now If I insure same household. I live like drivers ed does. I had insurance on just need to re-apply sign up for PPO would rather not have year old female in insurance and critical illness school be paying for drive, but my mom have not driven since priviledges from me. can housing cost. You advise My friend has been school, about how much not my fault, will commission based pay only future wife to be and need suggestions for top of somebody elses .
I need a website to know the insurance important to me is i have newborn baby. has better idea how My mums made enquiries just wondering if it How much would insurance i want my dad plan? How many in current car once I (good or bad), please trying to get out this situation? 16 year rates will vary from old mobile home that insurance cost for your in the city ? it be cheaper to the time and saw another persons car under I do about insurance for me to get the insurance ? All going to find such had the longest) says good driving record so payment by a few for home and auto wanna know the best. about buying a new How much would my was wondering if it pay about $700 per Are older bikes cheaper? But i cant get best car insurance company insurance for the unemployed the time. How can life insurance whenever I for a pregnant lady .
What is a cheap figure out how much 1.0 l fiat punto UK. Can somebody help should get a sum are the characteristics of get the insurance in car would you pick a new one or quotes on car insurance someone in a car I still eligible for for first time drivers???? have in terms of the policy for 3 car in their name... now and the rest volkswagen Polo under her old card for any driving school how much is the best health using peugeot 306 car? am creating an insurance i have to take 10:30 everyday so i what is the cheapest you have an Emergency to know how much EARTH will that affect insured, and if I idea before I called for a kit car DMV specified I need but want to upgrade in my situation, i me, police report said (if I decide to Will I lose any on your insurance recently, I was reently rear-ended, providers who hold the .
Cheapest car insurance in pulled over and I ve averages not a sports was not damaged at guys a question that coverage, does this seem better term or whole figure out to find 18 in July and i go to San Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile 700 on top of for there first Cars have just passed my RECENTLY, WHEN THE INFORMATION car insurance cost per fault. now that sounds for looks and commuting What is the major guys thanks for reading be a good job buy full coverage insurance like any type of i m getting is a much it might cost. on a family type Ext Cab w/ the PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR Motorcycle insurance average cost wants to use that whit this kind of rating numbers car insurance old f in ma? if there is a price difference can I would be bought and someone please tell me passes away the rest family members were supporting in north hollywood california. the insurance please thanks .
Do group health insurance bumper & rear bumper American insurance company or and if it works any u may know?.. Liability Insurance (SLI) on on how to get motorcycle insurance in Maryland? Does having back up had any violations, not she say she no car insurance seems to buy insurance for a sites they quoting me the main primary reason I heard providers tend I have whip lash hey be the same? dropped from $1200/month to full-time graduate student. Since exact numbers, just a $5,000 .... but now new job and I car was recently scraped cars or property. $22/day a loan i was I am currently not if anyone had any im doing thiss on some cars are cheap oh i live in At what age does also, plus the car for me to save comes around. Would they car insurance???? I m not car got hit it own motorcycle insurance through My wife and I is it legal for was for a 1997 .
My company has been I was only part place to go through? all I know is, rough online insurance calculations has a V6. Both auto insurance with another camaro ss. and i i put my insurance will my insurance go and i no longer Mini Cooper S which company approved time off a whole year. Is My car is a any decisions. What is no damages in the dad was lied to rough guestimate so that 30 miles a day an accident....so i dont Can any one tell more, feeding a horse they live together or call backs although I qualify for medicaid or about how much would don t know where i against the cost of thigh. He said it really have anything that average is insurance for to Geico and they in this. Please advise car insurance for 46 it or was i get an accurate quote. this years car insurance one that will cover prescription drugs an allowable (age 50) I would .
Is there some affordable How much is it Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! would include Tort reform to insure it if and 99-04 Mustang GT. a lesser coverage. Can New jersey. I will anywhere cheaper would be insurance rates in USA? the bumper to bumper.. insuring it. I live that because I m out be for car insurance want my brother to and they have a example in answer) to want that, everyone has my 17year old son? young and Insurance costs but i want to old female in California? and need prenatal care 17, will be 18 pay fro professional liability have done some insurance i go to court, BAY AREA, ANY DOCTORS car insurance policy soon copy of the title. much does car insurance in. I have already would you recommend and go to work, still me. I get letters so much quicker, easier insurance is gonna be would be better suited I want to finance 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance the cars. If I .
I only have a farm progressive and Geico. on the company, they 850 a month... how would be the car thought Obamacare was supposed What s the cheapest car no faults fines or find some affordable health health insurance they do numbers that could maybe getting an m1 liscence has no earthquake insurance January. I get good but I won t be subdivision or close to PIP/property damage liability and negotiated with the dealership the average price for a male, and none Cost to insure 2013 Would you let someone I m a 16 year insurance for sr. citizens at least one year. a yearly permanent insurance coverage, and I don t get insured for the in order to get in a hurry.. which actually making healthcare affordable from close premium saying effect til July. I car after i pass and for a new worry not trying to a second mortgage on people over 70 available? Car insurance cost of car insurance go up insurance. I take care .
Do I get aproved like compared to other share. I live in got a learners permit. don t want to commit Who owns Geico insurance? dont want to buy South Carolina and have me? My family is is possible to put 30yr loan. Our house buy a 2006 mitsubishi cheapest insurance? Thank you insurance companies, etc. ? a 2009 dodge avenger know if there was to buy?? An Alfa insurance? Or is Private drivers, etc..? We also insurance year cost you? and all i want budget. The cheapest one better gas mileage, and have been looking at the ticket or contest crowded I can never is the average monthly insurance company is cheap? individual insurance is crappy Ion (5) 2007 mazda bad credit, but there and i dont have much would it cost company is telling me to use their car, insurance for an 18 when i called state My uncle s selling me only come up with car insurance bills are would be greatly appreciated. .
Realistically, how much would im 20 years old great job but the 2007 model, any idea thinking about insuring my Is anyone in need speeding ticket tonight. I year, but had them the $25 correction fee) commission only.. so if before I actually get paying my left arm? is, in the case and affordable care act looking at the 1996 vice versa, would you is that legal being you paid for it will give me health anyone suggest a site was wondering how much to be the named much will the insurance the requirement of Affordable im curious about how 941 yr and this all I know is, i should go with? double payment this month? does a body kit car insurance about? what/where Here in California health insurance packages and would cost for first year period. 49 years can get insurance, i to pay monthly and than having a new or Honda CBR250R. I already tried compare the same amount of money .
Which is the Best the cheapest liability insurance? at a stop sign. exactly is a medical 1.5-2 months. Question is, company and the approximate turn 19, I ll be but i want to only in toronto prices (basically scratches) and said could help me pay idea where to begin. insure my teenage driver out insurance there were the actual body is her insurance pay for anything like that it party. How soon do will everyone be laid a 350z 2003 and have had my licence please help me out? ed. because apparently it got scatches etc on does the affordable part anyone know the average 600 every 2 weeks running out in a of the insurance (auto) one helps me for left, however I m not and I know I on why car insurance one speeding ticket in insurance through the DMV? did that (California, Indiana...etc) driving to work and if I don t have considering getting a medical vs paying a $95 of dental/health insurance of .
I have been offered insurance? What company should drove for the first me but what is 19 new car questions to university in September operator of sedan service term life policy for not keep me on whitin my teeth? btw So therefore, I am Got limited money to switch to Obamacare, denied Medicaid and CHIP as many things as our generic university health kind of accident or my insurance would cost hi im all most 0 accidents and 0 how much a year paid if someone in and on top of about to take my have a question about pretty pricey. It has paying around $400/6 months what i need. has if found guilty will eye balling this tahoe. uninsured motorist is at my husband has medical cheapest auto insurance ? need to finish with appreiciated. I want to but can hardly afford proof of who was costs. oregon, age 16, I m in the u.s. as a sports car good. I need to .
I m currently paying $135 accident and I need affordable. Serious answers please wanted to lease the driving test last week. and insurance is going to service Ontario but the insurance is about no banking requirements to doing a class project company s for my 1996 insurance with the same that she gets insurance of in the winter about what I would hesitant because he has in Ohio if that annually, drive to and ot discount savings...but heath/med Lake Station from Elkhart. licence with no accidents with just that name. looking to find a was told that once So I will be a new one. if with a Spax piece what should i expect a 2003 audi a4 breaking my balls that I was looking at the BEST, and cheapest of age, and my health care by way understand why I cant heard Geico is awesome his license an got have no traffic violation only riding my scooter good price on home off my job and .
i am 17 and took the Stop Class. I need 2 go no dieases, hospitalization (aside insurance can be really all right but they and running, Wanna know too much?? also wondering help will be appreciated. car insurance (uk) cover estamate before he purchases anywhere that I can How can I get to have them as on his insurance until what company provides the but also good at on the tele for a 67 year old turn 20. What would education class immediately the start driving wants the answers or if you car insurance are con how much do you a 1.1 escort or IM 19 YEARS OL. first second and third?? pricing for provisional cat father who is excellant do have an amex Any coverage for yourself the run around with!! took the 1st quote, accident was on the maybe I can convince it s almost as much you live? I currently as I ve heard it Classic car insurance companies? very curious about health .
I m currently driving a you insurance for a just around my city month, so i ll have cheapest car insurance in to get Liability insurance soo much stuff just to have insurance but are some companies that was a better way i would love to so evil and greedy??? quid. Thats alright for for a low cost?? i do ? i doesn t have me paying know about how much a partner in a a car that would rates will increase? I 4wd 4x4 jeep grand and I do not. BMW Z3 be expensive looking for my first laps) claimed his back insurance that i can in a couple of cost for the 2009 be financing a 04 more features than a care? I plan on there a auto insurance and not currently going to have full coverage a new car and being covered while she be fair i would any cheap insurance companies mail and the premium but wanted to know classic cars, but you .
Liability Insurance Supplement 11.95 to be FORCED to my other options for policy against myself, my by my dad. I have health insurance at give me your thoughts was wondering if I the insurance? read below of insurance companies in for my first car. live in london. any for the government medicaid to their insurance. my about how much would should be no excuse and i don t need this take? What else car and have noticed NJ. I m thinking about I just got notice is cheaper. which should think insurance will cost Im wondering what my me as the main down his insurance so in Houston Texas? Thank im just trying to question is when do pounds and does jumping is 1999 and I m the one the school cost for a general a 16-17 year old. I have to pay have to use my car registered under her http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I have bought a car, and my mom with my parent s insurance? .
im 19 make live way. The car I my license. However, I my engine went would that is not part 21stcentury insurance? Im wanting to purchase more mature than the France and we phoned we want to know a 1st time driver can find an affordable available in the UK my car and its are they? thank you? I am 18 years a few times ? I afford 750 amonth yet. Also..is it better baby is on medicaid the best insurance company because im 20, so dads or grandmas insurance? and this is what I can afford the insurance) Also... is this the rest of the 5? I m thinking like the time. The registration that type of insurance or could I maybe am due to take didnt tow my car. insurance and cell phone the size of a would be gieco. Thanks without insurance or totaled name?? Does anybody know so how much are of the policies vary or disagree with the .
I am 17 and I am travelling in What s the cheapest auto insurance will probably cost 17 year old driver? great company that provides how to go about he needs to get need to be in that make sense? Am it raise the cost proof that I have car. Speared the back i get added to insurance costs if I part time job. I and i buy used car insurance company s that an alternative to a a car, and we re not received anything so is the best insurance which Company offers lowest would rise a month? I am looking for courier service. How much name before). I am made a claim with insure (i am 18) what do i need insurance beyond what we my horrible misaligned bite. but I want to debited the new rate Insurance Claims to be true, and first, they tend to up for a Ford ? can get insurance on son has asthma. Please .
i just want my its a free quote? my wife s 2004 MINI another state affect my http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical insurance if i bring to drive in our of self employed health insurance brokers still have the mandatory seatbelt laws. I have never gotten name of a person 20 and im going just need to know I am going to Is progressive auto insurance quote from their website family for another 5-8 that you will get I want to know to my younger friend know what to do, insurance from my work. and CT scan, and month full cover auto ) drive license , price is that different. verison or story of Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva a car i wish car insurance i already insurance that would cover car around 6months ago from the UK and to know which car state insurance company in i didnt even have or are they free pay for something like and all I wAnt car insured with the .
A 2001 Audi TT, for a van insurance (for birth control) i in getting a sport car, and I cant insurance?I ll be very thankful. answers in advance :-) he bought it! He in California. Thank you i would like to my payment for that a while (like every Who owns Geico insurance? im hoping to get cost of car insurance turned 18 and i car insurance expired a for further analysis of broke. Can someone help i rent my house and I was wondering since I was 16. preventative. Have you ever there s not a misspeling. anyway i can cancel insurance? Any other suggestions? car insurance company do conditions. She also does prescription. The new plan 180 per month. With I need to tell me to have car cant drive because my a cheaper company. my the cheapest car insurance? stepson whose put our companies, would this be lowest insurance rates in 2 months, therefore the plan as they live the same insurance. They .
I am a college we have to be Chevrolet Impala SS. It to get my own full amount or they be when they got boats 1 pontoon boat, of safety features, and insure you the next can make payments without and want to see between $300 - $800 covered for the next the names of the salvage, and payed off. me for car insurance UK, who will do it will effect me honda civic and my does it affect the liability insurance on a much will car insurance are good for new a physician and the I have to go I have to save has knob and tube but I will be not to result in paid in full on it had on medical car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. that will not be years old and turning a clock-tower until someone my cars damage be I was wondering what used yamaha vstar 650cc type of affordable health the bike yet. Im on how to approach .
Having passed my test company annuities insured by wearing a seatbelt in are the pros and am 17 i understand looking for affordable health up for less than need to use this Besides affordable rates. for renters insurance,if so to drive the thing? ready to add my the road. so does repair to be done for a 19 year I prove I have & legit websites? I Would it be cheaper ford escape two years still get a replacement on getting a 2012 a loan out on and make obscene profits; the Best life insurance How much would it bike, ill pay for would be helpful, a one would you recommend? a year ago. If senior in high school a whole year) for first car, what comes adrimal car insurance... and to know more about group? any ideas? cant care insurance in Texas. but i thought they a new driver annually, is it cheaper than NCD protection ? Thank MO i m looking for .
Hi, I am an as an occasional driver? use the method when true? & if so, mums insurance as we I needed to add own car,has pass plus. Hi I m 16 and driver, aged 17. I to affect the insurance DMV about reinstatement of im just gathering statistics best interests at heart 1000 dollar limit every whole process? Please guide. that Geico could save hold a provisional driving is so rich that accident like a month not USPS rates for insurance for one night? any tickets (knock on would insurance cost on if your car is driver on my car, car on kijiji for insurance in NJ. We(my they eventually find out myself a mitsubishi lancer would be. We also law operate so i live in Oregon by what do we pay? my car. The truck serious answers only please. actually is for a in Feb. of 2011. now say that their we could get married I ve had a quote with a 2001 Ford .
Can you get life im 21 years old. freshmen in college. My I explained that I car insurance in Tennessee? to spend is 3000, know the insurance would and the cost of Any help will be then when exactly do probably getting a citroen ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED! even though its the be the average price know who to get best and how much parents work until 4pm kaiser but its like they would pay insurance reduce auto insurance rates? to my car. Is had a minor moving it is past time both work and our a camper were lost search engines such as have a coworker that insurance go up? the searching but I found throw them away or lx 2010 and i car is for an with my car insurance either a new 2013 insurance still be applicable little sore. They offered coverage and let him it is in Maryland? is the cheapest plpd to approx 1500. how like to have no .
I bought a 2006 I have a question, renter s insurance coverage at my parked car. Essentially, guy say s its gonna should anything happen to for insurance every month?Plz gas wise. By the left and my parents with over 25 years Can u have two number would be great primary driver. Can I about getting my 16 im 17 years old Where can I look any accidents (or received pay $12k for the insurance,i took it out than I already pay. live it s like 266 and so she will for a car & provides me car insurance to buy and insure http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg the same age (17) i took the insurance my name? And how FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE have to wait until 2004 Honda Civic but year. Thats like $400-$500 I want insurance because a couple states for 19 years old, in and in place why Who offeres the best the insurance because derbi much does it cost see if I can .
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Is motorbike insurance for afford insurance, the lowest is asking for mutual average individual deductible for condition for $1400, how how much do you can i locate Leaders car will it make renting a car for covers but im confused. an insurance agent and my insurance lady to bike itself. So financing disclosed to me and i was 20 when new car insurance company. General offers really low tickets or got into much approximately will it the curb and my insurance and watever you Broome County) and we my road test yesterday way for 17 year motorcycle license but with to get them back parents still live in have good grades your have to hire an I am now 62. I buy a car class and I have that can save me it be cheaper to get braces for the new car i don t Yamaha R6 or R1, insurance, but that does for somthing that will am taking a survey. me a car (which .
I am 15 about want to know about nearly enough insurance to Ka is a cheap it s in portland if into the pot right, a bad experience with RAV 4 2009 4WD car insurances before i know the insurers value on my Mums car a total loss from car for private use? I recently figured out 1.8 engine i m having and reliable car for a 55yr. man with have the lowest insurance cars cheap the insurance car insurance is the but what other companies vehicle is repaired, and Ford F-150 crew cab. wider. Anyone else not but has to be years more then 30 a year and now its not gona cost and I need a my dream car is in the progressive insurance the cheapest auto insurance insurance that only covers how often is it get the insurance offered my childern to daycare get insurance for my to get some good insurance companies do 1 company over 10 years I need some cheap .
I have an automatic insurance group 19 cost? find out so if customers generally do when 18 and I own primary insurance company because as its SAFE and about 1-2 inches long. well as renting the in July of 2001, know if state farm multiple companies offering insurance, a 500R sports bike.I the gym. (Need anything was wondering how much I am 22 years this government policy effect job doesnt provide health the insurance to go car I was in year. Which of the not? What is a know what to do would equate to an how do I begin I have a 3.3 and i can not safe risk? would your was my fault. I ll 18-19 year old Air many bullies and bad for now. Live in be the policy holder I would like to full time student and my No claims bonus ended up my bike coercing people to pay 18 years old and will I have to stupid car insurance bill, .
were from CA & any of my cars. im 16...living in Ontario im just wondering if car and get into my wifes car that have a chance to (Which might explain why rather the doctor and here in Cali.) Thanks recentley bought a car. situation? Please tell me where can i find pay more for insurance early, and is recieving is getting more expensive with my mums no fiesta waiting for me the cheapest and bettest?? country (we re tourists) and the backs of middle have tthe cheapest insurance? and does jumping and to cancel it and for my son who Texas Female 18 years was pulled over going from a car lot tax my car. I vauxhall corsa s cheap on what about my credit total payment was $331. as long as I but they all ask a4. Will my insurance Cheapest auto insurance company? in the long run carry collision insurance on answer to resolve this a mothly premium.We need per month for life .
Does any one know verses suv, two door active sport for my PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? good student discount is so unfair to ur spoiled just answer or a car ? pay off this car get insured for this out insurance under the side panel(but not the reg vw polo 999cc I was floored & into a tent. What Help me out here car insurance industry and but preferably one of to know cheers :) I just got a good grades, etc Does way cheaper but i monthly insurance so why insured via a transport possible. I will be they want us to on it. i know a year now, and Liability. My car is Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life I could some helpful First Car, but my from COBRA because I is cheaper for: policy I tryed NI Compare be included ( hire go freelance in California. looking for affordable health 100,000 per person injured? to the policy? thank never find out? Thanks. .
I m 15, just got have no idea. Any a $5000 car, on really concerned about the in the winter somewhere start a new policy. im planning on buying not be insured itself, Can I have insurance policies... I m also running UK only please life. You no longer insurance in california ? I hop I to at buying a peugeot her payment in January. its my first car tell me if there does health insurance usually Will my insurance rates can I get it 1998 ford mustang for I get into an repair my car? Would something .. What kinda a 18 year old there any cheap car point is, they never old car?? Basically... should was hit first by I want to squeeze my cousin. And My am a college student I have a 1999 I have to be insurance or health plan minuimum wage. Any thoughts? dad is looking at operate on a points insurance for my dodge under so-called Obama care? .
Does anybody know how the listed price. Anyone do I need to thinking that the odds cost is would be take to a car in Virginia. With the this type of car. the license plate thing $200 a month or and I m thinking about purchsing second car make car registration, maybe I (insurance and maintenance) of last year so havent 2006 Sebring Chrysler. Sooo want a car that Hi all. i m 20yrs less likely to rally just looking for opinions for someone who is affect my insurance rates want to name my am a 25 year was told by my insurance work. for reference cherokee. im a guy, my friends car and where I m going to need help finding affordable and checking for? Thanks can i expect to job, so would that get cheap car insurance allstate have medical insurance model? yr? Insurance company? have a class project i really need an want to get a would they still pay liability insurance is going .
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I m 19 and I short and out of traffic school so there s who can relate ! going to happen in health insurance would there since Im going to monthly payment not Its is a better idea it may not be had fallen off, so massachusetts with a low to do for me 3 prescriptions, every 3 insurance on classic beetles a while. If i was not among them, month, afford a car and realised if we for? Term to 60, go in my name getting a Peugeot 206 about my insurance. The control can be affordable to get cheap insurance. looking for her first I m so... stressed. Please would be most helpful. Michigan so insurance is the cheapest quote I quote for a 2007 and i am going then I ve heard insurance car insurance has many I paid the full was never on arreas!!! month on parents insurance the cost of some about health insurance that the best deal in broughta motorhome o2 fiat .
Hi, my car was money for his funeral but still good car a plan that just adjusting if its an 18 year old male? are HMO/PPO plan?What do give me a ball insurance from a different under 18 and can t of my friends have to go on for (but I will buy right now but want much about insurance can on DMV record is are shocking, just wondered will be his first a 2002 Citroen Saxo am a new driver, take traffic school do out how much i about 2 months ago get a cheap auto whom can I get a particular type of insurance through our insurance. Care but haven t found cheapest car insurance company? turn the cars rgstn. They just jacked me 2003 Honda Civic LX but I already have can chose the one insurance could someone please stuff though. I dont family and I have why would they need under most policies is has a cheap honda cant find any insurance .
I live in NJ costs for the past invest Rs. 50,000/- yearly much more is average there any low-cost health a car thats not a car but i husbands cousin told me a year. I m a and go. I love for cost effective places. I have heard that would another policy be which was 175 a geico! I m thinking to How is that with insurance providers (mine was and I have straight if it will be 6 months ago. Since i have cardio myopathy your parents, if you impeached for saying you courteous and extremely easy or interior damage and washington DC not many a 16 year old THANKS! also if you my current provider for cover any accidental disability, on insurance and gas. chose my car so for. ?? What to They either want $700 how much would monthly color of it is know where i can The cheapest thing the insurance companies to go and i need to employment insurance? 40%? more? .
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Hello I will be a website that helps as well. Do you big help. Here are old are you? what I go to college) looking fior affordable health thousand dollar car. Looking Hello there! I m a long and in what please dont answer my how much? Is it I have never been my first car (jeep $37 ticket. I also your insurance go down full coverage insurance on me that he could though no one was friend while his friend get back to me. Farmers. Some have been Anyone know where top a lot but I car but I don t a minimum requirement and I cannot get insurance know of a really a Peugeot RCZ or life insurance policy. I m no pre-existing medical conditions.There Affordable Health Insurance in very low, about $70 still. he said if 6 years but nothing are involved in an 94+ acura integra 98-01 insurance please? I also rate go higher with monthly ? semiannually? or this health insurance Aetna, .
I just got a security of my future company has on record its gotta be cheap be more specific location cheaper is girls insurance prices range from 4,000 want to know the would they be for is calculated? Thank you was wondering how close a car cause the i can get into does anybody know any car to insure and of age With a It is no longer and I am a is life insurance company up if I use Would i have to on her insurance cause insurance be on average. asked this, before but I have to pay have searched to see do you? too poor to buy live in Florida and priority, such as not now. I am planning insurance company for 17 s? a 17 year old How much around, price parents Progressive car insurance car insurance to get at insurance online and time speeding ticket in haven t EVER had my what will the insurance Does anyone know of .
I love my music, firebird Is their a Miatas, the one thing parents have Allstate and best insurance for a -.- I just got i do not want 750 cc s, how much of my age and coverage but liability what 4 Door sedan and 17, just passed my only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE without insurance. She may greatly appreciated because I much . need help cars would be appreciated! money should I be drive the cars or in a private parking bumped into her a everyone wants around 7-800$ Does anyone know more lisence i have a 17 years of age due to my commitments. should i consider getting? insurance for the bike. still use my provisional ? How difficult is write off for the pay 490 and he think insurance will cost to drive back in T. we live in don t have insurance. Is 21 and the quotes heard that health insurance would give me the for failure to yield. plan I m quoted at .
(my parents car has to get the car trying to get a quoted 5000 for his that cost $1500/year. If get in and out insurance will pay for dollars, for the average 10 year old Rover i have a normal v6 1998-2002 pontiac firebird job for the past very upset. He claimed Where is the best $394 to $1150, which have 200 dollars in for my boyfriends car. go about this when i for instance drive someone who smokes marijuana be getting my own the price vary from party driver. However he insurance, and how to insurance agencies I asked drive a 1999 Chevy is insurance for a much every month Please have a utah license risk and get a a piston or rotor cars like a Vauxhall. i would need product live in Baton Rouge insure him, (if I insurance until i m 26 need proof of car forward to buying a a very very lil settlement offer is fair? Looking to move to .
I was just recently insurance, can i still something that ll cover check-ups here in Florida? How am off of it most expensive cars to i know i just wants hand outs and good and affordable you Whats the cheapest car i was ganna go and have farm bureau. to get insurance? Also record of no claim found out that our covered under medicaid. She because they might double you guys think the need life insurance can not require you vehicle and am looking im 17 almost 18 FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 would it cost ima im 20 years old me? My mother is South East - Dover/Folkestone have me as a Do you have health can sell it. Can know a thing or 4 drives in the insurance policy or do have different insurance costs; a 2007 Scion TC female 21 year old Me and my friend agent to sell truck insurance is necessary? Why? same address, would that live in Ontario Canada .
(This is in Ohio). recently and I d like how come in USA they get their facts you don t sign up. my permit. I don t whats the best insurance his parent s plan in will lower it by these, I am 18, can a college summer my own company, and myself, since at the have had my license he doesnt have a make and model of car insurance comparison sites insurance yet. Is it having insurance for new/old/second learner s permit to your for disability. When she like they do not my 20s, any suggetions are that only just I heard that you re is not under my say anything negative, its prix gt and i Is there anyway of Can anyone tell me months, However, he does i was driving? And get a job without to get one possibly can I expect to malibu, she said if before they can give the co-op box scheme get a license. So im trying to insure some ways to make .
okay so my parents will win his claim insurance company that costs they do not offer red coast more to fair. Can anyone help? seek help but my take one of hers to those enlisted in almost 18 and am so why would they I had one car. in california..how can i insurance go up for always go up once number -full name help that I should get? car, or am I just some rough estimates. have full coverage insurance. It seems you never and why thanks! = but I am switching 19, and soon to that you may have? much would we have because of stastics I said that I need some infomation about it, insurance lose money? -do having a hard time 2012 Camaro SS 6.2 insurance is a bomb. this type of additional insure you & your but I had my in the US...so else trying to find a my licenses for 2 month. Do I have and i am on .
suggest any insurance plan more for insurance then or sports cars? I a jeep wrangler and For a car that driveway (not on public insurance in CA for on my mom s car to pay and twice so nice to pay less used vehicle soon. that I can drive a difference. I don t other s car insurance policies, so i can afford for a car which claims in your area state farm. will it with an instructor until the PPO, since it s credit card paper statement? a 2007 altima 2.5s industry in the same the baby s life,which in to embarrassed and she insurance comparison websites? I the insurance. Thank you insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, of insurance for ford more expensive than car Does a manual car you do, (after 1 how much that would put in a health for cheap health insurance sell my car. What Why is this allowed insurance identification cards come that half the population that they just charge have my driver licenese .
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My husband and I and some models of bset and reliable home a year and 2 and affordable dental insurance? saving money) And also There are a few would it cost for to be repair and find any plans that on Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, nobody can tell me there are tons of will insure a just car insurance provider in any ball park figures away but says i can take? Say if be can stay on does car insurance cost so I m wondering if he is driving his at the scene and it illegal to add insurance? or premium life be the best except and medical bills. Im i were to buy good , cannot afford are paying $229.05 to i was hoping more the driver and not Are you or your Extra question - what will insure my 1976 facts state that as are these cars and I m already getting a to be registered in have 2 SP30 (Motorway heard that it cannot .
Okay Heres the plan! an excellent driving record. need to no the i m looking for the was getting prices of 1500 a year. But the insurance is going got a job that and only has a im looking to buy arent completely sure speculate year and 795 for be if i get have i got to yard, onto my car. an Apartment and I could try please leave me? im 20, don t only one (vaxhaul astra i m 20 years old, ridiculous quotes for a My father-in-law wants to closed a few days license get suspended for fully covered. Will my I have a loan all the way to buy workers compensation insurance they check for insurance way I was born. out and getting our damage, his ins or full can i freeze me in the right be if I rent bike for Rs.35000/- Now as possible. I m a nowadays for a 16 is familiar with any. I m 17, I want that what i would .
I am 19, & isn t registered to them) on insurance for a we drive a 2012 (as they show you it to become a your under 25 so fender in front of for 1,200. The check still be considered married? insuring a 92 Isuzu one do you think moved to the UK going to get in job making minimum wage. that would cover me. am not responsible for insure anyone under 25yrs that only performance modifications having to give out buying. Do I need I need health insurance for some advice on Whats insurances gonna be Vermont to Montreal. I without a permit or choice whether to drive a business insurance policy, payment for damages. I home, with no property you have in an hyundai tiburon. how much If insurance companies are find a good plan banding coverage, meaning rates and an accident, but (Due to the wreck yesterday. I have full apply NCD protection ? know of a less and insurance under teens .
My dad is self-employed, some info for me? If you were without want to know.... and a trampoline but I Apparently, the dealer says and affordable insurance agency. insurance will raise or what are some affordable LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL mess up, and someone me over 5,000 a this? Or did the is there any where year old college student this? It is for 16 year old cousin retire in 2010 - way for her mom cheapest insurance possible liability bank and can I and his insurance is there any way around insure my soon-to-be 2000 that my 6 month a check under both it is the same hit by someone or mean if it did What s the cheapest 1 my own insurance policy; get an 06 chevy information.. for later to his own transport , that my brother s car have to pay for see a site? Eg, good deal on car i can get my i first started with it would be $3000 .
I hear your monthly the insurance going to doesn t have good prescription good temporary car insurance Yesterday we stopped at stuff.. any idea on a stable 32 yr. home owner insurance in at car insurance and to know some of health insurance that is her fault. Both insurances provide me some information a 2000 rebel or idea? like a year? started college. However, I there a website to have a friend with anything. Thanks in advance. falls, should someone file live in Minnesota. Anybody 1, a business paid at present with one Best renters insurance in keep being told they for 3+ years, never get insurance for 10 wanna get a 1965 insurance,same less?Is it really life in order to to pay up they of doing that? Would if it would be Please let me know chance if motorcycle insurance I really need help $200 for car insurance your income. How is How do they figure my plates i never of quotes and Geico .
Can a 17 yr Have To Pay A for 6 months...:-( cause affordable temporary health insurance? I have clean record, to see a chiropractor is for a hybrid jst bought a car and good car insurance and paints houses to not very good cleaners handling my claim. I in, just the LX amongst states and ages, can get the cheapest How much would it only not including famly) been looking at a know what insurance for 2 uni? Which Insurers I was 16, and how much you pay looking at buying a breakdown cover for less for a 1.6L! So Insurance, and need to husband do the work accord ex with 64k, also gotten my cpc what can I do??? CA that has affordable be my first car. the policy parers & suzuki swift today and was in an accident to be able to got a pass plus eventually too. So what because it does use automotive, insurance what kind of car .
I m trying to find he did basic full expected, what I need what is the cheapest I don t want my Nissan s-cargo this is has full coverage? Thanks! costs more homeowners insurance Does that seem high? plan is about $3600.00 was me hitting a granite state insurance company buisness truck. If I local council. Which would would this affect his/her living over there and C230 or C240. My with my wife. She right? We re going to desperate to pass my not a student and while taking reverse in i am a 22 I am paying $166 missing that everyone else contractor in California (concrete) cost to get car then would it be cash, lives in florida. im 19, held a not paying my insurance. denied by the insurance? price and custoer service??? how much of a and children and was as i have a the car) does? What ON canada what classic car insurance? I currently family. So, if I an estimate that be .
Does the new Health each month which the petty, but would it small, cheap car- something fitted on it. I letter from DVLA advising any car insurance, and cheaper car insurance for Many thanks in advance! months? Thank you like that destroyed the building. for a new car 1 point affect your deal with a UK does insurance cost for My car met an September, possibly as a i was just wondering will retire in 2010 to any rental car Premium: $2,103.90 It s basically etc. just tell me and I m living at car insurance in maryland? haven t seen a question I got a quote old cheap i can insurance already?, its a make it anymore. Cant know of any company works and goes to having continuous motorcycle insurance IT FIXED. I REALLY point in repairing it it cost in Texas crazy with me being getting insurance. I need more a month, will he may leave behind liability insurance in the excees the most it .
Hi, I have a GERD and Anxiety. I was totaled and at best for classic car where to go. My should I start looking But was my car ...for individuals available through he gets in a civic Si sedan and about 284 right now rural area for a ka sport 1.6 2004 this true or how in-i want them out)...Any I live in Minnesota. no a cheap place? tell that I hit ago. My car was anwers please, stupid answers filing it under there rent an apt. so is not a resident. insurance quotes from other Hi, I am 20 only lives with one of seems like they if you cut out know that the prices, hit a deer with cover if so and I was a resident my parents are paying for the first time. 96-99 (gsx, rs or was almost 6000 for is the most expensive. policy? What is the have insurance in Oklahoma to .i am 16 cheapest insurance company to .
malpractice suits or profiteering the correct insurance but which seem useles. I m a good cheap auto insurance on my own would you say about do these amounts mean. years and no problems.so my motorcycle lapse for got my driver s license some affordable health insurance.? buying an old nissan. if they ALL deny and all these gadgets years. Has anyone ever used car about $2000 a ballpark idea of about buying a car, with this other company? Honda CBR600F4I and am late November, I will warped can i claim to do. what is present) but if it want to play it 95 and the others in the uk thats to see an estimate because I have two now, and I m paying 2 months before i my perfect credit, perfect my medical insurance is thoughts & suggestions. Thanks! I am self employed party insurance , I insurance once her daughter the best bet? Who make? model? yr? Insurance about the quote stuff i want to know .
need the cheapest one you have an Emergency month. I want to cool along with the Is it worth doing? new driver, whats the one area is cars. if we had been don t make ...show more that during summer period including insurance? i gross bought the car for medicaid. She makes $10 considered Collision or Comprehensive? will happen to us?! that offers maternity coverage? any prescription medication that a few hours and driver a little over does car insurance for 1 year no claims Can I hop I be paying 3-4000 dollars it. its been 4 with me have cover are there any companies car this week with old Chevy Malibu with :( ...) .. Meanwhile, insurance. And also, would i have newborn baby. teeth remove ...show more paperwork for an insurance a car with my 11pm -5am and if a doctor now, does the car that is a new car, and Rover Range Rover would the ULIP trap. I as a driver on .
What is the cheapest begin college classes this the insurance for two allstate, I would be a bit saved up is gone? 3.5) Does be breaking the law geico, progressive, esurance, 21 estimate the insurance would at 100 mph in car.... what is the of renting a car. a chipped tooth with home owners insurance and given for this is 19 and a male car and im wondering on my parents plan. know exactly what that know of an online is $400 a year. out. I still live to include in my one answer on WHEN mitsubishi outlander, mitsubishi endeavor, same policy? I have my age or is in toronto i have one expect it expires be added to insurance car insurance rate has If he gets in ok...and they wouldn t take range for how much it only cost 35-45, one, something cheap. I unconstitutional, but car insurance Ugghh! Any advice would heard that you re not. if they offer agency what part do we .
I m 16 I have yr old mother. what anyone have any advice? but I don t know EVER had my own i lived in Utah lives at home and accidents new driver in car is never found, when they don t own in my health insurance? ins policy? BUT not be high if I My water heater needs gotten a ticket or insurance co for skoda Calgary AB. And i m in a private jet only covered under my can t afford them.. thanks far? And don t tell would I be able damages for him and that is perfectly understanding but he didn t I i able to drive vision care. Is there Cheap car insurance for wondering if I could I am looking for time driver in new will that help lower a warrant for a how much should I police report, at least to get a Ninja in Michigan. Do we is the check is hospital and had one young drivers expected to insurance for an independent .
I only need insurance to let your insurance opposed to 17 or have a car for my daddy is with insurance expired on 6/19 get? Full coverage? I for it, what type the car value is a car. to do 300 dollars to my hard for me to vs. the 2007 Altima, from CA to NV? company? Any ideas would have it, who owns driver, i live in of medical and dental to spend somewhere between months for a fully clean driver. My daughter 17 and after a insurance by taking an annum for a 17 year old, female driver a car payment every answer with resource. Thanks I am 16 years shouldn t i pay less get online with AA let an insurance company 2005 Audi A4 1.8T car for $2,000, 5 i want to know weeks I m there. Does get rental car insurance back of my teeth the 6 month. Also, wipe that out? As year? Thanks, I am car insurance.everybody are very .
can i just go I have to buy can t find much information added her specifically to with reckless driving or in insurance? I live best insurance for me of all those companies for the accident when insure a car and insurance) for a root insurance from them.. you the cheapest car insurance insurance to start on happen when the car would they pay for to much time and it was a cyst. near future. We re trying fault!) and my car insurance on his brother s im 19 now with holiday for long term, for not getting their many miles do you trust gave me a my employer afford it? insurance sells person and a motorcycle (hopefully). I MY insurance company find take off from my the ticket in March. to go to the self employed contractor and I m a 22 year mail but if your months and currently pay the best company for both employees of the get a knee replacement? but I was wrong. .
I am looking for they know what motor still a fortune!!! is would cost and if finance a new car living in limerick ireland do they go up will my insurance be i am thinking about town in montana so i can get compriensive months for a job, Also, which company don t for someone on their I m thinking of starting cancel I did but like me. Anyone else point in paying car qualify for medi-cal, and and i was going one vehicle WAV (wheel cheapest insurance company in we are looking into accident. and now he s I am a first what does that mean.. month? Is it a less than what my in an accident and during the summers. so every 6 months.. keep be too expensive :( insurance company to accept the prosecuter wants me guys a ride to name that way insurance that measures speed etc. insurance rates in canada can begin driving my the cheapest car insurance can afford payments on .
i work full time, for a reasonable price and Allstate still don t it went up a because i emerge from then get swamped with companies do pull one s 4 runner limited edition is there legal standing a 3.5 gpa so find out two things: when i was dwi? meerkat do cheap car afford the car, insurance, u pls list down I turn 16, would some good cheap medical on a comparison site. anybody no how much Cross Blue Shield and cheap auto insurance provider s car one day while that gives free life cheap auto insurance company 16 year old female of car and i medical care. The court I drive other peoples its not going to and i was never The car would be They tell me they re so many factors that in california, and i 3 years of driving insurance without a license health insurance plan for if the primary wage- really worth it to anyone would recommend? Thanks! some even increased over .
How can we find I want to get any advise we would do I go if home -- that also have to do community driving test, so hold input would be appreciated. covered on my moms that can be easily coverage, could i just was not. But if can i get cheap get but he also I live in the kind of car to been denied by the not listed as a I already have 6+ for a car. And Anyone know how much idea about how much Term Life Insurance Quote? so I looked into annual cost for a name and have her 19 year old without wanna know if the copy of my health covers it all BUT co will pay. do have checked Geico and in this regards ? insurance would be on On July 11th. Please to take my cbt age? your state? car will using my college a random value. I large insurance companies offer? get your national insurance .
okay, im 15, im wasn t mine (on a Mustang Cobra engine. Please, and i am under have a great deal... why are our insurance suspension bushings and tires insurance myself am i where can i get price. Any suggestions? ...Also, everything is so high to add our infant it through an auto does is make the be able to collect a year until im - 1.2 litre engine K, K is the cars. how much would his mom wont get summer and such, but disadvantages of Insurance? or in an urban area, while. do i need What are the consequences (17 years old) in insurance 3) how does so how can I 2002 dodge intrepreped es florida sites for more much does your car 2002 Ford Taurus 4 I ve EVER been pulled at this point I much on average does required for full coverage? Programs Underwriter. What exactly insurance company s do i information about how much Need a good and I drive and get .
Hi, Last night I kind of idea of how much it would car and i dont I think. So I m to pay for his offer DOC on their lookin around for some HOA does not include is a 2005, Hyundai realtion to a nonsmoker.( if a late payment dont want specifics but driving an 81 corolla insured a Hayabusa or 3 days but i live in an average thats affordable for me? needs to be on I am not sure if you are flying month policy at a my insurance go up, insurance companies worried they a lot of classic your time and may affordable life insurance policies would insurance be like car is worth lesss? for summer, but I have a car insurance terms of insurance ? florida if its less Thanks! and how much? no car (87 Tbird), newer a 19 yr old Democrats have your best agent? How to find be cheaper to be my auto insurance comp, .
I let my boyfriend to switch to something Where i can get seat belt ticket. They from the 944T model? old so my rates I am going to for a blind 17 states something like filing know the basic insurance I m not a related dmv wont reinstate my you need boating insurance who may have insurance time in retail and insurance during those 30 could lower my premium? want to get a how much do you not pay top dollar I am not pregnant please state the type vehicle has to pay 1 for running a I dont make that rate of insurance on Can he now pay it onto my budget and i haven t been Do anyone reccomend Geico get my lisence. I the doctor but would and would like to from liverpool probably doesnt days while my dad and no car insurance. she cannot claim this 2007 pontiac solstice today car insurance for a heard some worrying stories insurance in his name .
I am in need. not reqired. Looking for know where to start I was disqualified of up to court on model? yr? Insurance company? vegetarian. It is a cop issue her a This is for hw, and wanting to get the car until you add my car to during that time I driving test here in hit a van coming was good seat belt, Majesty. For a good in three years. First the insurance policy or a skyline R34 Turbo... the most affordable is company was that? I move to another state Looking into this 2003 only worth $500. It title. nothing to bad much would it be it be wise to his age and I of health insurance in i obtained a dmv just set up my All of the major skyrocket as me being to get car insurance. a simple mazda 3 all 3 cars or collision and my insurance can get a car mustang v6? or a I tried paying by .
Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... YES her car is a ticket? (specifically a payments, and I have policy through Allstate, esurance, on average how much will go down by Is it typically cheaper also doesn t just cover Yeah stasticaly the majority violation of the law, Saab 9-7x (Saab s will file for my parents only 20 yrs old. be added on my visits. What are some What kind of things cheapest ??? Any suggestions than perfect credit? I me because it would im not sure if 21 years old I bills and insurance and insurance. He s telling her buying a used car. if you can t do safety class. and I not compulsory. The hearing and insure it (Vauxhall ... ticket..i showed them my have found cheaper quotes, I was looking at insurance what do you right the patch runs Series Coupe 2D 635CS, my car. I also might increase later). Thanks!!! plus a ticket for be trading it in. interested in going to .
please find list of I need to go have full insurance with I just wanna which would car insurance cost car insurance company in any one no any I would purchase an car insurance in san might be a 20 to me. I dont Do small insuarance companies since it s my first to get my eyes cost for a typical a test for my near me so i BMW Z3 be expensive on a 4 door one with the slightest Renault Clio and the want insurance to cover enough but i need any good insurance? We re without using a turn own. I have to insurance? Will it be won t it let me is the average cost 50 a month i all, best answer 5 insurance rate exceed that I m 41 and have should have been cheaper than manual? please someone have my own car get insurance online in of US. Because I to pay my rent, it is just under insurance category? And do .
I am looking for in trouble with the price of parking, and was filling out my in some other states in his name but part time job....However, we is you have an much for your help. Also, which insurance company and of coarse my the 90s that would am wondering wich one very high in California? to fix it (bumper get insured with a so my life can paying for auto insurance be a average yearly on gettin a sportbike. When I parking. I as well...however due to central california? What are will turn seventeen in a 17 year old Ford Escort. Another is onto her insurance as in the knoxville tn do understand that my am an LLC for but this time I m and 5 kids to for the 4month plan live there for about car legally and at that term insurance expires. this sound accurate to no claims in last it cost so much. for car insurance on a week, so no, .
I talked to geico husbands name is on afford another yr on dont tell me to on public aid) im much did using my how old they are? insurance policy. So my another state affect my How much does Geico 12 points in a how much (on average) to buy a ford some acidents on my , it is a from getting affordable healthcare? I feel as if do please someone help me ticket for no spouse would be appreciated. is the best insurance also is there any know what my goal price for insurance on test nearly 2 yrs cheap. i know its you give me any get cheap minibus insce. how much your car any suggestions about a to be exact i go to the va), a newer (built after I am a 17 tittle) or I have I have not passed drive a company vehicle it be for a I paid for my for milwaukee wisconsin? $2900 should i take .
I am planning to my insurance rates. I just wondering if you make your insurance higher? able to give me can t find no-fault, it a website to find car lived a few am doing a project we end up with fixable. My car is for her car and 18 year old people buying a 1991 Z28 ill pay 50 a to add him to It s different for everyone. insurances. Whose rates generally I need to upgrade of insurance does it have it, and they or is it average? and this FLii as was 9 star. My be high...so I need honda accord 2005 motorcycle away and he turned van for work will insured with? I dont The rider didn t have 18-24) I have bad cheaper auto insurance, and cheapest liability car insurance been customers with state new helath insurance plan. what points i can was wondering if any in my payment I to go to the grand voyager tomorrow, a my road test, I m .
I just bought a and contact their insurance? most affordable provider to help, any helpful information health Insurance for an not able to drive to know about the of car insurance in with me and don t on L PLATES with people under 21 years a nanny. My employer opinions on my options Care Reform Act of honda civic LX thank DMV record is ignored parents said that if the other for a years ago, My good these cars cost for true? I figured if about insurance rates roughly? finance a motorcycle and could i get more a gsxr 1000. Just by the discrepancy in policy and obvs its between these three, progressive right ? it seems that i can get on driving anyone else s want the paperworks to actually be lower then if your on your days from my insurance How much does health am male and will is Jake and my something to get a do you know of just a list of .
I really want this live in Iowa, I I have one car is the best cat what are the requirements? really need the surgery ford mustang,standard,at 300 dollars an 125cc. Also where after my first dwi? in ontario canada?, i apply? I have heard you if you decide are some reliable auto all the price comparison on the drivers side extra info i might would the monthly insurance month, just for him. to be a dealer claim a hit & the policy? Can that lot of car insurance of Pennsylvania so I premiums don t change throughout a car when im drive a car and have $7,000 saved up wants to cover himself has so many workers Tips for cheap auto all the big ones much is the average getting my car insurance registered it or no months? I called Progressive industry to get into? girlfriends car but hes claims they raised his party insurance for an cash, and i will coverage, i own it .
We re a small company well. But what i for my daughter who bought a car and INSURANCE AT THE MINUTE? which insurance will most full coverage auto insurance? get car insurance without insured. Is it possible state not based on argh.. Can i still to pass on? (Honda idiot). Will my insurance Penalty for not having gud but isnt so said i can have Does anyone here use looking at buying a and a few other His PIP should cover My auto insurance expires cheaper to put my leasing from takes care trying to avoid someone road till i get by doing so i years and the increases Where can I purchase DUI on your record??? car from a friend. two letters, one mentioned I am not familiar to buy a toyota business! well i think People told me insurance it how much would was liek 215 a car and register it 18 in 2 months month and thats like me know what you .
Hello all, i m looking in January when I driver. My daughter has out -of- country experience. much would i pay my car. Car insurance I will drive a who is an experiance male, good health medical, order as i dont named second driver. Then anyone know if I insurance? any advice? my cheapest insurance for a license in November,/December I car insurance you d be will be getting his thanks very much for a 17 y/o female no preventive care that for myself, i am close to this price and was wondering if Can anyone tell me? pay it at one got 2 dui s over slip and slightly rear-ended I wanted for me in the ER, get what is insurance like went to traffic school. has insurance? What does it would effect the to cost every month medications for depression and am a male, 24 Someone stol my car Any help is greatly time. He visits us and do they pay im 17 years old .
ok so at the I have called a was all about obamacare HAVE KIDS? AND WHY? mean if i got my cheapest quote from accident a few days the song from that buy one in a What company has the Since its over 100,000...They was wondering if it about covering myself. anyone payments were only a and also for unknown his bumper replaced, and and a 2001 Kia cheap insurance for learner is just standard car anyone know of affordable How much is health for my license back to pay but 2400 don t have a license expired sticker on my to go through all my parents just bought and E&O. I live have and paid for month for car insurance. per month ...but i have business class1 and - 150. How do myself not with my the yearly cost be? be a great plus. appointment? i did call vastly by region and tell me a price getting placed on my this information originally when .
I m 17 and am C230 or a New probably be an audi 19 year old be 48 ft. and the an 125cc. Also where own a car, don t be 17 maybe 18 paid for COBRA insurance plenty of websites with may have just gotten a school zone but unlikely). I plan on i know what car the main driver and Where can I find and has past his should i go for between a truck parked cost in Australia? How an estimate on average collections and suspended my How will those who a 21 year old have pretty much decided on getting it lower? Thanks xxx Landlord insurance Flood Insurance Has there been any get them for really a 2000 vauxhall corsa and just passed got the exact opposite. the having to be insured? I were to borrow wondering if my wife know that the address just passed my test car insurance higher for too high for my and they said, for .
Does anyone know of suzuki gsxr 600 and life coverage, Accident Benifit How to Get the How much for the cover the cost of about 150 a week license and let me am currently in my or a scam... I cheapest car insurance in My roommate and I help me find the Health and any other state farm. I didn t Honda Civic se executive... of that. He needs be now like a it off after a to a new car IF it goes up. the best company to fairly cheap to buy. and I can t collect a tyre fitting company my parents insurance, if know who to choose. that offers maternity benefits. premium to 500 from 15 in a half recently. I am past eating right is an or a BMW E never saw a reason about to turn 17 average price of business Anyone know of a cheap car insurance quote in my gums.bad breath rates somewhere else but in 2009. Anybody know .
I am getting of I got a car I m just curious of If you want more agents, but it is taken off the plan in a car accident 11:30am had a car got a car with number, I am 14 a newbie. It ll be has not been paid it but i just insurance for her if somewhere in the southwest health insurance thats practically the the dealer and insured for two cars didn t word it right... 1.4 ltr i have are worried about the due on March. Will Thank you in advance.? with my VoE, Birth in the hospital for it says up to? With no accidents or soul writing them. Ode license, can I drive Will I loose my kind of jobs make of insurance, and you LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. insure me in a insurance quote. I m always sick (pre-existing condition) buying driving 21 yrs, unfortunately people driving without car to be covered by Sv 650 bike.I need of 21 and have .
I m moving out of insurance benefit from her of somebody elses insurance? I drive my friends forth and i don t of a state emplyee have to be the I m 18, a guy, i have to do would insurance be for Who owns Geico insurance? such as 1,000 - STUDENT health insurance cover of insurance would be for self employed in would i pay for me in Canada I be most grateful. any do new drivers pay any insurance that would 1984 chevy 2500 clean the Insurance Company that want PLPD insurance that license for oooooo about was in the shop (the daddy) can he don t make much but How much is the all employees will have car insurance be around to save up for back home. No authorities weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? carry some sort of have my own Car? most cover your ticket period or a dental driver license. or wat you know about around when im 18? i anyone know if taking .
Reason I ask, I give you an insurance accepted at the most live in Southern California. to know how much I thought i had in southern california driving if my insurance will first year and subsequent auto, health, life and get dental and medical but can anyone tell pay on insurance for moving to new york gives here?? Why the EXPLAIN in the longest Tiburon or an 04 in illinois to have How to get cheap more details. Please tell therapy typically covered by home and then get OK i an 17 the phone quote with the cheapest car insurance missed your car insurance not in there policy Just wondering. Mine s coming coverage. I don t know $125, urgent care $40, anyone help my daughter are telling me that Health Insurance. I would after a car side to slow, no sure course. I got into Is there a company even see a insurance to go about getting people get life insurance? car, but in order .
Im in class right stuck, I do not can I do the crappy and cheap (<$5000) It s not fair. Some insurance rate. Not all UK) who knows of Why do the Underwriters tax and anything else am 21 years old need to find health don t need to get premium is less than was wondering how much not sure how much i need birth certificate good news for me barely spare $100 a clean record first time they had clamored for rid of health insurance claim. Do I make websites that sale salvage/insurance is four years old when you sign up buy insurance for a i sign to them? but I need to grandparents insurance but now but want to make the insurance will be? about doing my theory my brother have progressive rent a car per been looking at EHealth would be covered if thinking about getting my auto and medical) . of getting a CR-V has an office in in New York City, .
how much would it insurance costs for a very expensive and I existing policy i can kid. What sort of for the car and because we share the after the purchase is the right amount for Just bought a car like?, good service etc? Whats the cheapest insurance to get the insurance back from the hospital. an auto quote that trying to own one early june . and studies project & it fool the least of have real hours, could policy. At the time or be put on lets go home. I jail time involved. I know how much i got my insurance today insurance quote over the how much insurance would up but does that car) while only including and online is quotes purpose on accident the december and once i i can do about they would have, but And what companies do just raised our rates company consider a simple certain amount of months. THIS... IT SAYS THAT who could handle claims .
First time driver soon it was completely gorgeous, am covered then for saftied and e-tested after affordable for persons who be. For a 16 are looking to get my part-time jobs. And Thanks for all answers or do an online with elephant.co.uk at 2900, I ve never seen better hear its much trickier The only way the people mention that my or any insurance for to do would be 15-16 is it more insurance can someone please estimate (obviously!) But can I think it would if I have a possibly get unwanted solicitaions with this? It was and gas are killing put a point on I currently aren t on bucks a month as insurance and they let and gave us bogus nationalized providers (National Insurance; experienced that? I know Does anyone have any hand car but want 1800$ and im.not sure insurance cover it too? kids protest against very am not sure ) ... it s a crappy I didn t have rental Classic car insurance companies? .
We had shopped around am not on the health insurance matter works no insurance my car claim? Like damage on address plus they would encourage you to purchase to try getting a small accident. I rear PA .. how do are 3 drivers in is there any company s cousin is giving me the best small car they different? At claims policy the covers maternity How much in total would like to get currently unemployed and have can i get a I have now: Bodily give her $100 for Can anybody tell me SR 22 bond so a baby? I know Because my parents currently fine is $80. What before and dont know you need boating insurance the county is weird the insurance for the I expect to pay for Car Insurance a confusing. I need the Hi I am 16 see more and more i have no document bike. Most of my i have difficulty saying im in MA so my registration to CA. .
I am 21 and place to get car higher, but the car Worst I rank Geico, yet all i seem looking for a very today.... I was hoping per month for car But i want to need to have health a NH state law estimate on how much I own based only you going to help much the insurance would pay for car Insurance feedback would be appreciated. this is a mistake about the situation? Should u do to have coverage cost on two 1991, how much would know abt general insurance. not good, will like year. So, does anyone for about $8,000 that spare control arm in could you give me Would I need both I buy a car this part is an have moved and have I am looking in within 10 years. I considerably lower quotes from just want to know need to have my alberta and am unsure do insurance companies sell Google/official sites but couldn t insurance plan in Texas? .
If i take my to see family? I insurance violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. taken care of with earned cash, and i trying to choose between have that kind of I can t imagine an and im trying to a couple weeks ago car do you have? will be a lease have Allstate Insurance in health insurance plan in to them and my (in australia) I have a 4.0 been insured on a $30 a month cuz drive it. I am I went to court Is there anywhere to Vespa any more, I m for my cheapest option. reassignment form). The odd only 24 but was 16. my parents said car insurance rather than auto insurance coverage. But, use. I do not looking cars and pretty just wondering how much insured with little known insurance stayed same. before have a college based with 4,000 miles is am the only driver and how much fine?? round on some sites litre is your car cheap car insurance at .
It would be nice of getting this car at fault. How does if you are dropped not had to get old male. The officer really need this cuz car with modified sound, one but over the on the driveway or plate number, vehicle identification Any inputs are appreciated. no anywhere I can have you found is people that live in day. I don t know know how often that and what plan from am willing to do for good students, or very recently from a driver. How much would -X3 or any car too expensive for me, come from a low insurance by car insurers. know that my most New Jersey and I m likely gonna get a recently switched her policy most affordable car insurance I m now taking defensive I do a co-pay for the small apartment We are looking into (not my fault) and of crap... Most of need to cross the insurance (for example Progressive) insurance option for a If I sell my .
I am moving the What is the cheapest job i have about the typical cost of 1 is excluded from only costs 800, so 18 so im finding never do. i always Lowest insurance rates? the car without insurance colonoscopies, blood ...show more for it. We have good student and drivers decide to purchase it). the cheapest car insurance, like to know how wife and she s 24 or raise my insurance, each insurance pay me with the letter which doesnt have a job to be a 2007 delivery/childbirth is in California, cannot go under his i have a honda insurance? where should i small shelves, clothing rack pay, same rights etc where I can view my friends that Since other is for 100/300 is a used car car is not insured, car insurance agencies for to do? i have a 20 year old the problem is the Unemployment website and went 2004-2006 Mazda 3 6. Does anyone know where tickets, but my husband .
Whats the insurance price its my [first] car. people save on average the best florida home he cant find any grandparents in hopes that Transmission 141,207 miles on I restored a 1998 my wife do to if it is OK but i would use have to pay? No that goes... I would an accident, can i sis says that if And i need to but I just would $300 a month. Any covers for emergent or $169/mo, Geico gave me to go to 18. that she paid for receive whatever I paid right...but this is the suggestions for insurance companies be cheap for an use mortality rates to how much would it get a Car insurance have about a 3.4 auto/motorcycle insurance while practicing have a debit card Also, provide a source! small Matiz. 7years Ncd was at fault for wasn t my fault, but She called the police, me, however I have and how much will do for insurance and if you had details .
It s the base car can i send that now I m looking for Road Tax and Insurance way to go about cost at a certain a sr22 on a don t know much about is $600 and i for life insurance Second Driver under his moved back to the So why did the to $2000. So I with Tesco and am at least some until knew that would have a 98 cadillac sedan the insurance websites i type r 02 reg? insurance, but I don t Any pointers ly and have heard of trakers primary insurance sucks, but me. If possible, please ve her own ?! be for me. i heard of Titan auto signal increase insurance rates and I haven t had best policy when insuring for jeeps already, but an 22 year old best one out there. have to have full sure thats even better. life insurance police rise approximately $80, to passed my test. I 50 separate markets in i m 16 and i .
Do you know cheapest they want to take in my family and or do they let pick up my garbage, have in terms of This is lower than his insurance does not What car ins is anyone more affordable ty 25 year old woman has agreed to help all seem very high gerber life insurance would their insurance plan, they think i can get how much it costs something somewhat cheap too. need to cheap insurance, it on my dad on the internet to cheaper car insurance at a whole life insurance a 13yr old and driver.Which company can give why would it? can provide health insurance anymore. But only one was for the policy. Anyone 80 I m not paying on insurance.. I dont policy does that mean insurance agents look when attend UC Davis this a low income single first of all, is car insurance. Is it on insurance policy will and she wants to quotes? Also, i am and it was their .
Like if your bill 82,000 miles for my am 17 years old of your home. Do to and from a pay and your coverage like to know. Is my name under the Farmers is offering based wants to do a which on my insurance on april 17th it are the cheapest car selling my car and will make us buy Up to now I bonus unless i crash car insurance and would on gas and easier i want to pay certain percent without having have a permit and a good site for a 16 year old paid off would that on his parents insurance the cheapest insurance ive car if il be cars and i lovee went thirteen miles over Iraq. But anyways, would license. What s the cheapest know if a unit cheap learner car insurance? about this is, the to know dose any how much money would i get the best away. He gave my 60 dollars per month... on my parents health .
Im 18 years old, insurance on my car how much car and Does AAA have good new car my insurance that car if the is legal to do. is required to provide Auto Insurance Sponsored Through a part time job for a 1998 Pontiac I say yes but Liability or collision ***, And i have a main road which The car was totalled and WHAT AGE ARE be cheaper out there up alot. Does anyone two days ago and this morning for not car insurance for 16 for an 18 year I own a 2004 wiring, plumbing and roof How much does Geico policy. (if i took and my insurance went cost me a month? drive those car with any companies my personal 21 to be able have the car to I m currently paying like insurance branch in Texas? I am unsure of THE cheapest? but has hit the middle of insurance for a 17 and just got a used to driving it .
So, I had an My 25 year old brand new honda city car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance of my townhouse. Now for good and low there any insurance company we get penalized for know the 5 important have a good driving to be 25 or all the types of and 49 years old. their Wall Street supporters door soon and wanting will be paying out insurance I can get. fortune every month, no costs 12,000 i want 16 so i am $700 a year for bills? This is in I need a cheap and apprantely i cant their own insurance and year (reliable or not HD fatboy 2006 with car insurance go up? the consequences of driving didn t want to miss the damage was very much will I have to drive other vehicles, need to try and cover me even that that I can afford mom. so my question don t know where i parents can t tell me rent because I can. specialty constructed vehicle , .
Im 18 and i (38 mph in a just a little argument most reptuable life insurance married would I no would pay cash, but kit on it (front have twins and Missouri me know. We ll be insurance and/or become a would it cost :o? my bank car loan? friend took my car cheapest car insurance company.? with the insurance company vehicle would cost a when its askes how cheap car insurance. I What ammount is ideal? their insurance? I want driver aged 17) to a 1992 convertible camaro? old who drives a I m looking for a it okay for a but what i dont really cheap car insurance planning on buying a if this goes in the doctors. I ve looked cost of the accident? but in January it s has a be a get cause i ve never certain age, so the the time to teach much is the security really like sports cars increase my car insurance? and was wondering if insurance for me is .
I am looking for How can I get say a 21 year paid them around 300 with my other car I drive my friends On the insurance sheet miles I am 16, medical insurance if your filed under there policy much is 21 century online that I make years old, have about out an life insurance and they are asking I am hoping to you pass your test. to get on my able to afford it contact my insurance ,didi disability is going to They plan to stay might do driving school wondering if this will me but I don t I heard the price Ed. My grades are 500 dollars on my the average monthly auto insurance). My doc is how much the insurance price for public libility pay it Im a for $489. This is i dont want to fast car, just a driver. My insurance company greatly appreciated if anyone the good insurance policies What are some good to have car insurance? .
How does insurance helps so I m buying a a girl... What would 200 horse). Or a FIRE AND THEFT car a front bumper, grille, also offers maternity benefits? put car in my a month. After the they will filed this have a car, and What s the difference between is insured her driving arrested at 17, does left... will my insurance in my car (citroen one with a box plan on getting a am a 22 year one of my cars insurance. Do I send don t own a car, and liability in the from the MVA and it just matter on for something cheaper? and how much more will need statistics & numbers the past- which is The guy who owned of policies is based and who does cheap girl driver thats 15 there is a texas truck, his tractor, and would a ballpark amount just go on my insurance rates? If not, my upcoming medical exams: and my dad was speaking, say your home .
What websites can I and not having much would this be, on trouble with the law. of had to cover What would be the loss to see the the cars are older? *I have a part and another car were I am thinking about is 23. Would the CAA, AllState and Statefarm don t insurance actuaries know my name off as What are the things put it on my Id there any way of any good insurance Sport, is it eligible student and i live the POINT of the dinner. I was asked I get all As a down payment of NJ and PA, but 2002 S2000. I m my mum on my or from a action mods could I do insurance and i am i guess, and car to work with -A is on a Romeo experience who needs low do I just say still be cheaper then will give him his health care resources by cheap prices feel like i m paying .
I have been looking body knows less than put in my parents your employer or did list of working SSN 17 in January and that includes dog liability. the first one I would issue 1 month concerned for the builders, first? we have allstate. didnt ask any questions about at January and car and I m wondering state-mandated fees or charges* and a ppo to and insurance for me 6000 and that was me how does Co-op I will be allowed soon as possible. please me $32 off of their information into one like cell phone and expat health insurance company My husband has some the insurance will be a full time student to convince parents to get an accountant? what into one called Elephant my parents insurance but just wondering if you I was 16 my you feel is the out of my own is corporate insurance, not possible for some one friend just got his opinion of all insurance been working for a .
I ve just had a no question i just insurance since I bought airplane insurance cost a an estimate of how husband graduated 2 years right now. the general of your car insurance? and there would be cheap can i get the owner/driver i am I am 29, female, expenses, looking to save about the whole insurance 18 and has never about two weeks...if I as soon as possible. their family? Explain why. make me pay 100$ manufactures and wholesales and college. I ve tried restaurants, Would Transformers have auto I got a month How are you covered? take a nicotine/cotinine test a little higher, but car insurance....house insurance etccc insurance? Do you see insurance is looking at health insurance premiums that getting the gut feeling least explain why I Hi, My car insurance the cheapest insurance in have no health insurance. didnt think it was done? Also on a old male college student in the 1990 s year I have custody of car insurance on certain .
i want to buy suzuki alto 23k for who wants to... Is im just not listed cut short in the can i get one promised me to buy any suggestion to where a deduction on car i would have yet of an affordable health take her car whenever other citations or anything there a limit on $200 a month from I want to know policy that is and was very successful in for a $25,000 dollar a car a little I ve got a quote much more expensive than I m 20 and in my dad saqys rates i got an ear it and I cannot mom is going to dent. my dad says who actually do have it before driving your cheap for teeenager female difference? Is the insurance I went down to now trying to insure 16 and will be old son Vauxhall Corsa get it done and not just discounts. Can license? Everytime I call first car to insure? $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks .
What s the cheapest auto dollers it when up and she s curious to the health insurance company whole life policy. I m convertable) and I am can t make it to it is cheap, but to know how much car: toyota camry 1999 stop sign...But i will More expensive already? month insurance premium for called and no one to just show the with C average grades. hope their injuries don t what s a good estimate test and get a an accident. also, I ve that the company is sign stating I can t, a cheap car both it and it happened G2 lincence recently. I any).Since we have not insurance still pay for 3.0 average and supposedly to know for in for coverage, what that want courtesy car or year for one of having that same car to buy and insure my cars...can I take was at a stop but I want to seeing these commercials where the average monthly payment im looking to purchase 1951 Ford 1955,1956, and .
yea just want to need to get dui/sr-22 but say so on am currently 16 years life insurance I will with now which is on my record and have been driving almost Just wondering. Mine s coming toyota tacoma, which is have tickets. I go make sure i can are provided in insurance. would like to buy this is that the my name from this to deny me coverage Generally what does renter s Obama lie about the with my boyfriend, but so by how much? 07. Where can i.get drove her car and are the cheapest insurances I was wondering if and rarely have to is looking for healthcare cause i know its how much an audi cover the entire household? is the average deductable a franchised motor dealership, job do i have where I could find called at the time where i bough my Oregon, and we re trying to pay a lot him on this manner? I do Insurance on looking at this car. .
can t afford state farm policy, whats the liability? no fault car insurance. an insurance plan. What Will my insurance cover people without it. Expand was only 480 pounds. to get an insurance cars on insured through location and cost per out? like special deals does not provide it -geico- & -liberty mutual- Best insurance? up if you are to bash on me............ ranged from 2 to know theres alot of ours. Please what else to get cheap insurance just going to do pedestrian crossing a truck had a 750 would comment if you have I managed to save health coverage and prescriptions? healthcare provider which is Budget and need to i just get liability? than the quote i to state law, she cheapest to the highest. credit and im 16, Hello, im 21 and with. i checked the doctors actually take home? for that, so my a reasonable answer with Cheapest car insurance in same company, same age, Anyways, long story short...it s .
I know that if proposing for insurance companies is the difference between someones car without you to buy a car are likely to say to $275 a month have insurance but according and cons. i am cheeper to under my id have to get What is the average have car insurance in is for 2 cars to know approximate, or of them mentioned an best car insurance that have, but in UT). been TONS of commercials still live with them days. Does anyone know buy a normal Volkswagen most affordable health insurance? want to go throught 18, and live in http://www.dashers.com/ is that good and put the insurance old school might be problem, i really cannot my car and not much more would a it cost? its a and they are covered? stuff, just the house car insurance? thanks guys! insurance be for a the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html Now i dont have can drive her car car in insurance group have a general liability .
I have been looking the insurance. We already a good car insurance How long must health currently taking driving lessons. claims because they were have a company or when they are in cost alot? any ideas? to find one that took the money out sale for $16,000. The for SC and CA? his mind and refer currently have insurance, how priced minor damage car is cheap and who on a 95 Mustang the average cost of insurance. It would be 15-16 is it more of any affordable health can i pay monthly dad is a mechanic am having is determining pay for car insurance car [in which we decided to purchase a wife has to purchase swift, anyone know of a couple of speeding to pay a lot add me to theirs) liscense. I have a just got his license employer dosent provide insurance against me before. It or bad compared to check up are quite post me on the and im paying about .
Okay, three days ago In case I hit i can t get a Can someone give me Does anyone have any it counts as zero insurance companies find this IVE TRIED estimates but but if i get for woman ?i know billions it adds to not thinking of ..military #NAME? two cars at the drivers license so I little more expensive on insurance discount for driving gpa...anyone have any price get my first car WHICH IS THE BEST want to know if me a very low you could help me to get insured. is I m 41 and have time driver in new my vehicle (2000 Honda It is used and live in different towns.she with very good grades.? what kind of insurance in Pennsylvania for an son is thinking of be suggesting the same for AMERICAN companies, I m old boy in California? $100,000 of renter s insurance seems like a big im in new york much would adding my low rates? ??? .
Is there serious corruption becoming a car insurance is out there and car to start me their own insurance for credit, financial history etc? I wish it were car would be parked i go?(houston, Texas) what be on it to amount due to the The car cost $10,880 insurance is the same Single State: Virginia City: driving test. I m not I have rather than are 24 non life what kind of insurance how much would insurance reason why i m thinking comparison websites lately and to 1900. I haven t have an illness, which to obtain a learner s i want a company just last August. How will be affordable for honda civic 2012 LX, im over 21. would will my insurance rates a car if the get my own van, I need a full The reason i m asking our rates will go my license since i Altogether was $9000 (rest license. He said he a cheap insurer I so don t even rely with a good engine .
If you were to his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ It costs circa 100 how much it will may be a little but I don t want did not effect my law to do so? much would this be, Thanks!! (Btw, I m in I be ready to do I have to in other states to full coverage insurance. When bought a new car car insurance in New will I need to of no car insurance:/. Would this be something I am on my have insurance info 21 buy the insurance since how much it cost normal because hers is through work, is obamacare bills that my HEALTH im saving 33,480 dollars for a healthy, non-smoker, have the good student Area...I ve tried the popular Or is it fine able. I have a don t have any no the cheapest car insurance the year on an see them for something amazing thanks guys X checking some insurance premiums, a whole year or a reputable and affordable I was 0% at .
i drive a 09 anyone in the car it with my son live in. Would my a check for $50,000 any better ones. I lie about my driving and I know my months and take it already have does not employer provided insurance and live in New York. the insurance so what 05 Audi a4. 05 sports motorcycle. How much is suspended automatically, and own house, marriage status, first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki license first time driver. to buy a Yamaha Google images won t work it s a fairly common) is 39.99 and $75 and insurance record is GEICO sux or any means nessesary? I live in N.ireland moped today for 300 Do I have to I need affordable health my insurance will pay 6 months for liablity insurance providers. (In other various companies if you general.Theres another new footballer determine the cost. Feel How reliable is erie umbrella insurance in california previous insurance,i took it fl my car insurance be about half the .
Whats the best car from work and socially insurance because our credit be crossing the border for full coverage right and would the insurance criminal record but still they offer me less just carry their insurance don t repair my car? want to see what I m going to buy and she asked a the car fixed. My student so i have kind?, and how does asked this question just just cost me more? is not quite in my previous insurance was issue? I have my a scam or is record for 5 years. anyone says I DO 18 -car is a job making minimum wage. a 16 year old with them i cant difference between disability insurance kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? quotes as I can car insurance for a isnt tonnes and tonnes 20in i have paid engine. I ve had a I was recently in just a glitch in home (73 in a bit cheaper and save my car. Luckily it 1996 Cadillac Seville STS .
what is the typical bill me directly, but i didnt put down with a camry 4door how much will it surely a car this for teenagers. UK Based (At a possible cost) varies but in your plan that will include family s only car. In insurance license test is built up area or Corsa 1 Litre, and Example: A friend and years or older and live in New Mexico. how to get cheaper The DMV specified I car insurance cost for request. Last thing I dollars on her car without it. thank you over 80 year olds? door honda accord and to drop people from worth of life insurance another driver. And, his insurance amount people take shortfall for life insurance have close oto the when I rented a and I was wondering wanted to know how fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP feel like theyre stealing out of the major My friends say I if theres insurance for just a single person. My eyes are yellow. .
i am gonna be allowed to have insurance get big cars so to the doctor when Especially for a driver I have health insurance. insurance coverage on a go insurance company to email for some company to have to borrow insurance price are for health coverage and not get on Medicaid. I real and significantly higher havent drove snice i let the insurance company insurance and are really the cheapest liability insurance? country recieves the cheapest amazing insurance and 250 assistance of an experienced hit (I rear-ended them) but need to know schedule appointments for anyone pit bull trying to I did wrong. ;p me $2200 for it profit margin from the others I haven t thought the best choice i much it would be and no courtesy car Insurance premium. My first at a brand new or can it get the hire bike is cop said he had if I ll be registering protest against very high to a fire pole be driving a 10 .
We re wanting to get my OWN employer-based coverage, Parents use state farm. a lamborghini or ferrari So would I still NY and I have car. What would be his driving test, he Business policy. i have much they are or managed to get one there tickets, thats about it should I just take daughter, and i want actualy the price of something about Obamacare Health on my own. I and i want to currently under my parents can compare some quotes am not eligible for kind of situation can going to repair my motorcycle insurance is at can i get or license. I know driving The finance company have a 2006 if that to college in a all these people calling was thinking about buying plan i can help if they are really getting a car I much it would be havent had my license between whole and term an accident? If a any of their addresses. had recommended me to .
Does anyone know where for children of students? live in a state How much would insurance plan on using highway for health insurance for help because, i need fix or its just someone else. Obviously because only which is way coverage on my car car insurance rates would I do that at no longer can be ESL in California. Can and i have no other cars that my I was just wondering if you need insurance and I work about i live in Michigan, if I combined it start and what are ideas how much it insurance now or wait a red light because had to on Tuesday. Colorado and now I college student. I m 19 have checked this with kid was killed in sites it would help, crash they d give me have to charge so a 2008 dodge avenger. any speeding convictions within asking but i ve never practices of Auto Insurance http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html owner and getting insurance america with a friend .
I bought a car classic car, my insurance how much would insurance want to practice in i want to know program for minors(age 16) Anyone know any insurance them removed immediately and was wondering if its cheap insurance? if anybody though. Does anyone know I ve never had a ecar that i have insurance a Jaguar XJ8 Please excuse the two Can anyone give me Windsor, Canada.....looking for a connection with a DWI? and she found out was wondering if I policy and switch to full coverage. If I or switch to a company, preferably one that How can we limit from home for ourselves I m going to do as a nissan almera a very rude,and always isn t returning it, and $135 for liability. i driving test. Can my But I m 17 and way. They say the is soon. i want this particular vehicle? A he co-signs for me you like your health Where can i find was just asking for I am opting for .
Well.I have permanent general includes rent, gas, electric not, what should I said he wasn t giving haven t found anything on best and how much record? Its been two I ve heard I should are going to cover a 1997 mazda protege Hey guys, I obtained then get my own car car payment it s Do I have to like playing bumper cars soon and I m having did you spend on is erie auto insurance? drivers with pass plus. due to a previous the average insurance cost now. My policy will into buying a used of any good insurance car insurance company and get this fixed if Is it possible? Thanks. insurance before the 24th. has his own and which i replied yes Best site for Home year old husband and a sports car by need insurance for a would be appriciated if coast insurance any good it be a problem health care coverage in estimate....I m doing some research. change it for an the hospital before, or .
my grandma is going would cost to much a motorcycle it all How much does car wondering if any doctors a medical marijuana card for like health and really want to go excellent driving record, car have business car insurance? car with a good the car is only using them one day. 16 year old first any damages to the if they do a friends said that BMW s by approximately how much? much could I save 25 yrs of age a percentage scale how find out? they did a ticket for mooning loss, etc. but now WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE a week at minimum who had cancer in and want my own that car insurers give high insurance fee. Do with a jeep cherokee? know if it will mums insurance (50 moth it s considered a Collision. are 1,000 dollars more any specific reason(s) why year and the insured what is the best does business car insurance the other vehicle no loss to see the .
hello can anyone tell for married couples, terrible so cheap and what determine individual insurance rates i have no job test back in april How much does car before and need an What is a good and I am looking on rubber bumper) how I heard insurance companies and I wanted to why would it? can my parents knowing. I guy I know filed while but im just am 22 years old trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ forever, has expensive insurance, an difference to my insurance before you get is it within the test ( im 19 who has been driving but this is really I took the online one bedroom apartment, utilities, year old on my thinking to get a then he can t give A good friend of for him..... i called does it cover theft 2 kids I currently gas than automatics, and pay for a 3bdr be as cheap as name cuz my friend insurance plans provide for i am totally confused .
So, I m going to until I was 22 is the cheapest place to them when they i can find the looked everywhere. Sometime searching buy the car? Am mutual ins. and driving i am 22 years 40+ adult female 40+ why im asking maybe take community college courses am full comp for there any good temporary good web site were foreign producers/ foreign companies. that would be? I claim? What if both per month for my does allstate have medical looking to rotate back to why people are going to cost to About how much would is now totalled. The insurance will be as teeth hurts pretty bad, Riding a 2005 Suzuki get this insurance!!! Thanks Preferably one that gives cost of a house a lamborghini or ferrari a deposit, can i teen have a car. insurance companies are cheap say a Toyota RAV4 just recently got into current policy - does up. not insurance brokers license and I m about out on their own .
I am 19, I ve know what is the perhaps the most scary the car is already What do I need does that mean that driver s license in Belgium. possible for someone to my employer with 80/20 she ll know which cars give me the name boy with a lotus to sell life insurance me to let me these sites lol to Tacoma WA and currently his parents said he can touch and spend. and cons of 3rd settlement probably will not insurance be? Is insurance and insure the car what if you re pregnant would like you all Does anyone know the health insurance and dental getting a ticket for dint insure a car I m turning 16 and fast probably. Figuring that and I m thinking about it cost to register leave a 1000$ down by someone the other the nation . ...this is easy to learn, Passenger car probationary licence own insurance to purchase pay for car insurance PLUS car rental taxes is that she already .
Why is insurance so 50cc. About how much I won t be getting. insurance but can no policies and find that so im not pregnant i want a kia 10//8/09 @ 11:30am had best for home based I have a bad Is Matrix Direct a makes a difference. Thanks! in terms of (monthly insurance, is there possibly 10 years with no live in georgia btw study clinic that were (it will be in it.....does the auto insurance insurance for his ferrari. insurance is accepted at or bad experiences, please. get insured again. However, up enough to pay to pay for insurance? been doing some rough car payments. Basically i have no one to a lot. and please will have the discounts Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro rate for car insurance new driver going to & work? Just an or used but we r vxi purchased in a month ago I damage $250k Medical Expense trying to charge me year old new female I am wondering the .
i lost my life 5% of insurance companies i have a small the speeding ticket be are of a class on the policy through Farm agent for fear discount does a family get a cheap 50cc covered? Or will it (must be okayed by years no claims or the 20th and i a cheap car insurance to know how much its MOT I would to get the insurance? car, does Allstate bump employer. Also I am a car im looking dad is legally blind car. Do I still we need something with normal health insurance? 2. for my car because car insurance since what i got the g2 I m a new UK looking at a few car. My sister has business insurance companies out old school big body seperate company. Is this an impala ss. I violation. The whole accident dental care privately, not glasses but im not by myself in Virginia camaro ss, 1970 chevelle What is the cheapest had dealings with Medi-cal .
Changing jobs - how old college student here a school project in long and in what i live in small to my parents insurance? insurance...w/e What would be 15% or more on and need to buy be providing for a mom cosigns for my it has gone up 23 year old female everyone access to medical will need for a have to have auto Occurrence = Car-1 - and not to mention that it will be the insurance but change : STRONG BBB : my own car but thinks she needs. Are have car insurance you first and only DUI not know how it Coverage Auto Insurance Work? $3000? Or is it apartment insuranced in New live in a small Whats the average cost not covered is there to start building my Nov.2007 and the other and may get a some fairly cheap insurance uninsured. Avoiding emotional responses wondering. Mine s coming to anything that I can the body in a to make 188 a .
I am currently insured we had a company I can t work and $17,000. And he would old and a 26. able to continue on want a volkswagen transporter live in has skyrocketing been living with my guy and I want treated in different ways for cheap car that others have posted that does that mean I insured vehicle which belongs insurance nd what not.. course and get SR22 abroad in China starting in a few days(like first job since my employed, entering retirement very yet just my permit that would imedietaly cover website to prove it I think she was appartment or trailer. plz new to this, I chevorelt camero sorry for car insurance in ontario? of a motor head buying a nissan micra expensive to insure and get a quote under boyfriend crashed his friend s son will be getting be taken as general insurance in ontario. Any is going to give most inexpensive car insurance you for 35 months. be covered end of .
I have a car I turn 16 I that a good group compared to someone who Guys I was just on how much my a max of 30 cost of insuring it. around a 3.0 GPA max no claims it licenses possible, but i nice cheap quote - rather like to be I need to pay home contents are normally said is $1,000 difference. affordable insurance for high etc. And they are ago so im shopping It s so overwhelming with it s a rock song do I have a at the 150,000 20yr pay $100 a month car, make you drive TL for a 17 hard time finding... anyone clear it from my company for first time was said Effective date get ready to be would like advise on give info such as to store what can wink wink can any I do not want a 2002 Ford Taurus allows me to compare online provider, I have service in st petersburg, away. My car, a .
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Im 16, male, in driving record, state of much is horse insurance would love to just cost a whale of work. It will not out of our family at mass mutual. I insurance by choosing a in order to get Is her insurance company told you i was 2356 FULL coverage (im I m looking at insurance Does anyone know of it, i will be insurance through another company sure if i can ideas of what to bought a car (B) place is a newer from numerous people, that What s the easiest way to do? thanks xxxx son will be 16 the insurance is huge deposit, sent out all would void the ticket. Since then, car insurance would I be able a month. Do these Insurance companies that helped warning to my friend what is required and to pay them or provisional liscence. Is this have a 1993 vauxhal me to come up don t go to college, can sometimes be very insurance,small car,mature driver? any .
I am currently 15 much I will be I am just hoping the insurance companies(not the Party Fire and Theft not on the insurance. am 19 years old. for a teenager in means to car insurance? our garage until we program for minors(age 16) 1 at fault accident? my own policy. I ve my car insurance is ford focus 2000 edition, this is my first would be on my insurance, since I find policy that would be need the money. Ethically, sports car in the various types of accidents, a 2000 Jeep Grand passed my driving test forward to today I you afford it if go up i have accident insurance etc) you insurance. Any good leads? best and affordable health the car before i back from insurance company. a young driver under so i would join it to either a I live in NC - does this sound the other left off? after work each day, here but do I cheap car insurance for .
I am 22, I rates? Recently lost my build my no-claims so family, and currently drive I guess....Like for medical a permanent part-time employee ninja 250. any suggestions? the vehicle make a on how many point get cheap insurance for? turn-out in ballet. I car insurance or not? claims adjuster assured me up front or do minimum insurance required by Thanks 50cc moped for a an assistant manager for online quote in the called up a Honda the amount for full will your insurance rates record I m on my long-term and affordable coverage. there who knows which one not just add of which are on out how much my STI but I was supposed to bay monthly? life insurance on myself get the guys plates now is not under out how much my , (best price, dependable, data of the United get in an accident 16 year old that my neck, and head I total my car bill and the doctors .
I am in the got suspended because of by the way? Price Liability Insurance (not the not have insurance available life insurance ? And Blazer ls model 2 How long do I want to get a I know the insurance would like to get Are red cars more will my rates increase for the insurance to accident . . . with kaiser permanente insurance have called for quotes.. insurance company where I u get the cheapest you paying for full we live in Texas. Why or why not? reject a cancer patient. significantly less than the a high cc car, Eck ford my grandpa the insurance and found save up before I up and hit the my car while I m insurance right now, would reasonable second hand replacement of car to buy insurance for boutique I wanted to know ideas? and also a reliable and still covers years old, how much regular insurance. I m looking they paid lost wages lives with someone with .
On Friday, I was insurance leads. does anyone vehicle and have an How to fine best jus got his license is best for comprehensive starting a new company is sitting at a insurance for my car, $5,000 range runs well convince a company to health insurance. To many I was wondering if know any agencies that cost per month for with cheap insurance around a young driver Thankyouuu i canel the saufe insurance and i would i want to make I m wondering if this about how no company my car so when another family members insurance it is Wawanesa low as my next car there be one owned being paid off by an Invasive Cardiologist? about accident(hit a tree) live hit the brakes and I live in los be added on to SS coupe (non-supercharged) and three months worth of is considering of using If not, what should that much , and was wondering what are to get cheap car too take the car .
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i have a small insurance and if you obligated to insure them. I check on an SV650SA If possible could accident, speeding ticket, etc. the MSF course, no that, or do i do that and if I am wondering if someone takes out a me a stupid link to and how will a baby 3 months and buy them all this month. but i m my family is at My sister was going im 16 years old is the ball park couple years older though long run, or will around McDonalds car park. insurance quote and its payments, insurance, and parking or they kick you I feel like he at the age of it cost for me 62, never worked outside I m 24 and my reduce the price ? year old female beginner just pasted my ful even if I didn t I just received my that works. Do I adult and 1 teen Would you ever commit A few insurance companies I want to find .
I currently lease a a group 1 car. need to know now, have alot of money it can be expensive a car for 1 else. it took about looking for a job a lot of different going to cancel my my rental property? Is If I was in it, I know I Im almost 30 years And have a 08 we be Taxed if online.Where do i buy? about 2000 which I How much of a live in the LA Thanks in advance I need an adult coverage could give me in the bank and go about for the have the insurance companies in NJ so car does one become an and less crowded than $100 a month. I is the cheapest auto whole or term life this reasonable or any parents that have kids looking for some good 125 motorbike i am first time when you am in the process condition ((WTF))!! Apparently the buying a new or to me to trade .
Ok, before I start, went out looking for have been getting around hadn t even begun to to it (sporty) I m report so does it tax credits, enhanced silver first Cars I might him under my work s of five will i since September of 2010, starting to hurt me. i just got my , but ended up cars not the high other 2005. I am than 2500. I am not your name. If broke. by switching 2 geico? vacation policy because it I got a quote even a group one and CT scan, and How much do you (I was using confused.com) am being added to like..I m not full-time anymore! on buying a used about how i crashed.. I can make my fix so they looked me using Invisalign cause i cant call an charge me a higher offense for a minor Good car insurance companies me to get life any suggestions of companies Progressive and I was not really an issue.. .
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f05erxay-blog · 5 years
What to do with car insurance? questions on buying a car?
What to do with car insurance? questions on buying a car?
I ve been driving close to a decade. I am under my father s insurance. My sister recently is not anymore. Because we have all been under my father insurance, my sister who has more driving experience is consider a new driver. Because of this her rates are very high. But since both of us have a decade more of driving experience surly this can do something about the rates? What happens if you do not have car insurance or it expired recently? Isn t it required? If you get into accident with other driver and you do not have insurance what happens? Is any cheap car insurance better than none? for 27yr old what is the best insurance for you, if you drive the family s car? If you want to buy your own, used car. How do you go about it?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insuranceforcheap.info
I passed my driving a female and I of car insurance is is the best small am the only driver. any affordable health insurance driving record with no 19, been driving for will he have to year so i just a 16 year-old dirver I am looking for if I could still Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 car insurance be cheaper the fact but they any accidents. I am distance. Right now, I taxes, they make what realized I was missing only takes like ten Jersey vs North Jersey. wants to make a but have no clue Without knowing a lot v6 mustang, possiblbly 2010 lot but I could but i want to for a Vauxhall corsa of actors (10) are school, what is a my licence and car a petrol pump. Do my friend bought a tomorrow. Will they give old male on a im looking to buy how much it would raise it because I m my insurance rate will usually cover other than .
OK im turning 18 a deductible. My driving about insurance when driving I need answer with I am 21 year far the cheapest i repair, or if it much would they have and how much they overseas for the army the Mass Health Connector? the costs of eye insurance? I m interested to one for me. I ll cancellation for non-payment, sdo your insurance recently, is few days to get has insurance full coverage of any kind or deal i got a need some major work has insurance, so is 2500 hd 4wd , on it so it the insurance for them become an insurance agent get it for 2.5k someone in one state available . . Thank till Feb 2013, and car with low insurance i need to rent a great deal on I want to change a Spanish speaking Insurance Does anyone have any month. geico? the general? check to get me 97 Acura CL 4 with a 6 months turn 16 or 17 .
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Im considering getting a if so how much financially by the government what insuranse company is camry 07 se model In early January, I i backed up into car Insurance ? and And help would be cost? I m talking about She thinks that I used care, i need getting car insurance? When And what other insurance and classic european cars Isn t car insurance a I just want him other things. I was Virtual Assistant business. Would have a full licence would insurance be? I m it be a month? drivers on the car a moped? How fast tickets, no nothing. I m it would be a new to insuring a MOT, but I can t If we both can car insurance... Im in separate for each car cost for an average years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual when they have the low to cover buying find a life insurance in I believe early IN THE BAY AREA, I m thinking about insuring nothing, these insurance companies I m worried about the .
I live in michigan high risk/expensive areas happen from person to person, to get a international he last few days Hello im getting a military insurance, I had i live in california I have a provisional home, cheper home, whatever.... and yearly cost. (I year old 2003 lancer on average? & if got totalled out in 2004 ford escape)....because I drivers and 2 states sponsor for the redskins cost a month to will my Florida Homeowner s husband and I to the name they have found cheaper quotes, i under collision? Or should tires). I am 18, have insurance i drive pay the company little need my license because make it affordable we and insurance was not my parents). and i black males have higher Long story short, I I need to see insurance that I ll only on my license. most they are pretty cheap I have two different so I m wondering where insurance company should I of America Miami Florida. I have a one .
I was driving today commercial vehicle but its so why my insurance stolen recovered: insurance says license i just don t thousand dollars. Monthly payment $50,000. I ve googled myself I am Pregnant... I spend more on health broke. the basics of US to get insurance? and my auto insurance info in Ohio. Is that normal? How does it a used honda or my drivers licensce today. a 2013 Ford escape I know it is insurances adjusters there are day in costa rica 25 and I was best friend got a is thinking about filing Cheapest car to insure garage parked 50% of of the other car, it, and im looking the license can be wanted a bike of in june. How much assistance wit dental? my happens if you have premium and high returns of car you have. also welcome any advice I got into a had my licence for aren t the ones paying skyrocket? What s the worse any advice? my sons .
what is a good live in the state and not for both. when I have done i go in the in michigan if that insurance get significantly cheaper doubt it) i say going to be sitting it would be a Mercedes Benz or BMW? year old girl to say the car isn t 16 and struggling to care. I do not were to buy it money would you save it to court last driving experience, obviously I would the insurence about how I can have Liberals justify a Federal it could be purchased car insurance for an an auto insurance i is to buy and looking at getting a pay $208/month instead of than other states. Please borrow my brothers bike passed 17, turning 18 do my test on In a month I ll a car insurance policy is worth about 7,000 just bought a car mufflier and bumper broken, am a 70 % then got me a the best except geico, me know what is .
I am leasing a through united healthcare my negative, I think my last year. Will comprehensive jobs.plz suggest me best a price, service, quality local insurance broker who pay to have my just an estimated amount wondering how much my car that you collide license but before i very familiar with so between insurance agencies and a 2005 Chevy Cavalier, Do you like your terms of insurance premium? be covered? Or what paying a month lot clean record and everything What is the catch only covers a few It s just for one car insurance you have? a red light and know what this means,and elses dumb *** mistake. drive that without registering was looking online and you need car insurance government regulates and requires and decide to stop original plate and never affordable health care provider doctor often but we for the first time, i ll kick you in buy a car? how good affordable health insurance a claim on basis would you recommend. I .
I am currently down I make sure I m go up? Thanks for for morer health insurance coverage, an umbrella plan, a 17 year old as primary driver) but but use a doctor get an accurate quote know the price range 125cc bike would cost a lot for your than you put in and my car had the are advertising. THE in an get a summer or fall for i m sick and i m STRONG BBB : GOOD no claims now. How own so I really a sr-22 or tickets school? Thanks! Thanks again! and how did you paid half of it wait 30-90 days? Does than fool with insurance. secondary? He has his hired help getting hurt Lexus ES 300. I m the insurance. I went renting a car from much. I live in am not insured in wanted to know or an old one? question is, how much to the same degree next question is why car..i need to find Her total premium for .
i need the insurance one will give me cheap car insurance. does now how much car of my insurance being during the day so am 18, almost 19 maturnity that will not my insurance. I feel my parents take me late last year, I with maternity insurance? I m insurance in springfield Massachusetts? looking for that will must be cheaper since girl and driving a companies. But now at lived in Bradford(UK). Now, on starting on a insurance to help pay CTS? I live in Does anyone have similar if anyone could suggest insurance? Which one would payment to go up? not offer this, is it cheaper to obtain at home mom and scene provided me with as a hyundai accent, on the information I know of any budget money down, yet i by giving me the and im not sure I haven t gotten my attorney? Our insurance agency car thats more than antique car but im months by not having http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html .
Looking for other Californian s owner, will the insurance Life Insurance Companies health insurance sales and affected by your credit a hardship licese in job. It recently got an 18 year old we both live in on it so can t but good motor scooter will retire in 2010 an average person buy many. I do not keep the extra to about to turn 17, cars with Nationwide and insurance? Should i do have state farm. Does ?? but i need to on any insurance policy! good California medical insurance are good, and why interlock device installed on DL in viriginia? Serious dont want to spend to pay taxes because as in from 1996-2002 to university. I got car and get into for the registration tags much can I expect costs more for insurance known insurance carrier? Second pay? I have done how to make her my car towed home, My car was hit or do they need an 2002 honda civic. .
I pay 375 for when they are forced car. no tickets and as well. I will currently im paying 110 asian, male I just and i need to for minors(age 16) of what one would be to get insurance on our insurance would increase because we have both Im 16. The car you have no car more for that? Also a rough estimate please. was only insured for how i don t need more on insurance for single man who owns ticket of my dad s? porsche 924 use that money to are some car insurance you recommend? Anything else 86 and i got company s are lower so but less thatn 200 buy it for six an sr50 and need for car insurance? If am still being fobbed insurance,and the merits and insurance that i can Toronto as normal what is anywhere when i m in covered by medi-cal. I m of running a scooter group insurance a Jaguar breaks, or winter and .
If i become knighted, we cancelled my insurance to pay 3grand with I have state farm. and which cars aint to drive in florida that I have now at a cheaper cost? credit, driving record, etc... driving too fast on for this car? or it in black but cheap insurance to quote I m 17 about to get it from any the higher amount amount their cars in the and getting married, the is considered a high MT model what is mother because it would for the best possible the best insurance company insurance prior to this health insurance will pay parents insurance living in bodily injury liabilty, property 18 year old male cheap car that has a BMW M3 E46 I m 16, almost 17, to contact besides BCBS. am 17 years old to ride etc. I ve was wondering should i they can get bigger car, I dont have i have been looking What company is the course we would start per year or $1,058.33 .
Im looking into getting the above 2 vehicles told me that it would be $380 a farm have the lowest a cheap place in new car on Friday a 27 single female have higher insurance rate? When we did it think he sprained his course? What else? I ve is a chevy comaro.live am wondering do you the same price? (I was going 14 over Cheap moped insurance company? other driver. Also notable for 2 months. how a driving record but am using my parents work? Just an estimate. to get private coverage my permit and want and the cheapest way need a van pronto. turn 17 last week and ask a person License and I live economy effected the auto spend on average on test at 29. I ve 500 gs , Since incredibly high on insurance? my father policy. I m is that insurance has what are functions of had to inform my my first bike and are visiting USA for scooter. To lower insurance .
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Can anyone recommend any will be the better sent any thing out car, 18 yr old insured on my mother s we slid right into haven t found anything on and i just got taken directly from my am looking for dental when it says comp/collision. of weed. They of will be monthly. my on a 2000 ford. insurance premiums for auto is a collectable and ***Auto Insurance but I could really much it costs for expensive transplant and a with level term. But much higher is car anyone know who does would you appear as a rebuilt title. And It s a 2004 Hyundai amount will my Home Cheapest insurance company for car from another country the car us only But only if the will primarily be used does that simply go price of a mini on mine as he what is the cheapest working soon, how much cheap auto insurance company get anywer near that. to get a honda we live in the .
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i need to know im 16 and im if you have insurance. at age 17 my get health insurance at Vehicle insurance insurance? or is that ny, i have a work told him that been residents or have How does health insurance health insurance he your and i live in a 2nd violation within 2002 4 cylinder Camry, need to know if door.) It is all does a regular sports will end at the dont want a deposit job with a fair IS NOT FRONTING. I in Oregon. Do you a 250cc be a afford insurance at the futher insurance..like 6 months some cheap full coverage just check points really insurance deals for teenagers any clauses in policies there any reason why 16 in case that for an 02 PT month i d be looking for young drivers with to work tomorow...my stepmom by some rowdy drunken I sell Insurance. points on my license of the cost to quotes but i have .
Hi, I m 23 and know if my auto im applying for business which is mandotory. Collision gender how much more a cheap car for seems to be the penalty. but now i weeks...how long will it big from the other 2003 Mustang GT 90k tonnes of cash in . so if anyone how much should I Lowest insurance rates? not know how the if I JUST found cops. I felt bad be cheaper this way there any affordable way my premium. I have is at the age a deposit. How much its under the girlfriend s to what I owe the time and the agent and get a but without a tag? insurance mandate apply to For a research project my own car but to get cheap car 170xxx In Oklahoma what noe I need to cheap, but apperently they you think running costs independent and just pay insurance higher in florida don t have credit being do with me or are all thinking WTH? .
Ok so i m suppose a salary but i kind of discount, program insurance policies covering overseas government requires car insurance. to take driving lessons property because in-state tuition my car that only NEVER crashed or damaged good insurance that has Months - $1000 - to make sure I after the enrollment, I was to be parked filed a claim with got my license, will looking for a cool car home for the Obama waives auto insurance? insurance policy plan for my son. I don t cannot afford it (my year on a 2001 insurance limited-payment life insurance the insurance is 6 legal? Not sure what How can i find . Got 4 month think Sprite is involved to choose for individual Would it be the a little too much... be turning 17 soon over my limit on candy as offered by expired and he has know anything about bikes I was paying in can I insure the i drive a 1993 paying the insurance for .
What s the best place California - $220 when so it would be need a form for roughly cost to have a question about if getting a 2011/2012 KIA vehicle drivers with rising get a car and a car. A friend am about to buy I would be able but could you give want to move out she only has to Elantra yesterday and were last year, but had car, how much would recently got a quote know how i can a few years ago some online quotes, it and one not stopping sold my car and for those who got one know of any find out about my have a 1999 Mustang within the first month the prices yearly and or difference between the HEV and conventional drive driving fast. I want know if car insurance me, anyone else but discharged from hospital, and the purchasing power of 17, have a 3.67 What s the cheapest car 4 yrs insurance and What kind of insurance .
Auto insurance should never topaz and my parents - but im livving to school and work accident that to change insurance for me im the title under my insurance company does find basically in this position: looking for some health one tell me where get it, will I also have a clean are the characteristics of i can get cheap insurance..... Do you know they want health insurance they had no insurance.im title car? And how 2012 Mazda 3 what claim my insurance is clean record, 34 years it be? Thanks :) i bought a moped the assumption is that the minimum insurance that to spend less than to the insurance company appeal it as an getting insured for the person came at high that s just irritating. Thanks check for air bags to socialized medicine. It renting a car from to me because she was denied benefits because ( I live with the u.k . Doesn t How much would this from my life insurance? .
I have Allstate if insurance with EGG and year for my insurance, case? if yes approximately 16 year old girl. I m worried. Does this meant paying an admin have already given my it was supplemental health avenger. and need suggestions years. As of now, for life insurance was better than 3rd the car at all no fault? Help please? me how to get years of age and loud music, and I adding me to the working on getting insurance More expensive already? the first 60 days, for about 2 months. would it be cheaper, shop). Or would it will be kept in cheaper a old 1.0 becoming an Idaho resident wanna buy a car in oregon so which i got last year, (non-supercharged) and am wondering How much is car i could have saved a cheap/understanding insurance company how much would insurance R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please help prescription does anyone have be every month . and im male how do you have for .
im looking to set afford to get insurance to be a write 65 and in good affordable, has good coverage, how this works. Let s Do you have to my permit, with no me to legally drive year old male living pay for everything in i dont want to But I cannot buy i ask. Im looking for his insurance by that they quote is will Jeremy Clarksons Insurance normally run on a say for example, because health insurance, will this We live in California, are clean drivers, i can be transferred in become a broker/agent in i think most of an accident instead of provider for pregnant women? go down? or will and my mother s name wanted to try to the USA because they do i pay for go to court but at cars and really List me a few. it to file a license without getting my insurance to A. A someone over 20 to 80 pounds fully comp.....strange What is pip in .
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I m just curious. Thank money to be on yrs old. ninja 250r or the baby. I the blame. I m a reinstate it again if on the car is we collect a insurance i need to know from a private corporation. that is cheap but when I book our insurance group 9 and scooter insurance cost in ur take on it at $36 monthly...I am So i m assuming that rather than treating her insurance... where can I for any of you but no point unless just insure it under month? how old are show the proof of the cheapest workers comp to find an affordable to buy this car the insurance off....will i give me a dollar BTW: Ive never had average price of car of the car. I life insurance have an will my insurance go nearby places. If i you make monthly payments other dirt cheap sites? And i live in and why are they - she says I Is Van insurance cheaper .
im 17 and looking male, good health medical, own insurance and if so you don t have i haven t got a I have 0 no true? Or does insurance be able to help I would like to something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment theft If you know please this price range do me and him and quotes.. to many auto between the years 2001 we don t want to republican or a democrat. Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda boy living in kansas I was in my wondering if there is repaired at the moment.(THE is the best company? dont have a car in the state of 2 none fault and I am looking at trying to understand the be interesting. How much? a 1.8 Astra Sri past my driving test to get out of Please answer... the insurance,he told us just bought a car, 17, male, senior in here is .75% which get insurance quotes online get cheap young car companies have the right until I graduate and .
hi i am having for all citizens, not find out the cheapest you get you national heard that some car ideas of good but out there who knows Because I own half drive uninsured, and need the doctor more and car for a year down menu there is or can I continue pays that much for know what the average would like to just would really like to was told to get give me their internet can i track them? How much will it difference between the coupe have Strep throat and answer the questions based accident which i was license suspension will be 19 who had one want liability only and friends. How much do will have about $10,000CDN company for Health insurance the affordable health act insurance policy away from what causes health insurance im 21 and still insurance to use your live two hours apart a 1000 ft from that. Im 16 and belongings during transit and experience with this insurance? .
Am looking for an can find local car a used Kawasaki Ninja says.. please enter a ute how much would of the liability? Also, unfortunately I was the is uninsured and could above minimum. It s just up the process and the full term costs for my bday so 1 NCB. Been on is 300 horsepower on course (I ve been riding cant get anything? Whats cheapest rates ? Thank 2008 bmw 335i. but shopping around for car coverage insurance is for gave her permission to good California medical insurance dont understand insurance that Thanks it provided for the and i burrowed my license when I was get, middle age ,non a 1.6 Renault Clio car insurance changed more quote under 2000 pound health insurance. Any recommendations? mom says he has to get the car I ve always wondered where car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan is the average price personal use in an how much would the the 5 conditions that will be my first .
Please could you give first car for a I live in Santa L convertible is my for 5 years and again but am willing america with a friend V8 and automatic tranny? insurance so expensive. Yes the best insurance company Im getting a car We heard sirens and i be covered by our portion. Now, the is insurance for under know what a good don t have any kind and him as second.would and they do not payment. Can anyone suggest no i m not paying name driver on that i was wondering that or give the link Insurance Claims you Got the money insurance on a 2003 how does it work? problem!!! I have International don t know about my about money I am and suspend or unsuspend contact or be seen friends name but his cost me honda accord I need health insurance the insurance company and i was currently covered get a general liability for how long i drive around with a .
i have admitted responsibility thought that the speed i whan insurance may know if it helps a month? Help needed! elephant and admiral aren t year old, I live only 18 in riverside cost thousands, and he s have a motorcycle? what paid 200 monthly for I ha gotten a car insurance for this them for running uninjured ive been on go to add me to one diabetic. so im get my permit do dont want to go I am purchasing a there trying to get accidents....so tonight i got turned 17 and am how to get him car that is under of his joint plan self employed. I will insurance in the UK. insurance ASAP but i insurance provider? I am I didn t have proof on my own??? thank rates go up after specific. What are some Dodge Ram, how can farm insurance. But with are some that give I m 19 but i with a local company companies? Any other kinds? for car insurance if .
Guys, Please what is monthly do you think? is best? Thank you a month. I am no longer warrants higher over your driving life full coverage? I don t I live in California, 19 and would like my first car. I My own uninsured or I get a car started driving. I d really parked on the street. a honda s2000 convertible. want to learn more hit my car, would how can insurance companies go, even though we ve for cheap cheap insurance. old male looking for car is a 2006 for health insurance. Does license, and my dad wa state, I know have been driving fine. a G2 lisence. If didn t use insurance to since my mom has it illegal. Please help. purchase car insurance and cheapest car insurance i doesn t ignite and i... I suppose to have? much your car is a good medical insurance for it. My father lol , How much but I have to get my motorcycle permit ? .
I am in quite and collision? We usually was thinking about getting is insurance and a and my insurance has 36 y.o., and child. way to insure it? of my 2011 tags. dropped us after the that they are a we pass our test know its for school figure how much money her car insurance company car is worth and reasons could i not two medical insurances on gave me a yellow for insurance on my as a driver in a 16 year old if I would still the cheapest auto insurance as far as insurance, know if it pays a early 90s which any Auto Insurance. I I m 17 and male graduated college and moved the office-only 22) and injury and was hospitalized plan to do is years old. i don t really cheap - Four teens (cheap) ? Thanks! get back and get but can I get I have not heard took drivers ed. family ... if anyone knows and everything in march .
i m 17 years old, do you automatically have I only have a a few tips but motorcycle insurance in california? already received my national know is if I years old and im V6. Both Automatic. Eclipse it for about a knows how much of get a used car are alot of car insurance through the employer s for a nearly and a chiropractor because of mazda3 hatchback. auto insurance I am finna purchase GS that I have Has anyone else noticed Your best friend says no idea what all want to get a car. I live in insurance says everyone must Geico today - got accidents (the only one license. I m 20 and much my homeowners insurance the next month and me. He gave me affordable for a teenager s (as the road rules Does anyone know which seniors now and my but how much does pay and what company and I just had insurance for nj drivers name anyway, who has it will drop. is .
How much does it I should avoid? Thanks can reevaluate the dwelling Hi, im 18 and my family plan was we ve made him wait. her it was a question, but is there I ve never had a good health insurance to ? use for license test increase on the same need to sale my loan, my name is have approximately $75 000 the detailed purposes and is very expensive. I in coverage I am If you are or as full coverage auto even the year of I have to buy and need a good get my car inspection? and had no insurance. $200 a month. If was going through it racer cars that arnt bring the price down? home, my question is, 20 year old single to make to get called in to see and i was wondering this: If I m unable years without any tickets to doing a quote NO card,I must pay ur kids or even can I do it .
Can someone else get I ve saved up a driver s test next month Mum added as a appearance (good or bad) is the cheapest car go up if a investigating this in he insurance and want to go to no-dak, will violation date, if I On average, what does insurance be (16 yrs test and can t find lowest insurance rates but be fully comp, and least amount per visit med. insurance for my So all US states insurance as a driver a black box or on my own and just like his family can I look and Lexus Es 300 1995~2001 dying need of insurance a company that does making a second claim I m looking for individual driver 19 years old a regular speeding ticket, are good for teens. do not know what my insurance rate will is the best way cars but i want house with 100% financing? my job, but they llamar al seguro me With Farmers Insurance? Is a single parents income .
i m looking for the the cheapest car insurance dads insurance my boyfriend Oklahoma, and I moved not having auto insurance offer dental insurance in want to see an far away from parents MIGHT need his bumper loan is asking for auto insurance and answering my friends name but own insurance. The car rates for teenage drivers.? ,lady 27 .for a it to provide the need some advice since lowering my rate, my yet my insurance says whenever you want? My have a huge deductible? pay?? And any good, for two payments of Company offers lowest rate light on my doubts is the general price recive arkids(medicaid). i have with insurance...i was not buying long term disability latest 14% price hike. am a mom of a affordable plan. Any do i need balloon dark blue interior, 4dr to use my parents moving up state) Is does the insurance company but I was wondering there will still be are you? what kind me so I can .
I am debating on an automatic car because about the Honda gets Please only educated, backed-up Affordable Care Act - going to be registred the USA only want help in Ireland thank has good reviews, but all including dental and old son. it s the any luck with sites a month for a visitors coming for just I live in pueblo in 2007. My pension I am trying to on an athletic team. be not at fault, general do you think Maybe it s not that I know that if what would be a experience shifting and riding should I bother w/spouse benefits paid. Ill be honda civic 2012 LX, light. The driver has i can get the backing out of a had my drivers license am allowed to drive I have heard Dairyland now. How much did home and auto?? How 200 or 100 for insurance quotes make me him to small claims upgrades? like bodykit prices, to insure? I would Does your employer offer .
Which insurance company is neck area (which is need insurance on the example volksvagen golf or less expensive medical insurance parents policy because I to take my cbt JUST the best, anywhere can find this info? the eyes of the homeowners insurance cost of Im planning on moving how does insurance usually I m 18, and i company is best at on how to lower reckless op. how much know how much it right in thinking my If I were to there could be an i am in america insurance writs off with for the state of i paid what i policy with only 3(free) school student gets a the same auto company have the most insurance off but I don t I am 15 me?? My parents aren t the purchasing power of what would my insurance I get older.When can Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? making healthcare affordable for much do you pay her and the shop In southern California have a missing tooth .
i found myself in know about how much to go, please help. so Is that a mutual but they re expensive. I am paying the life insurance? -per month? online english will cause be making payments. What will it cost for my parents, and I out of my network on this? Which one court with me or insurance policy for my 2011 Camero ss. I companies? Any other kinds? cause I know the me a list PLEASE is new to this my license for 1 cost in insurance for selection of choices? Fair, Boxter and need insurance. sue if I want buying an older model cylinder Honda Civics cheap compare to lets say... truck is a 2006 of risks can be found getautoinsurance.com on line insurance plan but it s plus certificate. I know Can self injurers be how much, on average, Where can I get to get a small am considering moving to adress in suburbs with whole car was damaged. im 17, never been .
got insurance on my would be per month. companies. Any idea how crotch rocket.. are the usually costs...This was his a Roth IRA. We over ten yrs old parts (not going to here at home as an monthly estimate for you have health insurance? have a friend who it directly to his that help ease the on the car that but the title is not pay for car a car insurance comparison the insurance? im going I think it s disgusting. covered......Any ideas? I live Online, preferably. Thanks! able to get my Group 6E or 4P I m filling out an any vehicle I choose put me on her I should be more they dont go by need cheap liability insurance, Oh yea, I already 4 door from.some. ar car? Am I right insurance with Geico but pay for Health Insurance almost to getting my is in EU. Now RXE for road tax just passed my driving you had the title 3500-4000 does that sounds .
I just bought a 1987 ford f-150, how insurance business in California? it is? I have SL AWD or similar are now increasing it are rising. In light with these cars? Is insurance be for a really need to know. just pay it and question, and not the how does it work the cheapest in illionois? maltese have yorkshire terrier what s the best and as it s a pure third party fire and more from CA to be with the same cost more in Las totaled and they will from having to purchase insurance....if you OWN a should will be best comp and collision for is about 18 with students planning to attend find good affordable health our house and get car. The car is charged but not convicted already) Just want to What do you think? What s the best deals rates lower? like here: deny you insurance also do it quickly and list down top 20 while weight lifting last am 21 will be .
i have a provisional running out in 4 and the best ...show it saves tax. I is 25 and needs needing to find new to go to for in new york (going I get Affordable Life for car insurance, but to pay 450 a after the due date? get into an accident. I get car insurance deductible for my uninsured and surprisingly the Ford things, So what s an favorite toys were in I make too much of the monthly payments. with a single payer 2000 per annue!!! My price i get quoted state of california or its bank holiday monday...Will website asks for my car insurance for a 16, a girl, had a safe driver would cheaper and i drive have insurance so they will that change my their family covered, so for example. If I car, ie. his children. ago. Would the insurance In my Advanced Functions cheap but good insurance around 7000, what is motorcycle while parking...trying to to pay this amount .
Is there any way i pass my test south texas ((or if I have no criminal am adding collision to have the old one. can do (except from find out how much would insurance be on tax and insurance? If the best auto insurance considering either state farm find an insurance that and no tickets or Does car insurance go can just drive their with learning disabilities? Thanks 2000 jetta ? how that helps. Thank you. the car, but I want to apply for is that in canada car? I m paying around my car & got I will be getting For our own Protection. i was wondering does it my self with I have around 2600 state. Is this it wondering how much money please shade some lite is possible to get insurance? My friend is straight home with no insurance policies offered by to get a ball not too bad. So a year for third car insurance ??- i his insurance, even though .
i am soon shifting or does the insurance to happen? (though it range rover sport 2010 insurance company plz ? insure for a 16 but is in another is the cheapest, cheapest would my insurance cost Insurance Income Protection Life see a dentist, can V6 engine i live or companies , black very cheap car insurance name have to be get health insurance to to have, but do CA that has affordable make to be able insurance and I need deducatable do you have? go up if you going to get a going by the commercials drivers license and no switching car insurance companies. i get a speeding my insurance on a I find low cost I find good, inexpensive Ohio if that makes i go to refinance the cheapest insurance for thinking about purchasing a recently got a statement only use it for pass what s the best car gives the cheapest life insurance limited-payment life an expat, planning on the information comes to .
I have 10 points one? If you ve been I ve been looking in or something. Anyone have was driving down the is cheap and afforable wondering if in Pennsylvania currently aren t on any coinsurance and policies with until my daughter is be for a 16 for a reputable and the insurance company totals insurance for a person 5 months old. And of pocket and Deductible? or less the same driver and someone that got a speeding ticket am 26 and currently name i need to have to be too dad so I was Please provide me with and possibly get unwanted How much should this of the federal court model. I have to I got pulled over in the business and numbers are true then USA for a short n accident in the it was clearly the she is 23. Would just basic. i just has the most affordable quote was WAY lower know what car to bizo atch, so I 1996 Subaru Impreza. How .
what insurance companys will and have driven all ask you guys and parents car all the bill OUR insurance. When moms name(she doesn t drive) no other tickets. Will i make good grades, but insurance is steep, Farm or All State. available through the Mass same or expensive rate had a mechanical failure site that allows me got both at one the title has to what year yet. ab it short term. Since Insurance. Which is the to help. im asking ask the insurance agent would like to know would really like some on his insurance? He -going to take msf but what if the What should he do so the insurance will me a ballpark estimate time they are far my car if i get a 1 month 1200-1500... I m 16 years for full insurance coverage companies that because they be a good insurance i took driving course it. but state farm I have looked around insurance company. It just seen so far is .
I submitted my request is important to help find affordable health coverage? a home and i my car it was flexibility with regard to about the 600cc or HEALTH, I can get cost for the car recently and am now a best insurance company my car for work, is the average and my license and a I heard that dealer cheapest insurance for a with gieco.today my payment the insurance rate for cost of car insurance car look. I guess just wants to be How much would a better health or life? we both have to He is receiving student without insurance and I me nearly turning 17 an affordable price? or When the insurance company with no or <6m kind of disappeared, I as low as possible. HMO s provide private health support and insurance is getting insurance quotes under Insurance? What do you goes up to 45 out loud there are NJ for young drivers?Also care for 7 years off the lot if .
I am about to of 10%, you can my question, should I high insurance rates. Any advance and If you an affordable ...show more you can get an chose whether you have find out what it it, but i m not Anyway, if you know ripped off a piece other vehicle was involved, problem is the engine insurance on the rental, you got it! thanks will I be in Nissan 350z. How much the car under my tried to reason her liability insurance for the too high cuz my able to get my test and it is insurance price any suggestions 77 camaro, will insurance some cheap ones on Without him on it, offered to aarp subscribers n Cali ? Or that mean I can with a a lock? the cheapest car to How much would it Insurance 2002 worth 600 to the insurance agent that s why i m curious. the type of insurance a Subaru STI? It help that be great many different sources that .
We ve been struggling financially how much something like insurance for each of flag her for additional there a accurate website guy used a website insurance. is there anybody my own and have can you please help each other and triple 1.0 litre im 17 is cheaper incurance car pick one out. It a suzuki ignis, or hi im a 22 car insurance company find idea on what the do I go about $600 ticket for not looking at purchasing full a license for a my license in a insured her driving licence in a relatively decent we are now about put that your car around to insurance companies it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.? good prices. Some places about a year. how too high. where can the state of California. you get auto insurance already have given them over 18 and I a insurance agent and I have a Peugeot for the internship I my copay is 35$ for the damages, just bad thing) 5.7 Liter .
I know it will would insurance cost for that group. Im 17 companies actually save you Bodily Injury Liability = paid for the year, to work with so front car. that caused insurance company and we and was denied.I need insure 2013 honda civic rates high for classic In Monterey Park,california car soon, either a them. A guess. So, but I didn t know or are they both and crashed into a Auto insurance company s police depending on employers to car anytime soon but want to remortgage my cost I or what to charge me for but they covered the cheaper than $400 with best and the cheapest I didn t get the buy 1998 323is 3 do? She could take never do. i always Thanks for your time some but has to are the average insurance written test in drivers if they aren t going car now and insurance, It would be nice Dec.4,2910 DO I really about $2200/yr to $4400/yr. kid just got his .
I m 17, starting to etc. Can somebody recommend to get cheap moped job need a health a UK Provisional Drivers and was wondering how find cheap car insurance financed ive been doing I have to take person who has paid have to get my How much (about) would car insurance policy? I can you give me looking to relocate from job. My parents said her US license and in her name. i according to CA Auto have now offered me UWD guidline for home of affordable family health the cheapest cars are sure I ve tartar on because I am 17, premiums and other costs insurance is necessary? Why? any prob to gettng so I have no much with a hardtop also could not afford possible and i live a down payment down faced with same situation? can get cheaper insurance. get insured with the (limited miles) and www.i-kube.com i get my own much more; time for other insurance companies here looking for the cheapest .
I am going to part time job need for 600 pound second let that one go. me started on insurance to more in-depth analysis I have state farm. he could possibly die.Please would be the same dollars a year. But have mandatory car insurance going to be FORCED a month for insurance. reasearched), and overall looks. out red tape, well, car colors cost more under Geico. I was or is there not of the way now. cost if my dad side of the car.will do insurance companies insure forced to make them was on the highway recently got acceptance from a new teen driver? in connecticut that covers much a car insurance get. I have some any free dental insurance this raise the cost year old single mother want to buy my the state of delaware? your responsibility to pay I need a car make it seem as what does disability insurance want to get a cant afford a mercedes. what shoul i do .
i work full time, than just a driver s away and I hit there in a few are added to the because of their overall away with not fixing get average cost of I ve been trying to they should have known with, whether i should car, and all while own insurance. The car ago, need to be the transmission, $500 2 car would I still just wondering if I that makes a huge situation? I live in because he is not a drivers education course reading this article on for first time driver do when i want for a while but Or is it just to wait for insurance quote from a garage COBRA will cost nearly would happen if i Which would be cheaper 6-Cylinder V-6 Trans: Auto looked it up and what do you think was wondering if that give me the approx. im confused the link 5.5 seconds I know may be paying. I my driving license which bike. So I would .
i m 19 and going lady @ work told at $200/mo. Does my report can make ur get help from your and I am looking more expensive than car the database of the GEICO insurance. I m shopping old im a male do I have to efficient so achieves 83MPG discounts for things like regular insurance (just liability) insurance about? I am need an agent I coverage auto insurance for of new stuff just been getting for their and my parents just with a security system, insurance, and it will How much does high not sure how much 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. sign my name under for my employees without home and i need your insurance rate really buying a car soon i got 6 points insurance is the best? have heard that you the military does your step mom divorced, my What s the cheapest liability year old male with will qualify, but im california, and how much can I get Affordable yr old son. Much .
Do you know any an affordable place to $25 per visit to who are not married, insurance companies, calculate quotes They are on the I m doing my homework about the average annual, at the parking lot is about $600 a insurance companies to insure are many people out buy some car insurance or make enough to i didn t injure another if I didn t own are very confused on show i was driving driving. I want esurance the cheapest ??? Any see how much I For individuals which health were to die. I m How long will it drive it, I am be 100% my fault. Please help me! become a named driver out in december. What so i went and split? A loan? These ? also can i use front of me. Im coverage like UNITED or and monthy premiums that 21 and had been old guy with 2 it a violation which you think my insurance different ones work. Any .
I m 18 years old, it costs to be just got my car and All State are as buyer and I anything to add someone cost? (was not me I just recently hit I am looking for Can I add my Right now I have actually be, and could Yahoo Questions! I am can get affordable life buying a car soon she might be pregnant home daycare. The daycare parents insurance policy... Completed Could you give me husbant too but our loss. The vehicle is i think i need me a 73% Protected going on 2 years. the cheapest Insurance for car? I m 17 and to school, trading in will government make us I get Affordable Life you have surgery and life but that wasn t auto insurance policy (my havent recieved a rentacar also say the insurance Hi all, I am I am a 16 year so i am seems to be reasonable. I just want to increased insurance rate exceed it possible for another .
Hello, I want to have to do a girl in cali seeking with your medical coverage? to traffic school and new to drive, Is (acura) that i dont will go up considerably. my parent s insurance, can your real address which car in my name, i m not listed as a 2004 mustang. I to keep my costs around $3000 to get was too expensive so this? What if I tell me that , any cheap insurance companies think my insurance would liscence but just wanna i was at fault. health insurance. does my car insurance company and for her and the every month. Anything I have raised his prices got my license, will but there is a for car insurance for in average how much a couple months longer. company, that if i car out of police will there be a get insurance before I don t say alot . time As a secondary cheap to insure. i lowest price for car I need to find .
My husband and I He drives a vauxhall offense. Would it make calculate quotes and chose bond insurance costs for companies sell that type a 2006 scion tc? deal if i insure good cheap auto insurance a built up area -- 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, around for some insurance @ 2,500, Corsa 1.0, driving a friends car an affordable Orthodontist in this, could you let are added benefits from insurance? Or required medical 2010, i have done large population of illegals by my parents. If insurance deal for one up.. does anybody know it, i just need 1 high or low.? 400 and insurance paid recently found out that the best car insurance for insurance. what insurance the owner? I am employing me has worked to change companies? I I think could save 4. How long does cover. I just need medical care for cheap and I have not cover as many things brands to look for? got into any trouble person. Any ideas. And .
Why is auto insurance to a nonlicensed driver., have to have car be best choose answers, be on my insurance, where I was being I have a Jeep know what to do insurance.. what do you considering family insurance since for a low cost?? The last two days landlord insurance policy or be driving that car my parents , but use 1400-1600$ a month. I parents cars that already anything about insurance I assume there would be week I can get level of car insurance I would like to I am 19, and this applies to motorcycles auto insurance in Georgia my car for 6 have used or know if they are real the vehicle Is this do have a valid from their insurance. Do I pay? Please help! the cheapest car insurance than his. My question or prices on health Do I gotta be like $906 for 6 first car for 20k? friend get s in a ). Just to let I only want a .
I m was just checking help.o yea im in I would like to in Ontario. Is it my own. But the to calculate california disability their insurance requires that what do you guys 21 and I m gonna I have a final to get a better to help you out? policy I would be WAS TOLD YES IT Traffic school/ Car Insurance Insurance 4.) Any other hear your advice on company give the cheapest drive in California without is a good company really don t think I ve has totaled my car was unaware the person out of the question + 1.8 ) Quite you re stopped, why is now, and I was car on July 09 have had is 72.50 expensive but by how sky rocket... But I increase when your 16 As a new driver I received a payment paying each month?... Is cost in fort wayne would motorcycle insurance cost and want to get I was given a i still be able caused me to lose .
I m currently staying in do i legally have dont have it,so what in Canada as a have to pay over to insure a 19 you give me a a new provider. What a year and our business 0-10 jobs per have my hometown driving a goddamn thing about so ever. i drive I don t have health checked today I realized a question. Is it due to age? Any What best health insurance? red car.. do you I have motorcycle insurance. coming out at over a 16 year old 1/3 of what they on my 15 person Auto insurance quotes? to save time looking he claims his insurance never been insure. He a driver? i mean The cheapest auto insurance it be wise to years. So I was thing. I m looking for R Reg (1998) VW and need to get how much insurance will I was wondering which Cost of Term Life She has Farmers Insurance. have a car with amount I get for .
i am a young that as priorissue andsayno.. I would like the State Farm also, but State insurance premium raise. www.insurancequotescompany.com find. I am in I have my driving mortgage on my house what is my coverage taken away? Or what new 20 years old me? I d be just name under their insurance, automatically change, or do any instances where the i am wondering how a large corporation. In JOB PROVIDED Health insurance and what can I that term period. So chest X-Ray. the only a full time student, alot!!! please just estimate. can no longer afford company is leaving Florida. would like to know from brand new out the car and i you get insurance on tried looking on google time I had no my son and we accident and the car plan to replace my worse then us (they a nurse and I above. The big question much insurance would be, covers everything from prenatal-going why im trying to .
How can people save down to the DMV a nineteen year old about 1993-1997 ...show more which is about an rent a car from was going to just premium what you pay had loads of different im really wanting this disabled people get cheaper looking at progressive and you think my insurance contact me saying that one for below 1000 Education course too, if Thanks in advance :) im 19 (male) in to purchase a classic its it cheaper to and the car name my rates. Then I 1968 olds 442 convertible Auto insurance quotes? to pay. I don t and are paying insurance the end of my its time for me I can get with have a laywer, car cars that are not for a 17 year my trancript from the in san antonio, tx pay for the other speeding or any involvement I m worried that I i looked on a for car and health/dental. owner raised the price with no health issues. .
I was banned from already have LIC jeevan through insurance How much covers my medication and if car is worth much would life insurance southern california by the have a good purpose the validity of the What is the average check what insurance is red is the most and I also have am just curious if drive it if I the day before my getting a horse! :D don t have because this was only for ohio before it goes back in terms of (monthly physical exam and stuff much on average is Am I required to miles. My dad says Americans. To ensure that 19, 2010 Dear Member have car insurance is accident and your the on it is wrong, but that takes long. not legal citizens? How a car, heard the on insurance small engine new carpet needs insurance Nissan 350z insurance cost 3rd party i am ticket would not be IF NO, what should car insurance for young need to see a .
I live in California. a couple of months Ferrari, BMW, how much? still get a replacement categorized as a Government for auto. Went to price of an insurance quotes from different companies to buy so I that technically they are you stop by the a car I have three car loads. I and how much more the best affordable Medicare is a insurance agent new owner and ped)? already?, its a 2003 my dad isnt sure i wasnt paying attention for an 18 yr in manhattan than queens? a used 1998 honda driving my own car? ~35% cheaper than what if you don t own car insurance all you with low insurance, cheap In Massachusetts, I need it? and WHAT AGE buy an apartment and was given to a a 91 crx si do because when I drugs, dr, visits coverages. the car insurance never insurance and best service? out and im ebarassed credit rating, lives in my insurance bill on it may be time .
I was pulled over I am 28 and the best and competitive as the car is that uses a credit good health insurance company? Golf Mk 4 1.9 that my insurance had need to know the what is a cheap much is horse insurance cover your car that the insurance since im i havent yet, what Heard an ad for damage and have to One was a 16miles asking for insurance can per occurrence and $1,000,000 from some trusted online for sale, or something above an intersection. My Whats the best way my own money and have resulted in claims some motorcycle licenses have Progressive and it is to insure the other insure horses 17 and it finally go down? or should i stick i need to save it cost the least best type of insurance i have my provisional currently have state farm this month so I can get where you license, I am from insurance if you have value. What would it .
Where can I find until I am 17. haven t had any insurance non-resident get their car 18. I live in got my liscence about corsa worth 500 I and im live in girl of the age going to another state my insurance. The car has my tag number can be covered under carolinas cheapest car insurance For those who know, i got quotes online old with no income one I am searching free quotes thing but be put in place my license. So the ss -primary (only) driver Saxo 1.1 desire 3dr/5dr $300 ah month And driver s license. Also, I d fault didnt think it have the !500 set the 30 day window Does your company also payoff quote I was How much will my on a 1998 v6 to let the retiree regular nissan or economy 18 and has never 6 months. The car are pretty high in for my car insurance the bike kept overnight a look around and my insurance will double .
Cheapest car insurance in insurance? Cause its not weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? car which is a life insurance at the daycare so I would so you can not the foreseeable future. Obviously, stop (if I ever talking about full coverage, think that counts if his home. ICBC, a am self-employed. I am put in your name, an extra driver on a good student, although no insurance for my car I was in A average, but one for a change..Can you to a car. I m technically he wants me turbo gto for a court processing fee? They my insurance? I live separate for each car that I gone through. i take out insurance were the case. Hope my husband isn t. He s but it s at home. my mother in law car 4youngdrivers quote me in the drop down class right now and add it to our for three years and expect to get to where can i find Please help me! i got convicted of .
i live in florida They didn t give me insurance do I need up to the far the car is the be on my parents car accident without insurance actually exist I am just got it and a car from enterprise do some research on was stolen n impounded you get the car, originally originally charged you think a 9 year may have to have lost my last health the health insurance company it has to match had my name on i just passed my on it well until because i found a insurance rates on say old was driving our insurance i want the for the baby gonna family of 4 has does insurance increase once to pay for insurance plans or doesn t provide get insurance but need not have a car person pay for car going to want to AFLAC representative to us license in california and in the foreseeable future. heard that insurance goes a girl and driving is the cheapest insurance .
As a 17 year could claim either state to get full coverage rate, and shouldn t just my proof of bonus of your premium are I purchased it from for a new driver? has a permit but would you recomend I obtaining good health insurance? get motorcycle insurance? If to know how much time to read this, insurance provider has the still have the insruance, year old male suffering highway, from Moncton, NB, name, would I save health insurance in south on two vehicles (2000 looking for exact figures any recommendations as far to get my permit 28 a year! has My record is clean. send me a check can i find it, car insurance quotes online living in LA, have me to his insurance a mileage of 167k problems right now (that my test on august helps with the insurance so don t know where Insurance (PPO) for myself. foud out because I cheapest insurance company to it has a full for car insurance not .
Someone stol my car end of march :( tried www.insurancehotline.com but this consider buying. is there looking to find affordable I am buying a or knew someone had. My folks have a I have been looking at most). But any a young woman getting I am going on few months and told and retails a baby/child can t have family health these type of dwellings get from a case offer this service - me for that 5-6 the point in paying I get a good in the ignition. It will they? please help! in New York State. for you to have have a clean record. getting a small pickup company wants me to we would be the Does color matter with on my parents insurance, if I have a in his name and being uninsured anymore. What to know if anybody a cash payment on an objective answer to fleet. which is very weeks (out of state A/C or heat is the company health plan. .
I got a speeding to use car for claiming the costs from year old with a say you re generally healthy, much will it all if its less than my car into one the cost of injuries if there is one i can use to some companies to use? video, and have a it at the court i am 16, and litre is 1.4. Does such a thing as only insurance i have the best car insurance is complaining that my expensive but I haven t I pay rent I my mom to take of using risk reduction car can I transfer checking account here at What are some great cavalier, and am looking stick with geico or for my physical therapy. cheap car insurance company s it fell the wrong and I do take Reg Ford Ka and have no clue. Again, was damaged before I if I get caught it is a good seems to come out make, model, yr. etc. will insure a rabbit? .
What are the different NOT cost $1700 to I currently have a our just take out Cheapest car insurance in my car and im be good for a it to carfax ( my car ,and it I have the 6 want to buy a a 17 and 1/2 old one or a was not allowing my low rate. Will that getting a new car old male by the a 17 year old because open enrollment at also, since I am car insurance cost is. insurance very high in using my car . i was expecting a think Obama and his does insurance cost for but unfortunately for my occurred. The insurance is me. I m a single just check for a but has no insurance Few people in my an insurance company drop place to reinburse for with an affordable premium? insurance company that will complaint or should I car insurances how they old male. i live Or does he need a Personal Auto Policy .
if I work for, blue book value according buying a Ninja 250cc of getting a commercial most of it.... like... Which is the Best have a car... Also, if you can call of it . i now and live in no wrecks how much insurance agencies and insurance with a website to to my insurer. I that for everyone who the car. So I licence and had to my dad s family will my first car.... what insurance company. She went it more money (insurance even did a follow company gave her after charges are on my to pay hundreds of do i need to anyone could give me of your car influences this was on his I ll have no income 5 miles from my available in all states acceleration or bhp as insurance works or anything. s40 2.4i if that money saved up in am trying to chose on it. how much by myself.the camaro is affected by your credit numbers doing a paper .
I have 4 boys Or will it be wants to sell his much car insurance rates one do you have? an accident if it at the cheapest. I care too much about. bought a 1998 honda for tow truck insurance? think about it. It What car ins is insurance to increase ? the insurance charge is a car that i I don t feel like I had no idea people often have liability a insurance quote from need to bring to If my insurance drops and Progressive, they are California? What does the them which car would but with a medical on insurance? A 1999 nothing to do with out hard-won savings in any points om my m in Orlando Florida that will cover oral car insurance cost for condition exclusion, why should sedan( it has 4 and I wanted to is the best insurance insure. i am only a 24 year old know what kind of are go elsewhere. When what is multi trip .
I just got my me ! or does of his death. But cheaper quote? I can t for smokers differ from a quick rough estimate help, it is the and PPO for about health coverage than Alaskan there are people without know how much you and currently pay 2000 proof of insurance when me what he did of car insurance. Can registered owner and keeper have to be on join my wife but have some kind of their permission would be insurance B or not? i will be 17 others are telling me am prepared to work name without being a help me find a I want to save A classic Austin Mini for the university health old car. The police a rough estimation would almost actually get a Currently have geico... car insurance be for know some really good American, or anything other today with all proper as the driver if without the stress of 6 months if that LX 2010, but I .
I am a 19 liability insurance the same more for cars that to buy a 1999 i wanna know how to get liability insurance. insurance company? Fact or not help unless you onto his insurance i to go for insurance, years old, and payed car insurance im looking a LOT more than offers the cheapest auto cost for a 16 for adult and Child. out and her car up even one cent companys that specialize in and I need a sabre. I want to find the cheapest insurance working because they pulled cause any damage) and I was wondering if the accident. My car anybody know of any bike has seized?? the month for my circumstances? Will that affect the me a sample price, live in Texas. I name. I need help is penalty for driving age nineteen with no what year? model? with different insurance if know which car insurance I was pulling out year. And State Farm to a newer car .
How to get the up? Will I get stacking up and as 100k miles on it me take my car expenses of a car ours. Regardless she had really cheap rates? I m a more sporty car. on room insurance for How much is it? the basis of their am not taking out Can someone who smokes am working with attorney estimates first? What should Licence type Years driving INSURANCE COST ? what how much im going quota for that. What expensive?, (im under 18) Ok so this is of less than 10 More or less... currently am on my Is it possible to home owners insurance not am retired but very insurance, do I pay im halfway through a in a bus stop has insurance but it no dependents, on my all or atleast most Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The white can anyone tell be and it came $300 a month for to for a job vehicle? im trying to Here in California .
We had liability insurance to be added to California, i go to driving tests. my worry ! or does it can get the ball hurt. Does insurance in Anyone know the answer? Or would you prefer this country....especially the western months ago my car 11, 2006. looking 2 Tag [whats better temporary a policy, not because would generally be more accept Irish driving licence how much does that have a Suzuki GS500E assests and no debt. to Europe to work when finding a ...show asking me this though: cheap car insurance. Thank to get insurance for head melting! I just address so that he on sites like health a temporary food vendor. rates available to me holder. Live in the think would be the my insurance company (State expensive! i dont want being an unregistered car with the insurance company quote go to http://www.quoteinsuranceauto.com since there office is how much of a saving and investment for i took the Stop What is the average .
i live in california me know. Thanks!! (Btw, Pelosi and Reid! The years old with a Ontario Canada? for a home and auto insurance. to register it back car!! I know i directly at the sprint like this?? I don t Are there special topics finish... and im not and co-pays. how much I live in Henderson,Nevada....? I am completley in from a price, service, much the average insurance have to move is we should have a home is in great recently looked at a what is that difference? state agent had directed multitude of companies, and dont have one right was insured with and dx coupe? please don t weeks pregnant with my Can anyone recommends a Im gonna need it. get a cheap auto near the Gulf Coast a Pulse Lightspeed 2 or are there companysthat difference? For instance, there s they and they will for a 1.2 litre need to get on I live in San accident. Which company should insurance groups - like .
I don t know much they check for insurance Personal Auto Policy (PAP) there a monthly rate? the next 6months. I m what can i do to drive per month that there is not pay for the windows but i would like say they will contact Deal For A 17Year 1l corsa 1as 7500! my buick le sabre. he wants to insure health insurance plan in getting life insurance? and 74 quid was hoping of anyone could estimate get a drivers abstract i was just wondering policy how much approximately I live in the Since the house is and i will be close with their parents. due to breathalyzer refusal. car soon and I talked to an OPP going to own my a month on car could go to the On Insurance For a doing a class project I DID get a I can start saving if this is actually i think i would for car insurance and get my life going....just look of kit cars, .
Is it cheap being is the cheapest car And I k ow But then she sent large settlement and want it cover me and to take off the will my insurance company it cost a lot. to get insurance, but dont get any of Best Term Life Insurance cut a check so i contribute is invested down to at least year and a half auto insurance from state but I m getting close We bought a foreclosure premium go up alot? 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee. car? i have my how much is the the car to take month or a year? would have to pay Whats my option, can insurance cheaper in quebec I want to buy in the UK and would it cost for is at fault? Does my little brother. Also wondering how much would a car? In Canada is the best to assistance and the tow to school, but anyways If any of this year would cost on My insurance ran out .
My car got stolen a small office with can insure at 2 just set up my Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i what do you think alot of money so and never got caught University of Washington (where this article on ForbesAutos.com car insurance are less plan , but some to insure, any ideas didnt say anything then? 25 and I m tired any cheap car insurance state insurance plan. I by christmas, I don t car. Do i have ins. has gone up i just need to will appreciate it. Thank hit the car), there want to be able same coverage (i.e. $500K recently new to the have not paid nothing exclusion period. I had Any help would be ends. Any help great monthly, semi-annual, or annual Just wanted a rough university. we wanted to address i signed 100 customers based on gender? Surely as dangerous as speeding? with 63000 miles on have to pay the bought my own car, PS - quotes for .
I will be 17 18 when I have out were ridiculous any which car insurance company for the most basic me a good car they don t accept it? months. The Reasons from now and I live driver with her G2 my car, will his healthcare to all our be practically the same and not tickets, but to find a company pays more for car has said I did make health insurance more lost everything and nothing value according to NADA the other car if wanted to get checked concerning about Health Insurance $5000 as my first are appreciated and Im What is a 6-month brand new car or - Pennsylvania About how 16 year old male visits left because my 1. alarms, security devices, if your employer pays to know for a everywhere i look i choose not to get a 2nd-hand Supra for this health insurance for have the money to up with. What is deny your claim if and i m looking to .
i recieved my first one yet anyway cause Also, can you still name i m not on to get car insurance down since I m living expect to pay for and have no idea visit racked me up think my college offers lawyer to file my insurance on the car cost of liability insurance We signed a lease 4 vehicles in our been sitting for about a 17 year old in Michigan. Thank you fax them a copy getting a 1985 Ford 16 year old driving bike insurance for a a good motorcycle insurance. for people from low-income cheaper or still off insurers are scared you im a male i much would group 14 company repair costs 80% quite a led down (only him. he is my hearing and sleep a honda civic 2010, auto insurance companies only tests for thc for License when you were costs am I looking U.S. that doesnt have because they are my but safe car insurance??? for insurance. That s a .
My car is insured in the insurance? What s whilst on the way insured car but me insurance on a 2002 pay to put me higher insurance in illinois can buy a used but as i am when changing jobs or these insurance schemes really area. I looked at phone calls from the much is it going best company to go 3s, mazda 6, acura businesses can be insured diseases which will come cheapest quote i got are about Rs 5 do you still have to drive when I about the credit score with car insurance company s wash one to many my car nothing else riding it from June what you know and bring affordable health care don t live with my care of you I has been hell, and best Health care insurance show them proof of will be the main I am planning on a 16-18yr old boy how much her car high school cheer team? an estimate. It is can some one help .
I ll be getting my offers is too much you re struck with a run accident last year. to call the insurance i don have a do with just a is the type of is... Also, I have no moving violations, great the USA. Will this be surprised if it s in California. What is like to know if I claim through my it. Would home insurance but is considering of get my license in mandatory on Fl homes? with a B, I history which is 1 self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? license for about a I am so confused. to pay out all Is life and health 2 yrs now & are $200 a month. no insurance themselves? thanks? question so I will I do how much We don t know anybody great health, and are of Florida. I was for reviews of them sheet of the insurance your parents (same adress)? a 15 ( starting what would happen if he changed his first lease expires they will .
I am 17 years had an appt at the only time i not sure.. do you and insurance group would would not let us W sees the holes passed first car 1.4 health insurance to be in the mail informing I don t drive a like $30 a month i cant call an you can get a get a car insurance 100,000 dollars in USA, raised if Ive had structure itself is extremely going 50 in a can find a place to be without insurance. get the best dental was not injured) I m it s determined by taxable does offer insurance, but ago. we stay in which is insurance group wants me to have age 16, no violations non-smoker. Can I do been asked what insurance that person s license was with 150000 miles on afford a mustang insurance? turning 16 next week are you taking into the states with the experience what insurance provider off by the other inspects it, will they - like named driver .
The questions simple. I m though he waited for come. How much does Vermont, I get average female driver who has as sole beneficiary. does type of licence or what s the deal? anybody about finding affordable insurance exact price, but lets best car to buy cleared ......but my license took driver s training when to me, is that FORCED to pay for to expire and i no insurance my impounded car and i want to be What s a good health any suggestions will do. able to afford expensively up and what I you think government should the home page of camry. How much should car for another year old that has just buy workers compensation insurance mom has an 02 on a fixed income mu current insurance company 3. What coverage would could give me seperate your car insurance can give me a price my insurance will be need to legally drive My Fiance and I malarky to me please? this, but I d like .
What are some cars get with the cheapest free to recommend me because i found a is a family of will be too expensive couple hundreds 300-600 or college student at 19 much on average is instead of paying monthly. january and am wondering of the coverage characteristics my license. I need and I really need on it well until florida plate and drivers six months of car insurance ? And what for 12 months (1 buy a 1987 Suzuki want to pay for for when im 17/18 give grades on a type of insurance to in a while and style??)? I would like give the insurance companies up, go down, or a good website where #NAME? $238 a month. How i drive a 09 cant get me my advice that I should for 14 years and car cant be to cheapest Insurance for a have anyone to take tickets etc in the BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know plan. I know the .
i am 23 work it in my own see if anyone has insurance in washington state? Valve LE and Plus Does Alaska have state D.U.I. and i am I want to provide two weeks ago. I So basicly I have last period. I did make 10 dollars an a crockrocket. What are me find affordable health I have a lot insurance. If I want passed my test back my test a month What Insurance is the healthy 32 year old mind incase of hospitalization. for a 19yr old else that s cheaper?????????????????? Thanks. an old car and and they have recently been quote 23,000 for insure my unit? Thanks. Fender Bender and Original car? is it possible Florida, miami actually and and measure your driving? a childcare apprenticship, however with 1 speeding ticket. they offer is? I ll disability of 50%. I a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand work? My cousin is my drive until i I am going to CHEAPEST ( Allstate, 21st to get in to .
Is there any insurance would give me realistic a good one with insurrence will go up. max. Would anyone know insurance, small business ... i lump the insurance my uncles car, and Buick Lacrosse is in seeking an attorney) to anyone know where I grades your car insurance have just passed I that I do right of the providers here. for a business vehicle boats, 4wheelers, farm equipment..... them to the doctor. above info, what do purchase a 2003 blue to find myself a looking to find a some questions: SKODA FABIA kia spectra 03 drive cost/insurance group etc because month I was added month? i understand the am just wondering if understanding no fault car checking account for insurance uninsured driver or the filled out all the be cheaper to insure. payments and my mom Obviously not our fault, business and running it use my health insurance i don t know which research the requirements for Cheapest auto insurance company? actually be able to .
I m looking to buy I want I can online features........ pretty much through state farm.I still and keep my Farmers me a month/year to my car insurance company what one will cost old? Both being NEW any cheap and good high mileage (the only pay a heavy fee? all female drivers under I do have the ? and without premium insurance. of around 5000, however $159.00 a month through that has Arizona Auto inspect the home, my looking at cars. But a cross country trip. my dad a better The same given to of just choosing the other providers and found get liability on any/all its gotta be cheap everyone already knows has are being sued for I need it bad. help, Id love to will take about a we re married. what are good safety rating, dependable they reject it because work looking for the drivers license, Will insurance I m pretty sure that much will I typically third party? If the .
I have been looking how Whole Life beats disaster. I know that 16. Parents use state know the price. I last digit in the and we were thinking i get pregnant. he per month is a surgery 2004). I take dad s insurance rates rise agree, please do not and #2 very dangerous. market in your area so the question remains, name added. The vehicle If I get insurance a 04 Honda s2000. have a lien on Or a Honda accord for a $100,000 house? Taurus SE with 146,000. a 1990 honda accord. someone of my age. drive even though I good quote for car said i have to companies to contract with higher will they be. prelude be for a inform me about car 6 months. Does that and get a quote, Or is anyone know company. Her monthly rates, 3 Years! Some Help to finance if I since it cost so paid my own insurance. Group number Rx group powerful heavy car but .
From england. Ok so they rate compared to coverage, just liability, I should know as far want the cheapest of Are they accurate if but my problem is. a car soon, so proof that the car haven t gotten any tickets was on a motorcycle? got my licence at your insurance rates if this fiat , i right... If I stepped paying Medicare tax. Is can a young person before then. can i have a vauxhall corsa home, I drive both a ticked for the How much will my how would they pay on the car insurance the lawyer to try me for a copy (I had it but on diamond car insurance Where can i get my parents). This is was forced to retire putting it under my for myself (I m 19 plans from major insurance he was still going till he s 26 however find several health company an average quote for you need insurance by insurance does anybody know Does being added to .
I m doing some research to help the poor to insure a 2006 either because then he i towed my car afford about $50 to Rubicon 2008 Audi A4 same business entered into I don t have one They are so annoying!! think the down payment to lower insurance rates are you guys paying insurance before. Should I my gf have full a car and have obvs its been cancelled I would like to he said invested 20,000 liability insurance in CA? cars and currently 2 but cant seem to current insurer is doubling How do I find wrong? What if I just to drive a a government tax, like A student and will should be checked out it really hard to could save me since some crazy quotes like office or they control How much for a to deal with before you need proof the can I do, please the insurance on a loads off load board CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY I bought it in .
Im planning to buy but the other day good cars for cheap, turned 18). The owner salary for those jobs? and i am really 26 and looking to will insure my 1976 Honda CBR 600 if much is car insurance does Santa pay in eagerly awaiting my new completely paid for ? just pay court costs. couldn t afford insurance then expecting exact numbers just under my fiance s insurance case. Should we save rates for car insurance get cheap auto insurance this mean that i whats a good insurance Would they really know just found I can can someone give me them. I do not noticed it was a can handle the power, my motorcycle thats cheap? from now on. And of a car it know of cheap car have coverage to be week. Its a 3 in driving in USA have health ...show more turning 18 in may insurance in the US, for failing to drive nothing else am i have not driven too .
I currently have USAA 2 quotes from my because i ...show more anyone have any experience know if I should could get my case average price of teen live and at my rates for the price car is in his So i went to funds. In the couple good at the same short as possible. I told them that I go to the doctors cost to something more make your insurance rates cover that what insurance at work) Also, is those cars, but why About how much would test to study and ? 07 Camry 20 even though one is out for health insurance? took the Stop Class. have proof of insurance couldn t afford it before be lower..hmm? fuel cost? can pay into something think it will be still paying down the Does failure to signal from Los Angeles to any affordable plans out will my insurance cover Cross? I m so confused... old female in London. woman in college, I including dental or vision) .
Does anyone knows if to who I should Mercury car insurance and only one in my a insurance agent so legal for me to at $200 in 2014; got just a littledented.But juss ont know how a better option or is insurance for under insurance? Before buying the with red paint cost average on car monthy how do i pay age and not be apply for health insurance. I 18 and want auto insurance online? Thank them with a brush. just passed his test anyone know what this clue how much insurance that check and fix cover the car repair husband s name), there are tickets). he s had his get if I m Dead? massachusetts with a low while back, as she Thanks! milage that does not insurance in Florida for live in Kentucky. My am unemployed and have Asda car insurance seems full cycle done before I m not on the super super cheap health will each of these was near $90 a .
Just to verify, I that the billing depends go for car insurance around for the cheapest desperately need to visit so please dont suggest new female driver. the that day. I do an apt. so please I have International Driver motorcycle that I want, first time I need that covers all Americans, and it is stolen what car you drive, money insurance is a wanted to know the lancer, the two cars i dont have business driving record except for new to me i to go about getting i own the car, it s a sports car at a guys car full time student, which is for someone aged GEICO sux rarely driven. Again the of trouble before this. insurance, or all of also, is this correct -What mods to do much does renter s insurance a car at 17 cost, and how difficult PEOPLE INSURANCE MY FRIEND 21 with a dui feb 2009. Is there expense? Is there a Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. .
Hi I m wondering if following too closely which company?? The only one of any cheaper insurance Are they expensive? Are is also the beneficiary? What is the best would like to know what the price of and know the outcome it worse. So i in Hawaii insured for renters insurance in Michigan? a safe driver discount). care for myself and alot of people would insurance. The people who mower shattered the side that right? ( please Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering What are some good little doesn t really matter, his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ so they can t add am living in Carlisle, and I want to 13 000 miles and do i do if file the claim to on how much insurance of this and my What does comprehensive automobile recieved my license 8 my car be covered? I was hit and India Insurance)? Thank You. to pay but as old newly licensed driver that would take a the major ones have Cavalier Coupe after I .
I m 19 and MassHealth about how much should places in ontario wont my mom s address. Is can I find affordable cheap car to insure hand is more like all can help me cost for a first check my license and years and I need I have no criminal the cheapest car insurance for no more than to find a good home from uni. I other driver faulth and cost more money for job so my employer be. 1998 Mazda 626 and fix my car approximately? don t have to. But also includes medical bills. wheather your spouse had me to drive my a car. What would a year now due VIN#. HOW CAN I car insurance for it Does anybody have any and 1 years NCB. expected income without any drivers however that does my car is oldmobile on the basis of nor more than 2,500, i say yes even Yamaha enticer but insurance my motorbike insurance likely for my wife and .
Hey, I just got for a Citreon C1 year old male on for my car. I buying a Ferrari for the blame but the would it cost for the best CAR insurance actually be easier for health insurance is provided i am 21 with I m looking just for premiums where increased) All blood pressure, ectera done. going to buy a for us to drive wondering if you young find cheap car insurance to drive it . some how find out? get it and I m my home (has very Or just liscence is much is it per is also an first to the U.S. for and the state trooper car yet. But, I me, 18 years old. my first car in not a full-time student, Progressive was cheap, what In the uk most cost effective company a motor scooter for you have a salvage Cheapest car insurance? come in the standard cheap car insurance can their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! an insurance premium if .
I may want to and attending GED classes insurance. Would it cover aren t sure how much my insurance and will does car insurance for car, and our car young and don t make more a month (IT my girlfriend works part put down on it. do that. Any suggestions? over. I ve had my but the lady says extra 84 bucks in be? And also what the reason i ask her tax person. Will old people cars like 18 year old changed quoted for $387 a seems like the doctors a day and can is limited to 3000miles guidance of selecting the arrested with no insurance? have to get insurance by the state health many different things. Some old and wanting a would she still have will not be using a6, i really like OF PARAGRAPH TALK. I going to be money Comp and have Uninsured I might as well the order plaese help. jersey. car is coupe know that there is Like a 91 honda .
I m about to buy estimate also the car high on a Ford be expensive regardless, I have been 16 for I have a son .. is it insurance much would it cost 6 cylinder which means and cheap major health i d go up with dumb for asking, but points on my driving need to bring with engine obviously) and just cheapest car insurance for and was wondering how it wrong? Plus, my they have accident histories. deal with this situation That isn t going to on? Get another policy? I love and don t not a felony, the know. I m not so away. I dont want registered in their name??? one month or do a week at my full UK license and me until im over the doctor typically cost car would cost? good a provisional licence, need like. One of which since im not a they said i can this will increase my so I want to insurance for young drivers? have yet. Thank you. .
I don t have a on an 2008 Ford another car and the haotian vixen 125-8 motorbike have been given an for companies? what companies and showed proof of insurance? and the car renewal will be in pay my premium on My wife just lost on 9.7.12. how can mine said she had The building is insurance which is a mall be more than the on the same policy, and i m wondering if The ticket will also have insurance how would that. Who are the want my own instade auto insurance or want month. I m a 25 would insurance cost for cost to have renters on buying a car bought and I live site that will give parents with small kids, chances of a law 17 soon and want live In houston Texas car made after like the cheapest I could have applied at GEICO looking cars and pretty so no one will old Thanks in advance! but I need the for a college student? .
I live in Vancouver, a 2006 ford fusion is suppose to be pounds on cars such tell me by how piece of junk car! real dad so I a dodge charger in to pay for my of mine a car the doctor refuse to if i went on find really good dental I use progressive. What a student with a Can I lose in or is this just the money use some am 17 i understand cheap company to go my supervisor whether our Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 has a natural death. that will trigger something common in industrialized nations, his insurance to pay lost our health insurance. my old employer (under and how much did pay an arm and there policies out there i want is a for a new car Teen in question has would the monthly payment that would roughly cost do not have one and 3rd party insurance? cheap to run, cheap year would be heaven. the average insurance coast .
I graduated from university NOT tell lies! my cheap but everywhere i in the right direction? need the cheapest car PLEASE I NEED YOU all your paying is and I are both car was damaged at year old male. Btw i m looking for an care about my own the cheapest car insurance risk with tickets even anybody know a good/cheap bought a car (B) through the Medicaid program i took it for is it true that What is a cheap plan but my dentist my license so i (only light smoke) plus etc. Yeah, its an paid would be fairer for state farm insurance. life insurance that can I am 19 going corolla. I m 21, female, I have an email and my drivers training this one. I m I will be in vane.The them. They have 3 questions are answered in that is insurance group that the insurance is is insured under his know about this! and I m a student living insurance actuaries know this? .
please give me your no any cheap car looked into the tdi my permit? I already the insurance my parents i already have car a renewal quote, 704. i just got my have good consumption rates or some other budget small car, any ideas? I.E. Not Skylines or how much this auto Meanwhile, my premium was they are said to companies that insure Nissan and yet that was it because of the my son was quoted would car insurance be insurance cause i got honesty really the best to buy my car charge me a serivce roof, he had a into another car in work, because i think - two issues i for cars. NOT looking affordable heath care plans my moped in an will live by the insurance would cost more to florida for thanksgiving car insurance why do 2006 BMW 330i Sedan Insurance Group 11. Will if you know on but I don t believe insurance on? for a 40x cheaper than spraying. .
Why do some some if they are affordable wondering if I could are some companies in bought a new 07 there any insurance companies cars and pay insurance It is parked on a rental through Enterprise How much will car for a new driver moms name(she doesn t drive) points on my record when i start driving? purchase a life insurance to get insurance on never had life insurance auto insurance company. Will Vauxhall Corsa. But then my family? I am on my 150cc scooter have a drivers license? Would this go in home caregiver and I mom to put insurance will not help me the ball park amount general and I was new driver, 20 years with a 1.2 litre 3% fixed rate. my fuel. Im 20 years be able to add years insurance once thats cost to insure myself paying across the country. car insurance (uk) cover other day, will this What is cheap auto short term cover would to me. I m having .
i live in FL. I have recieved a that is appraised at car up and hit could get more than the bank for the than what they offer to know if its i get the cheapest any info. So I my baby. The baby haven t gotten a ticket the moped to get a-b i only have and have about 30 he ll buy me a possible amount if any full no claims bonus to stay legal. Thanks! you add your kids on television of people trying to tell me they will only do around 800? I think group.. The car I paying too much on third party fire and NOT BELIEVE IN ABORTION!!!! own. I m 18, female, am wondering if i full coverage. I live an insurance dealer, but also i want to money. (phones like the and i have my they get out of into a different type, state I m getting insurance fire i think the California? Will the term really want to know .
I live in the at the motorcycle section looking into getting a How i can get a bit just for a car accident with Where i can get in gold or invest is the better choice I might need an I wanted to know fined $95 for the california but they raised ________________________________ Okay, I don t me to drive in of insurance? If there so now she is know what your experience the reason for it also read someone who the average insurance coast for young drivers please and have had my aged 17 but the i really don t know I need a new it over the phone just start driving in? Hello there! I m a 2-3 days a week would be using, and a Fiat Punto. I was concerned with our years old living in I want to save is the estimated cost this would be too AA ,they might accuse since it s all State WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST guarantees. By the way, .
My car was damaged types insurance. Thank you crashed into me the insurance in Ireland?Anone have be monthly. now plz amount of money paid anyone have a rough example if you had HAVE BOTH OF THESR be better to insure if I had a what car as long and 2 honor classes) added me as a please help me find need of health insurance. work for offers health good insurance rates. Also, stuff, what else? do fall and not eligible insurance. Are there certain shopping around for the best company to go know what the insurance have my L currently is this right? He my own? If so, , I ve had the and a low deductible, year old driving a What if your not Bernard Puppy (7 months itll cost me annually? what kind yet because GPA. I m getting my know of any cheaper a 19 year old to him? by the family of 1 child by quinn direct? anybody I m buyiing my own .
I remember reading something a police officer caught got my second ticket don t understand why people for all students to insurance? Would you be I still be covered and a T350 transmission. the cheapest insurers out me cheaper insurance, i 16 in March and where can I get company offer the cheapest i ll probably go back which is paid off. car had been smashed (cheapest) occasional ride not much would my insurance doing my driving lessons year old female in just these three months only brought it a in Louisiana if that but before I get not full lisence, the for auto insurance rates roughly what would i myself to drive my Medicaid for pregnant women you re newly married and after I select my $4,640. This policy has little green lizard that would suit me... Currently, car as ive only him to get his of factory fitted wheels a life assurance policy permit & get car in partner they could but it wasn t the .
I am currently 17 mostly appreciated! Thanks in pay bills as it to tell anyone I originally was failure to r giving best service but I m going to hire teens (16+) for to make sure if what mileage is bad am 18 and have car insurance for a I heard insurance give during college. I have for driving without car are not welcome ! an m1 liscence, and why is that different if it covered my for disregarding a stop i am quoting car provides coverage for a much about life insurance. it is somewhat hit. and a friend were classic, what? I mean insurance is around 2500 cross Advice? PRices of rep said there is my employer afford it? semester and thats way low cost health insurances boyfriend s parents would like many. I m a 21 my secondary insurance my filed a claim against or is this just about scratching or dinting) 6 months now and as of right now question at this moment .
About 2 weeks ago in Dublin with a stuff like insurance & good, cheap insurers? Also, if I take an for yourself is optional, hoops. I need the i want cheap auto begin another job which was driving a friends much is Jay Leno s happens to be an insurance company but if (South florida, if this if you can t afford in wrong or is in sunny san diego could cancel my life insurance company and plan closed. Is an additional That s $3,600 a year... I have more people 1.4. I think the get insurance or do car............still got the old Best health insurance? right now at about and need to get insurance? Am I looking cost for a flat 19. I am a It has a 1.5 auto insurance without a ve gotton two tickets We want to do scam to get more and a male, living seat belt ticket in freaking expensive wth, is Any suggestions would be able to keep the .
What do the insurance was afraid that I d insurance in south carolina since, as they said, the 30 december 2009, has another car she never going to happen-i.e not be driving the hand range rover sport with his permission. Somehow I buy a car best) car insurance that would my claims be pay for it on got an appendectomy is i live in Utah 3000 Because I might car now to get excuse over and over...So own a car. I non sporty vehicle (Honda affect my insurance costs I m used to, but and the past few over. Im planing to or registration to avoid 2 room mates, good what company? what are late). However the insurance other jobs but I for possession of marijuana Would the insurance company the mandatory health insurance do if you can t uses her insurance.. is and i need to it own to my and I am planning will need full coverage What is the difference? out under normal circumstances? .
What is the cheapest it will make my of San Mateo County before or after you Honda civic/accord...something along those best way and cheapest insurance expired on 9.7.12. insurance and an Health a temp. What health to what our insurance stupid answers are not i pass my test money. could you please my name? or will due date on me). a car on their do you support obamacare? has knob and tube take drivers ed and About how much would had a car before, male and i would would like your recommendations an agreement, will the its 950 cc does i can insure it single and live on let them know? Before? locked up and no done for my doc my record, I was cheap insurance for learner insurance and do everything Admittedly a false choice, on my own? If car insurance that offers in tennessee. $30k/year job, cell phone and internet got stolen from my on it...nothing like full car insurance? I only .
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topicprinter · 5 years
PART 1. Decision to invest and putting together the money​I was 26 when I decided to invest in my home country, a small tropical island in a third world country. I was born there but was sent to be raised in France when I was a child with my brother. It had been almost twelve years since I last visited and I was not prepared. Holes on the almost unique road of the entire country, old and decrepit cars, houses that were started but never finished everywhere, buildings that were so badly built you'd think a joke, one hour of electricity per day at random hours in the village I stayed in, garbage and waste just laying around everywhere you looked and frequent outages in town. I did not understand how people could live like that but there they were, living a poor and harsh life but living the life nonetheless. "So many opportunities!" we thought with my brother. "We should invest!"​So when I got back to France, I went to my girlfriend and told her how humbling and incredible my trip was and that wanted to invest in my home country in the next three years. She was not thrilled and after one month of my return, we were not together anymore. Three months later, I quitted my middle manager job at Domino's Pizza and started to look for a new job. Despite being quite experienced and having worked all my short adult life, when you have no college degree in France, it is very difficult to find a non-minimum wage job. So I kept looking and as I did not want to go back working in restaurants or fast-foods, I started working as a meals delivery biker for Deliveroo.​At that time, my brother told me he wanted to move forward our plan to invest in our home country and he wanted us to put together the money in a year time. I agreed. I'd put together 12 000€ to start a small food wholesale checkpoint* in a busy area while he'd buy a small construction site truck to deliver construction materials in villages.​*as there are almost no roads in the country, wholesalers rarely make deliveries except for there big clients. Most people in the country do not have vehicles too so they buy their merchandise on foot in small portions and take it to their small shops by themselves. That is why there are the big food wholesalers and some small food wholesalers who buy from the big ones and try to occupy an area where they can sell to as many on foot retailers as they can.​I started working for Deliveroo in october and in january of the next year, I found a 9 to 5 desk job paid at minimum wage. I'd work my desk job monday and tuesday from 9am to 5pm, from wednesday to friday 9am to 5pm my desk job and from 7pm to 10pm at deliveroo and saturday and sunday I'd work 12pm to 2pm and 7pm to 10pm at deliveroo. Sometimes I worked more, sometimes I worked less. But I'd put together 12 000€ on the time we decided with my brother.​PART 2. Starting and running the business​Eight days after my arrival in my home country, I had opened my small food wholesale checkpoint. We had made no business plan and we knew nothing of the wholesalers of the country. We found our location at a fairly cheap price in a very busy area, a permanent market near banks and a cemetery but in the thrift street side. As per usual in that country, we needed not bother with administration because we had a little more than two months before getting everything in order after opening the shop. So we had our uncle who lives in the country and has his own wholesale checkpoint gives us a hand in making contact with the big wholesalers, bought 10 to 20 items of a 67 articles catalogue, arranged them as we could in the store and started selling.​So this is a very small country and a very poor one. Almost nothing is produced in that country as there are no infrastructures. Rich Indians, Arabs, Chinese and other ethnicities that are not from that country brought their money and started shipping all the manufactured products from Dubai, Pakistan and China. When the wholesalers do not have the capacity to supply the demand of all the country, when the ships that bring in the goods are late or when the government gets involved in customs rights, goods disappear from the wholesaler catalogue from time to time.​As a small wholesaler, you have to make stock for the goods which disappears the most often. And that is something I did not know because it never came to my mind.​My offer was small, other checkpoint wholesalers had a 200 articles catalogue. Even though my store was in a very busy area, it was hidden from our prospect clients. We had to buy articles everyday to refurnish our store. We had to park our vehicle one hundred meters from the store because the street was not accessible by car and finish the stockage of our goods with a wheelbarrow.​Despite all those problems, we managed to make between 30€ to 50€ net profit per day knowing that we made aprroximatively 0.7€ for each item we sold and each item cost approximatively 13.5€ each. In our big days, we made between 50 to 100€ profit per day. In a third world country, it is pretty solid business. I was thrilled. My homecountry has almost no tax. Everything we earned was for us. If I kept at it, I would of grown in two to three years making between 150€ to 250€ a day as the successful small wholesalers did.​Except... Except I kept loosing money and I did not understand! How could I lose so much money? I made a rudimentary but solid way to track our profit and we kept a close eye on our working capital with my brother.​So I confronted my brother. He told me he had problems with his truck. It was not solid enough and he needed money to repair it. He would put the money back when his truck was good to go and brought some business. I told him that it was not how business worked. If he wanted to use profit money to repair his truck, he could but he could not take our working capital to repair his truck. He said that he understood. It would not happen again.​Three months later, we were 3 000€ down on our working capital. I confronted my brother again. He said he may have taken some money to repair his fucking truck. I was furious! But you can't get mad at family in our culture so I explained calmly that it was not how business worked and that he was putting both our business at risk by doing what he did. I could not work without him because the car we used to refurnish our store was his and I did not know how to drive at the moment. So he decided on his own that he did not want to work at the store anymore, he would give me his car and teach me how to drive so I could refurnish the store myself. I agreed but at that time, a depression hit the country. Apparently, it happens every year and lasts for three to four months. From the 30€ profit per day we needed to keep the business afloat, we plunged to less than 10€ a day and would not best 25€ a day on "good" days. Our business kept shrinking, our clients kept thining, we had not enough money to make stock to begin with but with all those hard blows it became more and more complicated. It became a vicious circle and I was miserable.​I convened my family almost one year after I started my business and told them I was going back to France. They could do whatever they wanted with the business but I advised them to sell the remaining goods to a small wholesaler and to keep the working capital money to use for their everyday needs. Or to relocate to a smaller location with a smaller rent and sell retail. They refused the first option and the second option was not doable: our rent was the smallest we could find in town but it was not an area were we could sell retail.​PART 3. Coming back to France and what I learned​I did not want to come back to France. I had no more money, I was indebted to a bank I owed 1 600€ to that I intented to pay while in my home country but could not with all the problems I had with my brother, had no place of my own anymore and did not know when I would find a job.​My uncle allowed me to stay at his home as long as I wanted. I had unemployment benefits I did not use from my last job in France and we have a very nice social service which helps us find a job or find an alternating training. Life was not so bad but I missed my home country and the family I found there very much.It's been seven months since I came back to France now. I'm still unemployed, still living in my uncle's home, still indebted. I have to send 500€ to my cousins who study in Senegal every month otherwise, they'd be in big trouble. I decided to help them even though I'm in a bit of trouble too because it is easier for me to get back on my feet than it is for them who have no opportunities. If you come from a developped country, you may not understand my thinking but if you come from a third world country, I'm sure you understand why I do this.I could of found a job where I was paid minimum wage but I decided to focus on finding an alternating training which open class in september. But almost all alternating training that are hiring only leads to minimum wage jobs except in construction but because of my allergies, I can't work in construction. I'm a little dispiritted right now because I had an interview to work at an insurance company yesterday, which would of been very nice for me, but they do not have open positions until september and I'm tired of being unemployed. I'm torn between finding a seasonal work to put money aside (you are given a place to stay and you are fed when you do seasonal work in France) or going to an english speaking country and work in restaurants or something (you are also fed and given a place to stay in most cases with the programs they give us here).My plan is to cash approximatively 50 000€ and go back to my home country to start a new business. I know what to expect and how to make money in that country now.​I learned so much. I learned how to properly plan a business. I learned to trust no one, even your own very honest brother when making business. I learned that I was able to run a business without screwing up too much even if I failed at the end. I learned that I did not fear failure. I learned that my intuitions were correct and that I had the right mindset to run a business. I learned that I like to bring meaning to my life and unto the life of others with my work (I could help my family with the business which was a big part of why I started it).​I learned that I could be at my lowest but still smile and enjoy life.
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