#but it’s fine - i’ll just do it tomorrow… i already put out the vial as a reminder
starbuck · 2 years
the fact that i get predictably more productive when i’m working is SO funny… today (first day off since i started work) i’ve done ALL my laundry (four loads), read half a book, done more duolingo than i have all week, AND i went food shopping… who AM i????????
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helluva-simper · 6 months
Word count: 1k
TW!: drug use, 18+, suggestive content, cussing, violence. Minors DNI
              Valentino walked into his penthouse, the main color of the room being a red and dark pink with an occasional blue and purple. He sits on the couch turning on the TV. He leaned towards the table to grab the cigarette box but when he opened it, nothing was in it. “Voxxy!? Where did I put my extra cigarettes?!” 
Valentino gets up and looks around the living room as Vox yells, “I don’t Fucking know! You probably used them all since you smoke them like there’s no tomorrow!” Valentino audibly groans. 
Vox walks into the room and laughs at Valentino’s look of despair. “You look so stupid, Val. Can’t you just smoke something else to control the bitches.” He asked, carrying his “fuck Alastor cup.” in a blue robe. “I could but those are my favorite.” Valentino whines as Vox sighs. “So… Voxxy baby~... can you do me a favor and watch over the club while I’m gone.” “No. I’m incredibly too busy to deal with your bullshit.” Vox said.
“Come on~. I’ll pay you back. And I promise you won’t regret it.” Valentino said, running his fingers down the side of Vox's TV screen. Vox groans as he pushes his hands away. “Val, I said-” “You don’t even have to stay long. Just need you to make sure everything is going smoothly.” Valentino says grabbing his phone about to call someone to pick him up already knowing that he has won. “Ugh, fine.” Vox walks away drinking whatever was in his cup. Valentino was off to see you.
You were a bee demon that went by the name of ‘Hunne’. You were a popular and wealthy demon by selling a product called “Honey buns” since it was originally supposed to be in food but… eh… you just thought that drugs would be better. It was a drug that could make you feel like you could fly or make you feel completely relaxed depending on how much you take. It was in all forms: pills, powder, cigarettes, and that was why Valentino was taking the time out of his day to drive to the other side of Hell.
He walks in to see you smoking your own stuff. “Hunne, baby, how ya been?” Valentino said walking to the counter almost scrunching his nose at how strong the smell of smoke was near you. “Tino, haven’t seen you in a hot minute. Ran out of my stuff?” You asked, putting your cigarette in the ashtray in front of you. 
You had black and yellow stripes all over your skin, your hair was messy and was covering your face barely able to see through your hair to see your fully black eyes. You were quite skinny and frail with boney fingers that had long, black nails. When you spoke, you would make a buzzing noise.
“Sadly so, but I also came to see my favorite stoner.” Valentino said, having a toothy grin resting his upper left arm on the table. “Of course, Tino. Now…” You stretch out your thin arm and open your hand. He digs inside his robe and pulls out his wallet giving you the money. You smile, taking it and putting it in a lock box behind you. 
As you bend down, Valentino wolf whistles looking up and down at your body. Even though you were very scrawny, Valentino found it very interesting. How easy it would be to dominate you, break you. But if he wasn’t your best customer, you would have shot him with the gun you had in the box as well. So, you just let him wish.
“You know, you would make a wonderful assistant~.” Valentino suggested with a smug look. You stood up and grabbed a vial from inside a cabinet as you said, “Maybe in the next Hell.”
Valentino had a specific type of cigarette that he always requested. It had a vibrant red color and had a chemical that, without the right protection, would make anyone other than him incredibly high, that’s why you wore gloves and a mask.
Valentino rolls out his tongue letting his saliva drip into the small tube. When it was full he said, “I would like to see how my little worker bee does their job.” “I prefer for you to stay outside.” You answered walking to the backroom door. As you did, he walked to you. 
He puts his lower arms on your hips and the upper on your shoulders. “Baby, come on~ I won’t touch anything… unless it’s you~.” He purrs in your ear. Since you knew that you were too weak to fight an overlord, you just turned around, dug out his wallet, feeling his bare chest sending chills down his spine, pulled out his wallet, and took out 2 $100 bills.
“You drive a hard bargain, my sweet.” He spoke. “If you don’t take your dick holding hands off me, I will not make your drugs.” You said firmly. Valentino pulls his hands away and holds them up, surrendering. 
When Valentino backed away, you opened the door. The room was almost pitch black with a very dim orange light. A visible black smoke filled the room, making Valentino choke. “Fucking hell! How do you work or even breathe in here?!” Valentino said, waving his hand around. You just shrugged. 
The same way a bee collects pollen, your hair always had pollen in it, the only difference was that you didn’t need to taste good. You always being in an enclosed room while smoking tainted the pollen being the main ingredient. When it’s mixed with Valentino’s saliva well… you’ll be so high you might attempt to fly off the Vee’s tower.
You walk to a giant mixing machine and put the two ingredients in it.  You put the time for 3 ½ minutes and started it.  As it mixed you walked over to a table and grabbed the lighter and cigarette from it then lit the cigarette. Valentino watched your every move with a growing idea. 
Valentino walks to you taking the cigarette out of your hand. “What the fuck man?!” You exclaimed, reaching for it but you were too weak to move the hand that was pushing you back. He wrapped his hand around your chin and pulled your face to his. He took a drag, pulled down your mask, and blew it in your face. Being the addict you were, you instantly inhale the smoke. “Give… give it back.” You muttered trying to pull away but he didn’t let go. 
“So, Hunne, baby~. May I know why you have to wear all this protection?” Valentino asked. He didn't really didn't need to though since he already knew. You had told him the first few months he started requesting his special drug. He just want to hear your own voice say it.
            You stayed silent, not replying to his question trying to step away but used his lower arms to keep you in place. Valentino tales another drag watching you breathe it in like you needed it, like it was oxygen.
             “Come on, baby~. I just need you to say a sentence or two. Can be too hard, right?” He spoke backing you up into the wall. You were terrifide. Yeah, you being his favorite drug dealer let you know that he wasn't gonna kill you… somewhat but him towering over you like that was making you feel uncomfortable.
            Before you could tell him to go fuck himself, he pushed himself against you and moved your chin up allowing him to unravel his tongue around your neck. Your breathing stopped.
            What was this smell? God, it was intoxicating making your vision blur. You felt like you had just stopped thinking. Valentino could see the break on your face. He kissed you and you didn't fight back, didn't even think about it (as if you could). He sild his tongue inside, exploring, making the effects of the chemical worse.
            Valentino, his voice deep and breathy, whispered in your ear, “Perhaps the drugs can wait… can't they?” The only response he got was incoherent noises which made him smirk. “Till then, just be a good little “Hunne” bee and let Daddy do what he does best.”
After reading all this comment "WNTBT" (We need therapy big time) in the comments and I'll be paying for your therapy
@kadegravy -my fav Stoner
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fagdaluxe · 1 month
bleeding-hrt month 1
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day 1
I can’t believe it’s finally happening. After months of research, I’ve finally got myself my own kind of species HRT. Humanity replacement therapy? I guess. It’s not just hormones. I’ll have the chance to be a soft, feathery bird- once I finish the process, I can switch in and out whenever I want.
DIY-ing this stuff is fun because I can put it in tiny bottles to drink if I like, and I do. I uncorked the little vial of clear, unassuming liquid, took a deep breath, downed it, and oh god does it taste bitter. Whatever. A small price to pay.
Nothing’s gonna happen today- the effects should start to kick in tomorrow.
day 2
I knew it was going to hurt, but still. Ow. My legs ache, and especially my feet. Bone restructuring hurts like hell, but it’ll be worth it. I rub the back of my heel to find a small bump forming on my already-rougher skin. That’ll be a talon one day…
As I head into the bathroom to take my second dose, I decide to check my face. My cheeks are kinda itchy, and the bridge of my nose feels a lot softer. That’s fine. It might freak me out when it happens, but eventually, my nose will fall off entirely to let my skull reshape into a beak. That should be fun.
I don’t want to do much today, but I do manage to grab a hot pack for my aching legs and feet before I go to bed. I can’t believe this is actually happening.
week 1
I have been so, so itchy lately, and the aching in my legs has gotten to the point where I can barely get out of bed. I’ve mostly been in my bed, ordering food to my house and trying not to scratch myself too much, but I’ve been noticing little lumps forming on my shoulders and chest. When I went to the bathroom to take my daily dose, I took a closer look at those bumps on my skin- and just as I thought, they looked a lot like pin feathers. They’ll probably be super soft when they fully grow in, but for now, I just have to refrain from itching them. They admittedly look really ugly right now, but they’ll be a beautiful bleeding-heart coat one day.
week 2
It’s gotten to the point where I’ve been struggling to walk as my feet change shape. My toes have begun to merge, which doesn’t sound terrible, but hurts like hell when you try to walk on them. Have I mentioned how itchy I’ve been? Between the skin on my legs hardening up, my talons growing in, and the pinfeathers which have spread up my neck and down my arms and chest, wow, is this uncomfortable. But I’ll have to live with it.
Speaking of feathers- some of the actual feathers have started to grow in around the top of my chest, and they’re so soft…!! They’re such a pretty shade of white. I can’t wait to have a full chest of feathers to sink my head into and preen…
The bridge of my nose has gotten even softer. to the point where I can dent it if I poke it. My daily doses still don’t taste great, but I’ve gotten better at choking it down. The worst of it should be over soon.
week 4
Woke up this morning to find that a little clump of feathers has started to grow at the base of my back- tail. Tail. Tail. It’s happening. It makes such a nice ruffling sound when I swish it, even though it’s small..!! I’m not supposed to sleep on it as it’s growing, but I’m used to sleeping on my side.
More of my feathers have come in, as well. Down my back and arms they’re this gorgeous slate blue, and I’ve noticed red ones in the middle of my chest popping up as well. I hardly even blinked an eye when I started to gnaw at them! It’s so much harder when my beak hasn’t grown in, but I make do.
The first little bits of my heel talons have started to show themselves as well. I assume by now I don’t need to write about how much it hurts, so instead I’ll write about how nice the sound they make when I walk is. Not that I’m doing much walking right now. My big toenails have started to grow into proper talons as well, while my smaller toes have just finished merging into one. This looks, admittedly, really weird. It’s like cells that didn’t divide properly, or something. Kind of freaks me out to look at my feet for too long… ah well. Falling asleep keeps getting easier the more feathers appear on my chest. I can sink my head into them and it’s like having my own on-demand pillow… so nice and warm…
See you next month.
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