#i’m also gonna chat with Jamie soon which i’m VERY excited about!!
starbuck · 2 years
the fact that i get predictably more productive when i’m working is SO funny… today (first day off since i started work) i’ve done ALL my laundry (four loads), read half a book, done more duolingo than i have all week, AND i went food shopping… who AM i????????
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Alfie Solomons on Social Media
Big thank you to @cheekypeakyblinders @peak-a-blinder and @champagneholland !! So much love and support with this lil social media themed project we’re doing! Go read their writing (linked at the bottom!) also can I just say I’m super proud of the moodboards I made for these :)
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Alfie is NOT tech savvy. He’s not a complete technophobe, but he’s definitely not down with the latest trends, he doesn’t have a clue what half the pre-installed apps on his phone are for and he’s only just figured out that you can have a contacts list and that you don’t need to manually type in a whole phone number if it’s already saved on his phone.
He often forgets how to turn off caps lock, so his texts can often be misinterpreted as very angry or very excited
He also uses LOTS of abbreviations- like the normal ones (lol, wtf, ffs, cba) but then he also makes his own up which just confused everybody
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It’s okay though bc the younger ones actually teach him stuff (*cough* unlike tommy abd arthur who just take the piss)
‘No right Finn mate I don’t want to fuckin download Tik tok I’ve got a fuckin watch and a little clock on the screen fucks sake’
Alfie’s in a fair few group chats- there’s the main GC that has the Shelby/gray clan (he’s there for banter and because Polly is an admin and she knows it pisses tommy off
Every morning without fail at like... 5-6 o’clock, he’ll send a bright and cheerful good morning text that’s normally not very well received. But he does it anyway bc him and Pol are the only ones awake :)
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Alfie on snapchat is a different story. Literally every day there’s a picture of Cyril with a caption like ‘love of my life’ ‘best mate’ ‘don’t know what I’d do without you’
He also posts all his baked goodies onto his story too, and the random women who add him via quick add end up swooning over his floury tattooed arms bc he has a dog and he can COOK
He hasn’t got a CLUE what a private story is so every day, at least 100+ people are subjected to ‘tommy fucking Shelby has a stick up his arse pass it on’ which gets screenshotted and sent to the group chat
He doesn’t get the whole ‘streaks’ thing either
‘No I don’t wanna fucking streak with you isaiah what the fuck??? I thought your dad was a man of god and all that???’
Cue three days later on his story: “there’s fires next to some of your names right and if you die yeah, blame isaiah because he asked me to streak with him and I don’t think Jeremiah likesd that tbh and probs prayed to god to smite yous down lol’
‘Alfie it just means we’ve snapped eachother for three consecutive days mate’
His story that day: ‘sorry you’re not getting smited you lot just like sending me pictures of your ceilings ??’
Snapchat filters took him by surprise too but imagine this man’s JOY when he found out Cyril could wear funny glasses AND have a round face 🥺🥺🥺
Let’s talk YouTube. Despite not knowing how to turn caps lock off, and thinking Finn is having a stroke every time he throws it back, Alfie is quite the vlogger.
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What’s starts off as mostly baking videos and rants (he likes to get things off his chest while kneading the SHIT out of some dough) quickly turns into a full on THING
He makes all sorts of videos- at least one weekly vlog with Cyril and him going on an adventure
Honestly those ones are basically asmr bc Alfie will be recording cyril with one hand and petting him and scratching behind his ears with the other and just murmuring ‘what’ve you got there mate? A rock? Tha’s fuckin brilliant that is my mate. My good boy aren’t you? Yeah... good lad... you gonna put the rock down or... no we’re fuckin... taking the fuckin rock home with us... whatever you say mate...’
Like it’s not much of a vlog like ‘hey guys it’s Alfie aka the Wandering Jew and today me and my pal are going to the park’ it’s more of a ‘watch this great big bear of a man talk very gently to a great big dog for fifteen minutes’ type of vlog
He also does the baking vids obvs, but in more of a tutorial format rather than bitching about his mate ‘Timmy’ as he develops the gluten with his sleeves rolled upto his elbows.
‘Well Jamie Oliver will tell you to do it like this’
*like 10 seconds of silence as he stares at the camera*
‘FUCK Jamie Oliver the stupid twat THIS is the right way to do it
There are normally some VERY thirsty comments about his arms.
He does a reaction video to the thirsty comments once
John read them out to him and his audience was DELIGHTED by his blush as he muttered ‘that right, is fuckin inappropriate innit? Fucking filth like that when I’m trying to teach you how to bake my nan’s bread? Terrible.’
Alfie’s new found YouTube success brings some unwanted attention too...
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He doesn’t really know what to do about it so he just leaves it...
A week later, however...
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Finally, lets talk messaging his significant other
Admittedly his long winded, meandering rants don’t really translate very well into text, so he much prefers to FaceTime or simply ring you
His texts are sweet though
He tries, bless him
If you don’t live together, you get a good morning and a goodnight text every night, regardless of any business.
You quickly learn to mute your phone as soon as you wake up bc he is an early bird lol
You hear the rants he doesn’t put on his story 🥺🥺
He doesn’t really use emojis but he uses them a LOT more when he texts you- mainly the heart ones
Likes your instagram posts literally as soon as they’re posted and always comments on them
‘You’re fucking beautiful you. I love you’
He does it on your snapchat story as well, sensing you your picture with a cute (or flirty) comment
You love texting him little flirty messages??? Just subtle ones with a cheeky double entendre.
Maybe you’re thinking about him. Maybe the sausages you had with breakfast really were juicy who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Either way it gets him GOING
You use snapchat to your biggest advantage, sending him cheeky little peeks at your body, but never quite ENOUGH
He clicks off the image really quickly so you normally get a ‘Alfie💖 has replayed your snap’ notification
‘Fuck me love’
‘Later. In a meeting gtg xx’
He doesn’t really take dirty pics himself. He does, however, tell you to grab your headphones ;)
Thank you for reading! Below are the other works in this collab! Make sure to check them out 💖💖
John Shelby by @cheekypeakyblinders
Michael Gray by @champagneholland
Finn Shelby by @cheekypeakyblinders
Tommy Shelby by @peak-a-blinder
Grace burgess by @champagneholland
Arthur Shelby by @peak-a-blinder
Tag list: @the-makingsofgreatness @peakyswritings @haphazardhufflepuff @diksy1112 @zodiyack @soleil-dor @hiddensapphic @fckingpeakyblinders @snugleo @alittlebirds @satanxklaus @glamsaturn @thegirlwithoutaname87 @queenofmankind @awkwardretro @captivatedbycillianmurphy @xshinytrashcanx @hanster1998 @cheekypeakyblinders @champagneholland
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loudsuitlover · 5 years
Ohana 3
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It’s been two days since I’ve last seen Harry. I’m ignoring him like a coward and I know at some point it’s gonna have to end but he hasn’t texted me back since the last text I ignored yesterday afternoon. 
I just don’t know how to tell him. I freaked out. I panicked. And I don’t even know what was that. Why would I kiss him? Moreover, why would he kissed me? He could have literally any girl on the planet, counting on famous people, not famous people- not even any girl but anywho- and he chose me? There must be something wrong with him. 
Charlie turns around holding a box of weetbix on her hand, asking me whether those are the ones I have for breakfast or at least that’s what I think she’s saying. She tilts her head at me and I know she’s caught up with the fact that my mind is anywhere but here. I shake my head, trying to dismiss it, as I lean towards Mateo and caress his hair out of his face. He smiles at me and for a split of a second I forget I’m worried when Charlie’s phone makes a beep sound.
“Harry asks how our day went.” She doesn’t look at me as she types an answer.
“Does he know I’m with you?” 
“Yeah.” She nods. “He asked me about you when you stopped answering his texts and I told him that we were having a girls’ day out today.” 
“What wouldn’t you tell me?” 
“Would it have changed anything?” She shrugs. “Besides, I thought you knew he was interested already and I didn’t want to bother you.” 
This was all Jack’s idea. I was sure of that. Charlie would have given me the hardest time about this had she had it her way, but I’m sure Jack tried to calm her down. I busy myself reading the ingredient charts on cereal boxes as I wait for her to finally allow herself to bother me. 
“Are you still coming tonight?” She asks instead. 
I know Harry is going to be there but it’s not like I can not go to Jack’s promotion party and anyway I’m gonna have to talk to him in person sooner or later. I bite my bottom lip and then I turn to her. 
“Yeah.” I smile. “Mum’s looking after Mateo.” 
Charlie’s hazel eyes burn into mine as she just keeps quite. I don’t quite know whether she has really matured in a matter of months or whether she just doesn’t even know what to say to me. The haircut she just got looks so good on her too, her hair barely skimming her shoulders now. 
“Anyway” she smiles “do you know who keeps asking about you too?” 
I bite my bottom lip again- I keep doing that lately- as I pretend it’s no big deal that she used the word too because Harry also keeps asking about me. I turn to her so that she gets she has my attention. 
“Noah.” She smiles. “You know, it’s funny how you try so hard to stay away from guys’ attention and you still get it.” She laughs. “I mean, I get it, with that angel face of yours.” 
My head spins to her in a matter of seconds and I’m afraid I’ve given myself a whiplash. Did she just use the words angel face? I feel my heart beating ten times faster. 
“But the things is- they both are super nice.” 
Now, here she goes- she’s about to let Charlie take over Jack’s advises now. I hate to admit I like it and I try not to smile as we both walk to the cashier. 
“Like, before I met these guys, I would never think it was possible for someone to kind of outweigh Harry but I gotta say Noah is pretty close. I mean he’s so nice and funny and smart and cute, you know? He’s got a niece, you should see him with her.” She raises her eyebrows. 
I just shake my head at her as I place the groceries on the cash and she excitedly chats with the cashier because that’s just the way she is. It’s pouring rain when we make our way outside the supermarket and I try my best to cover Mateo with my jacket as we wait for the rain to give us a break under the roof of the supermarket entrance when Noah, out of all people, rushes to the supermarket. 
“Oh, hi, girls!” 
He grins like he had just come out of a romcom and I can’t help but hear Charlie’s words in my head as I look at him. I mean, like seriously, it is fucking raining and then here he appears, fully dry which can only means he has a car like a knight in shining armour. I internally roll my eyes as Mateo babbles against my chest. 
“Hi, Noah.” I smile. I’m about to scare him away. “This is Mateo, my son.” 
But Noah just grins wider and that’s the first time someone has reacted like that to me saying my son. He could really be somebody. 
“Of course he’s your son!” He cheers. “Mate he looks exactly like you!” 
My heart skips a beat when Mateo smiles back at him. He’s such a happy baby and I’m such a proud mama and Noah just chuckles at my baby’s cute antics. 
“You girls need a ride?” He offers. “I was going to get something quick for lunch but I can drive you home. It doesn’t look like it’s going to stop raining anytime soon.” 
“We actually could use a ride, yeah.” Charlie answers for us both. “We’ll treat you to lunch actually since you’re going to drive us. It’s the least we can do.” 
Noah smiles and offers to carry some of our bags as we make our way to his car. A black Volvo. Okay, he seems to have money too but then again I don’t know why I’m surprised considering he’s friends with Chloe and Harry and the rest of them. 
The three of us have pasta with zucchini and cream at Charlie’s house while Mateo takes his afternoon nap and we share such a nice conversation, it’s been a long time since I haven’t felt this relaxed, like I have nothing to hide and I can just be Jamie; for Noah has already met Mateo and he’s still being nice to me. I can tell he likes my outfit too, even though it’s just yoga pants and a crop top but I’ve caught him roaming my body up and down with his eyes once or twice and I’d lie if I said I’m not happy about it. It’s nice to know I still have it after giving birth to a child and breastfeeding him every day. 
Noah kept making Mateo laugh until he asked if he could hold him and I happily obliged. He’s been lifting him up in the air and showing him fruits since I handed my baby over to him as Charlie and I make some tea in the kitchen. 
“I told you he’s so cute with babies.” She whispers. 
I just laugh. 
“He loves the feel of mandarins as well” Noah notices as I stare as Mateo’s tiny hands playing with the tangerine “just like my niece.” He shrugs. “I don’t know what is with babies and mandarins.” 
“Maybe it’s the smell too? They smell really good.” I notice. 
“Yeah” he agrees “maybe.” 
After tea and pumpkin biscuits, Noah drives Mateo and me home with the promise of seeing each other again at Jack’s party. He offers to pick me up for it but I politely decline. He’s very sweet and cool and I really like him, but I don’t want him to get the wrong idea. 
I put on a burgundy satin v-back midi dress I bought online while I was pregnant because I had a mental breakdown and started buying a lot of clothes that didn’t fit for some reason but I enjoy the way it looks on me now. I decide on just using some mascara and painting my lips with dark burgundy lipstick instead of going with a full make up-smokey eye kind of look and readjust my bangs as I wait for Charlie to honk at the door. 
I walk with Charlie and Jack along the longest line I’ve ever seen in a club before I even realize we are at the Obleon. I stop them, holding Jack by his elbow as he turns to face me. 
“Eh, guys, how are we even going to get in here?” I ask them. “I thought you said we were going to the Morray’s.” 
“We were” Jack explains “but Gemma suggested that we could go to the Obleon as well, since it was such a special night” he grins every time he remembers he got the promotion after a year of internship with Mr Banks “and I mean there’s no way we would get in without her so of course we said yes.” 
I nod my head before I just follow them. I decide I won’t ask any more questions. This is probably all Harry’s doing anyway. I bet he got us all super VIP access to everywhere in the club and that he just has to say the word for the entire thing to just shut down for him. I don’t know how I feel when we walk past all those people waiting and just casually wait for Gemma to appear right next to the doormen. She finally appears, in a silver sequin short dress and purple lipstick, with such a cheerful smile on her face. She grins excitedly at me, apparently so happy to see me again for some reason and I start hoping everyone feels the same way. 
We follow her through a corridor with purple neon lights and plants on both sides of the wall until we finally make it inside the club and I start getting excited as I have a look around myself to see the Obleon from the inside. I thought I was never going to, to be honest, and to make things better, this is the first time I go to a club- without being absolutely forced to by Charlie- since I got pregnant. I have a look at the stairs, big, majestous, white and marble as they curled their way up to a second floor and since they all look down towards the dance floor, I can see there are three floors. I wonder how people look dancing from the third of them. 
Everyone in the club looks so fancy, but as opposed to the last time I hang out with these guys, I don’t feel too out of it now with my satin dress. I adjust the thin strap on my shoulder as we finally spot the group. I’m glad to find out Chloe’s also excited to see me and I greet the rest of the girls as she happily introduces them all to me. These people are so nice. Charlie comes back with a drink for me on her hand and she raises her eyebrows high when I gladly take it and bring the straw to my lips. As I scan the crowd and get starstruck a time or two, my eyes finally bumped into Harry’s green ones as he’s standing with his friends not that far away from me. He doesn’t look very happy to see me so I turn around and try to get a little farther away from him but Gemma cuts me off and walks me towards him. His friends are nice and they both introduce themselves to me, Jeff and Mitch, but Harry just looks me up and down. No hello, no smile, nothing. So I’m the one to greet him. 
“Hi.” I say. 
He just raises his eyebrows as if he was surprised I have a voice at all. I guess I deserve his behaviour, but he’s still making me feel so uncomfortable and I just want to drop dead in front of him. I almost feel like I should apologize for my existence to him but instead I just look down at both our feet and turn around, keen to just walk away from him and pretend and I never knew him, but he just grabs my elbow and then his hand moves down my arm until our hands intertwine and like that he pulls me along to the stairs. He doesn’t let go of my hand as we make our way along the white marble stairs to the second floor but I guess he’s not worried about anyone snatching a photo of the two of us because this is very private I take it. He only stops when we are standing next to a white column on the second floor and he places himself next to him so I am left facing him, having a nice view of the dance floor from the inner balcony. 
I entertain myself looking for Charlie so that I don’t have to face the apology I owe him. 
“Are you going to tell me what the hell happened?” He starts. He seems mad. “You text me the kiss I gave you was the best kiss you’ve ever been given and then you ignore me?” 
“You only text me once.” I complain, scratching my elbow as I avoid looking at him.
“And I called you and left a voice mail.” 
I look up at his eyes. 
“That you never heard.” He guesses correctly. 
“I never hear my voice mails. No one leaves voice mails anymore.” 
He doesn’t reply to that and I know he’s just waiting for me to explain myself but now I just don’t know what to say. He looks so good on that black suit even though he’s not even smiling but his face is just perfect I swear to God. And somehow the fact that he seems to be hurt by my silence makes me feel special, like he actually has been waiting for me to talk to him, even though I would imagine he would have random sex with girls he never saw again all the time. 
“Are you seeing someone?” 
He blurts out loud and I frown immediately. Under any other circumstances, I would have called him out for calling me a cheater like that- if there’s something I hate that’s lying- but the fact that he sounds jealous almost makes me smile. 
“No! That’s not what this is about.” 
“Then what is it?” 
“I mean... What happened the other night was a mistake.” I lie even though I don’t know I’m lying. 
“You regret it?” 
I can’t lie to him. I don’t know why but I just don’t want to so I can’t say I do because I don’t. God for some reason I am dying for him to kiss me again right now. But... I know it’s silly, it would never work and I would just get hurt yet I don’t want him to know I had thought about a future because he had only kissed me once. I look away from him. 
“I just don’t think it should happen again.” 
He surprises me with silence. I won’t lie, I would like for him to fight me a little on that- to try to convince me, even though I’m sure if he does try he will win me over and I will just get my heart broken at the end of this little game. 
“Okay.” He says instead. “I don’t want to, but I’m going to respect it.” 
I hate that he’s so good. 
“But we can at least be friends, right?” 
I nod. I’m going to suck being his friend but he probably has a thousand and he probably means that just like- let’s say hi when we see each other at Charlie’s- so I take it and offer him my hand. He stares at him with an amused expression before he takes it and we shake hands before we make our way downstairs and join the rest of the group. Charlie gives me a questioning look, as if she wants to know if something happened between us, but I just roll my eyes. Oh, God, what did I just do? 
Out of the corner of my eye, I see him walking back to his friends from before, and I make it a point to stay far away from him. I dance with Gemma and her girlfriends and they all try so hard to make me feel like part of their group that at they end I do. Noah offers me another drink and we both make our way to the bar. I hold on to his shoulder when someone accidentally bumps their elbow into me as they dance and he turns his head to look at me before he offers me his hand. I take it for balance but immediately feel guilty. I don’t want to use him but I also want to take Harry out of my head. When I look at him though, he’s staring at us and he doesn’t look happy. 
I grab the drink that Noah’s offering me and we sip on both our drinks a little so as not to walk back to our friends with the drinks fill to the brim because they would just spill all over the dance floor and that would just be a waste. I’m laughing with him but I am awared the alcohol is helping me a lot because on the back of my mind I keep hearing this voice that’s calling me an idiot for pushing Harry Styles away like that. Secretly, I can’t wait for us to go back to our group so I can eye Harry again but my night gets ruined in a matter of seconds when I do for I see him sitting down with some girls and they’re all gorgeous and laughing at his jokes. I hate to think he could be talking them up like he did me just a week ago. I want to leave. 
I say my goodbye to Noah and he offers to share an Uber so that I don’t have to go home alone but I politely decline because I’m not sure what his intentions really are and I don’t want to have to tell him that no, he can’t come in my home. If he were Harry, I would obviously say yes and invite him inside and I would have him in my bed as I kiss him all over but he’s not so insted I look for Charlie and give her a kiss on the cheek before I hug Jack and congratulate him again for his promotion telling them both I’m leaving. They both offer to wait with me at least until the Uber gets there but I crave for those few minutes alone so I can get my thoughts in a fine line. 
As I wait for my Uber, I try to organize the following day because that’s what I do when I get nervous, to regain some sense of control; but I can’t stop thinking about Harry and his calmed green eyes, and his dimples, and his nose, and his unruly hair and the way he smells and that suit... Why did I have to meet him? I was so put-together before I did. How can I miss someone I barely know and never have had? 
I look down at my phone to check how much longer the uber driver is going to take and I watch it die in my hand. Great. I hate when I run out of battery and even though I know my way home and there’s no need to worry, I start feeling a mild anxiety on the back of my neck when I hear him mumbling. 
“Come on, pick up, pick up.” 
I turn around to face him and he looks at me with bright green eyes, his phone still on his ear even though his mouth is agape and he’s not saying a word. He hangs up and stands in front of me. 
“I was calling you.” He admits. 
“My phone died.” I show him. 
“You’re alone?” He frowns. 
I nod. 
“I thought you had left with Noah.” 
Who would have thought he was the jealous type? 
“And that’s why you called?” He doesn’t answer. “Well now you see I didn’t, you can go back to your girlfriends. You almost have the blond, the brunette is playing hard to get.” I look ahead. I am jealous too. 
“I’m not interested in any of them.” He breathes. “That’s why I came after the girl I like even though she said she wants nothing to happen between us.” 
I feel him talking on my ear as he stands right behind me. He’s very close and I’m a little alarmed by his behaviour because we’re outside the club now and I bet this is full of papparazzis and whatnot. I swallow the lump in my throat. If I feel his breath against my neck again my knees might fail me. I’m desperate for him to touch me. 
“Let me take you home.” He whispers on my ear. 
That’s it, I’m a goner. I don’t even think about it because there’s nothing to think.
“You are trouble.” I whisper back. 
I hear the air coming out through his smile before he presses a chaste kiss on my temple and his arms are wrapping around my waist as he pulls me to him. 
“Nah.” He reassures me but I know he’s lying. 
He ends up paying my Uber just for the driver to walk away before he’s calling his driver. He tells me he doesn’t enjoy much fancy things, but that he can’t just have anyone driving to his house, so that he can keep as much of the little privacy he has left safe, and it almost seems funny to me that he is justying himself. 
I lean my head on the window of the car and enjoy the feel of his hand agains my thigh as he draws circles against the satin of my dress. I have two options now: I can either crawl back to my comfort zone and push him away and avoid him for the rest of the time he stays in London, which I don’t think it’s going to be much anyway; or I can stop fighting him and enjoy him as long as he decides to stay around and then he’ll leave and things will go back to normal. I’ll deal with the heart break when I have to. 
When we make it to his apartment, this time he doesn’t waste any time and pushes me against the door as soon as he closes it kissing my lips passionately as if he had been waiting forever to do that. I can’t help but moan against his lips as I feel a fierceness in his kisses I haven’t felt before. His hands circle my waist and raise my satin dress against my flanks and it feels funny between my legs. 
“I have been thinking about this since you left last time.” He confesses between kisses. 
I just softly gasp as my form of agreement. I hope he understands. How can I be this attracted to a man I barely know? But I understand all his fans now, I understand why he gets all that much attention, he really is magnetic and God he smells so good and his skin is so soft. I’m going crazy for him. I press my hips against his and feel him smile against my mouth. 
“You know, for someone who didn’t want this to happen again, you seem to be enjoying it.” He smirks. 
I’m about to attack him with a come back when he starts kissing my neck. His tongue lick a single stripe on the skin right below my ear and the air in my lungs... gone. 
“Oh, shut up” I tangle my fingers on his hair and he presses his hips against mine this time, letting my feel how hard he is already “and take me to your bed.” 
He growls against my neck, pressing his body against mine and pushing me further against the door. I’m so turned out I think I might burts into flames. I haven’t had sex in forever but somehow I’m not even nervous, the only thing I can think about is him coming in and out of me. 
“Are you sure?” He whispers. 
He keeps kissing me as he makes me walk backwards towards the stairs and then he laughs when I trip on the first step. 
“Yeah” he laughs “maybe it’s better” he keeps interrupting himself by kissing my lips- not that I’m complaining- “if we just climb the stairs like normal people.” 
“What?” I tease him, tangling my fingers on his hair again so I can have control of the kiss “You don’t think you can make it like they do in the movies?” 
He smiles against my lips and I take advantage of that to kiss his neck. He throws his head back to grant me more access and I smile at the way he seems to be melting down on my hands. He chuckles but he sounds so turned on it only edges me on. I feel his hands grabbing my bum and I moan against his skin, pushing my hips against his desperately. 
“Rise your dress up your legs.” He half orders and my knees shake. 
I help him rise my dress up my legs like he said so now it’s a mess around my waist and then I feel his big hands against the bare skin of the back of my thighs pulling me up so that my legs wrap around his waist. He smiles at me before his lips are on mine and then he makes his way up the stairs not stopping until he’s pushing me on his bed, lying on top of me and kissing me passionately. 
“I love to feel you smile when I kiss you.” He whispers. “It means you want me too.” 
I don’t fail to get the meaning of his words so I pull away from his mouth and cup his face with my hands making him look at me. 
“Of course I want you too.” I confess. “The only reason I didn’t want this to happen again was because I don’t want to get hurt.” Now I don’t know why I just said that. 
I see his green eyes looking into both of mine and I know a hundred thoughts are running through his mind. I probably did scare him away with the thought of a future thing. I want to flinch but instead I hold his gaze and caress his cheek. 
“I’m not going to hurt you.” He whispers. 
I nod, pretending I believe him, even though somehow, I actually kind of do. 
“I wasn’t planning on telling you anything tonight after you ignored me” he smiles timidly “but I got mad the second I saw you tonight because fuck me you look so fucking sexy... And I thought I wasn’t going to have you.” 
I smile and caress the skin on the back of his neck as I enjoy the intensity of his stare on me. He caress my bottom lip with his index finger. 
“It also made me mad to think that you hadn’t thought about me like I had thought about you.” He confesses. “And... then when I saw you with Noah... I want to murder the guy.” 
I laugh, kissing the tip of his nose before I press a peck to his lips. I don’t know what this is. All these confessions on his bed, even before we’ve had sex, but I feel like I should tell him some secret too. 
“I haven’t gotten you out of my head since the other night either.” I whisper. 
He smiles, like that was all he needs before he leans over me and captures my lips with his again. He kisses me slower this time, more calmly, as if he was taking his time and I let myself enjoy the way his hands move againts my skin. He presses slow kisses down my neck and I let him explore my chest as he kisses my sternum, slowly pulling the strap down my shoulder with his fingers so my chest is more exposed to him. I know he can feel my erratic heartbeat but I don’t even mind he knows. 
He looks up at me and smiles mischievously and I know he’s asking for my permission to take his expedition along my body lower so I smile, granting him access. With one hand around my waist, the other grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it up until my belly is exposed. The hand that held my waist moves and caresses the strip of skin in contact with my hazel colour lace underwear and my skin burns from his touch. Once again he grabs the hem of my dress with one hand, the other lifting my back by my waist and he takes it off, delicately dropping it next to his bed as he stares into my eyes, after gaining control over his again after they dropped to bra covered chest. 
“You are so beautiful.” He whispers. 
“Leave the bra on.” 
I am panicking too hard to even take his compliment. The last thing I need is for him to breastfeed himself accidentally. I almost want to cry from embarrassment and he doesn’t even know milk can come out of my breasts yet. I don’t think I want to tell him. He frowns and I can tell I’m panicking because of the concer on his face. He presses his lips against mine and kisses me very slowly until I feel the tension leaving my body. 
He doesn’t question it and I just want to scream how grateful I am for that but then 
“Oh.” I moan. 
He just presses his hardness between my thighs and only then I realize my legs are spread wide opened granting perfect access for him to do that and shut me up just like that. He’s so hard and hot and I know I’m so wet and ready for him. He’s stopped kissing me and instead he just stares at me as he pushes his hardness against my clothed centre again and I just bite my bottom lip, my eyes almost rolling to the back of my head, but I don’t want to miss the way he’s enjoying the realization of his effect on me. He keeps doing that, gently but firmly rocking his hips against me while he intently stares at me and I keep whimpering and sinking my head against his pillow until he takes that as an invitation to kiss my neck. 
“Fuck” he whispers in my ear “I’m so hard for you.” 
“I want you.”
It’s like my sex has taken control over me for those words leave my mouth without my consent but I know I’ve said them because of the way he’s looking at me. His eyes are still fixated on mine as his hand glide up my thigh until it’s on my knee and gently pushes it to my armpit so that I’m impossibly more opened for him and then that same hand starts caressing the inner side of my tight before he cups my crotch with his hand and his fingers move against my entrance. His lips are brushing mine as he speaks. 
“Can I take these off?” 
I know he’s asking because of the bra thing but still his question makes my walls clench and I think he can tell considering where his hand is. I nod and kiss him again as my hands pull him closer to him. Goosebumps form in every part of skin he touches and I didn’t know it was going to feel so good to get rid of my underwear until he did. He careses his way back along my thighs and then squeezes my bum and has me like a moaning mess on his mouth. 
I am trying to decide whether I want to fight my heavy lids and keep my eyes opened to see his every move or whether I should just go with what comes natural and let them shut and just feel him all over me. I feel his weight on top of me before he presses his hard on against my naked sex and only then I realize he’s still wearing his suit pants. Before I can even organize my thoughts, my hands go straight to work and I find myself expertly unbuttoning his trousers as if I had done it many times before. I’m glad he isn’t wearing a belt for it would have been another barrier to have him like I want. He pushes his trousers down his legs as he hungrily kisses me and I can feel his breath erratic inside my mouth. 
I cup his face and kiss him with an affection I didn’t know I had for him and it scares the hell out of me to think he might leave tomorrow or worse, that he could stay for long enough for me to fall in love and then eventually go- not to mention how fast he’d run if he knew I have a son. But I don’t have to think about that now. I have him, naked, on top of me. 
“Harry” I exhale. 
“Can I have you now?” 
I only have to look at him for my body to scream at him that he can have me however he wants. I can’t barely see any green left in his eyes as his pupils have dilated and he stares at me like a hunter and I can’t help but wish he would devour me. But the moment I feel his hardness pressed against my entrance, I tense like a block of ice and I know he can tell because he abruptly stops his movements on top of me. 
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He whispers. 
I am blushing hard and I feel the heat coming up my neck towards my cheeks. I want to look away from him. I’ve never been more embarrased in my life. But he cups my cheek and presses a sweet kiss against my lips. 
“I don’t mind, Jamie.” 
But he’s naked and so am I and I’m dying for him. It’s just...
“I haven’t had sex in fifteen months.” 
My chest is going up and down as he tries to manage his surprise but his eyes betray him as they open wide. His lips are parted before he licks them and pulls my hair away from my forehead. 
“That’s okay.” He reassures me. “There’s no rush” he smiles “and we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
“But I... I do want to. I want you.” I reassure him and he nods, smiling. “I’m just afraid it’s going to hurt.” I confess. 
He smiles at me before he presses our mouths together again and my tongue is moving against him as if trying to let him know all those things I haven’t told him. That I have a child, that I’m afraid I’m not going to be what he expect, that I’m afraid giving birth has changed me forever. But also that despite having a child, I don’t have much experience anyway, that I only had one boyfriend before, that we didn’t experiment much but then his kisses start travelling down my body and I feel him leaving soft but sensual kisses against my sternum and between the valley of my breasts and right at the pit of my stomach. I feel hot pufs of air against my soaked, swollen sex and when I look down at him, our eyes meet and I know what his mouth is hovering and I feel my heart beating on my throat. 
“Wait, what are you doing?” 
He holds my thighs and pulls them over his shoulders and I feel incredibly exposed to him which makes me so nervous I involuntarily try to close my legs. Harry looks up at me. 
“What are you doing?” He smiles and then I see realization hits him. “Wait, you’ve never been eaten before?” 
I know the skin of my face has gotten redder than a poppy and I must look horrified because he chuckles at my reaction.
“Eaten?” I shudder at his filthy moath. “I... No, no one’s ever done that.” 
“Why?” He asks. 
I rub my forehead and swallow my own saliva. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It might be the refusal of how much I actually want this. I hope he can tell by the way I’m looking at him because if I actually have to say it I might start crying. I didn’t know this was so embarrassing, but he’s still face to face with my love door. 
“Sorry, I just assumed” he apologies “because you’re so sexy and... Confident and... I don’t know, but I kind of like no one has been lucky enough before.” He smiles like the devil. “Can I be the first?” 
I know he understands by the way he grins at me but I nod anyway, wanting to make the consent explicit, and then I shut my eyes and throw my head back, too embarrassed to look at how he’s going to steal my innocence with his mouth. My mouth agapes and I let out a suffocated moan when his tongue grazes my lips.  
I don’t know what’s going on, but the more he moves his tongue against my skin the more I feel like I’m not even touching the bed. I feel like a intruder in my own body, like I have lost all control over all my emotions. Like I didn’t even know myself. For the next minutes I feel as I don’t own myself but rather Harry does and I feel my mind getting further and further away as his tongue dances around persuasively, every now and then sucking at my clit or delicately licking it to bring some calm back to my fluttering chest. 
I can feel Harry smiling against me every now and then and I reward his amazing performance with loud moans. He’s moaning too even though I would never imagine this would be pleasurable for him as well but every time he moans I feel the vibration against my clit and I just can’t take it anymore. I pull from his hair as I cum and surprise myself with that because I hadn’t even noticed I had tangled my fingers on his hair. 
When I come back from my high, his face is inches apart from mine and his body is once again over mine. He’s grinning at me, getting the shinning away from the corner of his mouth with his fingers. I’m still struggling to breath when I talk. 
“That didn’t hurt, did it?” He grins like a naughty child and despite how embarrassing that still was, I find myself laughing out loud. “I love making you laugh.” 
I smile at him. What I’m about to tell him makes me shy.
“That felt incredible.” 
He grins proudly before he nods, taking the compliment. He presses his lips against mine in a sweet peck but I’m curious so I let my tongue out, licking his bottom lip, and he smiles at the realization of my petition, opening his mouth for me. I lick his tongue, tasting myself on it, and the salty taste and the thought that it was me who gave that to him makes me moan. 
“I can’t believe no one has ever tasted you.” 
I smile. It’s funny to me how he says no one, as if there had been many before him. 
“I haven’t been with that many guys.” I confess. 
“Haven’t you?” 
I shake my head. I hope he helps him understad why I ran away from him and ignored him and pushed him away and all the other stupid things I did before this. 
“I am not... Very experienced. I hope you don’t think I’m weird.” I caress his cheek. 
He presses a sweet kiss against my lips. 
“I don’t. I actually love the idea of being the first one to eat your pussy.”
My face reddens completely as I swat his chest playfully and he laughs out loud. He loves to embarrass me. He kisses my lips as soon as he manages to stop laughing and I enjoy the fact that he likes kisses this much. I’m a big fan of kisses myself.
“You’re such a good kisser.” He whispers against my lips. 
He’s the one saying that? I love kissing him and I have to recognize it’s not only for the way he responds to it, but also because... Well, because it’s him. 
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I’m so glad you’re back - chapter 4
chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 5  Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Epilogue
5 Years after the snap....
“So how's space guys?” Natasha asked her team.
Today was the day of their scheduled call in the common room. They managed to upkeep it every earthly 2 weeks. The woman with now red and blonde ombre hair stood in the kitchen, cutting up two plates of peanut butter sandwiches, Natasha was always glad to have these calls with her friends. It was a nice change to talk to adults for a while, and not talk about the cartoons on the TV.
A lot had changed over the past 5 years. Natasha’s hair had grown longer, but the blonde still remained on the ends. She had also had her son, James. And he was the light of her life, Natasha couldn't imagine how she would have coped if she didn't have James. He was so energetic and sometimes untamable, but she loved it. She blamed his energy on steve, there was no doubt James had received his dad's serum. Natasha was sure James had her serum too but steves was always stronger.
James would ask about Steve all the time, and Natasha was more than happy to tell her son about his father. She told him about how they were heroes and fought aliens and bad guys and help to save the world, and she also told him about the snap. She made her stories a lot simpler as not to upset her son or scare him but he knew that they had not won when Thanos came and that his father had been one of the people that disappeared too. But more importantly, she told James about how much of a good person his father was. And that Steve was sweet and would help anyone he could without a second thought. She also told James about how his father was the first person to ever tell her he loved her. Ever since she told James about that the little blonde boy always made sure to tell his mom that he loved her and his dad, even though he hadn't met him.
Tony and Pepper finally had their daughter a few months after she had James, they named her morgan and only lived 30 minutes away so they could see each other as much as they wanted, and so their kids could always play together. Carol, nebula, and rocket were still in space, they visited every now and then but they had their missions. Rhodey finished helping the governments after the snap and was now helping the people. Going to countries to do the best he could to help.
Thor was still in Norway, taking care of his people, Natasha made sure to call him every week to keep in touch. She always made sure to ask him about how he was feeling and what he was doing. I guess you could say it was her maternal instinct, once she had James she became very protective of her son and also her friends. Especially Thor. And Okoye was still in Wakanda since their king and princess were victims of the snap, their mother was now queen and Okoye, loyal to the throne and Wakanda stayed to be with her queen and country.
“Space is fine on our end of it. What about you 'haircut'?.” rocket replied. He and nebula still hadn't had any new leads about anything that could help get their friends back, they hadn't had any new leads in months actually.
Carol smirked back at rockets new little nickname for her.
“Space is good near me too, people are still trying to move on and carry on with their lives, it's hard but they are getting there.”
“Okay good, that's good. It's good to know that people out there are doing okay.” Natasha smiled back at her friends.
“Right, well, I guess I'll let you guys get back to space then” once her space team logged off it was just her and Rhodey on the holograms. She finished cutting the sandwiches and brought them over to the table, almost avoiding Rhodey's eyes.
“Nat” he called over.
“Yeah” she knew what he wanted to talk about and the retired spy tried to hide her tears as she looked at one of her oldest friends.
“Something happened in China last night.”
Sitting down she closed her eyes, listening to his words.
“I don't know if it was him but they killed over two dozen people, some of them innocent.”
At that she let her tears fall. Her best friend. They found out he was alive a few years ago. They caught him on surveillance by chance. Ever since then Natasha had Rhodey and Friday looking for anything they could to locate Clint. The former archer had been on a killing spree they believed. In grief at losing his family. But every time they thought they found Clint, he was already gone, leaving a trail of bodies behind him.
“Thanks for letting me know, really. If anything else pops up, anything Rhodey. Let me know?”
“Of course. Now make sure you're taking care of yourself nat, and Tell my nephew I said hi.”
Smiling and Nodding back at Rhodey, he logged off the chat. His hologram fading away.
Sighing, Natasha sank back into the chair and closed her eyes. Silently praying for her friend. She just wanted to see Clint, she just wanted him to come home. If she could do anything to help him she would.
Snapping her eyes open and shooting her head up at the sound of her son calling her, Natasha immediately sees her son, James, running straight to her. Before she can even stand up he's already climbing onto her lap and wrapping his small arm around her in a hug.
Smiling she hugs him back out of instinct.
“Hey baby, you finished playing in your room?” pulling back from their hug she secured her son in her lap buy wrapping her left arm around his back, keeping him close to her.
“Yep! I drew you a picture!” raising her eyebrows, she acts surprised, even though she has come to expect this every time he plays in his room. Their refrigerator and the walls are covered in his drawings.
“You did? How sweet of you. Can I see it?” shaking his head vigorously the young boy refuses.
“Nope, not yet, I need to finish it first. Did you speak to my aunties and uncles?”
Changing the conversation very quick, the blonde 4-year-old, asked about her friends. He knew by now that they talked every other week and he was always excited to see them but Natasha didn't normally let him stay when they discussed work, considering the things they talked about, she didn't think her son should be hearing it. But every now and then he'd welcome himself into the room to say hi to his family, and everyone else was always more than happy to see him too.
“Yeah I did, they all miss you baby, and your uncle Rhodey asked me to make sure you knew he said hi”
“Are they gonna come visit us soon? I miss them.” James' shoulder starts to sink into himself, obviously shy about asking. He knew they were busy being heroes but he missed them so much he just wanted to see them all again and play.
“I dunno Jamie, your auntie carol's really far away in space helping people, and so are Rocket and auntie Neb. I could give your uncle thor a call if you want?” Natasha knew to mention Thor was always a good idea to cheer James up. Thor loved James and James absolutely adored thor. She was sure it was just because when Thor sat the young boy on his shoulders he could be really tall. Natasha made it a habit to talk to Thor all the time. Even after all these years she still had that maternal instinct to take care of her boys. After James was born, he always promised to visit her and James as often as he could and he did.
“Uncle Thor?! Yeah yeah yeah!!” his ears perking up, James's shy look turned into one of excitement. Smiling at the look of cheerfulness on her son's face, Natasha pulls him a bit closer into her side to hold him and stroked his blonde hair out of his face.
“Okay okay, but I'll have to call him tomorrow okay? It's night time where uncle Thor is right now. But I'll make sure to ask everyone when they're coming to see you next time we call okay?”
“Okay mommy, its okay though, I love my aunties and uncles but I love you the most.”
He was so much like his father it amazed her. Her James's little heart filled with nothing but love. Raising her posture, Natasha kissed the top of her sons head.
“I love you too baby. Right, time for lunch, get those peanut butter sandwiches down you.” Natasha said to her son. Standing herself up on her feet with her son in her arms, she put him down to let him run around the table to grab his plate and sit across from her. After getting a few bites down from both of them, an alert for the security system at the door sounded.
The mother automatically swiped the holographic alert and opened the live footage from the gate without even looking at it, assuming it was probably tony.
“Hey, guys it's me! It's Scott! We met a few years back in Germany! Can you let me in?”
Natasha's face dropped instantly, her mouth falling open and her eyes widening at the footage. Standing up the spy gawked at the man on the holographic screen.
“No, it can't be” he was supposed to be dead, he was a victim of the snap.
“Mommy who is that?” James asked. His little voice was curious. Shifting her head to look at her son, Natasha replied.
“His names Scott Jamie, it's okay he's one of us.”
Rushing out of the room, Natasha runs down the corridor to make her way to the front door. She couldn't help but notice the softer sound of little footsteps following her. Arriving at the entrance of the compound, Natasha uses the passcode to open the door.
Moving a few inches, Natasha pushes the door fully open until she could see the full length of the presumed dead man in front of her.
“So it's really been 5 years?” Scott questioned Natasha. He still couldn't believe it, even when he saw Cassie all grown up. She had explained what happened all those years ago but it was still hard to believe that this had actually happened
“Yup. “
Scott, Natasha, and James were all back inside the common room now. Once Scott had sat down Natasha instantly offered him the rest of her sandwich, which he gladly accepted.
“And half the population of the universe is dea- gone?” Scott minded his words, remembering the presence of a kid in the room.
“Uh huh”
“Tony Stark had a kid?”
“And you had a kid with Captain America.”
Tensing at Scott's question, Natasha averts her eyes from him for a second and shifted them over to her son, who was sat on the end of the table, also eating his own sandwiches. It wouldn't matter how many years had gone by, it still hurt to think about him being gone. God, she missed him. Returning her eyes and leaning forward on the table she answered his question.
Taken aback, Natasha's mouth fell slightly open and her eyebrows raised.
“Okay? That's it? Scott, you've just come back after 5 years to find out half the people you know are gone. And your just, okay?”
When you put it like that it does kinda sound stupid. He thought
“I'll be fine. But There's something you need to know.”
Putting the rest of the sandwich down on the plate, Scott's face falls into a serious look. Natasha was almost worried, in the short time she knew Scott she didn't think him to be someone so serious at all times. But right now. She'd never seen this look on his face before.
“I was trapped in the quantum realm for all this time.”
“Yeah, you said. How did you even cope or survive that for years?” The redhead's eyes softened slightly as she questioned him. In some way, she felt herself relating to him for once. In Her childhood she had been captive in the red room, he had been stuck somewhere no one could find him till now.
“Yeah but that's the thing it didn't feel like years, it felt like hours. You lived through 5 years. To me, it felt like 5 hours.”
Natasha searched the man's face to see if he was telling the truth.
He was.
Tearing her eyes away from Scott, Natasha turned her head to her left to look at her son. Pushing her chair back and standing up, she made her way over to James just as he was finishing his lunch. Scott watched as she walked in the other direction, she was probably going to ask James to leave whilst they talked. he would have done the same with Cassie. Once she arrived at her son's seat, Natasha bent down so that she was on the same level as James and then she raised her hand and stroked the little strands of blonde hair out of his eyes.
“Jamie, mommy needs to talk to Scott alone for a few minutes, can you go play in your room for me?” The mother used her sweetest voice as she talked to her child. She didn't want to worry him or make him upset.
Hearing the request of his mother, James's shoulders sagged slightly, of course, she knew he didn't want to leave. But if Scott was implying what she thought he was, she didn't want James to hear it.
“But mooooom.” The blonde boy's little voice called out.
“wait, I almost forgot. Why don't you go draw a picture for Scott instead? I know you want to and I know that Scott would love a picture, right?” Natasha turned her head to Scott and gave him a look that told him to agree.
“Yeah James, I'd love a drawing!” Scott replied back to the little boy enthusiastically. Scott instantly knew Natasha's idea, he used to do it with Cassie. Thinking about her made his heartache. He couldn't believe he missed another 5 years of her life.
Gasping and his little green eyes widening, James was suddenly full of energy.
“Okay mommy, I'll draw you a picture now Scott!” jumping down from his seat on the chair, James practically sprinted down the room and into the corridor, making his way to his room.
Natasha watched as James rounded the corner to run down to go draw Scott's picture. Once he ran out of view, Natasha turned back around to Scott, her face turning into one of seriousness. Barely even speaking Natasha's voice caught in her throat.
“5 hours for you? How is that possible?”
“It's the quantum realm, time moves differently there. It has time vortexes. Before I jumped I was warned not to get stuck in one because I could end up in a different century. But I guess before I could get out Thanos had already destroyed half the universe.”
Pausing for a second, Scott thought about hope. She was one of the victims of the snap. He knew that now. Taking a deep breath he carried on speaking to the Avengers.
“I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have an idea. If we could somehow use the quantum realm and the suit to travel through it safely, then maybe we could use the time vortex’s too.”
“Are you seriously saying what I think you're saying? “
Averting his eyes at the awkwardness of the conversation Scott thought about his answer first, he didn't want to sound crazy!
“Time travel?” He nearly cringed when he said those words. Not wanting to see the look on Natasha's face.
“Oh god, Scott, it can't be possible, can it?” She couldn't believe it, but deep inside there was a glimmer of hope bubbling. Maybe this was it? Maybe they could actually get everyone back?
“Natasha it was 5 hours for me. It's been 5 years for you. I don't think anything is impossible anymore. “
Pacing on the spot, Natasha nibbled at her fingernails as she listened to Scott's words. He was right. She couldn't be naive to think it was impossible. She’s faced impossible every day since Loki invaded new york. She faced it when she fell in love with Steve and he loved her back. She faced it when Thanos came and destroyed half the universe. And she has faced it every day for the last 5 years as she watched her and steve's child grow into a little boy with the purest heart she could imagine.
Sighing, Natasha stopped pacing and faced Scott, standing tall.
“Okay, maybe this could work. But we need a brain to figure this out. A bigger brain than ours. I'm smart, but not that smart.”
After talking and agreeing with Scott, he and Natasha made a plan of action.
They decided they needed tony’s help if anyone could build what they needed it would be her closest. Natasha made her way back to her son's room to help him get ready to leave. Fortunately for James, he had finished Scotts drawing so after getting his shoes and coat on, he gifted the drawing to Scott who made sure that James knew he loved it. After getting James buckled in the car, Natasha thanked Scott for entertaining her young son, but Scott said he didn't mind, it reminded him of when he used to do it with Cassie.
“I'm sorry about Cassie Scott. But all we can do it be grateful your back. Now you have the rest of your life to make up for those missing years. And I'm more than sure she's happy to have you back, no matter when it was you came back.” Natasha placed her hand on her friend's shoulder as a show of comfort. She knew what I was like to lose Steve and god it hurt like hell, but she could never imagine loosing James.
“Your right, I know you're right. It just hurts. I did everything I could to see her and be a better father back then. And when I finally did that, I missed time with her again. But it's like you said, we should be grateful that I came back.”
Finishing their conversation, both superheroes got inside the car to join James and set off to go to Tony’s house.
As she pulled up, she could already see tony stood outside near the lake holding Morgan in his arms. Before she could even get her own seatbelt off, James had already undone his in a hurry and jumped out the car, running and shouting excitedly for his best friend.
Noticing his nephew running towards them, Tony smiled at the young boy and bent down to put Morgan back on the ground, letting her run off to play with her best friend.
Eyeing up Natasha as she got out the car, he took a few steps close to her when he noticed she had a serious look on her face, almost desperate maybe. Furrowing his brows for a second, the genius worried about why she was here, she normally called to let him know beforehand.
It wasn't until the passenger door opened that Tony understood why she looked so strange.
Scott Lang.
Tony's face hardened in confusion and disbelief as his eyes stayed glued to the man in front of him.
“Hey Tony.” the former spy breathed out. making her way towards her friend, Scott follows a few steps behind
“Hey yourself. Wanna explain?” He sounded dumbfounded. To tony, he was seeing a dead man right in front of his eyes.
“It's complicated, but I was in the quantum realm when you guys fought Thanos 5 years ago. My girlf- hope and her family were up here when I was down there. All three of them were killed when Thanos decimated half the universe leaving me stuck down there. For you guys its been 5 years. For me. 5 hours.
The genius face dropped.
“5 hours? What are you trying to say lang?” he already knew what Scott was talking about. He just needed to hear it for him.
“I'm trying to tell that time works differently down there. And we can use it to our advantage.”
“Tony, we could get everyone back. “ Natasha interrupted. Shifting his gaze to his best friend, Tony looked sceptical.
“Look I know you're probably hesitant to believe in this but it could work. I know it works. We just need to control it. And we need you to help us.”
As Scott talked, Tony never tore his eyes away from Natasha. Watching her face. He knew she missed Steve, she missed him more and more as each day went past. She would do anything to get him back. To get their friends back. And so would he. God, what he wouldn't do to get Peter back. To see his friends again. But this. Time travel. Tony didn't even think it could be done in the first place, never mind in the next few days.
“And what about if we did it? What if we managed to time travel, did you even think about what would happen, what damage we could do? If we went back and changed something it could affect our lives now. And that's not a risk I'm gonna take. I'm sorry Tasha. But I can't do something that would risk my daughter not even existing.”
Natasha understood his concerns, of course, she did. Taking a few strides forward so she was closer to Tony, Natasha looked up at her friend and spoke.
“I understand tony, I do. Believe me. But if we have a chance to bring half the universe back, we should take it. We don't have to do anything that could risk us losing what we have now. But we could finally get them back.”
“Nat. I'm sorry but no. I can't. We don't even know if we can control it or if it'll even work. I'm sorry.”
Lowering her gaze, Natasha blinks in defeat. Sighing a little, she nods her head at him. Accepting his answer.
“It's okay, you don't have anything to be sorry for Tony. I understand,” she replies, flashing him a slight smile.
Giving a quick glance over his shoulder at the two kids in Morgan's outside play area, Tony voices his idea.
“Hey, why don't you let James stay over for the night. I can just feel the two of them itching for a sleepover and they are probably 2 minutes off asking themselves anyway.”
“Your probably right” Natasha let out a huff of a laugh at his words, he wasn't wrong.
“Sure, why not? he always loves staying over.”
“I know, I'm his favorite uncle that's why.” Tony winked at her. He was totally James's favorite uncle.
“Oh, you really think so? I dunno, by the way James talks about thor you might have some competition there.” Natasha couldn't help but smirk at Tony's face when she told him that. Turning her head and body slightly towards the children Natasha called out for her son.
“Jamie, come here baby.” Hearing the sound of his mother's voice calling him, James comes running over, almost crashing into her legs. Bending over slightly so they were near enough eye to eye, Natasha asked her son with her sweet voice.
“Uncle Tony was wondering if you'd want to have a sleepover tonight so you can stay and play with morgan, how does that sound?”
James’s little face lit up like a tree at Christmas. He started to jump up and down to giddy to contain his excitement.
“Yes yes yes!!”
Smiling at her son, she picked him up and balanced him on her hip, giving him a tight squeeze.
“Okay, you promise to be good for uncle Tony and auntie pepper?”
“Yes mommy, I promise!” James nodded his head, his blonde hair shaking about.
He loved staying at Morgan's house for sleepovers, it took ages to get him back into the car to come home when they visited for a few hours.
“That's my good boy” the redhead placed a little kiss on his forehead then put him down again on the ground.
“Thank you auntie nat!” This time it was her niece shouting out to her and running over to hug her legs along with James. Thanking her for letting her best friend stay over. Once the two children had finished keeping her legs hostage, she pulled her down to give her a hug and said bye, and then they ran back over to Morgan's play area to finish whatever game it was they were playing.
She was about to open her mouth to speak to Tony but before she could, Tony beat her to it first, knowing exactly what she was going to say.
“Don't worry nat, we've got everything he needs remember, you know a few pairs of PJs and clothes. Don't worry.” the genius reassured her, he knew she would be a bit worried, she always was. James was her only child. Her and steve's child. He was her life.
Giving one last glance at her son as he played with her niece, Natasha lets out a breath, she felt bad, she knew Tony had said no but she wasn't going to give up so easily. Natasha nodded at Tony.
Moving closer to bring her into a hug, the two Avengers embraced for a few seconds before pulling back.
“I'll bring him over tomorrow yeah?”
Nodding at his words, Natasha moved away from tony to walk back to her car along with Scott.
“Yeah, see you tomorrow tony.”
Getting into the car, Both her and Scott start to leave, driving away from the house.
After a few minutes of discussing what they should do next. They decide if Tony won't help them they need to ask someone else. Someone else with a giant brain. Literally.
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alverlanche · 8 years
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                                BABES. I. AM. IN. SHOCK. 
honestly, when I revamped Lance I NEVER thought I would hit such a large milestone - or that I would find so many new friends by bringing him back!!! It warms my heart that so many people have given this hot headed dork so much love from a tv show from YEARS ago - so I thought I’d give some love back
So - before I get into the mushy gushy stuff. The giveaway. It’s not exactly your...usual type of giveaway? Pretty much if our characters have interacted/have a friendship/relationship you can send a lil  ❤ and I’ll made a small fanvideo of Lance and your muse! Obviously your character will need to have a live action or cartoon faceclaim (or be from the show) for me to do so - but I thought it would be kind of fun to try and do! So you can just send me a  ❤ in case you’re too shy to ask ooc and I’ll find a lil song (or you can send one in you think fits them!) and I’ll try my best to make a little video celebrating their relationship! Hence the Valentine themed giveaway which I bet totally flops lol :3
@darcybby - ha. ok. you’ll pretty much be on every follow forever?? on any blog??? you’re gonna have to deal with that. you’ve been through four blogs with me now (I’m terrible) but even if we can’t interact on some of them I still adore chatting to you ooc! Did you know you’re the only person I actually talk to on skype??? the rest I just chat with. I’m sorry we’ve not called recently (damn anxiety) but I still know you’re there if I need you and I hope you feel the same way <3 
@prydefully - I have started shipping Lancitty in a way I never even thought I could tbh. AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! somehow a ship from a tv show which was very forced if we’re honest pushed by the writers for a romance between both sides of the teams has developed into one of the most damn. angsty. thing. I love it, I love it so much and I love talking to you ooc, you never fail to make me laugh over one thing or another <3 
@windsweptsilver​ - *drags hands across my face* can I just???? jesus, you’ve written Pietro for years, and it shows. each response  and reaction from Pietro is just spot on to what I think would be  from x-men evolutions version of Pietro. and as for headcanons - all of the ones you chat to me about make my heart hurt for him, and fit in around the shows screentime for him so well that I constantly find myself expecting some episodes to mention some of your ideas just because they fit so well. Lance and Pietro are such an interesting and fucked up relationship, I’m so happy we chat ooc about the dynamics of their relationship, as emotional as it makes me <3
@vestiica​ - how do I even?? shipping these two grumpy hot headed nerds wasn’t something I ever thought would happen - and yet here we are! well over a year later and after a blog revamp these two are still as weird and awkward as ever, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! (well....maybe I’d like them to get together properly soon - I mean, they need to sort their shit out XD) every thread we have I adore, and I only wish they had more interactions within the actual show! then again....maybe then I wouldn’t imagine them sharing pizza and learning how to swim in the way we’ve chatted about, which would be a tragedy in itself <3
@wildtsukai​ - THESE TWO I SWEAR. Lance and Toad are hilarious, and I’m so so so happy that you’re on tumblr to write with! You’re such a talented writer, you’ve gotten both sides of Todd down, the sad and the funny, Some of your backstory and headcanons make me pause and re-watch episodes with Todd’s lines, seeing them, in a completely different light, which honestly, is amazing. All of our threads have made me laugh multiple times if I’m honest, and I hope we can write them getting into more hijinks together <3  
@phcenixgirl​ - gah, another friendship that I adore Lance having! I mean...who’d of guessed Scott Summers spawn would be actually kind of cool? Lance certainly didn’t. But it’s brilliant, and I love our little threads ^^ but I also love our talks out of character,  even if recently its been me whining about my baby bro crying all the time <3 
@maximoffgirl / @multiplejamies / @idreamofjean - I still can’t believe I didn’t link your personal to your deviantart work to be honest, I’m almost ashamed of myself XD I love writing with you, on whichcever blog you have muse for really, and even if we haven’t started the thread on Jamie properly yet I’m sure I’ll love that too! ^^ Talking about evoltuion with you is so fun (and funny), especially when it’s about some of the reactions in the show, it’s always priceless! <3 
@bitebxck​ - *breaths heavily I don’t even know how to...gahhh, I adore your style of writing. Honestly, it’s so detailed and in depth, I’m always excited to see your replies when you’re done, even if I take FOREVER to respond back! I’m already super excited about writing on your other blog with you, so hopefully I’ll get round to that part of my drafts soon!! <3 
@welookoutforourown / @creepingnightmares - wellllll, lets just see how much I can gush about your art and your writing, shall we? seriously, I’m such a fan I’ve even showed a couple of friends your artwork because I think it’s so incredible (and they agree XD) and talked probably a little too much to them about how cute Maddy is! Her character is such a wonderful one, and you have an incredible way of writing her sweet character, while still being able to write Isaak as a very aggravating and cruel muse too - something that is honestly so impressive. I love seeing you on my dash, and I just wanna recommend you to all my followers <3  
@quiet-loudmouth - you followed me during a period where I was in a little bit of a rough patch...but every time I posted anything negative you came and chatted to me, and I honestly can’t thank you enough for that. you’re such a sweet person ooc, and your muse is also a total cutie, I knew I just had to write about you on my follow forever <3 
@runawaymutants​ - I’m gonna write about Elle because she’s the one I interact the most with ^^ I know you’re thinking about making me exclusive on skype, and even though I’m not too sure about roleplaying via skype I 100% would if it meant we could keep writing these two. They’re such cuties, I love every thread that we have together, and even if we swap it over to skype I still recommend that people follow you for your other oc Alec, who I don’t write with but I enjoy reading your threads with him all the time <3
@notaseasonsummers - ahhhh another person in the group categorized ‘muses I didn’t realize I would hardcore ship with Lance’! Seriously, Lance’s enemy's brother is just....wow. XD These two are such dorks with each other, and all of your christmas presents were so much fun every day that I think I love your muse even more now because of your blog! seriously, these bro’s are a top ship of mine involving Lance now <3
@vampirestakecareofourown​ - *flails awkwardly* I don’t want to keep repeating myself with the same compliments, but honestly, all of you are such incredible writers, so I have to say it for you too. Honestly, I love Gory and your portrayal, and I love how quickly our two muse are bonding and connecting. Add in the fun little comments and chats ooc and I'm just really grateful that you’re a mutual follower I consider a friend! <3 
@mypralaya - I know we don’t talk THAT much ooc, but I still just want to say that you’re another writer whose threads I enjoy immensely :) Though I’m painfully slow with replies at the moment, know that each thread and each muse you have are super interesting to me, especially since they’re less known than other xmen characters around ^^ I have to admit I’m especially fond of our thread on this account, and can’t wait to see what happens next! <3
@blindedleadingtheblind - well lets be honest, with Lance and Scott? You’re always going to make my list bahaha. Seriously, these two idiots and their ‘macho’ contests just make out already make me laugh so much. In fact, a lot of your asks and interactions are really fun and I ADORE seeing you on my dash! I hope we do more threads in the future <3
@sneakymystique - and last, but SO not least! the way you write Mystique is just....scary. scary GOOD, but still....poor Lance XD our threads have gotten him into a lot of shit so far, but really I wouldn’t have it any other way. Your Mystique is so manipulative and brutal, and such a perfect version of Evolution’s Mystique. Add in your little comments about Evolution tv show as a whole and you’re just a wonderful addition to my ever moving dash! <3
and now I just want to apologize to anyone who I haven’t written about here. there were honestly at least twenty more people I wanted to write about - but as you can probably see this post got waaaayyy too long, and these are people I chat with ooc and feel comfortable writing about. Just know that if I follow you, I adore your writing, your character and whatever threads we have going on. Happy Valentines Day! Mwah <3
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Was That The Bottom For Ethereum the crypto updates
Hi guys thanks for tuning in to another episode of Nuggets news what a week for a theorem it's been and some interesting action across the market so a lot of green although it's been a bit of a you know week finish over the weekend here the last few hours we're gonna go over all the news dive in and check it out and let you know fantastic trade that on  the crypto updates we put on in the exact thought process behind it so on this day in history 2015 mount Cox founder mark Capella's was charged with embezzlement a lot of you know that story and it's been a year since Jamie Dimon called Bitcoin a fraud and since China and now it's they're gonna close all those exchanges a couple of weeks after they'd been died ce o--'s and this was crazy I was live streaming at the time check that out the thought process at the time because Bitcoin bottomed half an hour after when we were buying it around that three thousand dollar mark so be sure to check that that little clip out and ten years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers and thanks to thanks to the banks and the GFC I guess because personally 
I would have never gone down the rabbit hole in 2009 and thereafter watching all those documentaries if that had not have happened the banks seem to be in the headlines every week in Australia this class action against the big banks basically anyone's money they are looking after that should have been in cash earning a pretty high interest rate in a savings account they were undercutting them and ripping them off you know a billion dollars nothing ceases to amaze me now I guess and what onto those people that have taken control of their own super you know some people with as little as fifty thousand dollars have made that switch through New Brighton capital that we've partnered with in just a few clicks to look after their own super and they're not putting it all in crypto guys and a lot of people have been a bit freaked out you can put as much or as little as you want put the rest in shares ETFs diversify all that sort of thing but chat to the guys there if you're interested so coinbase this week and a few other of the big players in this space pantera capital a few others here you're gonna recognize poly chain capital sorry and digital currency group but basically lobbying and we know how 
Wall Street works government's work so this is a you know has got a lot of people a little bit about is this a good thing that they're gonna be lobbying and paying officials to get where we want making roads in the space who knows guys let us know your thoughts about what we think about crypto stone to lobby the US government now this is a great tweet here from crypto koala so we've been speaking for a while about how that mining got really centralized in bit Maine through this three subsidiaries basically had well over fifty percent at one point I think most go up to is fifty three percent but here they are now you know that's cut right back to about thirty percent so well done to the competition that are bringing out other chips the cost has come down some people are selling secondhand so we really are becoming more decentralized away from being so reliant on China which really was the case and a bit of fear in the market about this time last year when they did have such a high percentage what would happen if they ever got mining down as well as all the exchanges and so on news this week France getting that ICO framework 
so we've been talking about this again about look at the the headline guys attract innovators globally this is exactly that sentence I've been using every country that pushes back there's gonna be another country France is one again a lot of debt you know in the EU there's friction between who's doing what with a central bank buying bonds interest rates and so on one country is gonna say look we want these innovators and it's happening exactly as we expect it so one by one expect that to continue safety sea check so crypto needs this do not do no harm approach you know let's let's take our hands off a little bit here just like we did with the internet and me in the early stages and once again it's the hero that we all love chairman Giancarlo that's come out and said this so let's watch what they do not what they say and hopefully that gets me to follow through overstock letting customers buy Bitcoin via their 
crypto wallet again guys one by one biggest companies in the world starting to get their foot in the door working with blockchain or working directly with Bitcoin and crypto customers want this you know don't listen to what the guys on Wall Street is saying I you know there's no interest from our clients we're not pursuing that anymore watch what these companies you know these tech companies that are open to this technology watch what they're doing it as soon as they start to get those customers watch the banksters and Wall Street comes squirming back to try and get those fees in market share again Malta Stock Exchange signing a memorandum of understanding with by enhance so this is the new hot space guys I am working on the top 10 security tokens projects video which I think is going to be very popular with you guys we want to see these in some big jurisdictions and that's who's gonna win you know once we get an actual security token exchange you know queen bus coinbase start trading or let's see if we get one in Australia or Europe or China 
you know that is going to be huge when we start to move away from these so the smaller countries and that's when it's really gonna blow up so yeah be be selective don't just throw money we don't want to know the security token bubble like I cos last year but the good projects if you can get on board those and I spoke about that in a lot more detail in this week's ask a nugget show if you want to check out more about security tokens Winklevoss brothers launching their stable coin we've seen a couple of stable coins this week on top of the etherium network which is really interesting there's no shortage of stable coins now guys you know that fear about tether really shouldn't worry you anymore there's so many other good ones out there maker and die still my personal favorite i can store that on my ledger i can train and all of those smaller exchanges now raid i really take profits into stable coins and you know you're never touching any traditional financial systems anymore if you want i've continued to talk about that because there's a lot of good 
projects coming up where we can take profits into gold and silver tokens as well again i touched on that a bit in that ask nugget show so great questions from you guys following up on stuff that we've spoken about recently now last week Vitalik came out and said that thousand x growth is behind us and i said yeah that's kind of pretty common sense guys if bitcoin does a thousand x from here it's a two hundred trillion dollar ridiculously high market cap so CCE came out I'm a huge fan of bye Nance I hope they continue to innovate and he said yes the next growth is possible so the truth is somewhere in the middle yes if we in 10 or 20 years time there's probably going to be a handful of projects the YouTube Facebook googles and Amazon's that do a thousand decks but the hard part is speaking what those they're going to be that's why I do so much fundamental research that's why we do it 24/7 in our group hopefully we're picking a couple of those hopefully we're picking a few of the ones that do 100x over the next five years but it's certainly not the entire space and every you know little I'll point out there that's just gonna do a hundred X like some people are promising it's not gonna be that easy investing is not that easy so I think there's definitely arguments on both sides but this wasn't the only big claim this week so we saw a bit pay come out and predict that old coins will never come back so Bitcoin will rebound next year and I think you know definitely that's on the cards and I also agree that some old coins will never recover it's definitely gonna be the good ones I've spoken about it before there's five thousand ten thousand icos whatever it is guys it really is gonna be 99.9% of those are gonna fail but if you do the math that still means that there can be a hundred project succeed and as I say the best 20 the best 10 the best five can still produce huge returns that's why we continually do our fundamentals and stay on top of the news might Novogratz he's been pretty accurate with these predictions and that's kind of wire listen to these guys more than just just randoms I guess Mike's been in aetherium since you know $2 he basically and came out the other day and called the but what he thinks is a bottom they didn't say the bottom he said a bottom so he's you know he wants some sort of bounce in the coming weeks or months and I'll talk about that when we get to the technicals Tim Draper coming out probably the biggest prediction you know 80 trillion in 15 years you know who knows if crypto takes over security tokens take over it's a new stock market of sorts Bitcoin becomes any sort of financial system any of the infrastructure players become a new Internet of sorts then yeah I think we are looking at a number that starts with the T there in the trillions guys at some point in the distant future I've touched on that already for talax hundred ex gains but as he said here it's the adoption and real-world use case which we need to be excited about because if we get a thousand ex adoption people in Africa using Bitcoin on a smartphone and and so on guys price will take care of itself so again be a philanthropist don't just go out there I'm telling everyone that they should download this app and buy and get rich become part of the moment explain to ten people how Bitcoin works and they're more likely to really get involved in the space okay so this is the big story of the week the price action and the theorem and the headlines so you know we saw all sorts of headlines from a theorems dead - you know I cos are dumping and the truth is guys I've sold two hundred thousand eighth in the past month you know some headlines saying bigger and smaller the truth is that is just a fraction of all the eighth out there so you know that can be a good or a bad thing the point I want to highlight is that that's it's not every ico dumping a heap of a theorem that has driven the price down it is like everything it's the fear and the sentiment and a lot of other people probably selling and you know people using margin on bit mix has been in the news so there's so many contributing factors you can't just say it's i co selling when the numbers say that they've sold less than five percent of all their etherium now this numbers wrong here guys that's got one nine too many dgx have not sold a million theorem that would be two hundred million dollars so they've sold you know maybe about twenty million or so we knew that vote was coming if you follow digits and their dow and how that governance work but this presents opportunity have a look at the projects that have got a lot of a theorem and a lot of runway now it's different to stocks good comments from you guys it doesn't mean that it's a guaranteed thing it doesn't necessarily put value in the shares or the token but it gives you an idea of how much runway that I've got left how much are they spending you know did they sell no ask questions jump in the telegram and I've heard some pretty horror stories from some projects and even a couple of Australian ones that are smaller that raised you know tens of millions of dollars six months ago and I've already run out of money guys you've got to be asking the hard questions looking at the Matt put it to the team and you've got that power to do it and the more that projects are transparent you know the better in this space demand that of them a lot of great articles on medium checkout reddit with a lot of them are posted there guys but all the scaling solutions that are coming I've spoken about this a lot but we had a new one this week so mosaics I'm not going to dive into it too much guys but another layer to solution for sharding the actual tokens themselves and again a lot of these projects that claiming all these things in white papers theorem gets you know bashed for you know a lot of this not happening for another year or 2020 or whatever but the fact these guys they are doing just about everything that a lot of other projects have promised but everything takes time now during all these saw these headlines yes there was a bloodbath so a bit of tongue-in-cheek there guys you know I was just so sick of reading blood in the street so blood on a theory I'm Esplanade that to me is when you want to be starting to look the other way as I said guys when there is blood and everyone's fearful and did the ephyra Network get hacked or is you know is there a bug or anything like that guys no this is all just price action White's down 90% and that's what presents opportunity so that's why I put this tweet out guys about scaling you know DEFCON fours a month way now tickets already selling out fast theorem futures you know you can argue if that's good or bad you know Bitcoin ran up in anticipation of that happening and then it's gone down ever since look I think Bitcoin was overvalued I don't think it was the futures and the volumes on those futures aren't enough to affect price they're not even trading real bitcoins again I'm gonna explore that the topic of rehypothecation and derivatives versus actual Bitcoin and how the more I think about it guys the more Wall Street does not matter one iota sorry pardon the pun I really think that people are riding off a theorem too quickly look at the stats we know how many projects are either directly or indirectly working with a theorem or a RC 20 and their projects I SEOs are still gonna raise money in some capacity in the future and etherium has the most notes 14,000 decentralised Vita
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