#but it’s kinda hard to hc normal things for the gems since their society is so abnormal lol
soulsty · 22 days
Gimme your AntaCinnaPhos head canons
Oooh I don’t have too many atm as this ship in particular only permeated my brain intensely about a week ago, but here’s my current list
For reference the scenario I envision them in is; Phos gets his new arms but manages to barely rescue Antarc, and eventually ropes Cinnabar into not hibernating so he can meet Antarc
-Antarc and Cinnabar got along really well when they met (even if Cinnabar didn’t think so), and that made Phos happy since the winter squad is getting bigger
-Phos is generally the one who initiates physical contact (carefully of course), he frequently pulls Antarc and Cinna into group hugs
-Cinnabar starts researching plants and flowers more actively so he can have something to casually talk about (infodump) to Antarc and Phos
-Antarc is aro spec and has more of a queer platonic relationship with the Phos and Cinnabar
-Cinnabar frequently gets startled by Bort’s sleepwalking and by the sound of Sensei Kongō ramming his head into the wall when he’s sleepy. Phos’ sympathizes with this, and Antarc thinks it’s a little cute
-Antarc and Phos do winter duty while Cinnabar cheers them on from the sidelines and tries to avoid dirtying the snow (the ice floes like Cinnabar)
-Phos’ new arms make him really good at shoveling snow as he can hold several shovels at once with gold tendrils, and henceforth work very quickly, but it does creep Antarc and Cinna out a little bit
-during the rest of the year, Phos and Cinna both visit liquid Antarc and talk about virtually anything to him
-sometimes Cinnabar relapses into feeling useless and wanting to be taken the moon, Antarc is very good at calmly assessing his feelings, giving advice, and relieving Cinna’s mind, while Phos cries on him /hj
-in an event where the Lunarians do appear in the winter, Antarcinnaphos would fend them off amazingly and nothing bad will ever happen to them because they’re all kickass at fighting together now (I’m coping)
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