#but it’s still like. damn. wish i could just beam into ur brain that im wishing nothing but the best for you
even-disco-baby · 2 years
ANNETTE — “Hi, ace detective.” The young girl stifles a yawn. “We’ll be closing up soon, I’m afraid. Is there anything I can help you find?”
EMPATHY — She’s hoping the answer is yes. Any excuse to take a break from the dreaded *math homework.*
“No thanks, I was just on my way out.” [Leave]
“It’s okay, I don’t want to distract you from your studies.”
“Yeah, actually. I’m looking for a book.”
ANNETTE — She tries and fails to hide her relief as she sets her textbook under her chair. “Of course! What are you looking for, sir?”
“A happy story.”
“A sad story.”
“Something that will make me a better detective.”
“Something that will make me a better person.”
“Something about how to mend a broken heart.”
ANNETTE — “Oh…” She frowns, staring up at the shelves as if hoping that the perfect book will miraculously catch her eye. “Umm… Let me think…”
EMPATHY — She’s genuinely trying to think of one. She wants to help you.
ANNETTE — After a long, long pause, Annette finally lets out a sigh of defeat. “…I’m not sure,” she admits sadly. “I’m sorry, sir.”
YOU — “You can’t think of anything at all?”
ANNETTE — “Well… We do carry some self help books, sir, but…” She casts a quick glance around the store.
REACTION SPEED — Making sure Plaisance is out of earshot.
ANNETTE — The girl leans in conspiratorially and whispers, “Mother says those books are all snake oil. ‘If all it took to change somebody’s life was a book, *we* would be sitting quite prettily.’”
DRAMA — Her Plaisance impression is uncanny! What talent!
YOU — “Why do you sell them, then?”
ANNETTE — “Well,” she coughs, “not everyone agrees with my mother.”
RHETORIC — Translation: because people buy them. It’s as simple as that.
ANNETTE — “But I don’t think that’s quite what you’re looking for, is it, sir…?” She looks up at you with that seemingly impossible mixture of innocence and knowing that is unique to children.
“Yeah, you’re right. It isn’t.”
“No, I think I’ll give the self help books a try.”
“I’m not really sure what I’m looking for, to be honest.”
ANNETTE — She nods slowly, looking down at her frayed nails. “Lots of people come into the shop not quite knowing what they’re looking for. But that’s what’s so nice about bookshops, don’t you think? No matter where you look, you can find *something* interesting.” She smiles bright enough to light up every dark corner of the bookstore and the doomed commercial area below it. “I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for, ace detective. Maybe you just have to let it find *you.*”
VOLITION — Here in this bookshop. In Martinaise. Revachol. The world. This seemingly wretched lifetime. In the midst of it all, there is always something for you. Uncurl your fist. Let it find your palms upturned.
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lil-feenz · 6 years
This Christmas (MyDay Secret Santa gift)
a/n: wow, okay first off i haven’t written a fic in years so this was a #struggle so props to all of you writers out there doin ur thing! ur amazing and you are appreciated!
i wrote this for my secret santa gift for one of the world’s nicest mydays aka @parkjaeins ! it’s been so fun messaging you, and i’m really glad i got to know you a little bit! i hope you have an amazing christmas, and i hope this is slightly enjoyable! (im sorry i still don’t quite like the beginning and end so forgive me!!)
genre: holiday fluff, angst if you squint and do a headstand
word count: 2.8k-ish oof
summary: Distance makes the heart grow fonder, they say. However, being apart for their first Christmas left Janelle particularly reminiscent. (a.k.a. holiday facetiming with Jae)
characters: Jae x OC, 3rd person (I did write this specifically for my secret santa!)
The ringing sound slowly seeped its way into Janelle’s consciousness, insisting its way through her concentration as her brain reached for a response. What was that noise again?
Janelle haphazardly leaned over the bowls and ingredients crowding the counter in an effort to reach her laptop. Smudging some residual flour on the mouse pad of her laptop, she ran her fingers over the device and pressed down to hear that satisfying little click, accepting the video call request.
“Hi, babe!” she called out hurriedly, dancing around her own feet to maneuver in front of her laptop. Catching herself in and out of balance, her body finally slumped onto the countertop, a lopsided smile decorating her face.
A scratching sound echoed in the kitchen as Jae shuffled around on the other end of the call. Janelle caught the sight of the dormitory in the moving scene displayed in front of her. “He must’ve just finished at the Christmas Eve concert the boys were having,” she thought.
“Hey, baby,” Jae drawled with a tired smile on his face, raising his phone to eye level now. “How’s it going?” A soft thump pushed its way through her laptop speakers as Jae unceremoniously flopped onto his bed, followed by the murmur of ”Merry Christmas Eve.”
“Pffft,” Janelle laughed airily at his antics. “I’m doing fine, just trying to finish up some things for our Christmas get-together.” Glancing down at her hands, she noted the dusting of dry ingredients surrounding her laptop and absentmindedly brushed it away with her fingers. “How was the show tonight?”
Jae quietly beamed, his face turning up towards the ceiling. “Man, the fans’ energy was great. I think it was a nice way to finish 2018 as a group and fans, we had a pretty good year together, y’know?” He reached back, ruffling his fluffy crop of hair. “I just wish you could’ve been there.”
A small sadness panged through Janelle’s chest. “I know, I do, too…” She exhaled softly. With Jae’s world tour, music show performances, and awards shows on top of Janelle’s studies and exams that all seemed to come nonstop the past two months, the pair only had digital representations of each other to find comfort in.
A thought dwelled in the back of Janelle’s mind: she knew long distance spells like this would be a reality when she chose to let Jae into her life, but she didn’t expect that the deep craving to be there with him would ache so thoroughly. Walking into a coffee shop reminded her of their first few meetings with him. Seeing dogs on the street reminded her of the time they puppy-sat for Dowoon when Janelle concluded that Jae was absolutely a Yorkie.
“A Yorkie?!” Jae choked while Janelle cackled. “How on earth am I a Yorkie?”
“C’mon, don’t tell me you don’t see it. Big personality, easily susceptible to getting clowned, sassy, territorial, suspicious of every noise, they’re, like, 18 cm tall, you’re 180 cm,” she listed off, checking off each thing with her fingers. “Yorkies absolutely fit the bill.”
“Okay, okay okay,” Jae hurriedly interjected, “but I protest. I’m more like a Great Dane, or something.” He was incredulous, and she could tell. This would be fun, and she knew it. “I am friendly, I am loving, I am large and in charg-” Unfortunately, he did not get to finish before Janelle’s laughter burst through the conversation.
“Please do not finish that phrase, oh my gosh,” she managed through her giggles, sitting up. She patted his knee gingerly. “The only thing you can claim from a Great Dane is you don’t realize how big you are.”
“I am offended,” Jae gasped, eyes wide and a hand mockingly hovering over his chest, “are you calling me fat?”
Suddenly, Janelle’s humorous expression dropped. She knew what was coming. “Jaehyung Park, don’t you dare,” she tried to warn, but Jae wasn’t one to back down from a joke.
“I am honestly HURT that you would call your warm and caring boyfriend fat,” he went on, progressively leaning further into her space on the couch, “I truly thought you appreciated my physique, you’ve never once complained about my cuddles, but I guess your true feelings are showing.” He continued blabbering dramatically as he used every bit of height he had over her to lay uncomfortably on top of her protesting figure. He turned onto his back as he tried to push her into the couch as she alternated between laughs and groans of discomfort.
“Jae, you’re really bony, you know that?”
“So you know I’m very uncomfortable right now.”
“So then what will it take to get you off of me, if you don’t mind?”
“Admit I’m a Great Dane.”
“But you know, you’re really acting like a stubborn Yorkie right now,” she commented, wiggling underneath him to free her shoulder of his spine pressing into her. He only pushed further. “Ow!”
“Or am I just an affectionate Great Dane trying to get some reciprocated affection?” he rebutted, turning his head to catch a glimpse of her struggling underneath the dead weight of his body.
“Hey, is something on your mind?”
Janelle snapped back to attention, staring at the image of Jae on her laptop. He was sitting up, looking at her curiously with a bit of worry coloring his gaze.
“Sorry, I just zoned out a bit,” she smiled meekly, widening the placement of her elbows, allowing her to fiddle with her fingers.
Jae gave her a knowing smile. He could read her like a book, no, like a score, watching all the thoughts swirling intertwining within her, conveying her thoughts and emotions in a symphony of signs: the light behind her eyes, the furrow and lift of her brows, the pull of her lips, the curve of her posture. “Damn,” he thought, “I’ve got it bad.”
“It’s okay,” he assured warmly, trying to lift the mood. He knew it was hard being apart for their first Christmas as a couple, but it was Christmas, for goodness sakes, and he wasn’t about to let Janelle be sad if he could help it. “So what are you doing for the fam?” he asked, hoping to bring about a lighter topic.
Janelle looked at the bowls, sugar, baking powder, and other items scattered about next to her. “Well, I’ve been trying to finish baking as much as I can for tomorrow’s dinner so tomorrow is as stress-free as possible,” she sighed, the hours of baking she’d done the past week catching up to her. “I realized a few days ago that I’d been so busy baking for everyone else that I forgot to plan what I’d bring to Christmas dinner, so I’m just making a batch of brownies.” Her eyes flitted over the half-done batch of batter she had been making when Jae called. The oven light let out a soft click to signal it was done preheating, briefly drawing her attention to the appliance. “I figured it’s a crowd-pleaser, so I couldn’t really go wrong.”
Jae threw back his head with a groan and a smile. “You’re making brownies? Without me to taste test? I’m jealous.” There was no doubt Janelle’s baking was popular amongst her family and friends, and Jae was undoubtedly a contender for her number one fan.
Jae watched Janelle turn back towards the camera and arch an eyebrow playfully. “You better watch that sweet tooth of yours, I wouldn’t want you going out to find a substitute sweet and finding a better baker than me,” she joked. “I can’t lose my number one customer.”
A fondness curled up inside Jae’s chest. He lolled his head to the side, squinting and shaking his head. “Never, babe.” A brief but familiar silence lapsed between the two as they alternated looking at each other and at their hands. Jae quickly cut in, “But for real, you’re going to save me some, right? I put it on my Christmas list, and I’ll be very sad if I miss out on that brownie goodness.”
Janelle chuckled. “Well, if I can figure out the rules for sending food at the post, then I might just make you a batch.” Collecting her measuring spoons and snatching the tub of cocoa powder, she scooped up the soft, brown powder and tapped it into her mixing bowl. She glanced at him through the camera mischievously, attempting an air on nonchalance. “But you might check under your bed in the meantime, Santa may have left something to make it up to you.”
Squinting suspiciously to hide his excitement, he lowered his arm and scooted off the bed.  Sliding himself to the floor, he rested on his knees and elbows, still clutching onto the device that held Janelle, nervously awaiting his reaction. Sure enough, a small box sat proudly amongst the clutter underneath his bed. “Wow, a bow and everything!” he tucked his chin in in a big, goofy grin. Janelle’s view of Jae was obstructed as he ducked to grab the gift.
“Nice ceiling, are those new lights?” she quipped, heart picking up a little as she waited for him to see the gift. Jae just snorted in response. She was actually quite nervous: had the gift made it in one piece? Was it the right one? She hadn’t laid eyes on it herself, rather, she had it shipped straight to South Korea, entrusting Younghyun to receive and hide the box in Jae’s room. Abandoning the mix once more, she looked on as the camera moved around dizzyingly until Jae righted himself into view.
“Aw, thank you, babe,” Jae cooed, examining the box in his free hand.
Janelle smiled, trying to egg him on. “You can thank me after you open it! Go ahead!”
He obliged, commentating with his stream of consciousness while setting down his phone to pry open the box. “Alright, alright, I’m going. I can’t believe this, who did you have to bribe to bust into my room?” he paused and shoved his head directly in front of his phone. “Was it Brian?”
“Jae, for the love of all that is good and sacred, if you don’t open that gift, I’m going to send all of your brownies to Wonpil and make you suffer, please open it!” Janelle threatened quickly, eyebrows shooting up to try and show some authority.
“You’re not intimidating, babe.”
“...shut up and open the stinking box.”
Jae continued on, ripping open the tape keeping the box sealed. Janelle shifted on her feet, waiting for any sort of reaction.
“Well?” she asked, only catching the tip of his head from the angle of the camera.
“Well, you need to tell Brian that he’s a crappy gift wrapper. He only put a bow on it,” Jae panned, holding the red decoration over the camera for Janelle to see. Janelle heard the final rip as the last bit of tape gave up its hold on the box. Shuffling. She gazed intensely at the shot of Jae’s forehead, the nerves in her stomach tingling. She studied the way his eyebrows pushed up, creating fine wrinkles in his forehead.
Jae was silent. Janelle hopes it’s the good kind of silent. Chewing on the inside of her lip, she cautiously asked, “Do you like it?”
The view on her laptop shifted again as Jae picked up his phone. She couldn’t read the look on his face, but she didn’t push any further. Jae sat against the side of his bed, organizing his thoughts, his jaw slack and his eyes clear. “Janelle, this is…” he left his sentence unfinished, opting to shake his head and look directly into the camera. “Thank you for this,” he swiveled around, snatching his pillow off the bed to use as a stand for his phone. He carefully set down the device and leaned it against the pillow until his cross-legged figure was in full view. Next to him lay the now empty brown box, and in his lap sat a brown leather bound book. He turned his attention to it, opening the cover gently, eyes roaming the title page that read “Memories” in black script. In it were pictures the pair had taken while they had visited each other, Janelle when she went to Korea in the summer and Jae when he pit-stopped for a day after the concert stop in Jakarta. Some were selfies, showing silly faces and surprise kisses, some were sneakily taken shots of Jae sleeping on the couch or low-angle shots under his chin. He slowly flicked through the pages, seeing pictures of the coffee shop where they first met in Korea, selfies of Janelle pouting with a small plushie Jae had given her before she left to start uni.
Janelle watched on, her chin resting on the heel of her palm, her weight balancing on one foot as she crossed her ankles, resting her toes on the cool floor of her kitchen. She felt a soft bliss as Jae scanned the photo book she had made for him, a compilation of their times together so they could reminisce. She knew how sentimental Jae was inside, and she knew how hard being constantly busy was, and if he missed her the way she missed him, the distance couldn’t have been easy on him.
“I just figured it’d be nice to start keeping something to help us along when we’re apart,” Janelle divulged, eyeing the screen before letting her eyes fall to the countertop.
“There’s blank ones,” Jae remarked, looking at his screen once more. His voice was soft, devoid of the usual playfulness typical of his tone.
Janelle bit her lip, an excited smile forming on her face. “Yeah, I left those for our future memories.”
Jae rocked backwards, hands holding his ankles, hitting the side of his bed in the process. He looked down at the book again, a smile brimming on his own face. “I love it, babe. This was very thoughtful, I really like it.” Making eye contact with her through the screen, he tried to convey as meaningful a look as possible. “Come, here,” he suddenly said, holding his arms out towards the phone, wrapping it and the pillow in an awkward hug.
Janelle laughed on the other end of the line. “Well, that didn’t last long, did it?”
“Come on, don’t leave me hanging, or else this’ll get really awkward.”
“It already is awkward, Jae.”
“It’s what I do best.”
Releasing a sigh ahead of a warm smile, Janelle obliged, wrapping her laptop a hugging gesture. “You’re crazy.”
“Right back at ya,” Jae drew away, smoothly dropping a wink. Janelle gagged in response.
“What about me? Any hints for my gift?” Janelle redirected, hoping to escape more electronics-as-middleman skinship.
Looking out at his room, Jae exhaled shortly. “I checked the postage tracking, but I think it got held up in customs,” he explained, “I knew I should’ve sent it earlier.”
“Don’t worry about it!” Janelle hastily deflected the negativity pulling down on her boyfriend’s shoulders. “Anything is fine, I’m just lucky to have you,” she pressed her lips together to try and dispel any regret he may have been having.
“Janelle,” Jae began, “I think we all know that I’m the lucky one in this combo. Like, the fact that I even managed to meet you is a miracle in itself, so please, will you let me keep the title of ever-grateful boyfriend here?”
A roll of the eyes. A sarcastic smirk.
“Well, I guess, but where does that leave me, huh?”
“You win title of the most tolerant girlfriend to the most ridiculous man on earth,” he quipped.
Another eye roll. “Well, you’ve got that right,” she muttered jokingly.
“I’ll let that slide since it’s Christmas.” Jae got up from the floor, clutching the book as he waddled over to his desk.
“You love me,” Janelle swayed her shoulders to the side, leaning her head down until they met before she started to pick back up on her baking.
“You know it.”
Time slipped by as they continued to chatter about plans before ringing in the New Year. Janelle joked about kissing a random person at midnight on New Years Eve: sulking, Jae left the phone on his desk as he paced around his room. “That’s mean,” he pouted. Both of them knew that neither would ever do such a thing, and both trusted each other to not betray that.
After catching up with each other, Jae was fighting back the onslaught of sleep and Janelle was waiting for her brownies to finish baking. It was quite late, but neither party seemed to want to end the call. Eventually, Janelle’s conscience nagged her into encouraging Jae to go to bed.
“You need the rest, you shouldn’t sleep Christmas away,” she reasoned, swinging her legs from her perch on the countertop.
Jae whined, but relented. “Yes, ma’am,” he grumbled sarcastically. “Talk to you later?”
“Yeah, talk to you later. Good night, Jae.” That little pang in her chest returned, wishing earnestly that she could be there with him.
“G’night, babe,” Jae grinned, crinkling his eyes and waving before her smiling face disappeared and a dark screen took her place.
Heaving a sigh, Jae propelled himself up from his bed, going to the bathroom to wash up before packing his toiletries.
Her Christmas gift was on his way.
a/n: WOW congrats if you made it through!! hope you enjoyed it, have a merry christmas! 
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spn-traxx · 7 years
spn rewatch 12x02
tagged as ‘spn for ts’ those who want to block. enjoy!
"Preform. Drink. Sleep. Repeat." Is this them calling out dean winchester
ok its an empty tea cup but u tried sammy
Mitch just tryna get that promotion ....
ok to start with i just ended up watchin 3 seconds of something called better things ... thanks random website im watching spn on. I wish it was better things.
Preview showing me sams pain please stop im crying.
is this why people ship them... this one scene where sam isbeing manipulated by toni by sex. i hate this. i hate non con and everything it stands for
WINE IN BED if that spilt it would look like blood
we report to no man.... we free souls
also is sam saying this all out loud??
bed scene to dean and cas okkkk transitions where
“check real estate” .... get us a flat soon bb
no dont leave me with my zombie mum thanks
cas googling quick like "how to b supportive bf"  but only loads the first bullet point lmao
mary ears were burning
mary and dean do that thing pretending they good when they not ... tears
“forwards hopefully” lol.
“I STARTED ALL OF THIS THE YELLOW EYED” THING.....GASP theres a leaked spoiler about this that it blows up into a big thing so ///early points/// wow. they PLANNED this wow.
why u asking .... dont like her again... brain would liquify stooop
i dont like these less pleasant methods dude. At all. Leave sammy 😢😢
it looks like a raptor claw. dino baiting in spn why
NO THE SHNK NOISE i hate the shnk noise
ahh the next morning.
cas out there fully looking at real estate for dean and found a farm.... he got a hay truck now, he blends in perfectly he doesnt need that tree camo
"We never kno we are hunters" mary my heart is breaking please stop
and she damn well can handle herself as u will see
O BOI 😂😂😂😂
Tonis calendar blocked out as "torture sam" for how long ew *shudder*
ooo first evidence that bmol is out of date
how did they dean did it hmm
ROWENA. Ok but i love her so much.
CROWEWEY. i love them so much 😍
their banter im 😂😂😂
she just wants a normal life crowley leave her alonnne
PFFFTTTT thats not a tiny favour crowley cmon. work out ur favour sizes
ahhh vnc vncnt he worked well as lucifers vessel. outdated rockstar who drinks. and he wears eyeliner so im down.
"Preform. Drink. Sleep. Repeat." Is this them calling out dean winchester
Tomi leave with ur 2002 split down the middle hair style. Let him look at some model stock photo
i thought that they could only use vessels from blood lines but ok ....
dean appreciating mary as a hunter
also all these wide sweeping statements about hunters
"It changed dad" u can say that again. DEAN CONFESSING STUFF
also .... no dean thats what u think ...... sam was learning and had a gf ..... why u tell ur mum these things please.
hAHHH - scream of terror me too vincy
everyone knows whats going to happen why they drag it out for so long
why does lucifer have to ask for permission for vince vincenenety???? he didnt for any of the other vessels except sam .... what kind of bs .....
swallowing those pills was selfish but she was in an abusive relationship. thats so sad.
he has an aura of supreme evil 😂😂😂
"Its exactly why im retiring" 😂😂
"He makes oatmeal look interesting"
why not the location? mother / son team up!!
rowena doesnt care about ben tho lbr. Shes a beautiful funny women who could like magic women up. Why does she need a man....
they should bring sam fresh clothes honestly how long has he been stewing tf
"Dude help me" ..... "i cant believe that worked" see mary and cas have no expectations for each other so they act get on better than mary and dean *cries*
brother are you okay ..... isnt this what kelvin says. hair split guy cares about you....
CLASSY ONE LINER THat ive heard 20 times
where is dean even walking. he got his gun out like its not a crime tf. Oh wait americs ... never mind
BEAM ME UP SCOTTY "son of a bitch"
so was dean just standing there and got grabbed wtf? Underestinated tonis strength
get off my throne would have been better but i appreciate it.
Beiber more ur style 😂😂😂 i like crowley
Real estate has been mentioned like 5 times this ep. They all want to move away.
"Mani mani mani"cure lucifer jeez cut ur nails.
why would sulfuric acid hurt them LOL they literally made of sulfur dumbs
no hesitation strike hurt the nation
Spit blood hunnyyy
“tea and a beating” 😂😂😂
ew ew ew ew face melting. Good acting of being burnt alive.
his vessel struggling to be healed or melt away
damn this is what lucifer should have been from the first of the series....
also lucifer snapped lucifers next last time
Posh spice angry spice 😂😂
she missed some juicy gossip
archane topics - this probably explains why they so out of date tbh
Sams like tripping out right now
WHY SHE HIT SAM LMAO HE IN A CHAIR 😂😂😂😂 sam still tripping out hard
Dean u got one hand free tarzan swing over there
U can make spells by cutting ur hand ... ok ... rowena teach me ur rich witch ways please
SAMS TRIPPING SO HARD IM DYING 😂😂😂😂 dean and his mum came back knocked out toni then cas and cas british twin turned up
um ..... toni didnt face those consequences in london.... why winchesters obeying their code?
Mitch just tryna get that promotion ....
LMAO AND NO HE CANT FINISH U OFF his ass got beat in 1 min flat by ms watts
where cas
SAMS FACE. i didnt like early mary in this like the way she was written.
no ... not now....
why dean wanting pie when he be wanting cas
pftt okay lucifer talking about snapping her neck. Glad that plot point was adressed
empty throne oòooo
ok its an empty tea cup but u tried sammy
sam pulling that hsm "i dont fit in the status quo" vibe and marys like .... u dont get it sam.
another puss in boot reference .... marys boots.
also sam had to read johns journal about catching up. Deans the only one who stayed  a winchester thru everything ..... sunshine please .....
dean be here looking at pics with beer. But. Where. Is. Cas.
Welp there he is ... from an episode 20 years old
sam is thinking of that "a potato flew around my room" vine looking at that fan
"Honey not vinegar" thanks mitch.
Anyone who works one case (1) case with the winchesters get cursed with winchester feel syndrome.
hes sent for ketchup.... oh no....
james bond vibes .... still no face
he should have worn a mask the whole season honestly lol
That place is def not london 😂😂😂
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