#but it's 3x3x3x3
fictionadventurer · 1 year
It's very satisfying to me when the number of Inklings Challenge participants divides perfectly into equal teams. Any new members had better sign up in groups of three.
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nooosphere · 3 years
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Perspective projection of a 3x3x3x3 red-blue chessboard (Tesseractic honeycomb).
See also: Cube of Space and Primal [GRID].
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marrella-splendens · 7 years
so in his Culture novels, Iain M. Banks mentions that the Culture’s language, Marain, can basically be represented with 3x3 pixel characters (and, if you are a Mind, 3x3x3, 3x3x3x3, etc.) and so if anybody is wondering about these cool letters I’ve come up with, well, that is the idea I ripped off
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ricardomejiaworld · 6 years
How to Create an ROI-driven Digital Marketing Strategy for your Business
It goes without saying that in order to find success in digital marketing, companies need to implement several tactics to stay ahead of their competition and to close the gap between their core message and their target audiences.
If you think an annual marketing plan will be enough to keep you in front of the consumer and win their business, you may find that you can be very inefficient at doing so. Why? Because consumer behavior is broad, and it changes depending on many variables which will be incredibly hard to figure out.
So how do you make sure your digital marketing strategy is going to help you win more business?
First, you need to use everything you have at your disposal to draw the best picture possible of your audience. Just remember that this is not going to be perfect. Better yet, make sure you understand that anything you do in digital marketing is never going to be perfect.
When I ask you to draw a picture of your audience, you need to gather and use the information you have at hand. That includes demographic information such as gender, age group, income level, education level, etc. You can complement this information by third-party software that can give you more detailed information about your audience demographics and online behavior.
Once you have a picture of who you are going to communicate with, you need to test how you are going to approach them and what message you want to communicate. How do you test this? By experimentation. Yes, put on your lab coat and start thinking that you will be testing every single thing.
Though, this experimentation does not resemble anything you might be thinking about, like cutting open a frog or formulating a new mixture, instead it will be proving or disproving assumptions you have about your audience profile and how you are communicating with them to influence action.
For this type of testing, you will use two different testing tools. A/B and multivariate testing. A/B testing is a simple and cost-effective experiment that test a hypothesis using two variables, A and B. A/B testing will work better for websites that have low traffic.
Multivariate testing, as the name implies, tests a hypothesis against multiple variables and it suits websites that have a large amount of traffic. The goal is to determine which combination of variables provide the best results.
How does testing experiments help my marketing effectiveness?
The short answer is that it will help you get the most money out of your marketing investment. For example, you may come up with a hypothesis that a current PPC awareness campaign where you are investing $1,000 a month is not providing enough leads for your business.
Using this hypothesis, you create a multivariate experiment where you test multiple variables on your landing page.
Let’s say that the variables you will test are as follows: Headline, Offer summary, image, and CTAs.
Headline 1
Headline 2
Headline 3
Offer Summary 1
Offer Summary 2
Offer Summary 3
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Call-to-Action 1
Call-to-Action 2
Call-to-Action 3
You create three unique copies for each variable and with it, you will have 81(3x3x3x3) different combinations to use in your experiment. After the experiment is complete, your test results show that the best combination for your landing page is Headline 2, Offer Summary 3, Image 1, and Call-to-action 2.
On your next PPC campaign, you use the winning combination and you increase your conversion rate from 10% to 50%. Would you call that a win? I sure hope so.
But testing doesn’t have to end there. If you continue to test variables, you will work on optimizing your conversion rate constantly and finally get the return on investing you were expecting.
Remember when I said, anything you do in digital marketing is never going to be perfect. This is the reason why I want you to keep that mindset; if you do, you will implement a continuous marketing strategy that tests every assumption you might have about your digital campaigns.  
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falloutcrossfit · 6 years
New Post has been published on FallOut CrossFit - School of Elite Fitness in Tri-cities, WA
New Post has been published on http://falloutcrossfit.com/2018/08/august-1-2018/
August 1, 2018
BENCHMARK: 500 m row, for time SKILL/STRENGTH: 1) snatch grip high pull 3 x5, 2) high tire jumps 3 x 5 WOD: 12 minute AMRAP 5 x ring dips  10 x toes to bar  15 x power snatch 
OLYMPIC LIFTING  JUNK YARD DOG + Coach led Burgener STRENGTH: 1) Squat snatch 2x2x2x2 @ 80% of 1 RM 2) Squat clean 2x2x2x2 @ 80% of 1 RM 3) Overhead squat 3x3x3x3 @ 60% of 1 RM WOD: For time, 15-12-9 of, High hang squat clean  Power snatch  Overhead squat
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