#year one made 81 one of my favorite numbers
fictionadventurer · 1 year
It's very satisfying to me when the number of Inklings Challenge participants divides perfectly into equal teams. Any new members had better sign up in groups of three.
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cazort · 1 month
I've seen a small number of people on Tumblr advocating for voting for Jill Stein, the green party candidate, and a lot of them seem to take for granted the idea that she is better than Harris. None of them really make a convincing case for her, they just seem to assume that she is, particularly on the issue of Palestine.
But here's the thing. I don't even think she's a good candidate. Like I consider her borderline unacceptable, whereas I consider Harris to be a genuinely good candidate. It's bad enough that if I were in a state like Maine or Alaska that had ranked choice, I'm not even sure I would rank Jill Stein above Kamala Harris.
Why don't I like Jill Stein?
Inexperience. She has only held one political office, the town meeting (like city council) of Lexington, MA, a city with population under 35,000. This community is an extremely affluent community that leans very far left; in 2020 nearly 81% of the community voted for Biden and under 17% for Trump. Interestingly, in this own community where she served as a local elected official, in her 2016 run she still only got 1.3% of the vote, so she isn't even popular in the one place she has the most experience. She has never held state- or national political office and she has lost every other election she has run in. Her lack of experience is related both to her ability to win (people are unlikely to vote for someone who lacks experience) and her ability to do the job if she were to win. And it's not unrealistic for independents and third-party candidates to get elected to bigger offices. There have always been a few in US congress and it would be more attainable to get into a state congress; a few green party members have done this recently: Shane Robinson served in the MD state house until 2019, Henry Bear and Ralph Chapman in Maine. One, Fred Smith, even got elected in Arkansas as a green party candidate although he later changed back to a Democrat. The point is that there are even people in her party who are more experienced.
Disregard for the consequences of her actions. She threw at least one national election, the 2016 Presidential election, for Trump, and we are still suffering the consequences. Jill Stein's actions contributed to outcomes including the loss of abortion rights, all sorts of horrible environmental consequences, all sorts of negative consequences for immigrants, and a long list of other problems. This scenario is fully preventable; it could be prevented for instance by calling on your followers to only vote for you in states with ranked choice and non-swing states, and then giving a conditional endorsement of the next-best candidate and calling on your supporters to vote for them in swing states that lack ranked choice. She could have made this call and prevented the calamity we lived through, but she didn't. This shows great irresponsibility.
Age. She is already getting very old; she is currently 74 which is only 7 years younger than Biden and 4 years younger than Trump. Age was one of my biggest objections to Biden, was a big factor in me disliking Trump, and is a major reason I think Harris is a big improvement. And Jill Stein is much closer to Trump and Biden in age than Harris. Age is a big concern for me because older people are likely to be or become out-of-touch on many issues and also may experience cognitive decline.
Platform. Jill Stein's platform is objectively worse (and weaker) than the national/global green party's platform. One of my favorite things about the green party is that they tend to take a systems approach to environmentalism, through things like carbon tax which work with the market rather than against it. In countries where the green party has a significant number of seats in the legislature, like Germany where they control 117/733 seats in the Bundestag, they often end up cooperating with pro-business parties like Libertarians and even the center-right party on some issues, and this makes them better able to achieve their goals. But Stein takes a more stereotypically liberal "tax and spend" and regulatory approach making her not much different from the mainstream of the Democratic party in this regard. I.e. she supported the "green new deal" which is supported by many Democrats and to some degree by nearly all Democrats. This approach makes it less likely she would be able to appeal to and/or cooperate with moderates and independents.
Lack of a realistic plan to win. There is a realistic path for an idealistic third-party candidate to win the presidency, and it is through getting ranked choice implemented in more states first, thus removing the spoiler effect. And it particularly through embracing TVR (total vote runoff) over IRV (Instant Runoff Voting, which Alaska and Maine use currently.) Jill Stein hasn't even mentioned TVR, and although she has voiced support for ranked choice, it is not a point that she emphasizes particularly strongly. She is not active in the Fair Vote movement which is the largest movement to implement ranked choice in most states. To me, this sends the message that she's not really in it to win, she's just here to make a statement.
She's not a serious candidate, not a good candidate, and not an acceptable candidate.
I don't say this lightly, but I think that if I wanted to, I could mount a more successful third-party campaign for the presidency than she has. I think I would be a better candidate for president than she is. And I think I could make a more realistic path towards those goals than she has.
And I don't even think I'm particularly good. I know other people who could probably even do a better job than me. This is not saying I or these other people would be good candidates. It's more saying how I just see Jill Stein as being inadequate.
And this is why I think Jill Stein is a really lousy candidate. She is not the idealistic third-party candidate to break us out of the two-party system.
And when you see this, you see that all the people pushing her as "the only good candidate" are really pushing anti-vote propaganda. They are trying to manipulate the left into throwing the election.
This election cycle we have a legitimately good candidate: Harris. She ticks all the boxes. She is younger than Biden. She is more progressive yet while being rooted in reality enough to bring in moderates. She has called for a ceasefire in Palestine, and has been critical enough that she's attracted ire and backlash from the Israeli hardliner and AIPAC-funded crowd. And her track record as Attorney General when you start scrutinize it, is surprisingly and refreshingly good. Go look it up and see for yourself.
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sirsirgirl · 1 year
Some of you have been asking...
Hey! Long time no see. I’m sorry for disappearing, the first part of the year is usually the busiest time for me. But I’ve been reading every chapter religiously AS ALWAYS #priorities
I read your questions, some of you are freaking out about the number of children 😂 and others want updates of Tasir and the rest of the concubines. I hope this post will help.
1. No, the story isn’t finished.
We’re currently in chapter 81 of the side stories, and though side stories aren’t usually the most relevant, this is DEFINITELY not the case for MOTH. So far, side stories have included some of the most critical revelations and subplots in the novel. The first part of the story ended without Latil ever experiencing an awakening, lots of character arcs unfinished, and with more questions than answers. So I’d really suggest every MOTH reader to follow the side stories and not overlook them. Who knows what surprises we’ll get to have soon.
2. Latil has 4 biological children, 1 adopted child, and 1 baby on the way.
Fleura, Clarice, Kailetta, the fourth prince (Tasir’s baby), and the baby on the way (Guesta’s child) are her biological kids. The fifth princess is Meradim’s daughter, and Latil adopted her before she was born. The fourth prince and the fifth princess were born on the same day and they are raising them together, it’s been said that they’re as close as twins. Fleura and Clarice are also very close. Kailetta, on the other hand, is the one who’s left behind. As for their personalities and looks, we know:
- Fleura: Looks exactly like Ranamun. She sometimes talks like Griffin because they spend a lot of time together. She isn’t very keen to studying.
- Clarice: Looks exactly like Sonnaught. She’s very strong since she has some vampire traits, and she is very smart, some people compare her to Raean.
- Kailetta: Looks exactly like Latil. He’s got a funny way to speak, some times he talks like an adult but with a baby voice. Everybody compares him to Latil because he’s a flirt. Everyone in the Palace, except for Clarice an Fleura, loves him 😂. He’s been described as “not very smart”.
- Fourth Prince: Looks exactly like Tasir. He’s Latil favorite child (it used to be Clarice btw). It’s said that he’s very smart, but he’s still a baby, so it’s hard to tell.
- Fifth Princess: Looks like a little mermaid. Latil is pretty fond of her as well. She even imagined a love story between the fourth prince and the fifth princess, but Tasir wasn’t into it 😂😂
3. We DO know how many children Latil will have.
Relax, it’s not 28 😂😂 (don’t know where I read that lol). In case you missed it, Latil and Carlein met a prophet that made some major revelations about Latil’s future. Among them, that Latil will get to have six children, but only two of them would be “perfect kids”.
[Two of them won’t live long, two of them will be pressured by their fathers and two of them will be troublemakers.]
[How does she have so many husbands and children? Is it possible for a person to do that? Anyway, I'm sorry to see that two perfect children will be involved. The line is so fragile, that is too hard to tell if you two will ever end together.]
What we don’t know is if the prophecy included the fifth princess or Sipisa, but I don’t think it makes sense for a prophecy to dive into that level of detail. So, my current bet is that Latil will have two more babies.
4. Klein and Zaicin are the only concubines who don’t have children.
I’m not counting Girgol because he technically has one kid: Sipisa (and he can’t have children anyway). We ignore how Zaicin feels over this, but Klein is somewhat annoyed. I honestly don’t know if he’ll ever become a parent because we can’t discard the possibility of the concubines that already have children to get Latil pregnant again.
5. Sonnaught is still part of the Royal Guard.
Ministers constantly complain about this, but he’s got the Royal Consort’s support, so the issue never truly escalates. He hasn’t been really active in the story since his love affair with Latil. Some people are annoyed (??), but I’m not surprised, since he’s even noticed that the way Latil looks at him now it’s the same way she did when she didn’t like him I can’t blame her for not feeling the same after what he did. But he probably will reappear once she sees her fake future with him.
6. We still have no official heir.
Latil naturally wanted the Royal Consort’s child to be the heir, but the ministers felt threatened by her unexpected decision. Tasir had no choice but to agreed with them and avoid risking his reputation for choosing his child over the Empire. After all, at the time, the baby hadn’t even been born yet.
A couple of years went by, and Fleura had to be excluded of the list of candidates. Due to an agreement with Ranamun and Guesta, Latil promised she’d choose the heir among the second princess (Clarice), the third prince (Kailetta), and the fourth prince. She didn’t know she was pregnant then, so chances are she’ll change her mind and consider this kid as a candidate in the future (who knows?).
7. Tasir is busier than ever, but still very close to Latil.
Latil gets pregnant almost every year, so he assumes a lot of her responsibilities during these times. She also has said that thanks to him, she’s been able to have more free time (which of course isn’t actually free time because she has to spend time taking care of her concubines and children).
It’s been said he’s so busy that he can’t take care of his child properly (Meradim is kinda like a nanny for him and the fifth princess lol). But he’s stated in the past that he isn’t interested in bringing his baby to his office when he’s still so young. So I guess we’ll see more about him and the baby in the future.
So far, imo he’s been the most relevant male character as always in the side stories. His fake future with Latil had like 11 chapters, unlike the rest that had between 5 or 6 🫣. Latil was also about to tell him, “I love everything about you”, once. But she then stopped herself and didn’t say anything 👀. Oh, yeah, btw, Latil hasn’t say “I love You” to anyone yet (not even her children).
8. Ranamun’s main concern is his daughter’s life-span.
There’s a chance that Fleura won’t live long. Her soul is “incomplete”, so the only strength that could keep her alive for long is her “adversary power”. Problem is that the chairman revealed that it looks like she’s lost a bit of it in the last few years. If she isn’t able to keep the adversary role attached to her, she will die young*. Ranamun knows this and he just wanna make sure that his daughter lives happily.
*Btw, the chairman revealed that the role of the adversary isn’t reincarnated, just the soul does. The only reason Fleura’s soul was attached to the role was thanks to the chairman’s doing. And given the fact that the role is technically floating in the air, he can’t help her to be more attached to it.
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serpentmessmer · 14 days
tag game!!
tagged by my darling @pregnancykink
Do you make your bed? i'll at least straighten it out, in large part because my cat loves sleeping on the bed and she prefers when it's made
What's your favorite number? multiples of 5 always make my brain go brrrr but also for some reason i really like the number 37
What is your job? i hang out with animals
If you could go back to school, would you? like college yeah maybe if i could afford it without it being a financial stressor sort of thing lmfao
Can you parallel park? yuuuup, i don't have to do it very often but i can absolutely do it
A job you had that would surprise people? i legit worked at a mine, doing gold mining stuff (preparing/photoing core samples, printing sample bags, weeding the core warehouse)
Do you think aliens are real? oh absolutely. with the size of the universe being what it is, there is no doubt in my mind that there are living beings elsewhere
Can you drive a manual car? yeeeeee, i've got a little '81 toyota sr5
What's your guilty pleasure? as prev said, i do not feel guilty about pleasure
Tattoos? i've got 10 i love getting tattooed
Favorite color? greens, but specifically very yellow-grey leaning greens, i like the swampy dusty colors
Favorite type of music? see, the thing is i kinda listen to everything/i don't really delineate by genre??? and my favorite changes by season because i'm really out here going based on the vibes. recently it's been a lot of the pop-punk i listened to in high school tho so like mid-late '00s pop punk but i listen to a lot of metal and ambient and pop and hip hop, it's more "does it fuck?"
Do you like puzzles? i do, and like p much all of them i love games that are really puzzle based especially
Any phobias? yea for sure but i'm not going to list them here though where somebody can use them against me lol (spike im just keeping ur answer bc same)
Favorite childhood sport? i am deeply uncoordinated and unathletic and well i ended up playing golf in high school and that's about it. i was less a sports kid and more a going outside and being a gross menace kid
Do you talk to yourself? oh absolutely, on the regular
What movies do you adore? the way my brain screams ANNIHILATION every time this movie comes up lmfao, but some others are mandy, dinner in america, the mummy, the second lotr specifically, and jesus christ superstar which i do rewatch at least once every year. i like movies they're fun
Coffee or tea? generally more tea but that's because most roasts of coffee give me hellish stomach cramps and not a lot of places have white coffee which is the only one that consistently doesn't fuck my guts up something fierce
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? a vet, but i am not mentally/emotionally strong enough for that and i am not nearly good enough at math to do all the sciences required lmfao ive just always really loved animals
for tagging i'll hit @rmilkies @wetusb @kennyyomega @ashes-acedia and @saltbind
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alanxietatem · 4 months
Anons or mutuals, you can send me three numbers and I will answer my curious data!!! 👀
1.The meaning behind my url:
2. A picture of me:
3. How many tattoos i have and what they are:
4. Last time i cried and why:
5. Piercings i have:
6. Favorite bands:
7. Biggest turn offs:
8. Top 5 (insert subject):
9. Tattoos i want:
10. Biggest turn ons:
11. Age:
12. Ideas of a perfect date:
13. Life goal:
14. Any fetish that makes me horny:
15. Relationship status:
16. Favorite movie:
17. A fact about my life:
18. Phobia:
19. Middle name:
20. Height:
21. Are you a virgin?
22. What’s your shoe size?
23. What’s your sexual orientation?
24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
25. Someone you miss:
26. What’s one thing you regret?
27. First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive & hot:
28. Favorite ice cream?
29. One insecurity:
30. What my last text message says:
31. Have you ever taken a picture naked?
32. Have you ever painted your room?
33. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
34. Have you ever slept naked?
35. Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
36. Have you ever had a crush?
37. Have you ever been dumped?
38. Have you ever stole money from a friend?
39. Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
40. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
41. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
43. Have you ever been arrested?
44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
45. Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
47. Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
49. Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
50. Have you ever seen someone die?
51. Have you ever been on a plane?
52. Have you ever kissed a picture?
53. Have you ever slept in until 3?
54. Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?
55. Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
56. Have you ever made a snow angel?
57. Have you ever played dress up?
58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
59. Have you ever been lonely?
60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
61. Have you ever been to a club?
62. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
63. Have you ever touched a snake?
64. Have you ever ran a red light?
65. Have you ever been suspended from school?
66. Have you ever had detention?
67. Have you ever been in a car accident?
68. Have you ever hated the way you look?
69. Have you ever witnessed a crime?
70. Have you ever pole danced?
71. Have you ever been lost?
72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
73. Have you ever felt like dying?
74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
75. Have you ever sang karaoke?
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
77. Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
79. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
80. Have you ever sang in the shower?
81. Have you ever made out in a park?
82. Have you ever dream that you married someone?
83. Have you ever sat on a roof top?
84. Have you ever brushed your teeth?
85. Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
86. Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
87. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
88. Have you ever broken a bone?
89. Have you ever been easily amused?
90. Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
91. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
92. Have you ever cheated on a test?
93. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
94. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
95. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
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misspetsyourcats · 2 years
Things men have offered me in exchange for ownership, a nonexhaustive list:
- goats
- heroin
- “as much alcohol as I want”
- “the good weed”
- a farm full of goats
- a house
- a cruise every year
- shoes
- an apartment
- legal guardianship over said man
- more goats
- dabs
- “you’ll feel better trust me”
- enlightenment and the knowledge of gods
- weed and a massage
- $5
- a boat
- canadian citizenship
- the truth behind the CIA
- goats but only 3 this time
- a nice fish
- a truck
- also a truck but it was a toy and he was 6
- 16 alpacas and 2 goats
- plumbing work
- a space on his private bunker homestead
- sex with his wife
- a nice rifle
- the blessings of the old gods on my womb
- the “joys of birthing the next aryan generation”
- an enchanted knife and spoon
- a gold thumb ring with some sort of spirit in it
- not making me pay for condoms
- a whiskey tonic
- carrying my bag
- a tick
- “my heart”
- his virginity
- 150 goats
- tricare
- a house in Canada
- the position of holy whore in his totally-not-cult
- a joint that was 90% sage
- “the privilege of being owned by a true alpha”
- a collection of automatic rifles
- position as head of the harem he did not have
- “it’s a secret drug formula from the russian mafia, just lick the powder off my hand”
- goats AND the pen they live in
- he will make me toast
- airfare to his apartment
- “if you never have to be sober you’ll be happy by my side regardless, just pick your poison”
- free tattoos
- a coffee
- a coffee and a trip to france
- just the trip to france
- a cell phone that he would pay
- a single goat
- pretty rocks
- “I won’t hit you”
- a whole group of goats and a nice dress and wellies to tend the goats
- 40 acres of logging and gravel pits
- his dad’s house
- a few goats and some sheep
- to never give me a traffic ticket
- a nice pocketknife
- his ex’s lingerie
- as much vodka as I want but no jäger
- a four course homecooked meal
- everything in my etsy favorites
- his sister
- his FAVORITE goat
- a beach house
- position as his first wife
- position as his second wife
- a firearm he made in his garage delivered to me every few weeks
- protection from his militia
- the blessings of a god from dungeons and dragons
- to never need to see him again (as long as we had sex)
- only 8 goats (the ninth was his mother’s)
- health insurance
- use of his home gym
- literal godhood, as in he would bestow the power upon me
- meth.
- him stabbing me 37 times (not 81, that was for more important people)
- I could meet his ghost
- he would keep the ghosts away
- psychic powers
- keys to a nissan altima currently located in a ravine 20+ miles offroad
- his plug’s phone number
- cheese
- a pen
- a goat pen *but not the goats in it*
- his dad’s house (don’t worry the dad will die soon)
- an illegally imported russian sniper rifle
- a dog
- flowers once a week forever
- “if you don’t marry me my mom will be sad”
- a horse
- country club membership
- shrooms
- his left kidney
- a few acres of forest and pasturelands
- a new iphone
- good grades in x class
- a baby goat
- a tractor WITH the gas in it
- cocaine
- a free tattoo (but only one)
- a plant (iirc a lily)
- a gangbang every month
- a cashew farm
- a room in his house to be mine forever
- goat cheese
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2022 writing review
My favorite author (screaming crying throwing up) tagged me so I'm doing it. Thank you @starsweredible! You live in my heart.
I haven't posted anything yet but I've done plenty of writing.
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: None. I write in portuguese and I used to post in wattpad, I have 3 works there.
2. Word count posted for the year: also none. I'm trying to finish my works before posting it.
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction
4. Pairings: Harry/Louis and Liam/Zayn
5. Story with the most: does it count if I bring the numbers from wattpad? (I’m sorry)
History: 15
Baby Look What You've Done To Me:9
History: 81
Baby Look What You've Done To Me: 151
Comment threads:
History: 30
Baby Look What You've Done To Me: 1
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): It has to be Aladdin's File, a fic that I've been working on for the past two years. It has so much of myself and it has been my fortress, I keep reading and writing it every time I need to scape life. It's also my biggest work, so I'm really proud of it and it's almost finished, I really don't know how to say goodbye to my baby.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): I love all my works, even the ones with flaws and grammar mistakes, I like to see how I'm improving my writing.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: My favorite thing is when I write an action scene for Aladdin's File and @skyyneverlookedsoblue says she can see it all. 
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Niall from Aladdin's File has my whole heart, he's amazing!! Also Harry from Remember To Remember Me, he has so much potential I can't wait to write his scenes!
As for scenes, after Zayn's death in Aladdin's File, all the angst it holds, I get emotional every time I re-read it.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: From Aladdin’s File something I wrote today and I’m really proud of
“In those moments he was filled with rage, an uncontrollable fury took over his heart. How could he? That wasn't his Louis, was it? This was the man who, with his bare hands, in cold blood, had ripped his heart from his chest and left him agonizing in pain for days. How could he?
Even so, Harry heard Louis's voice in the accident and he felt so calm, so warm inside.
“The tip of your tongue, the top of your lung is making me crazy.” Harry sang softly and faced again the dance of colors that the reflection of the stained glass made on the floor of the hospital room.
Harry closed his eyes, cleared his throat and shook his head. Louis wouldn't wipe another tear from hia eyes. He didn't deserve it. Louis was never there and never would be. 
When he opened his eyes, a shadow covered the stained glass from the outside, which disappeared as quickly as the bedroom door opened.
“Harry” Louis' voice echoed through the room. “Hazza”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: I think I’ve managed to write more about my feelings, something really hard for me, and pretty amazing.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: I really want to start writing in inglish and my head is already running with a lot of ideas for it. 
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer, beta, cheerleader, etc): my favorite author @starsweredible with her genius mind, I’m never tired of reading her stories. (bad at sex, my favorite fic ever!!!!!!!!!) and the way she always has something good to say about my writing and encourages me to write every single thing that comes to my mind. There’s a lot of things to love about you, Nini! It’s been such a privilege to have you in my life. Thank you for existing. Love you!
 And, my one and only, the most patient human beeing, the one person the listens to every single storie of mine, the ones I’m writing and the ones I’m just daydreaming about. @skyyneverlookedsoblue I love you, baby!! As Harry so greacefully wrote “ There's never been someone who's so perfect for me”. Thank you for putting up with me.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: I never realized it, but apparently every Louis I write is a copy of myself.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Don’t rush your work. Follow your gutt and if you have to put it aside for a while that’s ok, just don’t rush it. It will be fine.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I think I’ll finally finish Aladdin’s File, I NEED TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS!! And writing for Ao3, in inglish, I think it’s what I’m most exited about.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: I don’t know that many writers so, if you write and you’re reading this, I’m tagging you!
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callunavulgari · 9 months
Year in Books | 2023
I didn't have to decrease my book goal this year!!! Part of that IS because I caved and started out with a lower number after having to decrease my goal the last two years, but I am still taking it as a win.
Currently I have read a total of 80 books, speeding past my goal of 65. There is a possibility that I'll hit 81 or 82 by the new year, but we'll see how busy this next week is.
1. a book you loved?
I actually had A LOT of books that I loved this year. But I think that Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow and Tress of the Emerald Sea are tied for my favorites. Tomorrow is the sort of book that I want to write. It's the end goal for me. Not necessarily the subject matter, but the way that it makes you feel, how it doesn't pull its punches, how everything is small and large in equal turns, that circular storytelling where everything leads back to something, where everything is a series of perfectly narrated near-misses and almost-somethings. I don't know, I just really loved it. And then Tress is also the kind of book that I want to write, but on the other side of the spectrum. I was so incredibly delighted by every page and I love how obvious it was that it was a passion project, a true labor of love rather than something that he had to turn out for his editor.
2. a book you hated?
This stupid poetry book. Also Goblin Mode. Goblin Mode is at least my own fault for not understanding that it was more about how to BE a total goblin and not just a book about it? If that makes sense? I cannot say that I identify as a goblin or even understand goblincore. I do however know that I have been described many times as a bit of a gremlin. I do not need guide lines about what kind of shiny rocks to collect. I know because I do it. I like mushrooms and bugs because they're neat.
Oh, also this horrible book about puppets that is somehow popular.
3. a book that made you cry?
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow made me WEEP. I also shed a bit of a tear at the end of Starling House, just because it so perfectly embodies the joys and sorrows of a home.
4. a book that made you happy?
A Restless Truth and A Power Unbound were both so perfect for me. I mean, it's not SUCH a surprise because I've loved everything, fannish and otherwise, that Freya has churned out, but damn, they were wonderful. I actually think that A Restless Truth is my favorite of the trio, which is nuts because second books are rarely my favorite. But it's just such a perfect snowglobe of a book. It gives you Titanic feels, but instead of iceburgs and tragedy it gives you murder mysteries, magic, and lesbians.
5. the best sequel?
My HONEST answer is A Restless Truth, but since I just talked about that I'm going to croon my little heart out about Seasparrow, which is my favorite Graceling novel yet. Winterkeep very briefly had the top spot before this one and it's still VERY close, because I would give my life for Bitterblue, but this one just has so much character growth. It doesn't shy away from Hava's PTSD, doesn't shy away from those hard themes. You'll hate both her and Bitterblue at different points of the book, but then you delve a little deeper and see the trauma at the heart of it, and just. Guh. I loved it. Baby fox kits and Mama Fox were such an incredible highlight of this one. Also, Xanthe is such a fantastic narrator.
6. most anticipated release for the new year?
Freya has a new book, which I'm very excited about. I think that Alecto is also supposed to come out in the new year too, which I am beside myself about.
7. favorite new author?
I really loved GennaRose Nethercott's novel Thistlefoot. Same with Emma Torzs' Ink Blood Sister Scribe.
8. favorite book to film adaptation?
I actually really enjoyed both All the Light You Cannot See and Persuasion, but the real winners were Nimona and Interview with the Vampire. Nimona was SUCH a wildly fantastic movie. I loved it SO much. And then Interview with the Vampire, while not the most faithful adaptation, was LEAGUES better than the book. I could not STOP telling Nick about it, how crazy it was to have something where every little change they made to the book made it BETTER. I am still reeling over how perfect it was.
Also, it may be a little premature, but I am cautiously optimistic about the new Percy Jackson series!
9. the most surprising book?
Ugh okay, don't judge me but I went into Fourth Wing expecting to hate it but honestly I really liked it? Like yes, it is very obvious that she is still new to writing intimacy and I could probably write better smut in my sleep, but. BUT. There's DRAGONS, guys. Telepathic DRAGONS. And any books that puts dragons back on the map is okay in my books.
10. the most interesting villain?
Gah, honestly watching Rin work herself into a villain in The Burning God HURT. I understood every step of why that book went the way it did, why it had that ending, but god, that doesn't mean I have to like it. The villain in Starling House was also very interesting.
11. the best makeouts?
Man, Love Theoretically had me reading until 4am. It's fantastic. The smut is good. Take notes, Yarros. You too, Maas.
12. a book that was super frustrating?
I've already talked about the three I absolutely hated, and we'd be here all day if I ranted about the stupid puppet book, so instead I am going to talk about Juniper and Thorn, which is a book that I so badly wanted to like. Thematically, it was all there. Fairytales, witchery, sisters! But it was just so upsettingly bleak. I had to drag myself through the novel and it was like wading through molasses.
13. a book you texted about, and the text was IN CAPSLOCK?
Ha, not for good reasons, but I definitely capslocked about how BAD the puppet book was to one of my friends. I did spend multiple hours ranting to Nick about the ones that I did like though, namely Tress and Tomorrow.
14. a book for the small children in your life?
Yeah, I don't think any of the books that I read this year are really appropriate for small children? I technically think that Seasparrow is marketed for kids, but dang, it REALLY has hard themes.
15. a book you learned from?
I did not read a single non-fiction book last year so this year I made up for it by reading Milk, Cod, and Irish Wedding Traditions. I obviously read that last one because I was planning a wedding and my officiant let me borrow her much beloved copy because I was trying to figure out which wedding traditions that I wanted to work in and which ones I wanted to leave out.
Milk and Cod were honestly both really enjoyable. I'm out of practice when it comes to having the stamina for non-fiction books - they don't tend to hold my interest long enough to finish them, but Kurlansky has this fantastic way of writing that makes the history of the most mundane things absolutely fascinating.
16. a book you wouldn’t normally try?
So, it's technically fanfiction which I ordinarily wouldn't count towards this list, but I'm going to count Manacled because of the insanity of what it's become. All I know is I have spent years ignoring the recs for this fic because it's dark, because there's non-con, because I'm not really into Draco/Hermione. But one of our groomsmen spent a good portion of a Halloween party talking it up to me after he read it as a bet with his girlfriend so she would watch Star Wars with him, so I decided to give it a shot. I finished it in a weekend. I liked it. I also really hated it. But mostly liked it. It IS bleak, too bleak for me if I'm honest, and the emotional bleed-off was INTENSE, but I don't regret reading it.
17. a book with something magical in it?
A lot of books I read this year were magical in some way, because let's be real, that's how I like my fiction. A Power Unbound was the most overtly magical. A Day of Fallen Night was so incredibly rich, expanding on the groundwork that Priory had settled. The Empire of Gold was magical in the most interesting way. Hell Bent was magical for spooky reasons. And Babel was just fascinating in its own right.
18. the best clothes?
Probably either A Restless Truth or A Day of Fallen Night.
19. the most well-rounded characters?
A Day of Fallen Night or The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi. Both of these books were masterpieces when it came to both characterization and world-building.
20. the best world-building?
Speaking of world building... definitely going to be A Day of Fallen Night. I also really loved the world-building in The Oleander Sword.
21. the worst world-building?
Fuck the puppet book.
22. a book with a good sidekick?
Honestly almost every book that I've talked about has compelling side characters. A Day of Fallen Night. The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi. The Empire of Gold.
23. the most insufferable narrator?
Still not a big fan of the Mistborn books narrator, but he's not as grating on 2x speed.
24. a book you were excited to read for months beforehand?
A Power Unbound. A Day of Fallen Night. Starling House. Tress of the Emerald Sea.
25. a book you picked up on a whim?
I ended up picking up The Murderbot series because my last Illumicrate box had a mug for it in there and I was curious and oh my GOSH, how has it taken me this long to start these?
26. a book that should be read in a foreign country?
Honestly none of them really give me that vibe. Maybe Babel because of Oxford or A Restless Truth because it's on a cruise ship?
27. your favorite cover art?
A Day of Fallen Night, Seasparrow, or A Power Unbound.
28. a book you read in translation?
I don’t think any were.
29. a book from another century?
I don’t think any of them were written in another century, but a couple of them took place in another century. Does that count? Oh god, wait. Does Return of the King count since it was from the 1900s? Oh my god, I am giving myself psychic damage.
30. a book you reread?
I ended up rereading the first Captive Prince near the end of the year, Red White and Royal Blue because of the movie, and the entire Shades of Magic series for reasons.
31. a book you’re dying to talk about, and why?
Daisy Jones & the Six was really good! I did not realize that it wasn't about a real band until afterwards. Also, my words won't do it justice, but Christ, go read Babel. Just be mindful of the hurt it'll cause.
Oh! Oh! Also The World We Make! But get the audiobook version of it because it is SO fun.
0 notes
kpagrandtour · 2 years
Katelyn Dowell
Our last day in Philadelphia brought many surprises. We began our day at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia. We first watched a theatrical presentation called “Freedom Rising” that summarized the history of the United States up to the signing of the Constitution. I was impressed and surprised by how well presented the production was preformed. The interactive exhibits were fun and engaging, especially the Signing Room. The Signing Room was filled with statues of the men who were present when the Constitution was signed. It was fascinating to know who signed it, who did not, and the varying ages of the men present (from age 29 to Benjamin Franklin at age 81). The employee at the museum gave us more insight into the men, telling the backstory of those whom I did not know of. It was an engaging experience. 
We ate lunch at the Reading Terminal Market and it was delicious. My mom and I ate a gyro from the Greek restaurant, cinnamon pretzel, and coffee. After eating we walked through the Philadelphia’s City Hall, and then to the LOVE sign. When we got to the LOVE sign there was a wedding ceremony happening underneath it. We took a picture, and then stayed to the end of the short ceremony to applaud the happy couple. 
From there we walked to The Franklin Institute Science Museum where we found some “hidden gems.” We saw the Benjamin’s Franklin statue and memorial, and one of the Wright Brothers’ Planes (built in 1911). 
For our last site of the tour we went to the Eastern State Penitentiary. At first, I was not excited to walk around an old prison. My mind quickly changed. When taking our tour, we learned about the controversies regarding prisons especially solitary confinement. Our guide said that everything the prison originally stood for was turned on its head. The prison was originally run to enforce reformation by solitary confinement. As numbers increased, however, the place became overpopulated, and the prisoners were no longer in solitary confinement. We saw numerous cells (including that of Al Capone) and learned of conditions of the prison over the years. There were also women, teenagers, and a dog sentenced to the penitentiary. The most eye opening aspect of the penitentiary was simply thinking about the controversy of the penal system, which made me ask questions about what the prison system says about our society. The Eastern State Penitentiary was fascinating and thought-provoking. 
We ended the night at an Italian restaurant. The food was so good and authentic. I enjoyed reflecting on the trip with my classmates and hearing about our favorite parts of the trip. The American Grand Tour was a wonderful experience, and certainly one I will never forget. 
0 notes
kalashtars · 2 years
11 20 37 62 81 95
11 - Worried About Ray by The Hoosiers
"They say the future's out to get you / you know that I won't let you fall"
20 - Stars by Johnny Manchild and The Poor Bastards
"Funny how a couple years could change so much / I have made myself a crutch / out of all my friends"
37 - Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
"Baby though I've closed my eyes / I know who you pretend I am"
62 - Tsunami by Finana Ryugu (😳)
"I'm sorry if I come off too strong / that's how we do things where I'm from / and why settle for less than number one?"
81 - Gennifer Flowers by Fever Dolls
"And if I tell you that I'm one step closer to God / that's the step that'll send you past the edge of the top / don't forget the mess that you left at the bottom"
95 - Hatef--k by The Bravery
"There will be no tenderness / no tenderness / I will show no mercy for you / You had no mercy for me"
Send me a number between 1-100 and I’ll give you my favorite lyric from that song on my wrapped
0 notes
a-gal-with-taste · 3 years
Gal Masterlist - Silco
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Masterlist of all Silco fics on my blog, my shrine of simping and thirst, complied into one post that took me WAY too long to make.
May expand to other characters if requested. Each fic has it's own warning-list, and reminder that this blog is 18+ only, Minors DNI
Unless otherwise stated, fics are Silco/Reader material
[Updated Feb. 23, 2022]
A03 | Kofi | Requests: Open | Taglist
Timer (Ongoing)
In the color of their eyes, there is a set of numbers on wrists that are counting down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds to when you will meet your soulmate.
Pretend (Ongoing)
After being tailed one-too-many blocks, you duck into the first bar you find and grab the most-sober looking man in the room to do a bit of acting. You find, it might have been a more dangerous gamble than you'd ever intended...
Of Zaun (TBC)
Future Multi-Chapter
Of Opposites (Hiatus)
But your racing, panicking mind just can’t seem to shake the idea of it, a part of you musing coldly, clinically at the idea of just… letting it happen. Letting the Eye of Zaun simply stay down in this flooded basement. Letting Silco drown.
Flawless (Comp.) (All Parts NSFW)
The first time you ever said it, it was his 17th time visiting you.
Goodreads (Comp.)
You walk into the Undercity’s most famous club, and an hour in, immediately sneak off to go immerse yourself in the book you brought. The stranger that joins you at the bar-counter, takes an interest.
Tired (Ongoing)
It's too late (early, probably) to be getting chewed out like this. Your fist is still stinging from last nights' job, you need a shower, you still have no idea how to navigate your complex emotions for this man, and worse of all: You're tired.
Alt. Timer (AU of Timer | Hiatus)
In which timers are allowed to reach zero.
Lucky (Ongoing) (Part 2 NSFW)
You admired him. Then you became infatuated with him. You don't know if you call what you feel now love, but it made the mental image of you and him rather painful, in knowing that now it could never be. Not after this, not with that book in his hands... so maybe it was something close to it.
The Perfect Fit (Comp.) (Part 4 NSFW)
Once upon a time, a Son of Zaun peers into the window of a tailor shop. The tailor's apprentice comes outside to join him.
Yours, or Mine? (Comp.)
The aftermath of a one-night with a young Son of Zaun.
Royal-Flush (Comp.) (Part 2 NSFW)
Another thrill creeps up your spine. Any complaints of the chill goes out the window under the heat of his gaze watching you, as you reach down and hook fingers on the hem of your pants. A new kind of game has begun.
His Colors
From The Past
Jealousy, Jealousy
Old Ghosts
Well Hello
Are We?
Nice Things
"They won't let me."
Enunciate (NSFW)
"Go back to Sleep."
Terror (NSFW)
Echoings (NSFW)
Something Special (NSFW)
Special Something (NSFW)
Second the Motion (NSFW)
Gala of '81 (NSFW)
Caller Not Available (NSFW)
Fond Farewell (NSFW)
I Don't Like This Song (NSFW)
Musical Appreciation (NSFW)
Protective Silco w/Apologizing Reader
"Charming" young Silco First-Meet
Physical-Affection w/young Silco
Injured Reader + Protective Silco
New Years w/Silco and Jinx
Drunk!Reader calling Silco a silver-fox
Soulmate AU + Piltover!Reader x young Silco
Reader with New Haircut + young Silco
Reader speaking different language
"As the World Caves in" + Reader Death
Mom!Reader Saving Jinx + Couch-Sleeping Silco
One That Got Away + mining kids Reader & Silco
Childhood Savior/Crush + Reunion as Adults
Singer!Reader w/young Vander & Silco
Partner in Crime with Silco
Young Silco/Reader + breeding kink (NSFW)
Young Jealous Silco
Reader accidentally saying "I Love You"
Reader on a Leash (NSFW)
Analysis & Stuff
Screenshot Collection | 1 2 3 4
Silco & Jayce Negotiation Scene
Silco's Gang Reaction to Powder/Jinx
Quotes/Opinion on how to write Relationships
Gushing about Favorite Silco Screenshots
"No seriously, I've never watched Arcane."
Silco and Independent/Dependent Partners
Silco Expression, "The Nation of Zaun."
458 notes · View notes
lielowat-lupins · 2 years
Favorite Wolfstar Fics thru 2022:
- All the Young Dudes + Out of the Blue (mskingbean89 - 526k words)
- Flight 143 (thebiinbitch - 66k) - Sirius is seated next to his ex-boyfriend Remus on a flight from London to NYC and he has to come to terms with his still-lingering feelings as they continue to run into one another in the city.
- good old-fashioned love boy (all2well - 157k) - After POA, Peter is captured, Remus returns to Hogwarts to teach, and is surprised when Sirius is announced as the new Charms professor.
- that’s the art of getting by (sarewolf - 40k) - Remus is given Harry to raise after Halloween '81, begins raising him in small town, Sirius is freed early on from Azkaban, and moves in to help raise Harry. ANGST
- saccharine (moonymoment - 26k) - Remus falls in love with Sirius, the ghost haunting his apartment, and his love begins to make Sirius more real, but the reality of a future together seems unlikely. (I sobbed)
- To Be Alone With You (Shay_Fae - 16k) Remus's suicide attempt during the summer before 6th year forces Sirius to confront his deeper feelings.
- Of Memories and Milk Thievery (moonymoment - 57k) - Sirius and Remus can't seem to leave each other alone even though they have been divorced for four years and their immaturity and lack of communication really starts to weigh on their son Teddy.
- Billet-Doux en Noir et Blanc (MoonCat457 - 29k) - Remus and Sirius have been hooking up for 7 years, but Remus wants something more and wonders if the trip to Paris that Sirius has just invited him on as his wedding date will finally be his chance.
- How Remus Got His Groove Back (RealityShowJunky - 42k) - When Sirius rejects Remus's love confession, Remus decides he needs to take control of his own life. And Sirius realizes the mistake he made.
- Text Talk (merlywhirls - 141k) - When Sirius texts a wrong number, he accidentally launches into a new friendship with the chronically ill Remus Lupin.
- A Wolf’s Heart (mizdiz - 87k) - After meeting in a bookstore and starting to fall for one another, Remus is hesitant to let himself love Sirius because of his fear of being a burden because of his serious chronic illness. WARNING: will definitely break your heart
- The Incomplete Recounting of Four Nonconsecutive Tuesdays in the Spring of 2002 (BrujaBanter - 11K) - Sirius and Remus decide to try couples therapy to work on their issues after Sirius comes back from the dead years after falling through the Veil.
- The Art of Falling in Love (MessusMinnow - 67k) - Moony and Padfoot start to fall for each other as anonymous texting pen pals without realizing they actually know each other in their real lives.
- all my cards are here (haey1 - 112k) - Bartender Remus joins a band called The Marauders as their new bassist and begins to fall for drummer Sirius. He soon begins to suspect Sirius might have feelings, too, which complicates things as the band rises to fame.
- The Impossible Season (coyotesuspect - 21k) - Sirius returns from the Veil, but he is 17-years-old and doesn't have any memories of what happened to him as an adult. Remus is conflicted about what to do with this new version of Sirius in his life.
- Carry the News (sleepingtigers - 25k) - Set in the ATYD universe, Sirius’s POV after 1981.
- Let Nothing You Dismay (montparnasse - 18k) - Sirius works through his deep feelings for Remus and his confusions about his own self.
- i found you (de_sire - 23k) - Sirius finally finds his Soulmate after searching for years and years, but wonders why Remus didn’t try to find him.
- My Empire of Dirt (FivePips - 15k) - Sirius learns he has terminal cancer and wants to make things right with his ex Remus.
- Just what the doctor ordered (WrappedUp - 96k) - Sirius falls for his new vet Remus after rescuing a puppy, but his immaturity and struggles with loving himself cause the relationship to implode; Sirius works on personal growth and a plan to win the love of his life back.
120 notes · View notes
nukacoola · 3 years
Companions React to Sole Visiting Their Dead Spouse Part 1/2
Today Sole had informed Ada that they wanted to visit the vault they had come from. Ada had heard a bit about vaults from Jackson but she had yet to visit one herself. When they began to descend on the elevator that led to the vault, Ada noticed Sole’s mood start to shift. She recognized the emotion in Sole’s face to be sadness, greif. Ada knew of this emotion from what she had experienced with Jackson and her fellow robot’s deaths. She began to suspect that Sole was visiting the death site of someone who she was close to. They continued to walk
 through the vault until they arrived at the entrance of a short hall. The hall seemed to house a number of large machines. Ada’s internal thermometer told her that it was quite cold so she assumed the machines were the source of the unusual temperature. Sole’s mood seemed to worsen as they led Ada down the hall. Ada noticed as they walked that frozen human corpses were held in each of the pod-like machines. When they stopped before one of the pods towards the end of the hall it became clear to Ada that Sole had a relationship with the deceased human they had stopped at. Sole looked up at the deceased human and their eyes began to water. Ada remembered back to her own experiences with death and grief. She felt she had to help Sole as Sole had helped her. 
“I understand how you feel, Ma’am/Sir. If there is anything I can do to aid you please let me know.” Sole smiled sadly and turned slightly. 
“Thank you, Ada. I appreciate you being here for me.” Sole then turned back to face the dead human. They shed a few tears before they approached a control panel that presumably controlled the machine the dead human was in. They pulled a lever and the Ada heard a hiss of the pod depressurising. The door to the pod slowly opened as Sole approached the human. They seemed to be taking a ring off of the hand of the human. They held the cold metal to their lips and whispered something Ada could not hear before slipping the ring in their pocket. 
“Alright, we can go now.” They addressed Ada as they moved to close the door of the pod. “Thank you.” They repeated.
“You are welcome, Ma’am/Sir.” Ada responded. Ada and Sole then left the vault together. Ada knew that there was no way she could repay Sole for how they helped her, but she would still continue to try.
“Why do we have ta go to this stupid ice box again?” Cait complained, rubbing her bare arms. 
“It’s not my fault you refused to wear a coat.” Sole joked but Cait noticed their voice had a twinge of sadness in it. Cait had been confused when Sole asked her to come to Vault 111 with them. They’d been traveling together for ages and Sole didn’t really ask Cait if she wanted to go places, they just went. The location of today was weird as well. Usually they had a purpose for the places they went. Some lazy settlers couldn’t get off their arse’s to fight off a few ghouls or they were gettin’ a handful a’ caps to go fight a bunch a’ muties. Today’s trip to Vault 111 was weird and out of the blue. Cait didn’t like it but it seemed important to Sole so she agreed. Together they walked further into the vault and the further they walked the colder it got. They eventually reached a wide hall full of weird human sized containers. Cait noticed the ice that slicked the floor and the frost that stuck to the windows of the weird containers as they passed the first one she peered in the window. The dead body of a frozen woman in a vault suit was inside. She had seen a fair amount of bad shit in her day and this whole vault definitely made the cut. Sole had stopped in front of an ice coffin close to the end of the hall when Cait realized. Sole had told her about their dead spouse a while back and they’d also mentioned how they’re from a vault. This was that vault. That body they were now cryin’ in front of was their spouse. Seeing Sole like that did not feel good. Not good at all. She needed to reassure them, she hated it when they were upset.
“I know this must be difficult for you.” She stepped forwards, “I… I’m here if you need to talk.” Sole turned to her and smiled. They reached out their hand to take Cait’s. 
“Thank you, Cait. You’re a great friend.” They squeezed Cait’s hand. Cait squeezed back and watched Sole as hot tears continued to roll down their cheeks. She hoped that one day they could be more than friends. Maybe then Cait could wipe those tears away an’ kiss away the burns of grief they had left behind. For now, though, this is all she needed. 
It had been a hard week for Sole and Codsworth. The initial reunion of the two had been nothing but joyful. The family had been reunited against all odds! But of course it wasn’t the whole family. The absence of Sole’s better half and young Shaun left a gaping hole in both Sole’s real and Codsworth’s metaphorical hearts. The shock of their partner’s murder and Shaun’s kidnapping had worn off for Sole and in it’s wake, it left them cripplingly depressed. The past three days Sole had barely been able to get out of bed. They just listened to their partner’s holotape on repeat while cradling young Shaun’s favorite rattle in their arms’. Codsworth had been doing his best to care for them, bringing them food and water and making sure to check up on them every hour or so, but he was becoming worried. He was just preparing lunch for Sole when he was surprised by their figure standing at the entrance to the kitchen. Codsworth greeted them excitedly. Sole awkwardly hugged his large metal body and thanked him for all the meals he had prepared and all the patience he had shown. They explained how when they had left the vault, they were in such shock that they never got to say a real goodbye to their partner. Codsworth listened patiently and happily agreed when they asked him to accompany them back to the vault to say a real goodbye.
They entered the cold concrete bunker which Codsworth had previously waited and hoped to see stir for over 210 years. Sole led him through the halls and the two eventually arrived at some machinery which Sole identified as the cryogenic freezing pods. They approached the end of the hall and Sole moved to one of the many control panels next two one of the many pods. After puzzling over the panel they tried pulling a red lever. The large door of the cryo pod hissed as it slowly opened to reveal their spouse. Standing next to Codsworth in front of their partner, they grabbed and held the grasper fixed on one of his three arms. Even with one his beloved family members standing dead right before him, Codsworth still couldn’t believe it.
“Oh dear, is that…” he trailed off, “Mum/Sir, I’m… I’m so sorry.” Codsworth tried to keep his heartbroken voice steady as Sole began to softly sob next to him. He wished more than anything he could hug them, but since he could not, this almost hand holding would have to do. They stood there, mourning together for about two hours before Sole was ready to go. They were still very torn up. But it seemed as if a large weight had been lifted from their chest. Before they closed their partner’s pod, Sole went up to them and removed their wedding ring.
“I’ll find who did this, and I’ll get Shaun back. I promise” they said to their spouse.
“Indeed Mum/Sir. We’ll stop at nothing to get young Shaun back!” Sole smiled at Codsworth and together the two set off to find Sole’s baby.
After everything Sole had done to help Curie, there wasn’t even a second thought on whether or not she would go with them to the vault they had come from. She would help Sole with anything, no matter what. When she had first booted up in vault 81 she was very excited to dedicate herself to the scientific endeavors of Vault-Tec. When her fellow scientist informed her of how they would be growing hundreds of pathogens in mole rats and testing these pathogens on unsuspecting humans, she felt bad. As bad as a Ms.Nanny model robot could at least. She eventually grew attached to the mole rats they were infecting. She was especially fond of sweet little Clyde. When one day Clyde escaped his cage, Curie did not have time to warn the scientists she had worked with. Despite her friend’s deaths, Curie took solace in the fact that the morally gray work of Vault-Tec’s could not continue. Despite the conductors of the experiment's deaths, Curie continued her work. 200 years later, she had been finished with the cure for a long while. She was pretty much stuck in this small area of the vault waiting to be told she could leave. Thankfully, Sole came along and her prayers were answered! They released her and told her about a young boy who was infected. She was able to help the one human who had the misfortune of being infected by the molerat disease with her life’s work, the cure. After that, Sole had welcomed Curie to continue her scientific studies alongside them. When Sole eventually helped Curie become alive, however, was when Curie truly understood how much she loved Sole. She would go to the ends of the earth for them so accompanying them to a vault was, as Sole might say, no big deal.
On the walk to the vault Sole told an inquisitive Curie about the experiment 111 had performed. They also told Curie how losing their spouse and child happened while they were still trapped in their cryogenic pod. They told Curie that they were visiting the body of their deceased spouse. It wasn’t too long of a walk before they reached the familiar facility. Sole led Curie through the cool halls of the vault and down a short hall to their spouse’s body. They took a deep breath and stepped up to the control panel adjacent to the cryo pod. After fiddling with the controls the pod appeared to depressurize and open. Curie’s heart ached for Sole. She knew how loss felt and of all the human emotions she was now able to feel, she liked that one the least. 
Sole began to cry at seeing their deceased partner again. Curie had an urge to cry too. It was such an awful feeling. As much as she wanted to though, she knew she couldn’t give in to it. She had to stay strong for her dearest friend who must be struggling a lot more than she is right now. She stepped closer to her partner and gently laid a hand on their upper back. 
“I wish I knew how to make zis better. It iz not a phyzical injury that I can heal.” Curie was silent for a moment, thinking of what to say next, “However I know it still hurts terribly. I am here for you always.” Sole slumped and began to cry harder which made Curie very worried. Maybe she had said the wrong thing! Did she make it worse? But right when she was going to apologize and excuse herself Sole turned around and hugged her tightly. She hugged back and allowed Sole to cry on her shoulder. 
“Thank you Curie, you’re the best.” They sniffled out. Curie smiled as a few stray tears fell down her face. She was so glad she was able to help her friend as they have helped her so many times before.
Danse hadn’t known what to expect when his fellow soldier had requested they make a stop at Vault 111 during their recon mission to the far reaches of the commonwealth. He of course knew that Sole was from this vault. They had told him so upon their first meeting. He remembered being surprised that Sole had admitted to being a Vault Dweller, though he now understood they probably had no idea of the stigma surrounding Vault Dwellers as they had only been above ground for a short time. Nonetheless, when he granted permission for his subordinate to lead him to the vault he assumed they wanted to go back for something they had not taken when they had first left. He never suspected to walk into a graveyard of frozen corpses. Of course he knew the basics of what had occurred here. Sole had told him a bit about their spouse and the cruel experiment unknowingly performed on them both. Even knowing this, experiencing the criminal loss of life Vault-Tec had caused first hand was rather sickening. He could only imagine what Sole was going through. 
Danse soon found that he did not have to imagine. Sole had led him down an isle of frozen bodies before stopping in front one. He noticed their hands were shaking as they reached for the control panel standing next to the pod they had stopped at. They pulled a red lever and the contraption hissed as the door began to open. Danse could see a frozen body held within the metal pod. Sole’s whole body was shaking now. From his place off to the side of them he could see tears rolling down their cheeks. This must be their spouse. Danse was at a loss. He wanted to help them but he knew there was no way he could do anything that would get them over such an incredible loss. Even so, he needed to do something. His power armor hissed as it depressurized. He stepped out of it and approached Sole. 
“Take as long as you need, Soldier.”  He placed a hand on their shoulder briefly before turning away to give them space. As he began to leave, Sole grabbed his hand. He turned to them, surprised. He only got to see the tears streaming down Sole’s red, blotchy cheeks for a moment before they roughly pulled him towards them for a hug. Shocked, he stiffened. It was only when they started to softly sob into his chest that he refocused and hugged them back. They stayed that way for a long time. Danse couldn’t help but think back to Scribe Haylen. The situation was nearly the same and yet he didn’t have the same ache in his chest when he had held the scribe. Eventually Sole’s sobs turned to sniffles and sniffles to silence. Their hold on him loosed and Danse took this as his queue to release them. Their face was still puffy and red but as he looked down at them while they smiled up at him he couldn’t help but think how beautiful they looked. 
“Thank you.” They breathed. Danse simply nodded. Sole turned away from him to right themselves and he used this opportunity to get back into his power armor. Sole closed up the cryogenics pod and they left the vault without another word shared. Danse hoped he had helped them. Even if it was only in a small way.
When Sole asked Deacon to accompany them on a visit to Vault 111, he of course accepted. This is not to say that he was excited. Far from it. He would never admit it to them, but he had done a lot of research on Vault 111 far before he had met Sole. He had taken a particular interest in this vault after hearing a rumor of Institute activity near it. After trying and failing to get into it, he went to Vault-Tec headquarters in hopes of finding some more info on this particular experiment. He had been able to guess the vault had some type of human-cryogenic-preservation thing going on due to terminals he’d read there and books he’d read elsewhere. After Sole had left the vault, the interior door was open and Deacon was able to explore further. One cryo pod being open while the rest were full of corpses painted a pretty clear picture. The internal terminals allowed Deacon to discover that there was once an infant “housed” there. The infant belonged to the vaultie he saw leave and the only corpse who’s cause of death was a bullet to the head. It was pretty clear to him what had happened. What he didn’t know was what the Institute needed with an infant.
Due to his research, Deacon obviously knew exactly what happened in that Vault. He also knew how much it had taken from Sole specifically and he had a pretty good idea of why they wanted to go back. His suspicions were confirmed when they led him down a familiar hall of cryo pods. They stopped close to the end of the short hallway to stand in front of the dead person Deacon had first seen almost a year ago. He looked to Sole, they were staring at the body and shivering. He couldn’t tell if it was from the cold or the murder. He settled on both. He tried not to remember just how much he understood their pain, but of course he couldn’t forget. His chest tightened as he saw tears beginning to leak from their eyes. They shakily reached for the control panel next to the coffin and pulled the red lever to open it. Their face began to contort into an expression Deacon knew very well. Their tears were flowing freely now and he felt he had to do something, anything to try to help them. He approached them and placed a hand on their shoulder, effectively wrapping his arm around them. They stood there for about a minute, Sole sniffling from time to time, before Sole turned into him and wrapped their arms around him. Deacon didn’t think about how it could be dangerous when he hugged them back, he just did. He held Sole in that cold, empty room for a long time. Even after Sole had stopped crying, they stood there. 
“Thanks Dee.” Sole whispered before finally letting go of Deacon. They looked up at him, smiling and though he didn’t know why he felt his stomach flip, he provided a small smile back. Sole closed the pod and together the pair left Vault 111, hopefully, for the last time.
When Dogmeat woke up that morning it was just another day with his wonderful friend. Throughout the day however, Dogmeat began to worry. He felt his friend start to become sad. This made him sad too. He loved his friend! He wanted his friend to be happy! He stuck close to their side especially when they entered a very cold big place which seemed to make his friend even more sad. He and his friend walked further into the cold place until they decided to stop. His friend sat down on the cold floor so Dogmeat did too. He saw that his friend had begun to cry. He whimpered and rested his head in his friend’s lap. For a while they sat, Dogmeat’s friend slowly stroking Dogmeat’s fur and eventually, they stopped crying. Dogmeat sat up and blinked at his friend. His friend gave him a sad smile, he gave them a big slobbery kiss. His friend laughed and so he gave them another kiss. His friend kissed his forehead before standing. Together, they walked out of the cold place. Dogmeat was happy, and he felt his friend was too.
Gage: Gage was never into the touchy feely stuff but he had to admit he had a soft spot for the Overboss. They’re badass as hell and take no shit but they also knew how to be compassionate when they needed to be. It was something Gage had never been able to do well and something he respected in his boss. There was something off about them the day they asked Gage to accompany them to Vault 111 in the Commonwealth. They seemed more timid, like they were worried about his response. He’d already told them he’d follow them to the ends of the earth and he meant it so of course he said yes. The trip was long and the boss seemed to get quieter and more down the closer they got to the vault. This was worrying to Gage. Like he said, he wasn’t good at the touchy feely stuff. He wasn’t gonna know how to deal with it if the Boss needed someone to comfort them from whatever was making them sad. 
They finally reached the vault and Sole instructed him to stand on the gear shaped platform while they ran over to a small building nearby. After about 30 seconds lights around the platform started to flash. There was the sound of a blaring alarm paired with a rumbling of the ground beneath him. He was about to get the hell off of the thing but Sole ran over to wait on the platform next to him. If it was safe in Sole’s eyes, Gage supposed he would trust it. After a few seconds the platform started to lower with a loud screech of metal on metal. Despite the bad feeling that was growing exponentially inside of him he followed the Overboss’ example. When the vault elevator brought them down to solid ground again, Sole led the way through a cold metal complex to a bunch of weird machinery that really just looked like a bunch of fancy coffins. Looking through the small glass windows on the weird pods proved that that’s exactly what they were. Sole’s footsteps were heavy and slow as they led Gage down the icey corridor. There was something very personal about this place to them. He would soon find out what it was as they stopped in front of on of the coffins. Sole fidgeted with their hands for a moment before they reached to the control panel next to the pod and opened it. There was a hiss of depressurization when the door opened to reveal a body. Someone they’d obviously known and been close to. The Boss’ posture slumped and they started… crying. They were crying… Dammit, Gage had no idea how to deal with this. He had to do something to let them know he cared though, because he did. He stepped closer to Sole reaching his hand out to them before recoiling it. Oh god. Alright just say something, anything.
“Hey, uh, Boss, I just want you to know- well I get it. And I’m real sorry.” They huffed a laugh through tears. Fuck did he do it wrong?? But before he could worry too much they turned to him with a sad smile. 
“Thank you Gage, really, thank you.” He nodded stiffly, not knowing how else to react. They stood there in silence for a while before Sole closed the pod and stepped back, wiping their tears away. Gage looked away put of respect until they cleared their throat. “Ready to get out of this shithole?” They smiled at him.
“Hell yeah, you lead the way, Boss.” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So I saw a video of the Companion’s comments upon bringing them back to Vault 111 and opening your spouses pod and I wanted to write a little thing. :) The bold sentences are real in game dialogue but not every character has some. This is part 1 of 2 so if your favorite isn’t in this one don’t worry. 
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theggning · 3 years
I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on Curie, if you have any.
Sure thing! Apologies in advance if I get any of this wrong, I don't personally hang out much with Curie so I had to do a bit of brushing up on her.
Curie's key role in the meta is another facet of the theme of "what makes a person a person." She single-handedly displays the differences between robots and synths and through her we get a lot of what we know about the nature of synths and how it feels for her to become one.
But before Curie becomes a synth, she's another example of a rather unique robot. She starts off quite sophisticated and unusually intelligent-- though unlike Codsworth, her unique personality and knowledge were programmed into her, not developed over time. The Vault 81 scientists loaded into her all of the great academic works they had on hand (she lists Kant, Einstein, Born, Darwin, Curie, Faraday, Turing, and Braun) along with her initial capabilities as a medic and a doctor. Also unlike Codsworth, she hasn't become accustomed to the wasteland, nor traumatized by it-- nor does she even have the capability. Curie has spent the past 210 years trapped in the secret section of Vault 81, and since the deaths of the scientists, she has been completely isolated from human contact. Thus, she is incredibly booksmart, while being... quite unprepared for the horrors that greet her in the wasteland outside.
My favorite description I've ever seen of Curie is "a doctor coming to the slow, horrified realization that nobody washes their hands." She has a picture of the world in her mind that's dictated by science, math, logic, reason, and ethics-- and as a still, quite basic robot, she's baffled when reality doesn't match up to this. Just like Sole, she emerges in a world that resembles what she knows and yet is completely strange and oftentimes very hostile-- she's just doing this with the capabilities of a robot reconciling observations against what was literally programmed into her.
I think there's a fandom tendency to infantilize Curie to some degree, or to play up her naivety to the point of farce. But Curie isn't clueless, or stupid. In addition to her scientific knowledge, she has a very firm set of morals and ethics and will speak up or push back if she feels the Sole Survivor is behaving poorly. She is one of the "good" companions who approves of kind acts, and she is a pacifist, if she can help it. She's philanthropic, but also more scientifically-minded than the other "good" companions-- notably, her approvals all lean in favor of helping scientists and supporting the advancement of knowledge. She supports the Minutemen and the Railroad-- but also the Brotherhood of Steel, since their knowledge and preservation of technology strike her as more important than their feelings on synths. She is pro-synth and disapproves of the enslavement or mistreatment of synths, but when the Institute is destroyed, she chiefly expresses sorrow for how much knowledge was lost. She disapproves of Dr. Chambers' cruelty, but dislikes it if you kill her-- cutting short any contributions to science she could have made. Curie is kind, but she's also ambitious, logical, and values "big picture" scientific advancement.
Really, if there was any companion besides X6-88 who could fit an Institute mindset, it's Curie. She has more compassion for people than anyone in the Institute does, but it's interesting to compare her logical, pragmatic beliefs to the faction that has taken them and twisted them to evil purposes. (Am I saying that Curie would make a terrifying villain if she were to slip too far down that road of logic and pragmatism? Maybe I am...)
This pragmatism extends to her desires to become a synth. Curie comes up with the idea mainly because she feels her scientific ambitions cannot be reached unless she feels inspiration, which she's not capable of as a robot. She insists that her new body will allow her to do good for humanity, and to her, this justifies any ethical problems around transferring her into the braindead G5-19 (Curie doesn't understand Glory's hesitation to let her friend's body be used in this way-- because as a robot, she's literally incapable of empathizing with her.) It's only after Curie opens her eyes in her new body that we understand what a stark difference it is, and how many new and frightening things she's feeling for the first time-- emotions, wayward thoughts, urges to breathe and eat and sleep-- hell, fear is a new concept for her. Her robotic brain worked in numbers and data and programming, and all of a sudden she's capable of all these other things that could never be replicated by data. Curie's transition clearly illustrates the difference between a robotic brain and a synth brain- a human brain, for all intents and purposes.
(I've always thought it takes a special kind of dingus to travel with and befriend and even romance Curie and yet still proclaim that synths are "just machines." You'll see PLENTY of them, but boy oh boy, that's quite a load of cognitive dissonance going on there. Or creep, depending on the argument.)
Which leads me to one of the hot-button topics when it comes to Curie: the romance. While Curie's romance does fall under the umbrella of the "Born Sexy Yesterday" trope, I think this aspect of it is a bit overblown. Like I said, there's a real tendency in fandom to infantilize Curie, or make her seem more clueless pwecious uwu cinnamon roll than she really is. But the difference between Curie and most of your standard issue Born Sexy Yesterday waifs is that Curie isn't helpless, nor childlike, nor incapable of standing up for herself. She's both extremely intelligent and fully confident in her morals and beliefs. She asks for the Sole Survivor's support with her emotional transition because she already trusts them as her friend, not because she has no one else or can't handle it on her own. From early on in her affinity convos, Curie expresses attraction to the Sole Survivor, and approaches learning about these new feelings with the same enthusiasm and curiosity that she does everything else. It's her attraction, not begun by the Sole Survivor manipulating her or tricking her into it. I feel like a lot of surface-level descriptions of the romance disregard Curie's agency, as though she's a bubble-headed innocent who's completely vulnerable and clueless about the mere prospects of attraction, romance, or sex.
Now, that said... did Curie have to transfer into the body of a conventionally attractive woman for her plot to work? No. Does her romance scratch the itch for people who like Born Sexy Yesterday? Yeah, probably. Is she designed to be Prime Waifu Material*? Undoubtedly. Is it my cup of tea? Nah. But different strokes for different folks**. I don't think Curie's romance is inherently bad or anyone should feel bad for enjoying it, or her as a character. She's extremely intelligent, cute, and wholesome, and if that's your type, then embrace her!
* Like oh my god, this is video games, Curie's entire character and romance could have been done so much worse.
** And seriously, I'm not about to judge someone for falling in love with the cute waifu-bait romance when I'm over here lusting over Strong Flawed Sad Tragic Himbo Whom I Can Save With My Love.
It ain't like they didn't cater to my tastes, too.
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pikablob · 3 years
11, 12, 18, 30! <3
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year:
Absolutely Hilda - it's the fandom I've written the most for, by a significant margin, and I just keep coming back to those characters and that universe :))
12. favorite character to write about this year:
Hilda herself! She's my daughter and I love her :))
18. current number of wips:
Uhhh? In-progress, there's a fic for the graphic novel Stargazing called Saltwater Happy, an Owl House fic called Baby Steps To The Stars, another Owl House fic involving Raine that I can't really talk about, plus the final chapter of my Tangled/Secret of Kells fic Heart Like An Axle, and handful of stalled fics (a Runaway Hilda AU one, a sequel to Trains In The Night about Grace, a Lorax thing I'm probably never going to finish, a fic about the Bellkeeper that I know I'm never going to finish because it's been superseded, and a Skyrim fic).
In the planning stages my next immediate fic is a gift fic that was originally going to be called Comfort Objects but might change, and then after that there's the Connie-gets-adopted-by-Greg Steven Universe fic, a new Bellkeeper fic that's a crossover with Little Misfortune, a Fallout 4 fic about the kids in Vault 81, and like 6 Runaway Hilda fic ideas including a brand new one called One Truth For Another that's a direct sequel to Two Girls In A Bus Stop Shelter.
30. favorite fandom to read fic from this year:
Also probably Hilda, although there's an argument to be made for either Steven Universe or Epithet Erased :))
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 years
My list of Questions I would ask the Kratt Brothers if I had the opportunity to interview the both of them. (Its a dream of mine)
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My actual interview questions are beyond the read more. (Questions for Both is in Black, Questions for Martin is in Blue and Questions for Chris is in Green.)
So without further a do.....
1. What are your earliest childhood memories?
2. How does it feel to be the oldest?
3. How does it feel to be the youngest?
4. What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
5. Any major injuries or near death experiences as a kid?
6. Were you guys always close as kids or was until you guys were adults that you became close.
7. What was life like in the late 60s/70s
8. What was your guys favorite TV show, Movie and Song or Songs as a kid and what about now?
9. Any funny stories that your parents would constantly remind you of that you don't personally remember but is always good for a laugh?
10. How much did you enjoy school, were you a good student or not so much?
11. What's a talent that you have?
12. I heard that your father owned a Harmonica factory while watching a Mr. Rogers documentary that featured the factory in an episode. Have you worked at the factory? and if you have how was it?
13. Did you see the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion? And if so what was your reaction?
14. What's are your favorite sport teams?
15. How was it like growing up with sisters?
16. Would you ever have your sisters cameo in Wild Kratts if you could?
17. On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your high school experience?
18. Were you always interested in having a job that involves animals or did you have other interests?
19. What's your favorite Christmas Movie/Special
20. Can you please translate what your seinor quote thing means? (Especially the Mamm do you have a dog?)
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21. How did it feel to be the first one out of your siblings to go to college?
22. How did it feel when Martin went to college?
23. Any funny stories from when you worked at the Duke Lemur Center?
24. What was it like when you guys created your first ever video back in 1989 also any funny stories or close calls?
25. How did it feel when you got your first couple of rejection letters and what made you continue to pursue your dream?
26. How was business school?
27. How was your washing dishes job at Charlton?
28. When PBS Kids finally accepted your show Kratts Creatures,what was your reaction?
29. How was working on Kratts Creatures? Any funny stories or close calls?
30. Do you keep in contact with the person who played Allison and Ttark or any of the crew who worked on the show?
31. How was working on Zaboomafoo? Keep in contact with coworkers and crew who worked on the show?
32. How did you guys meet your wives? And what was the moment that made you know that they were the one?
33. How did you propose to your wives and how was the wedding?
34. What was the most memorable night of your lives? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) (I would probably skip this question)
35. How did you react when you first found out you would become a dad? and how did your wives tell you?
36. How did it feel to go from working on Zaboomafoo to Be the Creature how was the shift from kids show to more of an adult show?
37. How would you rate working on Be the Creature? (my personal favorite show)
38. What had to be a low point in your life?
39. What year did you thought up of Wild Kratts? And what was the creative process for that?
40. Which people inspired Aviva, Koki, Jimmy, Zach, Donita, Dabio, Gormond, Paisley and Rex?
41. Where were you during 9/11? (I'm trying to ask people I know that were alive during 9/11 because most Americans alive during 9/11 never forgets where they were at.)
42. Who's the 3rd camera man in Be The Creature?
43. Would you ever make a biography about your adventures? (Please do)
44. What are your Favorite activities to do with your family?
45. Will you ever make another adult show like Be The Creature?
46. Have you ever participated in a Zaboomafoo or Wild Kratts drinking game or would you?
47. What's your Biggest pet peeve?
48. Who's actually the most organized?
49. What are your Hobbies?
50. What is something you wish you could do but can't no matter how hard you try?
51. What's your favorite book?
52. How does it feel to have a cartoon plush of yourself? Is it weird?
53. What's your reaction to receiving art from fans of your shows?
54. What is the most memorable fan encounters you ever had?
55. What country have you not visited that you really want to go to?
56. What is your favorite country that you have visited? (They better say Peru)
57. What's your favorite video game?/ If you played Super Smash Bros (The Nintendo video game) what's your main?
58. What do you do when your not working on Wild Kratts?
59. What was your best year and your worst year and why?
60. How was it like raising your kids when they were kids compared to when they were in their teens?
61. Do or did you watch Kratts Creatures, Zaboomafoo, Be the Creature and Wild Kratts with your family?
62. Do you like being recognized in public?
63. How often are you recognized by people?
64. Have you ever been in a fist fight? if so tell me the story.
65. Have you gone through a mid life crisis?
66. Where are your Disco outfit that you wore in Kratts Creatures and Zaboomafoo?
67. What was your reaction when Jovian the Lemer died?
68. What's a funny or a close call story of your time camping in Vermont as kids?
69. What's your number 1 Karaoke song?
70. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
71. Why has Jimmy not been given a CPS and will you give him one? (That Sea otter episode was a cruel joke)
73. What's your favorite animal? (I want to know what the next episodes will be)
74. Fruit with chocolate yes or no and why?
75. Whats your most embarrassing moment that keeps you up at night?
76. What was up with your hair back in highschool?
77. Why was your hair so curly in highschool and when did it stop being curly?
78. What was your oh crap I'm getting old moment?
79. Have you seen the movie Grease from 1978 and did you like it?
80. What song represents you the best?
81. What animal represents you the most?
82. What's your favorite Theme Song?
83. How is working with Pure West? ( the guy who wrote the theme songs for BTC and Wild Kratts and maybe Zaboomafoo?)
84. Whats your Favorite sport to play?
85. What's your favorite sport to watch
86. What Fad that you lived through was the most Fun and which one did you absolutely lothe?
87. What's a little known fact about yourself?
88. Who's the bossy one?
89. Do you remember what your reaction was when your parents told you that your having a baby brother?
90. How many times did Martin pull the Because I'm older than you card?
91. What was something that you struggled with for a long time but finally over came it?
92. What is something that you are still struggling with?
93. What are your greatest strengths?
94. If you could give advice to your past self what would it be?
95. If you found a new species what would you name it?
96. What is something that you crossed off your bucket list?
97. What is something that you still want to cross off?
98. If you had a time machine what year would you go to?
99. Who do you admire/look up to?
100. What are you looking forward to most in the future/ what are your future predictions for wildlife?
If anyone knows how to send these to the Kratt Brothers that would be Great :)
I will come up with more questions in the future but this is it for now.
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