#but it's never with ill intent she just thinks her cult could chill a little sometimes
imogenkol · 2 years
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🌌 LEERA LOCKE - This Is The Way
[template by @unholymilf]
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Let it be Set in Stone
Summary: Devil Fausts AU. Julius gets a formal introduction to Nacht and Morgen. Details regarding their contract with Josele begin to be ironed out.
Genre: general
Word count: ~2300
Content warning: creepy devil behavior
Josele nervously fiddled with her new shackles bracelets. She kept her gaze on the floor, unable to look at Captain Julius. A part of her was certain that the young men with her were in a similar pose. Yami, William, and Marx. They had been there, had seen what had happened. They had been helpless to do anything. They likely felt a similar shame to her, even without her magic she could tell.
"You did well to arrest so many individuals involved with that cult," Julius stated, his voice even and not giving away a thing. "It's a shame that the leader escaped. But at least he was alone. We'll have to be vigilant to track him down before he gathers new followers."
"Apologies, sir. And I promise to put myself to use interrogating the captured cultists," Marx stated stiffly. "To make up for the... unfortunate outcome of the mission."
"We're sorry, Captain," William replied for himself. "The leader, Lord Vincent Faust, ran off and when Miss Canty gave chase... we— she faced complications."
There was a chilling pause.
"Might it have to do with those new accessories? I never took Josele as a girl for such baubles."
"Look, Jo did what she could to prevent more shit from going down," Yami spoke up, coming to her defense. "I admit... The rest of us should've tried to help but—"
"Josele can explain for herself," Julius interjected. "If you could?"
After swallowing the lump in her throat, Josele answered, "I determined that the risk was too high to try anything else. While it was never my intention, I understand I've committed a grave sin and crime by partaking of Forbidden Magic. Whatever punishment you have, whether it be dismissal from the Knights or even death, I'll accept it knowing that I did what I felt was right." She wrapped her arms around herself. As a hug to comfort herself. As a brace against the urge to vomit. "Please understand Captain, I had no ill intent. I just—!"
"And where are the devils now?"
So shocked, Josele raised her head. And she could see the concerned look on Julius' face, his mouth pressed in a thin line and his brow furrowed.
"The devils? They're uh..."
"Oh we're right here!"
Nacht's voice was heard before he appeared on Josele's left, resting an arm comfortably around her shoulders. Morgen stood at her right, smirking at her.
"A pleasure to meet you," Morgen greeted with a bow of his head. "We're Master Josele's new companions, as you can see."
"I can't exactly say the same." Julius' concerned expression tightened into a look of displeasure. "You two really are devils in the flesh..."
"Not like I care what you think!" Nacht cackled and threw his head back. "I'm just glad to have a change of scenery. The Underworld's an ugly place!" He squeezed Josele's shoulders. "And the views here are much better."
Josele tensed her muscles to resist being pulled in. She managed to keep from being pressed against Nacht's body but the cold touch of his arm sank into her shoulders.
"Get your filthy claws off Jo before I cut them off," Yami snarled, hand already on his sword.
"Hey scruffy, don't be telling me how I should be treating my Master," Nacht spat back. "Stay out of our business, got it?"
Josele gritted her teeth and finally slapped Nacht's hand down. "Yami is a friend of mine. He can say what he likes." She glared up at Nacht despite the way he made her tremble with that cold look his eyes. "And must you act so uncouth? Morgen's a devil too yet he has proper manners." She stepped away from Nacht as much as she could, and closer to Morgen.
"Yes, brother, you really need to learn some manners." Morgen grinned and tilted his head to the side, looking unusually innocent for a devil. "Especially for our sweet, little master."
Josele tried to appreciate Morgen's smile but looking around, no one else in the room seemed to like the gesture.
"Enough of that," Julius said, rising from his seat. "What I want to discuss is what plans you two intended to do once you got into the human world."
"Plans?" Morgen echoed. He and Nacht glanced to each other. "Hm, now that I think about it, we didn't have anything in mind. Nothing for the time being, I suppose."
Julius' face contorted and he looked ready to kill. "Like I'm believing that." He began to circle his desk.
"You'll have to," Morgen retorted. "I have nothing else to say."
"Can't a couple of devils just live in the human world because they want to?" Nacht asked, sticking his nose in the air.
"Certainly not. The presence of devils in this world is unacceptable, a threat to the peace." Julius stopped a few strides away from where Josele and the devils stood. "Well, regardless of your intentions or lack thereof, you won't be allowed to wreak havoc on innocent lives. Since Josele made a contract with you, all she has to do is end that deal and you'll go away."
Josele flushed, all the way to her ears from what she could feel of the warmth. Why didn't she think of that sooner? Having made the contract at all forever tainted her soul but at least she wouldn't be stuck with the devils.
"Alright..." Josele closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Here goes... I hereby terminate my contract with Nacht and Morgen."
However, the twins' presence did not leave. The chilling aura they gave off did not fade.
Rather, Morgen and Nacht began to cackle.
"Oh dear! That's adorable!" Morgen exclaimed, holding his sides. "She thought it would be that easy to just end the contracts!"
"Master Josele." The way Nacht purred in Josele's ear was... discomforting. "We're devils. You've gotten yourself involved in Forbidden Magic. There's not going to be an easy way out of this contract."
"What do you mean?" Josele asked, stepping away from them. "What did you do?"
"Well you see, when making an equal contract as we've done, both sides put forward what they want and what they're willing to offer. You didn't really put forth anything." Nacht grinned coldly tilted his head to his right, letting his hair spill over his shoulder. "But my brother and I did. We're asking for an eternal contract, only undone by death."
Josele felt all air leave her body. Felt her heart drop to her stomach and her head fill with fog.
"That's unfair!" William exclaimed. "You used Miss Canty's ignorance on the subject to get what you wanted without her getting anything in return."
"Oh but she does get something!" answered Morgen, touching a hand to his chest and smiling so sweetly it came off as nauseating. "She gets unlimited access to mine and Nacht's magic, as well as our undying loyalty. How generous of us, don't you agree?"
"She didn't ask for those though," Marx pointed out. He had noticeably stepped back from the rest of the group, his expression tense with fear and concern.
As the men in the room argued, Josele struggled to ground herself again. She had been stupid and incredibly reckless. She made the contract because she felt there was no other choice. She should've considered the logistics of what it entailed. And because she hadn't she had unwittingly trapped herself with the devils.
Josele wrapped her right arm around her stomach and covered her mouth with her left hand, feeling the urge to vomit. The world shook. Or maybe she was the one to shake.
Just as Josele felt ready to collapse however, a pair of pale hands touched her. One hand on her right shoulder. The other on her forehead, brushing aside her hair.
Something about those hands, that touch...
"You don't look well at all." A young boy's voice asked. His features were a blur but his pitch black hair couldn't be missed. "What's the matter?" He spoke with the gentlest of tones. "Josie?"
"You, Master," Morgen whispered in Josele's ear. "I said that you look unwell." The very tips of his clawed hands carded through her hair. "What's the matter, Master?"
"I..." Josele shook her head. "The revelation... about the nature of our contract. It..." She peered past Morgen's shoulder to see her captain and squad mates ready to attack. Between them, Nacht stood wearing an inquisitive expression. "I'm shaken and..." She took deep breaths and stepped away from Morgen. "Quite sickened too." She glared between the devils. "You two tricked me."
Morgen gasped. "We did no such thing! We offered you a contract and you accepted!"
"Not once did we lie to you," Nacht added. He raised a brow and smirked. "Where in the initial contract formation did we mislead you?"
Josele felt her eye twitch and hissed, "Then it means you left some important details out!"
"That we did in fact do!" Morgen said all to cheerfully, almost sound like a bird chirping.
Josele glared up at Morgen who only grinned down at her. "If this is a contract, then we can change the terms, right? It'd be the generous thing to do. And you called yourselves that, didn't you?"
"I did. So kind of you to remember." Morgen patted Josele's crown and only pulled away when she moved to smack him.
"You bastards had better change the terms," Yami growled, keeping his sword pointed on Nacht.
The devils looked at each other, neither losing their grins.
"We'd be willing to negotiate the terms of the contract," Morgen started. "However!"
"It'll be between us and our Master," finished Nacht. He gave each human man in the room a pointed look. "Alone."
Julius charged a spell with each hand, pointed the magic at the devils, and said, "Given what you pulled with the contract in the first place, we're not taking that risk."
"Tch." Nacht's lips curled downward. "Don't get defensive. But if you're going to resort to threats..." He raised a hand, causing Josele's shadow to darken.
"Gah!" Josele let out a scream as she sank ankle deep into the shadows.
William, who happened to be the closest, reached for Josele. However, Morgen stepped between the two of them, taking hold of Josele's hand instead.
"I can take my Master to a place where we'll have all the privacy in the world and you worms will be unable to reach us."
"You're not making your case better, Nacht!" Josele snapped. She kept a vice grip on Morgen and focused on keeping her breaths even.
The room was at a standstill for an eternal moment. Neither the devils nor the Magic Knights seemed willing to give what the other wanted.
And Josele was there in the middle. The one that the devils had business with and the one her allies were trying to protect. So much trouble all for her one, foolish choice.
There was a tightness in her chest. Not so harsh that she could not breathe but one that left the rest of her body aching, wanting relief. The weight of taking on Forbidden Magic. Of Nacht and Morgen having just enough power over her to make demands. Of needing to find a solution.
Her mind had also found a strange clarity. She repeated Nacht and Morgen's words in her head, how they described the contract. And she also became aware of the way they touched her, Morgen especially. Though condescending, there was little force behind their gestures.
Josele couldn't be certain. She was only making assumptions of what might be. But it was far better than the fear and confusion she had been feeling earlier.
Regardless, she had to be the one to resolve this.
"Captain Julius. Everyone." Josele swallowed. It didn't make her feel any better but it gave her a second to breathe. "Let me talk to them."
"Jo, you can't be serious!" Yami yelled, only taking his eyes off Nacht for a second to shoot her a fearful look.
"We can always find another way to end the contract!" said William.
Marx spoke up too. "Miss Canty, please think this through!"
"They haven't acted out since forming the contract, despite having the freedom to," Josele pointed out by way of explanation. "If they wanted to harm me, or anyone, they would've done so already. They're holding back. So I'll hear them out."
Josele locked eyes with Julius. His eyes were stony, suspicious of the devils but also concerned for her. She held that gaze of his for a moment. She let him see her as she tried to show her determination through her fear. There was no silent plea, only a silent declaration.
Julius eased. He lowered his hands and stood upright.
"Alright then. If you’re willing to put your trust in them, Josele, I shall put my trust in you.
Josele finally allowed herself to smile, albeit tiredly. “Thank you, Captain. I’ll figure this out.”
“Yes, thank you for your cooperation, sir!” Morgen said while beaming.
“We’re finally getting somewhere.” Nacht flicked his wrist and released Josele from her own shadow. It was only by Morgen’s grasp on her that she didn’t completely fall over. “Now.” He dismissively waved his hand. “Give us some privacy or I’m taking her to the shadows.”
Morgen shot a look at Nacht. “Brother, enough.”
To that, Nacht shrugged.
Thankfully, there was no further argument. On Yami’s way out, though, he glared at Morgen and Nacht while pointing his sword dangerously close to their throats. Julius gave Josele a final look of concern before he closed the doors to his own office.
Alone in the room, Josele turned to Nacht and Morgen. They both wore devilish grins.
Those smiles, with a dark eagerness to them, were an omen. Of what, Josele couldn’t even be certain of.
The pair of devils were full of contradictions. Withholding information but not taking advantage of the power they had over her. Nacht embraced Josele. And Morgen held Josele when she could’ve fallen. Yet both took pleasure in seeing her tormented.
Can I really trust them? Josele wondered, looking between the twins. I have to try at least. I’m going to make something of this.
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