#she lost family during the purge because they returned to Mandalore in attempt to help but everything was pretty fucked by that point
imogenkol · 2 years
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🌌 LEERA LOCKE - This Is The Way
[template by @unholymilf]
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delicatefury · 8 years
I’m doing a belated Evil Author Day
Because of work and family I missed it on February 15th, but I’ve got a few days off pretty much in a row, so I’m doing it now instead.
So what’s Evil Author Day? I give you a list of all my various WIPs, headcanons, plot-bunnies, and original works. You, from that list, give me a request for what you want to see written/expanded upon/explained, etc. I will then attempt to fill said request.
Why is it evil? There’s no promise of a follow-up. It’s read at your own risk. That’s right. There are no guarantees here. The scene I write may never make it into the finished work. I may never write a follow up. It may linger there in writer’s block hell for all time.
But still, it may also inspire me to write even more (or return to an au you’re interested in). So please, ask away!
Here’s the list of Star Wars fics and original works for you to choose from:
I tried to make them pretty. Fairly certain I failed.
Star Wars
The Dark Path Lit by Sun and Stars - if you’re following me and don’t know what this is... why are you following me? Go! Read it! It’s on AO3 and it’s Time Travel with Obi-Wan and the OT trio and it’s angsty and fluffy and adventure-y and it’s set in the clone wars and it’s most of what I write about so I’m frankly impressed that you don’t know what it is.
The Other Time Travel AU - I know people love this, but I’ve got very little written for it. Which makes it perfect evil author day fodder. The Other Time Travel AU (which I am not working on/which I am apparently working on) is another Time Travel story. This time featuring post-council chamber scene, pre-return-to-Naboo Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin meeting up with Master Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka from the Clone Wars. Cue Anakin getting his head out of his ass (think of how many times he unfavorably compared Obi-Wan to QGJ when they fought), Ahsoka giving Qui-Gon the evil eye (”Who treats their padawan that way? Especially Obi-Wan?”), and a panicking Padawan Kenobi who is terrified at the prospect of what he’s supposed to accomplish in 10 years time. 
Hello Again (name is WIP) - when Anakin Skywalker is born, Obi-Wan Kenobi is flooded with dreams-memories-visions of a life already lived. One where the order falls (terrifying on it’s own), but where he’s also a Jedi Master, teacher of the fabled “Chosen One”, top negotiator, Council member, and High General. Only 15 and barely accepted back to the Jedi Order, he’s not sure if these are symptoms or signs. Honestly, given his track record up to this point, it’s possible he’s merely gone insane. Unwilling to risk his fragile place in the order, and convinced they may be just delusions of grandeur, Obi-Wan determines to keep this to himself and search for proof one way or the other. For the next three years, his confidence wanes, his saber ability falters as he finds himself conflicted between what Qui-Gon is teaching him and what his (maybe real, maybe delusional) future experience tells him. After the Mandalore mission, hope has returned. 1. Even if he coincidentally imagined a year-long mission in his delusion, there’s no way he could have coincidentally made up a woman like her. 2. Satine, convinced of Obi-Wan’s visions (and caring enough about him to promise to help regardless) has agreed to look into Anakin’s existence on Tatooine for his peace of mind. However, a newly arrived crecheling is determined to find his “very sad, very important person” who he has told Yoda, with all the strength and conviction of prophecy, is also “The Best Jedi Ever!”
The gaggle of other time travel au’s
TDPL but Anakin with Obi-Wan - a lot the same but a lot more snarking, a more confused Ahsoka, a lot of guilt, a lot of Leia passive (and overtly) aggressively making Anakin’s life a living hell, Artoo hovering protectively between twins and father, and a lot more throwing canon right out the window. Probably Obikin.
TDPL but Anakin instead of Obi-Wan - a lot more panicking. A very concerned Obi-Wan being brought up to speed (”but Father, it’s Ben. You have to trust him. Please?”). Watching Obi-Wan being slowly wound around the twins’ fingers. Confused Padme. Both droids being brought back. Ahsoka just kinda going along for the ride because of course her new master has children from the future. Why not? It’s not like anything else about her apprenticeship is normal.
JA meets Clone Wars. Bandomeer!Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, with a few other temple initiates/junior padawans are swiped up by a Sith artifact. Anakin and Ahsoka do not know what to do with tiny, heart-broken Obi-Wan while Master Kenobi realizes that Qui-Gon was an ass to him as a child.
Alternate Paths - In one world the Master died, in another the apprentice. This difference greatly impacts the way the chosen one is raised. But there’s no way to tell how much it changes things. Until the two Chosen Ones swap places. Now Obi-Wan has to get his Anakin back, while Qui-Gon is baffled at his student’s newfound obsession with his lost padawan.
Another Qui-Gon lives! AU - he does, but the Council is not impressed with Qui-Gon’s track record with padawan’s. Sure, Obi-Wan turned out fine, better than fine, but can you really trust a man who, in order to free himself to take on a more talented student, dismisses the first Jedi to kill a Sith in a millennia as simply “capable” to train “The Chosen One”? Yeah, not risking it. So Anakin goes to the creche to await a better option, Obi-Wan goes on with his knighthood, and the Force is going to make these two become Master-and-Student no matter what it takes.
Original Works (I’m trusting you people):
Cold Iron - A steampunk, weird west faerie tale. Matthias is a lot of things. He’s the eldest child of five. He’s a talented mechanist. He’s a likely candidate to be a Champion of Light. He’s also a changeling child. A fae prince cursed (or blessed) with a soul, the two halves of his life are quickly coming to a head when his younger brother steps into a fae circle and is whisked away. Does he follow his newly formed conscience, his ties to his human family, or the power and loyalty of his court and fae siblings?
The Troll’s Wife - slow-burn romantic tale. When her town’s good fortune attracts goblin attention, “blessed child” Helen is offered up as a bride to secure the good favor of the Underland Court’s intermediary, a nameless troll. Gradually, the two come to care for each other, and when their union bears fruit, her “Eerie little husband” makes a deal of his own. He’ll return to the Underland Court in exchange for his wife and child surviving childbirth. Half a year later, Helen wakes up homeless, husbandless, childless. Failing to see the “blessing” of her missing family, Helen journeys to the kingdom of the fair folk, determined to win back her husband and child and to keep them once and for all.
Wild Song (placeholder name) - Last year’s NaNo. The life songs are leaving Griet. Rivers are turning sluggish, wildlife is fleeing, and the rich soil of heartland farms is turning into a dustbowl, slowly expanding to the kingdom’s borders. In this disaster, an unlikely duo escape from a private “facility” where the powers of channelers and maestros are investigated. Uriah is a caravaner, a member of a specialized clan who travel from village to village, helping to concentrate the green growing Song for planting and harvesting seasons during biannual festivals. Eli is his elderly, mute companion to whom he owes a lifedebt for helping him escape. But hidden in Eli’s past and his mysterious connection to the song may just be the key to Griet’s salvation.
Demon’s and Curses (placeholder name)  -  A native of modern Lighdvar, Sephie thought that she understood the rules of Skraan: 1. Don’t use your true name. 2. Don’t get too attached to the people. 3. Don’t ever give demons any quarter. The first rule was because you never knew who was an agent of Skraan, and you kept the happenings of this world separate from those of Lighdvar. The second was because time passes too differently between the worlds. It was nice that months-long campaigns only took days, but if you stayed at home for two weeks straight, you were suddenly dealing with a new generation of freedom fighters. The third was, welll…led by the evil Ishtari, demons were invading the human kingdoms, enslaving their people, and hunting down every Sorcerer and Druid, humanity’s best bet. It was up to travelers like Sephie to act as the Lighvarian Sorcerer’s agents in Skraan and to purge the demons from the land. Good plan, until the portal home opened in the middle of a climactic battle with Ishtari himself. Trapped back in Lighdvar for the time being, with a Demon Lord in tow, Sephie finds her understanding of the war in Skraan challenged on every front.
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