#but it's old and the fan is already so loud it might die at anytime
littlemouserat · 10 months
What are some good pc laptops where the charger connector/ power connector is not thin as shit and breaks easily.
What I'm trying to say is i want a laptop where the hole you put the charger in ,and the plug you stick into the laptop to charge ,to be thicker and less likely to snap.
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Pairing: Natasha x Fem!reader , Avengers x Platonic!reader
Words: 2364
Genre: Angst at first, Fluff ending.
Warning: Being dumped. I think I’m not cursing in this one. Lmk if there are any.
Note: Read as Natasha pov
Y/n and I are fighting. Wait. No, not fighting. More like screaming, at each other. For the first time in a long time. This is not a funny or jokingly screaming. This is a serious scream. Why?
   “Are you sure about this, Natasha?” Y/n turn around to look at me with her red teary eyes.
“Yes, and I have to leave before you love me.”
  “Well, I already fell for you, Natasha! Can you not see it?! Deny it how you want but you do feel the same. Trust me, I know!”
“I’m sorry that you did. I don’t want to mess or hurt you any further. ”
  She looks down for a moment before looking back at me, wiping her tears. “I don’t want your apology.” She sniff and force a smile while I just looking at her. “You have never hurt me, Natasha. Ever.”
I move closer to hold her hand “Y/n...”
  She tilt her head to look at me one last time “Goodbye, Natasha Romanoff.” And just like that. She walked out of the compound. She’s right. I do too have feeling for her but this is what the best for her and her own safety, or we’re just not destine together. Or, that’s what I thought.
The team and I are having breakfast like we’re usually did every other morning and of course Wanda have to ask about her other friend. “It has been almost two months I think since Y/n is here.” I just look down on my plate.
Tony interrupt “Yeah, where is she? I miss her coffee. She made the best coffee ever! Not gonna lie.” Clint kind of sense that we have something going on. “You can buy the whole Starbucks store Stark. Get over it.”
“Get over it?” Steve looks at Clint and Wanda ask again “Something happened?” Tony interrupt again “Yeah, there must be something. Y/n is always here. Except when she have field trips or camping with her students. We like her here, she’s happy when she’s here.” Steve try to stop him but God knows even Pepper can’t stop him. “Tony. Stark.” Tony continue “That doesn’t seem weird to you?”
I finally speak. “What Stark? Huh? I am asking the same question too! Where is she? I wish I have the answers for you guy. I’m sorry but I don’t!” They all been quiet for a minute until Tony open his mouth again. “Jeez. Did you guys broke up?” I look at him “Broke up? We’ve never together.” 
Steve smiles “I maybe old school but I don’t think I’m that fool.” Clint turns to talk while Wanda drinks her coffee. “You guys been doing all those things. Even blind people can see it.” “What things?” I ask and Steve answer “All the things that lovers do.” “Want me to specify it for you?” Tony ask and Wanda told him to stop. “I think she understand, Stark. Let her speak. Or not. It’s her choice. She’ll tell us when she’s ready or want to.” I’ll excuse myself “ Thank you, Wanda.”
Few hours later, I go to the kitchen and Wanda is there. Making lunch for everyone. “Oh, hi Nat.” I grab a glass and pour water in it “Making lunch for everyone?” Wanda chuckle while stirring whatever in that pot “Someone has to.” “Yeah.” I sip my water and just stare at my glass for a couple of minutes. Wanda breaks the silence. “Okay, I know I said that you will tell us what happened between you and Y/n when you’re ready or want but, I can’t take it. You’re killing me.” I look at her “I don’t think you know-“ She cuts me before I finish “Yeah I know that you know I don’t know what you don’t want me to know but your thoughts are too loud. You are battling with yourself. There’s war inside your head. I can’t fully control my power and I don’t mean to invade your privacy. So, can you help a sister?” I just stare at her, she turns off the stove and sit next to me. “If you don’t want to tell the boys, you can talk to me.”
My eyes still glued to my half empty glass “It was my fault. She walked away the last time we had a movie night together. I, we had a fight after that. Your best friend walked away and it is my fault.” I turn my head to face her, didn’t even notice I that I’m crying until a few drops fell down on my lap. “I’m sorry.” Wanda stay silent and I go on “You guys thought that we were an item but we aren’t. Well she wants to but I didn’t.”
 “You’re scared.” Wanda said.
I nod. “Yes.”
 “Of love?” she asks.
“Of losing her.” I said. “So I ran away. I make her cry. She’s being expose. Every time we go out either with me or any of you, she’s expose to danger and threats. I don’t have a clean past, Wanda. Someday, my past will corrupt me. Besides, our line of job makes me worrier. Enemies everywhere, they can take and harm her anytime.”
 “Does she know?” Wanda asks.
Shaking my head. “No. I didn’t say much that night. I said that I’m sorry, but she doesn’t want my apologized.”
  “You’re a jerk! No offence.”
“I deserved it.”  
 “Of course she doesn’t want your apology. She wants answer and you didn’t give her a damn reason to leave or stay. She’s upset. Trust me, that girl is willing to die for you, Nat!” I look at Wanda, she never raises her voice at anyone, except Sam, Tony and her late brother, Pietro. She continues. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you but she’s my best friend and you’re too, and my mentor so, I have to be the one to knock some sense to you.”
“What do you want me to do?”  I asked.
 “Stop being scare and push people out. I mean it’s almost two months and you just keep it to yourself. You are not alone, Nat. You can talk to me or us.”
I smile a little. “You already know did you?” “That’s why I asked you about her this morning. I’m sorry, I should have just talk to you personally.” Wanda said and brush her off. “You didn’t know the whole story. It’s okay, the boys are her friends too. Tony’s right. Her coffee is the best.” I look at Wanda and smile. “And your food is the best.” Wanda smiles big “Now, that’s the spirit! Don’t worry Agent Romanoff, we are going to get you your person back. Now, save your tears and let’s have lunch.” I nod. “I’ll get the plate.” Wanda nod and stand from her stool “And I’ll get the boys.” She moves two steps forward and yell “BOYS! LUNCH TIME….!!!!” I look at her weirdly “What? They know their ways.”
I park right in front of Y/n work place. She a kindergarten teacher. Wanda look at the kids outside and smiling really big. Turns out they are having Fun-Day today. “How do you know she’s here? What if she quit the job and move to another country?”
“Wanda, she’s your best friend. You should know her better. She loves those kids to quit her job. Plus, I tracked her phone. She’s here. Look.” I show her the tracking apps.
 “You knew her whereabouts THIS WHOLE TIME?!! And do nothing?”
“Of course I know. I love her. Should I buy her flowers?” I changed topic.
“Teddy bears or animal stuff?”
 “No. No. And no. You know she’s not that kind of girl. Just present yourself, it already means the world to her. She’s your crush. You should know her better.” Wanda smirking. There she is! School over. Go! I’ll wait here.”
 When most of the kid already out of the school, I approach her at the gate where she’s busy waving at her students. When I’m about to say hi, some kids notice me behind Y/n and call their other friend. Y/n turn around to see where her students running to and sees me.
 “Jake, Caleb, where are you guys going? Your parents waiting over there. Katy, Mila, where are you-“ She stops and just standing there. I know she wants to run but she can’t leave her students unsupervised. Let alone with an Avenger.
I look straight at her eyes and smiles a little. “Hi. Y/n.” “Hi.” That’s all we’re manage to say because we’re busy gazing at each other until the students pulling my legs and hands.
 “You are an Avenger!”
“Yeah! The Black Widow!”   “Can I have a picture with you?”
 “I’m your fan!”     “Me too!”
“You, might want to say hi to your little fans.” Y/n said and I look down. “Wow, that’s a lot of them. Hi little person. Okay, they have a lot of questions too! No, I’m not here to kill somebody. No, not killing an alien too. Yes, I ate vegetables. No, I’m not kidnapping your headmaster. What’s up you guys with murdering and kidnapping?” I turn to see Wanda and luckily she sees you. “Wanda. I could really use your help right now!”
Y/n see the situation is getting heated, she helping me out a little. “Okay calm down guys. Ms. Romanoff will answer your questions one by one.” Right on time, Wanda’s arrive. “Did I see Agent Romanoff being attack? By children.” Y/n looks up at her. “Wanda?” Wanda smiles “Yes and I’m here to save my best friend relationship and my mentor’s butt from children attack.” Wanda looks at the children “Hiiiii.... Good evening children of kindergarten!”
 “Scarlet Witch!”   “Look, it’s Wanda Maximoff!”  “You’re so cool!”  “You can fly!”
“That was fast.” Y/n said looking at Wanda entertaining the children and catch their attention so I can talk to Y/n. “Yeah, she has ways with children.” “I know. I’m her best friend.” Ouch that’s cold.
I talk to her. Hopefully she’ll listen. “I want to talk with you.”
 “You’re talking. Actually, my work time has ended 10 minutes ago but if you wanna talk about donation or social safety talk about this school, you can come again tomorrow morning. I’ll let the headmaster know about your approach.”
“I’m not here for any of that.” I said.
 “You’re to join our today activity then? Fun-Day, students, teachers and parents doing some fun activities together once a year.  You’re kinda late for that you know.”
“Am I too late to say sorry?” I said and Y/n just quiet. “I made a mistake. I really am sorry.”
 “I told you, I don’t want your apologies. And you made it crystal clear that we don’t have anything to do with each other.”
“Give me a minute to explain. Please.” I move closer to her but she move a step back. “Y/n, please. Just a minute. I promise.” Y/n look at me; her eyes are about to drop tears. She’s looking at her watch and counting “60, 59, 58….”
“You are right. I do have a feeling for you Y/n. I’m a coward. I’m scared that one day I’m gonna lose you. My job and my past put you in so much risk. A risk that I’m so scare to put you in. You know the world can see us, in a way that’s different than who we are. Wanda knock some sense to me and for once I listened and I really regret of what am I doing.”
 “You creating space between us. You know that our hearts feel the same but you separated it.” Y/n said looking anywhere but me.
I step beside her. “I want you to be safe Y/n. I want to protect and won’t let anyone hurt you. But those will not happen if you are with me, you understand what I mean. You deserve someone’s better. I don’t deserve you. I don’t –“
  My word was cuts by Y/n “That’s the problem! You don’t think you deserve something so you ruin it. You think you don’t deserve to feel happy?! You think I don’t?! You think you’re fine to let go of something that you really want in your dear life?! Well, I don’t. I don’t think you deserve all that, Natasha. I think you deserve all the joy, all the happiness in your life. Yes, you have a broken past but, you should not have a broken future too, Natasha." Her tears dropping heavily now.
I take her hand; her face softens while looking at me. “Let me redeem my mistake. I’ve learn my mistake and regret it with the rest of my life is you didn’t let me. I want us back together. I’m sorry I didn’t say this sooner. I love you. You are the best miracle that ever happened to me.”
 “What’s make you so sure I want us to back again?” She asks. Her face shows that she wants it too but afraid that I let her go again.
“I’m not Iron Man, I’m not a God, I can’t take your hand and fly you wherever you want to go. I can’t read your mind like Wanda and tell you everything you wanna hear but I’ll be your hero. I can be everything you need and if you are the one for me, like gravity, I’m unstoppable. Now I believe in destiny, I maybe just an ordinary human without her soul but if you’re the one for me, I’ll be your hero. Like the one you tell Wanda.”
Y/n let out a soft laugh “Could you be the one?” I laugh with her “Yeah, I’ll be your hero. When it’s meant to be, I’ll be one. So, I’ll wait for you. Whenever you want, whenever you’re ready.” Her left hand cupping my cheek and her right hand hold my hand. “Your world is my world. Your fight is my fight. You make me happy. I know where I’ll be Natasha Romanoff.”
“The last time you call me by my full name, I was in trouble.” I wrap my arm around her.
 “You will always be in trouble. You already commit to it, Agent Romanoff.”
“I won’t waste it. I promise. I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N. Or Y/F/N Romanoff. I guess that sounds better right?”
 “Shut up and kiss me.”
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deanirae · 4 years
Can you get it inside your head I’m tired of dancing?  
post 8.07 pre 8.08] crack/angst past turned unrequited deancas, implied deanbenny 2,4k [x]
The sun, also currently known as bitch, has got some serious nerve to sit where it always does, not upside down and nine miles to the left as it frankly should on this memorable fuckhat day. Where is the End of Days when it's really called for? When it should be really nigh?
Dean flips the front mirror panel down not to have to deal with at least that one disappointment. He can still see Cas's half-constipated, half-abandoned and kicked in its fluffy ass puppy face in the mercilessly annoying reflection. The obvious choice would be to not grace it with anything right now, but A – he's the one driving so his eyes can't wander off pretty far, especially in the barely sunlit grayness – and B – on his left, Sam is currently roleplaying a twelve year old girl that has her big emotional introspection accompanied by listening to Sarah McLahlan because her mean parents wouldn't let her buy ebola from the internet. Or something.
Point is, he's three hours into ostentatiously moping, trying to quietly terrorize Dean into making peace with Cas on the fly so it won't be awkward and problematique for him anymore. To Sam, Dean is just too inconvenient anytime he's inconvenient. And that, by order of nature herself, demands immediate and final stopping and ballot recounting also.
And Dean's point is, that it's not gonna happen anytime soon.
And Cas's point – assuming he’s still remotely capable of making those –  seems to be dead-set on that 50:50 face thing. And Dean regrets briefly glancing; with more or less the same intensity he regrets his whole life on the crap weather days his bones hurt harder than it should be legal.
Sam, in his hemhorroidal disturbance, reaches out to the tape deck and attempts to put anything on, but Dean feels like exactly zero of his tapes right now, so he swats Sam's hand off with a loud smack. Judging from the faces he gets for that, it's gotta be resonating in their heads a lot.
It's gonna be a long ride to Lousiana, way longer and more exhausting than the freshly puked from Purgatory one. In fact, the closer they get to Lafayette, the more tired he is and they won't start working the vetalas case until tomorrow night because apparently hanging around clubs on fridays is the new hanging downside of trees or whatever cool thing it was vetalas were doing before the rise of the all you can eat buffet of horny dicks certain they're gonna get reverse cowgirls for a two dollar drink. Or reverse cowboys. Fucking cheapskates. Some of them do have it coming. But in severe STDs, not in this.
In itself, waiting for the actual hunt really doesn't need to be a problem. It's just that Sam and Cas are fucked-bent on having it be one because—
“I said I'm going to stay with you and join you on hunts,” Cas finally snaps. „There's no need for this 'backup' as you call it, Dean.”
—Because that.
“Don't air quote it, man,” Dean mutters wearily, because of course Cas air quoted it.
“And there is absolutely no need for you to sleep in a vampire's camping truck when we have plenty of motels to pick from,” Cas rants on, zero deterred and plus ten determined, clearly not tuning into Dean's I don't wanna discuss that vibe.
Annnd because that too, yeah.
“Well I donno, I sure didn't want us to look like some sort of a hookup site for salvation army fashionistas threesome. You'll thank me later. Or you can do it now and shut up when you're done, how's that.”
“A vampire,” Sam interrupts his polished bitchface just to whine it out, which has to be peak brotherly care by his modern standards.
“You two asshats had no problem leaving me in vamp-vegas for a goddamn year,” Dean growls. “I am an adult adult and I need some me-time that isn't you time. And I'm gonna have awesome time while I'm at it. Sue me if that's a crime. Bother my lawyer.”
“You don’t have a lawyer”, says Sam.
“Aren’t you kind of a lawyer?” Dean remembers suddenly. “Or at least close enough for you two to bother each other and not me?”
“No, didn’t get to get there yet, thanks to you,” Sam mutters, also suddenly remembering the past life of his that was never meant to be.
“Oh, I’m sorry”, Dean whines. “Did I set your girlfriend on fire?”
“Fuck off.”
“I thought you missed me,” as if triggered by the word fuck, Cas drops the bomb with an evenness in his voice which hints at many things but Dean's brain is too stop-record screech to dissect them right now.
“What?” he blurts out, confused and affronted both.
“I thought you missed me,” Cas repeats, lower and harder like Dean's a stupid cat that won't spit out what it's chewing.
“Cas, I really don't wanna do this.”
“You kept praying to me to come back, Dean. After you were out of Purgatory. I heard you. Those were quite some prayers. Now you're putting yourself in real danger just to stay away from me. I don’t understand.”
Sam just stares at Dean, the always most helpful thing on the planet that he is. Thanks, Sam. Dean stares at the road. Cas stares daggers through the back of Dean's head. Poor Baby can't just leave this situation so she just keeps on rollin’. Nobody wins that day.
“That was before you told me you were lying your ass off just to kick me out last minute. Your subscription for my prayers and personal Jesus license have now expired, by the way. Like, the fuck does talking to you even do?”
“Fine!” Castiel snaps, so close to throwing his hands in the air for a grand effect but luckily thinking better of it since he's in a car that has a roof among other things. “I understand that you're angry—” he tries to start over, calmer, after a self-collecting breath.
“No, you don't,” Dean mutters.
“But you can't risk your life in the stupidest available way just to get back at me, Dean. Not after everything I've done to make sure you come back safe.”
Well at least he didn't include Sam in that „saving” part.
“You were there, man. You know Benny never double crossed me or you. What the exact fuck is your problem with him?”
A very angry squint-frown precedes the actual answer.
“You were his ticket to Earth. Now your life doesn't hold the same value.”
“Thanks, Cas. That's really swee—”
“You know that's not what I meant, Dean,” Cas growls in a tone that's clearly a final warning.
So final even Sam and his high horse must have heard since he steps in to defuse Cas.
“Cas, I'm not a fan of saying it, but Benny isn't a threat to Dean. I think the guy is kinda trying to settle,” he offers.
Dean smiles a little bit.
“See, Cas?”
“But I'm worried he might have more vamps trying to take him down because he pissed off every fang that ever knew him and then some. This is actual danger, Dean.”
“What?!” Castiel explodes in unbridled rage.
“Sam, have you ever wondered where do snitches go after they die?”
“Dean, you know I'm serious.”
“Ditches,” Dean concludes.
“When exactly were you going to tell me this?” Castiel asks coldly. “After you get killed by vampire avengers?”
“They're all taken care of, Cas. No mean jokes this time. Relax.”
“With your Winchester luck? I doubt it.”
“Oh, come on. It's not like you wouldn't bring me back even if something did happen.”
“Yes, even twice because first I would have personally destroyed you for being so reckless.”
“I know you would.”
“Guys,” Sam tries to placate, “we should all calm down and rethink how to handle it safely. It's not a good time for some jilted lovers tiff”, he begs.
Dean frowns then makes mocking faces at him to communicate that he's being a fucking douche.
“You're a fucking jilted lovers tiff,” he decides.
“We had sex, Dean,” Castiel states accusatorily.
Little does he know, he just broke Sam beyond repair. Now that the cat is out of the bag, the only thing Dean can do is to straighten some things out.
“Once,” he says, raising a finger to accentuate his point. “Cas was sure we were gonna die in the morning. We didn't, but there never was a follow up on that, so,” Dean shrugs.
“You weren't interested.”
“Says you,” Dean huffs. “I’m sorry, do you know me? Being interested in sex is in my top five pasttimes. You behaved like a brick on the other hand and I don’t know how to read concrete.”
“I don’t want to be here, good fucking God,” Sam finally yelps after a successful reboot of his brain.
Dean’s pretty sure nobody wants to be in this car right now and the only goddamn thing that could potentially make him ‘special’ right now is the fact currently Sam’s probably the only person in the Impala who has not lain his mouth on Cas’s dick. Hopefully.
Funnily enough, Cas could easily poof out without lethal injuries, but he’s dead set on staying, judging from the frown on his face that looks like a stock market crash diagram.
“I didn’t exactly see you giving me any signs.”
And set on having this conversation.
“I’m not a cat, I don’t go into heats, Cas. Can we talk about it somewhere more private? Later? Cuz everybody here wants to fucking die right now.”
“Private?” Cas asks. “If you want privacy to talk then why do you refuse to book a room with me?”
“We don’t need to share a room to have a conversation. Unless what you want it to end with is getting back on track with that last night on Earth thing we had that one time.”
“Jesus Christ,” Sam cries.
“Grow up and stow your crap, Sam,” Cas says unexpectedly before Dean could even bother to serve anything in a similar note.
Dean is so thrown off his equilibrium by that he puts the car to an abrupt halt. Only because he’s too deeply wired to not crash the Impala into the first available so he won’t accidentally kill Sam.
That is, if Cas’s words haven’t obliterated him already. He glances at him, just in case. Speechless as holily commanded by the celestial – potentially horny – wrath from the back seat, but at least he’s still breathing.
“Um,” he says, because someone’s gotta, because he’s still the big brother in this demented equation. “Cas, what the fuck was that?”
“Should you, of all people, really need me to be this blunt – now that the worst affairs have been settled, we could pick up where we left off, and hopefully reach a mutual understanding regarding the nature of our relationship so that doubt no longer hinders you. If it’s still something that interests you, of course. Would that be clear and direct enough, Dean?”
Well, that was… long? Long enough citations are probably needed, but, uh, yeah. S’ gotta be addressed immediately or else.
“Cas, that was 2010 and we have 2012 now.”
“It was 2012 when you prayed to me in Purgatory and it was 2012 four days ago. Granted, your feelings towards me might be very complicated, but I still can sense and read your longing,” Cas says with a weary sigh.
“Stop smelling my longing,” Dean responds with a wearier one. “And I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
“But I should explain myself to you.”
“I’m real fed up with your explanations, you know that? And we don’t got time for that, either. We need to get to Lafayette because we got a case waiting to get solved.”
“It’s because he’s waiting there for you, isn’t it,” Cas says sadly; not a question. A statement.
Dean doesn’t need to respond. Doesn’t feel like it, too.
Yeah. It’s good to actually have someone waiting for you; someone there.
Maybe it’s not that complicated, after all. Maybe it doesn’t have to be.
Dean starts the car. He’s got a place to go to.
The sound apparently wakes Sam from his stupor. His bright idea of the day, he turns the radio on before the awkward silence can make the universe inside of the Impala collapse on itself and on all three of them. Too late for Dean to react now; might as well get a load of the weather report.
In the back seat, Cas flicks his wrist subtly and the monotone voice sharply cuts off into static for a moment and the frequency bar moves elsewhere on its’ – or rather, Cas’s – own.  Some solitary synthesiser-made sounds drop one after another like tiny steps and Dean realizes he definitely has heard this song before at some point in his life as eighties one hit wonders ain’t no strangers to him. Oh well. Might as well not get any of the wea—
Looking from a window above, it’s like a story of love… Can you hear me?
Is he fucking kidding?!
Came back only yesterday, I’m moving farther away.... Want you near me…
“Are you fucking kidding?” Dean cries out, incredulous.
Tries to turn the radio off but it just won’t die.
All I needed was the love you gave— “You want melodramatic? I’ll give you melodramatic.” —All I needed for another day — Dean reaches out for his phone and starts typing angrily — and all I ever knew, only you.
He puts on good ol’ Fish and hopes it’s gonna be louder than Cas’s synth-pop loving. And starts driving towards where he wants to be cause he’s tired of dancing.
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advicewithkali · 4 years
Mistake, Maybe (Chapter One Draft)
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“What’s up guys, today we’re visiting Woodhils University to surprise a girl name Aubrey and her friend, who say they’re my biggest fans!” David sayid as he yelled into the camera.
He then turns his camera off and holds it in his left hand.
“David, how big of a fan are we exactly talking?” Jason inquires while chewing on green mint-flavored gum.
“I have to show you guys the video she sent me on twitter, I think she’s literarily my biggest fan. Check it out!” He said as he rummages through the slender small pocket of his black jean.
“You too, Jeff! You’re not going to believe this!” He yelled excitedly.
Jeff trudged over to the duo reluctantly, not really interested in the video David was about to show them or the visiting the university at all. David then pulled out his phone and opened the Twitter app, immediately going to his DMs. He scrolled through the messages for a second, before he landed on the video.
“Are you guys ready for this, it’s literally insane.” He said with pure excitement in his voice.
“David, come on just play it already,” Jason responded.
“Okay, okay, give me a sec.” He said as he turned his phone horizontally so that all three of them could see the video clearly. David then clicked on the video and let it play.
“My name is Aubrey and uh-sorry I’m a little nervous and excited uh.” She said as she began to fidget on her wooden chair. “Oh, my God David! Please, please, please come visit my school! I’m literally your biggest fan.” She abruptly blurted out quickly and loudly.
“She really is!” A female voice yelled in the background before quickly coming into the view of the camera.
“She’s literally obsessed with you, David. It’s bad. It’s so bad that we even have a “David Jar” in our dorm room. Anytime she mentions your name- mind you which is like every other sentence she has to put a dol- “She said before her explanation was interrupted by a slim hand muffling her speech.
“Sophie, shut up! Don’t say all of that shit. He’ll think I’m crazy! I’m trying to get him to visit us not run away, stupid!” Audrey yelled in slight frustration.
“Heh, sorry David uh, sometimes Sophie just says too much. Ha, you guys know how it is.” She said slightly nervous again as muffled noises began to come out from behind Audrey's hand.
“But anyway, David if you would come to visit me-us at Woodhill University dorm room 274 I would literally die, well no- but yes, okay gotta go bye!” She said yelled slightly frazzled and waved bye to the camera, along with a still muffled Sophie.
As the screen faded black, David turned around to face Jason and Jeff. “Can you guys believe that shit?” David asked still feeling ecstatic.
“David, I then she might be a little- off.” Jason trailed off and stopped chewing his gum.
“Ugh, Jason. Jeff please, please say you’re siding with me on this.” He said looking towards Jeff.
“Hell no, David. I’m siding with Jason on this one. You go there and you’re dead.” He said not sounding entertained with this idea.
“Well, if the two and the rest of the guys go, then I won’t be alone, no chance. Besides this will make some sick vlog footage! Jason told me it wouldn’t!” He said trying to convince them.
“It would but not if our lives at risk, David,” Jason said sounding slightly worried. “It’ll be fine. We’ll call up everyone and we’ll be all set. Nothing’s going to happen, Jason.”
Jason let out a deep sigh, “Alight, David. Let’s do this.
“Yes!” David said sounding thrilled. “What about you Jeff?” David said looking in his diffraction once again.
“I’m gonna pass. I don’t want to get murdered or risk going to prison again.” He said as he started to walk away.
“Wait, Jeff! If you don’t go how will you ever get that girlfriend, you said you wanted.” David said knowing that he had reeled Jeff back into his plan.
Jeff stopped abruptly in his steps, regretting a few months ago when he told the whole squad that he had been looking to find a serious relationship because now it was backfiring on him.
“Come on Jeff, at least one of those girls had to be your type!” Jason teased as he continued to chew the gum in his mouth.
Jeff smirks small as he turns around quickly, “Really, Jason? I pegged them more of your type don’t you like them young.” Jeff said as he was alluding to his tumultuous relationship with notorious Youtuber Trisha Paytas. They were twelve years apart.
“What?!” Jason yelled trying to act as if he didn’t know what Jeff was referring too. “That’s what you’re going to do old man? Act like you have no clue what or WHO I’m referring too.” He said as he chuckled.
“Of course, I do! I just don’t want to think about the past at all.” Jason said as he tried to make up an excuse.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell the truth Jase, is it because you don’t want Tris- “He said before he was cut off by a series of objections coming from Jason.
“No, no, no! Don’t say that name! I don’t want any more drama!” He pleaded. Jason, then took his eyes off of Jeff and glanced to his right and saw that David was filming their whole conversation.
“No, David! Do not put that in! Delete it!” He screamed as he waved his hands in front of the camera trying to block it from recording any further.
David just giggled as he blocked all of Jason’s attempts to shield his camera. “Are you kidding that clip was too good not to put in! Think of the views Jason, the views!” He said jokingly.
“David, no. I’m going through this all over again with her, I’m begging you not to put that clip in.” Jason said feeling exhausted.
David stopped moving and lowered his camera as he pondered for a bit. A few moments later, he began to speak, “How about this?” He said with a smirked.
Jason, looked into David’s brown eyes, “Really, you’re betting on my life right now.” He said knowing too well that, that statement followed by that smirk never meant a good thing. Jason knew from the past that meant that David was thinking, plotting really, and it sucked to be on the other end.
Jason let out a slow sigh, “What is it?” He spoke in a defeated manner.
“Nothing, much. It’s nothing much just two small things.” He said.
Jason gave him a look of disbelief knowing that when David meant small, he really meant large and at times very extreme.
Jeff moved closer to the duo as he began to take interest in something regarding the vlog for the first time today.
“The first part includes Zane- “
“Oh God, I’m screwed!” Jason shouted out.
Jeff’s left eyebrow raised as he took more interest in the situation unfolding before him.
David laughed as he continued to speak, “So Zane has to come out of this party without hurting himself, breaking anything, or hurting someone else.” He said.
“I’m doomed,” Jason said weakly.
Jeff chuckled as Jason began to panic waiting for David to announce the second part to his “wicked” plan.
“The second part involves Jeff,” David said laughing harder as he observed Jeff’s facial expression.
“Me? Why the hell am I involved in this!?” He questioned loudly.
“I’m glad you asked Jeff, because if you don’t find a genuine connection with a girl tonight then I guess Jason will be on Drama alert this week.
“Yeah, and how are you going to be able to tell if I made a genuine connection or not? You gonna stalk me like your little super fan?” He said in a brazen tone.
“Ha, no. I’ll ask you some questions, see if they add up and if they don’t well… It’s Killer Keemstar for Jason.” He said as he tried to imitate Keemstar.
“Wow, David. You’re crazier than I thought. You sure you aren’t part of the Slovakian mob or something?” Jeff asked.
“Nope, just doing it for some content.” He said casually.
“Jeff please tell me you got this. Please.” Jason begged again. “What am I saying, of course, you do. Look at you, the real problem is Zane. I’ve got to call him!”
“Don’t worry Jason, I’ve got your back.” He said but for the first time in years, he wasn’t confident about the words that came out of his mouth. After all, it had been so long since he’s made a genuine connection with anyone, let alone a girl. He’s a thirty-year-old man, with a lonely apartment, a dog, and a group of wilds friends, could he really get real and open with someone at this point in his life? Let alone in one night?
“What’s up guys, so the squad and I are right outside of Aubrey’s door and we’re about to knock.” He whispered slightly as he filmed the members of the vlog quad, which insisted on Zane, Heath, Mariah, Jason, Erin, Carly, Toddy, Jason, Jonah, and Jeff. Then turned the camera back on the door room, 247.
David smiled brightly as he began to knock on the door. The door instantly and swung open, slamming into the bedroom wall. The squad was greeted with the sounds of loud squeals and jumping up and down coming to a brown skin girl with dark brown long hair and a slim thick body and a bright smile from an olive-colored girl with long black hair, dark brown eyes, and freckles.
“You must be Aubrey, right?’ David said with his well-known smile. “Yes. Yes! That’s me!” She said as she switched from jumping up and down to bouncing on the heels of her feet.
“Can I- Can I hug you, David?” She asked.
“Of course!” He yelled as he pulled her in for a hug. The pair hugged for a few moments before David pulled away.
“And you must me Sophie?” He asked.
“It’s Sophia actually everyone usually calls me Sophie or Soph. I really don’t care which one you call me by I’ll still respond.” She said chucking.
“I think you guys should come in before Audrey explodes. Plus, it’s Taco and Tequila Tuesdays and you don’t want to be outside for that.” She warned.
“Mhm, that sounds so good right now!” Zane yelled from the back of the group.
“Zane!” Jason grumbled under his voice as he elbowed Zane on the left side of his ribcage.
“Right, right. I forgot.” He responded back as he retreated slightly from the conversation.
Jeff’s P.O.V
David was the first one to walk in the dorm room. Followed by everyone else. I was hesitant to walk in. I can’t really say I feel comfortable being on a college campus filled with people- kids about a decade my senior. And David really expects me to find a genuine connection with one of them. He’s clearly lost his mind.
As I walked into the cramped and small room, I noticed how differently each side was decorated. On the right was a very bright, pink, and girly side, it had to be Aubrey’s side of the room. It was pretty much like any other college dorm you’d see. While the other side was decorated in an alternative way. It was darker and had stacks of books, CDs and records, and band posters. I wonder who’s side it was. Not, Sophia’s. It doesn’t seem to match her personality.
I continued to analyze the room as everyone gathered around Aubrey’s bed. I then spotted a small shuffle out of the side of my left eye. I looked closer and saw that it was a girl. She was stunning. She had the most beautiful smooth brown skin and pillow-soft curls. I continued to stare in her direction as I observed her reading a book.
I guess I stared too long because she looked up in my direction before quickly turning away, huddling down in her book further. I was taken back slightly; I had never had that reaction before from someone. I guess she was just shy. I didn’t really know but I wanted too.
I kept looking in her direction a few moments longer, hoping she would look up at me again. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen as I was knocked out of my trance by Toddy when he elbowed me in my right ribcage.
“Dude, you alright? You zoned out for a while there.” He questioned. “Yeah…. I’m fine.” I said back, still not fully paying attention to him.
“Well then come on, Audrey’s about to answer some questions and prove that she’s David’s number one fan!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. Before he could move, he glances back at the girl in the corner and saw her twitch slightly and move closer into the corner as she turned her back towards him.
With that, I finally joined the rest of my friends. I didn’t sit.  I told everyone that I felt better standing but in reality, I was uncomfortable being in this room. Not only was it a room for college kids but something was very off about the vibes in this room.
I left my train of thought to try and pay attention to what was going on before me. I tried my hardest to be entertaining and put on the “Jeff character” but I was so distracted by the girl in the corner. Every second I spent in this room I just wanted to turn my head and peek over at her even if it was for just a second.
“Okay, okay! Next question, “What sport did members of the vlog squad play that eventually lead to a kiss between Heath and me? I heard David ask.
“No way she’s going to get this one!” I heard Heath scream.
“Baby, it’s a wrap you ain’t getting this one!” Zane yelled in agreement.
“If she gets this one, I’m done I’m just- I can’t!” Toddy yelled right beside me.
I then looked up at Aubrey and saw a look of determination on her face followed a smirk and small glimmer of some something I couldn’t put my finger on, in her eyes.
“Beer Bottle Frisbee.” She said with all the confidence in her voice. Her answer was met with extremely loud cheers. As everyone was distracted, I turned my head quickly in the direction the mysterious girl was sitting and saw her getting up. I immediately turned my head back around, this time looking down in hopes of seeing where she was off too.
To my surprise, she ended up leaving without anyone noticing. While everyone was still cheering, I took this as an opportunity to go speak to her. I waited a few seconds before I slipped out of the room quietly and followed the direction, I saw her go in.
As I walked down the hallway, I saw piles of garbage, toilet paper streamers, and drunk guys getting loud in the hallway. This gave me even more of an incentive to find this girl. She doesn’t seem like the type to be safe in this environment.
I followed her for what seemed like an hour. I made sure to keep my distance. I didn’t want her to know that I was following her. I guess I could throw that thought right out the window because this is when she completely stopped walking.
“P-please stop following me.” She said with her back still turned to me.
I just continued to stare at her for a second before I spoke, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just wanted to talk to you.” I said, trying to find the right words to say to her. For some reason, my confidence with this girl was swaying.
“Why?” She mumbled lowly.
I walked closer to her until I was a few inches away from her.
“I can’t really come up with an excuse right now. There really shouldn’t be an excuse to talk to a pretty girl, so I won’t say one. I’ll tell the truth. There’s- there’s something about you something different that drew me into you and I just wanted to get to know you.” I said as I smiled.
“I’m Jeff,” I said as I held my hand out and continued to smile.
She turned around fully after I said my name. I could’ve sworn I stopped breathing for a second as I took in her full appearance. I felt wrong in away because I knew she was too young, but I pushed those thoughts aside because this opportunity was too perfect to miss.
I continued to hold out my hand and smile but her facial expression never changed, and she never made and moves to shake my hand. I looked at trying to predict what she would do. She then began to shuffle on her feet and moved her arms to wrap around her body.
“I know.” She whispered lowly. I wasn’t quite sure how to react to her reactions. She seemed so scared and guarded.
“Uh, so you watch the vlogs then?” I asked trying to then of something to get relive some of the awkwardness.
“Um, yeah sometimes. Mostly when I have free time form classes and studying.” She said with a little more pep as she looked up at me.
I smiled small. She finally said something more than one word.
“Not like your roommate, right?” I said as I chuckled lightly. Her face faltered at the mention of her roommate.
“No.” She said quietly again.
“So, I didn’t get your name,” I said.
“It’s ah Kamora. Kamora Maxwell.” She said facing me again with those big brown eyes. Even her name matched her.
“Everyone usually goes crazy for David and the vlog squad and you left? Not your type of YouTubers?” I asked trying to get her to speak more and refraining from personal or sensitive topics.
“Um, I’m just not much of a social person. And I do like you- um you guys but I like to see you guys as normal individuals. I don’t want to separate the human qualities from you guys just because you well know.” She said.
She’s attractive and smart, the full package.
“Believe it or not, I’m not social either,” I said being completely honest.
She looked at me intrigued.
“Yeah from the vlogs and my channel I look like this super social guy, but I hate it. I like to be independent and do my own thing. Don’t get me wrong I like my group of friends but sometimes I just need to retreat to my cave and recharge.” I said just blurting out how I felt. For some reason, I felt completely safe confiding in her.
She nodded her head in agreeance with me.
“So where are you from? You kind of have an accent but I can’t pinpoint it.” I said.
“I’m from New York City, actually.” She said.
“You’re lying!” I shouted getting a bit excited. She shook her no.
“What part?” I asked, knowing it wasn’t Staten Island.
“The Bronx.” She responded back.
“The Bronx, huh? I know a couple people up that way. They’re cool guys. I outta visit them when I head back home again.” I said reminiscing slightly.
“Since you watch the vlogs then you probably know that I’m from Staten Island- “
“The Forgotten Island,” We said in unison.
I chuckled at that and smiled at her.
We stood in silence for a few moments before I began to speak again. “It’s funny how we both ended up moving from one side of the country to the other. It’s crazy to think about how bad my life was going. The decisions and the people I were hanging out with put me right in prison. But, I’m so glad I was given another chance at life and I’m finally able to live a decent life.” I said as I opened up to her.
“For some reason, I feel like you weren’t like me. You needed up her for some reason and I-“I said before she interrupted me.
“I- I’m sorry. I-I can’t do this!” She yelled as she took a few tentative steps back before bolting past me.
I stood there in shock for a few moments. What did she mean that she “couldn’t do this”? Did she mean socializing in general or just talking to me? Was it something I said? I didn’t really know what to say or do at this moment all I knew was I had to find her and I had to make things okay.
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wtfcookiejar · 6 years
I met Him in a coffee Shop
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Concert tickets hadn't been cheap and granted you and your best friend both worked full time jobs getting time and money to go to a concert was like getting a little slice of heaven for a few hours. The last concert you had went to you’d taken two days off so you could get up at 3am to stand in line so you could get a good spot in line because it was standing room only. This time you had balcony seating so showing up early wasn’t as crucial. Your best friend had insisted on showing up at 3am though. She wanted the full opportunity to watch all the members of Day6 walking into the venue and as she so carefully put it “ A chance to throw a punch at Jae.” 
She was absolutely convinced that Jae needed to be punched because of how mean he was to Wonpil. Of course You were there to stand guard at 3am and keep her rational and sane and keep her hands to herself. That was realitivly easy for you. No one really wanted to fuck with you. You were seated on the cement by the doors your eyeliner was two inches thicker than anyone else and your purple hair was intimidating to many. You were dressed cutely but your body language just screamed,” Fuck with me and I will fucking slaughter you.”  You had already chased off one crack cocaine dealer and you weren't afraid to do it again. You looked down at your huge t-shirt and mom shorts and converse yawning. Your best friend had fallen asleep her blond hair was pressed into your lap you poked her cheek and she swatted your hand away. 
“Nooder you gotta get up.” You sang her nickname softly you were watching the sun slowly rising and looking at the sun it was 6:02 Caribou was open now and just around the corner. 
“Not without coffee I’m not.” Nooder replied. You had to laugh because that was Nooder to a t. She was beautiful with curves and blond hair that could kill and makeup skill you wish you had but heaven forbid you woke her and she didn’t have coffee then she was a demon. 
“ Do I need to go get you coffee?” 
“Is that even a fucking question?” 
“Alright alright don’t bite my head off. Jesus. When I get back though you have to let me braid your hair because you aren’t going to meet Br-”
“YOUNG K. With a bedhead that would put a birds nest to shame.” You stood taking your phone and your wallet. You slid the pair of beaten down beats in your ears and Turned on your concert playlist. It was a mixture of old 90′s music Day6 and some of your favorite punk stuff.  The walk to Caribou was simple enough down two sidewalks and around a corner and your there. Opening the door was heavenly and you pulled your headphones out and stuck them in your wallet. There was a line of Men in suits. 
Men in suits didn’t make you uncomfortable but being the only one your age was a little unnerving. You nervously check your twitter hoping to see post from your favorite bands or even Jae. Things were realitvly quiet though and the line was slow moving as there were two men who seemed to be ordering for what looked to be like two whole offices worth of people.  They kept referring to their phones and then a piece of paper and then the dessert case. You almost felt bad for the poor Barista who looked like he just wanted to lay himself out on the counter and die despite having just two customers at the helm. 
You were watching the antics so you almost missed the tinkle of the door opening and the body slipping in behind you. There wasn’t a lot of room and you felt someone brush up against you. You turned around and you were face to face with none other than the Lovely Jae from Day6. 
Every nerve in your body was screaming and bursting with excitement. You thought about squealing and hugging him or telling him how much you loved him but then you caught the panic in his eyes. He looked genuinely afraid and you had to think about why. 
What would cause him to be afraid and then you realized, FANS. Fans go absolutely ballistic when they meet their idols. So you took a deep breath and took one step back and closed your eyes,” Sorry it’s a little crowded in here. They are a little busy at the moment. Don’t mind me.” 
His eyes grew wide and he looked you up and down. You knew you weren't exactly much to look at. The purple hair was growing back slowly and the t-shirt was large to hide your love handles and you wore mom-shorts which made you seem curvy instead of fat and you had converse that looked a little beat. Your makeup was more natural goth than it was cute and clique. You smiled warmly letting him asses you. “Wait your not going to scream or jump up and down? Ask me for a picture?” He asked his voice was different live than it was when you watched the youtube videos. It was warmer more pleasant. 
“Your here to get your morning coffee not to be harassed.” You reasoned your hand going to the coffee shop around you as if to explain where you are,” Unless of course do you want me to because I totally can make this awkward.”
“NO. NO. Getting coffee for me and the boys and not getting harassed is nice. Please.” He practically shouted and several pairs of eyes turned to glare at him and he cleared his throat. 
“ So what did those losers send you on a solo mission?” You teased trying to get him to relax. 
“ They are my losers thank you very much. And they are lucky I love them otherwise they would suffer. “ Jae does this thing where he pulls at the hood of his hoodie hoping to hide himself because a large group of girls saunters in dressed in Day6 gear and talking about Young K. behind him. 
“ Here switch spots with me but don’t turn around. Keep talking but don’t look at me just look at the Salmon suit that man in front of you is wearing.”  You whisper and his eyes grow wide. and he does exactly as you say. Once you switch your standing in front of the girls and they give you a puzzled look. 
“His mom’s sick, I’m letting him go ahead of me.” You reason and they roll their eyes bored and you snort annoyed. Then return your attention to Jae who is trying to get your attention with this cute little wave of his fingers at his hip. 
“What’s up?” you ask gently stepping closer so you can resume your conversation. 
“ I still don’t get why your helping me.” He reasons. and you can almost feel the questioning look,” I mean you know who I am and all do you want concert tickets or like wh-”
“ I don’t want anything Jae... My friend and I already have tickets to the show. We camped out at 3am so we can be one of the first few in...” You felt a little angry because Jae didn’t really know you and he didn’t know how hard you had worked to get those tickets with your best friend. “ I am perfectly comfortable enjoying it in the seats I’m in. I don’t need a picture, I brought my camera I can take plenty tonight. I simply want you to feel like a normal  human being who doesn’t have to hide for once. Your out buying coffee for your friends enjoy the experience.” 
You look at your hands and Jae is silent probably looking at the menu because the line has moved. You let him take his time as you step unto the barista who waves you forward. 
“How can I help you?” She asks she is pretty in the very exotic way, but you don’t realtivly care your minds made up. 
“I need one Campfire Mocha Cooler and One Carmel Macchiato Hot both large. And you see the gentleman in the hoodie whatever he orders put on my Bill and I will pay for it. Don’t tell him but make sure this twitter handle makes it on to one of the cups.” You set down your twitter handle that you have for some dumb reason written out on a corner of a piece of paper. 
“Are you sure Miss?” 
The barista smiles and she pulls the person who is taking Jae’s order aside and tells him to write it all out and then clear the screen and add it to the register with my order. I watch as Jae orders all the coffee and a couple more sweet treats. He makes sure that the coffees all have names and the bags all have names on them and the barista keeps him busy with that while I pay. 
“Which cup does the twitter handle go on?” she asks as she hands me the change from the hundred I gave her and Jae steps up to the counter to pay. 
I whisper quietly to her “JAE” and go to stand where they are supposed to pick up orders. 
I can see the confused look on Jae’s face as he hears that his order has been paid for already. You had been planning on buying a t-shirt but those can be bought at anytime. Today you had done a good deed.
Jae came to stand in front of you confused,” Someone paid for my coffee. Is that a normal thing that people do around here?” 
You laughed a hearty laugh and the group of girls was starting to pay more attention to Jae,” It’s not but some people do it out of the kindness of their heart. It looks like your peaceful morning might be ending soon...” Jae looked panicked and your heart ached for him.” I have an idea play along okay?” 
Jae nodded fearcly and you gently snaked an arm forward to fix his hood again so it was hiding most of his face and then you wrapped an arm around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist gently and you were hugging. “ I hope your mom gets better honey. I know it’s hard but it will be okay.” You said loudly and all the girls stopped staring so you continued only loud enough for them to hear,” Im sure your family will appreciate the coffee and sweet treats. Now if you will excuse me I have my own demon to feed” and your plan worked the girls backed off. Your order came out right as you let go and you waved a small smile appearing on your face. Jae’s order came out and he gathered it all in his arms but you were to far gone for him to chase you and you had never even told him your name. 
She was gone and I was left looking at the order sitting on the counter. She had been so weird. At first she had looked so shocked like she might just jump out of her skin and then all of a sudden it was like she had been taken over with this deep sense of calm. 
Calm was something he wasn’t used to and that had been terrifying. Yet when there had been a pack of girls all wearing DAY6 memorabilia and squealing about Young K., she had simply said “ Here switch spots with me but don’t turn around.” and it had worked he had been able to get coffee and sweet treats for the rest of the band without having to deal with screaming fans or photos. He didn’t have to cover his ears or apologize for not wanting his photos taken or have to leave early because it was disrupting the business. He was able to have a simple normal experience in the coffee shop. 
So when he was back in the room with the boys who all looked like they were in dire need of caffeine he set everything on the coffee table and then laid down in the first available space. 
“Whats wrong with him?” Bob asked
“You guys realize going to get coffee is a challenging tasks especially when we have fans crawling all over the city.” Wonpil challenged looking slightly concerned as he picked at the drinks and looked at the names,” You wrote pillow on mine again Jae...” 
Jae was silent staring at the ceiling thinking about the purple haired girl and the hug and how she had helped him escape. 
“I think he’s broken.” 
“ Shut up. Im not broken... I just.. I actually was able to get coffee and not have someone screaming and taking pictures...” Jae groaned his hands rubbing over his face as he turned to look at the boys who had all by now found their designated coffee and baggie. “ I didn’t even have to pay for it.” 
“JAE YOU STOLE OUR BREAKFAST” Wonpil said his mouth full of brownie 
“NO! Someone bought it for us!” Jae said his mind going back to the girl with purple hair. 
“I am extremely confused now.” Bob looks at Jae and lifts his legs so he can sit comfortably on the couch and enjoy his coffee and his Sandwhich. 
“There was th-” 
“Jae why is there a twitter handle on your drink?” Young K. asks he’s holding the drink high and looking at the twitter handle written in blue pen it’s legible but just barely. 
Jae shoots up and takes the drink from Young K. looking at the twitter handle he pulls out his cellphone and goes directly to his twitter. 
“What is he doing?” Wonpil asked 
“Bob, I think something made him go crazy...Can you fix him?” Young K teased 
“WHEN WILL THAT JUST DIE?” Bob groaned loudly. Jae doesn’t even notice he is typing in the twitter handle as fast as allowed and pressing search. Of course your twitter profile pops up right away and there is a picture of your best friend wrapped in a blanket holding the coffee from the caribou looking like she wanted to kill people. 
Then because he can he presses follow and then he writes a message taking a drink of his coffee a smile settling on his face. 
When you get back to Nooder she is sitting up and looking like someone poked her with a sharp stick. “ Someone is awake.” You sang softly handing her her coffee and pulling out one of your earbuds. You take a picture of her as you watch her sip the coffee and then grimace and look at the sun,” Still not ready to face the day?” you ask casually and you take a drag from your own drink. 
You open your twitter and upload the photo with the caption “ MY LITTLE DEMON DEMANDS CAFFINE” #Day6concert #theshitwedofortheseguys
“Young K.” She responds. 
“All of this is for your lovely and beautiful Young K.” You sigh taking a seat next to her as she. She puts her head on your shoulder. 
“I will jump off the balcony if he even so much as looks at me.” She clarifies. 
“It’s a good thing I brought handcuffs. So I can cuff you to your chair.” You snort
“I will take the chair with me.” 
“ I will be holding on to said chair. So your gunna be pretty stuck.” 
“You are absolutely no fun.” 
“Your right I am completely and utterly boring.” You smiled and opened your twitter again. Your phone had dinged with notifications. People had been asking you for updates since you showed up so you weren’t thinking about how you’d left your twitter handle for Jae to find. 
You had one new private message though and opening it you saw it was from Jae and your breath caught in your throat it read : 1st you help me get out of the coffee shop without being noticed then you paid for me and the losers breakfast. Who are you? 
You groaned and your best friend looked at you puzzled,” What’s wrong with you now?” 
“I know he’s always picking on my pink pillow... You finally ready to help me punch him?” Her eyes are hopeful and bright and the blanket is wrapped around her shoulders revealing the bedhead and your trying not to laugh at how ridiculous it looks because she looks serious and ridiculous all at once. 
“No, your not punching anyone.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because we don’t hit people.” 
“But he’s a dick.” 
“ I think the boys are aware of that and they take care of themselves.” You think back to how he so carefully had the Barista writing the names on cups and picking out the sweet treats and goodies from the desert case and having them put in baggies and labeled so carefully. 
You responded to Jae : I’m a Fan. Shouldn’t you be saying THANK YOU? Where are your manners? 
Nooder takes a long gulp of coffee and then she puts her head on your shoulder. “You realize this is going to be the funnest day of our lives right?” 
“More fun then when Micheal Clifford licked his lips and made sex eyes with you at the 5 Seconds of Summer concert?” 
“ I told you we weren't ever going to talk about that again.” Nooder says sitting up and pulling herself out of the blanket to stretch 
Jae Messages again and you chuckle opening to read: THANK YOU. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? 
“WHAT are you so chipper about over there? Shouldn’t you be braiding my hair?” Nooder says and you pop your little weird world bubble and you look at your best friend and try and decide how to tell her that you met the band member she wants to punch. 
“Give me the brush then damnit.” You instruct as you type back to Jae in all lowercase letters 
: why are you yelling? i was never upset to begin with. lul 
Nooder sets the brush in your hand and you shove the phone in your pocket and stand so her head is level with your waist. Your pocket buzzes and Nooder ever observant doesn't fail to notice you keep focused on brushing and sectioning off the hair letting her speak,” Okay so what is up with you and concerts and Twitter feeds?” 
“What do you mean me and concerts and Twitter feeds?” you respond sectioning off the last of the hair and gathering a large section in your fingers. 
“ YOUR PHONE, since we got here that thing hasn’t really stopped flashing or buzzing or whatever you have it set to do.” Nooder says trying to turn to look at you but you yank her head back into place gently and she grumbles taking a sip of your coffee,” and it’s been even worse this morning.” 
“Okay so people follow what I do on Twitter, all I do is take pictures of how long the line is and give like a countdown till showtime. Some people love it, other people hate it. I get lots of questions. It’s the day of the concert it’s after 6am I went and got coffee. I updated how close we were to the door. That you were awake. All the normal stuff.” You reasoned as you grabbed a patch of hair and wove it into the other strands,” I need you to hand me those gems and flowers now.” 
“Are you sure you know what your doing?” Nooder sounds anxious 
“Trust me. I went to beauty school long enough for this.” 
“Fair.” She hands up the bucket with all the red and pink gems that she had picked out and you grab a few of the flowers making sure they will look elegant instead of trashy before you start working them into the braids. 
“So what if I told you I met someone this morning in the coffee shop?” You asked experimentally grabbing a gem and shaking your head not liking the placement. 
“Was he wearing a suit?” 
“That’s right your not into the whole suit thing... Was it the Barista? I heard some of the other girls as they walked by saying he was cute.” 
Your phone buzzed again and your were trying not to laugh or smile to hard,” Are you talking about those hard core Brian fans.” 
“BRIAN I ONLY KNOW YOUNG K.” There was a resounding chant but Nooder was the one leading the chant coffee in the air. 
“No, It wasn’t the barista either. In fact I kinda helped this guy out of a bind.” You finally placed one of the gems and looked pleased your phone buzzed again and you rolled your eyes,” he’s kinda nosey to be honest.” 
“Y/N Please tell me you did not find some cheesy hipster guy in a coffee shop and rescue him....” Nooder is trying not to wail,” those get clingy and you can't get rid of them.” 
“I don’t  think your going to want me to get rid of this one...”  you sang back softly tying off the braid and reaching for your coffee and your phone to open up your messages on Twitter 
two were from Jae and the third was from a fan who had seen him follow you and was angry : What kind of whore thing did you do to get Jae to follow you? I bet your not even a real fan. 
Jae : why are you so nice? 
Jae: The losers want to say thank you for breakfast could we come see you in line- if you won't let me give you VIP passes? 
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM NOT GUNNA WANT YOU TO GET RID OF THIS ONE? OF COURSE I AM HES PROBABLY A CREEPY.” Nooder is changing under the blanket into her Day6 concert outfit, loudly ranting about how Jae is probably a serial killer hipster. While you type out your response.
YReponse: Im not sure that’s a good Idea either. 
His response was instant 
Jae: Why not? 
YResponse: My best friend wants to punch you because your mean to Wonpil. Plus there are lots of fans out here. 
Jae: OH COME ON! The guys a walking bucket of Jokes. Besides the point the Losers still want to express their thanks. 
YResponse: I am not going to put any of you in jeopardy before the concert. I’m not the only fan here you know ;)
Jae: You are impossible 
YResponse: No I’m Like Bob the Builder. CAN WE FIX IT? No we can’t. 
Jae: So your not letting any of us come outside because your friends wants to punch me?
YResponse: Pretty Much and I don’t want you mobbed. :) 
Jae: Tell your best friend I loath her. I will find you tonight at that concert. I swear and you will be receiving VIP passes. 
YResponse: Let the hunt begin :) 
“ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING RIGHT NOW? I just told you half a dozen ways this guy could gut you and put you in the freezer in the woods and your standing there looking at your Twitter like a dreamed up school girl.”  Nooder is on a roll and she’s full dressed drinking her coffee like it’s some kind of Liquor and you can’t help but chuckle. 
“ The last thing on his mind is stuffing me in a freezer. See for yourself.” You hand her your phone and she takes it her eyes scanning over the text and at first she is quiet reading along. So you lean against the wall counting down in your head the moment your peace will end. You sip your coffee and watch as she drops your phone straight onto the blankets you made your base camp in. 
“I did.” 
“No you didn’t this has got to be a fake.” 
You chuckle and pick up the phone and send Jae a message : Loathing one the BFF doesn’t believe me need a live twitter feed of you and losers talking about what happened in the coffee shop this morning. 
Jae: I can do you even better.  #FINDTHEGIRL #WENEEDTOTALK
YResponse: You wouldn’t Dare
Jae: I would. Hunts on :) 
YResponse: Maybe I should let her punch you
Nooder was watching you type this all out and Jae’s quick responses. 
“You aren’t lying are you?” She’s breathless.
“No. Why would I lie your my best friend.” 
“ You don’t want me to punch him.” 
“Because he has a concert and he’s human too. You tell me all the time about how Idols ask to be treated as human beings instead of like these aliens or figures that you can’t touch. “ You reasoned 
“Yeah but at the same time they are so different from us, their skills are a whole new level. It’s a different world than ours.” Nooder claimed 
“This morning when I saw Jae and he realized I recognized who he was, you should have seen how scared he was... How much he wanted to run right out the door and just be gone. So I stopped. I just stopped and I treated him like I’d treat any person I met. Sure I knew his name and his face but I treated him with Kindness. I didn’t ask for his number or his picture. I just let him decide what he wanted to tell me.”  You recounted thinking about how you carefully calmed yourself and then smiled offering him more room to stand. 
“Then what? You said you got him out of a bind how?” Nooder asks 
“Oh. remember those girls with the Young K and Day6 stuff on? They came into the coffee shop right behind him. So I let him switch spots with me and made sure he stayed forward facing...Then when he ordered I paid for it and when I felt like the girls recognized him I made up this bogus BS story about his mom being sick and him bringing coffee and goodies to his family and I hugged him until the coffee was ready and then I left. “  you finished tying up the story nicely. 
“Wait so how did he get your twitter handle and YOU BOUGHT YO-”You stuck a hand over Nooder mouth not wanting her to make you. You wanted Jae to have to hunt a little to have to find you. 
“I had the barista write my handle on his drink. YES I also bought the rest of the band their coffee and breakfast are you happy. NOW we can’t go spreading this around like wildfire. Because Jae and the band have to be on the hunt. So... WE have some work to do here.” 
“Will you let me Punch Jae?” 
“ We’ll talk about that later but right now we need to make ourselves look really good and not so much like the pictures I've been taking. SO no selfies.” 
“Roger. I call dibs on Young K. “ 
You can't help but smile because of course your friends already decided what’s happening with who. 
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junker-town · 7 years
My awkward, long-lost Geocities page about Michigan football makes me feel 13 forever
The internet was a much simpler place in 2001. It was also WAY more embarrassing.
Welcome to the Geocities website I made about Michigan football when I was 13. Click the link; it’s important. Here is a wavy flag:
Geocities gave you the chance to run your own internet boom town. Anyone could start a website using its platform, and it let you do a lot. Geocities could handle a broad spectrum of colors, sounds, clip art, animation, and pages layered behind pages of content about whatever you wanted to present to the world. A lot of it was gibberish that rarely appealed to anyone, but that gibberish was made with love. Anyone who started a Geocities website felt like a pioneer, magician, and tech god all in one. They created something where there was nothing, and they did it using computers.
This is how I chose to introduce myself to the world:
Welcome everybody to my homepage. My name is Louis, and I'm a 13 year old 8th grader in Ann Arbor Michigan. I am a diehard fan and follow football very religiously, including recruiting, the draft, and coaching. Also, It is a dream of mine to become a football coach when I grow up, so if you could e-mail me at [email protected] with some tips, I would be ever most greatful. In this website I will post links to some of my favorite sites, plus articles by moi discussing thing going on in Michigan football. Plus the occasional article on hockey or basketball, plus updated links on articles by ESPN, Sports Illustrated etc.
I wrote that in 2001. They’re my first words ever as a sports writer and quite possibly the most earnest words I’ve ever published on the internet, too. Back then it was cool just to let people know who you are. Someone in China could stumble on my homepage and go, “Oh shit, there’s a kid across the world who’s into sports,” and that extant possibility was gratifying on its own — someone I don’t know knows me. There was less understanding — or at least, I didn’t understand it then — that you were whispering into a chasm or that you couldn’t stand out on your basic facts alone. But then, I really was what I said I was: a 13-year-old dork looking for coaching tips to a sport I could never dream of playing.
On Oct. 26, 2009, Yahoo! shuttered Geocities for good. There were approximately 38 million Geocities pages at the time, according to Wired, mine among them — all gone. Let’s call this day The Darkness.
On the day The Darkness came, a lot of love left this world. Granted, a lot of those sites had been abandoned and broken already. The people who let those pages wither never wanted to see them die, however. As Geocities went down, a number of web collectives started saving every page they could.
Don’t click any of these links, they’re probably malware.
If you really want to relive those halcyon days, you can download a 652-gigabyte torrent from a “loose collective of rogue archivists, programmers, writers and loudmouths” called Archive Team and rummage through the detritus yourself. I found my old page years ago when the memory of it (I don’t know from where) entered my head and I began to google. Maybe on the fifth page of results, I landed on the Wayback Machine.
Unfortunately, most of the links on my website don’t work anymore. Just three of the Features on the left-hand side are clickable — recent articles, schedules, and an “About Me” section.
No good Geocities site didn’t have an “About Me” section. Note: It’s not an “About” section. Websites then were treated like virtual mountain tops where plain people could tell the world how plain they were. Geocities sites nominally provided a service — back then, I believe 80 percent was dedicated to GoldenEye cheat codes — but behind those services was somebody who really just wanted you to know who he was and be proud of his work.
In my “About Me” section, I revealed that I was the clinical definition of a goober.
Backround- I was born Nov. 22nd 1987 in Ann Arbor Michigan. I have lived here my entire life. I stand at 4 feet 11 inches, and am the shortest person in my 8th grade class. My favorite color is blue(of course), and my second favorite is green. My favorite food is couscous. My shoe size is a 7 mens. My favorite movie is Any Given Sunday. And my favorite book is Pet Semetary by Stephen King, my second favorite is the 2000 Michigan football media guide.
Music- I am very ranged in my tastes of music, I like from Garth Brooks (long neck bottle) to Limp Bizkit (Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'). My favorite group is the Beastie Boys who play my favorite song called Paul Revere. My favorite person from the Beastie Boys is Adrock. We were both born A cusp of November (He was born on Oct. 30th, the cusp beween November and October, I was Born on Nov. 22nd the cusp between Scorpio and Sagitarrius).
These may be the most mortifying words that exist about anyone on Earth. I’ve struggled to write this section because I have to look away from the screen repeatedly due to debilitating embarrassment:
The counter still works, and is now counting AWAY from the Michigan vs. Washington game.
The shame is two-fold: 1) Because everything up there is true — I remember that media guide as one my favorite Christmas gifts ever, and God help me that’s what I thought music was then, and 2) because I remember how much care I put into writing that.
As a small, exceedingly shy, anxiety-ridden kid, I really cared about that website. Whoever archived it found it at its inception. The counter shows 21 visitors. I had more than that over the course of the probably year-and-change I kept it up. I got traffic from family and from the members of the Michigan message board that I lurked on. Any time I updated the site — with either fresh links, or a new game recap — I’d post it to the message board, and would receive a lot of mostly friendly feedback about what I thought Lloyd Carr should have done (throw the ball) and not done (run the ball).
I considered these exchanges “conversations.” I had trouble making words come from my mouth. People call that “talking,” but talking was a stretch goal for me. In school, anytime I thought I ought to speak my heart thumped so hard that it suppressed the air from lungs and stopped the words at my chest. If I said anything out loud it was in a whisper, at the floor, several beats later than I wanted. But in writing, words don’t have volume. That’s why I got into sportswriting then and largely why I’m still in it now. Writing is still best way I know how to speak.
[A brief interlude] Hahahahaha eat it Corso:
"Michigan has no chance to have a great football season, in my opinion. They play too many good teams that are as good or better than they are, and a lot of them are away from home. That makes it more difficult. They can stumble and be a really fine football team, losing three games at least."-ESPN analyst Lee Corso on Michigan the summer before Michigan's 12-0 record and national championship season.
[OK, back] The schedule section is easily my favorite part of all this.
First, there’s the internal logic. You can tell the importance of each game by the font size: Michigan State is a marginally more important game than the rest, but it’s nothing compared to Notre Lame or OHIO STATE!!!!
Second: “Notre Lame” is such a satisfying thing to say or type in bold font, and it pains me that I can never use it unironically ever again. At some point in your life, you come to realize that your team isn’t intrinsically better or worse than any other and that sports tribalism is petty and arbitrary. I know that, but I still don’t feel it to be true.
I want to yell “Notre Lame” from my roof into the night. I wouldn’t, because I know that I would feel like a goofus afterward. But the fact that “Dame” rhymes with “Lame” is immutable. It is truth; as true as night turning into day or that Notre Dame went 4-8 last season.
This is my second favorite part:
Forgot to mention in my profile that I'm a master at fooseball. Let me put it this way, my sister beats all the Frat brothers at the University of Wisconsin, and I beat her 10 to 6. Plus I can beat my dad, who is better than my sister. Here's a link to fooseball.com.
When you’re a largely incapable adolescent person, you glom onto what few skills you have. I could have put Mario Kart up here, but I was all about foosball at the time. The day I beat my dad was one of my proudest, and I mean that. Being better than your dad at something is maybe the first sign in a young man’s life that, someday, he won’t suck. I went to fooseball.com a lot. It outlined a lot of techniques that I practiced on my own. I think the site was based in the United Kingdom. It doesn’t exist as it did then.
Here were my hobbies.
My Hobbies- Sports and hangin' around are my hobbies. When I'm with friends we always play basketball, or football, or soccer, or some sort of sport. Following all sports is fun to. It's like watching a masculine soap opera. Hanging around is always fun, I'm a pretty lazy guy so that's what I do most of the time. It's always fun to go the mall or downtown and talk to people, just random people. I have made many friends that way, and enemies.
For the most part, these are still my hobbies. My life has centered on sports and hangin’ around since I was born. They’re still maybe my two favorite things. Sixteen years later, I’ve learned that adding 1) alcohol, and 2) pals to sports and hangin’ around often makes both things better, but otherwise I’m not a fundamentally different person than I was then. I still think I’m a lazy guy, only now I feel obligated to deal with the complex question of why that is.
The last two sentences of that excerpted paragraph are lies. I liked to wander the mall and downtown with my friends, but I didn’t spend much time talking to anyone. At most, I might yell something dumb my friends told me to yell at a stranger; a product of being into Jackass. I made no friends that way and haven’t had an honest-to-god enemy in my life. I was the most innocuous kid on the planet. I wrote those words to add intrigue to what I may have felt even then was a fraught and boring but otherwise happy existence.
Unfortunately, we only have one snapshot of that paragraph. I’d like to see how it evolved over time and what other activities I invented. Geocities let me create, mold, and catalog an image of myself as I saw it. Geocities illuminated that image. For a while, it was my claim in a world that was so much smaller then.
If you, too, have an embarrassing old Geocities/Angelfire/Blogspot/Xanga/LiveJournal/SB Nation page, PLEASE share it in the comments below.
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