#but its so hard to explain things without spoiling stuff 😭😭
eunhos · 1 year
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fictionfixations · 4 months
honestly so happy that its easier to grind in hsr then genshin cause im actually able to properly build my characters instead of whatever mess i had in that game (i got the right artifacts but trying to get materials for anything was a bit of a pain to me)
also that the resin (i dont know what its called in this game im using genshin terms) can like. overflow into this other thing??? is. so helpful. (i stopped playing at one point so i just came back to both being full. and then when i realized what it actually did it was a godsend because it made it so much easier to fully commit to grinding. i know in genshin you can make the resin this little thing? condensed?? but thats a thing you have to do yourself i think)
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all im missing is leveling up the lightcones and traces
and im only missing the traces because i already used up weekly bosses. THATS IT.
robin and ratio have the same boss material so all i have to do then is get the other resources which isnt actually that hard (ill only have an issue if i cant material synthesis or exchange or whatever since i need to do it for the robin stuff that you get from enemies that can ambush you, i dont know what you refer to them as, but cause i havent unlocked penacony yet lol)
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and the only lightcones that might give me issue is because highlighted is penacony material stuff
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(yes i put final victor on ratio LMFAO)
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so YEAHH i feel like im doing pretty good in that department. also ive caught up to penaconys story i just havent started in-game because i wanted to see where it all leads up to and then go back to see all the foreshadowing and get a better understanding of what happened since it also confused me, so im waiting for a time i can just sit there for countless hours and focus. i even switched to eng vas so i dont end up misreading something
(anyway i only got to trying to max out my characters as much as i can until i can level them higher because before i got stuck on so many quests that required a fight 😭, yanqing, argenti, i hate battling you oh my god)
actually on that topic everyones relics arent fully maxed out.
ive only been leveling this cause 5 star dan heng is my main damage dealer
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and the healer because im fucked without them (its natasha, but im open to changing it if i find a better healer or shield 🙏)
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on that topic:
i returned to honkai star rail because aventurine. i focused on the story because aventurine. (got spoiled his story, realized 'what the fuck hes cool i like him' and watched someone go through the story) i came back in time for his banner but you know what? i had like zero wishing stuff because id stopped playing so i missed out unfortunately
i have friends who have aventurine as like one of the support characteres thingy tho? like the the where you can get support from other peoples characters
so thats been fun. but also auto is kind of bad with aventurine. or maybe because it thinks 'oh theres already a shield, so i wont e' which is pain. on the other hand actually playing instead of having it on auto is fun with aventurine. i like planning around it and thinking of who to have use their skills while keeping in mind when i should have him refresh his shield. i cant explain to you how it hurts seeing hp missing with a shield around it because i cant do anything about it (im the type of person who likes to keep my characters hp full ngl)
probably not the best decision to want shield over a healer but. i can make it work. maybe. i just want aventurine ok. (except for phantylia who as far as im aware is the only one who can just TAKE hp like that? without even affecting shields???)
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seapigeonn · 11 months
Hello can you tell me what the terror is? It looks interesting:P.
OHHHHHH MY GOSH okay YAY I get to talk about The Terror! It’s a show on AMC based on the real failed 1845 James Franklin expedition to find the northeast passage through Canada to facilitate British trade, but with a supernatural twist. There are two seasons but the first one is the one I’m posting about, which is based on the book of the same name by Dan Simmons (which is. Not very good. From what I’ve seen.) also there’s very emotionally charged murder and cannibalism and it rules. (Very obviously dangling the tumblr bait stuff in front of your face) (it’s what got ME to watch it so it works)
The story has a pretty big cast that I can’t get into fully so I’m going to summarize it very vaguely here. There’s two ships on the expedition, the Erebus and the Terror, 2 years (I THINK) into the expedition, the ships get trapped in the ice and are unable to move, the captain of The Terror, captain Crozier, requests to send men out to seek help, but the leader of the expedition, John Franklin, is too proud to do so, the situation gets worse when, after the crew kills a netsilik native (and then holds his daughter in their ships) a bear-like creature begins to attack the ship and its crew, picking them off one by one. Their food is also going bad, and the situation just gets worse and worse, before they realize they’re going to have to walk through the cold if they want to survive. Also this guy Hickey is there and he’s gay and evil. The problem causer on that ship. We’re all sick of her ass.
It deals with themes like the horrors of imperialism and class divide and like. What being ‘kind’ in these circumstances really means. Idk it’s very rich in a way idk how to get into without spoiling it. Also I’m not very good at explaining things in general. But like. TRUST. It’s good 🤞🤞🤞If and WHEN you finish you should jump into my dms and talk about it ! Or even when you’re watching!
The show is just so incredibly layered, but it’s very difficult to parse who the characters are with the low lighting and very similar white guy faces, it doesn’t really stop and look at you the viewer in the face to explain what’s going on, so it can be hard on a first watch. I can send you a face guide in DM‘s you want, it’s what I used while watching the show for the first time. It’s an incredible experience on the second watch when you actually know what’s going on 😭😭😭
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takasgf · 1 year
the more time i spend here the more angy i get. whatever, answered s/i questions under the cut
Original post
1) other than with your f/o(s), how are your insert’s relationships with other characters like? have they made any close friends or enemies+ how did that happen?
Being part of the Guardians' team, she's pretty good friends with all of them. She can get into arguments with Q.uill once in a while, but usually they all get along. Before joining the team, she used to be absolute besties with OG G.root. She's also very close to N.ebula, due to all the time spent during the blip with her and R.ocket. Her only "enemy" for that matter would be my oc, Aeneas, but once he drops the "overthrowing the monarchy by marrying the princess" act, they become friends again.
2) what about their reputation, are they well known outside of their circle? what do others initially think or assume about them?
"Morgen Krantz, fugitive princess of Zteamer. That's a mouthful. " Most people see her for her princess title, assigning her the stereotypical traits of a princess (spoiled, arrogant, pretentious etc.) and even mocking or belittling her, reminding of the failure that her species had become. Those in the art world are more familiar with her interests, but still reduce her pieces and artworks to her name rather than actual skill. She is not hated, but most dont think highly of her either. Those who are familiar with her father or have business relationships with her planet respect her and try not to get on her bad side, so that they wont have to suffer the consequences.
3) what were your f/o(s) first impression of them? vice versa, what was your insert’s first impression of your f/o(s)?
He was rather annoyed at her inability to shut up. He felt bad for her somehow and didnt want to bring her back to Zteamer, as he realised she doesnt deserve to be deprived of freedom. But hell he was annoyed with her for the first few days. He obviously grew very fond of her and wouldnt let anyone dangerous hurt her, but it took him some time to accept her with all her quirks. She was incredibly kind and warm to him from the very beginning. She admired him and saw him as her hero for saving her - but she wanted to impress him and prove herself as a valluable member of his team. Her insecurity faded over time after they joined the Guardians, but she still wanted him to think that she was "cool".
4) what’s one thing you and your self insert(s) have in common?
Appearence! We look the same except for the eyes and maybe hair because i just got a really ugly haircut. But id say we look fairly similar :3
5) what’s one thing you and your self insert(s) don’t have in common?
Morgen is a vegetarian. I could never. I love shrimp too much. Also charcuterie boards and bbq and salmon and pork paté. I cant give those up, sorry girl.
6) what is your insert’s moral alignment?
Im not going to take the quiz because im lazy but from description only i'd say chaotic good? Just like Froggy
7) give us a little bit of information about your insert! could be basic (name, age, height), stuff relevant to the source (abilities, class type, affiliations, etc.) or just fun facts you really want to talk about!
Errrr she is Morgen Krantz (actually thought about naming her Mörgen to differentiate it from the canon character named Morgan but i decided against it; i can only hope people understand its MY self insert.....), her age ranges from 17-32 (17 when she left her planet, she's 20 in vol 1 and vol 2, 24 in IW when she starts dating Rocky, 29 in EG, 32 in vol 3 etc), she's 150 cm or 4'11" and as for her abilities, she can deatach her arm and use it in battle, she wields weapons, she's reisistent to fire and lasers, and later when she gets stronger she can manipulate the starry mass she's made of in her favour (its hard to explain without visuals, leave me alone😭)
8) how would they spend their day to day in your f/os’ universe? do they have a job or any other daily commitment? a routine they follow?
She pretty much hangs out with the team exclusively. As a "job" she goes on missions with them; she also gets comissioned by other people for paintings or sculptures. I suppose she has her separate art hobbies, and she often attends events related to that or goes on cute little dates with her boyfriend, but you can find her most of the time on the spaceship or wandering around on N.owhere.
9) when does your insert come into the story and what part do they play in it? how do they fit into everything, and how does the story change with them involved?
Unlike Frogeru who actively changes the story (yeah the KG too - secret frogeru lore!) , Morgen is just an addition. Her story and specific events are just extras to the already existing one, because i really like it the way it is already (unlike..danganfart...). I just wanted to give Rocky another friend (and partner tehehe), who'd be there since the beginning.
skipping 10 because im still reworking her backstory
11) when & how do they get introduced to your f/os?
After she escapes her planet on a random ship that visited her planet, she's found by two bounty hunters, R.ocket and G.root. Instead of taking her back home, they let her join their team, giving up the immense reward for her being brought back to her father in favour of her freedom. This was a few years before vol 1 happened. Her romantic feelings for Rocky start after vol 2 and their relationship gets official in the time between IW and EG.
12) what about their fashion & aesthetic? what kind of clothes do they usually/like to wear for the everyday, or when they’re all dressed up for some special event?
She's pretty dressed up all the time - she is a princess afterall. She's got her casual clothes too, but prefers being extra. Her clothes are quite fancy (and expensive), she loves frills, accessories, gloves and ribbons. Here is a link to her outfits sheet.
13) ^ is it anything practical you would wear irl, or is it a little unrealistic and purely for the sake of having a cool design?
I want and need to own all of her clothes. All her accessories are practical and serve some sort of purpose. And they are so cute♡
14) if your insert were to become a canon character, how would they be treated by fandom? do you think they would get misinterpreted a lot?
Maybe..? She has a few traits that can be considered self-centered, but I doubt she'd be overly hated for that. Im not very familiar with the intricacies of the m.cu fandom, i dont know what characters are liked or not, even when i was part of it id just look at fanart and ignore everything else💀i should learn from past me!!! I do like to think there would be cute shipping artwork of Morket ^_^ ♡ even if their romantic relationship wouldnt be canonized, it could be implied in the movies after IW. like subtle little nods to them being closer. I also want a quick forehead kiss in vol 3 ;^; for when he comes back and morgen is relieved that he is alive. Oh yeah the fandom uhhh i dont know. Morgen is still pretty new in my life. I know there'd be some idiots that ship her with her friend-enemy (Aeneas) just for that stupid trope, but i doooont like it. Morgen belongs with R.ocket and i want to think about edits, amvs and anime styled fanart of them!
skipping 15 bc already answered for 4
16) what does their living environment look like? is it minimally decorated, messy or super high tech & futuristic? is it a place you could actually/want to live in?
I didnt think much about it besides the very basics. It would be very decorated, she has a bunch of interests, but it would be clean. Not necessarly organized, she would leave her art supplies scattered around everywhere, but you'd never find food leftovers, laundry or trash thrown around there. Relatively clean, full of personality, but a bit messy if she is feeling creative and is working on a piece of art.
17) does your insert have any family? (whether it be familial f/os, ocs, pets or people based off your actual family)
I need to answer this game with Frogeru too, her family is SO much more interesting than Morgen's😭 She's got her parents, Otis and Marie Krantz. No siblings or other known relatives. Otis loves his daughter a lot, but is A TERRIBLE person and leader. Marie is a lot more chill, but pretty absent in her life. She likes her daughter as a person, but she doesnt consider her as her child (even if she is). I will elaborate later. Morgen doesnt have an awful relationship with her mom, but its not the best. She's closer to her father, but thats not necessarly for the better. He wants her to be safe but goes to extremes for it (literally locking her up in the castle and not letting her have any contact with other people). When it comes to her relationship, her mom approves of it and supports it, while her dad is completely weirded out once he finds out ("MY DAUGHTER IS DATING A TALKING MONGOOSE?????") But its too late for him to do anything because he'd be in prison, close to dying at that point. I will elaborate later.
What a dark note to end on IM SORRY
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