#but ive been redoing their sim forms
gunthermunch · 11 months
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a draft of my cas adventures like a month ago
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literalite · 1 year
gonna list all my story ideas bcos i feel like it 🤷‍♂️
brylants gen 4- ive completely wiped the entire brylant legacy from my blog (much to my regret) but they were the first sims i EVER made in 2018 and the first family i played with so u can imagine how they looked 😭 anyway it was a bunch of stuff about being touched by death the main characters name was lazarus he was cool. i actually cannibalised a lot of the planned ideas for dgwicf 🤭
lines to the sea- dont even ask it was gonna be some gay coming of age shit 😭✋️ i rlly liked the mcs names tho... carlyle and heaven
still dead- post apocalyptic zombie stuff, the main characters were this mid twenties girl and a mute kid 🤷‍♂️ it was gonna be mostly told in flashbacks i cancelled it after like 4 posts but u can see the remains on my blog if ur good at searching
don't go where i can't follow- the main story of this blog my child is three years old in april 🤓 and im still in part one... im trying to make myself ok with the fact that its gonna be a veryyyy long project. the journey has been worth it even tho its not as beloved as the next entry to the list
meet me in the woods- the people's favourite HDKSJKSJSL the only story ive ever completed. the amount of people who dmed me bcos they cried 😭😭 i rlly value that... i really wanna redo it tho!! make it even more heartbreaking 🤪 but after dgwicf is over 🤞
kiss me goodbye- i still think this is a rlly good idea but i might revisit in like written out form instead of a sims story. it wasnt gonna be very visually appealing for my standards to be honest and ive always wanted to actually. write a novel so... maybe for later
the point of this was theyre not always gonna be winners and ur storytelling process is pretty much guaranteed to not be cleancut and linear 🤷‍♂️ dont feel bad about it! have as much fun as u can bcos thats what its for
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osmw1 · 5 years
Crowbar Nurse   Chapter 1 — Prologue: Travelling Between Worlds Because of my Phone is Normal, Right?
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I am a nameless rookie nurse.
My hobby is clearing my mind with video games. In particular, mindless zombie shooters and dating sims that I can enjoy while yapping off with friends are my favorite genres.
… well, it’d be more accurate to say “was”. I ended up being employed by an awful hospital, even though I was super careful with my applications. But because of that, I don’t have any spare time to play my games. I was way above the legal overtime limit but yet, here I was working for free.
Let me go home already… I can’t think straight anymore…
I was tapping away at an outdated computer in the nurses’ station and doing today’s documentation.
The location is Shinjuku. The time, wee hours. A hellhole of a hospital ward with a window to the night outside. The nurses of this ward start their day way too early and end their nights dizzyingly late. Even when neglecting my hunger and hygiene, I can get only four, five hours of precious sleep a day. Such are my circumstances when working hours are this long.
I haven’t really done anything at all lately. I don’t have the time to game or hang out with my friends… the only thing I’ve done other than work is scrolling on my phone…
I silently sighed inside.
Society thinks us nurses to be huge flirts, headstrong, and highly paid. I’m sure there are some out there who are like that. … not me though. I’d say I’m the complete opposite of that.
When I was a teenager, I played games all day and cared too little about looking pretty, leading me straight down the path of being a loner. By the time I did care, I was a university student busy with studying and practicum. Outside of school, my girlfriends and I would be in stupidly high heels and partying like there was no tomorrow.
Though I like talking with people, I was always too timid for my own good. Not only did my seniors always yell at me, I also have literally zero experience in relationships. … I suppose faking it and going to clubs did get me attention from shallow guys, but the thing is that I have never been popular with the opposite sex. That’s why I can’t stand people who are blessed with confidence.
… I’m completely twisted. I know. I’ll probably end up in my thirties with everybody saying that my standards are too unrealistic and no one interested in me…
I sighed out loud this time. And as for the highly paid part? That’s probably not true for me as well. My take home pay is a little over 180,000 with more than 100 hours of unpaid overtime. Still, in this “Land of the Setting Sun”, that’s probably considered well-paid.
There are all sorts of nurses, y’know?
I’m neither well-paid nor well-versed in relationships. I’m just a sham who loves her zombies. I had once prided myself on my love for nursing, but the soul-sucking work as of late led to the flames of my passion burning out. I’m simply a lifeless drone.
Ughhh, I need to let loose and wipe out some zombies… I can’t stand working anymore…
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Shoving those memories aside, I begrudgingly returned to recordkeeping. Now, let me describe what a day for a newbie nurse with no time for fun or zombies is like. After five hours of sleep, I wake up and head to my ward. I look up the details of the patients I’m in charge of on the piece of crap computer. Once that’s done, I make sure all the medicine and IV drips are good to go. After handing off things to the night shift, I begin making my rounds. There’s not even a moment spare to get water or go to the washroom. Even when working such a long shift, I say goodbye to lunch breaks if it gets busy. It doesn’t matter your level of seniority, you effectively get only five minutes. If it’s bad, it’s closer to 30 seconds… I fly into the break room, stuff my face with food, and eat it while walking back to the desk. Then, I get back to logging or preparing for the midday debriefing. I’m sure… I’m sure other places are like this too. In every hospital is a ward this depressing.
… oof. Crap. Nearly fell asleep there.
That moment of microsleep was most definitely because of sleep deprivation. The steady chime of the patient monitoring system and the clattering of keyboards from other nurses working overtime fill the room. I glanced at the watch I had stuffed in my pocket—12:30, later than usual.
It’s past midnight already, eh? Still, even when everybody lives around here, Shinjuku at night is still a little dangerous.
Even then, none of us dayshift nurses have gone home yet. That’s just how things work here. I casually looked up from my PC.
Colorful neon signs and lit offices contribute to the dazzling lights in the nightscape. It shone through the window across the hallway from the nurses’ station. Low-intensity aircraft warning lights dotted countless skyscrapers. The red lights on top of the buildings were like a constellation twinkling together. Its beauty never fails to take me out of reality.
 … though I may be sleepy, even at this hour, the streets were not. The lights revealed everybody who was still awake.
Until I started working, I never knew the nights of Shinjuku were created and supported by people like me—the slaves to society.
 People are used and discarded every day to maintain this beautiful dazzling world.
… and just as that thought floated across my mind, my view of the night sky worrisomely fluttered for a moment.
 Hmm…? That’s weird.
I couldn’t tell whether my vision was blurry or that my head wasn’t functioning properly. Though what was very clear was that I was far too tired. Then, I got lightheaded for a split second. As soon as it passed and I breathed a sigh of relief, I clutched my chest in pain.
 I’m going to die… oh yeah, I’m totally dying.
As my heart stabbed with every pulse, I took a deep breath only to find my head spinning again.
… frankly, I’m not doing so well.
This has been a frequent occurrence lately. I hold back the wave of nausea as I struggle to form sentences in my head… then suddenly, the exhausted head nurse rushed over to me in a panic.
“—the management is coming around! Hurry, hide yourself in the linen room!”
Once I realized the head nurse was shouting at me in a quiet voice, she stood me up by my shoulders. And before I knew it, she shoved me into the linen room at the far end of the nurses’ station and slammed the door shut.
… ah, not this again…
I subconsciously sighed. This happens every day in our ward. Basically, it’s to conceal the fact that us newcomers are forced to work overtime. If the head honchos of the nursing department find out, they would chew out the head nurse.
The directive of this sweatshop of a hospital is supposedly to eliminate overtime and, officially, newcomers aren’t forced to do so. That’s why when the head of the department swings by, us newcomers get spirited away.
That’s fine and all, but… damn it. The computers automatically logout after 10 minutes of inactivity, so there goes all my unsaved data…
Looks like I’ll have to redo everything, which means I’m stuck here until at least 1:00. I squatted down and subconsciously sighed again. Guess I don’t have much of a choice but to sleep until they come get me. As I shut my eyes close in exhaustion, I felt a strange vibration coming from my pocket.
 … huh? A notification? I thought I turned off my phone…
I doubted myself as I reached into my pocket. When I took a look at my phone, the screen was pitch black but oddly enough, some text was showing.
… hmm, what’s that? Is that English?
The excessive number of symbols made me question whether it was really English or not. It may have been pitch black, but it was just bright enough that I could tell the screen was on. That and the green text showing clued me in on that.
… what’s all this about? Did some super hacker breach my phone? Wait, are there people who hack smartphones in the first place?
I looked down at the screen in confusion… hmm? What? Hold on… The green text scrolled past at a blistering pace. The line practically disappears as soon I tried to read it!
 “… what?!”
I was fully awake when I reflexively cried out loud but was still too late to cover my mouth shut. The directors should have still been out there on their patrol. I hope they didn’t hear me.
Whaaaaaaat. Huh?! Augh! What’s going on?!
A scene of pure sci-fi unfolded in front of my very eyes. Talk about a complete one-eighty from my depressing daily life.
No, seriously, am I being hacked? Is this what it’s like? This looks more like magic to me though!
Unfortunately, a Neanderthal who can’t even do basic addition on Excel like me had no idea what was happening. I don’t get it… but I knew that this wasn’t supposed to happen.
sudo…? apt-get install? Hey, hey, hey, hey! Don’t go installing anything weird on my phone without my permission! It’s now asking for a password… and it’s being filled in!
My eyes went wide as ••••• popped up in the password field.
But… I didn’t even do anything…
I was speechless. Then, while my jaw was still on the floor, the door violently swung open… as someone came barelling through.
The protagonist is a super overworked rookie nurse who was on the verge of dying. Once you get her on the topic of zombie games, she'll yap on for even longer than the intro to The Final Countdown—though it's not an opportune moment right now.
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