#but ive been through it
beeoftheanxieties · 11 months
The Val202 Interview (a very personal rant)
If you've been online in the past 24 hours you have probably come across the newest JO interview from Val202. And it has been painful.
If you've been lurking through my tags, you probably have picked up that I suffer from anxiety, more specifically a panic disorder as well. So, as you can imagine, knowing that Bojan is going through the same thing is... rough. Rough cause I know what a panic attack and its aftermath feels like . Rough because I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. And rough because it happened during one of the things Bojan likes doing the most, which is performing.
I just want to send all the love to him. He deserves nothing but the best and I am so proud of him for speaking out on it. I hope he gets (or is already getting) the help he deserves. Speaking from experience, the road to recovery is not easy, never linear and it might take a while, but it is so worth it.
I'm also really proud of him for speaking on it cause I feel like the general public still thinks that a panic attack is someone kicking and screaming, while it can really just look like you slightly zoning out, thinking about the worst-case scenarios. The fact that he managed to perform during it, Bojan, you have my utmost respect. But please, don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm, please.
I really have major respect for him. Insane respect. Cause I've been through it. And I know how embarrassing it can be to tell someone 'oh yeah, sometimes my mind thinks of the worst things ever and my heart goes crazy and then I spiral'. And I can imagine how much harder it is to admit to that when the public thinks like you are living the life.
So yeah, we truly do not deserve Bojan. Bless him. He's amazing, as the rest of the band (also gotta say a thank you to Nace at this point for being with him. I know that 'having someone there for you' as you're panicking is not the best thing ever, because there is no guarantee you will always have a person available, but boy does it make a difference). I hope they get the break they most desperately deserve and need very soon.
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geneslovee · 1 year
because i've been in deadline hell i haven't left the house in almost a week and i've also been home alone the whole time and that is such a strange experience and i cannot believe we did that for so long during lockdown. i keep forgetting where i am on the globe because all that exists for me are the walls of the house im in like im a weird liminal space
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