#tw:panic attacks
beeoftheanxieties · 11 months
The Val202 Interview (a very personal rant)
If you've been online in the past 24 hours you have probably come across the newest JO interview from Val202. And it has been painful.
If you've been lurking through my tags, you probably have picked up that I suffer from anxiety, more specifically a panic disorder as well. So, as you can imagine, knowing that Bojan is going through the same thing is... rough. Rough cause I know what a panic attack and its aftermath feels like . Rough because I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. And rough because it happened during one of the things Bojan likes doing the most, which is performing.
I just want to send all the love to him. He deserves nothing but the best and I am so proud of him for speaking out on it. I hope he gets (or is already getting) the help he deserves. Speaking from experience, the road to recovery is not easy, never linear and it might take a while, but it is so worth it.
I'm also really proud of him for speaking on it cause I feel like the general public still thinks that a panic attack is someone kicking and screaming, while it can really just look like you slightly zoning out, thinking about the worst-case scenarios. The fact that he managed to perform during it, Bojan, you have my utmost respect. But please, don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm, please.
I really have major respect for him. Insane respect. Cause I've been through it. And I know how embarrassing it can be to tell someone 'oh yeah, sometimes my mind thinks of the worst things ever and my heart goes crazy and then I spiral'. And I can imagine how much harder it is to admit to that when the public thinks like you are living the life.
So yeah, we truly do not deserve Bojan. Bless him. He's amazing, as the rest of the band (also gotta say a thank you to Nace at this point for being with him. I know that 'having someone there for you' as you're panicking is not the best thing ever, because there is no guarantee you will always have a person available, but boy does it make a difference). I hope they get the break they most desperately deserve and need very soon.
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𝐘𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞, 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞
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i’ll make a moodboard later xx
pairings: chris evans x reader
warnings: angst, needles, trypanophobia, panic attacks, hurt/comfort, fluff, chris just being the best
summary: for my love, @chrisevansdaughter​ , sending you all the hugs and kisses for tomorrow xx
“But, Chris, do we have to?”
“Yes, honey, now, c’mon.” he sound exasperated but you were probably overthinking, already tense with nerves at the prospect of going near a needle.
You stayed close to Chris and time went by in a blur. You were called in to the doctor’s in no time. The routine questions were asked as you held onto Chris like a lifeline, your fingers slightly digging into his bicep. Though you did answer each question, your voice became quieter and quieter, you mind slipping away, thinking of the worst.
You were brought back to reality at the sound of shuffling and clinking, as the doctor took a seat next to you.
"Okay, Ms. Y/L/N. This is just a standard vaccine. You'll just feel a quick pinch and it'll all be over."  Her voice was soft and reassuring but the didn't help calm your anxiety about the situation.
Chris took a hold of your hand.
"I'm right here, honey, keep your eyes on me and squeeze my hand as much as you need."
You closed your eyes.
Don't look. Don't look. Don't look.
You repeated the mantra in your head but each time, the temptation to look grew. So you did. You gave in and looked.
When you saw the needle mere milimetres away from your skin, your breath hitched. You involuntarily flinched and jerked your arm away. You held onto your arm as you turned away, squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head.
"No." You whispered.
"No no no no no no no. Chris please." you begged, your eyes filling up with tears, "Please don't make me do this." 
Your breaths were becoming laboured. You faintly heard the doctor say something before hearing the door shut. Chris immediately sprung into action, pulling you closer to him.
"Hey, honey, Y/N, im gonna need you to breath for me baby. Can you do that for me? Yeah? In... two... three... 4....out... two...three...four."
You curled into Chris placing your face against his chest, listening to his heart as you tried copying his breaths. But it didn't work. Your breaths shortened as you felt a lump in your throat.
"C-chris, I c-can't breathe. I can't breathe."
"Hey, honey, yes you can , you can, look, I'm right here, I'm right here. Im gonna need you to do something for me. Can you do that, sweet girl?"
You nodded slightly.
"That's great. Can you think of a colour for me? Any colour you want."
"Um, g-green." you stuttered.
"That’s perfect honey. Now can you name some things in this room that are green? Can you to that for me?"
You glanced around the room, finding a couple of objects.
"Um, the-the poster. On the door. The, um, the..." you listed the objects as you felt your breaths evening out. Chris throwed in some praise here and there.
You quietened down, closing your eyes for a few moments, just listening to the steady, calming beating of chris' heart.
"There we go," chris whispered. "You did amazing, baby."
You gave a week smile and moved your face as Chris's cupped it in his large hands.
"You're safe, honey, your safe. Look at me, baby, there is nothing, nothing to be scared of."
You looked at him skeptically as he reassured you.
"I promise. How 'bout we try something, yeah? How 'bout when the doctor's gonna give you your injection, i want you to pinch me. On my arm."
You shook your head. "I don't wanna do that."
"Baby, i promise you it'll be fine. I'll be fine. Do you trust me?"
Of course you did. You trusted Chris with your life. So you went along with what he said.
The lady came back in. Chris kept your face in his hands. You brought your left hand up to his resting on your face.
The doctor was kind enough to give you a countdown and at 1, you squeezed your eyes shut and pinched Chris. You shuddered at the feeling after but soon relaxed.
You stayed there with Chris as cotton and a bandaid was placed.
You stayed there as the Doctor talked to Chris.
He murmured something, before standing up and pulling you into his arms.
You fell asleep on the ride back, the events catching up to you. Chris let you sleep, knowing how mentally exhausting this was for you. But it was all over now.
He was proud of you and knew what would make it all better.
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
Hi! I saw ur recent post and I hope that ur feeling okay I had a panic attack recently and I thought of an idea about it lol, could you do smt where Chris and the reader get stuck in an elevator together and the reader is really claustrophobic? Thanks sm
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He was the safety you needed no matter what.
Paring: Chris x Sister! Reader
Warnings: claustrophobia, anxiety, panic attacks, bring stuck in an elevator ( worst nightmare for me)
Summary: Chris and Y/n were leaving the mall to go to the parking lot when her worst fears come true.
Everyone in your family knew you anxiety over many things one of those things was small spaces i.e elevators that you had a deathly fear of getting stuck in one from that little nugget of anxiety it manifested into claustrophobia. Which at the best of times didn’t help at all mix that with a panic attack and we’ll see what happens.
Chris and yourself were having some quality time together going room shopping for some new decorations since you decided you wanted to change up your room a little he was completely down with helping you with that.
Already bring on edge with normal anxiety from how busy it was at the mall only amplified your claustrophobia and Chris could see that I mean you were basically finished anyways, one last step was going in an elevator down to the parking lot, which we all know you hated.
Knowingly Chris was hugging you when you got in the elevator to keep you grounded for the short trip knowing how bad you could get. Suddenly all you hear was a thud, nothing was moving, nothing was opening. You were stuck. Your worst nightmare.
Panic bubbled more than before, the claustrophobic feeling came in full effect, Chris was still hugging you, reassuring you were okay and that you were both safe and making it paramount you knew someone was coming to help them.
All he got as a reply was a whimper and the soft sound of crying, it pulled on his heart, he started to rock you gently, telling your brain to ‘shhh’ the noise away. Magically it worked, it usually always didn’t he’d usually have to try another one of your therapy techniques but he wasn’t complaining nor were you.
A couple minutes later the bing noise of the elevator started again and soon enough you were in the safety of the parking lot, proud of you Chris pulled you in to another hug for one last time before walking to the car reminding you it’s okay, and that you were safe.
He was your safety blanket.
Your blanket from your thoughts.
All he’d say if it got really bad was ‘shhhhh’ to quiet down your brain, your thoughts it worked amazingly.
He was the safety you needed no matter what.
Hey anon, I hope your okay after you panic attack that you had recently l, and I’m feeling better now thank you. I hope you enjoy this lovely. I hope you all love it too
Don’t forget to like, reblog and send in your asks :)
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kitty-agere-fics · 6 months
Appa Fixes Everything
Little!Reader, CG!Jisung
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
tw: panic attack
You were walking back to your apartment after your classes had ended. All you wanted was to be at home and to be held by Jisung. Unfortunately, you came home to an empty house.
"Jisungie? Jisung?" You call out as you walk through the house, "Appa! Appa!" You start to regress and cry as you panic. You're all alone.
You take out your cell phone and, after a moment of hesitation, you dial Jisung's number. You hate to bother him while he's working, but you need him right now.
He answers the phone on the first ring. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?"
"Appa, Appa, come home!" You beg, crying into the phone.
"Oh, Baby, what happened? Why is Appa's precious little baby crying?" His voice stays soft and gentle.
"Need Appa! No be alone!"
"Okay. That's okay, Baby. Appa can come home. Appa will be home soon, Baby." He promises, "I love you." He hangs up the phone.
Twenty minutes later, Jisung walks into the apartment. He sees you, sitting on the floor, crying. He gently picks you up, holding you close. "Appa's here, Baby. It's okay. I've got you." he strokes your hair gently as you curl up into him. "Can you tell me why your crying?"
"Bad day," you mumble, burying your head into his shoulder.
"Yeah? Can you tell me what happened that made your day bad?"
"Had to do…do speech…did bad…so bad…" you mumble.
"Oh, I'm sure you did great, Baby. You're always so hard on yourself."
"No, no, no! Do bad!" You start to cry harder, "Forgot…use wrong words…did so bad…"
"Shhh, no. No, Baby. You always do really good. You do so good when you practice. I'm sure you did amazing!" He gently rocks you back and forth, trying to calm you down.
You continue to cry and your breathing becomes fast and shaky. Jisung gently rubs your back, holding you close. As you cry, you continue to ramble about everything that you'd done wrong, making yourself more and more panicky.
:Baby, calm down, you need to breathe. Deep breaths, Baby. Deep breaths for Appa."
You try to breathe, but you start coughing from all the crying. "Baby, calm down. You'll make yourself sick if you keep crying." He still rubs your back, trying to calm you down. He reaches over, grabbing a pillow off the couch and handing it to you. You squeeze the pillow tightly and you start to calm down a little bit. "Appa…Appa," you cry softly.
"I'm here, Baby. Appa's here. Appa's gonna make everything better." He whispers. His eyes light up and he smiles. "Appa's gonna go and get something, Baby. I'll be right back."
Jisung quickly sets you down and runs into the kitchen. Then, he starts moving all across the apartment, coming back into the room every minute or two with various items. A blanket, some building blocks, a pillow, a stuffed animal. Eventually, he comes back into the room and sits next to you. He is holding a sippy cup in one hand and a tumbler in the other. He hands you the sippy cup and encourages you to drink. You take a sip from your cup and smile brightly.
"Yeah, Baby. Appa made you hot cocoa!" He gently wraps the blanket around you.
"Thank you," you mumble softly.
"Of course, Baby. Just remember, Appa fixes everything." He smiles and places a gentle kiss on your cheek.
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asklegend-chal · 2 years
Hello :D wanna cookie? if so then here *gives a cookie*
Cw/Tw: Flashing, Glitching, Panic attacks.
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“I-I’m Good, Thank you for the offer.”
“im sorryimsoryr simslrry …”
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radiosandribbons · 6 days
0/10 do not recommend somehow spontaneously developing a weird lidocaine allergy??
i got some fillings done yesterday and i had a whole freakout after they gave me the shot bcs i couldnt remember how to breathe and then i laid down 15 mins ago and woke up puking my guts up??? horrific, rip my bedsheets
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icarusofhousestark · 5 months
[ calm ] - Natasha
meme here X [ 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 ] : sender is helping the receiver through a panic attack / severe anxiety.
Since he had stopped drinking and using drugs, since he had agreed to treat some of the trauma he had experienced, he had been through a long period of being plagued by panic attacks. In space, they became eventually less frequent . However, he still had them, they always came with an intensity matching either the flashback or the unknown trigger he had in his subconcsious. This time, it was a dream, a mixture of the torture of Afghanistan, the Manor and the Skrull, a blop that made him go into an intense panic. He cowered in the corner of his room, between the wall and the nightstand, knees up, not breathing , so tense , he felt like a rock. He was stuck, stuck in time, in space. Stuck in a moment of his life where he had to be quiet. He felt so warm, his heart was racing so much it actually hurt in his chest. He wasn't giving a sound out.
But then, he felt a cool hand on his , drawing infinites on his palm , a voice asking him something, he wasn't sure what , something wanted to listen more closely, forget other sounds and such. He focused on the hand, a beginning of grounding and calmness.
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scoutswritingcorner · 4 months
Dreamers Don't Dream
Alastor x GN!Reader
TW:Panic Attacks, Nightmares, descriptions of murder/death.
A/N: I know Alastor is a deranged Serial killer but I just want to sit in his lap sometimes.
You usually didn’t dream much but when you did, it was always a fleeting feeling, touch or smell of what could’ve been if you didn’t take the chance. If you didn’t play the “hero”. The voice of your mother calling you in from digging into the dirt as a kid to merely hours before the accident as you recalled the smell of your favorite body wash. Then it was washed away with the face of the man that killed you, the blood on the knife in his hand and the insane way he stared at you. The eyes of your best friend. The eyes that you trusted..the eyes that ripped you away from your family.
Sitting up from the couch in one of the many lounge rooms in the hotel. You felt your skin crawl, you needed to get out of it. Shakily getting off the couch, you noticed the familiar red jacket laying on the couch, as your vision blurred and your breath shortened as you gripped the familiar article of clothing, only one thought crossed your mind. You wanted to find Alastor. No, you needed to find Alastor. You needed to feel safe again.
Your feet robotically walked out of the lounge as your breath quickened and you felt like you were suffocating on nothing but air. As you walked faster you ignored how you almost tripped over your own feet that dragged behind you, your brain getting lost in the halls of the hotel. But your feet knew exactly where you needed to go..a small part of you knew where to find him. One hand carefully grasping onto his jacket as the other one clawed at your own neck as you tried to keep your breathing under control.
Take a left..then go down until you reach one of the maintenance doors and then take a right, then keep going straight. 
A choked sob ripped through your throat as you began to speed walk down the longer hallways, his voice could be heard laughing at someone or something. But then you heard footsteps behind you. Oh Satan, why were they so fast? Was he running at you again? Chasing you down an endless hallway for your Father to find you dead later? Was he here to kill you again and again? To keep torturing you in the afterlife? You already paid the price. Why couldn’t he leave you alone for good?
Then it stopped- all of it came to an abrupt stop. Like a record scratch on a gramophone as cool fingers wiped your tears away and soft jazz started to play from the familiar cane leaned against the bar. “Deep breaths, Cher.” His voice called out the radio filter gone for now. One of his hands slowly guided your hand to his chest as he took a deep breath in and then slowly let it out, watching as you slowly started to do the same. 
“Good..one more deep breath for me?” He whispered, leaning his head down to allow you to finally look up into his scarlet eyes. Taking in one last deep, shaky breath for him before exhaling the panic and fear gone. “There we are, Darling. That pesky nightmare bothering you again?” He asked as you silently nodded, scared to say anything right now. He hummed the radio filter back as he held his arms open in an asked question. ‘Can I hold you?’, it was a simple question but it was one that made your undead heart flutter. He never asked to hold you or touch you, he always did it without thought and you never really minded but now? Now it makes you feel ten times better.
With a quick nod to him he easily snapped his fingers and both of you were on the couch in the foyer. His arms wrapped snugly around you as you got comfortable on his lap, head hiding into his shoulder. His red jacket wrapped around your frame as you mindlessly messed with his undone bowtie, as his thumb rubbed up and down your lower back.
“Did I tell you about the time I made Vox short circuit at one of my meetings? Oh you should’ve seen everyone’s faces, Cher. It was to die for.”
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babiebom · 10 months
When You Fall (iv)
A/N: I always get this far into a fic and it gets harder to write someone please save me.
Tw:panic attack/breakdown, cursing, reader does not want to socialize.
Previous Next Masterlist
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The Saloon was not as deserted as you'd hope it be, people were sitting at tables, cliqued up and conversing. It was louder than you thought it would be, laughter filling the air. Yet, you couldn't adjust to the vibes, the laughter ringing in your ears as if it were a reminder of what could have been. It was almost too warm and stuffy, and like the biggest nuisance ever, you couldn't get your feet to move away from the door. 
The man was now staring at you expectantly, so you weakly brought up a hand to wave at him. The people in the Saloon had started to stare now, which made you more nervous than you cared to admit. So you hurry towards the bar, ordering the cheapest thing you could eat. 
The man behind the bar, Gus, had taken your order with a smile, yet didn't make any moves to try and talk to you. With a breath of relief, you silently watched as he prepared your salad, it was obvious he was making it with as many extra ingredients that he could afford to give you without charge. You wanted to cry because of the kind gesture, but that wasn't uncommon these days, you had been crying often without any reason. 
A woman with bright blue hair had been eyeing you the entire time, but like Gus she made no room to speak to you. She just cleaned cups and refilled drinks, smiling whenever the two of you would make eye contact. It feels like forever until your salad is ready, and the second it is you flee to the farthest, emptiest booth you could see. It was embarrassing, not being ready to socialize again, but you knew that this town had known your grandfather, maybe even knew him a hell of a lot better than you did and you did not want to hear their well wishes and pity because you lost him. In all honesty in the back of your mind you didn't even know if you deserved their sympathy,  you had made no effort to see him especially in his last years. You didn't want to see him in bad health and that cost you the chance of ever seeing him again, he died alone in a nursing home where the people there only cared about him because they were getting paid.
You sniffle, trying to avoid having any tears fall into your salad. You shouldn't even be crying here anyways, your bad mood was probably dampening the vibe everyone had going on. Before you even get the chance to wipe away your tears, your booth shakes as someone falls into the seat opposite of you.
Your eyes land on familiar ginger hair and a darker skinned man you had never seen before. Confused, you stay silent allowing Robin to speak first. You hadn't wanted company, but you figured that you would've gotten it either way, small towns seem to be nosy like that. You were just glad it was Robin instead of a person you didn't know. 
"Hey farmer!" Robin spoke with a smile, her eyes searched yours for a second before her eyes dropped to your meal. Yeah, you thought bitterly, it's sad I know.
"Haven't seen you around recently."
You nod, trying to blink away leftover tears. "Yeah, just been focused on learning the ropes I guess."
"I figured." She smiles warmly and for a split second you feel bad. You had talked to the woman once, yet she was making it seem like she genuinely cared about you.
Before the conversation could even start tonight stale, Robin sucks in a breath, adjusting herself in her seat to wrap her hands around the arm of the man next to her. "Anyways. Have you met any other townspeople yet?"
"No. Not really. Other than the people at the clinic." You shrug, wanting to not be in this conversation anymore.
"Well, this is my husband Demetrius! So now you know one more person!" 
You nod and smile at her, giving the man a nice to meet you before letting your eyes wander. Some people were still trickling in, and you felt the urge to escape from your situation. Your eyes land on a man drinking alone in a corner, not even sitting in a stool. He was just standing, taking long sips every so often, he looked sad, maybe even more depressed than you are. His eyes flicker over to you, causing you to choke on your food before turning your head. 
Well that was embarrassing. 
Robin was still talking about something, and you caught something about her being able to build you a chicken coop or something. Your ears caught onto that and due to your love of animals, a chicken coop would mean chickens, and that would mean most of your time would be taken by taking care of tiny little creatures and not thinking about all the bad things that have happened. 
"How much would that cost?" 
You can see Robin's eyes light up immediately. You don't know how often people need things built or fixed, but you assume it's not often enough seeing how excited she looks. "Well, let me just say that you would also need to provide me the materials to build it, or you can buy those materials from me but the cost will obviously be more."
You nod as if her words were a given, of course you would need to provide everything. She waits a second before continuing as if expecting you to back out. "Okay, so building the coop itself would cost 4,000 gold and you would have to provide 300 logs of wood and 100 stones. If you want to buy the stone and wood from me it would bump the price up to 9,000 gold. I sell wood for 10 gold a log and each stone is 20 gold."
You suck in a breath through your teeth, it was going to drain a lot of your savings, but it would be worth it for your mental health, right? Nodding mostly to yourself, you speak before you can talk yourself out of it, at least if you make plans you can't back out of them. "So I can just bring you the money whenever I have the materials and you'll build me a chicken coop?"
She claps her hands together and stands along with her husband, "well, it's time for us to go home, but I don't really want to leave you alone…"
"It's fine, Robin, honestly."
"No, no. You shouldn't be alone right now." She looks around for a second and you can almost see an idea pop into her head. "You should come meet my son and his friends! I think you all are around the same age!"
Before you can protest seriously, she gives you an expectant look that has you standing without thinking. At least you were done with your salad. Her husband, Demetrius clears his throat after not speaking the entire time. "I can take your plate back up to the bar." 
Doing that as a means to escape hadn't even crossed your mind, but it was obvious he was using it that way. You wondered why he wanted to escape talking to their son, did they not get along or something? He didn't even try to hide the fact that he didn't want any part of it. 
Coughing once into your fist, you follow Robin into a room farther into the saloon. The room is almost deserted except for three people standing around a dusty pool table. You avoided looking at them instead taking in the room. 
There were a couple of arcade games and couches that looked super worn. You weren't sure how often people were in here, especially with the only people being the three you already see. Swallowing at the lack of things to stare at you let your eyes flicker onto the people who were now looking at you in confusion. "Seb! I brought you a new friend!"
None of the three looked remotely mixed, and it confused you for a moment before you realized that that was probably the reason Demetrius didn't want to introduce you to their son, because it was her son and not his. Maybe it was an assumption and one of the guys could be his son, you just highly doubted it from how he acted.
All three people were insanely attractive, and all three were looking at you and Robin as if you had come in and said you had shit in their bed as a surprise for them when they got home. Sucking in your lips, you offer an awkward wave letting your hand flop back down to your side. The guy standing closest to the pool table, with the stick in his hand and dark hair that fell over his eyes moved forward slightly, embarrassment written all over his face. You felt bad for him, but not more than you felt for yourself at that moment. "Mom!" 
He looked offended at the notion that his mother believed he needed help making friends, or maybe it was because his mother brought someone like you. Blinking back tears at the thought you silently watched them interact, the two were now in a whispered argument so you had no choice but to stare at the other two who were staring back at you, mouths agape. 
Could you leave now? They obviously didn't want you here. And while you were grateful to Robin for trying to make sure you were okay, you also despised her for embarrassing you at that moment. She stepped away from 'Seb' with a smile, the guy just glowered at her before returning to his spot. Between his friends and the pool table. "Have fun!" Robin retreated rather quickly leaving you to stutter over your words, your thoughts not fully formed in your panic. 
"Wha-huh?" You turned and watched her leave, your feet stuck in place. You could feel your entire body begin to tremble, as if it were the first day of school and your mom was leaving you in unknown hands for the day. With your mouth parted you tried to suck in as much air as you could, the reality crashing down onto your head with such ferocity that you almost topple over. 
"So, you know how to play?"
"Huh?" You turn to look at the three who were all now staring at you with less horror and more confusion and interest. 
"Pool, do you know how to play pool?" The purple haired woman is the only one to speak to you. And despite knowing how to play you shake your head, glancing towards the table in terror. You absolutely did not want to play right now. Especially when you know you would cause your team to lose due to nerves. "That's fine, you can come sit with me on the couch then. It's usually them two playing anyways." 
You just nod and shuffle your feet towards the couch she had plopped herself on. The boys were getting the game ready, not really ignoring you, but not interacting with you either.
After a while of not speaking, the purple haired woman turns to face you on the couch. "Y'know I heard someone was moving onto that old farm. It's a shame, really. I always enjoyed exploring those overgrown fields by myself…I'm Abigail, by the way."
Your mind fills with guilt over taking over the farm at her words. Did others enjoy doing the same thing? Was it a sanctuary? A place to hide for people who didn't want to be found in whatever moment they found themselves in? "Sorry." You whisper out, letting your eyes fall onto your hands which were playing with a stray string of fabric that had come loose from your pants.
"No, it's fine. Someone should take care of the land, I guess. Your grandpa let me wander around sometimes after he let it grow wild."
"You can still wander around. It'll take me a lot of time to clear out everything, it's a giant farm after all." You try to offer her a smile. You weren't even sure if you would clear out all of it anyways. It took too much energy and how much land did you need to farm anyways? It was just going to be you, enough plants to sell and make money and eat, and a couple of chickens. 
You nod and Abigail smiles at you, as if you had given her a gift or told her you could grant her three wishes. Man, she probably did love exploring. The conversation almost dies out, but the blonde guy whines and throws his pool stick onto the table, pouting as he comes over and sits in the middle of you and Abigail. She pats his shoulder comfortingly as he leans against her. "I can't believe he beat me again!" 
"Sam…he beats you every time." Abigail says, frowning at him.
"No! Okay maybe he does but it's not because I'm bad."
"Yeah, okay." She laughs while shoving him off of her. Scrunching his nose, he turns and looks at you, the way he gives you the up and down makes you even more anxious, yet somehow you can't feel any actual malice behind his actions. 
"Hey! I'm Sam. Good to meet you!" He smiles so brightly at you that you think that he must be the sun itself. No one could be this bright. His blonde hair was spiked up messily, and on any other guy you probably would've thought that it looked dumb, but somehow it suited him. Like he was just made to be in a band of some kind. You give him your own name and he immediately drifts off into his own world. 
"Hmm…if I give the cue ball a bit of a top spin maybe I could…" His words trail away as he speaks to himself. A minute later he sighs unhappily and stands, grabbing the pool stick again. Abigail laughs in amusement as Sam challenges 'Seb' to another round. 
You watch for a minute before you leave, the group doesn't really notice you leaving, so you quickly make your way home before anyone has the chance to talk to you again. 
When you get halfway home you can feel your bottled up emotions begin to leak, wanting to come out and spill all over the dirt under your shoes from holding it in for too long. Your body resumes the shaking it was doing earlier, your brain deciding that you were far enough away that this was a safe spot to break down. You swallow harshly and pick up your pace, cutting your walk time in almost half as you borderline sprint home. 
Slamming the door behind you, you allow yourself to slide down it, unable to breathe for a multitude of reasons. Sucking in a breath, you let it out of your lungs loudly, almost screaming. You openly sob, not even dragging yourself to your bed, you just lie on the floor, your body hot as you scream out your cries and emotions, hands clawing at your skin and hair. 
Your throat burned as you continued to cry, your eyes shut so tightly that your head began to hurt. You wanted to break stuff, but you had nothing to break other than yourself, so you slam your fists against the ground as you let your body continue its descent onto the ground. Now lying down on your side you sob into the floorboards, letting the spit and tears and snot create a puddle under your face for you to clean the next day after it dries. 
You can feel your energy rapidly depleting as you continue to cry, still unable to breathe properly. Your vision starts to spot eventually but you can't find it within yourself to care. Allowing the darkness to take over you pass out in front of the door.
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volturilovers · 1 year
Shadows of one’s past
A/N:This is my first imagine I have ever written and English isn't my first language so I apologise in advance for any spelling mistakes.
Tw:Panic attacks, nothing more I think
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Caius pov:
I was talking to my brothers, Marcus and Aro in the throne room when I felt something happen in the mating bond, I felt a wave of fear coming from the bond, I got concerned as this doesn't happen often,My mate was in distress. However since y/n was new to living in the castle it could just be nervousness but I should still check up on her, she is still human after all.
The slam from the heavy doors opening to the throne room brought me out of my thoughts. Both me and my brothers looked up to see who was intruding on our private meeting. Demetri our tracker and Felix seemed to be in a hurry.
"Master Caius your mate, we think she is having a panic attack. Her heartrate started to spiral and next thing we know she broke down sitting on the floor. We can't calm her down and she doesn't want anyone to get closer to her since she gets more panicked, she needs you" Demetri said to Caius.
WHY DIDN' T YOU GET ME EARLIER!! YOU INSOLENT BOYS.WHERE IS SHE?. I growled out Now I was really angry at Demetri and Felix for not getting to me earlier. She was having a panic attack, how dumb were they.
"in your quarters" they said.
I rushed towards her, Hurriedly made my way to our private quarters when the last word left the guards mouths. He knew how the darkness of ones mind can affect someone, especially a human that's more fragile. He and his past experiences when he was human made him more aware of it than most. I didn't know what caused her to have such a severe panic attack and that made me run faster, I can feel her pain through the bond, calling for my help.
All I could feel was pain, like I was paralyzed and all my limbs hurt and I feelt like I couldn't move. My thoughts were scattered it felt like I was going mad, trying to cling to the reality and not succumb to the darkness. My vision were blurry and the voice I heard were unfamiliar all I felt was more panicked
"GET AWAY,Please" I scream pleaded not knowing who it was gave me even more panic. memories of my past resurfacing which just made everything worse. I heard a door getting shut and saw the outline of the person disapear which calmed me a little. I felt the door open again and someones voice calling to me. calming me down.
"it's me, Caius. Are you okay my love. Can I come forward?" the voice said in a calming tone showing the person where of no danger and they slowly approached me. I felt myself get calmer like I was safe. the person gave me safety. Soon enough I felt my vision starting to focus and saw the outline of blonde hair the color of snow and my mate looking at me worriedly. I threw myself into his arms and started sobbling. I felt tears wetting and falling down my cheeks
For every step closer I came she seemed to calm down. She seem to recoginize my presence which made me calm down a little to.
Suddenly I felt someone throw themselves into my arms and started sobbing. I stod still for a moment shocked by it and that she trusted me like that. Even Athenodora my former companion were not that affectionate.
When I had recovered myself I felt good that I could help her. I sat on the floor with her and took her further into my arms trying to calm her down and comfort her. I lowered my head down to her neck breathing in her scent trying to tell myself that she is safe, at the same time as I brought her into a warm and safe hug. trying to calm us both down.
"Its going to be okay, I am here now" I said to her hushing her. I felt her calm down more and more
A/N: this became a long Imagine. If it's wanted I can make a part two where she will tell Caius about her past and what brought forth her panic attack. This is my first imagine I have ever written and English isn't my first language so I apologise for spelling mistakes and long sentences. I would love to hear your thought so I can improve my writing
by lovlies❤️
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goodlucksnez · 5 months
TW:panic attack and ed disorders
So I had a stomach bug I am fully recovered but I am scared to eat becuase I have fear of being sick
I have not eaten (beside toast and 1 egg) for 7 days
Even time I try to eat I have entrées anxiety and give myself. A panic attack or n which I feel like I am dying
Should I go to the er….what like what would they do? They would treat my symptoms of panic attack by basically giving me sleep meds(to calm down) but what else can I do?
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Do Your Best
When you get anxious, you find comfort from someone you wouldn’t have expected.
TW:panic attack mentioned
Kuroo x trans!m!reader
Special thanks to @littlexbimbo and @believeinsmthg for being my reader Guinea pigs for this one.
In fairness to your classmates, you already weren’t having the greatest day. You’d woken up late, had to run out the door without breakfast, only to realize you left an essay that was due today on your desk in your room, fell in a puddle soaking the entire left side of your uniform (sock and all), and everything was just feeling like too much. You tried to focus on your teacher, you really did. But suddenly your uniform felt too scratchy as it dried. You couldn’t breathe because your binder was too tight. Your teacher’s voice was too grating. Every shuffle a classmate made was too loud.
And then it started right behind you. A pen clicking over and over and over, as though the holder had lost all interest in the review lesson for the first time. Any other day, you would’ve ignored the sound. Any other day, you would’ve been able to. But it slowly became the only thing you could focus on, the only thing you could hear, the only thing in your world.
And you could feel yourself slipping.
Your fingers started shaking, and you tried to tighten the hold on your pen to stop it, but then your hands were shaking. Vibrating against the desk. You dropped the pen, eyes watching it roll off your desk, but not seeing it. When you heard your name, you buried your head into your arms. All you wanted was to get away.
So you ran.
Before they could call your name again, you bolted out of your desk and into the hallway, ducking into a corner not many people traveled by. You hunched in on yourself, face buried in your knees drawn up to your chest, arms locked over your head. You felt a presence nearby as the bell rang for lunch, and you flinched at the sound, but you didn’t look. You didn’t move from your spot. You were waiting it out until it felt like you could breath again, yet that presence was still there. Back to you, just leaning against the wall in front of you, almost like he was blocking you from sight…like he was trying to protect you.
When you pulled your arms off your head, he seemed to hear the movement, glancing back at you, “Hey. You feeling any better?”
You nodded, but you didn’t open your mouth. You didn’t trust your voice at times like this. He seemed to understand that.
“That’s good. Little bit at a time, that’s all you need.” His smile was a little lopsided, and you couldn’t help but wonder why he was taking the time for you. “You know, my best friend gets anxious like this. It’s not some horrible thing. I get that it sucks, but a lot of things can. You don’t have to be afraid of asking for help.” You watched as he sat in front of you, just talking. He didn’t get too close, like he was trying to be conscious of the space you needed, and he didn’t ask questions. He just talked. About his team, his goals, his own anxieties of not doing enough. You had never spoken before today, and you only vaguely recognized him at first, until you realized he sat behind you in class.
“Why were you clicking your pen earlier?”
His face flushed at the question, and he waved his hand as he looked to the side, “I’m sorry about that. I know the noise can be unhelpful, but when my mind zones out it just happens. I was too busy thinking about the Inter highs coming up to notice I was doing it.”
“Inter highs?”
He nodded, “The tournament we play in. We’re a favored team, and this’ll be my last year, so I just hope I don’t let them down.”
You weren’t even sure what sport he played. You knew he was popular, but you’d never asked, because you’d never talked before. So you weighed the statement before you spoke, “Do you try your best?”
“I- What?”
“Do you try your best? On the court.”
“Of course I do.” His brow furrowed.
“Do you believe in your team? Have faith that they are doing their best?” You weren’t sure why you were engaging in the conversation as heavily as you were. Maybe to repay his kindness.
“Yes. They work so hard.”
You shrugged, “Then you’re not letting them down. Win or lose- as long as you do your best, and know they are too, then you won’t be letting them down.”
You watched Kuroo as he seemed to mull it over, a smile slowly spreading across his face.
When the Inter highs came around, you were anxiously standing away from the crowd. You looked up the rules of the game online, but you still weren’t sure what possessed you to come. You had never talked to Kuroo before that day, even though he checked on you every day after, and yet here you were. An awkwardly made sign clutched in your hands, you made your way up to the stands. You saw the team stretching, and saw when Yaku noticed you. You supposed it wasn’t hard, since you were quite a few feet from the crowd, but that didn’t help you feel any less anxious when he nudged Kuroo and the captain looked up at you. You unfolded your sign, watching the smile spread across his face before he started to laugh. You might’ve thought he was making fun of you, like your anxiety told you. Wondering how someone like him could waste his time with someone like you. But then you remembered talking to him while walking in the hallway; remembered him tripping over the air and falling on his face. Remembered the stupid pick up lines he would use just to fluster you, even though they often had you laughing instead. You remembered when he’d introduced the team, and let you hide behind him when the group of exceedingly tall boys towered over you.
So, when they won, you didn’t let the anxiety win. You raced down the stands, throwing your arms around the sweaty captain. He chuckled and wrapped his own around you in return, and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. Your sign fluttered to the ground, not that you needed it now. You could tell he had taken your advice. But he picked it up as soon as you released each other, claiming he needed to cherish it forever. When the crowd petered out, he had Yaku take a picture of the two of you, the words proudly held out and telling him ‘Do your best.’ And much like every day since you actually met him during that panic attack, you wondered how people could think this absolute dork was some suave guy.
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
I’m going though all the emotions I swear…
Uhmmhmhmh rant incoming..
- dad disowns me a week before I leave
- my bestfriend started showing me her favourite photos of us
- I handed in my uniform for the youth group I’ve been apart of since I was ten
- i don’t want to leave my dog
- there are so many people on this training course to the point I’ve been asked to come at the earliest point of the time slot so I can get my uniform
- I’m scared
- did I mention I’m scared
- I’m coming home earlier then I thought for christmas but I’m leaving soon than I thought for phase 2
And I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have a panic attack too :(
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moonthepuppetmaster · 10 months
The timeline he entangled part 1
#幽遊白書 YYH-Revival Big Bang '23 - センギのイラスト - pixiv
hiii this is my entry for the @yyh-revival-big-bang
Also my first public fic
Hope y'all enjoy I had fun writing this and hope I can finish the second and final part soon
The timeline he entangled
Summary: 3 years after the series ended. Yusuke,Kurama and Kuwabara are called back when a mysterious new villain with reality bending powers is messing around.
The group ends up transported to an odd dimension. Hiei meanwhile is determined to find his friends at any cost. Not realizing that their disappearance has bigger consequences than he realizes.
Can Hiei fix what this new foe has done?
They sure hope so.
TW:Panic attacks,Dark content and Violence Chapter 6
Hints of Kura/Hi mainly but have fun ;)
Notes: Xiobus (Zeo- Bus)
Xarafinity (Sara-fin-itee)
Hi ( "He" )Nickname for Hiei
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kuro8566 · 2 years
TW:panic attack
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djcarnationsblog · 2 years
2022-5-7 third test? Drew's got temporary blindness, from what? you choose -Pixel
Drew stared into darkness.
He couldn't move, it was too dark. He knew his eyes were open, they had to be, he could feel it. Then why couldn't he see anything?
"Drew? Drew, can you hear me?" It was a voice, a voice he didn't recognize. Turn his head, right and left. Nothing. He couldn't see anything. Drew sucked in a short breath, feet pushing forward, step by step by step.
"Drew, come this way, not that way." He didn't even know which way they meant, how was he supposed to know? Who was that anyways?? Drew could feel his heart beat hasten, turning on his heel at least one hundred and eighty degrees, walking forward once again.
"Not that way, this way." Again? Why couldn't he see anything, why wouldn't they specify? North, south, east, west, that wouldn't help, then what would? Was he blind, perhaps? Was that why he couldn't see? Stupid Drew, stupid, stupid, stupid.
If he was blind, how did that even happen?
He couldn't have just woken up this way, right? He doesn't know where he is, he doesn't know who's voice that is, and yet he follows it, ears ringing, fingers trembling with pins and needles. He turned once more, walking forward again.
"You idiot." Drew flinched with a gasp. Was he wrong again? Where was he even going?? What did they want from him? Why wouldn't he just stop listening to them.
"This way, moron! This way, this way, this way, this way, this way-" Drew winced, slamming hands he couldn't see over his ears, the voice whispering sporadically in his head. It jumbled all thoughts, reverberating in his brain like echoes.
It hurt-he couldn't see-, it hurt so much-where even was he?-, he needed it to stop-he needed to see again-, how could he make it stop-why was he so scared?-it was too much. Too much, too much, too much.
It felt like running in circles, tripping over his own feet, balance thrown for a loop as he stumbled aimlessly around, that voice, that damned voice, downright screaming into his brain, his hands just wouldn't help muffle anything.
He was crying, he could feel the tears, he couldn't see the blur, he was sobbing, hiccupping and wobbling like a baby, babbling, babbling, babbling.
"Stop, please, s-stop, I'm sorry." He whimpered on and on, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, help me p-please!" He collapsed to his knees, tucking himself even. Babble, babble, babble some more.
Everything was in disarray, yet he couldn't see a bit of anything, no light, no furniture, no home, not even a wall or a floor. It was just pitch black. Black, black, black. He hated it.
He was crawling at this point, voice screaming, "THISWAYTHISWAYTHISWAYTHISWAY-" Where was this way? What was the wrong way? He was blind, he couldn't see-he needed to see, please God please.
He cried and jumbled apologies together, mumbling or screaming, crying and suffering. No more, he didn't want this anymore. He wanted to see, wanted to see, let him see, he needed to-
He was falling.
Drew screamed louder than he ever thought he could, heart drumming so fast he swore he felt a blood vessel or two burst. Lightheaded, free falling, ribcage rattling, rattling, rattling, the wrong way, he went the wrong way, no more chances, no more chances, no more-
Drew's eyes shot open.
He stared into the expanse that was his room.
Cold sweat dripped down his face, dampening the pillow beneath his head as he let out shuddering breaths, shivering more violently than he ever had in winter time.
Drew sat up slowly, eyes adjusting to the dim light of the sun through closed blinds. He could see, he could see, it was a dream, he wasn't blind.
It was too dark.
Drew scrambled out of bed, throwing the curtains open and promptly yelping at the beaming rays that hit him square in the face, causing him to covering his eyes. The sudden pitch blackness from that action had him reeling back, stumbling backwards and prying his eyes back open to adjust to dearly needed light.
His back slammed into his drawer, to which he winced and collapsed, the first few tears breaking past his eyes and staining his face. Hand clamped over his mouth, he forced his breathing to regulate, a slow and agonizing process as his eyes darted around to commit every little detail to memory.
He wasn't blind, he could see just fine. He could see his bed, he could see his drawer, the window, the closet, the carpet, floor, ceiling, it was there, it was all there.
And yet Drew still cried.
He still felt so blind.
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