#but jod usually wins
harrowharksoup · 2 years
Somebody on how to pronounce “GIF”: Well you wouldn’t say Jod, it’s obviously God
Me: Well, actually … 💀
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fraterstn · 3 years
The true story of creation and human beings is encoded in a Kabbalistic manner.
In Kabbalah, God is represented as limitless light. This is the impersonal God who is also called the source or primal light. It is just pure consciousness and nothing existed outside of it. At some point, however, God got into a conflict with himself. Because a part of God wanted to expand and create new life in order to be able to perceive itself. But the other part of God wanted everything to stay as it is before. And so the Limitless Light divided into the thoughtful light and the thoughtless light. The thoughtful light expands and from the thoughtful light came Jod He Vah He who can use the potential of the thoughtful light to create.
He created the Chajot ha-Qodesh, the Ofanim, the Erelim, the Chashmalim, the Seraphim, the Malachim, the Elohim, the Beni Elohim, the Keruwim and the Ishim. All of these beings are often referred to as angels. All these angels carry different attributes of God and the name of the angel includes a statement about an attribute of God, so that people can understand about the angels what God is and how he is. Whereby this knowledge only relates to the God of thoughtful light and not to the limitless light because this no longer exists. In addition, God also created various lights called the Sephiroth which embody the basic attributes of God. These Sephiroth are the homes of the various angels.
Chavajoth rose from the thoughtless light. The task of thoughtless light is to restrict the thoughtful light in its productivity, because if the thoughtful light were to create too much it would be fatal. Both lights complement each other because they were originally one light. The lights symbolically fight against each other or the creations of the lights. This drives developments on both sides and each side helps the other in this development. Chavajoth also created his own beings namely the Bairiron, the Adimiron, the Tzelladmiron, the Sohichrion, the Shelhabiron, the Tzephariron, the Oberiron, the Necheshethiron, the Nachashiron, the Dagbagiron and the Beheniron. These beings are known as Elohim Acherim or as demons.
The battle of the lights and their creations takes place in the whole universe and of course also on earth. This fight will never end, because one end would be the end of the universe. Unfortunately the followers of Jod He Vah He try again and again to propagate an advantage in the victory of the thoughtful light. No, neither side will win.
The human body, on the other hand, is only a vessel for souls. The souls arise either from the thoughtful or the thoughtless light. If a person has a soul of thoughtful light within himself he is an Ishim, if he has a soul of thoughtless light he is a beheniron. So also on earth the beings of the two lights fight with each other in the form of humans, but this war has lasted for so long that the beings have forgotten who they originally are, where they come from and who really created them. They identify with their vessel, the human body, and call themselves human.
Why is the world out of whack? Usually both sides keep each other in balance and when one side threatens to extremes, the other side always brings the balance. But the great forgetting is the reason for this imbalance. Few of the Ishim and Beheniron remember their original task and are able to reactivate their original abilities. The Ishim who can remember connect with the Seraphim and the Beheniron who can remember connect with the Shelhabiron and learn from them to continue their task.
At the moment so many Ishim and Beheniron have forgotten their task that in 2002 some Malachim and Sohichrion had to incarnate. Then in 2012 some of the Elohim and the Necheshethiron incarnated.
The great awakening of the New Age means nothing else than that the Ishim and Beheniron remember their original task and continue what is necessary. This event is described as a prophecy of a great war in the future in all major religions and in science fiction films such as Star Wars this event is depicted in symbolic and encrypted form. Especially in StarWars it is clear: The power is the limitless light which is divided into the light side of the power (the thoughtful light) and the dark side of the power (the thoughtless light). The Jedi are the different kinds of angels and the Sith are the different Elohim Acherim. In fact, some of the aliens in Star Wars are very similar to the various entities and humans to the Ishim and the Beheniron.
This experiment got out of hand for a long time anyway. Originally it was not intended that the limitless light should be divided. The second mistake was the great forgetting of the Ishim and Beheniron, this too was not intended. Human society as it is today prevents the correction of events so that the war here on earth can only take place on a small scale and in secret, which comes very close to a standstill. At the same time, many of the Ishim are demanding world peace, which is a standstill.
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Day 74
When i heard about Chester Bennington i was not really shocked. What then surprised me was when i started wondering what it is that stops the other people from giving up on life! Idk much about other religions, but in islam it is forbidden to kill oneself. But then ofcourse, in general, it sure is looked down upon by people of all origins. I guess that could be one reason people back off. In my opinion though, for muslims, i think it is the religion that holds many back. This world doesnt really seem like a happy place to me. But then to give up on life, one doesnt necessarily need to be totally unhappy, or weak or tired. Although all those significantly increases ones desire to give up on life, even a person who’s not depressed all the time, is quite strong enough mentally can make an irrational decision due to a trigger. If it presses where it hurts. And i guess that is exactly the reason why it is haram!!! Just to stop people!!!
Also, just a random thing. But i totally have no respect for smokers. Nothing personal at all! I just dont like them. I believe, that the fact that someone smokes speaks out, if not so much, then atleast a tiny bit about ones personality. And i really dont want to have to do anything with them. Once again, its nothing personal at all and its not something i came up with just today but i have felt the same for years.
Today was a pretty rough day. Totally uneventful but the burdens of life were just too heavy to carry around in my head today. When under pressure, and by pressure i mean work that needs to be done and i have no choice to do otherwise, i, to a great extent can keep my emotions aside and do what needs to be done. However, although it might seem like i got the jod done in the end so its a win, i do know though that it isnt really a win cause i m aware of my capabilities and can easily see how my emotions have affected my outcome. Point is, its vacation now and there is no pressure. If there is one thing i have learned about myself from all 13 years of school and 3 years of med school, it is the fact that i have been and always will be a fine procrastinator. And that means if i ever plan to do any shit during vacation it is less likely ill be able to do so unless i fight with myself. And considering how emotionally unstable i am, i almost always end up mixing everything up and getting devastated.
So long story short. If something invades my mind from nowhere, theres no way out. I just need to bare it.
And live to fight another day!!!
And im done with today. Usually go to bed after fajr but i really badly want this day to end so in bed already!!!
Night night ^^
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mancitynoise · 6 years
While Manchester City fans were bidding farewell to midfielder Yaya Toure, Liverpool supporters were mulling over the idea of the experienced player joining their ranks.
The Ivory Coast international will become a free agent this summer when he departs the Etihad Stadium following an eight-year spell.
Toure’s time at City has not been without its controversy – birthday cake furore comes to mind – but the 34-year-old has won three Premier League titles, two League Cups and the FA Cup with the blue half of Manchester.
It is no huge surprise that Pep Guardiola has opted against keeping hold of Toure given that the ageing midfielder is unlikely to win a regular place in the team.
However, the former Barcelona star, who has won five league titles in his football career so far, still has plenty to offer a team if managed correctly.
If Toure is willing to accept that he will not be the first name on the teamsheet every week, then he could be an influential figure.
Some Liverpool fans feel that the Ivorian’s experience would be a beneficial addition to Jurgen Klopp’s team.
It helps that Toure has admitted that he wants to stay in England and continue to compete at a “high level”.
I’d take Yaya toure at @LFC, he’d be a great squad player
— JOD (@JamesOD92) May 10, 2018
Would take Yaya Toure at Liverpool, 10000%
— Jay (@SaIahesque) May 9, 2018
Would you take Yaya Toure at Liverpool? I would just for the song
— Ed Kopite (@KenyanKopite) May 9, 2018
I want Yaya Toure at @LFC . how many powerful, goal scoring, team leader box to box midfielders are out there? With his experience and trophy winning pedigree this man can do great things. Because he is older I would want him to be a bit deep lying to keep him fresh #YNWA #LFC
— TheEconomicMercenary (@tamukova) May 10, 2018
Yaya Toure on a free? His brother put in a shift for #LFC … why not.
— Champions League Final Bananae Bananner (@majorleak2017) May 9, 2018
Yaya toure at Liverpool for cover , yes please 👌🏻👌🏻#LFC #YNWA
— LFC JOHNO (@Ajohno85) May 9, 2018
We need depth ASAP. Go and buy Shaqiri, sign Toure (for some valuable experience) Mahrez and a world class CB 🙏🏽 #LFC. @LFC
— Kc ahmed (@Mrkc999) May 9, 2018
I’d take Yaya Toure at LFC to play as a #6. He isn’t arsed, usually, but Klopp is king of motivating
— John O'Sullivan (@NotoriousJOS) May 8, 2018
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