#but like I said... I don't share anything with other peoples' faces unless given permission
jmflowers · 2 years
Top 5 photos from 2022 please - bonus points for any goats 🐐 or you could do top 5 goat photos haha. I'll leave the decision up to you!
Haha, this one is tricky as I would normally lean right into top 5 goat photos! However, I didn't spend very much time with my little babies this year since I've been in such a transitional state and I'm not sure if I have any goat photos.
I have been working on a travel montage video, though, so I'll give you top 5 from that collection, since they're readily accessible. In no particular order...
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This was my first time getting to Algonquin Park to camp this year. We set up our tents and the skies opened up and it just started pouring. One of my dearest friends looked at me and asked, "Do you want to go for a walk?" So, we did - getting absolutely drenched in the rain and jumping at each loud clap of thunder. I waded into the water at this spot and she happened to start snapping photos of me, which I'm pretty grateful for as there aren't a lot of unprompted photos of myself. I felt very, very at peace in this moment. And you can see my super cute crocs in the bottom left of the photo!
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This was the day Kaitlyn and I arrived in Vancouver. I was completely exhausted from the flight and ended up having awful, awful jet lag for most of the trip (thanks to only just having recovered from COVID, I'm sure). But this moment was exactly what I'd gone out there seeking: trees bigger than I'd ever seen before, the ocean mere feet away, and a few days in the same place as one of my oldest online-met friends. It was spectacular and that's genuine awe on my face. Again, photo unprompted by me, so I'm very grateful it exists.
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I think this might've been the first hike of the season. I met up with a dear friend for a leisurely wander and a post-hike picnic. She's a bit like me, in that sometimes she says, "Hey, let's climb down this hole!" and I agree with those sentiments. This is about halfway through a split in the cliff that we decided to explore.
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This isn't my favourite photo of me with one of the campfires I built this summer, but the one I actually love most has other people's faces in the background and I don't share stuff like that without permission. So! Fuckboi fire builder it is. For many years, I've been the weakest link while out on camping trips, simply because I don't have the experience that all my friends do. This year, though, I worked really hard at learning how to successfully build a fire with only the bare necessities and I got good enough that I was entrusted with it a few times. Next year, my goal is to be able to build one with only flint as a starter. Fingers crossed!
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This was another first I wanted this year and literally cried (while stoned) about it when I thought I wasn't going to be able to make it happen. But I did! Kayaking at sunset with one of my dearest friends was everything I'd hoped for and more. And yes, it's definitely easier than canoeing.
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Honourable mention to this photo, which is more about career than travel. I felt so, so validated and supported on this shoot (my first one!) and I know that's entirely thanks to the (female) 2nd Camera who fought for me. I don't know what she recognized, but she convinced the 1st Camera that I needed to be given a chance to learn and it meant I was able to try/help with so many interesting things. She placed this camera on my shoulder during the lunch break and took this photo for me to remember the moment (no one else but the DOP, the 1st and 2nd Cameras, and myself touched this camera the entire day). I think I'll remember her kindness the rest of my life, and I can't wait to pay it forward through all of my time working in the film and television industry.
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toiletwipes · 3 years
I have a vaguely smutty, vaguely fluffy, Simpbur-related idea/request that is most likely heavily influenced by other fics that I've read but not remembered in entirety!
My idea? Simpbur and Reader are in a low-key Dom/Sub relationship. When they're out in public, Reader is the excitable extrovert that loves to tease seemingly everybody but her awkward-but-doting boyfriend Will, but when they're within the confines of their house? Oh boy. Will is a very gentle, soft Dom who seems to enjoy gently enforcing little rules such as 'always call me Sir or Master whenever we're alone (so he doesn't embarrass her around people)' and giving her gentle, loving sex as a reward for following said rules, with Reader being the most obedient, somewhat timid Sub of the house who always asks permission to do even the simplest things when they're in the bed.
One of their rules, the one that she agreed to uphold almost immediately, was the classic "(please) don't masturbate while I'm away, unless I've given you explicit permission". But, as she finds out, it's not too hard to break someone.
Reader's sitting on their shared bed, hand between her legs working on her heat. She was too desperate to consider the household rules, let alone to prepare herself with toys or anything like that. Simpbur had only left a couple of hours ago, and was still supposed to be a couple more hours from home. She'd tried her best to resist the urges, but she just couldn't. She didn't know if it was the way he'd held her close to him as he'd woken up in the morning with his head tucked into the crook of her neck (obviously after a night of rather soft sex), or if it was the way that he'd breathily whispered his morning goodbyes to her in that low, husky tone that was only there because he'd just woken up from the nap he took during their morning cuddle before work (or maybe the way that he was obviously having an arousing dream while he did so, considering she could feel his hard on pressing against her, and hear the soft whimpers and breathless whispers of her name). Needless to say, she'd been worked up for the entire morning, and has just decided to let loose. He won't find out, anyways, right?
Now, as she's working herself up embarrassingly quickly, just almost nearing an orgasm, the door to their shared bedroom creaks open. He's home early. She quickly halts her hand movements, looking up at the figure in the open doorway with a scared face covered in a splotchy blush. He can only stand there, mouth wide open, both his blush and his erection growing as he processes what he walked in on.
"God, that's hot..." he mumbles to himself, as she slowly removes her hand from her core which is now aching from the pressure of a missed orgasm.
She doesn't know what to do, but she does know that there's no way to explain herself out of this one. He caught her, quite literally red-handed, breaking one of his riles for the first time.
"Why d'ya look so scared to see me, darling? I thought you would've been excited to see me home early?" he finally gets out, putting on an awkward but concerned smile.
"I'm sorry, Sir! I promise, I didn't mean to break your rules! I'm sorry, I swear! I just got all worked up from this morning and I... uhm..." she stammers out, her eyes gradually growing glossy as her words begin to trail off with her sobs.
"Oh, no, darling, don't cry!" he says, his demeanour suddenly changing from 'joking concern' to 'full-on panic concern', "I'm not mad at you, I swear!"
He quickly rushes to her side, sitting on the bed alongside her to reach out and rub her tears away with his thumbs as she leans her cheeks into his outstretched palms. She continues to sob, still rather overwhelmed, scared, and frankly disappointed in herself for breaking one of his rules.
"But.. Sir, I broke your rule..." she finally got out, after a few minutes of sobbing.
"Darling, oh, that doesn't matter! I obviously got you all worked up this morning with my little wet dream, and besides that, you've always been such a good girl for me! You're the most obedient thing I've ever seen, and I'm honestly stoked you haven't already broken a rule of mine! I forgive you, alright?"
"Yes, sir," she mumbles, finally calmed enough to stop blurting out apologies in a panic.
Now, I'm thinking this could end in multiple ways. Either:
- He proposes that 'hey, my arrival robbed yourself of that orgasm that was so obviously written on your face when I walked in, so I'll let you continue what you were doing. I don't think I've ever seen you masturbate before, and if I have it was never that desperately hot, and I'd like to continue watching. Here, I'll let you lay back against my chest while you do so, that way you don't have to worry about holding yourself up. And, if you want, I can help bring you to that orgasm quicker. My lips know their way around your neck, and my hands know their way around your nipples. So come on, darling. You down?' and just really soft 'sex' follows, after which they either cuddle or Reader gives him a turn at the pleasure.
- OR, He offers to finish her off, either with his fingers, his tongue, or his cock. Whichever one she pleases.
- OR, as the least smutty and most fluffy result of them all, he notices how the fear and crying have tired his darling out. So, while he's internally begging to ruin her and make her feel that orgasm that she so unfortunately missed out on, he instead offers to lay beside her and just cuddle her to sleep. Besides, she'll probably wake up all hot and bothered in a couple of hours, so he won't be missing out for too long.
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zocrzay · 3 years
I am coming clean and admitting I've had an unhealthy obsession these past few weeks analyzing the break up of Katie & Greg, my favorite ship from the entire Bachelor/ette franchise. I went down hard with this ship as it crashed and burned. From the beginning, I loved their chemistry and even if some say they were just trauma bonding over the passing of their fathers, I felt they had so much more going for them. I just figured out why I can't shake this pair out of my head.
Here it is: Katie & Greg remind me of Lizzie & Darcy from Pride & Prejudice, one of the greatest love stories ever told. The idea that a couple similar to a favorite fictional pairing could exist in real life had awakened the hopeless romantic in me.
Greg is totally Mr. Darcy. He is a family man, adorably awkward, reserved, internally tormented, but also deeply passionate. He's willing to dance to encourage affection.
Katie is like Lizzie. She is strong-willed, proud (maybe too proud), and has a sharp tongue. She gives no one permission to insult her. She loves her family even though they're embarrassing. Katie does not quite fit in with other women, but that is why she is so interesting.
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The opposite personalities of Lizzie & Darcy made their playful banter and relationship dynamic so enjoyable. They challenged each others' ideas. They expanded each others' consciousness as they learned more about each other. This was synergy at its finest.
Katie is from hipster Seattle while Greg is from fuss-free Jersey - two very different worlds at opposite ends of America. They brought these worlds together in beautiful balance. When they split, the Bachelor Nation fandom was divided like a broken family. At least Greg owned up the error of his ways, but Katie seems dead set on hating him. Eventually, the false narratives she tells herself to keep her walls up will unravel . I hope she faces the facts and owns up to her part in the communication breakdown. When Greg was most vulnerable, Katie could not show a hint of honest affection. She accused him of giving up on the relationship moments after he confessed his love for her. Katie only spoke of herself as a prize to be won, but to Greg, she meant so much more than just that. I hope she realizes the profound truth in what Greg was trying to tell her the day he left her. True love is more than just keeping up appearances for a show and more than just physical attraction. It is more than just saying the words "I love you" or handing out roses. Katie and Greg were more than just two hot people who were mutually attracted to each other. They had divine harmony when they were together... until they were burned by the heat of their own fire.
It is nice to know Greg just wants Katie to be happy, but I do not believe Katie & Blake have the secret sauce. Good for them for having a lot of sex, but from what I know, that kind of connection is not long term sustainable. If banging each other is the main reason they're together, they'll eventually get bored. Blake fell in love so easily with two previous Bachelorettes and that cheapens his affection for Katie. I'm sure he can bounce back quickly if Katie left him. Sorry man. Blake seems like a great person, but his intellect does not seem to match hers ("You don't have to be great. You just have to be you." dafuq?). I thought she was smarter, but maybe her flippant use of the term 'gaslighting' proves otherwise. It is shamefully elitist to point that out, but honestly, their conversation was drab when they weren't talking about sex. There are a lot of hot horny ladies out there that Blake might have more chemistry with than her. He was not even sure he wanted to propose and it was mean to tease her in the proposal speech with "I don't think I can give you what you came here for". The Say Anything references were also cringeworthy. We did not see their love get tested. She was like a damsel in distress and Blake just swooped in to save her season of the show just because he happened to be there. It was quite dull. The 'conclusion' of their journey was really unsatisfying. Katie describing their love story as "perfect" just shows the lack of depth in their relationship.
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Lizzie & Darcy were such beloved characters because they were both flawed. They both made mistakes, but because of their love, they were willing to overcome their pride and their prejudice. They corrected course and became the best versions of themselves at the end of the story before choosing to be together. "I was wrong" are three words that make the words "I love you" so much more meaningful. True love is transformational. Feelings of attachment are not true love unless there is consciousness. The best love stories are not about lovers conquering outside forces, but conquering their own inner demons. People truly in love consciously choose to grow together in spirit, not in spite of their imperfections, but because of them.
Greg was impatient and had unrealistic expectations. He should have given Katie more chances to figure out what he was saying. Maybe she found his desperation unattractive. Maybe if he helped her off the floor and said goodbye properly, she might have flown out to Jersey to go after him. Katie was shallow when she could only say "I just love looking at you" and spoke to Greg as if he were just a contestant on a game show. It seemed as if his pain was just an inconvenience to her. She seemed untrustworthy. If she had stronger feelings for Blake or was still undecided, openly expressing that to Greg would have been more respectable than stringing him along to dump him later. If Greg was the one she wanted the most, she looked incredibly fickle switching her affection to whoever was still available. Most people have not been in her situation, so it is tough to judge.
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Lizzie Bennet said a lot of mean things, but she was a strong female character because she was able to learn from her mistakes and grow as a person without compromising her core values. She was in love with Darcy for his character and integrity. He was courageous, generous, and compassionate - his appearance, his wealth and his status were least important to her. He proved his love for Lizzie by his selfless acts of kindness to her family even after she accused him of being a pompous ass.
Greg staying out of the way to honor Katie's decision and let her be happy with Blake is an act of love. Him working on himself in therapy is another way to prove the love he had for her was real. Only Katie knows the inner conflict she's been facing. If she truly loved Blake, resolving her conflict with Greg will help her and Blake in the long run - otherwise their relationship will be haunted by the past. If life with Greg was always her true heart's desire, love will find a way even in the most impossible circumstances.
It really is not fair to compare real human beings to fictional characters - especially the exceptionally (maybe unrealistically) strong characters written by Jane Austen. I am just sharing my thoughts before I watch the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie for the hundredth time. I just want the satisfying ending I could not get from watching reality TV before I move on to my next obsession.
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