#but like aaaa i wanna sleep in an actual bed in my own space soo bad its killing me
azelle-intermisson · 4 months
i dont normally like to use tumblr as a journal but fuck it!!
i think i wanna transition but like i am like sorta afraid to do it bc my main goal rn is to move out as soon as possible bc i am literally sleeping on someones floor atm and even though i would love to have my own apartment ik its not entirely realistic given my situation and finding roommates that are either allies or other trans people sounds like really fucking hard esp since im not really in community with anyone else and idk where to look. idk normally when i feel this way it doesnt really get under my skin and i just ignore it but im sorta coming to terms with the fact that if i dont do something about this feeling im prob gonna keep feeling it for the rest of my life.
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