#but like genuinely at the time i think i was like. bmi 20/21? maybe a little heavier since lockdown made me go a little crazy
boatemboys · 4 months
little fucked up actually that a few years ago when trying to get my back problems diagnosed. a doctor told me that my back was never going to get better and to fix it i (14 years old, average weight) needed to lose weight
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chibieoushelvetica · 7 years
85 Truths Tag
85 Truths Tag
I was tagged by @kpopcinnamonswirlroll
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 10 people
1. Drink - Water
2. Phone call - My mum
3. Text Message - My b0yfriend
4. Song you listened to - I Need Somebody by Day6
5. Time you cried - Last night...
6. Dated someone twice - Yes
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Yes
8. Been cheated on - Yes
9. Lost someone special - Yes
10. Been depressed - Everyday of my life
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - Nope
Favorite colors:
12. Black
13. Pink
14. Pastels 
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - Yes
16. Fallen out of love - Yes
17. Laughed until you cried - Yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you - Yes
19. Met someone who changed you - Well I haven’t met him, but one day I will! 
20. Found out who your true friends are - Kinda...
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - T0o many 0f th3m
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - All of them. 
23. Do you have any pets - 5; My dog Min Suga and my cats (Joonie, Shownu, Goudettama, and Zico)
24. Do you want to change your name - Yes. I w@nt to change it to Jisol.  
25. What did you do for your last birthday - I don’t even remeber... I doubt I did anything. 
26. What time did you wake up today - 6:30
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Crying
28. What is something you can’t wait for - the sweet release of death I can’t wait to graduate.
(Would just like to point out there is not a 29)
30. What are you listening to right now - Mrs. Potato Head by Melanie Martinez
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - I don’t think I have 
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - everytime I say i’m happy about something someone always has to say that they aren’t or they wish they had it or some stupid shit. Also, a “friend” of mine likes to rp kpop scenarios and as stupid as this sounds she says she ships me with say Joshua (Jisoo), but they always like her instead or have to like her first or some shit and it makes me hate myself more than before because even in a fictional world i still don’t have anyone that loves me... 
33. Most visited website - twitter or tumblr
34. Hair color - @uburn 
35. Long or short hair - I like all hair on anyone, on me it has to be long.
36. Do you have a crush on someone - Well, yea... My boyfriend and Joshua and Jihoon and Monster Woo
37. What do you like about yourself - yes.
38. Want any piercings? - yes, i kinda want a lip piercing
39. Blood type -  i dunno
40. Nicknames - T, Jenlo, HansDaddy, 
41. Relationship status - Taken
42. Zodiac - Aries
43. Pronouns - idc... i prefer to just exist.
44. Fave tv shows - I don’t watch TV often... 
45. Tattoos - ! W@NT A M!LL!ON
46. Right or left-handed - right
47. Ever had surgery -  no
48. Piercings - both ears and my septum
49. Sport -  football (soccer)
50. Vacation -  i don’t vacation i go to concerts
51. Trainers - no i don’t pokemon much anymore
52. Eating - banana chips and peanutbutter... i’m on the BMI diet
53. Drinking - water
54. I’m about to watch - the new NCTmentary 
55. Waiting for - the end of the day
56. Want - Jonghyun back, to be happy, to get meet and greets for GOT7
57. Get married - one day... and I want it to be mag1cal
58. Career - therapist
Which is better:
59. Hugs or kisses - why not both?
60. Lips or eyes - eyes
61. Shorter or taller - taller
62. Older or younger - older usually, but shit happens
63. Nice arms or stomach - usually if you ahve nice arms you are decently fit all over, but i also really like abs... 
64. Hookup or relationship - i wanna hookup one day... its on my bucketlist, but i don’t ever have hookups. i date because i genuinely feel as though i could sp3nd the rest of my life with that pers0n
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
Have you ever:
66. Kissed a stranger - nope
67. Drank hard liquor - y e s
68. Lost glasses - all the time
69. Turned someone down - yea
70. Sex on the first date - no
71. Broken someone’s heart - maybe?
72. Had your heart broken - a b s o l u t e l y
73. Been arrested - almost (i was with s3npai and pr!nc
74. Cried when someone died - yea... sometimes i still cry
75. Fallen for a friend - yea...
Do you believe in:
76. Yourself - kinda...
77. Miracles - yes. 
78. Love at first sight - absolutely
79. Santa Claus - sometimes i like the concept... 
80. Kiss on a first date - if it is a good first date
81. Angels - idk
82. Best friend’s name - It’s Daddy
83. Eye color - Black
84. Fave movie - She’s All That
85. Fave actor - Lee Minho and Paul Rudd
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