#but like in the way of a painting of morning light illuminating a misty wooded path
recreationalcynodont · 7 months
i have an oc species that i straight up will not make the conlang for because when i was trying to come up with a good name for this character i came to the conclusion that the language is highly interpretive and being largely poetic in a way that the transliterated name is actually just shorthand for a paragraph of a poem
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cruelprincae · 11 months
@little-miss-buffy sent from 🐝  *  ―  𝑾𝑨𝑳𝑲 𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑵 𝑴𝑬𝑴𝑶𝑹𝒀 𝑳𝑨𝑵𝑬.
🌼 ― a happy memory.
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The hoovesbeat of his steed are barely audible as they step upon the leaf-covered path, painted in the colours of molten gold and auburn orange. The roads are convoluted with merchandisers and tradesmen carrying cargos of flowers and fabrics, collections of animated objects and living beings such as sprites and woodland creatures and, as he passes by mounted upon his deer-like steed, he's met with the pointed, curious glares of both Seelie and Unseelie Folk alike. A glance is all that they spare him before they turn to attend their business, deeming him not important enough to waste a second more upon the stranger unless he showed clear interest in whatever merchandise they have to sell.
Cardan can't fault them; to hide is the reason why he has obsured his features and attire with the poorly stitched woolen cloak even though the rough material has been irritating his skin for quite some time now. Even so, he'd take the irritation over recognisition, for he is now threading through the Low Courts who are rumoured for their cruelty to children who are of little importance; if he gets caught, he highly doubts his father will even lift a finger to retreive him from the claws of the Unseelie Folk. No attention is for the best until he has returned to the safety of the High Court's grounds.
Despite its trickster occupants, all to eager to make bargains with desperate Folk, the Mandrake Market looks unearthly beautiful at the misty hours of dawn ― the only hours in the day that it is open, when the rest of Elfhame is sound asleep in their feather-soft beddings. Buildings of stone and wood rise tall in the sky, with their hanging signs that have the store's name written in cursive leters swaying in the morning breeze; faerie lights made of little sprites trapped in small glass containers hang in the air, illuminating the path bellow as they connect from one leafy lamp post to the other.
Aside form the built stores, stalls and cargos litter the convuluted road and, from the corner of his eyes, Cardan can spot a hag welcoming the Folk to admire a merperson she has cagged within a small tank, a love-talker with flower crowns in her hair, a vivid red lipstick and complexion in the shade of lavender pink urging people to try her steam-emitting potions and a glaisting, half human and half goat screaming over the top of her lungs of the sharpies she sells, that if you trace over the soles of your heels it will be impossible to get lost even in the most difficult of mazes. As the colour of dawn reaches the misty ground. As the rays of the misty dawn reach its grounds, the Mandrake Market is painted in the vibrant colours of Autumn, giving off a false sense of security that is impossible not to fall victim to. It is as dangerous as it is endearing and beautiful.
A fair distance in, Cardan leads his steed to store made of wooden panels, adorned with a glass showcase balcony filled with books, some resting upon feather pillows whilst others are laid upon their backs or open by their side. Vines with roses of all colours engulf the balcony and doors, seemingly sparkling beneath the morning sun, their petals swaying in the breeze in a way that makes it look almost as if they're alive and watching him. But then again, every time he has visited, this particular bookstore always looked as though it was alive, sometimes in more ways than one.
The steed shakes her silver mane as the young Prince ties her reigns to the store's enclosed parking space, meant specifically for animal trasports and takes out an apple from the leather bag strapped to the steed's flank. He gently strokes her hair between her thin ears and the deer, with a small body of palest grey, huffs her approval before diving into her lunch, trapping it between her teeth and then lowering it upon the empty tray before her filled with hay and greenery. Granted, he could have easily left her to feast on the hay and the greenery, but she has been his most loyal companion since he can remember himself. She was but a small foal when he would sleep at the stables whenever Asha kicked him out of their rooms, curled up by her side. Heart, he had named her and later on, when they were both bigger, she was accompanying him in journeys and quests of his every whim without a single complain; the least he can do is let her enjoy her favourite snack.
Unbuckling the leather bag from Heart's flank, Cardan wraps its leather wrap across a shoulder before moving to enter the store by pushing open its gigantic, wooden door. A chirpy bell rings a melody upon his arrival and no sooner than a moment later, an elderly hob with ears as big and elogated as a goblin's makes her way to the front of the shop. Her skin is green and wrinkly, her eyes ― all sclera, irises and pupils ― are black as the darkest of ink and her hair hang in loose, grey strands as she studies him with sly, curious eyes. It isn't until the young boy pushes back the hood of his cloak, revealing black eyes adorned with gold, pointed ears with several sets of earrings and a golden circlet that rests just above his brow that her eyes widen with realisation and she takes a curtsy so low that her big, pointed nose nearly brushes the wooden floor.
❛ My Prince, ❜ She greets in awe. A dismissive wave of his hand, and the hob rises from her bow, standing in attention with her hands folded before her stomach. ❛ How may Aldrarg assist you today ? ❜
❛ I want to see your latest patch of books from the mortal lands. I trust that, last time we talk, you mentioned you'd bring new ones today. ❜
For a short moment, Cardan can swear he sees panic flashes in the inky sea of her eyes but it soon vanishes as realisation hits her. ❛ Yes, your highness, of course, your highness. ❜ Stutters Aldrarg the Hob as she hurriedly makes her way to the bookcase that takes up nearly all the space of the left wall of the shop, leaving behind the young prince feeling smug. Getting things done quickly and quietly has been a welcome benefit of being rumoured to wear cruelty as a glove, and Cardan, at the prime age of eleven, could do little more than enjoy it.
Arranged in collumns, each bears a tag upon its top shelf that reads the section its books are supposed to belong to. Aldrarg's clawed hands spin upon the handle located onto the far side of the wall closest to them, and Cardan stares in wonder as each collumn of the bookcase spins in and out of sight, revealing far more collumns than a library could physically hold. It's enchanted, he concludes, enchanted to hold collumn after collumn filled to the brim with thousands of books. In the haste of their spin, he can make out several labels that don't appear quite as blury as the rest of them; herbology, botanica, law and Folklore until its spins gradually come to a stop, until the large lebel over the row after row of collumns reads 'human literature'.
In awe, the young Prince approaches the bookshelves and runs his fingertips across the spines as though intimidated by their mere presence. Amongst their numbers, he recognises books he has read before such as Frankenstein, the Lord of the Rings, the Little Prince, Don Quixote and Alice in Wonderland but, what draws his attention, are a series of small, hardpaper books that stand short before the others. Their pages are a yellowish white, indicating that they have sat there for a good while, unused and unloved; even their spine is slightly dented, their pages wrinkled at the edges.
❛ What are those ? ❜ Cardan asks.
Aldrarg's curious gaze meets the young Prince's, following it to where he was pointing. ❛ Oh, these. ❜ She huffs a hoarse laugh. ❛ I earned those in a human bargain. They're supposed to be of sentimental value to the person they belonged to. They're annotated too. ❜ She squints, as though trying to make out the writing upon their dented spine. ❛ A Series Of Unfortunate Events, written by someone called Lemony Snicket. ❜ Then, a snicker. ❛ Unfortunate indeed, considerating how their previous owner ended. ❜
He stares at them for a long moment. Reaching out to take the first book within his hands, he turns it over so that he can read its summary; all humans books have sumaries, he recalls. Black eyes skim over the lines, dark brows arching once he reaches the end. From all he has gathered, it is dark, mysterious and, as the title promises, quite unfortunate indeed ― all the things he likes in the books he reads. A reflection of himself, perhaps.
❛ I'll take them. ❜ He decides, his chin rising with pride to meet the hungry gaze of the Hob. ❛ All thirteen of them. ❜
❛ All thirteen ? ❜ She muses as a clawed digits drums against her pointy chin. It leaves scratches across her wrinkled skin, but she doesn't look like she notices any of them. After a minute of thought, she turns back to the prince, her lips curling into a sly grin that he finds is quite disturbing. ❛ That will be four roses from the royal garden then, your Highness. ❜
A frown plasters itself upon his forehead as he opens the leather bag and takes out the single, sparkling red rose he carries. ❛ Last time we called, you didn't mention the price would be more than one rose. ❜
❛ You didn't mention you'd be taking more than one book. And those weren't as aquired as easily as the others you've taken. ❜
She's right, he realises, feeling remarkably stupid for not opting to take more roses out of the patches of the royal gardan. Now all those hours he risked to travel through the Lower Court would have been for nothing. His lips purse and he moves towards the large oak door, but Aldrarg interrupts him before he can reach it.
❛ Or, we could make a bargain. ❜
Cardan stills, body stiff and turns to cast the Hob a suspicious glare. Growing up in Elfhame and being a Fae himself, he was familiar with the risk that came with making deals with his kind; one could ask for money and the Faerie bargainer would ask in return for a bucket full of human meat a day ― one that would result being their own since human meat didn't come as easily, until there was barely anything of the bargainee left, or, more commonly, an eternity of being in the bargainer's service. Granted, mortals are in a far graver position than Faes when making a deal, that doesn't mean it is any less dangerous for them; and since they can live for thousands upon thousands of years, it makes their end of the bargain all the more binding. Besides, what does he, a young Prince who is in ill favours with their High King father, have to offer to her that she doesn't already possess ?
❛ What kind of bargain ? ❜ He asks, hoping that his voice conveys just how little he trusts her. She can't trick him.
Aldrarg smiles, revealing a set of teeth sharp enough to cut through flesh. Perhaps she's a former habitat of the Court of Teeth, perhaps, or the Court of Moths. Regardless of her citizenship, the sight of her teethy smile makes him uncomfortable. ❛ You get your books, ❜ She says, pointing a sharp claw towards the bookcase's shelf. ❛ And I get the pretty rose you carry. And when you become High King, I'll come to you for a favour and you mustn't turn me away. ❜
It is evidence of how well practiced his self-strain is, for even the sound of himself being High King make Cardan want to burst out laughing. Amongst the remaining five children of Eldred, all of whom far more favoured than he is, it would be impossible for the crown to fall upon the young Prince's head. Dain had made sure of that when he put the blame of Eldred's senechal's lover's death on him. His father could hardly even bring himself to look at his youngest son, let alone crown him King of Elfhame. And if that isn't enough reason to disqualify him from ever getting the throne, then the ill-fated prophecy that has been his sole companion since the day he was born had certainly sealed the deal. Not that he minds that he'll probably never be King; He finds politics to be boring and meaningless. wrecking havoc and drinking and getting scowled by the rest of his family are far more entertaining. All of Elfhame knows that ― surely, Aldrarg must as well.
If she wants to make a fruitless bargain, then Cardan will most certainly oblige. After all, he's the winner of this arrangement; he will get free books.
❛ It would be unwise to bet an entire collection on books on the mere possibility of me becoming High King. ❜ He says, but overall hands over the shimmering rose. Aldrarg takes it, staring down at the beautiful wonder before placing it upon the vine with the rest. Cardan watches in surprise as the vibe greedily aborbes it within its roots. Before he can ask what was the reason of that, he notices that the vines start to bloom with many little shimmering roses, nearly identical to the one he just gave the Hob.
❛ Let me worry about my bargain. ❜ States the Hob with a growing smile as she starts to wrap up all thirteen of the books that Cardan chose. When the package is ready, wrapped in thin paper that feels like silk beneath his grasp, she takes a low curtsy, similar to the one she made when he first saw her. ❛ It was my pleasure doing bussiness with you, your Highness. ❜
He offers little other than a nod as he takes his package and exits the shop. Heart is still there, munching on the remainings of the apple he gave her just before enterting the shop and she huffs in disdain over the newly gained weight as he places the package upon his leather bag that he then straps to the flank of her body. Giving her head another, gentle pat, he pushes the hood the wooden cloak over his head and mounts his deer-like steed, leading her back out, into the slightly less convuluted street. Heads turn as he passes by the Folk, but for yet once, no one wastes a second glance at him as he makes his way out of Mandrake Market and into the Crooked Forest.
He stops when he reaches the lake that lays near the Hollow Hall estate and lets Heart munch on some grass there as he unwraps the books from their silky paper cover and starts reading them one by one. Although they are small in volume, Cardan can't help but notice that the sun is nearly setting when he is done reading all thirteen of the books and that he, for once again, spend an entire day lost in a book. He doesn't regret it; not since the fantastical world the books belonged to is far better than the one he's currently living in.
And when Balekin burns them at last, at least Cardan finds comfort in the fact that he has, in fact, read them. And for a while, he was happy.
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I Have My Ways
It’s Stiles’ first full moon since he was bitten and he’s struggling.
For @staffofoppression
(You can read it here on AO3)
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He ran through the shadows and the darkness that surrounded him. He wove his way through the undergrowth. His bare feet pounded the damp earth as he ran through the dense woods, splashing the cool mud against his pale skin.
There was a dull pain as the jagged twigs and outstretched branches scratched and clawed at his bare skin, but the pain didn’t seem to register in his mind; all he could think about was running.
Around him, the usual autumn tones of brown, gold and red were darkened by the night, now a dreary mix of greys and heavy black shadows. Dense foliage hung overhead, filtered streams of silver light surrounded him seeping through the canopy and dancing across the ground.
The glow of the full moon lit his world, filling him with energy and spurring him on. The burning power filled his veins, igniting his soul as he ran.
Among the darkness of the woods, he could make out the fluorescent bleached skeletons of the birch trees, their slender trunks lining the shadows as eye-like rings watched him from all angles.
The cool air filled his lungs, the bitterly cold chill biting at his pale cheeks.
He bounded over fallen trees and large logs, leaping over tree stumps and felled branches.
He didn’t stop running, not until he saw the wolf.
The large black wolf stood in front of him, blocking his path. Their fur was as dark as the night and their eyes glowed with a bright crimson glow.
Stiles slowed to a halt, his broken, panting breaths turning to a misty cloud in the cool night air. He felt his eyes burn with power as they glowed in response to his alpha.
Stiles squeezed his eyes shut, dropping his head into his hands as he slowly regained control of himself.
The wolf slowly rose, morphing back into their human form and walking over to Stiles’ side.
“Are you okay?” Derek asked, gently prying Stiles’ arms away from his head and craning his neck to look him in the eye.
Stiles nodded, looking up as he let out a measured sigh.
“I lost control for a moment,” Stiles told him.
“It’s alright,” Derek said soothingly. “These things happen.”
“I thought the bite was meant to cure things,” Stiles mused. “Why does it not work for ADHD?”
“Because ADHD isn’t like other disorders,” Derek said. “It’s not like epilepsy or pneumonia; your brain is just wired differently.”
“So I’m a werewolf with ADD?”
“Don’t all dogs have ADD?” Derek said light-heartedly, hoping his joke would cheer Stiles up somewhat.
Stiles dropped his head, muttering something that Derek didn’t hear.
Derek took another step forward. He gently slid a finger beneath Stiles’ chin and coaxed him to look up and meet Derek’s soft gaze. His eyes flickered red and a small smile toyed with the corners of his lips as Stiles’ lit up with a golden glow in return.
He cupped Stiles’ cheek and leant forward, pressing a tender, loving kiss to Stiles’ forehead
“You should probably chain me up,” Stiles said, dejected.
Derek shook his head, chuckling slightly as he said, “You would only find a way to escape.”
“I can’t trust myself,” Stiles said, grimacing as he felt the hypnotic call of the full moon burn at the back of his mind. “I don’t want to end up hurting someone.”
“You’re not going to hurt anyone,” Derek promised. “The worst you’ve done is run through the woods. You’re not snapping or snarling. You haven’t hurt me and you’re not going to hurt anyone else.”
Stiles dropped his gaze, staring down at his feet.
“It’ll take time to get used to all of this; to learn how to control it,” Derek said softly. “This is only your first full moon and you’re already doing better than the others.”
“It doesn’t feel like I am,” Stiles admitted.
“You are,” Derek reassured him, his voice soft but firm.
Derek pulled Stiles into a tight hug, holding him close for a moment. As he stepped back, he wrapped his arm around Stiles’ shoulders, guiding him back through the woods in the direction he’d come from.
“Let’s get you home.”
Derek had done a good job at restoring the Hale house. The walls were covered in crisp white paint. A few of the support beams that framed the room had been replaced—the large beams weathered, scarred and stained in an effort to match the surviving beans that had been burnt and distorted by the fire; bent and twisted like body of Atlas bowing beneath an unimaginable weight.
The house smelt of sweet dew and crisp pine trees, but there was a lingering bitter smell of ash that never seemed to fade.
There were scattered signs of history and new life mingling among the ruins. There were pieces of furniture that had been restored or salvaged, wooden tables with charred legs and warped paint like scars. The walls of the hallways were lined with photos of the Hale family—pictures that Stiles and the pack had helped Derek track down—and new photos; photos of the pack.
Two large windows framed the front door, silver moonlight streaming through them and illuminating the angelic swirl of the sparkling particles of dust.
Stiles stepped into the hallway, his head bowed in shame as Derek shut the front door behind them and locked it.
Stiles made his way into the living room.
There were two large sofas and two arm chairs, arranged in a circle that faced the fireplace in the centre of the room.
The fire was lit, the warm glow filling the room and the sound of crackling soothing Stiles as he watched the wavering flames dance about.
A row of old hard cover books with fragile withered and frayed spines sat atop the mantle, held upright by two bookends that Derek had made himself. Beside the books were more photographs and an arrangement of little trinkets that Derek had collected over the years or that the pack had given him as gifts.
Derek stepped up behind Stiles, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and pulling him back against his chest.
Stiles let out a deep sigh, letting his eyes fall shut for a moment as he relaxed, falling back into Derek’s arms and melting into his warmth.
“I still think you should chain me up,” Stiles said after a while.
“I have another idea,” Derek said.
He scooped Stiles off his feet – delighted by the sound of his playful laughter – and carried him over to the couch.
He carefully laid Stiles down on the cushions, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to his lips before straightening up.
“You’re just going to make me lie here?” Stiles asked, somewhat sceptical. “How are you going to stop me from getting up?”
“I have my ways,” Derek said with a coy smirk.
Derek shifted into his wolf form, gracefully climbing up onto the couch and laying on top of Stiles.
Stiles burst into a fit of laughter, shaking Derek as his chest rose and fell with his chuckling.
Derek stretched out, pinning Stiles down. He laid his head down on Stiles’ chest, looking up at the man lovingly.
“You’re really going to just lie there?” Stiles asked.
Derek nodded.
“This is your brilliant plan to make sure I don’t move?”
Derek nodded again.
“Is this because I said that there was an unspoken law that says you are not allowed to move when a pet lies on you?”
There was a glint of mischief in Derek’s eyes that seemed to say ‘yes’.
Stiles chuckled.
“You know what?” he started, but his argument died away in his throat. He shook his head, smiling as he said, “You’re right. I’m not moving.”
Derek lifted his head slightly, licking Stiles’ chin.
Stiles screwed up his face. “That’s gross.”
Derek shifted slightly, resting his chin on Stiles’ chest and settling. HIs eyes slowly drifted shut as he fell asleep.
Yeah, I’m definitely not moving, Stiles thought.
He carefully lifted his hand and gently patted Derek, running his fingers through Derek’s soft fur.
Exhaustion began to take its toll on him. Stiles’ eyes grew heavy. He wrapped an arm around Derek as his eyes drifted shut and sleep pulled him under.
When Stiles woke the next morning, the golden light of morning bled through the large bay window of the living room. The fire had long gone out, the embers cold and the grey ash piled at the bottom of the fireplace.
Beyond the window he could hear the sweet twittering of singing birds.
But what was most noticeable was that Derek wasn’t there.
Stiles let out a weak groan as he pushed himself upright and looked around.
Derek had laid a soft blanket over him, the soft fabric pooling around his waist as he straightened up.
He slowly rolled his shoulder, feeling he tense muscles ache. He’d been bitten nearly a month ago, and although the wound had long healed, there were times when Stiles could swear he could still feel it.
He carefully pushed aside the blanket and swung his legs over the side of the couch. He screwed up his face when he looked down at his feet. His pale skin was covered in dried mud and scratches that were darkened by dried blood.
Stiles carefully set his feet down on the floor, wincing as he put weight on his tender feet. He rose from the couch, slowly hobbling out of the living room and into the kitchen.
Derek stood by the kitchen bench, a cup of coffee in one hand as he flipped through the newspaper with the other.
Stiles dragged his feet across the hardwood floors as he crossed over to Derek, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and burying his face in the curve of Derek’s neck.
“Good morning,” Derek said softly. “How do you feel?”
Stiles let out a weak moan.
“Maybe this will make you feel better,” Derek said. He set down his mug and picked up another cup on the counter, holding it out to Stiles.
Stiles pouted as he took the mug of coffee from Derek. He cupped it in his hands, letting the warmth seep into the palms of his hands. He inhaled deeply, breathing in the rich smell of the bitter coffee before sipping at it.
“What’s wrong?” Derek asked.
“Nothing,” Stiles replied.
“Stiles,” Derek said, craning his neck to look Stiles in the eye.
“I was hoping you’d still be there when I woke up,” Stiles admitted.
A small smile turned up the corners of Derek’s lips. He grabbed the front of Stiles’ shirt and pulled him close. He turned slightly, leaning back against the bench and wrapping his arms around Stiles.
“I’m sorry,” he said. He reached up and gently brushed aside a stray strand of hair that fell forward in Stiles’ face. He leant forward and pressed a tender kiss to Stiles’ cheek.
“So that’s your plan for every full moon now, you’re going to shift and lie on me so I can’t move?” Stiles asked.
Derek pretended to think about it. “Yeah, pretty much.”
A mischievous smile played across Derek’s lips.
Stiles rolled his eyes.
“Hey,” Derek said, a touch of offence in his voice. “It worked, didn’t it?”
“Yeah, it did,” Stiles submitted. He sipped at his coffee.
“How do you feel?”
“Exhausted and full of energy at the same time,” Stiles replied.
“The energy is because of the moon. For a few days before and after a full moon, you’ll feel more energetic than usual,” Derek explained. “And feeling exhausted is normal after a full moon, especially if you spent most of the night running through a forest.”
Stiles looked down at his dirty feet covered in scratches and sneered.
“I need a shower,” Stiles said, stepping back from Derek and setting the empty coffee mug down in the sink.
“Yeah, you do,” Derek teased. “You stink.”
“You stink,” Stiles replied out of habit.
Derek smirked. “I guess I need a shower too then. Mind if I join you?”
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Campe Fuckng Diem - part 1
It was nighttime at Camp Campbell, the sky a cool shade of blue sprinkled lightly with stars, David walked past the Mess Hall, a lantern illuminating his path. He sighed happily. "Another wonderful day at Camp Camp, and some new campers! All that's left to do now is recharge with a full eight hours of lying in bed... Awake, waiting for tomorrow." He reflected happily, speaking to no one. As David continued on he remained oblivious to Max, Neil and Nikki sneaking through the night to the docks - looking like something out of a spy movie. "Alright guys, our- wait, what the fuck?!" Max trailed off as he noticed another's presence by the lake, Avis was standing by the lake, dragging a stick through the mud in the shape of a skull. Her black shirt had been traded for the Camp Campbell yellow shirt but she had painted over the ordinary shirt with red paint to make a pentagram that looked like it was made from blood, some paint trailing down the shirt a little. She noticed them finally and waved lazily, Neil and Max stood confused and slightly put out while Nikki jumped to her drawing excitedly. "Hey Avis! Are you escaping camp too? (Max face palmed as Nikki gave away their plan and Avis raised an eyebrow) No? Oh! Are we doing a ritual? I can go get a sacrifice!" She growled predatorily, baring her teeth and crouching readily. "Nikki, no." Max scolded, he was cut off from elaborating as Avis spoke at the same time, "yes." She caught the looks the boys were giving her and hurriedly corrected herself. "I meant no, stupid autocorrect." Max heaved a frustrated sigh, "look, we're trying to escape. You want to come or not?" "Sure." Avis shrugged and Nikki grinned. "Now, our first attempt to bust out of this godforsaken hellhole didn't work. But tonight's gonna be different. 'Cause we have a secret weapon." He informed smugly, turning to the docks. "Billy Nixil." He narrated as a chubby, short boy with dark hair and skin emerged from the shadows spookily, a candy cane clenched in his mouth. "Call me Snake." He ordered in a gravelly voice that was in no way a rip off of every movie tough guy ever. "He's ex-Wood scouts. And he's one of the best." Max proudly boasted, "isn't that right Billy?" He prompted, Billy - or 'Snake' - chewed his candy cane sullenly. "Got my search and rescue badge in two weeks, got my water survival in one." He informed. Nikki praised him eagerly, "that's amazing!" "I never had a choice." Oh, and there's the cliche movie line. "The Wood Scouts are some of the most intense militant campers on Lake Lilac. Billy here escaped." Max said. "Then why is he helping us?" Neil asked suspiciously. "I'm not doing this for you. I made a vow." He placed a hand on his hip, seriously, where did they get this kid? Awkward silence followed Terminator reincarnated's confession, crickets chirping as the four looked at each other unsurely. His eyes then finally drifted over to Avis, having failed to notice her due to her clothes blending in with the dark night. "Hey! It's you!" "You know Avis?" Neil questioned nervously. "Yeah. Tried to join the Wood Scouts even though she's a girl!" He took an aggressive tone, pointing at her accusingly, Avis bristled angrily and burst out in a loud, frustrated whisper. "I didn't want to join your stupid fucking camp! You fucktards literally thought I was a boy!" She hissed, clenching her fists at her side, leaning towards him angrily. "Well okay, let's get in the boat!" Neil offered awkwardly, trying to diffuse the palpable tensions created from the stand off.
They sailed across the waters, discussing calmly what they were going to do once they left. "What about you Avis?" Neil asked and Nikki turned to her patiently. "I'll probably sacrifice something to Satan, get caught and sent to prison. Maybe I'll break out a bunch of people and start a riot." She hummed thoughtfully. Neil rubbed his arm awkwardly while Nikki nodded in approval, "how about you Max?" She asked, asking again confusedly as he didn't look away from the misty lake. "Max?" "Billy. Where are you taking us?" He probed suspiciously. "Shortcut." Snake replied shortly. Max surveyed the lake warily, looking down to see the waves lapping at a branding on the side of the boat stamped 'property of: the Woodscouts'. Max gasped but before he could do anything else Snake lunged at him and sliced him wildly with a knife prompting Neil to scream out cowardly and scrambled to the end of the boat pushing Avis' legs up. "Jesus Christ!" Snake turned to growl at them angrily before seizing Nikki and holding her high above his head, "Yo! What gives?!" "No girls allowed!" He yelled, tossing her into the water. "Nikki!" Neil screamed, reaching out to her, Avis stood up with her arms outstretched, "take me!" She yelled dramatically but Snake ignored her. "All boys stay! No exceptions!" He ordered and Avis glowered angrily, opening her mouth to retort which distracted him for Max getting up behind him. Max tackled Snake with a grunt forcing him to the ground, "Neil quick grab his-!" Max yelled, turning back to see an empty boat, catching one last glimpse of Avis jumping into the water, embracing her fate. "Oh shit." Were the last words Avis heard as she plunged into the cold water, submerging herself.
Back at camp the sun had risen to illuminate a new day, Marina was walking through the camp, she quickened her stride when she noticed David up ahead. "Well good morning camper!" He cheerily flashed a blinding grin - literally, she had to shield her eyes as the morning sun reflected on his pearly whites. "It really isn't." She grumbled, David squatted down to her level, "what can I do for you today?" He offered, overly welcoming attitude throwing her off so she glared at him disdainfully, how dare he be happy in her presence? Avis would have made a comment either threatening him or - following her line of thought- muttering 'the audacity!' In an offended tone under her breath, but that was what brought her here. She had been looking for Avis and had gone to the lake, thinking she would be drawing pentagrams in the sand when she saw something on the water that made her turn on her heel and march right up to David. "You guys have a camp for pirate ships?!" David furrowed his brow at her question before he realised, "you must mean Pirate Camp! It's another camp on Lake Lilac!" He informed her with detestable enthusiasm. "There are other camps?" "Well sure!" He endeared her, turning around and closing his eyes as he walked away, recounting a list with the air of a tourism guide, one arm behind his back, the other in the air knowledgeably. "There's the Woodscouts, military campers. Pirate Camp, they train you on how to be a pirate and the Flowerscouts, they are most known for being ladylike and their cookies!-" "Cookies?!" "That's ri-" David had turned around and opened his eyes again to inform Marina more when he stopped talking as he noticed she was nowhere to be seen.
When Avis came to she was lying on a sandy bank, the water lapped to her waist causing her to jump up with a comical start. "FUCK! That's cold!" She scrambled to the side and kicked her foot out spastically to fling off water. She hopped backwards to stop beside Nikki and Neil who she hadn't noticed until now. "Hey Nikki. Hey female swamp monster." She commented, acknowledging Neil's weird accessory of seaweed adorning his head. "Where are we?" She turned to Nikki who seemed the most alert. "Where happiness comes to die." Nikki hissed at her and Neil, they turned as an annoying voice suddenly called out. "Oh. My. God. Is that... Nikki?" A preppy looking blonde drawled, standing next to a tall cheerleader with red hair and another model with brown skin and blue hair that shielded one eye. "Hey guys." Nikki spoke nervously, dropping Neil. "Ew. Who is that?" The brown girl spoke disgustedly, the red head addressed her posse with a bratty air, "Tabbii, Erin please. A Flower scout always welcomes others with daintiness and respect." Her grating voice chastised. "Flower scouts?" Neil and Avis echoed. They suddenly noticed a beautiful area over the hill behind the girls, seemingly glowing and sparkling magically, it looked like something out of a Barbie movie. A camp full of pink houses and cabins with yellow pavement and bright green grass was shining in the morning sun, sparkles reflecting of the freshly polished roads. "Nikki... You were a Flower Scout?" Neil questioned surprised while Avis hunched away from the light, hissing like a vampire at the sparkles and pink. "Ugh, yeah... But they were totally boring so I bailed." Nikki grumbled. The first girl fake coughed to regain their attention and they all curtsied in unison. "It's sooo good to see you again Nikki. And-" "Ne-" "ancy!" Nikki cut Neil off, jumping on him and covering his mouth. "Neeancy?" "Yes! It's- uh, spelled really dumb, it's french." Nikki excused. "Ooh, France." Erin drawled before the leader glared at Avis darkly. "Your... Friend here, is not welcome. Boys aren't allowed." Avis spluttered in anger, crouching and pulling at her beanie in a frustrated gesture she hissed, "I am not a boy!" Angrily. "Oh! Are you sure?" The girl continued, suspicious. Avis let out a frustrated groan and took a threatening step forward. "I. Am. A. Girl! My name is Avis!" "That sounds like a boys name!" Tabbii whined, "my name is Tabbii. With two 'I's." "Congratu-fucking-lations." Avis grumbled. "Come on Neeancy, our morning activities are starting!" The head girl cheered and they swung around gracefully, pausing to look over their shoulders disdainfully. "You can come too Nikki, and, uh, 'girl'." She lengthened the word skeptically, eyes narrowed. "Man, we really lucked out." Neil commented happily, Nikki let out a feral growl of frustration and followed the others. "Hey, you think Max is okay?" Neil asked offhandedly as Avis glowered. She trudged down the hill and they passed a small building labeled 'storage'. "Oh, that's where we keep our cookies." The red head waved as she saw Avis looking, from inside Avis could vaguely hear muffled noises and as the others continued along she stopped and ducked out of sight. Detaching from the group and pressing herself against the wall of the cookie storage shed sneakily. She opened the door slowly as it creaked ominously, a pillar of light illuminating the room slowly like in a dramatic movie scene, a hunched mass was in the corner, shrouded in shadows making sounds of eating, chewing and crunching ferociously. More light was shed on the quivering mass until it unfurled and Avis could see- "Marina?" Said girl stiffened and turned around sheepishly, blushing at being caught red handed. She was hugging a cookie box possessively, dressed in a Girl Scouts uniform she had a few crumbs over her bulging cheeks which were stuffed with cookies making her resemble a chipmunk. Marina's eyes guiltily darted to the side briefly and Avis followed her gaze to see a pretty looking girl tied up with so much rope Avis wondered briefly if she could breath and if she was naked underneath given Marina had probably stolen her uniform. They both stared at each other for a prolonged period of time, the awkward silence deafening until Avis shut the door behind her and sat down beside Marina. She grabbed a nearby box and yanked a dagger from her boot to stab and slice the box open, smiling warmly at Marina who blushed and smiled back, swallowing her cookies before shovelling more in her mouth. The girl tied up groaned and blinked groggily, waking up, she spotted Avis and recoiled, "ew! A boy-" Avis had gotten up, in a fighting stance but before she could use her dagger that was still clenched in her palm the girl was cut off as Marina shoved a sock into her mouth unceremoniously and gave Avis a wink.
A couple hours later Marina and Avis had finally sated themselves and were exiting the room with their arms heaped with boxes, above they saw an eagle flying regally across the sky, Nikki and Neil  hanging on to its claws. "Hey, isn't that Avis and Marina?" Nikki commented, pointing down at the two. Marina was sitting on top of a mound of cookie boxes like a queen on a throne and she waved brightly up at them while Avis squinted confusedly.
I don't know how to link it but there is a prologue to this you need to read, this is obviously a fic with my two OC’s.
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kpopfanfictrash · 7 years
Addewid (IV)
Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: You / Kai (Jongin)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,703
Summary: “You cannot appeal to my better nature, for I have none. I am not human, little one.”
You’ve always known you were different. You’re able to see them, after all, able to see the Others. You’ve also always ignored them. Until the day comes where you’re forced to make a choice - one that throws your world into chaos. And sends you down a path you might never return from.
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The next time her husband left, she slipped down to the cellar. The door there was ajar so she held her breath as she pushed it open. The girl recoiled in horror when she saw what was within. There, hung from the walls, were all the bodies of his previous wives.
The girl screamed, tried to run - but Bluebeard was already there.
This is the story which comes to mind as I push open my door. My own scream dies when I recognize the shape of what’s inside.
A girl.
The Understanding
A portrait of a girl.
It’s not the only thing in the room, of course. There’s a bed in the corner, a wardrobe on the side. The place also looks as though it’s been unused for a decade. A century. A millennium - who knows, given Kai’s immortality. A thick layer of dust covers everything but the candle flickering on the mantelpiece.
The light illuminates the portrait of the young woman. Not a girl, as I originally assumed but then - not woman, either. I see that she’s Fey, pointed ears peeking from beneath wispy layers of hair. She’s smiling, half-turned from the frame as though asking the observer to follow, wanting to be caught.
I hardly realize I’ve entered the room until I’m standing before the painting, hand outstretched. Fingertips mere inches away from it’s surface.
The voice is thunderous and I nearly trip as I whirl, stumbling over the bedpost before catching myself on the mantle. The movement shakes the painting on the wall behind me and I see Kai’s eyes widen. 
He darts forward, looking anything but composed. His features right now are wild, out of control and as a result I don’t know how to react. 
He rights the painting, hands hovering on the edge as silence overtakes the room. Still facing him, I watch his shoulders tighten. Hunching as he takes a deep breath to control himself. The silver metal around his neck gleams in the candlelight.
My breath freezes in the air. I recognize the pale, misty shape and stare at it because it makes no sense. The inside of the house has always been warm. My body shivers though and I realize Kai is the one making things this way. Kai is the one freezing the air. 
When he speaks, his voice cuts the silence like metal.
“Get out.” 
I should leave but his voice is so low, filled with a pain, that for some reason I step forward. Moving towards him until suddenly he turns, gaze snapping upwards and I recoil. 
“I said,” Kai breathes, his eyes wide and furious. “Get. OUT.” 
On his last word, he loses it. Eyes clenched, jaw hard as shards of ice erupt from his body. They seek purchase in the mirror behind me, shattering it’s surface in rainbow piece which fall to the floor.
His face is dark, throat silver and the scream which leaves my body is panicked. Kai takes another step forward and I don’t know whether he means to attack or apologize. I no longer care to find out though, and bolt towards the door. Throwing this open to skid around corridors, hands groping for railings, doors - anything to propel myself onward. 
Kai doesn’t follow me, though I act as if he does. Screwing my eyes shut and unable to block out his anger.  His all-consuming, fiery rage that reigned down around me.
It’s all I see as I burst through the twin doors at the end of the hall. Scrambling left, throwing open the door to my wing and thanking whatever gods that Muriel has finished cleaning. I slam my door shut. Lock it. Decide this isn’t good enough and painstakingly drag my wardrobe before it. Pushing and shoving, ignoring the dry scrape of wood on wood as I shove it into place.
When I’m done, I’m heaving. Panting as I draw air into my lungs. Glaring at the door, I fume at the beast beyond it. I know I’m partly wrong – I know I’m also at fault, but how dare he. How dare that thing lose his temper and threaten my life, all over a room?
I don’t know why I’m even surprised. How many times do I have to remind myself he’s other before I believe it? Kai is not human. Kai does not understand rules and feelings like I do.
He uses his magic in a way that’s not human. Fights animals in a way that’s not human. Of course he doesn’t have the same understanding of right and wrong. Of course he holds no respect for me or for my life. With a dull thud, I fall onto my bed. No - his bed. His bed, his room, his house. His forbidden hallways and forbidden portrait.
As I lie there, the ring of anger fading in my ears, I wonder who that woman was. I assume was because how could one be so angry over someone who is? Or perhaps she left and maybe that’s why Kai is so hurt by it. But then, death is just another kind of leaving.
Slowly, I roll over. Resting on one side to draw my knees into my chest. I don’t know what I was thinking, trying to be happy. I will never be happy here because I will never belong. 
That’s dramatic. My surroundings seem to call for it though – so extreme and out of place from anything I’ve known before. I find my thoughts drifting once more to my father. To his face, his voice. To the pancakes he would make in the mornings and books he would read me at night.
I sit up to stare at my own reflection in the mirror. Now that I’ve pushed my wardrobe away, I can see myself clearly. It’s not a pretty sight. My braid is loose and undone, clothing wrinkled. My eyes are swollen – I suppose the one benefit of crying without makeup is there are no mascara trails to stain my cheeks. Thinking this almost brings a smile to my face. What a pitiful, sad little happiness to find.
I’m still like this when someone tries to open my door hours later. “What in the world?”
The voice is Muriel’s and I wince shoving myself off my bed. Throwing myself against the wardrobe from my side to push it back. Now that I’m coming down from my anger, I’m realizing how silly this action was. Kai is Fey. He could easily enter if he wanted to.
 “Coming,” I call, pressing harder against the wood.
“What’s going on in there?” Muriel’s voice sounds confused. 
Pushing harder, I struggle more. “I, uh, the door is stuck!”
“Then why do I hear you pushing something?”
I fall back, sagging against the enormous wardrobe which now refuses to move. I must have been half-crazed to push it in the first place. “I shoved my wardrobe in front of the door,” I explain feebly.
“What?” Muriel sounds like she’s laughing. “Why would you do that?”
“For my protection.”
There’s a long pause from the other side of the door, before Muriel sighs. “Step aside, child.”
I stay there until I’m able to shake my notion that all Fey – no matter which Fey – bring fear and death in their stead. “Okay,” I say at last, stepping aside. “I’m away.”
Frowning, I take another step into the room. “Good?”
Slowly, the wardrobe slides from the door. Moving inch by inch until I’m left staring wide-eyed at my room back in place. My bedroom door moves to open but sticks, handle jiggling wildly.
“Child.” Muriel sounds exasperated. “Please unlock the door.”
Coming to my senses, I hurry across the room. Pulling on my handle until it unlocks and when it opens, Muriel glares from the other side. “What were you thinking?” she asks, stepping across the threshold.
I peer down the hallway before stepping back, firmly shutting the door. “I was trying to keep Kai out.” I cross my arms.
“The Master?” Muriel’s eyebrow rise. “What did he do now, offer you another pillow? Heal your skin? Accept some deranged, half-bit promise you begged him to consider?”
At this last piece, you frown. “What?”
Muriel shakes her head, waving this aside. “Never mind. What did he do now?”
“He shattered a mirror,” I say defensively.
Muriel doesn’t seem too surprised. “And?”
I turn towards her, mouth dropping. “And,” I’m sputtering. “He almost hit me! He shot ice at me and didn’t flinch! Didn’t even blink!”
That’s not true. Kai flinched when he lost control. I saw it on his face, felt the twinge in his motions. There was horror when he snapped, visible for the spit-second before he hid his head.  
Muriel frowns, glancing at the door. “Ice? He used ice?”
I nod, allowing that sink in.
“Well.” Muriel considers. “Tell me what happened before. What did you say before the occurrence?”
“I went to the East Wing,” I say, for some reason feeling defensive. “I saw the room at the end of the hall.”
Muriel stills. When I look over at her, there’s a sadness in her eyes I’ve never seen before. It’s this, more than anything which convinces me that perhaps I’ve actually done something wrong. 
Maybe Kai doesn’t understand me, doesn’t understand my human emotions. But then... I don’t understand him, either.
“You… didn’t go inside, did you?” Muriel asks. 
“I did.”
“Oh, gods.” Muriel closes her eyes, making a funny motion with her hand over her chest. “The child is an idiot.”
“Hey!” I frown, crossing my arms. “I am not.”
“Oh, really?” Muriel’s eyes snap open. “Going into the one wing the Master forbade you from? Walking down a long, untouched hallway? Opening a lit room? How dense are you, child?”
Repeated back to me, I see what she means. Had I been watching this in a horror movie, I would have thrown popcorn at the screen. “You’re right,” I admit, slightly dazed. “It was not the most intelligent of decisions.”
Muriel lets out a low laugh. “No. It was not.” 
With a wave of her hand, dust wipes itself clean from my wardrobe. She exhales, watching the dust motes scatter in the light. “All the same,” she mutters, almost aside. “The Master was wrong to frighten you.”
Hardly daring to believe my own ears, I sink on the edge of my bed. “I can’t say I cared for it.”
“He’s wrong, you’re wrong. What a mess.” Muriel murmurs to herself as she crosses my bedroom. Picking up things I don’t remember having tossed on the floor.
“I can do that,” I say, half-rising.
“Sit.” Muriel points at my sheets. “I don’t want you ruining anything else today.”
Slowly, I sit back down. Fold my hands in my lap and stare at my reflection in the mirror. My thoughts inevitably fall on Kai. Kai and his horribly blank expression while he scared me away. I shake my head. I need to think about something else. Need to continue to be angry.
“Why do you look older than Kai?” 
Muriel snorts. “You think I look old?”
“Not old,” I say quickly. “Just older. Kai looks as though he’s around the same age I am. Whereas you look fully grown.”
Scoffing, Muriel resumes cleaning. “It’s by choice, love. Or rather… oh, it’s difficult to explain.”
I pull my legs up under myself. “Try me.”
She looks over at me, deciding something. “It’s a reflection,” she explains. “How we view our age projected to the world. Right now I’m tired, Y/N.” 
I start, realizing it’s the first time she’s said my name out loud. I didn’t know that she knew it. 
“I’m tired and worried for the Master, and so I appear old.”
Her answer surprises me. For many reasons, one of which makes me frown. “You’re… worried for him.”
Muriel picks up my clothes to bring them to my dresser. “Is that so hard to believe?” 
“I just, well.” I stare at her. “Kind of. He’s been nothing but horrible and cold. He barely speaks, kidnapped me, frog-marched me through the forest, wouldn’t let me sleep...”
I trail off as I recall exactly why he wouldn’t let me sleep. People who fall asleep in the cold often don’t wake up. I remember him carrying me to his manor. Him saving me from frostbite. Offering me dinner, granting me free reign in his household. Trust I repaid by going to the one place he asked me not to go. 
Something he asked not out of spite or maliciousness, as I’d assumed but because the place held special meaning. The room is precious to Kai and he didn’t want me, a stranger, to disturb that.
I play with the threads of my bed and when I look back up, Muriel is watching me. Her expression softens and I know she’s thinking the same things I am. Because of this, I turn away. “Still.” My own voice sounds foreign. “I can’t be worried for him. He is my worry - he’s Fey.”
“I understand that.” Muriel faces my hamper, shutting it. “All the same, I worry for him. The Master has a troubled past and I don’t think he understands what he’s doing any more than you do. But underneath it all… he means well.”
I bite back my retort, not wanting to fight. I have nothing left to be angry at and so I sigh, drawing my legs up to my chest. “All the same,” I muse. “I think I would rather be alone right now.”
Muriel stops, looking over her shoulder. “I understand that, too.” With a wave of one hand, the rest of my room slides into place. She ignores the way my mouth drops open and walks out the door. 
“Goodnight, child,” Muriel says, pausing in the hall. “The door still locks – if you have need.”
Then she’s gone, disappeared around the corner and leaving me staring at an empty room. Sliding off my bed, I pad over to my door. Twisting the knob and hearing a satisfying click. At least I still have this room. My one, small, haven of peace.
I wander around inside for a while, though there’s not much to look at. My bed, my window, my wardrobe. I end up staring out this window for a while, memorizing the lay of the land. Most of Kai’s manor is surrounded by forest. It creeps on all sides, brushing the walls with evergreen boughs. Everything is covered in a light layer of snow. A sprinkling powder which makes the view seem softer.
It’s funny how snow is like that. Both soft and hard all at once. A light sprinkling, a feathery dusting while also being sharp and cold. The dichotomy of snow is confusing, much like Kai. My gaze moves unwittingly to the door from which he still hasn’t tried to enter.
I don’t know I thought he would. I didn’t really think at all about how Kai would react, aside from my own fear and sense of foreboding. I wonder if he’s still in that room, stuck staring at the picture of that woman. Sitting down, I wonder what happened to have him act that way. Not caring to think much about it, I bury my face in my pillows. Pulling my blankets up and over my head. 
I don’t leave my room for three days.
Muriel stops by, dropping hints I should clean myself up. I should go downstairs. I should find the Master. Offer an apology. Each time she says things like this I turn up my nose, crossing my arms and looking out the window. 
I will not apologize. Not until he apologizes first.
Maybe I’m being stubborn but I can’t help but feel he has more to be sorry for. I’m the one who’s had everything taken from her. I’m the one stolen to another land, told she’ll never see those she loves again. All I did was look at a portrait.
No, Kai needs to apologize first. Or at the very least, offer some semblance of explanation. Apparently he’s too stubborn to do so, though. The days pass by like this, neither of us willing to make the first move. 
I say neither of us, because I know Muriel is saying the same things to him that she is me. I’m fairly silent in my room – since I have no one to talk to – so I overhear much of what goes on in the household.
Even conversations which happen early in the morning, when everyone thinks I’m asleep. It’s hard now for me to sleep, though. I find myself drifting in and out of consciousness a lot, sleeping at odd times of day like a cat. Curled up in places that have nothing to do with my bed. That’s where I am when Kai and Muriel speak outside my door.
“Go in,” Muriel whispers, her voice dropping in a nearly unrecognizable whisper.
Kai exhales - the sound of it low, impatient. It sounds as though they’re right outside my door. “No. Why should I? She disobeyed.”
“Disobeyed?” Muriel sounds angry. “She’s not a dog.”
“You’re right. A dog would be more pleasant company.”
Muriel clucks her tongue. “You frightened her,” she scolds. “You used your powers, your majesty.”
There’s a long pause. “I know.”
Muriel doesn’t respond, waiting for him to realize.
“I know.” Kai’s voice is softer now. He says something to Muriel that I don’t hear. Then he sighs. “Fine. I’ll do something.”
The sounds of footsteps fade away. I fall asleep soon after, so it’s hard for me to remember if the conversation was merely a dream. At least, until one morning there comes a knock at my door.
Its early, judging from the state of the sun in the sky. I’ve been up for hours, unable to sleep longer than that. As I open my door, expecting to see Muriel on the other side, I nearly shut it when I find myself face to face with a tall, light-haired stranger.
Prince Kai stares back, arms laced firmly behind his back. When I move to shut him out he sticks out a foot, effectively stopping my motion. “May I come in?” he asks.
I want to say no. Want to push him away but Muriel’s words filter through my subconscious. Underneath it all… he means well. After a long moment of staring, I step aside.
A flicker of surprise crosses his face. Kai’s expression shutters as he moves into my room. He scans our surroundings, somewhat curiously.
“What do you want?” I cross my arms.
His curiosity disappears and I watch him struggle to remain calm. “I came here to apologize.”
This stops whatever retort was in my mouth. “You… what?”
He nods. Just once, but it’s there. 
“I was angry and I lost control. I apologize for frightening you.” 
There’s something almost like frustration in his expression. Not at me, though - I rather get the feeling that Kai is frustrated with himself.
Slowly, I let my arms fall to my sides. The longer I stare at him, the more things change around us. For the first time since we’ve met, his brow is clear. He’s looking at me now, not through me and I feel for some reason that Kai is being sincere.
The wall I’ve built to keep him out doesn’t feel quite so tall. “I want to apologize as well,” I hear myself say. “For going into that room in the first place. It clearly holds special meaning for you.”
Kai doesn’t answer, though his face softens. “Apology accepted.”
We stand there like that, looking at one another until I realize his arms are still behind his back. “What are you doing?” I stare suspiciously at his hands. “Scared you’ll hit me with ice powers again?”
Kai winces. “No,” he says, bringing his arms before him. “I just wanted to bring you these.”
“Books,” I exhale, looking on in wonder. “You… brought me books?”
The Fey Prince holds five tomes of all shapes and size. Leather, paperback, gold lettering, plain. The books are varied and Kai looks down at them almost shyly.
“Yes.” He looks back up at me. “I know this room is blank. I also know there’s not much to do in my house. But I do have a library… if you care to see it.”
I nod. “I do. I do want to see it.”
“Good.” Kai stares back. “Does tomorrow work?”
The expression on my face falters as I frown. “Oh. Well.”
Kai’s brow lowers in confusion. “What is it?”
“I have plans.” I say this with such conviction that for a moment, all Kai can do is stare. Then suddenly - wondrously - he laughs. A real laugh from the lips of the ice Prince. The corners of his mouth lift, showcasing the sort of smile which weakens knees. It changes everything about his face, that smile.
I can’t help myself from smiling back.
Kai nods, a trace of his laughter lighting his face. “Tomorrow it is.”
He turns on his heel, leaving without another word. I stare for a while longer before managing to close the door. Pressing my hand against it to stare at the wood. Then my gaze moves to the books he’s left behind.
For the first time in days, I don’t see just darkness.
The bookstore is devoid of light, every bulb turned off and unplugged from the walls. Boards are hammered hastily over windows – hastily, since James Tyson didn’t have time to prepare before leaving. It’s essential he follows before his daughter’s trail runs cold.
Haphazardly he moves, taking items off shelves and throwing them into his knapsack. Everything he wears is black. Hopefully this will enable him to blend into the shadows for as long as possible. To avoid detection as long as possible, for James Tyson knows he can’t remain hidden in Faery for long.
No, if James has learned anything, it’s that the Fey always win against a human opponent. He should have listened to his daughter when she told him that. Straightening, Jame tightens the straps of his backpack across his chest. Now he understands the consequences of his anthology though, so he can’t let another day go by without making things right.
His daughter promised to stay with that creature. To stay with the monster. He was supposed to, not her. She gave herself up for him but how can he be happy without her? She was his reason for living, his only cause for continuation and now she’s disappeared.
James Tyson stares into the shadowy depths of the forest. With one, deep breath, he walks inside.
[Master Post]
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jeremystrele · 5 years
51 Green Bedrooms With Tips And Accessories To Help You Design Yours
Revitalised, energised, in touch with nature, these are all things we might feel from surrounding ourselves with greenery – even if that greenery comes in the form of interior decoration. With these wonderful benefits, it seems even more fitting that we should put this palette into our bedrooms, so that we can feel the positive effects as soon as we open our eyes first thing in the morning. Let us guide you through a collection of green bedrooms, ranging from light hues of mint and bright lime green, to darker shades of sage, emerald, and hunter green. We’ll provide tips on how to create your own individual aesthetic, and look at accessories to perfect your new green scheme.
Visualizer: Maria N   Update a classic shade. Dark green bedroom walls build a look of deep sophistication. Team dark green decor with a grey bedstead and a modern floor lamp to keep the look current.
Visualizer: Alina Pipoyan   You can modernise a hunter green bedroom with an attention grabbing monochrome rug and a sputnik chandelier.
Raring to go rustic. A green and brown bedroom scheme evokes a rustic charm. Add a pop of solid yellow in some scatter cushions or a bed throw to brighten up the combo, and match with yellow gold accents in bedroom pendant lights or lamps.
Visualizer: BeVidut   A sleeker take on a green, brown and yellow theme.
Visualizer: Maxim Shpinkov   Light and refreshing. The freshness of green and white bedroom decor is like biting into a crisp green apple. Sprinkle seeds of dark wood or black accessories in to complete the fruit of your creation.
Visualizer: Dering Hall   Do you find it difficult to get up in the mornings? A zesty lime green bedroom might just do the trick to pull you out of your early slump! Go all out with matching accessories to really ramp up a positive get up and go outlook.
Visualizer: Aheyev Yevhenii (AEgroup)   Team shades of green with colours from the same side of the spectrum. Cool blue accessories work smoothly against a green canvas to make a calm and tranquil sleep space. The green background in this bedroom is textured by exposed brickwork, which brings added depth to the room design. The warm glow of LED perimeter lights accentuates the rugged surface.
Visualizer: Oanh Phuong   Accessorise with indoor plants. You don’t have to go out shopping around home decor outlets to accessorise your green bedroom design, just take a wander around your own home and gather up a flourishing array of houseplants to boost your new space.
Visualizer: Phạm Minh Quang   Take it to the tropics. A tropical wall mural, botanical print scatter cushions, and a ceiling fan (whether you’re feeling the heat all year round or not) will cultivate a vacation flavour. Add wooden elements, louvre wardrobe doors, rattan furniture and a jute rug to enrich the concept.
Visualizer: Karina Urbańska Karina Urbańska   Illuminate the look. Modern wall sconces and a typographical neon sign burn brightly against deep forest green bedroom paint here. A beige tufted headboard and smaller neutral accents balance out the bold feature wall.
Visualizer: BlacQube 3D   Another take on the green and beige combo. In this bedroom, only the bedclothes and the window drapes offer beige accents, which means this element of the design can quickly, easily, and relatively cheaply be switched out for another colour. Pale pink accents could be fetched in to perk up the look during the summer months, or charcoal grey textiles could give the look a sharper edge.
Visualizer: Oanh Phuong   Oh-so-easy au naturel. Use natural rattan furniture, jute rugs, burlap cushions and terracotta pots to quickly warm up a cool light green bedroom design. These earthy tones also bring a sense of effortless laid-back style–and because they are completely neutral they can easily be repurposed in new colour schemes or other parts of the home, bonus!
Visualizer: DA Visual   Bring marine blue accents and monochrome artwork to a misty blue green bedroom wall. The deeper coloured elements will only accentuate the gentleness of the hero colour. Try creating white borders around different colours to give each its separate moment.
Designer: Jigsaw Interiors   Make breathing space. In this home design, solid olive green bedroom walls and matching green bedroom curtains have been separated by a large expanse of white wall. The break in colour gives the single strong hue plenty of space to breath.
Designer: Ali Attenborough   Muted greens act as neutrals. Sage green bedroom walls make a beautiful muted base for pastel pink, sunny yellow, shades of blue and even lilac accents.
Visualizer: YOURFOREST   Emerald tones can be teamed with rich burgundy hues and golden browns.
Visualizer: Khrystyna Mayik   Gold and green are a match made in heaven. Don’t just limit yourself to small golden accents either, go big with shimmery golden feature walls. Note how gorgeously these marble slabs vibe with the green and gold look too, resulting in a look of high-end luxe.
Visualizer: 33bY Architecture   Carrying on with the luxe wall treatment trend, check out this wall of emerald quartzite–named for its characteristic bright green shade that resembles the precious stone. An organically inspired Terzani chandelier gives the emerald green bedroom a springtime spirit.
Visualizer: Madi Chanyshev   Go half and half, like this vertically split green and black bedroom. Consider masking the divide with a design element like this huge piece of art, or a towering headboard design.
Visualizer: Denis Syrov   Pull in some purple. A seafoam green bedroom has a sense of glamour; throw in some purple and green bedroom art for vivid contrast.
Visualizer: Olga Korniyenko   More high contrast with purple accents in a quirky comfy green kids’ room.
Source: Hotel Nologo   Look for colour opportunities. In this green boy’s bedroom, the niche behind an open fronted closet has been painted to match the green headboard feature wall.
Source: Hotel Collection   Seek out star pieces to soup up the style factor, like this stunning green and white bed set.
Visualizer: Alexander Velgan   Sometimes one key element is enough to shape the green theme. Focus on larger pieces like a bedstead, or a vanity set.
Source: Ivy Muse   For a more minimalist bedroom aesthetic, indoor plants alone can grow a calm green scheme.
Visualizer: Thao Uyen   Pushed on room for plants? Hanging planters hold the solution. The hanging plants in this design are almost camouflaged against a dark green bedroom wall, but this subtle addition provides a successful zoning technique around the home workspace.
Visualizer: Oleg Mints   If you’re not green fingered, then you can still use plants to colour your green bedroom, in print form…
… Or use a combination of both
Visualizer: Fatih Beserek   If you are blessed with success in the garden, cultivate a courtyard as your green backdrop…
Visualizer: LOV Studio   … Or a vertical garden.
Visualizer: Anna Fedyukina   Plant an indoor garden feel by laying a grass green rug beneath your bed. Add wooden accessories or side tables to keep the natural theme going.
Visualizer: OFFICE 4   Draw from Mediterranean design. Propagate lush green climbing plants across the rugged surface of a whitewashed rustic stone wall.
Visualizer: Mai Anh Nguyen   Fake forest views with a realistic wall mural.
Visualizer: Fernando Vieira   Keep it on the down low. If a full wall of green feels a little much, confine colour to the lower half of the room. Include furniture items in the green lower half of your room to make one continuous stripe, like how this green headboard stripe merges smoothly with a matching chest of drawers.
Visualizer: Lai Pháp   Wall panelling is another great way of applying colour just to the lower half of your bedroom. Paint some half height wainscot or boiserie in your favourite shade.
Visualizer: Egue y Seta   Create a colour block. Grab a spirit level and a roll of painters tape and you’re good to go.
Visualizer: Imade pastel   A diagonal half and half paint effect. Note how the wall shelf is colour coordinated to its allocated section.
Visualizer: Maggi Samir   A pink and green bedroom scheme has contrast with softness. Be sure to add in areas of white and grey to break up the abundance of colour.
Visualizer: Visualizer   Glossy green finishes build a very modern bedroom aesthetic. Choose gloss panels to clad a headboard feature wall, or go for glossy green closets.
Designer: MQA   Add depth and pattern to your bedroom with graphic green wallpaper.
Designer: TS Design   This olive green bedroom brings pattern via a geometric upholstered headboard design.
Source: Art Styl Wall Tiles   Another stunning green headboard idea, this time teamed with a wooden platform bed.
Visualizer: Andrew Taran   Deliciously deep green and dripping with gold, this unusual decor effect trickles gold ceiling paint all the way down to the headboard and modern wall sconces below.
Go wild. A rustic attic bedroom accented in a natural green hues makes a magical woodland den.
Visualizer: Paweł Pęcherzewski   Fit for a monarch. A regal green wall of boiserie towers magnificently up to deeply decorative white cornice.
Visualizer: Julie Pashina   Bold and balanced. This dark gray and green bedroom uses each tone in the same quantity to achieve balance. Gold accents lift the dark palette with a little lustre.
Visualizer: BlacQube 3D   Copper complements a light grey and mint green bedroom.
Visualizer: Anton Karniaichuk & Katherina Rusak   If after you’ve painted a solid accent wall it feels too imposing, knock it back behind some shelving.
Designer: Kupinskiy & Partners   Visualizer: Elena Sedova   Ambient lighting can also reinvent an accent wall, particularly if textured.
Designer: Bogdanova Bureau   Go bright with an orange, blue and green bedroom palette to amp up the energy in your mornings.
Visualizer: Quân Xiền   Delicate delights. Small green bedside tables and an elegant dressing table add elegant touches.
1. Green vase 2. Botanical artwork 3. Green bedding set 4. Green pendant light 5. Leimu table lamp 6. Normann Copenhagen Grain pendant 7. Green floor lamp 8. Green accent chair 9. Green channel tufted headboard
Recommended Reading:  30 Gorgeous Green Living Rooms And Tips For Accessorizing Them
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drewebowden66 · 5 years
51 Green Bedrooms With Tips And Accessories To Help You Design Yours
Revitalised, energised, in touch with nature, these are all things we might feel from surrounding ourselves with greenery – even if that greenery comes in the form of interior decoration. With these wonderful benefits, it seems even more fitting that we should put this palette into our bedrooms, so that we can feel the positive effects as soon as we open our eyes first thing in the morning. Let us guide you through a collection of green bedrooms, ranging from light hues of mint and bright lime green, to darker shades of sage, emerald, and hunter green. We’ll provide tips on how to create your own individual aesthetic, and look at accessories to perfect your new green scheme.
Visualizer: Maria N   Update a classic shade. Dark green bedroom walls build a look of deep sophistication. Team dark green decor with a grey bedstead and a modern floor lamp to keep the look current.
Visualizer: Alina Pipoyan   You can modernise a hunter green bedroom with an attention grabbing monochrome rug and a sputnik chandelier.
Raring to go rustic. A green and brown bedroom scheme evokes a rustic charm. Add a pop of solid yellow in some scatter cushions or a bed throw to brighten up the combo, and match with yellow gold accents in bedroom pendant lights or lamps.
Visualizer: BeVidut   A sleeker take on a green, brown and yellow theme.
Visualizer: Maxim Shpinkov   Light and refreshing. The freshness of green and white bedroom decor is like biting into a crisp green apple. Sprinkle seeds of dark wood or black accessories in to complete the fruit of your creation.
Visualizer: Dering Hall   Do you find it difficult to get up in the mornings? A zesty lime green bedroom might just do the trick to pull you out of your early slump! Go all out with matching accessories to really ramp up a positive get up and go outlook.
Visualizer: Aheyev Yevhenii (AEgroup)   Team shades of green with colours from the same side of the spectrum. Cool blue accessories work smoothly against a green canvas to make a calm and tranquil sleep space. The green background in this bedroom is textured by exposed brickwork, which brings added depth to the room design. The warm glow of LED perimeter lights accentuates the rugged surface.
Visualizer: Oanh Phuong   Accessorise with indoor plants. You don’t have to go out shopping around home decor outlets to accessorise your green bedroom design, just take a wander around your own home and gather up a flourishing array of houseplants to boost your new space.
Visualizer: Phạm Minh Quang   Take it to the tropics. A tropical wall mural, botanical print scatter cushions, and a ceiling fan (whether you’re feeling the heat all year round or not) will cultivate a vacation flavour. Add wooden elements, louvre wardrobe doors, rattan furniture and a jute rug to enrich the concept.
Visualizer: Karina Urbańska Karina Urbańska   Illuminate the look. Modern wall sconces and a typographical neon sign burn brightly against deep forest green bedroom paint here. A beige tufted headboard and smaller neutral accents balance out the bold feature wall.
Visualizer: BlacQube 3D   Another take on the green and beige combo. In this bedroom, only the bedclothes and the window drapes offer beige accents, which means this element of the design can quickly, easily, and relatively cheaply be switched out for another colour. Pale pink accents could be fetched in to perk up the look during the summer months, or charcoal grey textiles could give the look a sharper edge.
Visualizer: Oanh Phuong   Oh-so-easy au naturel. Use natural rattan furniture, jute rugs, burlap cushions and terracotta pots to quickly warm up a cool light green bedroom design. These earthy tones also bring a sense of effortless laid-back style–and because they are completely neutral they can easily be repurposed in new colour schemes or other parts of the home, bonus!
Visualizer: DA Visual   Bring marine blue accents and monochrome artwork to a misty blue green bedroom wall. The deeper coloured elements will only accentuate the gentleness of the hero colour. Try creating white borders around different colours to give each its separate moment.
Designer: Jigsaw Interiors   Make breathing space. In this home design, solid olive green bedroom walls and matching green bedroom curtains have been separated by a large expanse of white wall. The break in colour gives the single strong hue plenty of space to breath.
Designer: Ali Attenborough   Muted greens act as neutrals. Sage green bedroom walls make a beautiful muted base for pastel pink, sunny yellow, shades of blue and even lilac accents.
Visualizer: YOURFOREST   Emerald tones can be teamed with rich burgundy hues and golden browns.
Visualizer: Khrystyna Mayik   Gold and green are a match made in heaven. Don’t just limit yourself to small golden accents either, go big with shimmery golden feature walls. Note how gorgeously these marble slabs vibe with the green and gold look too, resulting in a look of high-end luxe.
Visualizer: 33bY Architecture   Carrying on with the luxe wall treatment trend, check out this wall of emerald quartzite–named for its characteristic bright green shade that resembles the precious stone. An organically inspired Terzani chandelier gives the emerald green bedroom a springtime spirit.
Visualizer: Madi Chanyshev   Go half and half, like this vertically split green and black bedroom. Consider masking the divide with a design element like this huge piece of art, or a towering headboard design.
Visualizer: Denis Syrov   Pull in some purple. A seafoam green bedroom has a sense of glamour; throw in some purple and green bedroom art for vivid contrast.
Visualizer: Olga Korniyenko   More high contrast with purple accents in a quirky comfy green kids’ room.
Source: Hotel Nologo   Look for colour opportunities. In this green boy’s bedroom, the niche behind an open fronted closet has been painted to match the green headboard feature wall.
Source: Hotel Collection   Seek out star pieces to soup up the style factor, like this stunning green and white bed set.
Visualizer: Alexander Velgan   Sometimes one key element is enough to shape the green theme. Focus on larger pieces like a bedstead, or a vanity set.
Source: Ivy Muse   For a more minimalist bedroom aesthetic, indoor plants alone can grow a calm green scheme.
Visualizer: Thao Uyen   Pushed on room for plants? Hanging planters hold the solution. The hanging plants in this design are almost camouflaged against a dark green bedroom wall, but this subtle addition provides a successful zoning technique around the home workspace.
Visualizer: Oleg Mints   If you’re not green fingered, then you can still use plants to colour your green bedroom, in print form…
… Or use a combination of both
Visualizer: Fatih Beserek   If you are blessed with success in the garden, cultivate a courtyard as your green backdrop…
Visualizer: LOV Studio   … Or a vertical garden.
Visualizer: Anna Fedyukina   Plant an indoor garden feel by laying a grass green rug beneath your bed. Add wooden accessories or side tables to keep the natural theme going.
Visualizer: OFFICE 4   Draw from Mediterranean design. Propagate lush green climbing plants across the rugged surface of a whitewashed rustic stone wall.
Visualizer: Mai Anh Nguyen   Fake forest views with a realistic wall mural.
Visualizer: Fernando Vieira   Keep it on the down low. If a full wall of green feels a little much, confine colour to the lower half of the room. Include furniture items in the green lower half of your room to make one continuous stripe, like how this green headboard stripe merges smoothly with a matching chest of drawers.
Visualizer: Lai Pháp   Wall panelling is another great way of applying colour just to the lower half of your bedroom. Paint some half height wainscot or boiserie in your favourite shade.
Visualizer: Egue y Seta   Create a colour block. Grab a spirit level and a roll of painters tape and you’re good to go.
Visualizer: Imade pastel   A diagonal half and half paint effect. Note how the wall shelf is colour coordinated to its allocated section.
Visualizer: Maggi Samir   A pink and green bedroom scheme has contrast with softness. Be sure to add in areas of white and grey to break up the abundance of colour.
Visualizer: Visualizer   Glossy green finishes build a very modern bedroom aesthetic. Choose gloss panels to clad a headboard feature wall, or go for glossy green closets.
Designer: MQA   Add depth and pattern to your bedroom with graphic green wallpaper.
Designer: TS Design   This olive green bedroom brings pattern via a geometric upholstered headboard design.
Source: Art Styl Wall Tiles   Another stunning green headboard idea, this time teamed with a wooden platform bed.
Visualizer: Andrew Taran   Deliciously deep green and dripping with gold, this unusual decor effect trickles gold ceiling paint all the way down to the headboard and modern wall sconces below.
Go wild. A rustic attic bedroom accented in a natural green hues makes a magical woodland den.
Visualizer: Paweł Pęcherzewski   Fit for a monarch. A regal green wall of boiserie towers magnificently up to deeply decorative white cornice.
Visualizer: Julie Pashina   Bold and balanced. This dark gray and green bedroom uses each tone in the same quantity to achieve balance. Gold accents lift the dark palette with a little lustre.
Visualizer: BlacQube 3D   Copper complements a light grey and mint green bedroom.
Visualizer: Anton Karniaichuk & Katherina Rusak   If after you’ve painted a solid accent wall it feels too imposing, knock it back behind some shelving.
Designer: Kupinskiy & Partners   Visualizer: Elena Sedova   Ambient lighting can also reinvent an accent wall, particularly if textured.
Designer: Bogdanova Bureau   Go bright with an orange, blue and green bedroom palette to amp up the energy in your mornings.
Visualizer: Quân Xiền   Delicate delights. Small green bedside tables and an elegant dressing table add elegant touches.
1. Green vase 2. Botanical artwork 3. Green bedding set 4. Green pendant light 5. Leimu table lamp 6. Normann Copenhagen Grain pendant 7. Green floor lamp 8. Green accent chair 9. Green channel tufted headboard
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