#but like the green day hate bandwagon is just homophobia
olyve-oyle · 8 months
The closest thing I get to deconstructing my internalized homophobia is defending Green Day to my parents even though I also don't really like Green Day
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alexstorm · 3 years
I just can't remember what band it was. I wanna say Green Day but I'm not sure. I don't think we've ever become more open minded. I just think bigotry just like racism has become more visible through social media. // Could be them, they've kissed lots of times while on stage. Actually, now that I think about it, at least those who spoke about such things as racism or homophobia in the 90s more or less meant it because there was no need for them to jump on the bandwagon. Kurt used to stop the concerts if someone was being harassed, for example, and it was during the times where objectifying women wasn't a big deal. But now you don't know if people say things because they believe in them or they just don't wanna be called out or cancelled on Twitter.
Totally agree! These days it's just about pink washing or trying to be on the right side without actually believing in it. I don't care about your statements if I don't see it in your actions.
And yes, one of the many reasons why I love Kurt so much! He was not only against sexism but also homophobia and racism. I really recommend his 1993 Advocate interview. It's such a breath of fresh air to read. He also wrote this in the liner notes of Incesticide, "If any of you in any way hate homosexuals, people of different color, or women, please do this one favor for us: leave us the fuck alone! Don't come to our shows and don't buy our records". This was a big stance to take in a time when album sales were everything.
And I don't need to mention that Kurt just like Leonard Cohen are cat people. Like, that seals the deal for me. lol
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iron-sunrise · 7 years
For the first time in like...8 months I actually went and looked at soberhemhorroids blog and like.... I actually laughed. All he does is try to be as malicious and sassy as possible in this hammed up, superficial way and his ENTIRE blog is dedicated to harassing asexuals/aromantics and anyone who doesn't dare to support his obsessive hatred (automatically making that person a homophobe/serophobe of course​) I poked around a few minutes out of curiosity and not one example of homophobia that he insisted on was actually that. And then I actually just got really fucking depressed. Hyperempathy striking again for a blood sucking tick who doesn't deserve it. Lol It just hit me that this dude is broken. And he's still an addict. Not to drugs but to simulating having the power he lost due to what happened to him. He's addicted to a safe way of trying​ to make people pay for the bad shit in his life and the high he gets from the bandwagon supporting him. He knows he's causing harm and the thing is its not actually about asexuals or the community or Tumblr. None of those things actually mean something to him at all. The Discourse could be about cat lovers versus dog lovers and it would be just the same with him doing the same exact shit and getting off on hurting people (especially those he can call sensitive and direct his hive to harass) and playing the dominant victim. He's a bleeder. I've known many like him. The walking wounded Who can't or won't heal themselves so they take a knife to others. He's likely nothing but run of the mill catty and passive aggressive when not on the internet but on here, he has a trendy target a circle of faux moral reactionaries have given him the green light to try and bleed so he's on here all day long unless he's asleep taking that knife to whoever he can. I'm not going to say I legitimately feel sorry for him now because I don't. I don't do lies and that would be a lie. I don't have sympathy for him, but I have empathy whether I like it or not Soon the high Sobercommunist gets from this will be unsustainable. He'll either escalate or redirect the harm to himself or -truly- relapse. I don't wish true relapsing on anyone but this shit makes it clear that all the Discourse is mass enabling for broken, toxic people. Much as I hate Reddit they have one term that rings true: crybully. Broken, toxic,wounded, irrational crybullies. And this one in particular has weaponized exactly how he became one. He immediately projects it onto people who call him out for a reason Now, that's some real shit. I think it skeeves me out how obvious it is and also that it could have been me looking for safe ways to feel strong and abuse people "safely" but I'm an internalizer. I hurt myself instead at an exponential rate until taught myself not to. It was very difficult. He'll probably reblog this with any number of stock typical Sobercommunist/discourse replies and as usual I'm not even gonna check the shit. And his weak minded proxy personalities will obviously assure him it's not the case (cue: 'Im screaming!! And other phrases they wear out to keep foreign noise from penetrating the echo chamber)but game recognizes game. I know addicts. I know pain. Been an addict, pain Is pain. I see every inch of him now and I'm repulsed but I can't stop wanting him to find something to stop the bleeding. Something real. Because even the worst of the broken deserve that. Hm. Back to work.
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