#but like vail i kidnap her LOL
eiseryn · 11 months
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When Lei and Ceres were working for Prism corp, they were not given breaks and had to find time to set their own breaks (often impossible). This moment I drew might have only lasted 5 minutes. But in that time, they were truly comfortable around each other. They were at peace and able to be rest in the presence of each other's company.
It is unfortunate... that the time they spent was transient. If Lei had known, this memory would be one of her bygone days... she would have savoured it longer 😭😭😭
(insert lots of crying noises about
This is actually a redraw of an older piece I don't like so I'm not going to post it. But I like this much better than the old piece! Hopefully in another 6 months or something I'll redraw it to be even better cuz I whipped this out in 1.5 hours on a stressful day so I already see some mistakes LOL
But it is simply too cute not to share 😤
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