#well it will have multiple endings so maybe its okay XD
eiseryn · 11 months
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When Lei and Ceres were working for Prism corp, they were not given breaks and had to find time to set their own breaks (often impossible). This moment I drew might have only lasted 5 minutes. But in that time, they were truly comfortable around each other. They were at peace and able to be rest in the presence of each other's company.
It is unfortunate... that the time they spent was transient. If Lei had known, this memory would be one of her bygone days... she would have savoured it longer 😭😭😭
(insert lots of crying noises about
This is actually a redraw of an older piece I don't like so I'm not going to post it. But I like this much better than the old piece! Hopefully in another 6 months or something I'll redraw it to be even better cuz I whipped this out in 1.5 hours on a stressful day so I already see some mistakes LOL
But it is simply too cute not to share 😤
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
25 asks again :0000 🎄🎄🎄
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Never??? What part of my content ever suggested that I would ever draw anything like that??
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The snowy forests they tend to camp in are actually the forests attached to Snowdin :0 They tend to end up there a lot <XD No ones found them out there before so they've deemed Snowdin forests a safe camping spot..
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I'm not sure what you mean by a cliffhanger. My Octonauts stuff wasn't following a timeline or anything. I was just goofing around and drawing what ever I felt like.
If you're talking about the crab comic? I abandoned that comic on a cliff hanger because I didn't like how I wrote the comic and I didn't feel like re-writing it. :/ The Captain ends up totally fine in the end so its ok-
(Also thank you! :} )
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Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too!! :DDDD 💖🎄💖
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It kind'a depends.. what really exhausts him is making multiple mirrors back to back that all lead to different places. And how long he holds them open is also a factor..
Maybe a good guestimate is.. about 5? Maybe if he makes 5 mirrors in less than 3 days that would be enough to completely wipe him out. Maybe even knock him unconscious..
But its okay, the group usually is good at avoiding that scenario. Usually they jump into an AU and stay there for a few days before jumping into a new one. That way Jevil has time to rest and recover.
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:DD Thank you! We wish the same to you as well! :}} 🎄💖🔥
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Oh yeah, very protective I imagine XD He wouldn't put him down or let him out of his sight for even a second.
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I'd like to think he kept it and hung it on his bedroom wall yeah. But Knowing Peso and how much of a sweetheart he is.. I can totally see him giving it to Pinto for a keepsake/to show it off to his friends :}
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Only when they're using their magic in someway yeah. :0 The more magic they're using/the more they're straining, the more visible their pupil becomes.
And it can extend to their emotions. The more mentally unstable/emotional/afraid the cat is.. the more cracked and deformed their pupil can become..
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Shellington got some angry cousins frfr XDDD
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(Post in question)
Ehh.. not exactly.. that situation with that Papyrus ended up getting really dangerous, and really scary, really fast.. They end up fleeing that AU and leave that Papyrus behind.. :(
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@fallingbones (post in question)
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That's because I was gonna draw a comic revealing her new name but I never got around to it.. 💔
(Still keeping it a secret in case I change my mind lol-)
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ACTUALLY! I had an idea that if Jevil rushes a mirror, he just has less control over it and will have no idea where the mirror will end up. And one time Jevil hastily made a mirror and when they jumped though.. they all got dumped into a river 😬 which is very bad for nearly everyone involved-
Seam's chains got caught on a branch and he got stuck while everyone else got swept down stream. He was able to just barely get his chains free and drag himself onto land.
Grillby doesn't die or anything, but boy is it incredibly painful. Thankfully he's able to scramble out of the water rather quickly and collapse on land..
Spamton has a phobia of water so by the time him and Jevil are able to get out he's breaking down from a panic attack :'(
Goner kid cant really swim but she was very lucky and was able to grab onto some branches and scramble out of the water.
Asgore wasn't really in any danger but he did struggle to get out of the water. He was eventually able to latch onto a branch as well and pull himself out.
The group recollected and probably camped out in the nearby forest for a few days to mentally and physically recover from that ordeal-
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Upon Googling it, it appears to be a fangame about the yellow soul..? I also saw "Undertale yellow controversy" uh oh- I'm not sure what I think about it <XD
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Although I've never played/seen a playthrough of Resident Evil.. this sounds right up my ally! XD
Also thank you! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you as well! :DD 🎄🎉
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XD Yes! I also have these two but they're not as cool/polished/original to me as the other 7 are-
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Ultimately my thoughts are, "It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be/could have been. 6 outa 10, would watch again and recommend to my friends 🎤🐻👍"
And as for a sequel? I'm not sure if they'll make one.. if they do, I kind'a hope it'll be about the second game and they'll up the horror a bit more this time 👀
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waaa thank you!! :DD
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I'm not sure.. I imagined Bibi likes the stuff I make, simply because I made it. I'm not sure what the rest of them would think.. :0
Although the 20k comic was a biggie. They all thought that project was cool XD
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I did! It seemed fitting for him. Also it helps visually distinguish him from Glamrock Freddy :00
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XD She has that effect on people
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When the when When?
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That's just how I draw skeletons that don't look really creepy :( 💔
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delyth88 · 11 months
Mid season trailer breakdown
Finally found some time (ha!) to take a closer look at the mid-season trailer.
It starts with a very brief shot of Loki time-slipping in a spaghettifying TVA that we've seen before, and then a split second shot of Loki walking into the pie room. But the lights in the pie dispensers are all off. Does this mean it's near the very end of the timeline where the power was cutting out? Or is there some other significance to this? Where is my anon who suggested they need to go through enough repetitions of the time loop to eat through all the pies...!
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Then we move on to this scene of the gang in front of the model of the gantry and the Time Loom.
OB asks, "Loki, how much do you know?' and Loki replies "Lets assume I don't know much but I'm a fast learner, and I'm a god."
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Timely is still holding his device, so this is towards the beginning of episode 4 shortly after Timely arrives in the TVA, and before the pie room or the Dox in a box.
I'm assuming Loki has just explained to them the situation and they're just going with it! :)
Then it skips to this scene where Loki says "Here we go".
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Later in the trailer he follows on with a voiceover saying "Listen to me carefully, hit the green button", and then shows this shot again as he says "it can be a little sticky".
When he says "Hit the green button", Loki seems to be quite fearful and intense, with a slightly more whispery quality to the sentence, than the following shot where it's more light hearted when he says "It can be a little sticky".
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Now if I'm not just reading too much into this (which to be honest that is exactly what I'm doing in this entire post, but its fun), it looks like this might be two different instances of the same event. Maybe the first is earlier on and the second is later on once it's resulted in destruction a few more times? Or perhaps the other way around once Loki's been through enough repetitions to be confident this bit will go well. *shrugs*
We then see what I assume is Timely again (because he's the only one missing from the shot above) out on the gantry having actually made it as far as the sphere at the end, pressing the green button.
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However, we ALSO see this shot of what I again assume is Timely, but from behind this time. He's not wearing a helmet and we can see his hair, and the throughput multiplier is leaning against the wall. The airlock doors have been opened though and he's being spaghettified again.
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So it looks like we're going to be seeing this attempt to fix the Loom multiple, presumably spectacularly unsuccessful, times. Poor Victor. :(
There's also shots in the operations centre (what are we calling the room looking out onto the Loom. Oh. Okay that just wrote itself, didn't it? XD). In the LOOM ROOM we have another shot of Loki saying "Here we go" and Mobius excitedly shouting "Yes!" as Loki drags him over towards the control panel / airlock. Which I'd guess is once they successfully manage to get a Timely out to the end of the gantry, or possibly even fire off the throughput multiplier.
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There's a shot of Loki in the Loom Room turned back to face OB and the other while it looks like the Loom is exploding. He looks more dishevelled than he was in the scene we saw in episode 4. And I can't tell if he looks sad and defeated or suspicious. He's looking towards Sylvie, OB, Casey, and B-15. There was that whole weird moment with Casey and the throughput multiplier that just seemed off, so really putting my effort into leaping here, could this be that Loki's suspicious Casey sabotaged it?
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Then outside the TVA we get those shots of Sylvie listening to music. I'm really not sure where she is - but I'm assuming since she looks to be wearing a T-shirt rather than her armour under her coat that she's on the timeline.
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For Casey we get the shot we've seen of him in a tunnel, immediately preceded by this shot of what looks like a searchlight at a prison and audio of a siren. So is Casey escaping from prison? A POW camp?
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They show Casey in two short shots in time with the music - does this mean anything? Like indicating the repeating of events? Or does it just look cool.
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I do wonder if they're going to make some of the really likeable characters have a despicable past on the timeline and use that to further the discussion of free will and the power to choose to be different. That could be interesting. But I'd like Casey not to be a horrible person. :(
There's a couple of shots of a new location we've not been to, but one that still looks like it's within the TVA. There are pneumatic tubes behind Loki and great big fans. Some old armchairs on one side, and a pinboard on the other. The shot starts with what looks like spaghetti strands with Loki's magic radiating out from the centre.
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As the magic fades we see the strands have disappeared and there are some other people in the room with him.
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B-15 in plain clothes, and Sylvie just moving out of shot as the camera zooms in towards Loki. It also looks like Sylvie is in her outfit with the grey T-shirt.
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So does this indicate Loki can use magic to hold things together to stop them from spaghettifying, even if only temporarily?
We get a fairly horrifying shot of Loki being distorted in front of spaghetti.
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And I'm afraid this next image is going to give me nightmares, but it looks like this is in the same room - we can see the yellow on the wall and the same ceiling lights behind him.
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By the time he's slipped away the spaghetti is gone. So again, is this because he somehow carries this destruction with him? Or is this a shot shown in reverse because time really got all timey-wimey on him and time is actually flowing backwards at points? (That would be pretty damn cool to see how he deals with it!)
Then we get another shot of that room and Casey, OB, and Mobius are there with Loki. All in their plain clothes. But this shot is flipped around from the one above that had the chairs on the other side of the room. Again, is that meaningful, or just somehow one of the versions looks cooler? Or does the room just have a pneumatic tube gizmo at both ends?
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There's also this shot which I can't figure out where it is. Sylvie's still in her T-shirt, and Loki is either pointing at the ceiling or making some magical gesture. All around them are spaghettified strands. I still don't quite understand how it's possible for people to be in the same space as anything else that's spaghettifying (I never thought I'd need to use that as a verb so often!), without becoming spaghetti themselves.
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It looks like that record player Sylvie was using might be in the background, if so does that mean the last thing Sylvie was doing while the universe crumbled around her was listening to music? And then Loki turns up to get her out of her timeline and take her to the TVA to help? Or is the spaghetti somehow related to Loki?
It looks like we get the final shot of episode 4 in reverse. My bet is this is the opening of episode 5.
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And finally we get to see Mobius on the timeline. And the house he lives in.
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Loki visits him at work and says "The TVA is gone."
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Mobius has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. So I think we can assume that Mobius is the first person Loki tries to find on the timeline and he wasn't expecting Mobius not to know him. I wonder how on earth Loki manages to convince him about the madness that is the TVA!! I think that's going to be a fun conversation. :)
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I also wonder how Loki is actually able to find them all? Does he jump back and look everyone up in the system? Does he use HWR's special tempad?
I'm not usually a big fan of trailers mid season, but there's still so much unknown at the point that I've really enjoyed looking through this and trying to work out what might be happening. :D
Tagging my partners in wild speculation @pinkpondofasgard @woodelf68.
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@sleepyorchidmonster​​ EY THANK YOU!!! 🧡🧡 I’m glad you enjoyed!! SDFLJSDF I HOPE YOUR HAVING FUN IN THE TWST MADNESS o7 I’d be More than happy to do Those two sets :D For anybody who’s confused, somebody asked about Dorm Leader/Housewarden Friendship Headcanons HERE. And I think a lot of people have been missing it (which is my bad I ended up extending the post poorly) But I also Did Azul and Riddle in the reblogs!! The version I linked contains that discussion. OKAY THAT SAID, ON WITH THE SHOW
Leona and Riddle: This one is Hilarious because They already have an awkward place to start xD Riddle being present and active during Leona’s overblot.... sure is something. Although honestly I don’t think It’ll effect their relationship much. Riddle having already overblotted himself wouldn’t care to hold that over Leona’s head, and Leona seems to me to be more of a “water under the bridge” person. Riddle was one of the least offensive party members there, and if he was going to hold a grudge he might as well start with Jack, and he doesn’t do that, so i think bygones are bygones between them. Having started book 5 as well... I think at this point Leona’s already adopted Riddle, since during the Housewarden meeting over The VDC (i hope i got the acronym right x’D) he threatened Azul when he was trying to scam Riddle. Riddle I think respects Leona for his power. He probably doesn’t think all that highly of him slacking off, but he also is aware of Leona’s prowess in multiple different areas, and knows that while Kingscholar is not punctual, he is reliable. Especially in a bind. That and I can imagine Riddle has a lot more base respect for the Hierarchy of the school. He’s a Sophomore, so no matter what, Leona is his Senpai and to a degree he will respect that. Within reason of course. I think Leona is neutral to respectful of Riddle. The housewarden of Heartslabyul has no interest in picking fights with Leona, so he has no interest in trying to hold his ground. I think Leona probably respects Riddle’s work ethic too. less the rules, but more that he’s an honest individual who puts in his effort and does what he’s supposed to do. I can imagine he might be rolling his eyes a little bit at his rule keeping, but hey not his domain not his problem, therefore he could probably care less in the end. Now where I think they can connect? Intellectualism. Riddle is the studious type, and so is Leona. If the two of them got started on certain topics I can see the two of them discussing it for hours. Riddle making some offhand comment about a historical figure and Leona bouncing off of it with more information, both of them discussing their different viewpoints of failures and successes, of victories and defeats. Riddle would be interested in hearing Leona’s viewpoints as an actual member of Monarchy/government himself, and Leona would just probably enjoy actually getting to talk about some of the nonsense he’s had to learn for school and/or politics over the years. I can even see Riddle maybe asking Leona for advice on leadership on occasions. While Leona’s leadership style isn't’ Riddle’s, if he got to know Savanaclaw and its housewarden better, he’d see that they were a very tightly knit and supportive pack. Something that he finds more similar to his heart soldiers than he would’ve guessed. Riddle showing interest and Curiosity in Leona’s way of leadership and the topics he is well informed in could do Leona a lot of good. It could ease the frustration of having so much “irrelevant and useless” information now that he’s not going to be King. It could help him realize his own skills and talents. If nothing else it’d just give him somebody to talk to in a non-antagonistic situation. I think they end up meeting in the middle a lot with their relationship. Riddle is a lot more willing to put in a good word for Leona and give him the benefit of the doubt, but maybe also more willing to calmly and gently chastise him for his more self sabotaging behaviors. Leona grows to respect Riddle and his way of working even if he wouldn’t do it in a billions years, but also how to push the kid forward out of his comfort zone to try new and different things, and think about the world and other people in a different way. I also just think that Leona is a highly protective person of the people he cared for, so I can totally see him being more than ready and willing to defend Riddle in a physical or magical fight. He needs to worry about it less with the Heartslabyul housewarden because he has his card soldiers... but when Riddle goes off the deep end... Ohhhhh bother. Sometimes Leona will just see a scared teenager and that will be what he acts on. Riddle is small, he’s learning, he’s growing, he’s young, and as a result its Leona’s duty to protect him (uncle instinct ftw SLDFJKSDKLGSD). But this would only really happen in a real fight or in the case of something like, an awry potion explosion. If he sees Riddle choosing to throw hands with Floyd he’s just going to sit back and laugh. And the more proof he gathered of Riddle being able to defend himself the less he’d worry. So yeah! I think they could have a very cute respectful Upperclassman/Lowerclassman bond of respect and understanding. :) Malleus and Kalim: I look at Kalim and go, “You could fix him”. SDLKFJSDGLKJSDLGJSDGLJSDGLSJDGKLDSGJKLSDGJ. OKay but seriously. Malleus is the person who never gets invited to anything. Kalim is the one who always invites people to things. I’ve connected the dots- SDFLLSDKFJSLDGJSD Now it would be more complicated than that for so many reasons. Part of the reason Malleus is so lonely is because he tends to be unintentionally reclusive. But not without good reason. People don’t treat him like a fellow student, and it grates at him, so he steps away from the masses to be able to breathe. The chances of Kalim actually encountering him are practically living in the floorboards. On top of that, Jamil is freaking TERRIFIED of being around Malleus. It has nothing to do with him inherently fearing Malleus, it has everything to do with him fearing THE CONSEQUENCES OF AN INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT WITH A FOREIGN PRINCE xD. And honestly??? Given Kalim’s track record I can’t blame him. But if we were to put the nitpicky details aside and just view them like they didn’t have these obstacles, I think they would be incredibly good friends. The Fireworks event that takes us to the Scalding Sands showed to our faces that Kalim doesn’t fear Malleus like other people does. Trey and Cater were both a little bit wary of him, but Kalim didn’t care at ALL. It might be because he’s also royalty and it just hasn’t occurred to him that Malleus being Royalty is not the only reason people are afraid of him, but regardless Kalim Does Not Care Nor Notice. This means that Kalim is one of the only person who consistently just treats Malleus like a person. This is a FANTASTIC place for them to start! Because honestly isn’t that why Malleus grew so close with Yuu???? Because you’re the only person who treats him like a normal friend instead of something to be Gawked at or Feared?? And Malleus also does something that Kalim really needs. He would see Kalim for being Kalim exclusively, and not care a single bit about his riches. Somebody pointed out to me that Kalim throws money at a lot of problems because he doesn’t know how else to repair things. He’s never been taught the emotional navigation of having a real friend, all that he knows he’s learned through trial and error. And he’s such a generous and giving person, that of course he’s going to try to give to solve a problem!! Because he knows giving is good and it helps and makes people happy!! Because that’s also part of the double edged sword of this method, is it kinda works. Some people do need money, some people just want money, so in that way it does solve some problems! And it ends up teaching Kalim the wrong lesson again and again. Malleus tho, Malleus wouldn’t care about all that. He’d be there for Kalim and Kalim alone. If he wanted grand parties and fine dining he could simply request it from his kingdom, but he’d rather have a good friend any day. He wouldn’t ask much more of Kalim than his company, and I could see him often turning down Kalim’s more exuberant requests for simpler things, unless it seemed like Kalim was really passionate about it. It might honestly take the two of them having a falling out where Kalim grows distressed that Malleus doesn’t want his normal method of ‘fixing’ things, and Malleus grows frustrated that Kalim keeps trying to give him things that he neither needs nor wants, but if they got past that hurdle? Man the amount of good these two would do for each other. They’d finally both have somebody who sees them for who they are rather than what they are. Malleus values Kalim for being Kalim, and Kalim values Malleus for being Kalim. (As a side note, yes Jamil is also a great person for Kalim to know, but their relationship is understandably complicated and will take time/effort to heal. And I believed they’ll figure it out. :D ) Kalim finally seeing that his own presence, as just himself, no shiny gold and sparkling silver, would do a tremendous amount of good for his self love and confidence. Malleus having somebody who loved him for being a friend would bring him a lot of quiet and peace and contentedness he seeks, and it would make his frustrations with people who do get caught up on his aspects easier to tolerate. So I also guess I’m also looking at Mallues and going, “You could fix him” SDLFJSDLKGJLSKDGJASDLJGSDGJDSGSD But yes wholesome besties sdlkfjSLDKJGSDLGJSDG you would always be able to know when they spotted each other cause Kalim would get really excited xD
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kanzakurawrites · 1 year
What are your honest unpopular opinions on Descendants?
I honestly don't know if any of these are unpopular, but here goes.
I wasn't bugged by the royal wedding or the engagement in the third film. The whole heir and spare thing is a legitimate practice and since Ben has no siblings and it seems to be unknown who's next in line (Chad mentions not knowing in the second film, and as the son of Cinderella he really should know the succession line), he pretty much needed to get married as soon as possible, especially with the villains taken into consideration (he has already been kidnapped). Their adults, financially stable, and true loves, so in the Disney realm it really does make sense for them to marry.
I don't really like Doug. I mean, he's okay... but something about him just rubs me wrong and I really wish Evie didn't end up with him in the end. I think it would have been nice for Evie to become confident in herself and find her place in Auradon before "finding a prince." Maybe Doug would have been an okay thing, if the relationship had began as a friendship in the first two films and only started a romance in the third movie vrs. the whole "I love you" thing and them apparently being true love? I don't know, I'm lowkey convinced that he was faking being asleep. (Also, if Evie was to fall in love with someone it would have been nice for it to be a person who had no ties to her mother's story. I guess I kinda understand, it could be sweet, maybe a little Romeo and Juliet without the tragic ending, or with it if the relationship didn't work out. But yeah...)
I like Mal. I don't like everything about how she was written, as some of it feels inconsistent, but I like her. I'm also not angry about the love potion in the first film. The VK's were raised by villains. What Mal did wasn't good, but its something she can learn from. It would have been nice to see Ben and Mal's relationship grow differently, not as quick and a bit more tentative because of it, but its a DCOM what do you expect?
While I'm on the fence about watching the new Descendants film, Chad having a sister isn't something I found shocking. As stated above, heir and spares are real. It makes a lot more sense for all of the royals to have multiple children vs. one for each couple.
I like the third film. (Though I very well might be biased as I love the Hades storyline XD)
I was not surprised or upset by Hades being Mal's father. I actually like it. Yeah, Mal is probably overpowered, but I'm here for it. Now if only we got to see powers she would have inherited from her dad...
I was not a fan of D2 Mal's hair, and while the dark root of the wigs in the third movie bug me SO MUCH that even though I like how Mal's hair gained blue I would have preferred the wigs and styles from the first movie being brought back.
Descendants would have been better as a teen/young adult tv series, either live action with a large budget, or an animated series. Some music could still be in it, but not excessively either.
I probably have more, but this is what I got off the top of my head and I'm still not even sure if they are unpopular.
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sparksnevadas · 1 year
Sparks, sparks no need to apologize and I hope you’re feeling a tad better ^^!! I was just gonna go on my neon green alt w/o anon if it was broken today too so no worries (my account constantly breaks so, I just assumed it was that lmao)
Also, I do not mind if there are multiple asses as to say, I am going to beat them all up, if my major has taught me anything it’s patience <3
I am suddenly surrounded in fear hearing that we’re nearing the end, but look as long as it doesn’t end in a mayor death- (I’m starting into your eyes w my own soggy eyes, don’t ask why they’re soggy, but like really staring into them) I do hope you have fun with any reveals you may have left or giving out scares as big as chapter 19 :)
I do find it very funny that Grian tries to categorize everyone into boxes, only for the people in question to break out of them in one way or another, like Scar not being the “stupid harmless villain” that he was thought to be at the start and everything around Mumbo and Bdubs and Chapter 21 itself- but it also makes me really curious about some details that we don’t get to see cuz of Grian’s own bias and general underestimating, SO you bet chapter 21 opened a floodgate in my mind as to questions around the world GIHASM’s in (I’m still a tad rabid, writing this got me all happy again hehe)
Once again, I hope you’re doing well nowadays, luv you too!! And sorry for actually not rambling too much, I work like a vampire and need to be invited in so I didn’t wanna disturb you? 😔
…Also I haven’t forgotten about the doodles, but switched workspaces so having to restart the file, sorry about that one
tumblr is a funtioning app 🙃 /sarcasm
Lmao, patience would be an important part of beating multiple asses, i agree xD see i think theres also the proverbial ass of “things cant change overnight, especially if the public sees you only as a good thing” so real, lasting change takes a lot of effort….
(Look, no one ever said my political ideas were subtle)
I think eyes should be soggy! Better than dry :D and idk about reveals… mostly trying to tie lose ends more so than reveals… and maybe some unexpected twist? Tee hee
How many times do you think grian saw the HA literally commit an injustice in front of him and said “yeah thats okay, its the HA”? Although…
Something make him want to double shift as poultry man, right?
Zeph! Not allowed to say sorry anymore its fine!!! I like the rambles in any length
And dude I definitely forgot about the doodle LMAO so no pressure on them, take your time!
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
H, J, K, N... I would ask more but I'll leave some to the others xD💕
Aaaaw, thank you for playing! *^* <3
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
Usually, TV shows. I've never been a big movie fan and though my most-written for fandom is a book series it is more an exception than a rule, I just don't like reading books enough to be deep into book fandoms. xD
TV shows are ideal! I love watching them, there are enough episodes to keep my attention (movies are like fast food; I watch and move on, but TV shows keep me fed with multiple episodes and keep it alive with more seasons), plus GIFs! Getting to reblog GIFs also lets the shows stay more in my mind and cause me to get more attached to them, because I get to see them even during a hiatus.
I do love anime and it's the genre I come from, but I prefer live action that can run in the background. Also because anime nowadays has two sizes, either a tiny little 12 episode total run, or anime that still runs ever since like the 90s and is just too big a juggernaut to tackle and get into new.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Well... The only one that really comes to mind is Boku no Hero Academia, but I have dropped that again at this point...
Maybe Ghosts, @blairwaldcrf put that on my dash and it looked funny enough that I ended up checking it out. Though I'm unsure how far it counts since I'm not really in the fandom, I just enjoy the show.
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
HAH I am throwing this one back at YOU!! For being very lovely and being basically the only PJO blog I follow and putting the ships I like on my dash and indulging in prompts from me ^-^
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I would love to see more content in the Shadowhunters fandom (especially for my beloved OTP, Jagnus), I'm so sad that it's been gradually fading since the show ended. Still hoping for that BBC prequel show to revive it more again ;-;
In any fandom, or all fandoms, I would love to see more amicable shipping behavior. Instead of trying to play those ships they don't like dirty, or harass shippers. Just... living with the fact that other people like other things and I'd love we would have a more curious ship environment, where we could either go "okay so our tastes differ. that's fine" or maybe even... I don't know, explore other things? Like "hey never thought about that, what do you like about it?", without the question "why do you like x" to always be meant in a judgmental way. You know what I mean?
Aaand lastly, mh... More exploratory ships in DC? It always baffles me when I think of a ship and look it up and think that this half a century old fandom would have already created stuff for it, just to come up empty with ships that really aren't that out there. I get this fandom has a ton of characters, but you'd think that with its longevity it'd have produced so so so many sub-fandoms and rarepairs that are a nice size by now?
Fandom Ask Game
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rrxnjun · 2 years
hiiii!!!! i really LOVVVEEEE your writings!!! i have almost read everything that u posted and u write so well🥹!! u really helped me get back into reading with your fics (and i do enjoy reading ur fics more than any books at the moment xd like ur works are so well written and just feel so realistic and everything is described so perfectly🤌🥹it's literally what i need in my life rn🥹) so thank u for that!!!!!!!💕
(and also i would like to ask about an old fic/trailer of a fic? because i found u through "liebestraum" and i was so excited to read the whole thing but i don't see it in ur work in progress anymore do u still on planning to post it or did u scrap the whole fic?:o AND PLS FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS WHOLE THING IF U DONT WANT TALK ABOUT IT OR ANYTHING AND SORRY IF ITS RUDE TO ASK THIS and like of course i completely understand if u don't want to post it anymore or anything i don't want u to feel forced to post/finish wrting(?) something that u don't want so very sorry if it comes off like that!!!!!!!☹️💕💕) (and also sorry for my english if it's bad !😟)
omg hi hello!!!! thank u so much for sending this ask and for liking my fics, it means the absolute world to me AAAAAAA i am glad u liked everything of mine that you've read, even tho i lowkey dislike some of my work atm 😭😭 AHAHA once u get into reading fanfiction, real books just dont do it for u in the same way /hj. awh im glad my work feels realistic bc i really strive to portray emotions in a realistic light 🥺🤍 hhhh this ask really got me kicking my feet in excitement and all so THANK U SM AGAIN!!
to answer your question about liebestraum!! it actually shocked me that somebody remembers it/is asking abt it since the teaser didnt get a lot of attention (which was expected, considering the theme of the fic!!). bUT! yes i did delete the teaser as for now and i didnt add it onto my wip post because i am not actively working on it right now for multiple reasons and that is: i didnt like the direction the plot was going in,,, and while i really loved the theme and vibe of what i had written, i didnt really enjoy the plot if that makes sense ?? i also didnt have it well thought-out and there were a lot of plot holes and i didnt really know how to continue the fic or how i really wanted to end it, to be 100% honest. the fic is still in my docs, tho, if i ever want to come back to it,, which i really do, because i love the innitial idea and the whole theme of the fic, but as of now im focusing on my other works that i feel more joy writing 💕 i cant guarantee anything, but maybe i manage to write it one day?? and if that were to happen, id just have to start over tbh 😭 so who knows. im pretty 50/50 on it rn AHAHA but also i wouldnt wait for it in the near future im sorry :((
also dont worry, its totally okay for u to ask and im sorry for putting up a teaser for a fic and never finishing it LMAO hhh i learned from that. and your english is literally perfect, dw abt it!! thank u sm for sending an ask, hope u have a great day!! xx
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local-trashmouth · 3 years
Henry making love to you and you're all soft but then you say you want kids and now bow (yes I call him bow lol) has the idea of getting you pregnant in his mind and kinda snaps and gets a bit feral or he extra soft 🥺🥺 whatever you like I just had this idea lol (feel free to write this for the gang as well, separate ofc)
note: not directly female cause 'm ftm so like gn reader please <3
headcanons ?
LITERALLY THIS HAD ME SCREAMING (altho I didnt rlly know how to write this because I hate kids xD)
I'm not sure if you meant have kids in sense of the natural way, or adopt a child (although that interferes with the impregnation thought of the bois) so I just wrote both variants
(also if this isn't what you wanted, pls send another ask. If that's the case im very sorry ;-;)
Warnings: mention of sex, impregnation, Patrick is a warning himself lol
Pairing: Henry Bowers x reader, Patrick Hockstetter x reader (I thought this fits him too)
Henry Bowers
Having a child naturally
since you said that, he can't concentrate on anything but the thoughts of building a future with you
he definetly goes soft on you, practically melting into putty
just you telling him that you want kids with him gives him butterflies
although he's worrying about being a horrible dad like Butch
you have to reassure him, telling him that he'll be the total opposite
heck even in school he can't think about anything else other than moving out of Derry with you and building a Family
he'll totally get you there, I mean, when you two can provide for a Family of course
he doesn't want to have children at a time where he can't give them the best possible life he has to offer
fight me on this, but he totally wants girls
so they have your beauty and heart, and he really just wants to do their hair
but when one of them or both turn out to identify differently he'll support them despite his views (same with the son/s)
if you end up having a son, or multiple he'll totally be that cool dad
taking them to shooting lessons and spending a lot of time with them
adopting a child
again, he wants to wait until you two can provide for it
he's gonna try his best to be a good parent, better than the previous ones at least
he'll probably take his kids into the woods too, make campfires with them while letting you put your head onto his shoulder
you just adore watching him bloom like that
if they ever ask about being adopted, he wouldn't be closed off about it
he totally takes you and the kids to Derry for holidays to brag to Butch about his success, and will 100% rub it into the boys' faces aswell
he really wants the kids to get along with the guys, they're his closest friends after all
Patrick Hockstetter
Having a child naturally
he totally goes feral when you say that
look, he won't be the best dad there is
and it's not even really his fault
which sometimes upsets you, and he gets it
but he's trying okay
he'll make a lot of shitty dad jokes
very very very overprotective over his kids
now there isn't just one real Person to him, but a whole family
HIS family
like, how did he get here?
it often overwhelms him
but he knows he can find that security he needs with you
so everything's good in the end
he really doesn't have a preference for the gender, and he will seem like he doesn't care about his kids
but he truly does, and it shows in other things than affection
for example, he will not hesitate to defend his kid, no matter if they are in the wrong or not
he'll also attend therapy which is a big step to a better future :)
when he's alone with you he opens up about his worries of not being able to give them the things they need/want because of his lack of empathy
so u better reassure ur fireboi
adopting a child
he lets you "choose"
the first months will be rough, and there will be a lot of small fights between you two
because Patrick never imagined to be in this kind of commitment
he hopes the kid gets into knives and other weapons, cuz boi will he fanboy about the one's he still has from being younger
he wants to stay in Derry, he just likes this town somehow
maybe its because he can get away with his killing
talking about that, he'll stop it
just for you and the kid of course
so you better feel special
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kaimaciel · 3 years
I don't think he is resentful for not being able to conquer Portugal. I mean, why should he be? Yes, it's true that all the kingdoms tried to unite the Iberian Peninsula many times (Portugal included) but they all wanted to be the ones to rule, that's why they never agreed. Let's remember that there was a war (commonly called the War of the Castilian Succession) because both Portugal and Aragon wanted to unite with Castile (which was divided between the supporters of Juana (Portugal) and those of Isabel (Aragon)). And the Iberian union occurred because Portuguese kings would often marry their princesses and princes into the Spanish monarchy in hope of placing a Portuguese king on the Spanish throne and therefore reunify Spain under Portuguese rule, but just the opposite happened. So yes, multiple attempts were made to conquer the peninsula and unite all the kingdoms, but that wish was never one sided.
I imagine he can still feel sad and hurt that the union didn't go well and they couldn't be together and ended up separating and distancing themselves, but I don't see any reason why he should feel resentment. Unless he blames Portugal for distancing himself as a defense mechanism (but I see this more likely when he was young. Now I think the subject only makes him sad and accept that this is the way things are and what happened cannot be changed bc thinking about what things could have been done differently and all the mistakes that could have been avoided is useless and only brings a feeling of emptiness and sadness, and that line of thinking never ends well). And honestly, there are too many problems and internal shit to regret unsuccessful attempts to include more territories to the country xD and the country is not exactly known for being the most stable and united in the world anyway xD I think that currently he only wants peace, tranquility and stability. And this may just be my personal opinion, but to me is very weird to think of wanting to increase the country's territory because...generally the Spaniards aren't patriotic at all. In fact, it's generally frowned upon to be apatriot or to feel pride of the country or its history (people often look at you weird or think outright that you are a fascist). It's an unwritten rule that the average Spaniard doesn't speak well of Spain: the country is shit and abroad is always better. Consequences of the civil war and the dictatorship I suppose, but that is the general mentality. Society has instilled in that feeling pride of your country is a bad thing and a fascist thing. It's kinda a complicated and delicated subject 😅
And personally I can imagine that it's difficult to talk about serious or negative things that he tries to avoid. I think that in general when something bothers him he tries to ignore it, bc talking about it means acknowledging the problem and he can no longer deny its existence and pretend that everything is fine. I think he doesn't know how to deal with negative emotions, so he just tries not to think about it, hide and ignore them and pretend that everything is fine and there is no problem, bc maybe if he does that enough it will come true. If he convinces himself that he is okay and happy and everything is peachy he will end up being okay and happy and everything peachy. Obviously this doesn't work and things pile up until they inevitably spill over in a not very pleasant way. And I suppose it's partly difficult for him to understand why other people don't try to do the same, forget all the negative things that happened and try to be happy (which really does nothing to solve the problem, obviously) which in turn frustrates others.
So (this is just my opinion, of course) but I can imagine that it's difficult to get him to talk about topics that he doesn't want or that make him uncomfortable, and the only way to do it is to corner him without escape and force him to recognize the problem and that they have to talk about it.
That's my opinion at least, other people can think dirently of course
Thank you for your answer, Anon.
I'm not going to bring politics into this (we're talking about fictional countries doing stupid shit), but, very briefly, I think the Portuguese are somewhere in the middle (I'm talking IRL, not Twitter), regarding national pride. The thing is, Portugal's history is not well known outside the lusophone diaspora, certain maps still show the peninsula with only Spain in it to this day, we're not talked on the news, etc, so we get the feeling that if we don't talk about ourselves, no one else will, and distancing from Spain, make ourselves different from Spain plays a huge part in our national identity.
Recently, I watched this geography documentary where the narrator said "Portugal is great, but it's no Spain".
Ouch. I mean, it's true, but ouch.
I was using some of those emotions of national inferiority complex for my hcs. Port feels ignored by Antonio, always in his shadow, maybe one of the reasons he started sailing in the first place was to try and find some sun for himself.
It's not Tonio's fault, maybe Tonio even felt rejected by Port when he saw him leaving and couldn't understand why his brother was growing cold and pulling away from him, but he didn't ask him why either, and Port did not tell him why he was pulling away.
Port focuses too much on the negative, expects the worse, if he sees Tonio all smiling, he thinks "Look at him happily and surrounded by a ton of friends! He doesn't care if I'm not here at all!"
And if he wants to discuss uncomfortable issues like the management of the rivers and the dams, or the nuclear power plant, he gets pissed when he feels his concerns are not being taken seriously.
It all comes down to Port feeling that Spain doesn't see him as an equal.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Hi! If you don't mind could you write me some headcanons about being bff with some female cp's? Like Jane, Nina, Clockwork, Nurse Ann...?
One of my best friends is called one of these names so it was odd to write XD Some headcanon’s were totally true about her as well, and some definitely were n o t. XD
Anyway I’m not sure how comprehensive this is since I just kinda spewed it all out so, uh… I hope you like them! 😅
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·         Natalie stays at your house all the time and eats all your food. Girl has a FAST metabolism so you cannot tell, but she eats e v e r y t h i n g.
·         She doesn’t even have a key to your home, you just come home from everyday activities and she’s slumped in your couch cushions watching TV and there’s a pool on your bathroom floor from her shower and- oh, she has also ordered pizza so get your wallet out.
·         You just squint/glare at her before flopping on the couch beside her. She hands you the remote and gets comfier by you.
·         Even when you have a romantic interest over, she is there at your house, comfortable on the couch playing games on your phone as you walk your ‘friend’ to your room.
·         It’s not all frustrating though, she’s always there to protect you. There have been multiple burglaries that she has intercepted and ‘taken care of’. She’s honestly like a guard dog who also has an excellent sense of humour.
·         And don’t think she just wants you around for your apartment and money. Nay nayyyyyy nay. She tells you all about the Creepypasta drama and what’s going on at the mansion, even though you aren’t apart of that life.
·         And she calls when she’s away. Just calls up to talk to you.
·         You two are the kind of friends that don’t need to talk to each other all the time. In fact, you agree that talking to people all the time is annoying and too much trouble, and you could totally go without each other for days (Weeks even) if either of you were busy! But… without either of you even realising, you always end up contacting each other in one way or another every day, anyway. Its easy with you two. No romantic relationship could compare.
·         She was the groom and you were the bride in your make-believe weddings and mums and dads games as kids.
·         On Toby: “Okay Nat, I like Toby but I hope you know, if he hurts you… well there is absolutely nothing I can do to wreak revenge on your behalf, as he is a duo hatchet wielding psychopath, except maybe give him a stink eye. … When he is looking away and therefore cannot see the stink eye.”
·         More on the Toby subject: Clockwork once took you to Slender Mansion (Cuz you were targeted by a botched victim of hers because she cares about you and she wanted you close by to keep you safe until she could, like, finish killing the guy and all. Whatever though, no biggie. Pft, At least that’s how she made it out to be.) and she had to leave you for a moment so she handcuffed you and Toby together because he’s the only one she could trust to watch you.
·         It was very awkward for the two of you, but definitely a bonding experience. You were both very happy to see Clocky come back though.
·         HORROR. The world of horror is your favourite genre together. Supernatural horror, slashers, basement dwellers, vampires, werewolves, the blob, stalkers, murderers, psychological horror, black and white, colour, movies, tv shows, books- whatever. You two get so excited to experience new fictional horror.
Jane The Killer:
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·         If you’re into boys, let me tell you right away- Jane is very critical of their actions. She was at a very influential time in her life (Especially concerning boys and girls and romance) when she met Jeff and Liu. She met those boys, thought ‘Oh, they’re cute. Maybe budding crush?’, and then Jeff killed her family, burnt down her home and ruined her life and Liu became an asshole, and now the male species has been, sorta… tainted. She knows there are good ones (In fact, m a n y boys are lovely, of course.), but one’s that you’re in romantic cahoots with are always going to be under her very watchful eye anyway so she doesn’t really bother to hold back her fear (Which translates into dislike… or hate) with them. So if you have boy problems, be careful. Provided you like this/these guy/s, at least. If you don’t like them, then she’s the perfect person to go to!
·         If you are a boy, then- of course, none of this applies to you. She loves you. Don’t worry. You’re her best friend!
·         Girls are an entirely different situation though of course. Jane drinks that love women juice every single day.
·         Jane is really good with altering clothes, so she’s the one you go to when you need help hemming something or taking something in. She likes to do it, too. Quality best friend time while not being lazy.
·         Speaking of her hating to be lazy… This does not apply at night. Nighttime is a whole other ballgame. Its bedtime by 7 for her if you don’t lock her into plans a week in advance. If she is braless and in her P.J’s, you will not be able to peel her from her home. Except for snacks, but even if she goes to the grocery store, she’s not getting changed and she’s going to wear her bunny slippers.
·         You two watch so many cartoons together. Gravity Falls, Star Vs The Forces of Evil, Over The Garden Hedge, Villainous, Looney Tunes, Ducktales, etc. Any and all that you can get your hands on.
·         You two are prepared to get platonically married, for any reason. Like, you need to stay in the country? Married; You’re staying. You’re the only one who can testify against hr in the court of law? Married, so by law you don’t have to. One of you accidentally planted yourselves with a kid and (Cuz you’re ride or die for each other, obviously), you’re gonna parent the child together and cuz of religious beliefs one of your would feel better about raising them together with a wedding band? Married.
·         Jane doesn’t drink, so when/if you get drunk she’s always there to keep you safe.
·         Jane also gets friend-jealous, a lot. Like, that bitch just called you her best friend, Y/N. Is she your best friend? I thought I was. So who is it, Y/N? Me or her? HM? (She is prepared to turn up to wherever you and this person are hanging, all glamorous and cool as she is, and show off. Prove she’s a way better friend then this new person so they back off).
·         When you were little, she was the bride and you were the groom in your wedding/marriage/mums and dads games.
Nina The Killer:
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·         You have known her for both your entire lives and there have been iffy, and dark times but through hell and high water you have stuck with her. You love her. She’s your girl, you are her person too. You will be with her, and protect her from anything.
·         You are the only one in the world that loves her, really. You may not quite understand her weirdness, but you stick with her anyway because you love her.
·         Just like- baseline of your friendship is being ride or die for each other.
·         You were also really into Jeff, but at a more… healthy? Level? Like, you were still romantically interested in a real-life murderer, but you wouldn’t have done anything about it. You wouldn’t hurt anyone (Except to protect others) or victim blame, or contact the victims (Dear God) or whatever, but you would take peaks at fanfiction and gab with Nina about it. I mean, it’s not grand, but in comparison to Nina, hah… you were harmless.
·         Now though, that you’ve met him and he is the reason your bets friend is so hurt and broken, you are not the fondest of him. I mean, you still have a place in your heart for the version of him you and Nina made up in your heads (The version that Nina still believes is real) but that isn’t the real him. Jeff Woods is an ass. You need to keep your friend safe from him.
·         And uh… so nowadays… occasionally, you will find out where Jeff is (You keep an ear out) and, you know, just… lie your ass off to Nina. Yep. You tell her you heard that he’s in the opposite direction than he is so that she’ll unknowingly put more distance between him and her.
·         Yes. It’s a lie, but… its for the greater good! It’s for Nina’s mental health and physical safety.
·         Anyway, moving on to lighter things.
·         In your make believe mums and dads/’grown up’ games that you would play together as kids, you were a single parent and she was the dog.
·         She will lie for you in an instant. She’s also really good at it.
·         You walked into a room once and saw she was drawing something, and it turned out to be your joint tombstone. She has not let this go- you will be buried in the same plot together, if it is the last thing she does. This is slightly concerning, but… also kind of cute. You can roll with it.
·         “What if I get married or have kids?”
·         “They will need to apply with me to join. There will be an interview process.”
·         ‘What about pets?”
·         “Oh, they can come in! No fee!”
·         Do not underestimate her weight. If she doesn’t want you to leave, she will hold onto your leg and go deadweight, and you will s t r u g g l e.
·         Nina talks to herself, but she acts like the person she’s talking to is another person, inside her mind. You both know its not, but you refer to the other girl as Agnes anyway. Super casual.
·         Follows you when you go on dates (At least the first one with someone)to make sure all goes well and texts you rapid fire when she smells something fishy. Even the smallest thing.
·         You two really love dystopian teen fiction. Divergent? Matched? Hunger Games? Maze Runner? Ugles? Alllllll. You consume them and then watch the movies/tv shows too.
Nurse Ann:
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·         Live-in medical services! This means you can get really cheap life insurance and not worry about it to much.
·         And on the topic of insurance… Ann is super smart, and organised, and just really awesome at practical stuff like that. Insurance, bills, mortgages, any kind of forms and receipts. And she’s happy to sit down and help you go through it- and, as we all know, everything is better when it’s with a friend you feel comfortable with.
·         You can tell Ann anything and she’ll just roll with it. No judgment. Either she takes it and lets you talk about it or she just acknowledges it and moves on.
·         Like Jane, Ann has very little patience for boy problems. In fact, she has zero time for it. Boys? Girls? No thank you. So if you’re into boys, I have some bad news for you.
·         Best friend maintenance. Occasionally, Ann will over work herself (with murder) and you will need to guide her to relaxation. Gently persuade her to sit down at the dinner table and just make idle chit chat with her every now and then as you make her a good, hearty meal (Or as good as you can do XD Anything between Beefy stew and a Cheese toastie will work fine, don’t worry. She’s not picky at all), and then watch some movies with her. No phones, no knitting, no drawing, no… whatever. No other activities except TV watching! She needs to rest. I’m always shocked at how relaxing just sitting and watching TV can be. There’s a big difference between doing that and multitasking.
·         Ann will call you to pretend there’s an emergency if you want to get out of social engagement.
·         A thing that two enjoy together is science fiction. Star Trek (Including the animation), The War of Worlds, the world of Star Wars, Dune, a Handmaids Tail, The 100, Eureka, etc. She loves the brainy stuff.
·         Ann is the logical friend, who tries to give the most practical advice and make pros and con lists and everything. And then you go ahead and do the crazy thing, the thing she said definitely would not work and would probably make things worse, and she just face palms and says she’s never getting mixed up in your mess again. … Until the next time, when she totally does.
·         “I love you Y/N, but I am not about to walk into a police office and bail you out of jail so do not do that.”
·         You trap her into resting by painting her nails (Hands and feet) in her sleep right before her alarm is about to go off so she has to take the morning SLOW or the paint will mess up. She just wakes up, you hold up a sign in front of her face that says ‘NAILS’ and she stops immediately. “You bitch.”
·         As kids, of course, the two of you would play make-believe family games and you were both mums (/ or you were the dad). She was the working mum and you were forced to stay home take care the baby (large container of vitamins with a face drawn on).
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firewoodfigs · 4 years
Hey Friend, I know I'm a bit late with this but how about - "an answer to the prompt ‘fevered forehead kisses’" Thanks. :)
here you go, friend!! this one’s for you and @brucestephenbucky, who both requested an answer to the prompt ‘fevered forehead kisses’ :) 
[also, this turned out to be longer than expected (~3k words), so it’s on ao3 as well! for easier reading, all that stuff xD]
Summary: In which Riza is down with a cold, and Roy is both anxious and painfully oblivious. Also, Roy has to conquer his greatest nemesis yet: carrots. (young Royai) 
Riza Hawkeye always woke up by sunrise. This was an immutable fact of life; as unchanging as the fact that the sun would rise every morning from the east. Not once had Roy seen her sleep in — not even on the weekends.
But today was different.
The sun had already risen long ago, and the roosters were back with their awful crowing. And even the morning dew that embraced the paltry patches of yellowing grass outside with timeless regularity was starting to evaporate by now.
Still, Riza was nowhere to be found.
Roy’s first thought was that she’d gone on one of her routine grocery trips. But Riza Hawkeye was the human incarnation of efficiency, if nothing else. Unlike his sisters, who had an uncanny tendency to get distracted by other things along the way (because apparently every girl loved shopping on a biological level, or so they claimed), grocery shopping was something she could easily complete in about a half an hour or less.
And it had been nearly two hours since he’d waited idly by the fireplace for Riza to come in through the front porch with that shy, contented smile that she always wore in the morning.
Believing that this might’ve been a rare, life-changing occasion where Riza wanted to experience the wonders of sleeping in, Roy therefore took it upon himself to prepare breakfast for the both of them. Typically, this wasn’t preferable, as he was only capable of making two things that were remotely edible: toasts, and eggs. (Not even fried eggs. Boiled eggs, because those were impossible to screw up.) To make up for the slightly burnt toast, Roy brewed a sweet, soothing mixture of chamomile tea with cinnamon.
Then he laid everything out on the dining table and hoped for the best.
Fifteen minutes passed. Breakfast was beginning to cool down. The mugs were no longer steaming; in them only a lukewarm stillness that reflected his lonely, worried expression.  
Roy bit into the burnt edge of a piece of toast, consulting the grandfather clock down by the inordinately large hallway.
The empty hallway.
Ten-hundred hours.
Roy sighed into his tea. Ten more minutes, he decided. Ten more minutes. If Riza wasn’t down by then, he’d go upstairs and check on her instead.
In the end, Roy found himself dragging his feet up the old, creaky stairs. He balanced the tray delicately on one hand, and knocked at her door gently with the other.
“Miss Riza?” Roy called softly, deciding against dropping the honorific. (Riza might’ve given him permission to call her by her first name, but she still was not taking the liberty of addressing him as such.)
Roy knocked again.
The tray wobbled precariously.
“Miss Riza?”
A groan resounded from the other end, before he heard footsteps padding softly towards him. Then the door opened to reveal Riza in all her pale, half-awake glory.
To say that she was a mess was a bit of an understatement. Her hair was uncombed and completely disheveled (very much unlike her usual self); cheeks flushed a deep scarlet — a stark contrast against the sickly pallor of her countenance.
“Mister Mustang,” Riza rasped weakly. But her demeanour was quick to shift once she caught sight of the tray in his hands. Instantly she straightened like a soldier standing at attention, back straight and shoulders tense. “I’m so sorry — what time is it?”
“You have nothing to apologise for,” Roy reassured hastily. “It’s about ten —“ Riza’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened like she was about to admonish herself for not getting started on her endless list of chores earlier, “— but don’t worry about it. Are you sick?”
A shiver wracked through her petite frame, one that she tried miserably to conceal by wrapping her thin arms around herself. “I’m not,” Riza lied unconvincingly. “I —“
“Have a lot to do, I know,” Roy interjected, biting back a sigh at her stubbornness. God, the girl really needed to get her priorities straight. “But you’re obviously unwell. And besides, I already made you breakfast. I didn’t do such a bad job, see? I even managed to make you your tea just the way you like it...”
“I — thank you,” she muttered, turning away to sneeze daintily into the crook of her elbow. “But really, it’s just a minor cold. You didn’t have to...” Riza trailed off as another shudder assaulted her.
Roy pursed his lips, somewhat bemused by her insistence (and poor attempts at deceit). He cleared his throat and straightened, imitating the tone that his indomitable sisters used whenever he was trying to wriggle his way out of drinking some weird, medicinal concoction. “It clearly doesn’t sound like a minor cold. You should rest before it gets worse.”
“No buts, Miss Riza.”
Roy set the tray down on her bedside table, then strode back to where she was. Gingerly, Roy put a hand on her shoulder. When she didn’t flinch from the contact, he gently guided her back towards her bed. Riza didn’t protest. Instead, she was quick to settle back down, clutching onto her blankets for dear life — as if the short walk to her door had sapped her of all her energy.
“Just rest, okay? I’ll take care of everything else.”
Evidently too weak to argue further, Riza nodded and coughed into a fist. “I’m really sorry for the trouble —“
“You have nothing to apologise for,” he nearly exclaimed, a little frustrated by her self-deprecating logic. In what universe was it someone’s fault for falling sick — something that was not even within one’s realm of control? “Just let me know if you need anything, okay? A doctor, medicine, whatever. It’s what friends do for each other.”
“Friends...” she mumbled, eyes averted — in embarrassment? He couldn’t tell. Despite the remarkable progression in their relationship, Riza Hawkeye was still very much an enigma.
“Friends,” Roy affirmed, fluffing the coverlet a little before leaving hastily, his own heart pounding in his throat.
Roy spent the rest of the day dusting the window panes, sweeping the carpeted floors and drying the laundry in between studying for his upcoming test. More than once he’d spotted Riza coming down the stairs, meandering around the hallways aimlessly like she was inspecting for non-existent dust under the guise that she was just about to pour herself another glass of water.
Roy was quick to see through her excuses, however, and had ushered her back into her room with a full jug of water instead. Every hour or so, he’d go up to check on Riza, a warm cup of freshly-made ginger tea in his hands (a remedy that his aunt swore by, despite its repulsive taste) and constant reassurances that he was doing just fine with the chores.
When evening-time came around, Riza appeared in the kitchen, eyes bleary and nose pink. Roy withheld the urge to roll his eyes.
How stubborn could one person get? And was there — no, would there ever be a point where she’d come to spare a thought for herself? To put herself ahead of others?
Probably not, he thought wryly.
“I’m a lot better, really,” she sniffed, huddling an old, tattered shawl around her for warmth. (Roy made a mental note to get a new cardigan for her — one that was thicker; more suited for unfortunate days like these. Maybe a pink, fluffy one that matched her secret femininity.) “I should start making dinner.”
Right. He’d completely forgotten about that.
“I can take care of that,” he said. Riza quirked a brow at him, unconvinced. Roy shoved his wounded ego back down his throat and tried again. “Really. I’ll just make up a simple stew for us.”
What could possibly be so hard about throwing a few ingredients into boiling water, right? He’d just have to wait for the ingredients to work their magic. And if they didn’t, then he’d have to trust in the mythical powers of sesame oil and salt to save the day. Or so he’d gleaned from his sisters’ numerous mishaps in the kitchen and Riza’s incredible cooking.
“... Please don’t trouble yourself, Mister Mustang.”
“Nonsense. You’re always troubling yourself for my — for our sakes,” he insisted, guiding her towards the living room. Riza opened her mouth like she was about to protest. And Roy scrambled for a better argument. Something that might work on her desire to avoid causing trouble to others at all costs, perhaps? “Think of it this way. You’ll be - um, it’ll be worse if you pass out in the middle of the kitchen while cooking.”  
After a long, contemplative moment, Riza relented and stepped back hesitantly. “Try not to burn anything down.”
This was a remarkable challenge, but Roy Mustang was not one to back down from challenges. Instead he nodded, solemn. “I won’t.”
Riza nodded, settling herself on the old rocking chair by the fireplace for warmth. The evening was remarkably chilly tonight, however, and so Roy tucked his coat securely around her, ever thankful that his reclusive hermit of a teacher did not choose to grace them with his presence at that moment.
Then he scurried back into the kitchen like a mouse and began rifling through the lower compartments of the fridge.
To his dismay, Roy found the following items: corn, cabbage, and carrots. Naturally he despised them all, since they belonged to that vile, disgusting category of food known as vegetables.  
But carrots. God, carrots were the worst of them all. Those malicious sticks of bright orange clearly hated him with a deep-seeded passion, and so did he. Things never turned out well whenever he was forced to work with them in the kitchen.
Unless one considered multiple cuts and band-aids ‘well’.
Still, he was determined to make Riza a decent, hearty meal tonight. (Or maybe not ‘hearty’ -- that implied that he was a good cook, which was a little ambitious. More like edible, perhaps.)
Inhaling deeply, Roy rolled up his sleeves and set about to work once he found Riza’s little recipe book. But determination soon melted into frustration after he’d chopped up cobs of corn and sliced potatoes and had to face his greatest adversary in the world: carrots.
And after a lot of groaning and grunting and wheezing, Roy somehow ended up peeling more of his own skin than the carrot’s; a feat he hadn’t even thought possible until now.
… Like he said, they really hated him.
“Damn it,” Roy cursed softly under his breath, not wanting to wake the sleeping blonde. He quickly rinsed them under running water, then rummaged through the cabinets for a box of band-aids.
Torn between mild amusement and self-pity, Roy stuck them over the numerous cuts decorating his poor fingers and sighed.
Nothing like a few lacerations to prove his gallantry, right?
Still, Riza’s fitful, shuddering frame was all the motivation he needed to conquer the menacing abomination. At least most of them were chopped up by now, even if they looked nothing like the neat wedges that Riza usually managed to cut them into.
But it was all the same in one’s stomach, he reasoned.
Mindful to not set the kitchen ablaze, Roy got back to work and began dumping everything into the pot.
By some miraculous stroke of luck, the kitchen was still intact about an hour later. Roy popped back into the living room with a wooden tray holding two bowls of vegetable soup, billowing clouds of steam curling around his face.
“Hey,” he called gently. Riza cracked an eyelid open, still semi-conscious. “I made us some soup for dinner. Think you can get up for some?”
“I - oh,” Riza mumbled. Her face fell slightly as she adjusted herself on the seat.
Roy got the nagging feeling that she was about to apologise once more for not helping.
“I mean, it’s not the best, but it tasted… edible,” he cajoled. Barely edible, actually. It’d tasted bland, sort of watery; but Roy had been too afraid to add in more salt or seasoning for fear of screwing the whole thing up entirely.
One could only hope that the cold had muffled her taste buds.
“Thank you,” she said softly. They ate together in companionable silence; metal clinking gently against ceramic as the fire crackled.
Roy resisted the urge to scrunch his face up at the blandness of it all.
Riza, on the other hand, did not appear to have any qualms about the simple fare; she made no comment on his ostensible lack of talent in the kitchen. Instead she flashed him a small, grateful smile that warmed his heart immensely.
“How are you feeling?”
“A little better, I think.” Almost inaudibly, Riza added, “Thank you. For all of this, I mean. I really appreciate it.”
Roy beamed. “It’s no problem. Like I said, you’re always doing so much for our benefit. It’s the least I can do.”
Roy got up to clear the dishes before she could, once they were done with dinner. By this point, however, Riza was clearly too tired to argue. She waited by the fireplace as he rinsed the bowls; a shivering cocoon of blankets and soft sneezes.
And like a panicked mother hen, Roy started fussing. Without warning he helped Riza up, bringing her close so that she could lean on him for support. She was dangerously warm to the touch, he realised. It seemed her fever hadn’t broken yet, and he could feel the goosebumps trailing up her skin as they walked.
“Mister Mustang,” she called feebly, flushing scarlet.
“Hm?” he asked, oblivious to the heat crawling up his own neck.
Gently, he led Riza up the stairs and guided Riza back into her room.
“Are you sure you’re alright? I can go get a doctor or something, if you need…”
It’d be hard to get one at this hour, especially out in the isolated countryside, but the boy was willing to do anything to help his friend feel better.
“N-no. I’ll be better once I get some rest, really,” she said, almost pleadingly as she nestled underneath the inviting coverlets.
Catching sight of her wide and frightened eyes, Roy instantly swallowed his earlier words. “A-alright,” he said worriedly, caught in a bit of a dilemma himself. “I’ll stay with you, then. Just rest, okay?”
Feverish and utterly enervated, Riza offered him a tiny, hesitant nod and drifted back to sleep.
For the rest of the night, Roy stayed by Riza’s side like he was holding some sort of sad, long vigil, changing the damp towel on her forehead every hour or so. But her fever did not subside. If anything, it only got worse. Delirium was starting to kick in. At some point she’d started muttering imploringly for her — mother?
Roy’s heart shattered.
How many ill, lonely nights had she endured aloneafter her mother’s passing, all because she wanted to avoid inconveniencing her negligent father? Riza was strong, yes, maybe even almost to the point of being invincible. But she was still very much a child. She was only thirteen, for heavens’ sake! Yet the girl always carried herself with an independence and maturity that far exceeded their peers’ — the sort that could only have been derived from hardship and misfortune. And Roy found himself feeling something akin to guilt and sympathy and admiration, for a girl who’d been forced to grow up far too soon because of her predicament.
Overcome by some profound, unknown emotion, Roy leaned forward and brushed her damp, matted fringe aside to press a chaste kiss on her forehead.
“Get well soon,” he murmured.
Riza fidgeted slightly. For a moment, Roy thought she was about to regain consciousness. And all of a sudden he became acutely aware of what he had done: he’d trespassed some unspoken boundary and kissedher.
Roy recoiled sharply like he’d been struck. He leaned back into his seat, running a hand over his scruffy hair and crossed his arms decisively over his chest; an exercise of self-restraint. What was he doing, anyway? Taking advantage of his friend in her sleep? 
God forbid he do so! Roy had grown up learning that women were to be treated with utmost respect. The importance of chivalry had been indoctrinated in him from the time he’d learnt how to walk, and he was not about to engage in any sort of funny business. Nope. Definitely not.
(He would be lying, however, if he said Riza wasn’t adorable while she was asleep like that.)
Fortunately for him, Riza was sound asleep. She was still shivering, though, so Roy drew the blankets up and readjusted the towel on her forehead. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she rolled over on her side.
Content that he was able to bring his friend some comfort, Roy lolled back into the seat to take a short nap, not seeming to mind in the least the inevitable stiff neck that awaited him.
Beside him, Riza let out a small smile as she tugged his coat closer around herself.
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sztefa001 · 3 years
Question about your transformers OCs, if they could get a pet. What would it be? (Also hi Sztefa!)
Okay so
Here comes the promised wall of text that took me 4 evenings to write:
Bit of summary: camera drones for Taf and Breeze (that's canon), kitty for Mini, and probably therapy dogs for all the rest xD ;w; Also I feel like a lot of that's gonna become canon. Including Morph getting a [read! not gonna spoil that one!]
Also there's a doodle at the end! :3c
Seekers Taffy and Breeze:
The pastel babs who lived away from the war in relative luxury had a bunch of cyber pets transforming into camera drones and that's canon. They're all actually one and the same pet 'cuz hive mind. Not an Earth-based pets as, well, back then they weren't on Earth nor they knew of it's existance. But you know those funny miniature goats? That's how the drone pets behave. So yeah, babies. All of them. While in drone mode they record all the best shots of the pastel babs so that the pretty seekers can select, edit, cut out gifs, pics, make videos, etc. Yep, they're influencers and celebrities. Lord Master makes big money out his two pretty properties. After breaking out and escaping they manage so save one of them and it later lives with them. Once they have a chance they most likely buy one or two more and copy that one's personality so that it has company (it feels better while in more bodies). Happy bunch once again, yay!
Seeker Renfrew:
Battered by war Breeze's long lost trinemate, some time later sparkbonds with Taffy as well. Enjoys the presence of the funny little camera drone (makes him smile!) but what he needs most is probably a therapy trained dog. Maybe Terry helps him get a specially trained cyber dog? Ren ofc appreciates Earth creatures as well, is happy when they're not scared of him.
Flying Minibot MiniMint
Being raised on Earth she's used to Earth creatures. It saddens her that they live for such a short time but it doesn't stop her from making friends with them. Is friends with local cats, dogs, birds, etc. Most likely there was/is a cat or two in her life but it's not like she's actively adopting them. If one likes her and decides to stay - "Welp, guess I have a cat now :D" Also during one of her adventures on another planet she makes friends with big horse-like creatures (or maybe just cyber horses, idk). Imagine tiny bot the size of a human riding on a wild giant robo-horse leading the whole herd. Wow.
"The Big Guy / Widower / Old Man / Ex Mafia Boss"
This guy is a side character and doesn't have a name yet, created for the sole purpose of hitting Alpine's oc Holly with major angst and drama. His story may change but what stays is that the love of his life suddenly dies and he doesn't take it well ("time to murder everyone and then myself"). But eventually he calms down and adopts a cyber dog. Big borzoi looking bab who was too nice to become an attack beast. Not therapy-trained but really good at at her job. Knows when to quietly hug or when to throw a husky-like tantrum. 10/10 best girl and she's canon.
BM-21 Grad TerrorRain
The war may be over but this hotheaded multiple rocket launcher still has no chill. Would like an attack beast, loyal and obedient. Gets a cyber doberman or sth like that to give it a military training. All goes well untill the dog is ordered to attack someone that's not a training doll. It loves destruction, sure. But when ordered to hurt another living being it will curl up apologetically and start whining. At first Terry is angry and frustrated but soon learns that there's really no need to be so violent anymore.
Monoformer Morphine
Dead inside and worn out by the war medic who may or may not be a bit addicted to sleeping pills. He doesn't really care much about anything. Would never adopt a pet on his own - that's effort and responsibility and he has already barely any energy to function. Once Terry gets a cyber dog he doesn't pay much attention to it except for being basic decent (giving head pats when doggo wants, maybe sneaking a treat or just letting the dog get spoiled a bit when Terry's not looking). He doesn't expect much from the dog but turns out its a real good boi that knows exactly when Morph is just fatigued and when has a bigger crisis. Cuddles up to the poor medic or tries to get his attention to provide distraction. Often prevents Morph from taking more drugs than he should. This also teaches Terry how to differentiate between Morph's regular-depressed and gonna-drug-myself-to-pass-out-for-the-rest-of-the-night-crisis.
Also I can't get one image out of my head, said image being Morph feeling free while horse riding. I want him to have a cyber horse. Maybe later when they move out from the Old Mafia Boss they get to live somewhere where those are? That'd be cool. Mini would defo visit often. That's it, I'm defo gonna give Morph a horse, yolo.
Monoformer StrongSpark
Tiny, blind, heavily disabled bot that barely survived after forming (or rather deforming) in highly radioactive environment; survived only becausse Morphine refused to give up on him. So yeah, basically Morph's and Terry's kid (and later also Mini's bff). The 3 of them live at the Widower's place and his dog immediately starts taking care of the kid. Helps him calm down, protects him, notifies of upcoming attacks, etc. Terry's dog cares about Sparky as well (tho these two are out more often). Tiny bab with 2 big guardians. Nice. When the good grandpa (yes, the Old Mafia Boss adots them all) passes away the family inherits the dog and the good girl officially becomes Sparky's guardian 24/7.
IF YOU MADE IT TILL THE END (or just scorlled past the descriptions) HERE'S A DOODLE OF A CYBER MINI GOAT FOR YOU:
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sweet-evie · 3 years
I really felt annoyed on that kallen and lelouch scene where kallen landed on top of him in a sense where both has something to go back after the battle i mean lelouch was asking her to go back with him, I just felt where would c.c. be after the battle, will she be forgotten after it? Will it be like okay c.c. your job here is done you may go and we will go back to our own ordinary lives, will lelouch just let her go if she decided to go....lol and the list go on, (this is me speaking beyond shipping and as a c.c. enthusiast) and if i didn't know that the director is pushing c.c. and lelouch to each other i will forever hate the series cuz c.c. deserves the best (i mean its very obvious with the official arts and scenes and i remember reading something about it before) (can we also assume that c.c. got jealous on that part too lol what would happen if c.c. didn't speak about tabasco will they kiss? lol) I also really have a love hate feeling w/ kallen, she is really a good pilot and i kinda ship him sometimes with suzaku, sometimes not because i love him with euphie, but really that tension whenever they are together fighting or not Idk if its their strong and badass character but they really look good and compatible with each other but then I really love her with Gino the most lol i mean if i find kallen and suzaku compatible then i find kallen and gino most compatible hahaha Its just that kallen can show that she can be weak/soft can be tired or can breakdown (and not the always strong her) with gino. (I hope you can understand this part) I love it when gino picked her up after her battle with suzaku. How I wished gino appeared more in the series, was introduce early and they had scenes more together. I sometimes dislike her cuz she is over reacting in a lot of times like she is just too much and almost in par with nina's reaction most of the times haha (i kinda dislike/hate kxl scenes in a sense too that its one sided like its mostly k and l shows no interest but sometimes it look like there is a mutual feeling between both of them(i mostly felt its one sided shen watching the movie especially the resurrection) (What can you say about their scenes?, when he put jacket to her while she was wearing bunny girl costume, the refrain scene, when she fell on top of him, when she was captured, their kiss? etc.) BUT if you look at c.c. and lelouch relationship and scenes together its just too consistent lol i just love it how lelouch always assured and pursued her from that rooftop scene after battling with Mao, if she is a witch then he'll became a warlock, when he discovered and promised her about fulfilling her true wish, when she asked him if he hated her for giving him the power of geass and about to do something if kallen did not interrupt and bonus: that resurrection scene when he decided to become L.L. (I LOVE WRITING THIS PART OF ASSURANCE AND PURSUING ABT CLUCLU, MY FAVORITE XD, pls add some if i forgot something) i also kinda agreed to that statement except c.c. part lol going around that Shirley -> Lelouch Lamperouge, Kallen -> Zero and C.C. -> Lelouch Vi Britania but doesn't C.C. knows all lelouch's persona and had been supportive and stayed with him from the very start and in whatever path he chose? 😂 I hate it that people come at c.c.'s age and that she witness lelouch grow up like, is her immortality her fault? Like people are okay for male characters of 123456790 age falling for main girls in dramas or some animes for example but not okay if its c.c. lol SORRY THIS POST IS SO LONG it was supposed to be focus only on the first part about THAT scene 🙏
Whoa~ You’re not lying, this is one hell of an ask 🤣😂😅 I read 4 topics in this xD:
Lelouch, Kallen, C.C. scene
Kallen ships (Suzaku or Gino)
Kallen x Lelouch vs C.C. x Lelouch
C.C. & Lelouch's Age-gap
Let’s go in!
Lelouch, Kallen, & C.C. Scene
(can we also assume that c.c. got jealous on that part too lol what would happen if c.c. didn't speak about tabasco will they kiss? lol)
Maybe, but who knows, to be honest. xD The whole interaction was very impulsive, considering the fact that Lelouch was still fresh off of bouncing back from his depression, which Kallen had witnessed and was at the brunt end of.
When Kallen fell on top of Lelouch, I do believe both of them were thinking about that one moment where Lelouch tried to use Kallen to forget his current circumstances. Perhaps part of Kallen wanted it, but knew it wasn’t right. So I adore her for bitch-slapping him. xD The idiot deserved it.
C.C. was just there... I’m not sure if she was jealous or not. Maybe she didn’t give a fuck xD Before I could form my own conclusions, the entire scene is interrupted again because Zero gets called out into the control room.
Kallen Ships (Suzaku vs Gino)
I agree with most of your points in this part.
Personally, in my own fics, I ship Kallen with Gino a lot because for me, Suzaku belongs with Euphemia by default.
But, I do see the chemistry and the sexual tension that could go between Suzaku and Kallen. Like maybe their fights are really just unresolved sexual tension 😂🤣
I imagine a romance between them would be very explosive, passionate, and rough. I don’t just mean this in terms of sex, I imagine their entire dynamic would swing this way too. They’re really opinionated, and they both literally fight for what they believe in, and their conviction is strong enough to rival each other’s. 
Suzaku and Kallen just clash magnificently. On the other hand, Gino’s and Kallen’s personalities probably combine. They have things in common, but not too much to the point of being passionate and aggressive at the same time.
KaLulu vs CLuCLu
What can you say about their scenes?, when he put jacket to her while she was wearing bunny girl costume, the refrain scene, when she fell on top of him, when she was captured, their kiss? etc.
In that scene where he put his jacket on her, I think that’s gentlemanly of Lelouch. It’s something I expect from him considering he was born a prince, and also, he has a little sister. On a sidenote, I adore both him and Suzaku for being respectful towards the women in their circle, for the most part. 
That refrain scene was a moment of grief for Lelouch and he was being erratic. I said it once or twice, I’ll say it again. I am so happy Kallen bitch-slapped him. It shows that she’s not willing to put up with bullshit, and believes that Lelouch is definitely better than that. Kudos to her, she may have slapped him to his senses. For Kallen, it was a moment of, “Please be who we need you to be.”
It was a brilliant turning point for Lelouch as well. After Nunnally was given the role of Viceroy, Lelouch, at least, realized that his war and his rebellion against Britannia wasn’t just for his sister anymore. It was for everyone he cared about too. It was for the people who counted on Zero’s idea of freedom and perhaps peace.
In summary, I made my stance clear on KaLulu on a separate post long ago. But the gist was, they may have felt romantic feelings for each other, but it was probably brief and suppressed in favor of their grander goals and all that shit that was already going down. Romance just wasn’t appropriate for Lelouch or any of the characters who had something at stake in the war.
In the end, Kallen chose Japan, and Lelouch chose Zero Requiem. That is that. 😊
BUT if you look at c.c. and lelouch relationship and scenes together its just too consistent
Lelouch & C.C.’s relationship is a slow-burn from the get-go. It’s part of the reason why it’s so appealing to me.
Let’s be honest, Lelouch doesn’t even view C.C. as human until halfway to R1, and C.C. took almost all of 2 seasons to acknowledge the fact that she cared about Lelouch.
i also kinda agreed to that statement except c.c. part lol going around that Shirley -> Lelouch Lamperouge, Kallen -> Zero and C.C. -> Lelouch Vi Britania 
I understand why a lot of people like this argument. I, for one, believe there’s a grain of truth in it. 
BUT in my own honest opinion, I think that is a little unfair to Kallen and Shirley. I’m sure Lelouch cared about the two of them in unique ways and perhaps chose to hide behind masks around them to protect them and to preserve his own façade. Hell, he lied to his own sister for most of the entire show because he thought it would protect her and would shield her from the horrors of the world. (It didn’t turn out well, did it? 🤣) Still, my point is, Shirley and Kallen would have been willing to understand and know Lelouch’s every mask. Lelouch himself, just didn’t let them. And it was for their own good, I believe.
So why C.C.?
If there’s anyone in the world who can understand people’s multiple points of view, it would probably be C.C... She lived through most of mankind’s history, and she’s been alive long enough to take multiple perspectives in, meet different types of people, and see lots of ridiculous shit xD Lelouch slowly becomes aware of this fact as the series progresses, and we do see him have deep conversations with her from time to time. She’s capable of being objective. She knocks some sense into him a lot, especially during the beginning. One notable example of this that I will never forget is the episode after Lelouch realized Shirley’s father died because of his actions. It showed how immature Lelouch was being and how idealistic -- thinking war only took out the bad guys in his side of the story. Point is, she knows when to chastise him and when to offer her consolation, which is part of the reason why Lelouch would pick her as accomplice anyway.
but doesn't C.C. knows all lelouch's persona and had been supportive and stayed with him from the very start and in whatever path he chose?\
C.C. does know him. But I wouldn’t go so far as to say ‘supportive’, nonetheless wholly supportive.
C.C. had her self-serving reasons, just like Lelouch. C.C. was looking forward to the moment Lelouch could acquire enough power and take her Code from her, so she could die. That’s why she saved his ass a lot in R1 and perhaps at the very beginning of R2. Her wishes and her intentions morph very slowly, and at one point, perhaps even blended together -- half still wanted to die, the other half was slowly empathizing and caring for Lelouch.
But yes, none can deny that she stayed with him from start to finish.
C.C. could have left after Charles & Marianne died, and I don’t think Lelouch would have blamed her if she did -- considering it was obvious that he couldn’t fulfill his end of the contract anymore. But she stayed. She stayed and helped, and kept her promise to stay with him to the very end.
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Lelouch & C.C.’s Age Gap
I hate it that people come at c.c.'s age and that she witness lelouch grow up like, is her immortality her fault? Like people are okay for male characters of 123456790 age falling for main girls in dramas or some animes for example but not okay if its c.c. lol
Lelouch & C.C.’s bizarre age-gap is literally not any different from an age-old vampire or any other immortal falling in-love with a human.
I can certainly point out plenty of stories that half this same massive age-gap, and its fans still love it. 
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dorki-c · 4 years
You’ve got to be kidding me...
Relationship: Twice/Jin Bubaigawara X Fem.Reader
Those were the only sounds that occupied your ears as your hands worked tiredly away at chopping up the rest of the spring onions that you had stacked up on the side of the wooden chopping board. Needless to say, you were busy. Ever since Jin had gone through multiple missions with his new crew, he has missed countless things that you considered important- like your 3rd year anniversary or (ironically enough) his own birthday- today however was a day where your going to treat yourself and not worry about him, like you have been doing for the last two and a half weeks.
Although the last few nights have been rough; the side of your bed that was once warmed up through the late nights and late afternoons, was now cold. No amount of blankets or layers of clothing could fulfil your clinginess for something to be warmed by your lover. At least you haven't resorted to using self-heating blankets...yet.
When taking a second to glance towards the door, your eyes scanned the entry way with an unknown attention before your hand was sliding closely to the stove's switch in order to take the frying spring onions with various of different vegetables off of the hob they were currently cooking on. Adding some paprika, basil, and oregano to the vegetables, you glanced towards the boiling pot of chicken as colorless bubbles burst and then form another bubble once more.
As (y/n) left her chicken to boil further, she resorted to changing her clothes into something more soft, more comfortable to her liking. As her feet padded against the cold summer floor, she paused. Opening her bathroom door, she turned on the light to see nobody in the clean and bleached room. Releasing a sigh of relief, she switched the light off and made forward for the bedroom. There's nothing to be afraid of, its probably your imagination.
Into the room of desolate dreams, (y/n) had changed out of her own clothes and into her lover's clothes, which is when you usually bunched up some of his sweaters and shirts and then slap your feet across the hardwood floor with the excess fabric of the sweatpants that keep sliding down your legs each time you fold them upwards.
When entering the living room to access the kitchen, there was a window opened with bloodstains coating the floor in a frenzied mess. Oh no. What if somebody broke into the house? Bubbly fear crackled in the midst of your stomach as you whipped your head around to spy if anybody is coming behind you with your fists readying to knock a bitch out. "Who's there?" Growled (y/n) as she side stepped to the side of wall in order to switch the living room light on.
Though what she saw...was unspeakable. Unspeakable, yes, but not surprising.
A black and grey color schemed outfit stood to attention whilst leaning on the old couch. To say you were disappointed was a freaking understatement. Fury coated your form when you saw a red liquid spilling down and very visible gashes scattered through his villain costume. "H-Hi baby! Oh no, she's angry." How very right the second voice was...
Breathing into your nose and out of your mouth, you pointed to the bathroom for Jin to haul his ass to. "I'll meet you there in a minute. Got it?" As his head fearfully nodded, he scampered past you like a child running from a terrible beast in the closet. You were normally very nice, but in rare coincidences, you can instantly instil fear into the deadliest of villains.
Like take for example, Jin's colleagues: At first, you remember your fiancé bringing over some of his 'friends' a little while ago, they were two people that he worked with; A little girl with adorable blonde buns and a tall patchwork guy. You don't particularly remember people's names, so you couldn't name them from the top of your head, however, you do remember that when you asked him to bring the laundry from the bathroom, one of his fairly rude voices shouted at you. 
On that particular day, your asshole of a boss decided to schedule an overtime shift for two hours on a Friday- a Friday out of all days- since the piece of shit decided to give extra work out to you.
So to top it all off, with the added stress that came with cooking chicken, you snapped at him quite easily resulting in the lights flickering 'a little bit' before exploding to make your point clear to the guests and Jin, that they shouldn't fuck with you.
Cracking the wooden bathroom door open, your eyes moved across the scene travelling slowly in front of you. A masked individual sat dejected as he mumbled under his breath about something you couldn't make out. "I need you to take off the suit, Jin." Bending over to grab the bandages from underneath the sink, the sound of a zipper echoed through the small room as you placed the bandages onto the pink stained tiles before grabbing out the rubbing alcohol. 
When you glanced upwards, he was still wearing his mask. Noting the slashes circled around his waist area to his arms, he may have been training with the short blonde girl or he ran into one of those heroes.
From next to the toilet seat he was sitting on, you grabbed the large bag of cotton balls to soak the rubbing alcohol in. Once you've placed a cotton ball atop the opening of the acidic solution, you tip the bottle over and then turned it onto the bottom of the bottle so it doesn't spill everywhere. Once applying the cotton ball to his skin, you managed to clean him up; the crisp brownish-red blood was instantly cleared as you inched closer and closer to his open wounds. After the third or so cotton balls were used, the fourth or so cotton ball started to clear through the sweat and mucus starting to surround the wound.
Once diving deeper into the gash, multiple hisses were heard through the mask. Once the pain was over with, your hands make quick work with unravelling the cloth that was slowly wrapping around his waist. "Are you still angry with me? La, la, la..." Your hold on the sterile dressings tightened as a shaky breath slipped through your lips. "Yes." Although your voice was still showing signs of frustration, maybe annoyance, the female couldn't hold herself to simply be 'angry'. Through all the hardships that she's faced in her life, Jin is one of the few people she can trust to understand how she feels in times like this.
(Y/n) isn't simply angry, she's simply feeling a lot of emotions. The reoccurring emotions that is choking her in her own salvia is the overwhelming regret of being a bad fiancée. It's always haunting her when each and every day that Jin steps foot into the outside world or when you fear that he's not coming back. The trepidation of unknowingness always slithers into her throat and blocks the security of JIn's arms wrapping around your waist and smothering each and every spot on your body whenever he wants.
For a small pocket of time, he paused. "Sorry I wasn't here for my present. I'm not-" Jin manages to cut off the run-along second comment. Awaiting a response, he flashes his eyes down to see you finishing the wrappings around his waist. You were tearing up. "Do you know how worried I was?" The waterworks had begun their journey by laying waste to the apples of her cheeks by scorching the way for them to make track quickly down the race course. The villain didn't bother to answer as it would probably upset you more when you were trying so hard to stop the stormy weather streaking across the plain hills of your skin.
"I thought you abandoned me..." Such simple words knew how to simply cut deep into a man's heart along the soft hiccups of your damaged soul that unknowingly peered at him from a traumatic childhood. Fuck, he didn't know what to do but hold you close to him as the wounds on his arms pricked at his nerves like a swarm of bee's stinging him. "I never intend to abandon you, okay (y/n)?" He's so grateful that nasty second voice, of his, didn't come to bite his ass.
As his large hands skimmed along your shoulders, up your neck; where the raw, but somehow smooth surface of veins and bone markings laid bare for the tips of his calloused fingers to trace religiously over, before meeting the upturned cliff your jawline; he never intended to leave the sensitive hiding surface of behind your ears alone when travelling through the straight road of your jaw that narrowed down to materialise your chin, that lead to Jin grasping the jutted out bone below your beautiful lips.
In the correct manner of duty, he shut his eyes and removed the mask covering his face. Jin set his forehead and locked his own lips against yours like the many times before. "Let's go eat, baby girl. Then you can give me a present." Murmured Jin when sneaking another sweet, small kiss. That sneaky bugger, really wanted to kiss your ego at the end of the day.
You might as well let him.
Credits: Dorki-C
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
17, 21, and 24 for the OTP ask? 😁
Well, hello, friend! I shall answer for that is DUTY! >:D
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
I did answer this one in another ask, but I can think of a few more to share! (I got so much for these two, don't worry~)
So, another thing that reminds Fane of Solas is any kind of painting, namely frescos. Surprise, surprise! But the reasoning is mainly because Fane used to dream of frescos painted in a temple, one he always finds himself traversing in his dreams in the earlier years of his life. The style was nostalgic, impeccable, as if the hand that had held the brush was fixated on getting every line, every detail, every color, and every proportion just right. The paintings were like little anecdotes, way points trying to guide him in a direction with paint and plaster, but the story was always left unfinished, and it isn't until all the memories flood back that Fane realizes who was the artist of his dreams. *winks*
Now, I'm not usually one for 'smell' references, but oddly enough, Solas is reminded of Fane through one. Namely, chamomile. This was something I thought of one day when I was fighting with a headache and I was just watching a Twitch stream, and I was like, "Chamomile is a natural stress reliever. Fane doesn't like tea, but there are bath oils and incenses infused with chamomile, right? He would definitely be given that by someone or maybe even takes initiative to get it himself." Thus, the headcanon was established! Fane smells like chamomile, and Solas can't help but smile when he smells it from another source, knowing that his dragon is trying to help himself in some way.
21. How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
So, there's a little bit of A and little bit of B for this question. There has indelibly been a positive influence on both Fane and Solas due to each other. Basically, it all stems from pre-Inquisition, aka Elvhenan/Arlathan.
Fane, as a dragon, was inherently tasked with observing elvenkind, watching the flow of which they progressed and if their machinations benefited the world in which they lived. Each dragon had this inherent task, albeit in different ways. Dragons that lived in arid regions were tasked with controlling the sandscape, preserving the ancient temples by covering them with said sand, making inaccessible areas accessible for wildlife, so on, so forth.
Fane, and the others of his specific kin, not only watched the Elvhen, they guided them, but only if it was deemed necessary. White dragons could not want for anything beyond what the world needed, and their powers of absorbing, reflecting, and understanding emotions was what made them highly sought after by the Evanuris. When the Evanuris began enslaving elves, they began enslaving dragons, too. And this is around the time Solas and Fane met; when Fane was the last of his white kin. Fane had gone into recluse, hiding; he turned his back on those who were suffering because he couldn't bear to see them be subjected to magic bending and breaking their minds, turning their eyes grey where they were otherwise a multitude of colors. Solas found him through a curious venture as we all know the dear wolf is prone to curiosity.
Their beginnings were rough. Fane tried multiple, multiple times to kill Solas. He saw him as no different than those who had thus far enslaved his kin. He held anger, rage, resentment, and pride, which warped his nature of calm observation and cool acceptance to preemptive prejudice and scornful indifference. Fane stopped caring; about everything. Solas reached out to him, wanted to help him, and for the sake of keeping things somewhat short, they grew close after constant revisits and...silence. Solas allowed Fane to watch him, learn about him, read his eyes, and in turn, Fane began to open up, rediscover his original nature, and learn about another side from a more personal view. Solas taught Fane that nothing can change or return to what they had been unless he tried, and he did, even though it ended poorly. And even though it takes him twenty-four years and a lot of hardship, Fane finally remembers that important lesson and he's forever grateful, even as they walk onto the same stage that burned before.
Now, Fane has helped Solas do something we all know the dear wolf is a bit hesitant to do, and that's show his emotions. I stated once upon a time that my interpretation of Solas a little more...personal. Basically, I'm exploring a side of Solas that we don't really get to see, and that's an emotional one. My stories encompass a lot of emotion, a lot of grey morality, so I try to do that while keeping Solas in character with how we know him. However, with this AU of mine, Solas is more in touch with his emotions when with Fane. Why? Because Fane did what he was tasked with from birth; he guided. Through silent looks and seemingly disgruntled huffs, Fane allowed Solas to open up, to feel safe when every corner held a knife.
He let him be him. Not the Dread Wolf. Not the Rebel God. Not anything more than what he was naturally, and that was a being who needed to let their emotions go as freely as the magic so intertwined with their nature. They were friends, companions, even though they were two completely different species, and for all intents and purposes, enemies. They loved each other, but couldn't say it. After Fane died, Solas locked up again, kept his emotions sealed away, but when Fane reappeared in his life, both unknowing of who the other was, it all came back so easily, so fluidly. And what you'll see in a lot of my stories of Solas and Fane's early acquaintanceship in Inquisition is that they flow, they let the other be weak even though they don't want to be weak.
As for how they change each other for the worse...well, that ties into a lot of what I have planned during Post-Trespasser arcs. My stories are 'fix-its', but again, grey morality. There's a happy ending, but not without opposition first and a lot of hard lessons. Solas and Fane will do shit that makes people go, "Why?!", but aren't we already saying that with what Solas canon-wise is doing? Why not add an Inquisitor into the mix and live the fantasy we weren't allowed to choose?
24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for?
Okay, so Fane's isn't what you'd think it is. You all know me, I like to go, 'You thought not! AHA! >:D'. Most people who've read my stories might think, "Oh, Fane has to forgive Solas for erecting the Veil because it's driving his kin insane." That makes sense, but it's not what Fane has had to forgive Solas for. Fane has had to forgive Solas for doubting him.
What I mean by this is that Solas tries to steer Fane away from helping him (Look! It's canon after all! XD). And mainly it's because Solas sees Fane thriving in this new life, connecting with people, seeing the world from a different perspective, and so he starts to think that Fane wouldn't want to help him. Which is complete bullshit because Fane, even when Solas tries to gently steer him away, is like, "I'm here. I'm not going to abandon you again." But typical Solas is typical Solas and is weighed down with grief and his doubts, but eventually he relents after a dragon fight. I won't say when this will occur, but...yeah. It's a bad time, and it shows Solas that Fane wasn't thriving as well as he'd thought. It takes a bit, but Fane comes to understand why Solas was trying to guide him away, and it helps when you're a stubborn dragon in love with a stubborn wolf! :D
Now for Solas, I have a little excerpt from a short story (the one I've been sharing a lot in tag games!). It kind of gives a basis of what Fane can sometimes do when he's not thinking or if he doesn't talk to Solas.
“F..Fane..!”, Solas growled out, a surge of heat invading his head as he felt his dragon’s dormant fury within his soul. It was thrashing, knocking, pounding against the confines of their link, wishing to be set free through him and his actions.
“This is..ugh..important, dammit!”, Fane grunted out as Solas was finally starting to push back, as well as his own minor discomfort with the magic that was slowly building around them.
“Then..ngh..speak of it!”, Solas snapped, feeling something like a pinch against his mind before that sensation ricoheted outwards, a lesser burst of magic managing to separate their bodies, but not their tethered souls. “Hiding in your mind only inflicts more harm!”, he almost yelled, his mind clouding with unusual rage. He was never ruffled this easily, but this wasn’t him, was it?
No, this was Fane, or more accurately, Fane’s mind. And it was red hot with fury.
He watched with slightly haggard breathing as Fane slid back a few feet, a grimace on his face from the smell of ozone, but shook it off easily. Now fully golden eyes glared with steamy ferocity upon him, a broad chest heaving with Veil born ire and excitement at finally having a challenge. Solas straightened himself a bit, clearing his throat as the distance between their bodies allowed him to think a bit more clearly, but he could still feel the thread that connected them intensely.
“Ma’isenatha, please--”, Solas attempted to reach the unhinged being before him, even as he could feel his own mind beginning to cloud again as Fane stalked towards him. They needed to cease this dance before one of them got hurt or insanely ill!
“Quit…”, the fuming dragon began before whipping the staff in his hand around in a near perfect arc towards him. “..talking!”, he snarled furiously, deftly hitting the other end of the staff with his wrist to cut off its intended path for a shorter route.
Solas was a bit curious by the adept usage, but shuffled that thought away quickly to block the blow that was inevitably aimed for his jaw. Now wasn’t the time to ruminate! As much as he loathed to admit it, and encourage it, there was only one way out of this foolish scenario!
“Enough!”, a cry harboring necessary command releasing from his lips, making the link between them snap like a bowstring. “Ngh..!” The heady, harsh sensation had the air leaving his lungs before he swept one end of his staff upwards without volition, missing his mark by a hair. He blinked when the sensation eased off, grimacing as he stared at the staff poised just next to Fane’s face, precisely at the point where his scar was. How ironic, but he knew what was happening now with that.
The involuntary reaction had been too planned, too memory bound. It was like when they had viciously fought as Haven burned with fire and corruption, and he had had no choice but to wound the otherwise perfect face before him - a deep scar left on his left cheek from his staff blade. His arms had been wrapped, then strung up in invisible bonds that radiated desperate heat and furious rage, guiding them to repeat the action due to a desire for something unsaid.
In simple terms, he was being controlled by emotions alone - emotions that were not his own.
“Interesting.”, Solas said, but narrowed his eyes upon the fierce man. “Emotions are your strings.”, he pointed out, more realization dawning on him as to where all these minor outbursts, sudden movements, and disorienting sensations were coming from. Fane..
...was manipulating emotions, guiding them to the destination he desired.
Fane’s eyes narrowed, emerald reappearing to deepen with rage as tufts of his hair fluttered from the air behind his swipe. “I’m intervening.”, the draconic side of his love coming out in full bloom now.
“Why?” He issued it as more a command than a true question. He was mildly miffed by this usage of abilities, but he needed context to decipher why Fane had thought this was necessary. It was unusual and worrying for him to use them like this.
“It’s necessary.”, Fane said with a flat tone, but there was fire crackling beneath its supposed embers, as well as the deep emerald gaze bearing down upon him before he twisted his staff upwards to once again aim under his chin. Solas dodged the movement by an inch, feeling the amount of force behind it with air alone.
His dragon was steadily losing his control, and it wouldn’t be long until he was truly unhinged.
“Fane!”, Solas met the glare with one that felt just as furious as he called out, but finally began to retaliate, no longer wishing to play on the defensive and draw this out longer. “Very well..”, he said lowly, gripping the staff tightly as he pressed in harder, matching Fane’s footwork step for step as their blows connected with near splintering cracks. “...if you are so..”, a harsh crack of their staves reverberating through the air. “...intent on not speaking of what troubles you, then I will make it so you have no choice but to!”
A long, muscled leg nearly knocked into one of his knees as it swept under him, its pace incredibly fast for something intended to withstand punishment. It was like a dragon’s tail as it swept aside massive boulders, and uprooted century old trees.
Fane let out a gasping laugh. “You’re still..ngh..t..talking?!”, he roared, snowy brows furrowed in growing pain as sweat began to form along a lightly flushed temple, hand trembling where it nearly snapped his staff in half.
“I am doing what you refuse to do!” A jab with his staff nearly connected with a muscled arm, but it went through the gap between itself and the toned body it was attached to. “Gh..!”, he winced as he felt a sharp yank on his mind, as well as the staff in his hands as Fane grabbed a hold of it to pull him forward harshly.
The world halted suddenly, its furious, heated pace slightly cooled as their gazes connected, all sound flushing out to where the only sound was their combined, harsh breathing. Emerald and gold swam, ebbed around each other like a phylactery did with its magical blood as the face that bore them was lax in stunned silence, sweat trickling down flush cheeks before it would disappear along a strong neck. Solas felt his face was no better, feeling how droplets of sweat rolled down the sides of his face and how his mouth was slightly agape as he fought for a shred of breath.
What was...going on? This feeling, like their desires were coalescing, taking shape before them like spirits shaped the Fade around them...it was intoxicating, comforting, and serene amid the furious battle they had been engaged in moments before. Their link was still there, but it was soft, velvet against his mind as the gentle essence wrapped around it in an embrace.
It was no longer painted...red.
“Hnn..”, Solas let out a quiet sigh, breath hitching after as the blanket around him became warmer, silken. When had it shifted? He hadn’t been aware because of rage painting the world before him in crimson..
“Too...much..”, he heard Fane whisper out between pants, but it was more to himself than to Solas. “...You shouldn’t feel that like I do.. Shit..”
Solas blinked a bit to reorient himself, the softness of his mind making it hard to think before he saw Fane’s face near inches from his, the hand that had grabbed his staff now making itself known upon the back of his neck, steadying him. When had that gotten there?
“What..”, Solas started, closing his eyes for a moment as the world spun for a second before reopening to try again. “What..was that?”
“My mind.”, Fane muttered, eyes flitting across his face worriedly. “I didn’t think..”, he trailed off with a light growl as brilliant eyes turned downcast. “I fucked up… I’m sorry...”
So, yeah. It doesn't take Solas long to forgive Fane, but when he first demonstrates just how dangerous his abilities can be and actively uses them to manipulate our wolf gets a little miffed. Solas wants Fane to use his voice more, and these are moments in which Fane doesn't and taps into that warped perception of himself; the one that got him killed.
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