#but like. at least one nomination wouldve been nice. smfs is just too good for the grammys i guess KFJSNDKF
thekidsarentalright · 3 months
Tbh yeah im kinda sad fob wasnt even nominated at the grammys but at the same time smfs feels like an album that was just for us, the fans, you know? And in that way it just feels more special
veryyyy much get this yeah!! i always kinda feel this way about fob where it's like. they're at a point in their careers, and have been for a while tbh, where Nothing they do is really for anybody else but them and the fans. they've really Never been in it for the fame and money, they've always been underdogs making music for underdogs and thats it, but like Especially not now, everything they do is for the passion and love of it and smfs is like. Thee perfect example of that. so on that hand it's like idc if it gets nominated, we love it and they know that and they love it and that's all that matters!!!!! but then it's also like god i wish they could get recognized for how genius they are at least Once fjksdnfks
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