#but like. i just hate the new site layout 😭
lichensbian · 2 years
i will be honest with you gang. i do not like blaseball gamma
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fairybinie · 2 years
OMG! 👏🏻 SO! 👏🏻
A lil backstory, I work at target & this’ my 4-5 week working there. I don’t shop at this one at all since the one that’s closer to me wasn’t hiring at the time. And by the time the one closer to em started hiring, the super target that I never go to card back & a bitch needs money 😫 So I had to learn a whole new layout for this shitty job. And for what I do is basically grabbing items for the ppl who do drive up. And my department is timed. If we go over the given time, then we basically get paid less, the store gets shut down, the store gets a big fine, our department becomes the most hated, & I could possibly get terminated 😃
So, with all these factors, depending on how much time I have, I can extensively help the “guests” or just barely help at all. But cmon, my money >>> these ppl 😭
Today, I was doing a timed batch (a cart where I’m doing multiple ppl’s drive up orders). I had less than 20 minutes & still had quite afew more items to grab. So while minding my business, this lady comes up & asks where the premade breaded pie crust was. At first, I thought she meant like the pre-made dough that pops out when you twist the can, but she was like ‘no no no I mean the premade bread pie crust.’ She was so hard to understand bc of her accent, BUT the thing was, it would flip. So she’d sound like a native once, then a foreigner, so I was rly thrown off when helping her.
So she asked where the bakery was & I pointed since it’s a lot further. She’s like ‘now why would that be there?’ in my mind I’m like ‘bitch ur looking for a pie crust. why wouldn’t it be there?’ But verbally, I said ‘well, if you’re looking for a bakery related item, it should be over there’ & then she snaps. ‘now why would it be over there?! It shouldn’t be over there! It should be over here in the bakery aisle!’ In my mind, I’m like ‘If this bitch think she knows where it’s at, why she bother me?!’
But bc I have to treat the ‘guests’ 🤢, I physically guided her. She huffs rolling her eyes, then said ‘just show me where the bakery aisle is.’ I directed my hands towards the actual bakery since she happened to be right infront of it. So I pointed where I saw most of the pie-related stuff seemed to be & she turns to me, looking at me like I’m dumb & goes ‘well that’s not very helpful.’ But lady… at least show me a picture of what ur looking for. 🧍🏻‍♀️
I liked at my device & had only 15 mins so I apologized saying ‘ma’am, unfortunately I can’t help you right now’ but b4 I could explain myself, she cuts me off ‘well why can’t you check on your device thingy?’ Well here’s some background info on the shitty device called the ✨Zebra✨
This crusty piece of shit is what employees use to check progress, statistics, employee tasks, where an item is, etc. But for some reason, every time I grab one, they’re always buggy WITH JUST ME!!! 😭 But b4 I could explain it to the lady, she was getting snappier ‘just check!!’ & I’m like lady, u don’t understand, I CANT FOR VARIOUS REASONS! Anything is, there were no walkie-talkie, so I couldn’t go grab someone off the floor because everyone is spread out & there was literally no one in site & I don’t have time to look for someone when I haven’t even found the items i needed to look for within the 15 minutes of time I have left 🙏🏻😭
So the lady was clearly fed up with me, so I literally had to use the most valid excuse I could to defend myself. I said ‘I’m still new’ she’s like ‘huh. Seems like everybody else is new here because I literally asked 4 employees before u & they seemed not to know what I was talking about.’ But they’ve been working here for more than a year while I’m barely a month & had very short training to know the whole layout. So she goes ‘ykw, thank you so much for helping me! You are very helpful & I’ll just look for it myself actually thank you so much. Ha ha ha!’ Obv, she was being sarcastic.
My issue with people is, if ur gonna be mean, just be mean. 😭 I can’t stand passive-aggressiveness. Plus, it want an excuse to kick someone out. Like if u wanna make my day miserable, just fucking do it alr. I am naturally and aggressive, blunt person. So seeing ppl dance around the idea of being mean & nice bothers me. just be a bitch, what’s stopping you?! 😭😭
so the lady walks down the aisle looking for it, & as I’m in another aisle looking for something, she comes back from the other side shouting. She’s like ‘hey hey hey! you, do you see this?! yeah!’ and then she start smacking the item?😭 Mind you, there’s a family of 6 right next to me so they turn to her like who tf is this crazy bitch? And she continues ‘yeah just so ur aware, this’ what the item looks like if you ever wanted to know. Thank you so much for helping me, ha ha ha!’ But the whole time I was ignoring her. I did a hair flip just to show that I didn’t care, but in reality I did fucking care. Like I said previously, passive aggressiveness annoys the fuck outta me. 🙂
This’ prolly my 3rd Karen experience ever. The last 2 I thought were pretty bad, but no. Being passive aggressive? Publicly embarrassing me but urself as well? YELLING? Next time, i’m acting deaf.
wow out of all things i certainly wasn’t expecting this like i’m shocked 😭 fun fact i did apply to work at target and they turned me down 😜💅🏻 no but omlll that sounds so stressful like your job already involves so much time management and this lady certainly didn’t help 😭 i’m so sorry you had to deal with a karen ugh that’s the worst </3
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