#you know. the player who was with the beams since s1?
lichensbian · 2 years
i will be honest with you gang. i do not like blaseball gamma
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I am absolutely begging you to write a sick Jonathan Byers fic if you have the time😭😭 I just finished the first season of stranger things yesterday and I’m so in love with the idea of him getting sick. Thank you!!!!
(Ya girl is back! My writing is a bit rusty, and a little shorter but hopefully that’s ok!! I love my boi Jonathan, and I love u guys; so lets hope this goes well! Takes place only a bit after S1, so no s2 spoilers here for u anon!! :) )
Jonathan cannot afford to get sick.
And when he says that, the phrase extends to have multiple meanings. A.) it means that Jonathan in a literal sense of the word, cannot afford to get sick. The Byers are not rich, medicine is costly, and they rely Jonathan’s wages from the cinema, so Jonathan cannot afford to be sick.
And B.) It means Jonathan can’t get sick because he has way too many responsibilities in his life to get sick. Jonathan has to be a good son. He needs to cook his family breakfast, do his chores, take Will to school, all to keep his family afloat. But most of all, Jonathan has to be a good big brother, especially after the whole debacle that had happened with Will. Will needed him more than ever, and Jonathan was going to assert every fibre of his being to make Will feel safe again. And to do that, he couldn’t be sick because that would mean he could not put every joule of his energy into Will.
and C.) Jonathan cannot look weak. It is only now that Jonathan for the first time has two people who genuinely do want to be around him, and it is only now that Jonathan is surrounded by people who make him feel safe, wanted and cared for. He cannot ruin anything he has with Nancy or Steve, because now that he’s had a taste of friendship, Jonathan doesn’t think he could return to the lonely world he once knew.
So when Jonathan wakes up Friday morning by an intense tickling in his nose, causing him to convulse in his bed with three harsh sneezes against his pillow, he feels a feeling of dread rise in his stomach.
When he rises out of bed and sat up, he was greeted by a pounding, splitting headache so painful it practically sweeps him; so hard that Jonathan could have fallen back over back into bed. Then he realised he cant breathe through his nose, and despite the little hot air he is breathing out and the hot flush he feels on his cheeks, he feels frozen.
As much as his soul cries out at him to stay in bed, and as much as he feels his heart reach for the bed and cling on for life, Jonathan’s brain knew he couldn’t stay. He weakly thrusts his aching, fevered body out of the comforts of his bed and steadies himself by grabbing onto his bedside table for dear life.
It seems like an eternity before the world stopped whizzing and whirling around like he was on some acid trip of a merry go round, but all things come to an end, even oddities like this. Jonathan weakly stumbles over to his door, his vision quite tunnelled, fading in and out with each throb of his head.
He doesn’t know how he made it out into the kitchen without falling over, but he does, despite the zig zagged direction he chose to take and the shaky nature of his legs, like jelly, about to succumb to his illness any moment now.
When Jonathan makes Will’s lunch he’s sloppy. His sandwich isn’t perfectly positioned and when he cooks breakfast he shakes and the fried egg ends up an odd shape. When he pours the orange juice into the glass he spills some over, because his hand can’t stop to tremor and his entire body is racked by the freezing temperatures only he seems to notice.
What Jonathan also doesn’t notice is that Joyce has flown into the room and has immediately noticed his current state. And she is Joyce, so naturally she fusses and she beelines for the thermometer and shoves it in his mouth. Jonathan protests of course but she’s Joyce, and she doesn’t  lose.
And before he knows it he is being hoisted to bed by his feisty mother and Jonathan is defeated.
In his feverish haze time doesn’t pass quite right and he’s not quite sure what time it is but he hears a gentle knock on the door, to this rhythm so familiar it brings Jonathan back to his senses, and he knows it’s Will. He always knocked on his door with his own little rhythm since he was little, Jonathan would know it anywhere.
“Yeah, come in,” He rasped out, his voice so rough he cringed, resembling nails against a chalkboard.
His little brother tiptoed in carefully as not to further his headache or anything to upset his weakened body; he was always thoughtful like that, and Jonathan loved him for it. He was proud of him always.
“Hi Jon,” Will whispered lowly, a sweet smile spread across his lips.
“Mom told me you were sick so I brought you these,” He continued as he set down a box of tissues, the mix tape Jonathan had made for him and a R2D2 stuffed toy.
“The Artoo toy always makes me feel better so hopefully it can do the same for you,” Will said as Jonathan gave him a smile, although weak, still bright, as Will always made his day a little brighter.
“And your mixtape always makes me happy, so I’m hoping it can make you happy too,” Will grinned as he placed the tape into a player.
“You’re the best Will,” Jonathan grinned softly as he turned on his side to face him, before his face contorted and he quickly retreated into his pillow to muffle three vicious sneezes that leeched him off his remaining energy. He groaned softly.
Will frowned as he leaned in to feel his forehead, pushing the hair out of his face, “You’re not feeling great, are you?”
Jonathan chuckled weakly, his voice congested and deep, and he was sent into a brief coughing fit, turning away from him to cough into his arm. Once he recovered, he sniffled and wiped his irritated tears away, forcing a smile, “I’ve felt better.”
He leaned in to ruffle his hair and bat him playfully on the cheek, “Now go away to school, you don’t want to catch this.”
Will chuckled and hit him back, “I’m sure it’s better than listening to Mrs.Leahy drone on and on.”
Jonathan made a monstrous noise to scare him and jabbed at his stomach to tickle him, “Raaaarrrghhhh! The plagues gonna get you!”
Will giggled and ran away.
Jonathan couldn’t help the wife, bright smile that spread across his lips. That laugh could save the world. And to think just a two months ago he thought he’d never hear it again, was terrifying. Hearing it made him immediately feel just a bit together.
Jonathan doesn’t remember much but he knows he managed to drift off to a feverish sleep halfway through one of Pink Floyd’s songs, and now he’s waking up to a splitting headache and he feels like he’s burning alive but he can’t stop shaking either, and waves of blistering hot crash through him followed by a tidal wave of freezing cold leaves him curling up within himself.
He feels dreadful, and his body feels so heavy and weak and he genuinely wants to cry out because everything hurts too much. When Jonathan coughs its chesty and raspy, each cough pressing daggers into his lungs. He whimpers in pain as he tries to brave through it.
When the pain simmers down enough Jonathan becomes aware of the knocking at the door. The knocking is too much for his overstimulated brain and it’s too much for him to handle and an electrifying spark of pain causes his head to throb repeatedly. He whimpers again but somehow he pushes himself off of his bed.
When he stands a wave of nausea hits him and his vision fades into black. Jonathan feels so light and he can feel the sickeningly haunting pit in his stomach as he free falls. He pulls himself off of the ground and his legs shake and he can barely walk as he is shaking too much, and his vision is fading in and out but he grabs onto the walls to try and get there.
It’s a long and treacherous journey but he makes it, and at the end of the tunnel is a beam of light, because when he opens the door it reveals a worried looking Steve and Nancy.
He’s too shocked to reply, and his brain is way too slow to say anything so he can do is cling onto the door frame and shake. Nancy and Steve are the same and are too horrified at how awful he probably looks and shame pulsates throughout him. But Jonathan can’t dwell on it too long because he’s bursting into another harsh coughing fit that doubles him over, each cough causing his head to throb and lungs to scream in pain. He clings onto the door frame to support himself and he feels so faint and weak he can feel himself losing control.
Just before he slips from the door frame and falls, Steve is lunging in to catch him, supporting him so he can finish coughing, rubbing his back comfortingly. And when he finishes Steve slings Jonathan’s arm over his shoulder and the look Steve gives him is so kind that it melts him all over.
His eyes are so kind and so filled with care, “Hey bud, you okay there?”
Jonathan nods and sniffles, groaning as a tickle flares within his sinuses and he pushes away slightly to violently sneeze twice into his elbow.
“Bless you Jon,” Nancy says sympathetically, quickly caressing his face. “We need to get you back into bed.”
She slings his arm around her shoulder too and they get him back, gently laying him down on his bed. She tucks him into the blanket and hops onto bed with him to feel his forehead, and Jonathan can see the panic flash in her eyes.
“Steve, Steve he’s burning up!” Nancy said worriedly, trying not to sound too frantic.
“I’ll get him a cold towel,” Steve replied, trying to disguise the worry in his voice as he went off to the kitchen.
“Why are you here?” Jonathan asked feverishly, his voice weak and barely audible.
She gave him a small smile and started to play with his hair, brushing it out of his face, gazing at him sweetly, “We were looking for you. We couldn’t find you so we asked Will and he said you were sick, so we skipped class and ended up here.”
Jonathan’s eyes twinkled with adoration, his eyes watering as he felt so cared for, “You..were looking for me? You didn’t have to skip class just for me.”
Nancy looked a little taken aback, “Jon..of course we were looking for you. You’re our friend. We care about you.”
“Really?” Jonathan asked in disbelief, his voice cracking as he was unable to comprehend the fact that anyone actually cared for him bar his family. It left his heart soaring.
Steve returned with a damp towel in his hands. He climbed atop Jonathan’s bed and gently laid the towel on his forehead. He smiled softly and started to massage his temples, “God Jon, you’re really sick, huh?”
Jonathan nodded but pushed away as a sudden tickle itched at his nose, so abrupt he hadn’t had time to build up to it or warn Steve, with only time to turn his head away and aim away from them, sneezing two loud and violent sneezes that leeched him off his remaining energy.
Steve frowned and reached for a tissue and wiped at Jonathan’s nose for him, “Bless you buddy, you feeling okay?”
Nancy offered him a sympathetic smile and climbed in next to him and comfortingly leaned against him, playing with his hair.
And suddenly in that moment Jonathan is hit by the revelation that he is surrounded by two of the kindest people he has ever met. When he looks at Nancy he sees the softest, sweetest gaze looking upon him with so much care, and each stroke of her fingers against his messy hair is tender and loving. He looks over at Steve who is watching over with him ever so bravely, ever so determined to keep him safe. Jonathan has never felt this safe, so secure, so loved in his life.
It feels so good that it fills every ounce of him with sunlight and starlight and everything beautiful, and he is then hit with another revelation. A revelation that crushes him to his core; the realisation that should he lose it he doesn’t think he’ll be the same because now he would be aware of the void. And this won’t last; Jonathan knows it. It’s not possible that he’d be loved like this. No one ever has really before.
Jonathan can’t even stop himself, and his lip is wobbling and his eyes are watering and before he can even put the walls he has built with such an endeavour back up again tears are spilling from his eyes.
“Jonathan?” Nancy asked, alarmed by the sudden tears.
Jonathan aggressively tries to wipe his tears away, but new ones keep replacing the ones he’s gotten rid of, and eventually Jonathan realises that all attempts are futile, and his walls have broken down.
“Hey, what’s going on bud?” Steve asked reassuringly, taking Jonathan’s other side that Nancy isn’t already at and wrapping an arm around him.
“Its just, no ones ever done this for me besides my mom and my brother,” Jonathan hiccuped, trying to stop his sobs.
Nancy softened and pressed a soft kiss into his hair, “And we’ll do it again.”
Jonathan shook his head, “No, no you won’t.”
Steve furrowed his brow, “What do you mean?”
Jonathan sobbed and sniffled, causing him to cough harshly into his fist, “You won’t. Because I’ve built these walls around myself and hidden the parts of me I don’t like, and now they’re down you’ll see me for who I really am and you won’t like me anymore, and I’m going to be alone again.”
Jonathan loathed the silence that ensued.
“Jon..we’re not going to do that, ever,” Nancy promised, reaching for his hands and holding them in her own, eyes bright and so sure.
Steve tightened his grip around Jonathan and pressed a kiss against his temple, “You are never going to be alone again, Jon. We’re here now.”
“You won’t like what you see,” Jonathan whispered softly.
“I think it’s you who doesn’t Jonathan, not us,” Steve said gently.
“Are the walls down now, Jonathan?” Nancy asked softly.
“Yes,” He whispered with shame.
Nancy kissed his cheek softly, “I still love you.”
Steve nodded, “As do I. I think you need to start loving you too.”
It would take a while, but Steve and Nancy would be there every step of the way.
They never left his side that night, connected for the first time really.
And they would be for a long time.
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/hi-tech-news-vod-34-20-lovecraft-territory-mystery-racism-and-monsters/
Hi-Tech : News VOD 34/20: 'Lovecraft Territory': mystery, racism and monsters
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VOD news brings you the best releases of the week on Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime Video … And we continue in the deepest of the summer, so it is not surprising that the content that arrives is quite, but generally weak. However, there are always exceptions and the big exception this week is Lovecraft Territory, an HBO series that premieres with a hitch strategy that we have not seen until now.
HBO is simmering this summer and this week more if possible: four garbage is what comes to offer, with the honorable exception of the featured title. And it is that Lovecraft Territory is not only very good, but it is available to anyone, since its first and only episode at the moment is free on YouTube.
Lovecraft Territory
Indeed, HBO Spain has put the first episode of Lovecraft Territory free on YouTube, where it will remain available until September 2. Just enough time for a few to dare to hit play … and end up subscribing to HBO, even until the series is completed. Because, I warn you, if you start it you will want to continue it (the only downside of the free chapter is that it is only dubbed).
Territory Lovecraft is based on a novel and mixes the typical terror of the American writer with the racial conflicts of the fifties with those who are still obsessed there, which in principle could set back more than one. However, the formula worked with Watchmen and – in a somewhat more pronounced way – it does it again in the case of Lovecraft Territory, which manages to hook immediately. If it maintains the level we can be facing one of the best releases of the year in its genre.
New chapters:
Axios (T3) Could destroy you (T1) Room 104 (T4)
Enter catalog:
Damned Two Dumb Fools: When Harry Met Lloyd Lego DC Superheroes: The Flash Pursuit to the Limit Power Players (S1)
Netflix arrives as usual with a multitude of new own content, among which the coarsest filler predominates, but among which you can also find interesting things: the fifth and final season of Lucifer, a new anime series (The scammer) … and the launch we highlight, of course.
High Score: The World of Video Games
High Score: The World of Video Games It is undoubtedly the most interesting launch of the week on Netflix, at least from the cousin we have in MC: a documentary series that reviews the history of video games since its inception, addressing the most popular genres in its different chapters and with the participation of prominent names in the industry. Its main attraction is that it is not a common material due to the length of the work, but even so it knows little and will be superficial for those who have lived part of that history. If you see it in its original version, perhaps the voice of the narrator, Charles Martinet (It’s me, Mario!) Sounds familiar.
More exclusive content:
Alien tv (T1). “Alien reporters Ixbee, Pixbee and Squee travel to a fascinating but strange planet called Earth, where they try to understand humans and their hobbies.” Makeup artists (T2). “In this contest, aspiring makeup artists face colorful challenges to earn a foothold in the beauty industry.” Biohackers (T1). “A medical student enters a German university with the purpose of uncovering a conspiracy linking a family tragedy with a biology professor.” Class of ’83. “A demoted police officer and sent to an academy trains five students in the arts of killing to avenge police corruption and the underworld.” Family crimes. “Alicia sets out on a journey that will change her life forever when her son is accused of raping and attempting to murder his ex-wife.” The scammer (T1). “Makoto Edamura, a great Japanese con man, gets into the wolf’s mouth while trying to rob Laurent Thierry, a criminal of international stature.” It is good not to be good (T1). «An asocial children’s book writer meets a devoted caretaker in a mental hospital. A path to emotional sensation opens before them. ” Black fire (T1). “A renegade criminal looking for his sister arrives at a seedy hotel where he dazzles a mysterious waitress and meets a sinister guest.” Glitch Techs (T2). “Two teenagers work in a game store as a cover for their true mission: to hunt down video game monsters that have appeared in the real world.” Hoops (T1). “The basketball team he trains is terrible. But this foul-mouthed high school coach thinks he’ll make it to the big leagues. Long live optimism! ” John wanted to contact aliens. “A lone electronics genius beams radio frequencies into space looking for signs of extraterrestrial life, but makes a more important connection on Earth.” The DeMarcus: The singer and the miss (T1). “Rascal Flatts bassist Jay DeMarcus and former beauty queen Allison DeMarcus set their own rules for combining family and fun in this reality show.” Lucifer (T5). “Tired of being the lord of hell, the devil moves to Los Angeles, where he opens a bar and meets a homicide investigator with whom he quickly connects.” Professors on the attack. “After a school payroll money was stolen, a teacher decides to get it back and soon discovers the pleasure of teaching.” Rita (T5). “Danish dramatic comedy about Rita, an independent teacher, without mincing words and much loved by her students, though not so much by adults.” A crazy night. What do you do if an international gang of thieves kidnaps your parents? You embark on a full-blown spy adventure. ”
Enter catalog:
Inglourious Neighbors 2 Semesta: Islands of Faith Stardust The Underclass Zoo (S3)
Amazon Prime Video
Amazon Prime Video also remains in its usual trend, although exclusive premieres only bring one and it is not worth much; but it makes up for it with over eighty-odd movies, series and documentaries, some of which are not bad at all.
More exclusive content:
Side Effects of Love (Chemical Hearts). When a hopeless romantic high school senior falls in love with a mysterious new classmate, the two embark on an unexpected journey that will teach them about love, loss, and most importantly, themselves. »
Enter catalog:
7 raons per fugir Abulele Goodbye with the heart Naked souls Clams and mussels Black bay Under calm waters Bel Ami, story of a seducer Beyond Re-Animator Gross, dirty and evil When the dinosaurs ruled the earth Dark Was the Night Dictation Two women The attack of the five-headed shark The way of the wine The duel The infinity The Garden of Allah The legacy (S1) The evil Zaroff The worst man in the world The Polaquito The first circle The last hunter The last refuge The old rifle Ignite my passion Freaks and Geeks (T1) Freeheld, an unconditional love Escape from Alcatraz Great duel at dawn Screams in Oldfield Until marriage do us part Criminal impulse Collective unconscious (Miniseries) Joe Jubal Killer Joe The end The formula for happiness Maze’s escape Benny’s story Goodman The Best Offer The Promise (Wu Ji) The Last Hunt The truth about 5G The Adventures of Tintin (T1-T3) The New Adventures of Rin Tin Tin Lavallantula LEGO DC Super Heroes: The Flash The unexpected of love Italian marriage Separate tables Deep fear While you sleep Momentum Music and tears No refunds Night on the town Odd Thomas: Ghost Hunter Over the limit Pagafantas Paintball Untamed Romania Second Best (Difficult choice) Seven Days of May Story of Eva Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor Teo, intergalactic hunter Land of ruffians (Miniseries) Topkapi A love from movie A Bloody Wedding (Cottage Country) A Great Family Unacknowledged: An Expose of the Greatest Secret in Human History Vanished Go Hangover Revenge (In the Blood) Summer and Smoke Walkabout Welcome Home (S2) And in the center of the earth there was fire Zafari (T1-T2)
Apple TV +
Apple TV + reappears, which premieres a couple of things plus another couple that it has in broadcast.
Ted lasso
Apple TV + is resurrected once again with a series that is already applauding the critics: Ted lasso, a British comedy about the world of football.
New chapters:
Boys State (T1) Little Voice (T1)
Disney +
And we end up with Disney +, which barely dropped four crumbs.
New chapters:
Marvel’s Hero Project (T1) One Day at Disney (T1) The Incredible Dr. Pol (T4)
Enter catalog:
In search of the abominable snowman The big lie (S1) Rio Rio 2
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