#but like... it's True. you couldn't make the same show with gay ppl
tyrannuspitch · 8 months
honestly... i haven't seen it in ten years but there is a small part of me that's still a little fascinated by how the world of the "imagine a world where being gay is the norm (...)" short film was meant to work. like on one hand. i like alt history i like dystopias i even like dystopias that are literally The Same As Us but with something really superficial flipped. i understand why ppl find that knd of thing trite or even offensive, but i think it CAN be done well if if you have an actual story to tell. but then on the other hand. the day to day practicalities of a cisnormative homonormative world must be SO different. like if you don't have the heterosexual/homosocial contrast is society just segregated completely? how different are men's and women's worlds? how does misogyny (or maybe misandry???) function without a hetero family stucture? there's such an incredible butterfly effect here that i don't think it practically speaking CAN look much like our world. i distinctly remember them mention a "breeding season" in the short film and the implications of that alone are massive
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
Thank you for your input, it's nice to have a laid-back conversation about it. It's true that we shouldn't expect them to express any aspect of queerness in the same way western artists are doing. I think there's a part of me that is simply tired of the twitter side of fans who basically block any attempt at queerness in guise of "don't assume their sexuality" but will speculate about het relationships lol. I think I'm also tired, as a queer living in Japan, to not be seen so I'm projecting. (1)
(2) and reading your thoughts about it actually remind me to just enjoy things without thinking that much about it. Also, I agree that JITB and Indigo were... some of the most disappointing promos I've ever seen. I still think these albums are the most interesting ones out of them (with Yoongi's album) but once again, the blatant favoritism of the maknae line is showing. JITB was such an incredible album and such an experience, even visually. IT DESERVED BETTER. I'm still listening to it <3
It's always nice to have laid back conversations about things! Stuff don't have to be dramatic all the time, we should be able to talk openly about issues without it being draining emotionally 🥰
Listen ive tried twitter in the past, couldn't get into it anyways, but I never got into army twitter and it sounds like. the worst place 🤪 although I also see a lot of army tweets that are making jokes or memes / pointing out how gay they are so idk? There's still a minority of armies on there that are LGBT+ and will openly refer to the boys as being LGBT+ as well, I guess you just have to find them and block the rest 😂
And oh my god I completely get it!! I mean I might be mixed race but I still live in a western country so like, my experience of queerness and coming out and being outspoken as an artist about it is completely different from yours! It's more that like, in the western side of fandoms, there's this pressure to be out if you wanna be recognize as an LGBT+ artist? And I think that's a dangerous thing to impose on ppl (especially non western artists). But the situation for you is totally different! Obviously the fact that you'd want to have LGBT+ role models/celebrities you like who come from Eastern Asia is completely understandable 🥰 do you know Holland? He's a queer kpop artist and has been really outspoken about his struggles in the past!
JITB deserved SO MUCH better. In general hobi just always gets the short end of the deal tbh, even though in my opinion he is overall the most well rounded and talented one in the group (in that he is artistically very good at both rapping and singing, but also producing and dancing and writing. Like he has it all, he's not the golden hyung for nothing). But he's been sacrificing himself for the sake of maknae line since the beginning, even though musically and artistically he's shown so much more so far and has, in my opinion, a versatility that nobody else in the group has, and he's always been the lest favoured one by both big hit and the fandom. Like so many ppl claim to be ot7 but never give hobi the recognition he deserves and it makes me so mad lol 🤪 but yeah JITB is an incredible album (should have been longer tho 😂)
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Alec is commonly seen as the stereotype of the gay guy who hates himself so much he can’t admit it to himself -> Alec: I'm the same person I've always been. Now everything's just out in the open; Alec: I always knew I couldn't have what I wanted; Alec: I always dreamed of meeting someone like you; fandom: Alec was in denial! *facewall bc facepalm is not enough* Like it's been 84 years but people still misinterpret Alec's character in the worst way possible p1
Alec was in the closet not bc he couldn’t acknowledge his sexuality to himself but bc there are consequences for being gay. Alec is not shy; he is reserved (closed off in s1). Growing up gay is an inherently traumatic experience; I think many people forget that. Also, I have no idea why certain stans ignore Alec’s actual issues? His parents legit drilled into him he is not good enough. They made a specific point their love is conditional so Alec needs to work hard to earn it. p2
In addition, He Alec conditioned to believe his feelings/needs/desires are irrelevant (’life is not about what you want’). One of his fears brought up by Iris’ spell is ‘no one will miss you’. All of this was actually shown on screen yet people keep inventing some whack fanons. Let’s, for example, put that drink scene in 1x06 into context. p3
Alec comes to Magnus after in the last 24 hours he 1) gets casually reminded he’s not good enough, and 2) finds out he’s being pimped by his parents to the strongest party for political influence. His parents don’t need him to be a leader, a diplomat or a warrior anymore, all they need him to be is a desirable bed-warmer, regardless of if he swings that way or not. I have no idea why anyone would read that scene as Alec being shy or oblivious or whatever. p4
thank u for coming through with the truth and facts anon
yeah i dont understand how ppl see that as him being shy like context exists? he's going through possibly the biggest internal turmoil of his life, he's second guessing himself and he's confronted with the worst case scenario for his life plus kind of the confirmation that nothing he does will ever be good enough to earn his parents' respect
a part of him obviously believes that, if he just proves himself to be good enough, he'll gain some control over his own life. not enough to come out, but to be able to call the shots somehow. and he just had it proven to him that that's not true and he's fucking? struggling? he's revisiting his entire life plan and all the hopes he's had of getting better and realizing he won't get that, and having to consider doing something completely different, all the while battling the attraction he feels that for the first time is reciprocated
and even then, he doesn't hide from Magnus, he doesn't shy away, he is honest about the fact that hes confused (which takes balls to do, i think a lot of ppl dont realize that. like especially for a shadowhunter, admitting that u don't know something? that ur not in control? that's hard as shit and it's showing vulnerability) like he's not being fucking SHY. on the contrary, he's being shockingly open and blunt?? but because he struggled to express himself ppl like to interpret that as "he's a shy flustered baby" when thats just. not true at all idndidjdidndjn honestly i think it's such an injustice to alec's character because he's so much more interesting than that, so much more complex and strong. when him and magnus first met they were both struggling and battling their personal problems that kept them away from relationships, and they both solved those problems themselves. they overcame their difficulties and met in the middle and i think thats really fucking great and it's such a disservice to make alec The Struggling One while simultaneously erasing his, like, real struggles lmao
but well to each their own i guess
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