#but madara getting flustered and shy is pretty cute
koheekyat · 1 year
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Boy meets boy
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yumejo · 10 months
hey, imagine madara giving you lots of kisses (:
~ @gaiamatsu
i say this so often but i love writing kisses, my absolute favoriteeee//// cw: suggestive kissing
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With her back pressed against Madara’s as they laid down in bed together, Yuna couldn’t fall asleep—wavelets of heat perfusing through her cheeks as her heart hammered, all from a sense of sheepishness.
“I wonder if Madara-kun is already asleep⋯ Haa, I need to get over myself,” Yuna thought as her eyes riveted onto the hotel wall; tracing the ornate patterns over and over again in a pitiful assay to distract herself. “Knowing him, he’s likely passed right out and I’m worrying for nothing.”
Abruptly, the mattress transposed as did the blankets; and as she jolted in surprise, Madara’s hefty arms were pinned astride her head as his body lingered above hers.
“Are you that nervous, Yuna-san?”
Swallowing tentatively, Yuna rolled onto her back and peered up at Madara’s blushing visage—his own complexion tinged with reddened hues, appearing affected and ruminative in his own way. For a moment, she wondered if she had annoyed him at all. “A-A little⋯” she answered, beguiled by that gleam in his emerald-hued gaze.
“I figured. I could feel your restless heartbeat,” Madara spoke with such muted tones that Yuna felt fuzzy warmth in her chest—yet the ludic and vivacious smile that curved on his lips after a beat cleaved through that ephemeral breathlessness of hers. “You’re sooo cute when you’re shy♪”
Angling himself downwards, the distance between them shortening, Madara took advantage of the breakneck embarrassment from his girlfriend as her head turned and kissed her ear.
Yuna’s hands rested on Madara’s shoulders whilst he lavished her sensitive ears in a myriad of kisses, before he took the shell between his lips and sucked. Rosy tinctures swept across her complexion with each motion, gasping softly.
She didn’t make any attempt to push him off, even if her flustered expression might’ve exuded the desire to do so.
“Haha, why are you always so quiet when I kiss your ears, huuuh? I like your voice, it’s so pretty,” Madara teased, sincere and devout, as if he wasn’t the reason she was melting into the bed. A hot, wet trail of saliva was left on her skin, and he promptly blew onto it and revelled in her squeak. “Let’s get all those nerves out~”
Before Yuna could even articulate a reply, Madara brought his mouth over to hers and affixed a firm, sensual kiss onto her lips. And he retracted back with an adoring, yet eager, smile before delving back down in a rush.
Madara rested a forearm onto the abundance of pillows while his other hand caressed Yuna’s cheek, the emanating heat seeping into his entity, and his tongue probed against her. “Come on⋯” he urged, feeling how their vehemence made Yuna quiver and reticently part her lips, “⋯ good girl, good girl.”
Tongue swirling inside Yuna’s mouth, Madara’s clasp on her face tightened—and he deepened the kiss further, listening to the pleasured mewl that overflowed in the lip-lock and made him subsequently groan.
With her mind clouded with a titillating haze, Yuna’s fingers squeezed the nape of Madara’s neck, pleading indignantly into his mouth, “M-Madara-kun, this is doing the opposite-!”
“We’ll just have to keep going until you’re satisfied,” Madara murmured huskily, voice becoming head with desire, trailing off as he continued to press fervent kisses onto her lips, “I don’t want to stop juuust yet, so bear with me, my little bambi.”
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
Can I have a match up please? I'm a 5'5 tall girl. I'm a really shy and quiet person around new people/in public. I'm a nervous wreck and also quite insecure. I'm really emotional and cry easily. But I'm pretty outgoing and sarcastic when I'm with people I trust. I love animals! And I like to draw and sing.
we still have a few matchups toclear but once we’re done with them maybe I’ll open them up again ! I hope youlike it despite the wait ♥ - mod mademoiselle
Your match is Mika Kagehira !
He did notice you at school, butnever really had the time or a good enough opportunity to  introduce himself. It doesn’t help that he’s not the best with people hedoesn’t know either… Maybe the two of you could have completely bypassed eachother were it not for your nervous streak.Getting used to this school full of total strangers was positivelyexcruciating, but it didn’t even stop there. Everyone already had hugeexpectations, while you were wallowing in self-doubt and pressure from allthose nerve-wracking events. One day, it was just too much and you couldn’thelp but have a small breakdown, and that’s when Mika flied to your rescue.
He was super worried about you, evendragging you all the way to the infirmary. As usual, Sagami-sensei wasn’t here,and as such you had the opportunity to chat with Mika while he was clumsilychecking if you didn’t have a fever. You explained to him you were just prettynervous and emotional, and he smiled awkwardly, relieved to hear it wasn’t justhim. As you chatted on and on, you did find quite a few traits that peculiarboy shared with you : he wasn’t at ease around strangers, he didn’t like publicor crowded places, he tended to get nervous easily… Mika was happy you weren’thurt or sick but stayed with you all the same, making sure you were feelingbetter and awkwardly trying to make jokes to see you smile and relax. Maybehe’d even have stayed until evening, were it not for Sagami-sensei coming backsuddenly and finding the two of you already acting pretty close and cozy. Embarrassed, Mikadecided to say his goodbyes and leave for the day, but not before getting yourname, class and phone number.
From that point onwards, you andMika became… friends ? You think ? It’s pretty hard to tell what you feel aboutthat boy. He does make you feel at ease, and you think that’s mutual. He’s justalways doing his best to make you smile or laugh, so it’s hard to dislike him !He’s spontaneous and genuine too, which makes him even easier to befriend.Besides, it’s not exactly like either of you has a lot of other friends, so youoften ended up sticking together. Having lunch with Mika was always pretty difficult, though, as he’d make weirdexcuses and mysteriously go missing during the lunch break. You eventuallyfound out about his money troubles, and he admitted he preferred just skippinglunch instead of spending what little savings he keeps to himself. Starvinghimself for the sake of his unit ? How devoted can he be ? But still, youweren’t sure it was really healthy. From that point onward, you tried to bringsome extra food for him, just to make sure he gets something to eat. He wassuper flustered at first, repeating he couldn’t accept it, but eventually gavein. Oh, but he’ll never forget to thank you though ! And after eating, he’llbask in the sun for a moment, head resting on your shoulder or on your lap ashe takes a small nap. You just try not to stare at his face too much while he’s sleeping…
That’s the thing, with Mika : hedoesn’t realize it, but he’s really pretty. Sometimes you can’t help but sneakglances at him ! There’s just something about him that gives off a mysteriouscharm, and he looks even better when he’s grinning proudly to you, showing youthe outfit he tried to sew by himself. It should be illegal to have a smilethat cute. That’s part of why you don’t really know how you feel about him :he’s gorgeous, on top of being really nice and concerned about you ! And hewon’t stop touching you absent-mindedly, from squeezing your hand in his whenhe’s feeling nervous to hugging you tight as thanks, and even once or twiceshyly pecking your cheek. What is that supposed to mean ? Sometimes you wish you could read his mind, to know whetheryou’re just making things up or he sees you as more than a friend, like you dofor him…Maybe you’re reading too much into things, but it does seem like he holds youin high regard. He was surprised to get to know your usual sarcastic self, whenyou warmed up to him enough, but he loves it ! He likes how witty you can getsometimes, and will constantly praise you. He also thinks you’re much clevererthan he is, and he loves how outgoing you can be with your friends ! Well, ofcourse, there’s no way you’d know that. What little you do know is that hesometimes won’t stop praising you or insisting you’re too good for someone likehim.
Honestly, Arashi’s the one who tookthings into his own hands. He just couldn’t stand seeing you act all flusteredand lovey-dovey around each other without noticing your feelings were mutual !So he took the freedom to hint to you Mika mighthave told him things about you, anddid the same to Mika. You both admitted to each other you felt a bit dumb,having spent all that time trying to repress your feelings for the other whenit’d been mutual all along !Yes, all along. Mika’d been crushing on you since day one, even though henever dared voice it out. He was afraid you just wanted him as a friend…Besides, you were so cute and knew many other guys, and he was half-expectingsomeone else to already be your boyfriend. He felt immensely relieved to hear youonly had eyes for him, smiling softly at your impromptu confession and gentlykissing you. Your noses kinda butted, and your aim could have been better, butyou did have butterflies regardless.
Mika as a boyfriend is a bitjealous, kinda clueless and pretty awkward, but he’s always trying his best !He knows a lot of girls, and has been asking for advice or tips. Sometimesthey’re a bit weird but you don’t mind, since you know he’s only trying newthings to please you !He’s extremely glad you’re not really an outdoor person, as he’s afraid ofcrowded places… He never feels at ease around so many people. He’s way happierjust staying at home with you, drinking cocoa and playing board games ! Hethinks anything’s fun when he does it with you, even homework or mending hisstage outfit. He especially loves to hug you from behind as you’re drawing, hischin resting on your shoulder. He quietly watches every single one of yourstrokes, smiling softly. It really helps him calm down… At first you were a bitnervous about being watched while you were drawing, and what if he thought your drawing just sucks… ? But you soon got used to it, and let’s face it : there’s no wayMika can hate anything that comes from you.
Really, he’s the sweetest ! He justwants the best for you, and won’t stop at anything to make you happy. He’ll trybaking your favorite dessert, or he will save to bring you to that one place youreally wanted to go. He’s quite the romantic, after all ! He’s even beenthinking of moving in with you, recently, as there’s nowhere he would be happier than by your side !
Other possible matches : Rei, Madara
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Can I have a ship please? Erm 5 foot 3 and pretty teeny, curly dark brown hair and green eyes. I like piano music and play a lot, and I like drawing and flower pressing too. I drink loads of green tea and don't really tend to eat that much. Im pretty quiet unless I get real anxious, then I tend to act a lot more confident than I am especially if someone is yelling at me haha.. I read books a lot and love studying, mostly subjects that I enjoy, I tend to get bored a lot though. I'm pretty shy too
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I Ship you with Tobirama
He finds you cute and adorable from the moment he meets you both in appearance and personality, He has a difficult time approaching you initially and instead admires you from afar.
However after a short time of having a crush on you he approaches you and even though he’s flustered and feels awkward on the inside he has an easy time outwardly staying cool and calm and appears very laid back on the outside. He falls in love with you quickly but likes to keep the relationship moving at a fairly slow and steady pace.
He doesn’t like to rush things along and especially doesn’t want to rush you in any way. dedication and trust means a lot to him and he devotes himself completely to you and it doesn’t take him long to begin considering and thinking of marriage.
Thinks you have rather traditional and dainty hobbies and interests, and sees you as very elegant. He doesn’t really understand the fun in some of your hobbies such as flower pressing, it actually kind of confuses him and he doesn’t understand the point but doesn’t say anything instead secretly watches you when you press flowers trying to figure out the meaning or purpose behind it.
normally if something caught his eye like this he’d just ask point blank but because he sees it as such a dainty activity he finds it to embarrassing to ask questions about it. He’s impressed by your ability to play the piano and enjoys listening to you play, and often suggests that you take up singing as well.
He enjoys drinking tea as well and tends to worry about you because you don’t often eat much, he often will ask what you’ve eaten so far that day. and often takes you out to restaurants to make sure your eating, He can come off sounding nagging or motherly in this regard. but he cares deeply about you and worries about your health.
He worries often about your well being and when your quiet he tends to think something is wrong, he’ll begin to wonder if your mad or upset with him. And after a few minutes of your silence he’ll crack and flat out ask you whats bothering you.
If you say nothing he’ll assume your hiding whats really bothering you and will continue to pester you, even becoming somewhat irritated that you won’t tell him whats wrong, this is a common re-occurrence especially towards the beginning of the relationship. The longer he’s with you he learns to understand you better and accepts you silences, and trys to figure out how best to help you when your anxious.
He tends to be surprised when you act confident, and he would be especially surprised any time you raised your voice or became upset. Not because he doesn’t expect you to become angry or upset at times, more because he sees your appearance as so cute that when you become upset he feels as though for you to do things like yell or raise your voice looks so out of place on you.
However he also finds it incredibly adorable when you raise your voice and he has a difficult time taking you seriously because he thinks your so cute when your angry, upset or annoyed. But he tries very hard to hide this for he doesn’t make you anymore angry or upset, but its very difficult to keep it hidden for long.
Overall the two of you can build a strong and steady relationship together, the two of you are much more old fashioned and traditional and the relationship moves about fairly slowly but the two of you build a deep connection with each other that is far stronger than most other couples around you.
He sees you as a very adorable girl yet at the same time views you as a very strong, elegant, dainty and beautiful woman. It doesn’t take long for him to quickly become wrapped around your finger and is willing to do anything for you.
Headcanons between the two of you
He finds your appearance to be beautiful, he finds your height cute and entertaining because your quite a deal shorter than him and he finds this to be adorable and often uses this to his advantage and picks you up often and pats you on the head often as well.
Likes to bother you while your reading or studying not because he wants to disrupt you, but because he doesn’t like you not paying attention to him while he’s in the room. he’ll often grab the book your trying to read or place his hand over the page for your forced to acknowledge him.
Doesn’t know what to do with you or for you when you become bored. He’s bad at coming up with things for the two of you to do especially if he’s put on the spot it’s even harder for him to think of anything at all.
Becomes jealous extremely easily if you spend much time around other guys, He’s okay with you being around guy friends that you’ve been friends with for a long time. But absolutely can’t stand you being around any new guys for any length of time and he will quickly become hostile and aggressive toward the other guy.
He often jumps in and fights battles and arguments for you, whether you want him to or not he’s quick to rush to your defense, and will get upset if you don’t let him do this, and even if you object he doesn’t listen anyways.
Likes taking you out when he can for small or short dates, things like going out shopping, to a restaurant, or even just going for walks, he likes picking you up small gifts occasionally as well, usually something you collect.
Others I would ship you with
Hashirama, Madara, Genma
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