#but man we last left off on Tsubasa seeing a small dog and going 'so you like dogs huh"
scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Debating between liveblogging now, or sleeping and doing it tomorrow
(It's not that I'm particularly tired--I'm actually wide awake, but the one thing I *DO* think these mood stabilizers do quite well is help me sleep even when I'm like an electric raccoon zapping around the house)
--but if I stay up too long then the effect wears down and I'm just wide awake and like the human embodiment of tv static or something.
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[Translation] SOARA Drama CD Vol. 4 - Track 2 - Part 1
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Here’s track 2 of SOARA’s 4th drama CD~! The actual track is 23+ minutes long so it’s cut into two parts again ^^ This track runs from minutes 0:00 to 15:04. Still quite long but, it was kinda difficult to actually cut it into parts XD
A special thank you to @ryuukia for sharing with me~!
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 2: [~現在~今日も元気にレッスンです!] “~Present~ We’ll face our lessons excitedly today, too!”
  DANCE INSTRUCTOR (JUNYA): Alright! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
JUNYA: Sora-kun, you’re a bit too fast.
JUNYA: Ren-kun, don’t look down. Look in front.
JUNYA: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… (laughs) Nozomu-kun, that’s a great smile! Can you still do more?
NOZOMU: Yes! I can still do more~!
SORA: (tired) Nozomu-kun’s really lively, huh?
NOZOMU: Leave it to me! Being lively is my specialty!
NOZOMU: Spin here and then a killer pose!
SOSHI: Sensei, looks like it’s okay to make Nozomu do 10 more of these.
NOZOMU: Are you a demon?! I might be lively but 10 times is too much!
MORI: Soshi, too… The fact that you can speak normally after this… You have a lot of energy, huh? (sighs)
SORA: (panting) Well, Mori’s more fit than I am…
REN: A-a-are you okay, Sora-senpai?
SORA: Ren-kun, the pretty boy at first glance is actually a kendo boy so obviously, you have a lot of stamina.
REN: Obviously, you say…
SORA: This is bad! At this rate, I’ll…! I feel like I’ll be the only one who’s super weak…!
JUNYA: Ah, no~ To me, Sora-kun seems super energetic!
JUNYA: Alright~! Let’s do one from the top again!
JUNYA: Okay, that’s a great response~! I’ll be dancing with you in the next one so try to keep up.
JUNYA: Here we go! Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
  SORA: (sighs) It’s over.
SORA: I overcame… a lot of things.
SOSHI: I think you mean that you did your best but I feel like that sounds like something else.
SOSHI: Hey Sora, don’t sleep on the floor.
SORA: But the floor’s cold and feels good!
MORI: I understand that but, you’ll get dirty, Sora.
MORI: Here, a towel. If you wash your face you’ll feel refreshed.
NOZOMU: Yep, yep~! Nozomu-kun will also wash his face, be sparkling clean, and be dripping with water~!
SOSHI: What a good puppy. (Soshi starts petting Nozomu) There, there, did you get all clean~?
NOZOMU: Woof, woof, woof—Hey, Soshi-paisen! When I said ‘dripping with water’ I meant like, the way hot guys do, not like dogs do!
(Nozomu spills water)
SORA: A-a-ah…! That’s cold! The water’s splashing!
REN: Ah, geez, Nozomu. Your hair’s dripping wet. (Ren wipes Nozomu’s hair with a towel)
NOZOMU: Ah, sorry, Sora, Ren.
REN: I wonder why even though you dried your face, you didn’t dry your hair.
NOZOMU: I wonder why, too~!
REN: You don’t know either? Ah, come on. You’re getting wet here, too.
NOZOMU: Eh, which? Where, where?
REN: Your nape. Give me the towel. If you don’t dry off properly, you’ll catch a cold.
NOZOMU: (laughs) That tickles!
REN: I’m not playing with you! Stay still!
NOZOMU: Y-yes…!
SOSHI: He really is a dog. I’m sure he is.
SOSHI: A big dog that’s a lot to deal with.
SORA: Yeah, I can tell. Nozomu’s a dog. A puppy.
MORI: Come now, you guys. Don’t treat your cute kohai like a dog.
MORI: Come on Sora, go wash your face, too.
SOSHI: Guess we have to take care of the clingy toy dog, too.
SORA: Who ya callin’ a clingy toy dog, hey!
SORA: I am a man who is a wolf at heart!
SOSHI: (with a sarcastic tone) Yeah, yeah, sure. A wolf. Got it. So cool~ (he pats Sora’s head) There, there, good boy~
SORA: Awoo~! Hey! Don’t come at me just ‘cause you’re tall!
MORI: That’s becoming common for Soshi now, huh?
  (water splashing)
SORA: (sighs) I feel so refreshed~ My body will be super sore tomorrow for sure. Ah, is it time to head back?
SORA: Ah, I was right on the mark. 6 PM.
SORA: Time to review “LIFE IS AMAZING”.
SORA: (breathes in) Finally, huh? (sighs)
SORA: It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not alone this time.
SORA: It’s what everyone decided.
SORA: It’s a song that everyone agreed to and supported me with.
SORA: (sighs)
(Sora’s phone vibrates)
SORA: Hm? It’s from Wakatsuki-san. What’s it say?
SORA: “Everything’s all in place~!” (laughs) What’s with this sticker?
SORA: Wakatsuki-san’s really good at finding appropriate stickers. That calmed me down a little.
SORA: Let’s see… (Sora starts typing on his phone) Thank you for going out of your way to report to us…
NOZOMU: What? What are you looking at, Sora?
REN: Sora-senpai?
SORA: Uwah! You startled me… Nozomu and Ren?
REN: Sou-nii told me to go wring Nozomu’s hair.
SORA: His hair’s that wet? Geez, what were you doing?
NOZOMU: (laughs) It was wetter than I thought~
REN: You were checking your phone, Sora-senpai? Did something come from the agency?
SORA: Ah, yeah. Wakatsuki-san contacted me about our preview video.
SORA: The PV was supposed to be released at 6, right? SOARA’s RE:START Series. A song with all five of us after a while. For “LIFE IS AMAZING”
NOZOMU: Ah, I see! That was today, wasn’t it?
REN: Nozomu… It’s important so you should remember it…
NOZOMU: I knew the day but I couldn’t remember the exact time.
NOZOMU: Alright~! I’ll go retweet it to help advertise, too~! Ah…! I left my phone there.
SORA: I already did it~ Advertising’s important, right~?
REN: Yes. I’ll do it later, too. So, uh, senpai…
REN: How was the reaction…?
SORA: It looks like they’re saying “it’s amazing!” or “it’s cool!” That’s great, huh~
SORA: Well, there are also some so-so reactions.
REN: Ah… Is it a reaction that says something about how it’s different from usual?
SORA: Well, that’s right. I understand anyway~ They’re people who have been listening to our music since the beginning after all.
SORA: Compared to a solo or a duet, it’s easier to tell a unit song’s atmosphere.
NOZOMU: You know, Sora? I really love our new song.
NOZOMU: All our songs before were good but this one is exceptionally good!
NOZOMU: Singing and performing it is super fun and it makes you excited! I wanna hurry and perform it live.
SORA: Nozomu…
REN: Me, too…! I love it too, senpai. “Life is Amazing” is a song that we can sing because of who we are now.
REN: The past me wouldn’t have been able to sing such a grand song. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to follow with all the challenging and powerful lyrics.
REN: No… Even more than that, I couldn’t imagine myself even singing back then.
REN: If I did sing, I’m sure that it would have been with a small voice.
REN: It’s not only because I lacked skill then but my feelings about it weren’t strong as well.
REN: This song is important to me because it’s proof of how much I’ve grown by being able to follow with such a strong song.
SORA: Ren…
SORA: Ah, um… Am I being comforted by you two? I wasn’t really…
SORA: I guess I was…
SORA: Yes, I’ll admit it. I was honestly curious about it. Also, a little bit scared. Like, a lot of things might happen again…
SORA: But, I know now.
SORA: Just like when I told everyone that I’ll be sharing my burdens, I challenged it while knowing the consequences.
SORA: I have to receive those results properly, too.
REN: Senpai…
  SORA: Hm, Sensei? You’re still dancing?
JUNYA: Ah, I just thought of starting the choreography for my next work.
JUNYA: Your lessons are already over so, rest assured.
JUNYA: Review the parts you had trouble with and try to work on it, okay?
SORA: Yessir~!
MORI: It’s already this late but you’re still working. Sensei, you had another lesson before ours, didn’t you?
JUNYA: Yeah, I did. Oh, by the way, those boys are from TsukiPro, too.
JUNYA: They were going to start filming a PV next month. They’ve started practicing the choreography for that.
JUNYA: It’s got a lot of steps so we had to start earlier.
SOSHI: From the same agency, huh… So that’s why I thought there was someone who looked familiar when we were arriving…
MORI: Eh? You greeted them when you weren’t aware?
MORI: I knew who they were.
MORI: You need to remember the faces of the people who work at the agency. It’s an important part of this job, too.
SOSHI: Ah, damn. I got lectured.
SORA: Yeah~ Sou got scolded~ I knew who they were, too~!
SOSHI: Shut it.
SOSHI: I entered the studio last so I really only got a glimpse of them.
MORI: Sou, that’s not an excuse.
SOSHI: Yes, I’m so sorry.
SORA: (laughs) He got scolded again.
SOSHI: You better remember this later.
JUNYA: I’ve been having lessons since this morning with a lot of TsukiPro artists.
JUNYA: TsukiPro is such a good agency to actually secure rehearsal times early, huh?
JUNYA: That kind of method is the best in the long run so I’m not regretting doing a lot.
MORI: You’re right. I think so, too.
MORI: Normally, we perform as a band and don’t really dance. But, during the joint live, we all had to do a dance.
MORI: That time, I thought that it was good that we did lessons beforehand.
NOZOMU: Ah~! You mean for “Dear Dreamer.”? When the song run was done, they sudden;y said, “okay, let’s start counting!” and they started adding choreography! That totally surprised me!
REN: Exactly. The other units followed easily as if it was a given.
REN: They do dances normally and they could remember the choreography easily. I was really panicking then.
SORA: Like SolidS’ Tsubasa-san and those three from Growth, right?!
SORA: I really panicked a lot then! The dance was only showed once and they could already dance most of it!
SORA: It made me think, “What are these people?!” y’know?
SOSHI: And then, the one who’s panicking and dancing desperately behind them was our Ohara Sora.
SORA: Shut up! Even I… knew that much!
REN: So you knew?
JUNYA: Well, remembering choreography is a talent but it’s also something that takes getting used to.
JUNYA: Dance is a fixed form to a point. But it can also be freestyle so I understand the feeling of not knowing what comes next.
NOZOMU: Oh~! Is that so?
JUNYA: It’s pretty simple but there’s really not much steps that are very showy, you know?
JUNYA: Plus, dance should be something that anyone can dance regardless of the costume they’re wearing, and skill level, when the music plays, right?
JUNYA: Today’s should’ve been adjusted to your level, though.
NOZOMU: Oh ye~ah! The choreography lesson today didn’t scare me so it must’ve been that.
SOSHI: Oh yeah. Whenever we go to rehearsals or to a venue, the production staff were dancing along at the end, too.
REN: The chorus is pretty lively after all.
JUNYA: I think it’s important for idols to have dances that are easy to remember even for normal people, rather for your fans.
JUNYA: If that happens, the song will be a big hit, too.
NOZOMU: And then we can go wild together during the live!
JUNYA: Exactly. That’s important, right?
NOZOMU: It totally is!  
JUNYA: That’s exactly why we choreographers do our best to make dances easy to copy but unique at the same time.
MORI: I knew it was obvious but, making choreography requires a lot of thinking too, huh?
MORI: We don’t really know much about dance so that was very useful to know.
JUNYA: I tend to talk a lot when it comes to dance, y’know~?
JUNYA: Like, for example. Even though they’re all idols, there’s a lot of difference between the choreography of idols from Japan and those that are K-Pop idols. There’s a lot of instances where they go all out with their dances that they’re pretty hard to copy.
JUNYA: A lot of those steps are kinda cool so I try to incorporate them sometimes, too.
MORI: I’ve seen those in videos, too. They all look like they’re professional dancers.
JUNYA: Yeah! Over there it seems like dancing is a must-have skill so if you try to debut as an idol there, the hurdles are definitely higher.
JUNYA: That sounds troublesome, doesn’t it?
MORI: Now I feel so glad that we’re a band in Japan.
JUNYA: You guys do a lot of work that are similar to idols but under the agency label, you’re “artists” aren’t you?
MORI: Yes. There’s never really been a division between those who do idol work and those who don’t.
MORI: But, the work we do receive is somewhat different.
MORI: There’s a possibility for us to actually do work like acting in dramas or stage plays but our main focus is music.
MORI: Though I think there would be opportunities and things that we want to do that would play to our strengths, too.
JUNYA: It’s wonderful that you want to do and your visions for the future won’t be imposed on you by the agency but rather something that you’ll be discussing together.
JUNYA: But I’m sure that there a lot that might not be easy to do.
MORI: It looks like it, yes.
MORI: It makes me so glad to have joined an agency where we could learn a lot about things like that.
JUNYA: (chuckles) I guess you could say that. TsukiPro is quite a large agency so I guess it’s flexible and kinda stable, too.
JUNYA: And so, everyone in SOARA, please relax and just make good music. I’ll be supporting you as a fan, too.
To be continued~
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momorabu · 7 years
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Viidog Code Main Story - Episode 3 - 消えた人たち / The Missing People
It’s a new month and I realised that I have not translate anything for Viidog Code for the month of June so here is it~! Sorry for the late update for this, I was quite busy thins
As always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Chapter 1: さまよえる幽靈 / The Wandering Ghost
After dinner on another day, Yu wanted to return to his bedroom straight away, but Ryohei asked him to stay around for awhile longer since from what his grandma had said in the past, if one moved around too much after eating, their stomach will get a shock XD (This reminds me of Hokuto talking about his grandma~~ ^^)
Chihiro looked around the living room and commented that there seems to be more people from the other classes here with them, though for Class 7 it’s just “me” and Shiro. (Since it’s kind of rare that Tsubasa was actually missing here OWO”)
Suddenly, Chihiro went into spooky mode, talking about there’s “people who doesn’t exist in this world anymore” among them, and that made Yu started to get really scared as he told Ryohei not to listen to it too. Turns out that Chihiro was talking about one of the case which the detective agency was looking into, which is the missing person case in this town. Chihiro mentioned that he has discovered something strange while he was on the trail to track down these missing people, and that is… before they disappeared, it seems that their last sighting were all at the same place. After they were spotted at that place, any further traces of them were gone, just like a gust of wind.
Chihiro wondered that perhaps these missing people were actually ghosts, but Shiro immediately shot down that idea, saying that ghosts won’t have legs and people have heard their footsteps. It ended up making Ryohei interested and Yu even more scared by screaming that he doesn’t hear any footsteps at all. (Poor Yu is really treating this as a ghost story OWO”)
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Just then, Class 5 appeared~ But upon seeing the crowd of people here, Naoto proposed to Suzu-kun that they switched place since it’s noisy in here. Apparently Hina appeared when a few of them were scared, making them jump even more… and that cause Yu to hide behind Rudo by accident. Yu apologised while Suzu-kun remarked that it’s rare to see Yu hiding behind someone else other than Hijiri actually~
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Both Shiro and “me” were shocked / scared to the point that we were frozen though XD However, Shiro denied that he’s scared and hurried off while saying that this was a boring / lame topic to talk about. (Why are you rushing off Shiro~ Are you sure you’re not scared? XD)
Naoto asked Suzu-kun where is his omelette, but “I” informed Suzu-kun that the kitchen had just ran out of eggs actually. Even though Suzu-kun claimed that “I” didn’t have to apologise since he could still cook without eggs…. but Naoto insisted on his omelette so Suzu-kun decided that he shall head out right now to purchase them. Naoto didn’t want Suzu-kun to go shopping for eggs, claiming that “I” should go since “I” was the culprit who finished all the eggs =w=“ (Woah, Naoto, did you just blame “me” for using something that everyone could use in the agency? o.O) In the end, Suzu-kun proposed to “me” that we shall go together instead, as Naoto whined to him whether he is going to let him starve to death here XD (Naoto,if you would just choose to eat something else other than omelette then probably you won’t starve to death XD Even Suzu-kun dissed him that he won’t get starve to death just waiting for an additional 10 mins XD)
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Chapter 2: 大きな拾いもの / The Big “Object” that was Picked Up
Just nice the supermarket had the eggs on sale at 1 pack for 98 yen~ So Suzu-kun was glad that he had made the right choice to come with “me” together, since the eggs were limited to one pack per customer and we managed to get two for two of us~
Along the way, we spotted someone who had collapsed in the middle of the road. Suzu-kun rushed towards the person and upon realising that he seems to be still conscious, he asked him whether he’s hurt. Suzu-kun got scared when the person hugged onto him and said “I’m hungry….” (So… I take it that he’s too hungry to the point he collapse? OWO”) Suzu-kun decided to bring this unknown person back to the detective agency, since he can’t bear to leave him behind unattended like this.
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(It’s funny how Suzu-kun was kind of relieved that the unknown person was quite small sized, since at least he could still carry the person back via piggy back~ XD)
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Naoto was displeased when Suzu-kun arrived home with the unknown person, asking him what he had picked up and they can’t rear him. (Why is he referring him like a pet dog or something ^^;?) Hina was very interested in the new person, that he wanted to dissect it but Suzu-kun quickly stopped him from doing that as the person was still alive OAO” Suzu-kun decided to make some food for the unknown person while letting him sleep for awhile, and of course, he would make Naoto’ share as well ^^
The unknown person woke up and rushed into the kitchen just as Suzu-kun has just finished making the omelette. He assured the new guy that there’s still some more and asked him to eat up. Naoto got jealous that Suzu-kun had actually drew a picture of a dog on the omelette for the new guy with ketchup whereas his doesn’t have any. Suzu-kun reminded him that it was Naoto who requested that he doesn’t want any ketchup on his omelette =w=“
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(Look at Naoto claiming that he’s not jealous of the new guy, he just want a fair treatment between the two of them XD I especially like Suzu-kun’s expression here XDD)
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In the end, Suzu-kun told him that he would draw on the omelette with ketchup if Naoto asked for a 2nd helping later on~
The new guy finally spoke up, complimenting that the vegetables were really delicious since the ones he usually eats were disgusting. Suzu-kun was all proud as he told him that they were special dressing made by him, so that Naoto will eat the vegetables. (I guess Naoto is a picky eater ^^;)
Suzu-kun asked the new guy why was he out on the road at night, wondering if he was lost. However, the new guy answered that he was actually looking for his younger brother, and had lost his strength when he decided to head home. (He really wait until he has like 1 HP left though =w=“…) The new guy said that his brother - Ru, was small that it was hard to find him, that Naoto actually dissed whether the missing brother was a mouse =w=“ (He’s definitely not THAT small, Naoto ^^;)
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They asked the new guy to provide more information about his brother, but what they could get were very vague details like he has large eyes and he’s really smart. He even emphasized that his brother was really smart like a genius when he’s an idiot himself… (Erm, you don’t have to diss youself like that just to praise your brother… ^^;)
The new guy finished his meal, and Suzu-kun was glad that he enjoyed it so much, saying that it’ll be good if Naoto had ate the same as him. Naoto asked Suzu-kun whether he was joking, since the new guy actually ate 5 omelettes and 10 bread altogether… (and there’s no way Naoto could eat that much XD)
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The new guy thanked them for the meal, and told them that if they need any help, they could call for him as gratitude to them. He headed off since he might get scolded if he stayed out for too long (scolded by… who?). Suzu-kun said he would clean up after that, and asked “me” to head back to my bedroom first. (Aww, I wanted to help him clean up though =3=“)
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Chapter 3: 亡靈の奥さん / The Wife of the Dead Spirit
On another day, the detective agency had a visitor. It was an old lady who was crying, so Kaname, being a gentleman, handed her a handkerchief while he comforted her. Sousuke was clueless on what he should do at this time so he asked Rudo for suggestions. He wanted to go for a run but knew that it won’t help her at all. Looking at his class members, Sousuke asked them if they had wanted to give a hand to help the poor lady to stop crying, but Kotetsu couldn’t do anything as he stood faraway. (Ahhh… his phobia for females had act up again D:)
Finally, it’s still down to Kaname who managed to make the old lady smile again. She calmed herself down to start recounting. Her husband hasn’t returned since a month ago, and since then she felt unease about it everyday, till she heard that there’s a good detective agency here and thus decided to come here. She described her husband as someone who is really hardworking and works at a bank, and has never stayed outside overnight. He just disappeared on a night a month ago without leaving any messages or hints.
The members made several guessed on what kind of scenario that might cause him to disappear. Did he ran away from home? Or is it because of a woman?(Why are you suggesting that he has a third party, Kotaro? =///=“)
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Chapter 4: 行動開始 / Operation Start
After the old lady left, Sousuke remarked that thank goodness she stopped crying in the end. (If not they won’t be able to get any information from her at all =w=“) They praised Kaname, but he showed a weak smile and said that it’s his duty since he’s a man afterall.(Aww, Kaname is such a gentleman~) Rudo commented that the missing husband’s seems to be similar to the other cases of the missing people, as he had been spotted at the same place as the others before they disappeared. Sousuke guessed that perhaps they were all ghosts but Kotaro said that’s a deduction without any evidence or logic ^^; (Guess Kotaro really doesn’t believe in ghosts at all ^^;)
Kaname was interested in the fact that the husband actually came from quite a rich family. The husband actually had a yearly income of 30 million yen (woah, that’s around 250+K USD… OAO), so the police initially suspected that he might be kidnapped because of his money. (But since there’s no phone call from kidnappers so… ^^;)
Rudo decided that they should start by investigating about his social circles first, to check if there’s anyone suspicious. Kuki and Tsubasa appeared, handing over a list of people to be investigate and a map where the missing husband was around on the night before he disappeared. Kuki announced that Class 7 is going to team up with Class 3 for the investigations, and that includes “me” too, being their assistant. Obviously Kotetsu got a shock knowing about it that Kuki had to assure him not to worry since “I’ll” be pairing with Shiro instead. Shiro isn’t happy about this arrangement as he complained that why does he has to pair up with a “baggage” like “me”. (That’s mean, Shiro TWT TWT)
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Kuki didn’t like how he himself always seems to pair up with Shiro recently, and if Shiro pairs up with Tsubasa the two of them will end up bickering instead. (I don’t remember Tsubasa quarreling with Shiro though, it seems more like Shiro getting angry by himself ^^;) For the sake of preventing Shiro from going on a rampage and also for “me” to gain some experience, Kuki thought that arrangement would help to achieve these two goals together.
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In the end, Kuki even had to use his “class leader’s rule” just so Shiro would listen to his instruction. Shiro didn’t like that and grumbled that Kuki is “acting as a class leader” only at this time, which Tsubasa corrected him that he’s not “acting at this time”, he’s always “acting as the classleader”…. Kuki really wonders whether Tsubasa was helping him when he gave such a statement though ^^;
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Rudo announced that he would continue to gather more information and would also give instructions to the rest of the class members on what to do next. He instructed Kuki and Tsubasa to investigate about the old lady who had asked them to investigate the case, and that made Kaname mad since he doesn’t like the fact that Rudo was actually suspecting her. Kotaro gave out a reasonable possibility, even if she was crying so pitifully just now, they can’t rule out the possibility that she might be acting. Sousuke didn’t thought of that at all, so Kotaro dissed him that it seems that even his brain is only full of muscles, but that seems to be dodged by Sousuke as he wasn’t affected by it all ^^;
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Rudo instructed Kotaro and Sousuke to investigate on the people who were related to the missing husband, handling them the list of people which Kuki had brought just now. Kaname and Kotetsu were given the same task too, so Kaname encouraged Kotetsu to buck up and work hard, even if the person they investigate might be a female ^^; (How can this guy work if there’s a possibility that he would need to investigate or interact with females?… =w=“)
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Chapter 5: あべこべコンビ / Vice Versa Combi
“I’ accompanied Shiro to the train station and he was pissed that “I” had no idea how to tail someone. He decided to teach “me” how to do it, though he warned “me” that he shall only teach “me” once. He explained that one would need to “blend” into the background when tailing someone, and scolded “me” being an idiot when “I” thought it meant blending into the ground. He continued that other than people who already suspected that someone’s monitoring them, usually people don’t take much notice of their surroundings. He warned “me” not to follow someone like hiding behind the lamp post and staring at the person “I’m” tailing, saying that such an attitude from “me” even made him being thought as suspicious since we’re together ^^;
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He explained that even though it will be hard to lose track of the person if you’re monitoring / tailing her really closely, it would also be easy to get suspected and discovered by the person easily. “I” thanked Shiro for his lesson but that only triggered his “tsundere” side as he claimed that he’s not teaching “me” specially ^^;
On the other hand, Kotaro and Sousuke had taken a wrong route. They were tailing a bank worker to work and it seems that the person seems to like walking routes that aren’t really routes, like cutting through people’s garden, that Kotaro complained that it seems more like an obstacle race instead ^^;
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Sousuke noticed “me” and Shiro and decided to wave to us while Kotaru noticed that we were actually in the midst of tailing someone ^^;(So in a way, Sousuke is interrupting us…?) Sosuke realised that he had made a mistake, but since he had already waved, he decided to just head towards us and talk to us instead ^^; (Since the person we’re tailing has headed into a coffee shop anyway)
Shiro knew that they had just came over to help cover up the fact that we’re tailing someone, so as to make us seems less suspicious in a way. “I” commented that both Kotaro and Sousuke seems to be getting along well together, that Shiro really wonder how did “I” see their relationship that way XD (Since from the outside, one won’t really think that way as both Kotaro and Sousuke were opposites of each other ^^;)
After Kotaru and Sousuke had left, Shiro noticed that the person seems to be heading somewhere in her lunch hour, and wondered where on earth is she heading towards…(Let’s tail~!)
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Chapter 6: たどり著いた先 / The Place that was Arrived
Kotaro and Sousuke walked along the residential area, as Sousuke handed Kotaro a cup of coffee that he had commented on wanting to get earlier. However, Kotaro said that he had talked about it as part of a make-up conversation just now and told Sousuke to drink it himself instead ^^; Sousuke still forced him to take it in the end though =w=“ He felt weird being the person who stood in the middle of the road while drinking a bottle of coffee milk… (So Sousuke didn’ even bought coffee in the end, it’s just coffee flavoured milk =w=“)
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Shiro and “I” started tailing behind the person as she walked down the streets, as Shiro wondered where on earth is she heading to during her lunch hour. Even when we were quite a huge distance away from the lady, Shiro was confident that he won’t lose track of her since he had his good sense of smell ^^: (They could still track down the person through scent even if they can’t see her anymore XD)
Shiro remarked that the lady had a really strong perfume smell that it was easy to trace as a marking. He found it pungent though and claimed that he’s not being rude and just saying the truth anyway, since at least he knew better than to say it in front of the lady herself. (If he really did that, it’s going to burn pretty bad =w=“…)
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Just then, the lady seems to noticed that she was being followed by us, and started to run away in a hurry. We started chasing after her while Shiro told “me” to hand over the map that Kuki had sent to us to “my” phone. Looking at the map, Shiro realised that the path on the right would lead to the person exiting on the left, but he still decided to follow the lady down the path instead of waiting for her on the outside.
We chased her until we reached a dark alley, and Shiro found a door over there. He asked “me” to take a photo of the area, and deduced that the lady must have headed inside the building through the door, wondering that she might have a key to unlock it.
Suddenly, we were surrounded by a group of men, who decided to capture “me” instead and leave Shiro there instead. (Why just “me” though? TWT) Shiro get pissed by what the men were talking about among themselves, and asked them to get away from “me”. (That seems quite a doki doki moment actually >///<)
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One of the men remarked that females, unlike males, have a use for them. He decided to use “me” as a product. (That sounds really creepy from the hidden meaning of it… D:) He took out a gun and tried to shoot at Shiro, who dissed at him that he might end up hurting the “product” this way. However, Shiro was knocked out in the end, and the men decided to capture him too since there’s a possibility that Shiro might knew something that they didn’t want him to know actually. And thus, both of us gets captured and taken away…
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Chapter 7: 暗い部屋 / Dark Room
Shiro and “I” were captured and taken to a jail cell, and when he awakes, “I” apologised to him, but that only made Shiro confused on why am “I” apologising. He claimed that he’s not shielding “me” specially just now (guess he tried to protect “me” just now T///T), and that it just happens to seems that way. (Shiro… your explanation… just doesn’t really make sense =w=“) He assured “me” that he would treat his injury later on and asked “me” not to get so bothered about it. (Is it me or somehow Shiro seems alot nicer than initially? ^///^)
(At one point, Shiro seems to get worried about “me”, but flustered later on and claimed that he’s NOT worrying about me XD Keep trying to deny it, Shiro… ^///^)
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Shiro explained that he had a feeling that Kuki would definitely nagged on him alot if anything would to happen to “me”, so it’s why he’s protective of “me” at that time ^^; Shiro realised that nobody has even came to the cell even when they’re talking like this, and wondered that perhaps there isn’t any guards around. He was fed up when he thought that we would just have to wait until our help has arrived, since there’s also a possibility that the enemy would arrive first before our help does TWT He started to ponder what we should do by ourselves first, but upon looking at “my” worried face, he asked “me” to stop worry about him instead and worry about “myself” first ^^;
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In the end, he made a promise with “me” that he would definitely escape with “me” when we get out of this place. (Yeah, “I” won’t feel good if “I” have to abandon Shiro here TWT…)
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“I” told Shiro that “I’ve” noticed that the men were all wearing hoods with weird dog ears under it, that Shiro realised that those people might be after “me” because “I’ve” picked up the pin badge. (From episode 2) “I” tried to deny it but Shiro said that it was just a possibility but we should not ignore it anyway. Since there’s no guards around who came to us even when we’re talking, Shiro said the time that we could make a break through is only when someone comes to us in the end. (Which means… we’ll have to wait…? OWO”)
Just then, Shiro heard that there’s are sounds of someone, and deduced that there’s someone nearby on the same floor as us, even though it seems far away. He guessed that they maybe people who were captured like us or someone who has unknown motives. Upon listening to it even more carefully, Shiro realised that these are sounds from a casino, as these were sounds made by the slot and card machines. He realised that there seems to be a hidden casino that were unknown to the public.
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Shiro asked “me” to turn around as he untied “me”, and when “I” asked him how is he going to do it, he answered matter-of-factly that he’s just going to bite the ropes off OAO” He explained that some of the descendants from the “Kenrouzoku” have well-developed teeth, and one of them is Shiro, so he could bite through these types of ropes as long as they’re not too thick. He assured “me” that he won’t bite “my” hands though and asked “me” to just turn around XD
Shiro had just managed to untie “me” when he heard footsteps approaching our cell. He asked “me” to put “my” hands behind “me” and pretended that “I” was still tied up. “I” seems to be worried that Shiro is going to ask “me” to run away first but he assured “me” that he would definitely keep his promise and escape together. (Aww~)
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Listening closely to the approaching footsteps, Shiro guessed that there’s around 3 people approaching us. However, the 3 people aren’t our enemies, but instead our comrades from Class 3~! Kaname held out a hand to “me”, asking “me” whether “I’m” injured. He admitted that he had worried for “me” when he had heard that “I” was captured by the enemy, that he had felt that his heart was going to stop… >///<
Shiro was relieved that our comrades had finally discovered that we were being captured. Kaname explained that this was because Kotaro and Sousuke were walking around in the same area and realised later on that we seems to be missing. Rudo continued that when they waited for our scheduled call and it didn’t came, they knew that something was definitely off and started to search for us by then. And that’s how they managed to locate us~ ^^
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Chapter 8: 脫出 / Escape
Kotetsu appeared and informed Rudo that he had found an unknown person being captured underground. Since both Kotaro and Sosuke were handling things up there at the casino, Rudo decided to go up there and helped them. He instructed Kaname to lead Shiro and helped the person that was trapped below this level… and that left with Kotetsu and “me”. Kotetsu was flustered because of his allergy to female, and while Rudo would want to bring “me” along with him, he knew that it would get dangerous upstairs and didn’t want to do that.
In the end, Kotetsu decided to bear with it, asking “me” to grab hold of his hand as he brought “me” to the detective agency. (Aww~ Even though when he did that, he gets goosebumps all over him, he asked “me” not to worry about it ^///^)
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Kaname and Shiro headed to the cell the unknown person was locked in and managed to lead him to safety, as Kaname calmed him down with his words. When Rudo had went upstairs, Kotaro informed him that the guests had escaped from the casino, and the staff denied to reveal any names about them. Sosuke appeared and alerted them that the staff had brought some help (more men) and thus Rudo thought that it’s best that they escaped from the situation now.
Back at the detective agency, Leo asked Shiro whether he wanted some recovery juice (the very sour lemon juice) and informed him that “I’ve” came back safe and sound by Kotetsu’s help. He also told him that Rudo they all were interviewing the missing husband (seems like the unknown person locked up in the cell was actually the missing husband), and asked him whether he would want to take a look at the situation.
In the meeting room, Rudo, Kaname and Kotetsu were trying to get more information from the missing husband on regarding how he had managed to get himself locked up in there. Kotaro and Sosuke had gotten some minor injuries and thus treating them in a different room.
The man revealed that he was being approached by someone to join the hidden casino, and the hidden casino was one where larger bets were being made and were suitable for people who were very rich and had lots of money. The man actually goes to the normal casino everyday after work, and this was a secret that he had not told his wife about, and was later invited to go to a “more thrilling” casino - the hidden casino not known to the public. Rudo deduced that it must be an illegal casino, since the amount of bets were larger than what was allowed by law.
The man continued by saying that though he had won initially, he started losing consecutively after that. And before he knew it, he had landed himself in debts. Rudo wondered why he had not asked his wife for help in repaying the debt since his wife’s family was actually quite rich, and Kaname had felt that it maybe abit too much that the man was thrown into prison and captured like this just because he had landed himself in debt. Upon noticing the expression on the man’s face, Rudo guessed that he had more that he had wanted to say.
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Chapter 9: 迷の組織 / The Mysterious Group
The man revealed that he had heard a name, but he had no idea whether him overhearing about this name had much to do with why he was being locked up. The name he had overheard was called “Beto”, and Kaname commented that he had never heard of this name, wondering whether it was a person’s name. The man said that rather than a person’s name, he had felt that they were referring to a group or a guild instead actually. Kotetsu said that they had only managed to locate this missing man and their missing comrades (Shiro and “me”) at the underground prison, so the other missing people were still missing. Kaname tried to assure the man that perhaps it’s just the other people had stopped coming to the casino (but from his expressions, it doesn’t seems so though…)
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After the man left, the three of them continued their discussion as Kaname pondered whether the illegal casino was operated by a company in the background. He also wondered why by just overhearing the group’s name was enough to land the man in prison. Kotetsu guessed that if the other people had also been through the same scenario, they would have been captured too, but there’s no sight of them. The case came to a standstill yet again, though Rudo tried to encourage them that the enemy would definitely commit a mistake in the end, and that would be their chance. However, since they guessed that the enemy seems to have a large number of man, they decided that it’s best the whole agency regroups in the morning and head towards the illegal casino.
Kaname decided to send “me” back to “my” room, since “I’ve” been through quite a hectic day, but Kotetsu started to diss him saying that “my” room is actually just downstairs. Even so, Kaname had his own ideals and claimed that it’s a must to escort the “princess” (Woah! Somehow I’ve become a princess? +W+), and he asked Kotetsu whether he wanted to send “me” back instead.
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Kotetsu obviously rejected that idea, but assured “me” that it’s not my fault, but more because of him still being unable to interact with females. Kaname thought Kotetsu was alright when he was escorting “me” back to the detective agency, but he admitted that it was not alright as there’s goosebumps all over him when he did that just now. Kaname had thought that Kotetsu would have get used to “me” by now since it has been awhile since “I’ve” arrived at the detective agency, but since he’s not… Kaname thought it’s best that both of them escort “me’ together so as to get Kotetsu used to being with “me” XD (Kaname, I really like how you think about things XD *thumbs up*)
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The next morning, Shiro, Kaname, Kotetsu, Rudo and “me” arrived at the hidden casino. However, when they reached there, there was nothing at all at the venue! Even all the tables and chairs which were there a day ago were all gone…
Kaname guessed whether the staff had thought they were the police yesterday and had escaped in the middle of the night as they knew that they might be in danger. Kotetsu asked Rudo what they should do now and suggested to look for guests who had escaped yesterday. Rudo agreed and said that Shiro, “me” and him would look around the venue for more clues before we returned.
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Chapter 10: 闇夜の密談 / The Secret Talk at Night
Over at Cyan cafe, Kuki complained to Senri why does he only gets plain water when Shu gets tea instead XD (Look at the double standard that Senri is setting XD) Kuki thought that it’s okay if him and Mashiro had the same treatment of not getting any tea, but Rui who was in the same class as Senri also gets plain water too, so Kuki felt that the most Senri could do was to pour him a cup too. However, it seems that however much Kuki had said was useless, so Kuki decided that he shall just make some coffee for himself instead.
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They talked about which company might be operating the illegal casino, and Mashiro piped up that he had a very good idea which company was the one, saying that the company was even a very big and well-known company. However, instead of really operating and managing the casino, Mashiro had felt that the company seems to be just funding it instead. He also mentioned about “Beto”, which was the group that was operating the casino, and asked Shu whether he had heard about it.
Rui also revealed some new information, even though they had no idea who was operating the illegal casino, Rui had done some research on the landowner of the venue, and also the building that led towards the illegal casino, and they deduced that once they managed to track down who the owner is, they’ll be able to reveal who was the culprit.
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Mashiro asked Shu whether he should investigate more about this “Beto”. Kuki warned him that they have a fast speed of escaping though, since Shiro had told him that there was nothing left at the venue when they had arrived there earlier on. Senri said that he had received the report and it said that not only the furniture of the casino was gone, even the wallpapers and carpeting of the venue was removed. Mashiro was shocked that even the carpeting was gone since they had found the casino yesterday and the time now was today’s morning… (How is their speed so fast? And they did everything so clean too… even removing the wallpapers and carpeting… OAO”)
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Somehow the conversation turned towards them suspecting that there might be a spy among the members at the detective agency. Kuki was mad as he doesn’t believe that there would be a person who would do such a thing among them. Senri said that though he understood Kuki’s feelings of not wanting to suspect anyone, he felt that it was all too suspicious that the group had escaped so fast this time. Shu guessed that the enemy must have knew that they were detectives, which is why they retreated and escaped so fast this time.
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Kuki still didn’t want to suspect anyone, while Mashiro suggested to do a background check on all the members in the agency. Rui agreed since if they do not “pluck” out the suspicious seed now, it might become an obstacle in the future for them when they carried out detective work (since the person could be obstructing them again and again). However, Shu felt that it’s too early to get suspicious about anyone, and thus tell Mashiro not to do that for now. Shu had felt that if they started to suspect anyone, as it would cause mistrust among the members and he wanted to avoid that currently. (Good thinking, Shu! It’ll be bad if everyone doesn’t trust each other…)
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Chapter 11: 迷多き情報屋 / The Mysterious Informant
The next morning, “I” helped out Leo in washing the dishes, and he felt apologetic about it actually. It was supposed to be Shiro and him doing the dishes today, but it seems that Shiro had not realised it at all, and Leo guessed that he must have forgotten about it, since he believed that Shiro won’t be someone who purposely skipped out on his duties and make it troublesome for others.
(It’s so cute how Leo realised that “I” actually had household duties of washing the clothes today yet “I’m” helping him. He decided to help “me” in washing the clothes together later on~ ^^) It seems that Leo had a new invention that could help in washing clothes so he was actually very willing to help “me” out with it ^^; (Let’s hope his invention works~ *cross fingers*)
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Leo also revealed that he’s a part of the “Kenrouzoku” and had really good hearing actually~ He revealed his invention called “The person who could differentiate the clothes!” (I guess it’s machine that could help to split clothes into different colours or something?) However, the machine ran into mishap as it started spinning too fast and ended up being a failure later on… Leo was disappointed but later on he had yet another great idea for an invention. “I” decided to let Leo work on his next invention, which Leo was thankful for, but was kind of unwillingly to go off initially since he knew it would be hard for “me” to dry the remaining the clothes by myself. (It’s okay Leo~ *pats pats*)
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At the top of building, “I” saw a new guy which “I’ve” never met before. (But if you have read the earlier episodes, you’ll know that he’s Izana.) He approached “me” and commented that he had deduced correctly that he would definitely be able to meet “me” here. He introduced himself as Amo Izana and he’s part of Class 4 of the detective agency.
Izana expressed that he had a very strong interest in “me” and had wanted to meet “me” much earlier. He asked “me” whether “I’ve” heard about him from other members in the agency. (Why is this guy behaving kind of weird… You seems kind of creepy Izana…=w=“)
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Izana was more interested to know more about “me” rather than talking more about himself though. He said that he had come to know that “I” had arrived here at the detective agency as “I” had nowhere to go to, but this was still a detective agency meant for “Kenrouzoku” in the first place. He felt that “I” seems to have gained entry in here abit too easily, and asked “me” a weird question. “Do you know anything about Viidog Code?” (What is this? Why is he asking about the title of the game? OWO”)
However, Izana’s questioning got stopped short when he realised that Shiro had came and found “me” here.
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Shiro was shocked to find Izana here, and asked him what on earth is he doing here. Izana gave a weak smile as he remarked that he was just talking with “me” happily over here (I do not think it’s happy at all though =w=“), and Shiro dissed back at him that that’s why he’s asking because he doesn’t sees it that way (High five Shiro!), and hoped that he isn’t trying to brainwash “me” with something that he’s saying.
Izana knew that it’s best for him to leave the conversation, since he guessed that he might get chewed out by Shiro if he stayed here any longer XD
Shiro asked if anything happened to “me” while Izana was gone. He cautioned “me” not to believe Izana easily as this guy doesn’t have a trustworthy reputation around here. (Aww~ Shiro seems really protective of “me” here >///< But why is Izana so not trustable? OWO”)
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Chapter 12: 一步一步 / Step by Step
Seems that the reason Shiro had came for “me” was to call “me” to have lunch with them. Upon arriving at the dining room, Shiro complained that why does the whole class had to have their lunch together. However, Kuki dismissed that easily and said that he had been waiting for us so that we could eat together.
Shiro explained that today’s lunch was actually some sort of lunch gathering to commemorate that both Class 7 and Class 3 had managed to close a case. Since Class 3 was joining us for lunch too, the lunch looked even more extravagant than usual. Shiro said that he had initially planned that he won’t eat if “I” had said that “I” won’t be eating but since we’re here, he asked “me” to quickly sit down and eat with them.
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Shiro noticed that both Tsubasa and Kuki seems to be giggling among themselves as their shoulders were shaking. Kuki remarked that he was just touched, and Tsubasa helped Kuki to explain that it’s a rare scene since no one had expected that there would be one day where Shiro would gentle to “me”~ ^///^ (No wonder their reactions are like this, I feel flattered too that Shiro is actually treating “me” very gently this time ^^)
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That only ended up making Shiro blushed, as he went into his tsundere mode saying that he’s not being gentle XDD (Keep trying to deny that, Shiro~) Kuki scolded Tsubasa that he shouldn’t be so direct since that would made Shiro embarrassed XDD (Look at them teasing Shiro that way XD)
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Rudo and Kotaro appeared and commented that Class 7’s members were still in a good relationship with each other as always, but Kotaro remarked that he just only sees Shiro being teased actually XD (or “bullied” actually if you take Kotaro’s words literally ^^;)
Kaname and the others arrived, and he noticed that Kotetsu had maintain a shorter distance away from “me” than usual. Sosuke noticed it too and commented that it was only a metre apart, and this was actually an improvement~! (Yeah~!!) Kuki was impressed that Kotetsu had actually taken steps to get used to getting closer to “me”, and that made Kotetsu quite embarrassed.
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Kuki was proud and said he shall let the next newcomer to come to our class next time so that he could rear him up ^^ Even though Shiro complained that he doesn’t want to look after newcomers, Kuki said that he had still taken care of “me” even though “I’ve” created troubles for him ^^; Shiro answered that he just does it because he had no choice XD
Kuki was interested on who might be the one taking care of others in Class 3 since they were always split up into pairs to work together, and made a guess on it might be Sosuke actually. He later guessed that it might Kaname, or maybe even Rudo himself. (Since he was the leader afterall~) Kuki was shocked when Rudo suggested that it was actually Kotetsu, whom Kaname agreed since there’s alot of times which Kotetsu had actually taken care of Kaname as his partner~ ^^ (Glad that these two were getting along well~ XD)
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Seeing how united Class 3 seems to be, Kuki said to Tsubasa that they’re going to work hard to be like that. However, Tsubasa was missing when he had turned around, with Shiro commenting that Tsubasa was gone when he had noticed it. Kuki started to feel abit weird that Tsubasa seems to just go off and disappear suddenly at times…
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And that’s it for Episode 3~! If Episode 2 focus more on Tsubasa, then Episode 3′s limelight is definitely on Shiro~ Aww~ I like Shiro so much after that, he maybe a tsundere but he’s really quite adorable when he gets embarrassed like this XD Kotetsu is another one, I’m glad that his “allergy” is getting abit better though~
This episode is also one that Class 3 members get to shine abit more, since other than Kotetsu I get to see more of the other members like Rudo, Kaname, Sosuke and Kotaro too~ However, I feel that we still need more scenes about Kotaro though, I felt kind of a pity that I didn’t get to know more about him as much as the other members =w=“
The main mystery is still yet to be solve though we managed to close one sub case of the missing people now~ What exactly is going on with the casino, or say the illegal casino? Who is Beto? And who is the mysterious new guy which Suzu-kun and “me” gets to befriend, is he related to this story? (Since if not why would he appear XD) Hopefully, the next episode would be able to reveal more about it~! +W+
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Danganronpa: Death Debate Chapter 1
The sun rose above Hope's Peak Academy and the student council were starting a meeting, or they were supposed to be. A man with green hair strolled casually towards the campus he's been invited by his lack of classes to be a part of the School council, he doesn't know what he's there for, all he's been told is the location. I saw a pretty girl with short hair and long eyelashes with the most beautiful sea green eyes and some nice assets. She was walking in quick circles it reminded me of a small dog chasing its own tail, cute. I feel like I should talk to her, I waved my hand at her and got closer "Um hey do you need help? You seriously look like it?" The girl smiled at me obviously thankful for the help "Sorry I got lost! I don't quite understand the campus yet. Do you know where the student council room is?" I grinned at her happy to spend more time with the good looking girl "Yeah I'm heading there myself, I'm new too, the names Shoji Yoko, what's yours?” she responded with a cheerful voice “Suzuko Kashiki, The Ultimate Diver, and Student Coordinator for the council.” Suddenly a loud boom followed by bellowing laughter erupted from the school someone screeched out what must have been a name but it was too muffled to hear. Suzuko squealed being easily startled. Shoji was surprised but laughed it off saying “This, is why I never attend class.” Shoji’s jest calms Suzuko down, and the two walk on. As they arrive at the council; a girl and a boy’s shadow could be seen from the class. Shoji opened the door calmly to see only three people standing in the class. A girl with shoulder length hair, with glasses and symmetrically cut bangs commented dryly “Wow. Two people.” Suzuko smiles waves and sits down, Shoji “Hey, I'm the new guy.” The girl who'd spoke before smiled sarcastically. Then the president of the council, as indicated by his fancy armband “Hello! I'm Shoshun Murasame The President of this wonderful, albeit lackluster, council.” shoji nodded and Shoshun continued “This, is my Vice President, Kotomi Ikuta. Lastly, our lovely Secretary Karen.” “Kisaragi” Karen suddenly cut in “Karen Kisaragi don't forget it again.” she snapped out the word again as if this wasn't the first time the president had forgot her name. Surprisingly she looked like she had better places to be. Shoji nodded his head at them “Pleasure to meet you, um if you don't mind where are the others? If I'm not mistaken we have serious matters to discuss.” The Vice President, Shoji now knew was named Kotomi, spoke up sounding awfully aggravated “None of them bothered to show up.” she looked like she’d had an epiphany “How about you go fetch them? Since your not being useful anyway.” Shoshun added “That is if it's not too much trouble, I hate putting the new guy through the ropes… but it would get you familiar with your fellow council members…” Karen smirked “How about we send Suzuko with him, not like she's doing anything either.” Suzuko who was too intimidated to refuse merely nodded. Shoji looked at them his head cocked to the side just a tad “Seriously?” Shoshun nods and gives shoji the list of people that he and Suzuko need to find. It contained the names and talents of everyone accompanied by  headshots of them. Munakata is shouting through a Megaphone “Would you girls please give this up already!?” Tsubasa Kamii as well as Aiko Umesawa sat in front the woodland about to be bulldozed to make room for the second campus of Hope's Peak academy. Aiko who looks particularly angry yelled back “No! This land needs to be protected!” Tsubasa partnered her voice with Aiko’s “There are 400 species of endangered animals including INSECTS in there!” Aiko nods her head in an attempt to look serious, mean,and intimidating but she really just looked like she was pouting. Munkata had stormed off in anger at the girls giving up for the day . While this event was occurring Shoji and his partner Suzuko arrived. The two girls climbed down from the tree and Shoji noticed the girls aforementioned in the list, the Council’s Animal rights associate and the Council’s Environmental rights associate. Suzuko smiled at them “Girls, we have a meeting!” The duo turned quartet passed a massive machine on their way into the building passing by the cafeteria they noticed Daiki the ultimate gastronomist along with another less chubby man unpacking food, then a bell was heard and the man in the chef's hat ran off. Shoji waved at the gentleman still unpacking boxes “Yo Daiki right? We got a meeting!” the man he was talking to looked quite sorry for missing the meeting. According to the list daiki Kubo was the head of health and food standards on the council . Daiki responded nervously “O-oh sorry! I just wanted to grab a bite to eat.” Tsubasa had mentioned something about another student likely performing his talent for a drunkard again so they headed up to the teachers lounge and find a wasted Kizakura still ordering more drinks from a concerned teenage boy, “Sir, I'm worried about you, I don't think you should have anymore, and I've got meeting to get to.” the blue haired boy at the bar, Taro Kurosaki seemed deeply worried, his sparkling emerald eyes sunken in seemed close to weeping. Tsubasa swooned so hard she had to catch herself. Taro immediately noticed his lover and steps away from the bar “Sorry buddy closing time.” he patted Kizakura on the back as a gesture of goodwill, he walked over to Tsubasa and a boy he’d never quite met. Shoji knew from,the list that this was Taro Kurosaki The head of Alcohol and Narcotics management division; Seriously! The Ultimate Bartender?! Tsubasa introduced the two, explaining the fact that they had a meeting to get to. Through the thin wooden door to the principal’s office a shout of outrage could be heard “Hope's Peak is a joke! I envy the reserve course students at least they get a decent education! GOOD DAY MR KIRIGIRI. GOOD DAY!” A boy erupted from the doors, looking quite peeved. Suzuko whispered to Shoji explaining that this, was Asukasei Hino, The Ultimate Teacher, expert on all things education for the council, the two then heard an apology from the aforementioned boy “I am deeply sorry, I shall be off to the meeting right away!” Everyone missing their ‘best friend’ Ryota’s company noticed the absence of the bubbly boya. Aiko spoke softly to Shoji “You know Ryota is at Hope’s Peak Elementary handing out gifts.” she knew this because the generous toy creator insisted on informing all of his 'friends’ everything about him.   As the group opened the door to the H.P.E. A doll flew at That’s head it made a soft squeak ak as it hit Taro then the floor. Taro barely noticed it but Ryota was livid, he looked like he was about to push this girl’s wheelchair over. Just in time Tsubasa hurried over and turned the small ball of anger toward the group “Hey Ryota we have a new member you should go greet  him so he doesn't feel left out.” Ryota’s expression instantly calmed . He ran over to Shoji with a huge grin “Its so nice to meet you! What's your name? Mines Ryota Someya! I'm the Ultimate Toy Maker and I'm in charge of Hope’s Peak Elementary.” The boy talked so fast Shoji barely caught it all. Responding quickly Shoji a bit awkwardly Spoke “Oh um cool? I'm Shoji Yoko and my talent is um, well that's for later…” he sounded seriously bewildered. As they were leaving HPE passing by the security officers, they conveniently saw Tomohiko Gōryoku the Ultimate Police Officer and head of security on the Student Council, arguing with his superior. “Sakakura you can't just go around beating up reserve students!” “Yes I can and will.” Tomohiko just walked out to reset and breathe. Tomohiko noticed the group of teens staring at him “You guys didn't hear any of that right..?” A light bulb went off in Tomohiko’s head “wait, that's the new guy we’re supposed to get to deal with the reserve issue, right?” ,l “Kuwata you m!#%*$@$/#**” could be heard in the distance along with the residual echo of an aluminum bat. Taro sighs deeply “And that would be Sosuke.” Tsubasa added “Kiriko’s probably with him, she never admits it but she never misses a chance to watch him… train.” Daiki added on “If you can call that training.” Aiko commented “All those poor trees who died to make those posters.” her head bowed sadly she looked like a melancholic toddler. Shoji told the others to head back to the meeting room and he’d catch up after he fetched these two. Shoji approached the batting cages finding a very angry man swinging away in the batting cage as a larger than life idol with cherry blossom hair  watched from outside the danger zone. “This is for my team!” A ball ripped through the face of a poster. “This is for my girl!” another baseball ripped through a poster. “And this what's gonna happen to your  knees if I see you again!” a last baseball tore through the air the machine stopped spitting balls at the red head. The girl got up, deeming it was safe saying in an annoying tone “Sosuke Ichino you need to get over your anger in maybe a, different, way.” implying things Shoji didn't even want to think of. shoji didn't want to imagine. “Seriously you two get a room! But after that get to the meeting.” Shoji heard the girl mutter under her breath ‘gladly’. The fiery boy smiled at Shoji “So your the new guy eh? Welcome to the team! Wasn't your thing water polo? Good to see another sportsman.” Shoji quickly brushed off the mention of his useless talent. The boy was Sosuke Ichino who'd gotten a Lot of publicity as the leader of a huge baseball team that the up and coming baseball player Leon Kuwata was on. The girl next to him was unmistakably Kiriko Nishizawa a popular idol and head of women's issues, where as Sosuke was head of health and Physical education. Shoji drags the two to the all but abandoned meeting room, where he was met with the Council President. The orange light of sunset could be seen through the window. “Oh There you are, if it isn't the he's dog reserve course relations, Shoji!” The principal greeted ignoring the two in the back. “You seriously chose me for that? But I'm not in the reserve course.” he said with a bit of shock and rational logic. “Coulda fooled me.” Kiriko quipped. Shoji was given no explanation as all of the members of the student council had gone home essentially proving his labours pointless.
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