#but maybe its time to get back into writing with the saphics
Lesbian ships are stupid
That's not what your mom said while we scissored the night away 😘
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you’d be up to writing an Older!Sidney Prescott x fem reader fic where reader woke up feeling really down and sort of bad mentally and maybe Sidney helps her get out of bed and cheers her up by caring for her and being a total sweetheart?💕
when earth stopped spinning for a day | sidney prescott
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Sidney Prescott | AO3
synopsis: Sometimes, when you feel like shit, nothing is going to help you feel better. But sometimes, all you need is good company. And Sidney knows damn well how being alone feels.
warnings: female!reader. hurt/comfort. established relationship. domestic fluff. saphic relationship. no ghostface.
note: as i said, i'm on a hiatus. i planned on writing this just after my birthday, but guess what? my body decided it hate me. my nose is always wet, my throat is dry, my head hurts so bad that i can't get food because when i bend over to get something on the kitchen it starte spinning. i wanna watch my fat greek wedding, but i can't stand to look at things moving. i wanna die. my body wants me dead. my mind too. good for you dear anon who already waited long enough for your request to be done. i hope you enjoy my misery.
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Sometimes you just know. It's a deep feeling your bones, a deep feeling you can't ignore. It feels like abandonment. Like falling in disgrace. No one can ignore a castle crumbling, no can ignore the certain of earth turning it's back on you.
It's been like that since you opened your eyes. You looked at the empty glass of water in front of you, noticed the loneliness on your bed, heard the trees moving with the wind outside your house. And as simple as that, as simple as understanding your senses, you knew you wouldn't get out of bed.
You didn't went back to sleep, but you also didn't remain awakened. It was like you mind wandered without your permission, moving throught all the places your body couldn't reach. You just stayed that, glaring at glass, suffocated by your sheets.
You felt haunted.
Seconds later (or minutes, maybe hours, probably centuries), something changed. You didn't noticed before, but now you did. Your glass turned into a cup, and its emptiness turned into thin smoke and the aroma of passion fruit.
That you didn't feel, but you just knew: she was right behind you. Not touching, not when she can see you may not want that. Not talking, as your loud silence took all the space on your shared home. Not doing anything besides being there.
"Hi", you weak voice surprised you. Its being a long time since you last heard it. A long, needed time not hearing anything but the tree leaves.
"Hi", Sidney whispered. You could feel, she was smilling. A small, kind, worried smile. You just knew. "Have you eat anything?" Your lack of response was enough. "You know, I'm almost a masterchef myself. And I'm taking requests."
You chuckle. "No. You're not."
"Is this a challenge?" Her hands found a way into your waist. Feeling Sidney's warm body, you closed your eyes and reached for her hand. You wanted to feel next to someone. Next to her. "I can make you a foie gras, then some cassoulet and finish the day with soupe a l'oignon."
"Do you even know what those are?" You murmured.
"Maybe...?" The silence that came after it was different. It was comfortable. And yet, you didn't feel alone. You mind stayed on your body, and it relaxed a bit against Sidney's body. "Now chose," her voice was profound. Filled with honesty. "You want to talk, for me to take care of you, or to stay like that?"
"Just... stay", you asked. "Don't let me feel lonely."
"I would never do that, baby", Sidney's hand found a place in your hair. "How could I let my muse all alone? Someone must protect her."
"You're such a dork."
"No, no, your dork."
"Idiot", you rolled your eyes. Then, quietly, you added: "My idiot."
When you know, you know. And when it comes about Sidney and her love for you, you just know.
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SCREAM TAGLIST: @adamsbubblegumbitch
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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smugraccoon137 · 2 years
Supergirl Season 1 Episode 4 Review and Thoughts
Ahh the greatest of beasts. One's own mother
Fun choice of words there Alex “coming out” as Supergirl.
Is Kara actually the favorite? Damn not usually what happens in foster/broken families situations
Oh my God I love this Leslie bitch roasting her. 
“SHE DOES KIND OF GIVE OFF A SAPHIC VIBE” okay I never watched season 1. But thats two “Kara you gay?” jokes in 4 episodes. Thats a lot by tv standards
Also yes Leslie she is very butch and I am thankful for it
W: How was breakfast with your mom?
K: Foster mom
*me nodding and taking notes*
Oh no not a friendsgiving episode lol
Oh my god even Cat Grant is on to Supergirl's sexuality. 
C: Leslie you can’t make fun of the girl for being gay
K: *listening in with super hearing* Wait what
Cat wants to adopt Supergirl thats canonical and hilarious
K: “I came out as Supergirl”
Just as soon as they brought James in as a love interest they pull him out. Because I guess he and Lucy have unfinished business
Wouldn’t this have made more sense to have him already dating Lucy in the beginning, and cultivate his and Kara’s relationship. And then Kara have a one sided crush before they break James and Lucy up? Or even them not realizing their romantic inclinations until after the break up?
 It feels clunky the way they’re going back n forth like this. 
Poor Alex and her mommy issues.
K: Maybe its time for you to come out. Tell her who you really are
A: That im a DEO agent?
K: …….. *shrugs* 
When you know your sisters gay but she doesn't
Cat being supportive in her own catty way to her first daughter Leslie
Oh my fucking god it is PERD
Gotta love hearing Kara's foster mom talk about “Alex allowing Kara” to do anything. Its controlling as fuck. Also the disappointment in Alex hurts my little mommy issues heart
So far Leslie Wilis is the only interesting villain they've made
Drink up Alex you're going to need more than that
I wonder what Thanksgiving means to someone like Kara? Someone whose lost so much but gained family anyways.
Feels kind of weird for Kara to put so much into friendsgiving dinner but as soon as James calls its like “fuck all of you”
We are all Winn. First time in years he's done Thanksgiving and it's super awkward. Poor guy just wanted some turkey and chill time with Kara. And now there is drinking and arguing and storming out. Big oof 
Honestly fuck Eliza
Godddd this flashback hurts. It feels like real foster/broken family shit. Everything is new and yet the dynamics are being thrust upon everybody. Someone whose supposed to look after you but is only a few years older and never had any siblings is now a big sister. You’ve got two adults who aren’t really your parents trying to parent you. You’re different from all of them but you're expected to fit in. And you can’t go anywhere. You’re stuck. Bitch imma have a flashback
I love how Cat doesn't know who winn is
Ooooh I dig Livewire shes sick af
Nothing better than a villain whose like “naw im actually good like this. Like you should have seen me before”
Who thought getting in an elevator was a good idea when the person who can control electricity wants you dead?
Whoever plays Cat Grant is a really good actress. Again a very meaningful scene between her and Kara in this episode. And it got delivered perfectly. It's almost as if when the writers take the time to slow down the writing makes sense and is better??
Something something Cat Grant is Karas unofficial mother figure something something wanting to gain her approval something something desperately wanting to connect to her something something their bond
Wow this is the first episode where Kara independently actually took down the bad guy
Aww i loved what winn was grateful for. That was a really nice moment
Andddd he kissed her. Of course he did
Cat picking out the tabloid of the week: Which would you pick? The closeted teen heart throb who was caught slipping out of national city’s randiest gay bar?
There is a lott of closetted talk in this episode. Also baby lena luthor lol
Overall Thoughts
This is the first episode I’ve watched that I thought was actually good. Sorry Episode 1. 
Of course this is also the episode with the least amount of DEO involvement which I’m pretty open about not liking and thinking is a boring plot device
Lets make our way down the list.
Live wire is the first interesting villain we’ve had. Very reminiscent of Smallvilles what would happen kind of character creation. She’s a person with a personality outside of being a prisoner in Fort Rozz. And she has a clear motive for being the way she is and acting how she does. That already sets us up for success in this episode. Especially with her clear contrast to Supergirl’s sunny demeanor.
Its Thanksgiving! Which means the characters actually get to interact besides one liners and fun crime busting  shenanigans. We get meaningful dialogue with each person in Kara’s life. And not necessarily with her! Last but not least we finally get to meet Kara’s foster mother, Eliza, for the first time.
One of the best things about this episode was acknowledging parts of Kara’s Earth childhood. We get to see her new family dynamic and uh it doesn’t look all happy go lucky the way she makes things seem.
I’m glad its finally a conversation though since I feel it took them far too long to get to. It felt strange to just ignore such an important part of Kara’s story and life and just skip to her getting Cat coffees. Not only did it feel weird but I felt like it would’ve been more interesting filler for episodes 1-3. That helped us to understand/relate to Kara and Alex better. As well as tie into defeating our Villain of the Day instead of whatever plan the DEO basically just tells Kara to do.
Another point! This is the first episode where Kara defeats her opponent on her own. I’m not so much counting the plane from ep1. But the two Fort Rozz guys as well as “I hate superman” radioactive guy were all taken down because of the DEO. It was their plan or their information that took those guys down even if Kara did the heavy lifting. Which I hate because like isn’t this her show? Shouldn’t she be the one like figuring things out, coming up with plans that fail only to figure out something at the very last minute? It feels very much like she's just doing what she's told in the first three episodes. It feels like she doesn’t have as much autonomy as other heroes.
But in this one! Yes the DEO gives her a magic box thingy that's supposed to take down Livewire. But Kara is the one who agreed to work with Cat as bait. She's the one defeats Livewire with water. I don’t care if it's pulled out of someone ass at least she did it herself. This and the plane are the only things Kara has decided to fucking do herself without anyones help.
Cat Grant and her involvement in this episode is one of the tipping factors as to why its better than the others. Her relationship with her own mother paralleling her and Leslie's relationship was really nice. As well as this hopeful end to that conversation with the concept that Kara is like Cat’s second chance at getting it right. I really enjoyed that.
Finally coming full circle at the end of the episode where Kara has a moment with Cat, then Winn, then James, and finally her sister and foster mother. It makes sense for a thanksgiving episode but is also classic soap opera formatting that oddly enough the show needs more of. I would not expect myself to be saying that a show mostly about the Wam Bam Pow needs more drama but here I am.
And then of course another classic drama trope. We end with a cliff hanger and new reason to tune in next time. Jeremiah's death is revealed and now the girls have a mystery to solve. 
I wouldn’t usually rely so heavily on these tv devices, but because the writers have done little to make me care about characters that I’D LIKE TO GET TO KNOW. Its kind of become one of those things. If you’re not making your viewer tune in because they love/relate to the characters, then you have to do it with the story.
Right now we have the overarching plot of General Astra and probably Zod if I’m right. And then the disappearance/death of Jeremiah. Thats our plot outside of our Villain of the Day thing we’re doing right now with Fort Rozz.
Final Note. There was like 6 times where the word “closeted” was thrown around like candy from a pinata. And the episode started with Kara’s sexuality not just being scrutinized but argued that she was saphic. This doesn’t feel like a joke. It feels like someone really wanted something in the writers room. Like most media with subtext I’m like “I mean it’ll be gay but it won’t be gay gay”. But I gotta say that kind of stuff toes the line
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