#but mickey hires on some help (maybe iggy??)
callivich · 2 years
Gallavich Enemies to Lovers Prompts 🤬…🥰
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Prompts for fics, headcanons, or discussion, art, etc. Interpret these however you like and feel free to use them as just a jumping off point, you don’t have to stick to the exact prompt! If any fics like any of these have already been written, please feel free to recommend them to me!
A murder, years ago, now a cold case is the one case that Detective Ian Gallagher has never been able to solve. When the family hire a private detective, Mickey Milkovich, to look into the case, Ian is shocked and upset - after all, if he can’t solve the case there’s no way some random PI will be able to. Mickey criticises Ian’s work and although they both want the same thing - to find the killer - they find it impossible to work together. That is until Ian crashes Mickey’s nighttime stakeout of the suspect and they spend an evening together.
It’s stressful enough being a parolee starting a new job but the added pressure of competing with another parolee for the permanent position fucking sucks. After a one month probationary period, their boss will choose either Ian or Mickey. It’s competitive from the start - Ian is desperate to be chosen to put his criminal past behind him and help support his family, Mickey is determined to make a fresh start with a legal job and leave his family and his past behind him. They both see the other one as standing in the way of a better future, but perhaps what they need is not the job but each other….
Ian hates his shitty janitor job, especially since someone has been drawing graffiti murals on the university walls which creates even more work for him. His boss makes him take overtime to remove them. Mickey is pissed someone keeps destroying his work. What happens when Mickey runs into Ian getting rid of his latest piece?
It’s a bad idea, Ian knows this….but money is tight (as always) and when he figures out that Mickey and Iggy are running a successful scam he can’t help but steal the idea. Lip thinks it’s great and goes along with it until he figures out Ian stole the idea from the Milkovichs. Does he have a death wish?! They just hope that Mickey and Iggy don’t realise but, of course, they do…..
Mickey is drafted into fight for his Kingdom’s army. Well fuck that, he’s not going to get killed because some dumbass king wants to invade another land. So at the first chance he gets, he sneaks off into the wild and dangerous forest, determined to take his chances in there. Meanwhile, Ian signs up to defend his Kingdom from the incoming knights but when he is surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy, he makes a tactical retreat into the nearby forest. What happens when two knights from opposing sides meet in the deep, dark depths of the forest? Will they learn to work together to survive?
Ian has earned the quarterly sales bonus twice in a row at the sex shop where he works. He’s friendly, knowledgable and non-judgemental and the customers love him. Then a new guy joins - he’s brash, judgemental but seemingly knowledgable about most things they sell (even though Ian can’t believe that Mickey has really tried all those big dildos he says he has…). And he’s taking customers away from Ian and he can’t figure out why people seem to think Mickey is funny rather than rude. They both want the next bonus for sales and are going to do everything they can to get it….
Mickey is being transported across state lines by an FBI agent, Ian. He’s been arrested for something he didn’t do. He’s innocent but no one seems to believe him. And there’s no way this guy will either so what’s the point in even telling him his story? Ian should be accompanied by another agent but when a big storm hits and the airports are closed, he’s forced to drive with this criminal alone. He assumes this guy is guilty, so he doesn’t think anything of being blunt and dismissive with him. But as they travel and bicker…Mickey’s story starts to come out and Ian can’t help thinking that there’s something in Mickey’s case that doesn’t add up….Maybe he is innocent?
Mickey has been held back a year so now he’s in the same class as his sister. It’s sucks but Terry’s forcing him to go to school to keep the CPS happy. He’s stuck sitting behind Mandy and her brand new boyfriend, Ian. And there’s definitely something weird going on there - she comes home crying one day and telling Mickey to get Ian but then a couple of hours later, before he and his brothers can even find this guy, she’s calling them off and telling him that she and Ian are together. Whatever. At least Ian seems to be good at school so Mickey can cheat off him. When one teacher notices, Ian blames Mickey and gets him into trouble. Well fuck that, if Mickey’s getting detention then so is Ian - so he tells the teacher that Ian’s been letting him cheat. And now they’re stuck with a months worth of detention together.
When Ian’s roommate, Mandy, drops the news out of the blue that she’s moving in with her boyfriend, he’s shocked. He can’t afford the rent by himself but Mandy promises to sort it. Ian spends the whole day at work worrying about finding a new roommate or getting kicked out. When he gets home, he finds that Mandy has moved in her brother, Mickey. Meanwhile, Mickey is pissed because Mandy said it was a one bedroom apartment but it’s not and now he has to share with some guy. They’re both annoyed and perhaps they should be annoyed at Mandy, but they’re taking out their frustrations on each other. Things are not off to a good start….
Mandy sets her brother and her friend up on a blind date. But it turns out to be the date from hell - they are both in bad moods after having shitty days, it rains on the way to the bar so they get soaked, they get propositioned for a threesome by a creep, and both of them keep accidentally insulting each other. They end up having a full blown argument before they go their separate ways. But what happens when they keep running in to each other - at their workplaces, at the grocery store, on dates with other people - it seems like the universe wants them to be together….
Mickey has never heard a more terrifying phrase than “mandatory team building scavenger hunt”. Why the fuck does he have to do team building for his shitty job as a security guard at Old Army? He’d just not turn up but his manager hates him and he’s pretty sure they’d tell his parole officer. Ian on the other hand, while not being very excited is hopeful he’ll get partnered with the new gay guy. He’s not bright so the conversation will be lacking but he’s very hot. However, his hopes are dashed when he’s partnered with the grumpy, rude security guard, Mickey. Ian thinks Mickey hates him and Mickey thinks Ian is judging him for being a parolee. But when they’re stuck together for a whole weekend….things begin to change….
What if things happened in a different order in s1? What if before Mickey and his brothers can even find Ian to beat him up, Mickey is taken into juvie? What if Ian also ends up in juvie because of the stolen car? So Mickey and Ian end up sharing the same cell. Things are tense to say the least. Mandy has warned Mickey that Ian is now her boyfriend and he better be nice to him. Doesn’t stop Ian and Mickey arguing though - constantly. They both can’t wait to get out and away from each other….but as time goes on, things start to change between them.
Ian is the author of a YA book about growing up gay and poor on the South Side. He mixes true details from his teenage years with fictional events to create a bestseller. The antagonist is based on the local thug, Mickey, who used to steal from the Kash and Grab and threaten to beat up Lip. Ian didn’t have much interaction with him apart from this but he felt like a character based on him would make a great villain. So he makes up the character ‘Mikey’ complete with knuckle tatts and a lack of personal hygiene. He doesn’t feel too bad about using a real person as a basis because, after all, what are the chances Mickey would ever read this? Well, he’s right the chances are low to zero. But Mandy, who always had a crush on Ian, does and can’t help noticing the similarities between Mikey and her brother. When Mickey hears about this from her and reads the book, he makes it his mission to track down Ian and tell him exactly how he feels about being portrayed like this.
Mickey is the reigning champion of the local South Side fight club. No one can beat him and as the potential cash prize rises higher and higher, Ian decides to take a chance and join the fight club. He’ll have to work his way up through fights to get the chance to beat Mickey but he’s fairly sure he can do it. Mickey meanwhile is using his visits to the Kash and Grab to not only steal but make fun of Ian for even trying in the first place. As Ian wins more fights and gets closer to his chance to fight Mickey, the tension between them begins to grow….
Ian wants to know who keeps destroying his perfectly set up ROTC training course in the abandoned building. So he keeps leaving notes, each getting more and more threatening. Mickey wants to know who the dork is who keeps setting up a stupid-ass assault course in his private space and leaving hilariously unthreatening notes. So, one day, he hangs around until he sees that dumbass Gallagher kid with the red hair. Oh, this’ll be fun. Mickey doesn’t know exactly what he’s going to do, but he knows he’s gotta fuck with Gallagher and his precious setup.
Light magic users and dark magic users are natural enemies. Everyone knows this. It explains why the Gallaghers and the Milkovichs have always stayed away from each other and why Ian hates when he sees any of them, especially Mickey, around the neighbourhood. But when Ian catches Mickey using magic to steal from the Kash and Grab, he’s surprised to realise that Mickey’s magic isn’t as dark as he thought….in fact, it seems like Mickey is secretly using light magic.
It’s not something he should be doing, but Ian is exhausted after his EMT shift so he takes a nap in the back of his ambulance, falling into a deep sleep. Mickey, after the worst fight he’s ever had with Terry, is on the run from his father. Panicked and not thinking clearly, he steals an ambulance and drives, not knowing where he’s going but determined to get as far away from Chicago as possible. When Ian wakes he thinks he’s been kidnapped, while Mickey gets angry that Ian was ‘hiding’ in the back. Soon they find themselves in a stolen ambulance that breaks down in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.
Ian and Mickey’s security business is going well. It’s successful and legitimate and they even have a brand new van to do their pickups in. No more stolen ambulances for them! But when they get in a head on collision with a drunk driver, they both end up in hospital with amnesia. The last thing both of them remember is Mandy sending Mickey to beat up Ian. How will they deal with ten years of missing memories and the fact that they are married to each other, living in an apartment on the West Side and running their own business when the only thing they clearly remember is being teenage enemies?
All the Gallaghers have worked in the diner since they’ve been able to, it’s their family business and the siblings have kept it going despite all the chaos Frank and Monica have caused. But when Frank goes too far and gets into serious debt with Terry Milkovich, the only way out is to give him the business. Uninterested in doing anything but get the profits, Terry sends his son, Mickey, into manage everything on a day to day basis. Much to the anger of all of the Gallagher siblings but especially Ian who instantly clashes with Mickey.
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gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
Birthday sex on the roof definitely happens! And since you like bartender AUs, I’ll bother you with a ramble-y mess of a headcanon! I like to think that Carl buys The Alibi but doesn’t make it a cop bar and winds up not being a cop himself (it’s just never made sense to me). After a while, I think Ian and Mickey wind up as sort of silent partners with him.
Ian has the customer service mindset and the ‘tell me your troubles’ face, Carl deals with drunks and regulars and “gives the place a non-felon name on the paperwork” and Mickey handles all the numbers, from accounting to inventory although he makes Carl do the computer work bc he’s adamant that the whole thing is temporary, “just til Carl gets it under control” even though it’s been over a year.
They still run Gallavich Security but now it’s out of the back of the bar, in a little office with the name on the door and everything. They’ve hired a few other almost cops that Carl recommended, and Mickey and Ian do less runs nowadays, have cleaned up things to nearly legit or as legit as they need to be to avoid any issues.
I think maybe Sandy comes back and bartends as well, constantly jokes about it being a gay bar to which Mickey replies “a gay bar named The Alibi? Why not just call it The Closet and get it over with?” but between the armed guards eating lunch at the tables and a couple of Milkoviches working the taps, no one starts shit when it actually does become a bit of a gay bar, at least in the sense that you can hit on anyone you’d like save the redheaded bartender and not get punched for it. And when Ian’s having a low day, he can crash on Carl’s couch in the apartment upstairs, watching daytime tv on mute, listening to the sounds of the South Side and knowing Mickey will be up after the lunch rush to poke and prod him into eating a sandwich.
Maybe the rest of the Milkoviches are known to drop by from time to time? Mandy at the holidays, Iggy on even more random days, maybe Jamie-the one who helped with keeping Terry from the wedding-winds up one of their guards. I’d like to think Molly pops up at some point and Ian gets to help her figure out some things, like he used to do with Gay Jesus kids. And every year, the bar closes for a private party to celebrate Mickey and Ian’s anniversary where all the Gallaghers, Milkoviches, etc. get together and hang out. 🦖
Hey 🦖 anon! Sorry it took me so long to get to you!
Yes! I don’t think Carl should be a cop. Also the alibi? A cop bar? OVER MINE AND MICKEY’S DEAD BODY. “Carl, you are not turning the bar I came out in into a pigs bar! What’s next? You’ll make it a pussy lover only bar? No fucking way”
sorry about that.
Mickey being his business savvy self? Hell yes! Also I have a feeling Ian would love to give people relationship advice but would suck at it so bad. Like “oh really? This reminds me the time that my husband and I…” and would just end up talking about his and Mickey’s relationship.
I’ve seen it before in a couple of fics (some bartender AUs, some not) that Mickey is the surprisingly the best guy to get relationship advice from. He’s romantic, doesn’t beat around the bush, will tell you the truth and genuinely has good tips.
a few other almost cops that Carl recommended -> hahaha why is that so funny to me? Also Ian and Mickey running their security business like bosses? Yes, please! Do they share a desk? Do they share a chair? (Aka Ian sitting down with Mickey on his lap?) do they still fight about who is the boss boss?
THE CLOSET hahahahahah this is pure gold 🦖 Anon!
Oh my god this is such a sweet AU! The milkovich’s joining the bar and coming to visit! It’s like Ian and Mickey’s relationship just blended those two families together 💗 this is making me feel things.
Not the annual anniversary party! You’re killing me with fondness! This is so fucking cute! I want this to be real!
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