#but mmm I’m nostalgic & still salty
mockingmolly · 4 years
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What if I lose all sight and ambition? What if my heart weakens my vision? What if all I need... is right in front of me? 
Oh I could die in your arms, I could die I could die in your arms, I could die  - Cold Weather Company, Wide Eyed
(clexa art in my 2020? Its more likely than u think,,.)
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wingedauthor · 4 years
Enemies in the Morrow Alt Ending
Summary: Its the eve of the Keyblade War and Riku has nowhere to go. A surprise visit from Ansem changes that. Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Forbidden Romance Rating: T  Pairing: RiSem
If you’re not a fan of this ship, here’s an alt ending which is platonic (closer to their canon relationship)
AO3 Link
“Hey Riku, you doing okay?” Sora asked, standing behind his best friend with Kairi by his side.
It was the eve of the Keyblade war and the trio decided to spend their last night back home. The play island was picturesque as usual; soft pink hues bathing the sand as the last golden rays of sunset sank beneath the watery horizon. The smell of salt and hibiscus was carried along the warm evening breeze. Such a nostalgic scent the three friends hoped wasn’t their last time enjoying.
“Yeah… just mentally preparing for tomorrow.” Riku replied with a soft smile.
“You don’t have to prepare alone anymore you know. We’re here for you if you want to talk.” Kairi added, sensing Riku wasn’t really telling the full truth. He never was the best liar. “We’re heading back home now, we can all row together.”
“You guys go on a head. I just want to enjoy the sunset a little while longer.”
Sora and Kairi exchanged a look. Something was bothering their friend, but they knew if Riku really didn’t want to talk, nothing they said or did would open him up. “Well… if you’re sure.” Sora reluctantly said.
“Try not to stay out too late. We need plenty of rest before tomorrow.” Kairi advised.
“Yes mom.” Riku chuckled.
After a moment’s pause, the two hesitantly left. Out of the corner of his eye, Riku watched till both boats disappeared completely from his sight before letting out a heavy sigh. He pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his face in his folded arms. He did want to tell them the truth but, in this case, there was really nothing they could do to solve the situation. Maybe he could ask to stay with one of them, but he didn’t want to impose of their last night with their families.
Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, he heard the sound of a corridor opening behind him and his senses immediately alerted him to who it was. Without having to look up. He let out a small sigh as the familiar heartless stood to his left.
“Ansem. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be off conquering another world in the name of darkness?” Riku quipped, finally looking up at the other.
The Heartless chuckled as he sat down beside his former possession, “I should be asking you the same thing. Shouldn’t you be enjoying what might be the last night of your life with those you love?”
Riku cocked his head. Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t think of a time he had ever seen Ansem just sit and relax somewhere. He couldn’t sense any real threat and Ansem wasn’t sitting uncomfortably close, so he didn’t mention it. He also wasn’t wearing his organization cloak but rather his usual coats. “I asked you first.”
“Such an impudent brat.” Ansem chided with very little bite to his words. His face softened though as he looked towards the sinking sun. “I just wanted to watch the sunset from my home world… one last time.”
Riku’s eyes widened in surprise, “Never thought you’d be the sort for enjoying sunsets.”
“And why not? It’s watching the sun’s light willing succumb to the darkness every night. I believe that’s very befitting a heartless’ nature.”
Riku scoffed. Of course, that’s why. A moment of silence fell between them as the final glimmer of light gave way to the rich purple hues of the night sky. The stars began creeping out one by one keeping the world from going completely pitch black. There was also a slim crescent moon that appeared. The island was still as beautiful as ever.
“Of all the worlds I remember travelling to, Destiny Islands always had the best sunsets. Quite ironic given how much my younger self wanted to escape.” Ansem mused quietly, breaking the silence.
“Better than Twilight Town?”
“Mmm. A world in perpetual twilight loses its appeal quickly. I still can’t understand why those children are so fond of that world.”
Riku wasn’t sure either but he wasn’t one to question why something was special to another person. “I guess one who knows nothing, can never understand nothing.”
“Brat.” Ansem retorted smacking Riku upside the head. Riku glared rubbing his head but it wasn’t that hard. More messed up his hair than anything else. “Now I believe you are to answer my question.”
Discomfort forgotten, Riku looked down, pushing his boot further into the sand. He contemplated lying like he did to Sora and Kairi but Ansem would know immediately. Unfortunately, that’s what happens when a crazy humanoid heartless dwells in your heart for almost two years. It was practically impossible to keep secrets. He also wouldn’t back down till he got the truth.
“I don’t… have a home to go to… anymore.” Riku admitted in a quiet voice. He half expected Ansem to laugh at him or mock him, but the heartless simply remained silent; just staring at him and waiting for him to elaborate further.
“My parents disowned me.” He continued.
Ansem’s actually widened this time, surprise plastered all over his expression. While he had access to Riku’s heart, he got to experience a lot of his memories. But he had noticed that Memories of his family were tightly locked. All he knew was his home life wasn’t the best. Why else would a five-year-old be so eager to leave an island paradise? He still didn’t say anything, giving Riku room to speak.
“I thought, having been gone so long, that they might be happy to see me again. But I guess my absence only caused them more troubles than my worth. They thought they were getting their son back to finally take over the family business. I tried telling them that I couldn’t stay forever anymore. I ended breaking the World Order by telling them I’m a Keyblade master. I even showed them my Keyblade! But that just seemed to make them more upset… They gave me an ultimatum that either I was to stay at home or… never return again.” Riku explained.
He didn’t say which choice he made but Ansem easily picked up the context clues. It was unusual to see Riku so distraught, but he had an impression all these feelings had been bottled up and needed release. Either he was going to tell someone or take it out on a defenseless heartless or nobody.
It took Riku a second to realize he just blabbed a very personal issue to his enemy. He didn’t know why it was easier to talk to Ansem than Sora or Kairi. Maybe it was because they had shared a being for so long that Ansem was the only one who could truly understand. Though they still were on opposite sides and a part of him feared Ansem was going to use this information against him now. But when he looked into the heartless face, he was surprised to see compassion. Not even just pity but genuine benevolence for his situation.
“When I left these islands, originally, I was no older than you were. I didn’t even spare a second thought for my parents and honestly, I never saw them again. I missed them on occasion, but I had bigger things to worry about than them. One thing I learned is: blood may make you related, however true family is forged by connections. And you’ve made a lot of connections on your journey. Several you could consider your new family.” Ansem said carefully.
The younger man stared at Ansem in awe. “That’s… quite profound coming from you.”
“And whatever do you mean by that? Has not everything I’ve told you been beneficial to you in the long run?”
“Well… most of the time all I hear is darkness, darkness, darkness, submit, darkness, darkness, darkness.” Riku replied doing his best Ansem impersonations.
The two snorted before letting out a hearty laugh. Riku couldn’t recall a time they had laughed together either. But it felt good in spite of everything. A part of Riku wished things could have always been like this. It was nice having someone to talk to who understood. As the laughs faded, another moment of silence fell between them.
* “So where do you plan on staying tonight?” Ansem asked breaking the silence and glancing over at his beloved.
“I’m not sure… I guess here.” Riku replied gesturing behind him. Tree house wouldn’t be too uncomfortable.
Ansem paused a moment. “Would you like to stay with me?”
A small blush dusted Riku’s cheeks, as he looked down, “I don’t think that’s the best idea. I do need to be able to walk tomorrow.”
The heartless chuckled, “For once that’s not what I’m suggesting. Just offering a warm bed… beside me.”
“Why do you want to help me? Wouldn’t it make it easier to win tomorrow if I’m groggy and tired?”
“True, but it wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying defeating you like that.”
Riku rolled his eyes. But he couldn’t deny it did sound tempting. He thought a moment. They had a complicated history. Somehow in the last year they started a secret opportunistic affair. Riku had convinced himself it was out of a primal hormonal desire; nothing more. In the back of his mind, he knew they could really never have a normal relationship. Being on opposite sides was one thing but they both knew their time was limited. Whoever wins this war, the other would disappear as a result of that. One last night together, didn’t sound bad.
They both stood up and dusted the sand off their clothes. Ansem opened a corridor, gesturing for Riku to step through first. Riku stared into the swirling abyss before taking one last look around the island. He hoped this wasn’t the last time seeing it. Taking in one final salty, sweet breath, he stepped through, shivering from the darkness skittering across his skin. The other side opened to a familiar dark room. Though calling it a room was generous as there were no walls. It was more of black bubble, the center of which sat a large king size bed. Surrounding the bed were four tall, silver candelabras; each with five black, lit candlesticks.
The light they provided was more for Ansem’s gothic aesthetic than an actual necessity. Though he’d never admit it out loud, he liked the romantic mood they set. It gave a warm feeling to an otherwise cold plane of existence. Then to the right stood a simple black and silver bedside table containing their ‘supplies’. Of course, there really was no such for that thing either as Ansem could summon pretty anything out of darkness. But Riku liked the sense of normalcy it gave.
Riku ran his fingers along the black and red, silk duvet, memories of all the nights spent here rushing through his mind. Another blush lit his cheeks but then he felt a stab of sadness in his chest. He stared at the red pillows. He remembered once when he was a child, an elderly friend of the family telling him, “You never know when the last time something is going to happen. The last time you’ll play together, the last time you talk with someone, the last time you see somewhere. You won’t truly know until you look back. So, try to enjoy every moment of life.”
He didn’t understand at the time but as he got older he did. He couldn’t really remember the last time he was here. It was recent and he knew what they did, but if someone asked him to recall all the specifics, he found he couldn’t. Riku didn’t want to forget tonight so he made a note to soak up every last detail.
“Riku?” Ansem asked in a soft tone, noticing Riku had been staring at the bed for a while now.
“Sorry, just trying to take everything in.” He said with a smile.
Ansem raised his arms, silently requesting Riku come closer. Riku happily obliged, stepping closer and into Ansem’s embrace. He breathed in the heartless’ familiar scent. It always reminded him of bitter dark chocolate with a hint of sandalwood and underline musk. Sharp to the nose but not unpleasant. He had grown to love it over the years. He almost fell asleep right then if not for suddenly feeling Ansem’s fingers pulling up his shirt. He jumped a little, pulling away.
“I thought we agreed-“ Riku started.
“We did, but you can’t very sleep in your sandy clothes. I have fresh pajamas there.” Ansem said, gesturing towards the foot of the bed where a white tank top and blue sweat pants laid out.
Riku felt a little embarrassed assuming the worst. They had worked past that a while ago. Ansem chuckled kissing Riku’s forehead as he pulled the white t-shirt off. He tossed the dirty one into a void where Riku knew it would return in the morning clean and folded. He always liked picturing Ansem having a heartless washing machine. Darkness flittered around Ansem’s gloved fingers as he moved them towards his own clothes, no doubt just going to dismiss his outfit to the dark abyss.
“Wait.” Riku said. “Let me.”
Ansem moved his hand away as Riku stepped closer He began undoing each of the clasps and buttons in a very slow manner. Teasing? Maybe. But he wanted to savor every inch of his dark skin being revealed. Once the top coat was free, Riku pushed it off his shoulders but used the opportunity to stand on his toes and plant a gentle kiss on Ansem’s lips. The heartless was surprised for a second before he kissed Riku back. It got a little more intense as their fingers got lost in each other’s hair.
But all Riku could taste was sadness. There was no hunger, no lust. Just the unbridled sorrow that they would be enemies again come the morrow. A few moments passed and Riku finally broke for air. He hadn’t even noticed he started crying until Ansem thumbed the tears away with his ungloved hand. They always were a hassle to take off.
“It’s getting late.” He whispered.
Riku nodded. He finished undressing and slipped on the pajama bottoms. Ansem dispersed the rest of his clothes in a puff of darkness, leaving only a loose, comfortable pair of grey sweat pants. That’s when Riku knew the heartless was serious on his word. The heartless usually preferred to ‘sleep’ nude. He didn’t say anything though as he removed blue with yellow stripe faux pillows from the bed and pulled back the covers. He slid in between the cool sheets, already feeling really sleepy. Ansem crawled in beside him, gently petting his shorter silver hair.
“Ansem, can I ask you a question?”
“If things were different. If we met under different circumstances… and weren’t on the either sides of a war, do you think we could have been something?” Riku asked.
Ansem hummed softly, thinking a moment, “That’s not an easy question. There’s too many variables.”
“But if we had our way, I would like that very much.” He added.
Riku smiled. He could at least dream. He kissed Ansem’s cheek before rolling over to sleep.
“Good night Ansem.”
“Good night- Riku.”
Ansem snapped his fingers and the flames went out.
Riku had a dreamless sleep that night. That’s not to say it wasn’t a restful sleep but he had hoped to picture some pleasantries before the dawn. Most of the night, he felt the comfort of Ansem’s arm hooked around his torso. And that’s what woke him up, he realized he couldn’t feel Ansem’s body anymore. He sat up slowly in the dark void and could hear soft scuttling about. His eyes adjusted to the dark and he could see Ansem sitting at the edge of the bed, pulling his boots on. He already had his organization coat on though still unzipped.
He knew that was a stall tactic. Ansem could have very easily changed outfits and disappeared into a portal within seconds and Riku would never know. But his chest began to tighten. The reality hit hard. This was it. He crawled to the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms tightly around Ansem’s waist from behind. He swallowed hard, trying to stop the tears from rolling down his face. Once they left this room, they’d be enemies. It was easy to fake hating each other in front of others.
They had done that song and dance many times before. Still, Riku knew deep down it would hurt. He was on the side of light and they had to win. To protect the worlds Master Xehanort couldn’t win.
“We could run away.” Riku suggested half-heartedly.
Ansem chuckled, “Oh Riku. To have your imagination.”
Riku huffed out a laugh, “Yeah I guess.”
“You know we can’t. There’s nowhere in all the worlds we could go. Master Xehanort would find us. Or worse, take drastic measures to replace us.”
“I still don’t understand why you work with him. His plan seems counter-intuitive to your ideals.”
“Well- unfortunately I really don’t have much choice. He’s the original. Without him (or Terra) I wouldn’t exist.” Ansem tried explaining.
“Sounds like you’re afraid of him.” Riku said, moving up higher onto his knees so he could rest his chin on Ansem’s shoulder.
“It’s complicated.”
Riku didn’t press further just enjoyed being close. He didn’t know how long they sat like that but at some point Ansem patted his hands clinging to his chest. “We have to get going.”
Reluctantly Riku let go and sat back on his heels. Ansem tossed him his cleaned clothes. Riku got dressed slowly, trying to stall for as much time as possible. His fingers fumbled with his boot laces. Without a word, Ansem knelt down and finished the knots. The atmosphere was heavy. This was it. They stood up, facing each other. Ansem gently cupped his cheek.
“Better put on a good show.” He whispered.
“You too.” Riku pulled Ansem down by his lapels and kissed him one last time. “Do me a favor? When we fight, wear your old coat. It’s a lot more flattering on you.”
Ansem snickered, “As you wish.”
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whiskynottea · 6 years
The Ripple Effect
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Previously Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13. Home
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What is happiness?
A snow fight where you can’t aim properly because you doubled up with laughter. Building a snowman, frantically searching for a carrot so he can smell the brisk, winter air. Savoring delicious pies until you know that your stomach will revenge you for being greedy – but going on till the last crumble. Drinking whisky, late at night in front of the fireplace, enfolded in two strong arms that can keep all world’s pain away.
Happiness isn’t a massive celebration or a constant condition. It’s like a fine powder, hiding in simple, little moments.
I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the weekend in the Highlands.
I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my life, but to collect such little, precious moments.
Time, however, knows neither happiness nor sadness. It keeps passing, and Sunday afternoon came without asking for our permission. I found myself feeling nostalgic for what we would leave back at Lallybroch. The bit of ourselves that lived in the Laird’s room, in the big manor that held so many people’s dreams, in young Jamie’s toothy smile.  
A few hours before we would depart, Jamie asked me to wear something warm and meet him in the parlor. My frown made his lopsided smile a bit more pronounced, but he didn’t bother explaining his plan. Seeing his broad back disappear down the stairs, I turned to find the warmest sweater in my suitcase. If Jamie Fraser asked for something warm, I was more than sure that we would freeze to death in some beautiful place he wanted to show me.
I dressed up like an onion, layers upon layers of clothing, and I went down the stairs to find Jamie waiting in his windcheater, looking at me as if I wore the most impressive red dress.
“What?” I asked, feeling the intensity of his stare.
“Nothing, Sassenach. Ye’re just so beautiful, is all.” His smile implied much more than that, but I knew better than to ask.
With my hand in his, the warm wool of my gloves rubbing against his as our fingers intertwined, we left the house behind and walked in silence, breathing in the cold air and taking in the serenity of the scenery.
Our boots crashed the fluffy snow that covered the green Highland hills of my memories. It felt like cleansing, creating a new, white canvas for spring to spread her colors on. Closing my eyes, I imagined the mauve of the heather, the purple of the primroses and spear thistles as they picked their little heads above the green grass. Opening them again, I reveled in the calmness around me. Everything was still, apart from the fog on the top of the mountains that swayed lightly to hide the magical creatures living up there and shelter them from the inquiring eyes. I grasped Jamie’s hand tighter and I inhaled deeply, feeling my heart quiet down; a pause in time, a moment that lasted forever, enclosing us in it.
Turning my head I saw his fierce red hair against the white surroundings, his deep blue sapphire eyes. My colors.
“Where are we going, love?” I finally asked, looking at him from the corner of my eye. I knew that if I let him, we could go on, walking forever.
“Ye’ll see, Sassenach. Be patient, aye?” His lips tugged up infinitesimally, a small move that no one would notice. No one, but me.
  We walked for about twenty minutes before ending up at a creek, surrounded by trees, their bare branches covered with snow. Thin, weaker branches were leaning towards the ground, desperate to dislodge their load while the strongest ones were standing proud, tips towards the sky, declaring their superiority towards the games of the seasons. The creek’s water ran vividly and rocks were disturbing its flow here and there; big and solid ones that determined its fate, smaller ones that were swallowed under its force.
“It’s so beautiful!” I said allured, breathing deeply as I tried to memorize the picture in front of me, to remember it forever.
Jamie moved behind me, enfolding me in his arms and creating a warm, protected niche against the cool breeze that came from the creek. “Aye, ‘tis.” He murmured, and I felt his inhale more than I heard it, his nose buried deep in my curls.
“Twas my favorite place to come here, when I was a lad.” I turned around in his arms, craving to see him, imaging the blue eyes of a little boy thirsty to see the world.
“How come you never showed this place to me before?”
He shrugged, as if the reason wasn’t important. “There is a hidden cave there,” he said, and my eyes followed the imaginary line that started from his index finger. “Up the hill.”
I squeezed my eyes, trying to find the place I was supposed to see. “I can’t see anything.” My frown made him laugh and I felt his breath caressing my face.
“That’s the point, Sassenach. Ye’re not supposed to find it from down here. There is a legend about that cave, ye ken.”
“Mmm,” I nuzzled his neck. “I was sure there would be one. We’re in the Highlands, after all.”
“Oh, aye. Ye ken us, Scots, far too well now. Care to listen?”
“I’m all ears.” I grinned, waiting for my born storyteller to begin.
Imagine of the stories he will tell our children.
“After the battle of Culloden, the Laird Broch Tuarach – he was a Fraser, ye ken – was hiding in this exact cave to avoid the redcoats. He was a wanted man, a renowned rebel, and he had to hide if he was not to be executed. The man stayed hidden during the day and hunted to supply for his family at night. There was a famine too at that time, ye ken.”
“Sounds like he was a gallant man.” I whispered.
“Aye. And he lived alone in that cave, for seven years, Sassenach.”
“Seven years in a cave?” I could feel my own heart ache for his loneliness.
“Aye,” Jamie nodded, a frown carving his face. “He lived like an animal, they say. He lost his wife in the Rising and was alone ever since. The legend says his wife was a fairy, and he coulna love anyone else after loving her.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn’t. I saw my breath, a mist disappearing in front of me, and I pulled Jamie closer. I couldn’t love anyone after loving him. 
Standing on the ground this man walked so many years ago, thinking of him alone and heartbroken in that cave for seven years, made me feel even more grateful for Jamie’s solid body against mine. It was a legend, I knew – but in my heart felt it all too real.
Jamie ran his hand on my back, kissing the top of my head. “I canna imagine how he felt. Ye left me only for six months, Sassenach, and I lost my urge to live.”
“I need ye to ken, Claire.” He moved slightly, so that we could look into each other’s eyes, but his arms stayed locked around me. Seeing me nodding, he continued. “When ye left… The worst part was that I was still living. I woke up every morning to see yer side of the bed empty. Then I couldn’t see it without ye and I started sleeping on yer side,” he let out a sorrowful snort, “as if it would change anything. I was laughing at jokes and all I could think was if you would laugh, too. I was reading passages that I came to love and I ached to read them to you. I was alive, and it hurt so much. I didna want to be alive without ye.” He removed his gloves and ran his fingers on my cheek, slowly and tenderly, as if he was afraid of breaking me. “I want ye in my life, Claire. I need ye, so much.” He stopped, swallowing hard, his eyes moist with unspent tears, with emotions that were just too much. “There is a poem, ye ken.”
With Jamie Fraser there was always a poem.
“There is?” I asked with raised eyebrows and a smile, trying to lighten up the mood.
“Aye, Sassenach.” Jamie pulled me closer with a smirk, pressing me against him. “There is.” He kissed my forehead, letting his lips settle against my skin for a while. “Tis called ‘Without You’. I dinna like the whole poem overmuch, but the last part…”
He took a deep breath and moved his head a little, to meet my eyes.
“Without you there would be 
no landscapes, no stations, no houses
no chipshops, no quiet villages
no seagulls on beaches
no hopscotch on pavements
no night, no morning
there'd be no city, no country
Without you.”
I made to speak, but his finger on my lips stopped me. “There’d be no home, without ye, Sassenach. I canna lose ye again. Will…” He paused, his eyes leaving mine for just a second as he looked down at his palm. 
There was no box, no velvet package, just a ring waiting for me, glinting against his skin.
“Will ye be my home, forever, Claire?” His blue eyes were boring deep into mine and I felt my heart filling up with love and hope. With the promises of a vibrant future dancing between his words.
“Forever,” I said in a trembling voice, unable to keep the tears from running free. Jamie kissed my tears away, and I could see my happiness lingering on his lips, making them red and shiny. He took my glove off and I felt his shaking hand as he slipped the ring on my finger. It was a beautiful band, set with diamonds in the shape of leaves. And it was just perfect.
Jamie raised my hand to his lips and kissed it reverently. 
I saw his tears streaming down his face as the back of his fingers trailed the wet paths on my cheeks before getting lost in my hair to bring me closer. His lips found mine, sweet and salty, and they tasted like smiles and tears. They tasted like life; like home. 
“I love ye, Claire.” He whispered on my lips.
“I love you too, Jamie.”
We stayed there, listening to the creek rumbling of lost loves and the wind whistling songs of reunions between the bare branches. Loves like ours, that persevered. Loves that fought and won, even if they ended up less perfect - carrying their scars on their back.
Enfolded in each other’s arms, we were exposed and we were protected. 
We were fearless. 
We were home.  
Poem by Adrian Henri
And this is Claire’s ring!
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Chapter 14
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fun-sized-owl · 6 years
Tagged by: @seboostianillustrations (thanks lovely!) 
I tag - @clvsterfvcks @makaruba @tindomendur anyone else who wants to!
favourite game from the last 5 years? ‒ I would love to say DA:I, but honestly I’m going to say The Witcher. I honestly can’t find a single fault in the Witcher 3 OTHER than Roach being a nong of a horse sometimes, but other than that, it’s fucking gorgeous, amazing, I love the story and the graphics are so damn pretty. I had SUCH  good time playing it, and I miss playing it, haha. 
most nostalgic game? ‒ Omg, so many old nintendo and SNES games, tbh. A lot of old PC games as well that me and my siblings would play. Things like Mortal Kombat, Croc, Snake Rattle N Roll, Life Force, Donkey Kong, Alien Vs Predator, The Lion King. LOTS of old school 90′s games. 
game that deserves a sequel? ‒ Most of my fave games already have sequels or are a part of a series... I’m just being impatient for them XD
game that deserves a remaster? ‒ Dante’s Inferno. FUCK I WOULD LOVE to play that game again, but EA went and kicked Visceral Games out and that makes me salty as fuck since they were amazing. -_- Also Dragon Age Origins is in desperate need of a remaster.
favourite game series?  ‒ The Dragon Age games, The Mass Effect games, Dead Space series, Gears of War, any Aliens game tbh, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Half Life, Tomb Raider (the newer series), and I’m excited to see where Red Dead Redemption goes :D
favourite genre?  ‒ RPG and survival horror. 
least favourite genre?  ‒ Mmm, probably deck building games. 
favourite song from a game? ‒  Oh god so many, lol. I’m probably going to say Dark Solas theme from Trespasser though, because it gives me SO many feels. Also the main title for Ori and the Blind Forest because UGH FEELS!!!
favourite character from a game? ‒ I honestly have way too many... I mean mostly it’s protag characters in all my favourite games, especially if it’s a CC option protag.
favourite ship from a game? ‒ M!Adaar x Bull, Any Quizzy with Dorian, Cass x any Quizzy, Shakarian from M.E, Gil and Ryder from M.E, a lot of others, hahaha.
favourite voice actor from a game?  ‒ Probably going to say Marcus Fenix from Gears of War (John DiMaggio) because his voice is SO DAMN distinctive, and he really is the story for me. I love the side characters, but damnit that voice is what makes Gears for me. XD But I also enjoy Gideon Emery (Fenris/Samson)
favourite cutscene?  ‒ When Solas first takes you to Skyhold and it goes through the mountain scene. I will never forget that experience for me, and it was when Kaaras (My Inquisitor) finally broke away from me just playing some dude and became his own character. That scene for me is something really special, also the score in it is just so damn beautiful and motivational. I frigging LOVE it. Also when you just defeat Corypheus and walk back up the stairs in Skyhold where the advisers bow to you. It’s so hopefilled and really moves me. That kinda happy ending shit is my scene, okay. I LOVE it. 
favourite boss?  ‒ Zobek from Castlevania. I think he was a really well written character, and a BITCH to fight in the end. Also Satan from Dante’s Inferno. Ugh I LOVE that game so much, and Satan was amazing in it. Also I really love that they didn’t shy away from giving him a huge floppy dick in game when you fight him, it’s great! Go see it if you haven’t watched it. XDDD They were both just really great written characters.
first console?  ‒ Nintendo ;’D I am OLD
current console or consoles? ‒ I am a PC person, but I have an Xbox One and PS4. I still also have my old Xbox 360, PS2, SNES and gameboy colour >.> 
console you want?  ‒ I honestly just want a better graphics card for my PC since games are becoming so demanding on them, lol. I prefer to play on PC and just use my controller if I require it in a game. 
place from a game that you’d like to visit?  ‒ Thedas, Skyrim or The Continent (The Witcher world). 
place from a game that you’d like to live in?  ‒ The above. I’m pretty sure I was meant to be born in the medieval times, okay.
ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun?  ‒ Sign me up for anything, but I would love to see Dragon Age and Mass Effect cross paths! I’d also like to see Dragon Age and The Witcher. A lot of medieval ones I could see mixing and making sense. :) 
book that would make a good game?  ‒ Ah man, any of the Alien books that I’ve read. But other than that, probably very little, hahaha. 
show/movie that would make a good game?  ‒ I would have a crack at any so long as I am a fan of the movie, lol. But horror movies would probably be best adapted. Or Fantasy worlds. 
games you want to play?  ‒ Detroit Become Human (I’m planning to get it this weekend), the next Tomb Raider, Red Dead 2, Ori and the Blind Forest 2, Gears of War 5, basically all ones I need to wait for until they are released, lol.
have you gotten 100% completion in a game?  ‒ Definitely, lol. Most of them are older games where they weren’t all secrets hidden, though. 
have you cried over a game? ‒ No, but I have definitely felt emotional. I think Ori and the Blind Forest did a great job at making me want to bawl my eyes out rofl. 
what power-up or ability would you want in real life? To either shape shift or fly. I LOVE games that give you wings!
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
Pillowtalk (M)
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Genre: Smut
Summary: Namjoon was the one, once upon a time. He can't come back into your life and expect things to go back to normal. You're happy with Hoseok, and no random visit in the middle of the night is gonna stop that..right? (Previously posted on Suganeedsanap) Warnings: Cheating Word Count: 2,860
Written by: Admin Jaefairy
  It was too early. The sky was as black as tar, the stars taking absence. To your discomfort, you had work in the morning. When the sound of your intercom buzzed, you groaned deeply. Swinging your legs out of bed, you let your feet rub against the soft carpet flooring. You scratched your eyes and walked down the dark hallway, hearing the blaring buzzer over and over. Whoever decided to disturb you right now was in for a rude awakening. You pressed the intercom button. “Who the fuck is it?” “Hey. Can you open up?” You sighed deeply, and pressed the intercom again. “ What do you want? It’s the middle of the night and I have work. �� The voice on the other side groaned. “Please…I need to talk to you.” You pressed the door button and turned on a desk lamp, flooding the living room with warm light. Your ex Namjoon had been calling you recently. You’d talk to him about his girlfriend, about his life but you kept your personal life to a minimum in conversation. He was the one you thought you’d end up being with for the rest of your life, but life dealt you a bad hand and things didn’t work out. He moved on, and so did you. You opened your door to see if he was down the hall. You heard footsteps and once he appeared at the end of the hall you stepped out of the house. You locked the door and walked towards him. “Hey.” He said softly. His eyes were red and puffy. Dried streams of salty tears adorned his soft cheeks. You brushed your fingertips against his cheek and he winced, looking away. “You’ve been crying, what’s wrong?” He looked at you, his hands gripping your arms softly. “She’s been cheating on me. She told me an hour ago.” You felt your spine prickle and you stepped back. You had a boyfriend, and Namjoon had his chance years ago. “I was wrong Y/n, I’m sorry for letting you go..” his voice hit your ears and sounded like honey. You started feeling nostalgic and felt some force inside you wanting to comfort him and kiss him. If you gave in, you wouldn’t be any good as his former girlfriend. Your boyfriend didn’t need this. You froze there, your emotions and reason fighting for control.
 He looked up at you and blinked a few times, as if he was brought back to reality. “Sorry..I don’t know why I came here.” He ran his hand through his blond hair. “Have a good night.” he whispered, turning his back to you and walking away. You watched for a moment, seeing him walk out of your life again. In that moment, the worst possible thing happened and your emotions won over. As he was walking towards the stairs, you followed him. Your hand grabbed his jacket as he reached the steps, his face turning back to yours. He looked dazed, slightly shocked. Your name rolled off his lips and before you could give your decision a second thought, your lips pressed into his deeply. Your hands grabbed his face and kissed him over and over. You forgot how soft his full, round, lips felt against yours. His hands held onto your waist, pushing you into the wall gently. He lips pressed into yours more, his tongue dancing around yours. His hands rode up and grabbed your breast from under your shirt. A loud moan escaped your mouth and you paused for a moment. “ Mmm..maybe we should go somewhere else. ” You didn’t need your neighbors knowing how loud you could get, but you were already in infidelity territory. You moved from under him and pulled him by his hand. After running up two flights, you lead him to the roof.
 After closing the door, it didn’t take him long to pin you down and continue. Your voice escaped your lips as Namjoon found your neck and bit down. You took off his jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt. His teeth released your flesh and he started sucking down on his mark, slipping off his shirt. He reached down for your shorts and tugged them down with his strong hands. You moved your feet out of them and pulled his head away from your neck, assaulting his mouth with rough kisses. Your lips left his mouth and kissed down his neck, your hands unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. As your hand grabbed his hard cock, Namjoon let out a harsh gasp. You played with it gently, leaving kisses and nips down his chest. “Y/n..please..” “Nah, you’re gonna beg for it.” You slipped down onto your knees, your fingers tugging on his briefs. You looked up at Namjoon. His eyes were full of lust, and you had him in the palm of your hand. You kissed his erection, still fully clothed. “What do you want, Joonie~?” you asked playfully. “Ahn..Y/n..I need it.” “What do you need..?” Your stare turned into a challenge. You knew it embarrassed him begging for things during sex, and it was always fun to make him concede. He grabbed the back of your hair and tangled his long fingers into your hair. “I need your mouth on my cock..I need to fuck your mouth and your tight pussy..” He tugged your hair slightly, making you moan deeply. “Is that what you want to hear?” You fully pulled his underwear and pants down, his cock brushing against your lips. You kiss the tip gently, licking his precum clean. He groaned as you started sucking his tip, your other hand rubbing between your legs. Your pussy was wet and your throbbing clit was begging for attention. “Good boy..” you moaned taking more of his cock in your mouth. Namjoon’s grip got tighter on your hair and his head leaned back. “Fuck, Y/n!” “Hmm?” you asked, your mouth bobbing up and down on his fully hard cock. Namjoon panted softly and bucked his hips, thrusting his cock deeper into your mouth. You moaned louder and before you knew it, you were losing control. His hands held onto your head and thrusted more. First it was gentle and soft, your mouth sucking harder with every thrust. He groaned your name every so often, beginning to go faster. You rubbed your clit harder. You forgot how good this felt with Namjoon. His cock began to twitch in your mouth and you whined softly. Namjoon pulled back and helped you up. “Take your shirt off.” he said. You stepped back some and lifted it up, your breast bouncing slightly. “Mmm..You’re still as gorgeous as I remembered.” He said with a soft smile. Before things got into an awkward talk you didn’t want to have you kissed him and pushed him back more, until the two of you were in the center of the roof. You laid on the ground, naked in the light of the moon, and spread your legs open. Your fingers opened your lips and rubbed your clit for Namjoon’s viewing. “Namjoon…fuck me…” You moaned softly and gripped your breast gently, Namjoon watching you. He stroked his erection and kneeled down, kissing you. “Stop touching yourself that way.. you’re making me jealous.” “What, that you can’t make me feel this good?” He smirked at your question, gently biting your bottom lip. “ Oh, I know I can..” “You sure, Namjoon? You seem a bit rusty.” With that last remark, he slapped your hands away from your body and slipped his cock inside your wet pussy. You screamed softly, his hands gripping your hips. Namjoon’s lips kissed and sucked his mark from earlier. He started pumping harder and harder inside of you, his fingers sinking into your skin. Your sounds were a mixture of harsh pants and high pitched moans. Your legs wrapped around his waist and he went deeper inside. He started hitting your g-spot, sending your body jolts of pleasure. “ Ah!! Namjoon…” “You wanted this, didn’t you..?” You felt your pussy grow hot and he noticed. “Mmm..I could tell..” He started to bite and suck down on your breasts. Your moans got louder and your felt your body tingling up. “Namjoon..I"m gonna cum..” Namjoon gave you a wicked smirk and slammed into you constantly until your body shivered and you screamed his name, Your core leaving juices all over his cock. “Heh..I almost forgot you were a squirter..” he groaned, your face growing red. He pumped a few more times and came inside you, shutting his eyes . He slipped out of you and went down, using his tounge to lap up your juices and his cum. When you thought he was finished he gripped your thighs and sucked on your clit, pinning you down again. Your body grew hot once again and you felt yourself begging for more. “Don’t stop..please, don’t!!” your moans got louder, his tongue swerving around and giving your clit utmost attention. After a while, you came and he began cleaning you up again with his mouth.
 After he got off of you, You sat up and looked at him. There was silence for a while, then he open his mouth. “I didn’t expect this to happen.” You shrugged. “It’s fine.. You do know though this doesn’t make you any better than her right?” He nodded and looked at the sky, thinking. “Neither are you, then.” You bit your lip and sighed. “When are you gonna tell Hoseok?” Your eyes widen and your mouth opened slightly. You didn’t tell him about your life partially because Hoseok was a friend of his. “How did you know about-” “ There is such a thing as social media. Just because we don’t talk much doesn’t mean I don’t know.” You frowned and nodded. You looked at your body and cursed. There were hickeys all over your chest and you felt a throbbing pain on your neck. “Shit, Namjoon..” He rubbed your knee and looked away. “I’ll tell him I forced you..” “You’re not that kind of guy, and no you won’t. ” You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. “Why did you come here ?” Namjoon looked at you and frowned. “Because as soon as she said that, you were where my feet took me. ” You kept playing with your hair, your thoughts going crazy again. You didn’t know what to think about first. He moved closer to you and took your chin in his hand. “I don’t know why I left, Y/n.” “But you left, period.” “I did.” “And here you are again. Am I supposed to tell you I missed you and I want you back?” He stayed quiet, while your brain raced. You sighed and felt yourself lean into him, your lips pressing against his. As much as you didn’t want to admit it to yourself, you were still in love with him. Here you were, kissing him after two years in the nude on the top of a roof. You couldn’t see yourself doing that with Hoseok. Once your lips parted, you looked at him. “I’m not going back to you. You have to work for it.” “What about Hoseok?” “I’m going to do what any responsible person does, I’m gonna tell him the truth. If we end up working things out, you have to respect that. If not, then like I said. I have to know I can trust you again. That you won’t leave once things get really serious.” He nodded, moving hair out of your face and kissing you once last time. You got up and started looking for your clothes, getting dressed.
 After the two of you got dressed, he looked at you and you looked at him. You both had the same unsure look on your face. You knew you both still were in love with each other, but you didn’t know where you two were going from here. He left first without a word, and after ten minutes you followed. When you got back to your apartment, you locked the door, turned off the light and went to the bathroom. You washed the grime and sex from your body, but the marks were still there. At one point you banged your head against the wall and cried softly. You were a mixed up mess at this point.
 Hoseok was awake. He had been for a few hours. He sat up in the bed you both shared, his hands in his face. The window was open and he heard two people being noisy outside, but that wasn’t new. There were a few young couples in the complex. You weren’t here, though. He remembered you answering the door alarm and hearing a man with a low voice answer. He knew that Namjoon had called you a few times recently, you weren’t going to keep anything from him. He also knew how hurt you were when he left and how much you loved him. You were in the bathroom taking a shower, and that just further his suspicions. He inhaled and exhaled, fighting back tears. He was hoping he was wrong, but his gut was telling him otherwise. A vibration went off and he jumped, looking at his phone. Namjoon’s face popped up and he promptly answered. That was enough confirmation. He pressed the phone to his ear, hearing Namjoon say his name. He couldn’t hold it in anymore and the tears fell from his eyes. “What do you want?” “..Did she tell you already?” “ You both were loud enough.” Namjoon’s silence made Hoseok cry harder. “You’re an asshole, Namjoon. Why did you even call her? You knew we were togeth-” “I’m sorry. I just.. I miss her a lot more than I thought and I hate that I lost her. I was being selfish, okay?” “You damn were.” He heard the shower turn off and he sighed. “Hoseok, I was an asshole and I did you wrong. I was only thinking about myself, I didn’t think about your feelings.” “I know this. Can I hang up now? You’re just making me more upset. ” “Right..I just wanted to say sorry, this is all my fault.” You came in a hoodie and some sweatpants, your eyes widening at Hoseok’s face. You felt your heart crush, you own eyes watering up. He held a finger up, and continued his phone call. “Don’t let me see you for a long, long time.” when he hung up, he looked at you and frowned. “Hey..” he said, wiping tears from his eyes. “We need to talk..” “We do, jagi..” You sat next to him on the bed and looked down, pinching your knee where Namjoon rubbed it earlier. You bit your lip and sighed. “Me and Namjoon had sex tonight.” “I know.” You kept your eyes on your knee, tears dropping onto your thigh. Hoseok took your hand and pulled you into his arms, his face in your chest. His sniffles made your chest hurt. He knew you loved Namjoon more. You started to cry, hiding your face in his hair. After the breakup, Hoseok was one of the first people to reach out to you. You guys had always been close friends and when he asked you out, you were afraid something like this would happen. You loved him so much, but you were always unsure if it was romantic or platonic. In this consoling and hurtful embrace, you knew it was probably platonic. “I don’t want you out of my life, Y/n.. but I know you’ll be happier with him.” You lifted your head up and rubbed his back. “I can’t love you as much as I wish I could, Hobi..” you whispered. His cries got louder and you held him.
 After a few hours of sniffling, fighting, harsh words, and apologies, he got up and grabbed a bag with a few clothes. He was gonna stay with his friend Jimin until he could get the rest of his stuff. Before he left, he smoothed your hair and kissed your forehead for the last time. You knew it would take a long time for your friendship to heal, but you promised him you would work for his trust again. If Namjoon had things to work on, so did you. After Hoseok left, you laid in your empty bed and heard your phone ring. You were wondering if Hoseok needed something, but it was Namjoon. “Hey, are you alright..?” You sighed and sniffled. “Yeah, things are rocky but it won’t be like this forever, hopefully.” “Do you need me to come over..?” You knew it wouldn’t be the best idea, but you couldn’t stand being alone in that bed. “Yeah, but this doesn’t mean you’re my boyfriend or that we’re gonna fuck.” “I know, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” You conceded this time and he said he was on his way. You found the sheet, Hoseok’s scent still clinging to it. You sighed and held it to your chest. You had a lot to work on, but it could wait for tomorrow.
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iiiiiant · 6 years
I have half an hour left for lunch so why the hell not tell my mob of fans about lil’ ol’ me in the fall?
1. The smell of pumpkin guts or rotting leaves?
Leaves. It reminds me of dad helping him rake. I hated it then, but now I feel oddly nostalgic.
2. Sweet or salty pumpkin seeds?
3. Store bought or pumpkin patch pumpkins?
Both...? Is there a difference? We usually just went out to local farms.
4. Wool or knit sweaters?
Knit—wool makes my tits itch.
5. Halloween party or exploring haunted places?
Halloween party because I can just sit on my ass and eat.
6. Candy corn or mellowcreme pumpkins?
Candy corn. I’ve been told that I’m a monster.
7. Apple cider donuts or pumpkin donuts?
Donut holes!
8. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?
Mmm, pumpkin pie... Ru makes some amazing pie. She’s like an abuela in a small lady body.
9. Scary costume or something silly?
I haven’t dressed up in years because I’m always working on Halloween, but I guess something silly.
10. Still, silent nights or rainy, windblown ones?
God, I love the rain.
11. Hocus Pocus or Halloweentown?
Never seen either.
12. Witches or ghosts?
Ghost witches.
13. Raking leaves or climbing trees?
Raking leaves, I GUESS.
14. Ouija boards or ghost stories around a campfire?
Ouija boards are dumb; ghost stories all the way.
15. Frankenweenie or The Corpse Bride?
Haven’t seen either of these either. Love The Nightmare Before Christmas though.
16. October or November?
17. Black cats or owls?
Don’t make me pick...
18. Fireplace or candlelight?
Fireplace all the way.
19. Monster movies or their classic novels?
Novels. I love Frankenstein.
20. Carve or paint pumpkins?
I suck at it, but I love carving pumpkins.
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