#but my disability isnt so clear cut that the government will take it seriously
is-this-yuri · 9 months
btw since i am actually homeless now and the holidays are over i guess i should put a donation link here. you don't have to give me any money! i know how to live for free. it would just help me be more comfortable
things i'll spend money on in priority order:
- gas for my car (this will keep me from getting towed and get me to therapy and case management appointments)
- food and water (only if i run out of food stamps, or the occasional hot food treat)
- extra blankets and clothes for the winter (it's pretty warm so i might not need this)
- laundry
i don't really like the idea of asking for money since i do in fact have plenty of experience with this situation. i've lived in my car for two and a half years total now, and i know if i'm lucky i can survive this way for a long, long time. a little extra cash will just keep me sane and for sure safe without needing to get lucky. so, if you do throw something my way i will appreciate it! it will make my life easier for sure. but, if you'd rather give your money to someone who needs it more (including yourself), i don't mind at all.
there's no monthly rewards or anything, but for a bit of fun bonus, anyone who donates will get to see my face reveal
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