#but my goddddddd i am CURIOUS
hella1975 · 1 year
me: i really really really don’t need a new band with complex lore and characters to get invested in i don’t have the time or mental capacity idc how cool they are or how much presence they bring to their performances
also me seeing sodo from ghost playing a white guitar so hard his fingers bleed and smear all over it and he KEEPS PLAYING: um. umm
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abiiors · 8 months
VEEEEEEE, i messaged you a few days ago that i was at work and thinking many thoughts of ross and i am once again at work and thinking many thoughts of our big beautiful man…
IN PARTICULAR idk why this is the scenario on my mind but ROSS HAVING A CRUSH ON YOU 🤭🤭🤭 and being sosoooooo smitten and soft for you…. (gnawing at my enclosure) like in this scenario i keep thinking about, it’s ross waiting for you to show up to like an intimate gathering of friends and you’ve met the boys and everyone before through charli cause that’s bestie (need her expeditiously) and you and ross really hit it off!! his head is full of nothing but thoughts of you!! so he’s clearly distracted until you get there then he’s all smiles and laughs and gentle touches (need to be institutionalized) but ALSO until you get there he’s all impatient and antsy asking charli if you let her know what time you’d be there but he asks it more than once so everyone starts teasing him for having a crush and then they tease him even more once you get there cause his whole demeanor changes i’m thinking many normal thoughts 😍😍😍
OH MY GODDDDDDD ANON YOU'RE IN MY HEAD BECAUSE THIS IS LITERALLY A SLEEP SCENARIO FOR ME!!!! i love the whole dynamic of having a crush so much, it's just SO. SOFT. 😭😭
yes, absolutely, you've been introduced to their friend group through charli because she is the fucking coolest and makes an offhanded comment like "hmmm you know what now that you're single, there's someone i wanna introduce you to" (that someone being ross obv) and you do absolutely hit it off but maybe you're both a bit shy at first to ask each other out immediately. like you like each other a lot and worry that the other might not feel the same but oh lordddd he is so down bad.
he's quite good at hiding it though, or maybe he thinks he's quite good at hiding it 🤭 like he won't go up to charli and directly ask her when you're coming. he'd instead just casually be like "oh, thought your friend was coming too, isn't she?" all cool and aloof as if he doesn't care, he's just 'curious' but charli instantly clocks it and smirks at him like "well, aren't you curious!!! she's running a bit late don't worry. she'll be here in 15, i just got a text from her."
and he spends the next 15 minutes trying not to hover near the door so he can be the one to open it once the doorbell rings. anyway, he isn't the one to open it--george is. and you go around saying hello to people and hugging both george and charli before you shyly wave at ross and fix your hair a bit (self conscious, it was kinda windy outside and ross finds it so adorable that your hair is all unruly and messy in a very effortlessly sexy way)
charli immediately hooks her arm with yours and pulls you towards ross and goes "so ross is really good at making cocktails and you were saying how you were gasping for a good martini!" and then she sorta pushes you both together towards her home bar and says "go ahead, use whatever you like"
while your back is turned she also throws a wink at ross who rolls his eyes and mouths a silent thank you (she really is a good wingwoman) and well turns out he is really good at making cocktails. you even comment on it and he's like "come on i'll teach you." so you hold the shaker in your hands a bit unsure until you feel him right behind you and so close that you can almost feel the heat radiating off him. his cologne is mouth-wateringly good and you fucking want to turn around and pull him into a kiss.
he is no better tho--his heart is fucking hammering in his chest because he really does fancy you so much and you're so fucking close to him. so he does the second best thing which is wrapping his hand over yours under the guise of teaching you how to make a martini.
your hand is so small and soft in his and it's like the first time he's ever properly touched you so he feels like he's fucking sixteen again. no one is paying attention to the martini, you're both just busy blushing and being idiots in general. <3
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fllowered · 3 years
how many times do you correct someone who mispronounces your name before you decide to give up?
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
Once you get quite comfortable and stay over with your baby and maybe Harry is working the next day your baby will just babble and walk over to harry while he’s doing emails etc and you’re like ‘come back here right now’ chasing after him and harry laughs while you take him and after a while he’d do the same again run to harry because he’s a baby and curious with his surrounding 😔 and harry tells you ‘it’s fine don’t worry, let him sit with me I’m just checking emails’ and you’re like ‘I don’t wana bother u 😕’ and he says ‘I promise you’re not go have a bath or something I’ll watch him’ and when you get back your baby is sleeping on a pillow and harry on the other side of him exhausted from waking up early
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 15
death awaits!
oh god the cover. I aint ready 
the cover of overlords open mouth w/rodimus floating inside or w/e,,,,the overlord mouth fixation continues i see
and of COURSE its by nick roche. of course
oh god the tension and dread in the first page, as we get overlords sinister promise to murder everyone, starting with rewind, and then seeing chromedome rush over to open the door, and knowing that 30 minutes have passed already...
that full page spread of everyone vs overlord is amazing
also I always thought that ambulon was trying to kick overlord but now that I look closer he’s actually jumping away from overlord, having just crashed one of those hover...thingys....into him...which is honestly cool as hell. also I'm never over the fact that ambulon kinda looks like he’s smiling here, just having a grand ole time as overlord tries his best to murder everyone
and chromedome just seeing this and saying ‘rewind?’ is fucking killing me thanks
PIPES NO DONT DO THIS. YOURE JUST RUBBING SALT IN THE WOUND. PLEASE don't talk about how much fun you're having on your wacky space adventure oh god, that’s just asking to be murdered,
his messed up goodbye thoughts are brutal...plus the final shot of him laying all busted up....god :( 
that guy seriously had some awful luck this trip. rip lil guy
BUT he sounded the alarm!!! so good for him!! that's a pretty amazing final act right there
oh my god I forgot abt this scene where rewind is like ‘so brainstorm why is my husband saying your name in his sleep :))))’ and brainstorm is like ‘haha idk its certainly not because we’re working on a secret project together, so jot that down!’ lmao brainstorm....
also dw rewind brainstorm is not fucking ur husband, just look at his evidentially extensive collection of perceptor-style microscopes...my man is microscopesexual 
I forgot abt the metabomb omfg
‘some of my favorite words are monosyllabic’ rodimus ily, himbo of my heart,
fort max :( rung :( 
oughhghghg I forgot abt the scene of tailgate making cyclonus a new horn ;_; and then cyclonus materializes menacingly bc tg dared to volunteer their room for movie night hvbfshdjkfbaskj cyclonus anti-social icon
what the fuck, is drift a flying car??? hello??? what the hell????
seriously he’s got like, rockets and shit, what the fuck
anyways, the entire exchange b/w ratchet and drift here kills me, for multiple reasons.... ‘my faith and my sword’ lmao love it. and then ratchet refusing to leave drift and calling him his friend ;_; aughhh
rodimus w/the squad like ‘lets go gays!!!’ 
also I guess cosmos WAS on the lost light lol, totally didn't remember that, I'm guessing he left at some point to go be in the other series lmao 
I'm sorry but ‘amazing. you speak entirely in name’ is so fucking funny, but also like stfu overlord you're not allowed to be funny
now I'm confusing myself lmao, rodimus DID know abt overlord, didn't he??? wasn't that the whole thing???? I don't remember if he was involved w/the whole mnemosurgery plan but he at least knew that overlord was there...but we haven't been told that in-story yet so now I'm questioning that lmao
oh god I forgot that overlord almost kills magnus, jeeeeesus. good thing he’s a russian nesting doll otherwise he probably would've died fr 
also damn that's gotta be scary for everyone else, bc magnus is The Big Guy, and a renown fighter...plus drift got all fucked up...yall are in for a bad time 
tailgate gettin his panic on I see
swerve w/the meta narration lmao 
cyclonus ily sm.......
rodimus charging at overlord....ohhh my boy not your best idea
cd and rewind both saying ‘I thought you were dead!’ HHHHHHHH I'm destroyed fuck it all
rodimus (inadvertently) saving the day by saying ‘til all are one’...iconic!!
drift just casually chillin w/no legs
chromedome going into extreme detail about all the mnemosurgery he’s been doing on overlord for WEEKS while rewind is Right There....my dude.
this issue has a LOT of completely white backgrounds but I cant even rlly blame milne bc this seems like more drawing work than usual
oh god cd don't say ‘we’ll finish this conversation later’ at a time like this, that’s never a good idea,
rewind no don't do it :( :( :( 
that panel of cd’s arm getting cut off...AUGHHH
so incredibly fucked that cd does what’s best for rewind by blowing the pod up....hhhhh god 
and then that last panel of cd laying on the ground....fucking destroy me!!!!!!!!
also I love that at the beginning of the issue we see whirl with the missile launcher thing, and that’s what cd uses at the end here....good bookends. jro is really great about putting stuff in the story that just seems like innocuous filler/fun character building but turns out to ALSO be plot relevant later
HOLY SHIT I forgot about the cast page with the big red X’s thru the dead people’s profiles....jesus christ 
AUGH this issue was a rollercoaster, phew...and the emotionally devastating conclusion to this arc is still yet to come! 
I will say that it’s super interesting looking back on this, in the sense that rewind & chromedome are introduced as the first ever gay tf couple, and a few issues after we get told this explicitly, rewind is killed. this doesn't really end up being an issue representation-wise bc literally everyone is gay and there are a bunch of other significant gay characters/relationships later on, AND rewind comes back later 
but still! it’s interesting to think about how, at the time this came out, the phrase/concept ‘bury your gays’ wasn't really something that was talked about a lot (or like, it was, but not as often as nowadays, and not really under the term ‘bury your gays’ iirc), but at the time of publication this would have fallen under that trope (though rewind coming back later negates it imo). I think it would've been tough for this story to come out nowadays due to the backlash that would've occurred from rewind’s initial death (it also makes me wonder if there was any backlash when this DID come out) 
to be clear, this isn't a writing criticism - in fact, the reason this is able to work at all is because of the crazy amount of representation mtmte has. it’s like, youre able to kill off gay characters without it being ‘bury your gays’ if literally all your characters are gay by default, and there are a bunch of significant gay relationships happening - technically speaking, any death in mtmte is bury your gays lmao 
this is a completely disjointed rant but my point is like, if this issue came out in 2020 people would probably be pretty put off by rewind dying (understandably), but in the context of the series as a whole I don't consider this to be bad writing/bad representation/bury your gays 
and like, WERE people really mad about this in 2013? I am curious now, bc I would definitely feel kinda betrayed if I didn't know all the stuff that happens later 
but its pretty nice, because now I'm free to enjoy the writing and be emotionally devastated by rewinds death in a normal way, and not a ‘I'm angry at the writers for killing off one of the only gay characters’ kinda way
anyways I'm tired as hell so I'm going to bed, ill continue the emotional devastation later, phew
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samsm2mstories · 5 years
The Jacobs Labs. (Series)
The Jacobs Labs stories: The Body swap of Sam and Liam.
Please be aware this is a role play that I did with @liamstfstories and I edited it slightly to turn it into a joint story / roleplay style text. Enjoy! PS it’s my first story series I’ve ever written!
Part 1: The upcoming days to the trip to the life change
Main characters:
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Sam was a typical British male aged 28 who was into his fitness and was toned but nothing major but the one major perk he had was his 10inch cock which was thick. Sam had a short buzzed dirty blond hair cut which you could relate to an army cut while having green eyes. He would of been a typical hot guy in the eyes of the British. You see Sam had a keen interest in travelling as he recently won a few thousands on the lottery but it wasn’t enough to retire from work. He went on a life changing trip to Australia where he used the money to get a new life started. He happens to meet his future boyfriend called Liam’
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Liam is your typical Australian male aged 20, he had a skater style body which he had a six pack that could show through tight tees. He got brown eyes and brown hair which changes time to time as he follows the style trend in his town. You see Liam has this typical boyish personality which tends to make him act younger but you would call him a normal Australian. Full of energy and takes every challenge in a chilled manner. Liam met Sam at the coffee shop that he works for.
Their relationship went from a simple chat to Sam moving into Liam’s apartment within a week and it turns out that Sam with his mature attitude looked after Liam like his son. Sam loved how Liam personality was and always laughing at the silly things he does and say. Liam on the other hand loved Sam due to his large British cock and his smarts. Some reason these two were a perfect match for each other until Liam mentioned about a new company recently moved into Sydney that was based on advanced medical operations.
Jacobs Laboratories was a recently founded company based in Sydney that specialised in medical conditions and Mr Jacobs Williams was the founder. He had a special underground branch that was trialing operations that wasn’t approved by the government but because the company was respected by the city for it’s massive investments it got away with the hidden experiments.
Jacobs had a breakthrough with one it’s new machinery that can prevent any cells undamaged in an operation. This was managed by a breakthrough on a certain liquid that runs along side with human blood cells. Jacob needed to test trial some major operations when one day he went into the coffee shop where Liam works at. Jacobs saw Liam having a crazy conversation with Sam about their bodies and how amazing it is to experience each other from a different view. Jacob was indeed curious by these talks and took out a card with a message and number and left it in Liam’s jacket.
Later on that day Liam picked up the card and saw a message saying:
Dear Liam and Sam, I overheard your conversation earlier and heard you two was in need funds and was interested in exploring a new life. How does this sound? 100k for a successful swap of you two to swap bodies? If interested please call this number.
Liam was so excited by this and straight away he went home to speak to Sam and both of them was interested in this. Sam had a lot of doubts if this was true but decided to call Jacob's up to arrange a meeting in a few days time. Both Liam and Sam was joking about being each other in the upcoming days. Liam was so convinced he was going to have Sam’s body just to have his cock and smarts, he kept on winding Sam up about being the smart big cock guy in the apartment. Sam was thinking over about giving up everything he built up for a fresh start as Liam who not set himself out a career.
The day has finally come for them!
Liam was in bed just waking up after Sam’s phone alarm. Sam was already up in the kitchen cooking breakfast.
Liam got up and put on his white boxers and went into the kitchen to see Sam in some tight blue chino shorts making some smoothies for the day.
I turned around and saw Liam rubbing his eyes as he just woken up.
S: ‘Morning Liam I hope you are ready for today’ *looking at Liam’s golden tanned body knowing that will be me in a few hours
L: ‘Hey dude, I am totally ready to take that body of yours today’ *winking at Sam
S: ‘I made us some breakfast smoothies for today to keep us full, who knows what is going to happen today. *drinking my smoothie and Liam doing the same.
S: What are you going to wear today? *looking at your sexy body knowing that will be mine.
L: ‘uh i'm just wearing a red shirt and some black shorts’
S: ‘Typical you always putting on the clothes from the floor!’ *I put on some shorts, tee, snapback and black vans
L: ‘what now?’ *looking at Sam in a confused way
S: ‘You looking so damn sexy Liam! Sure you don't want to jerk off before we head to the labs?’ *sees Liam still not dealt with his morning wood
S: ‘Might be the last time you jerk that morning wood of yours!’ *chuckles knowing Liam can spew out a big load of cum every morning. Just amazes me that it soon could be me doing that!
L: Well if i did it now, u wouldnt have as great of a time when u take the body?’
S: Yeah true still you never will feel that cock again after we switch bodies!! Plus I be the one spewing that huge wood of yours! *smirks at Liam knowing I could be right on that!
Liam looked at me like he was using his brain cells for once. . .
L: ‘hmmmm’ *Looking at his morning wood giving it a rub
S: ‘I just want to make sure you don't regret it.’ *hoping he doesn’t actually come up with an idea as I want to have that for myself!
Liam smirked at me . . . What has he got to say I wonder??
L: Think u could give me one last blowjob? *smirking even bigger now
I stood there looking at him rubbing his cock knowing I have no option but to give him his final blowjob. I went towards him and gave it a rub and I could feel how bloody horny this guy was!
S: ‘Ok Liam since it the last time you going to experience that crazy wood of yours!’
I go on my knees right there looking up to my new body to be knowing I will be making Liam do this to me so he knows how much this annoys me sometimes.
Liam pulled down his boxers and said ‘Hell yeah!!!!’
I saw this decent sized cock pointing towards as I went to put my hands on it to give it a rub to get it pulsing before it goes into my mouth for a full on session. As I rubbed it, Liam moaned and smirking that he got me to give him his first blowjob in weeks. He was moaning more as I was rubbing his veins. I decided to pull down his foreskin to expose the red pulsing tip of his cock.
Liam was moaning like mad as I was giving him the best ever blowjob he had from me. All I heard was
L: ‘GODDDDDDD I might actually miss this body’
L ‘But oh well! Guess I still gonna be so good seeing it from the outside!’
He was saying this between his moans as I was sucking it real hard hitting at his prime spots
I was giving Liam the best ever sucking just to fully understand how his or soon to be mine new cock works. I can't believe how thick and big his cock is and how much cum he can spew from it. It tasted amazing with the shower gel he uses in it also. I just carrying on enjoying every moment of this blowjob knowing I soon be this handsome man!
A few minutes later:
I carried on sucking, just to hear Liam moans more and see his body gets all tensed up as he will about to release his loads.
Liam started to thrust his hips forward as he placed his hand on my head. He was thrusting more and more as his hands were on my head and they felt so soft!! I carry on sucking his cock like it's the last day on earth! My tongue touching the spots that sends Liam into a new deeper sexual level!
Suddenly Liam spoke!
He pushes his hips further forwards as he grabbed my  hair as tightly as possible while moaning louder!
Within that last second he released many thick loads down my throat as I swallowed every drop of his cum knowing soon he will be tasting that in his mouth later on today!
Liam shouted out FUCK DUDE!!!
Every single drop of this tasty Aussie cum went down my throat. God he must eat or drink some sweet stuff considering that actually tasted really nice. I pull out and lick my lips. Then I looked at him!
S:"Fuck Liam you tasted so delicious like sweet nutmeg! Did you eat some nutty health bars or something today?" *smiling as that did taste really nice!
L: “Haha nah dude i don't eat much nuts at all, I guess I just taste that good normally!” *he sighed as he laid back onto the kitchen side
L: “Dude that was so good! I’m so glad we were able to do this before I leave this body!”
He stood up and pull up his shorts and headed towards the bathroom to clean himself up so he looked presentable for today’s trip and his last outing as himself.
I walked to the kitchen sink to wash my face and take a cold drink to wash the cum down into my stomach. I can't believe how much I just swallowed from him. All that healthy proteins, luckily I had the pleasure of having it and not some other guy! Liam spent a few minutes cleaning himself up in the bathroom.
Liam: I walk back out of the bathroom, grab my shirt, put it on and walk up behind up to Sam  whilst he was at the sink. I press my bulge against ur ass as I leaned over u and grab myself some water. I rubbed my still hard cock on purpose and then said
“Lets go to this lab, I think I'm ready to swap”
S: I felt something pressed against my arse and god it was huge knowing it was Liam's after that blowjob. It still must of been really hard. I looked around and smiled when Liam said this but I went in for a last kiss! I turned to feel up Liam's body under his red top rubbing every part of him just to get one last feeling from it as an outsider. I was so lucky to have such a handsome friend like Liam who I cared for so much!.
Liam: *I started to blush and awkwardly smile at him and he continues to feel me up. He really knew how to turn me on even more by doing this!
“alright dude, im sure ur eager to get this stuff as your own, so let's go!”
I leant over Sam and grabbed his car keys
“ill drive today!”
*I saw him grabbed the keys and was surprised by this as it was my car.
``you offered to drive for once, that is unbelievable from you Liam!" *laughs away as I put on my vans and grab the paperwork we signed before. I must admit I was feeling a bit nervous inside knowing everything will soon be new to me. Same time I was dead excited!
"Liam make sure you got the right keys!" *knowing he picked up the wrong keys as he always does!
I looked behind knowing soon that apartment will be mine and everything in there will belong to me as I will be coming home as a new man! I chuckled as I waiting to see Liam reaction when he has the wrong keys
I was walking towards the car and soon realised that I had the wrong keys.
‘Oops I DID grab the wrong keys!”
I quickly drop them back down and proceeded to grab the right ones “every single time!” I mutted to myself. I laughed as I proceeded to check sam out and relish in the fact that soon i'll have his body!
S: I laughed loudly as Liam walked back towards the car after grabbing the right keys
L: ‘‘alright dude let's get out of here!” I started to walk out the door as sam follows, I turn back around to take in the apartment one last time, knowing I  would be back here soon but not as myself*
S: ‘‘I really hope I don't get that key habit of yours! I swear you do it on purpose sometimes just to check yourself in the mirror!" I looked at Liam and smiles nervously knowing that would be a bad habit to have!
"You looking abit nervous today Liam, what bothering you? I happy to talk stuff out first before we go in? I sure you got some questions going around in your mind?" I was holding Liam's hand to reassure him to be truthful. I looked deeply into his eyes waiting for a reply. . .
L: ah I don't really have any worries at all, I think I look nervous because it's just a very big decision, but I made my decision a long time ago didn't i!” looking at Sam in his eyes.
We both started to walk down the path to the car and we hopped in! I looked at Sam when he was strapping himself in.
“Alright let's do this! you excited?”
S: "Wait a minute Liam, you got something bothering you! I know that tone of voice when I hear it." *places my hand to stop you starting the engine up "Come on tell me Liam as I don't us to have any regrets now!"
S: "Is it because I am more on the twink build side of things? *lifts my top up to show you the secret I have been working on. You see Liam I have been building this six pack up for you, it's bloody tough but I am trying to make it easier for you! Remember you soon will be the smart one and be loaded up with my cash!"
L: “dude seriously i have no regrets or worries! it's gonna be so good! im so excited to do this! it's gonna be so fun!” *I pull ur hand off and start the car up* “do u know the address? I just realised I have no idea where im going” *I laugh*
“dude we’re seriously gonna be fine! im sure this experiment will go perfectly and we will live happily in our new bodies!”
S: "I hope you are 110% sure about this as I be so gutted if you did have doubts and I feel them as you!"
"Here give me a second!" *set up the sat nav on your phone. "Can you press your finger on it?" *waits for you to unlock it and I get it sorted for you
"You know I am excited about this swap as we have money to finally buy a bigger apartment and live an easier life! I wonder though what traits we will have as each other! I do not want that key trait of yours!!!" *chuckles away
L: *I grab the phone and unlock it and give it back
“dude this swap is going to be so fun! we’re gonna have a great life from now own! lets do this!”
S: "Fact we going to become each other will be so weird, just remember to take it easy Liam as you will be learning everything over again. No rushing into anything as we don't want to burn our brains!"
"Let's go Liam!"
L: “Alright!” *I start the car up and we start to drive to the labs* God this is going to be so good! I think to myself, ive always wanted to be sam and now it's HAPPENING!!!
S: "God I am going to be talking like an Aussie soon! That's going to be so bloody weird Liam!"
*laughs as I watch you drive!
"This makes a change of you driving for once Liam! You always try and bottle out of driving and get away with it!!"
*I can't actually believe we are on our way to the labs and soon will be living in each other's bodies. I am petrified at the thought of having Liam's little dumb moments but so damn excited about having his body and looks. He is so damn sexy!!!!
L: “well soon i'm gonna be you which means ill be driving way more! so i thought id get used to it now!” *I start to slow down and pull into the car park* *here it goes! in a couple more minutes, I am finally gonna be sam! we are going to swap lives!*
“alright sam, let's do this!”
*I smile at you as i get out of his, soon to be MY car*
S: "Let's go in and get this going Liam! In a few hours we are going to be with each other forever!" *feels a tent in my tight beige chino shorts
L: *I look down at my soon to be dick, smile, and place my hand on it* “someones a bit excited? shall I return the favour?”
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Sam and Liam walks into The Jacobs Labs which has been recently refurbished to meet the standard level you see in the cities.
S: *I hold your hand tightly as we walk through the entrance of this newly refurbished skyscraper. As we walked through we saw a large white room with the polished white floor tiles that you could slightly see your reflection. The reception room had a very small humming tune playing in the background.
"Really Liam, I swear your are dumb as fuck sometimes" *chuckles
"Fuck I might have that trait also" *looks at you and does a dumb face!
*we walk towards the receptionist and she greeted us.
L: * she seemed nice and started to talk us through the procedure, I started to feel my dick get hard again! God, I think to myself, I better leave that to sam when he wakes up as me! he’d love that’*
Receptionist stands as (R)
R: Good Morning Liam and Sam. We were expecting you a little later but as it's quiet shall we start by checking your paperwork from the pre-agreement and your passports as idenity and protection reasons?
S: *I talk first*
"Good morning Kelly, thanks for the warm welcome and here are the paperwork and our passports" *looks at Liam who has the folder with him
R: "That a strong British accent you got there Sam?" *she blushes when she says that
L: “oh right! yes i have those!” *I quickly reach down and grab the folder out of my bag* “here it is kelly!”  *I hand her the folder*
“I hope this is all u need!”
“sam and I are very excited for this experiment and hope that everything goes well”
R: "Hey Liam!!! You seem really excited today and must I say you looking really good today!" *checks everything over and makes a call. "Doctor Jacobs will be waiting for you two. Take this tablet as it will lead you through the building and give you access to the lifts. Oh please be careful and good luck with the protein experiment. I hope those powders will become a huge hit on you two!"
S: "Thanks for that Kelly, I hope the protein shakes will give me more muscles! Liam shall we proceed to meeting Doctor Jacobs?"
*looks at you and hope you don't mention about the swapping*
L: *I take the tablet from her hands and thank her* “haha SAM u have plenty of muscles!” “but yup let's go meet this doctor!”
*i look down at the tablet and start following its directions* “come on!”
S: "Liam you nearly slipped up buddy! I can't believe this is happening!" *smiles
*As I walked along, I could sense the excitement between us about this swapping experience or procedure. Same time I qas praying to God that nothing will happen. We was walking down a corridor and it was like the reception with it blossomed while tiles. I looked at Liam and smiled. "Not long left now Liam!"
*I knew that will cause Liam's cock to tent in his black sporty shorts*
*we were only steps away from reaching Dr Jacobs offices.*
L: “Dude this is gonna be so cool!” I say excitedly as I look at you. *I notice u looking down at my dick and I smile* “this will be yours in a second!” I say as I patted my dick
S: "Yeah I know Liam, it's going to be an interesting moment!" *grabs your cock and squeezes it*
"How much longer Liam" *looking at the tablet
L: *I look down at the tablet, stop walking and smile at you* “alright! here we are sam! lets do this!” *I grab the door handle and smile at you before pushing it open*
*I gesture for u to enter the roomfirst*
S: *Knocks on the door and Dr Jacobs welcomes us
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Doctor Jacobs stands as (DR)
DR: Ahhhh you both arrived! Pleased to meet you both! *offers his hand to Liam first
L: *I shake enthusiastically* “good to meet u too!*
DR: "So Liam you ready to become your best friend Sam here?"
*I shakes Sam's hand also*
S: "Nice to meet you Mr Jacobs and I think we are both ready to talk about the surgery and deal we have in place.
"I am nervous about the surgery as this is going to unknown to us both."
DR: "please both of you sit down so we can go over the formalities." *offers us two chairs at his desk
*we both go over and sit down in the chairs* L: “alright, so what's gonna happen here?” I ask as I hand over the tablet and our documents with our credentials
“how long will this take etc?”
DR: "The operation machinery is all ready to go and the surgery will take a few hours but you won't feel a thing. Our technology is that advanced that there will be no scarring at all but due to the nature of the stress of the transfer that this will be a one way transfer. If this all is successful you will have your money deposited and be allowed to live your new life, remember when you sign these paperwork nobody will ever know about this experiment.
DR: Here is three pieces of contracts you must sign each. *passes them to us
S: "Are you ready for this Liam?" *gives you the pen first*
L: “alright let's do this!” I say excitedly as i grab the pen from ur hands
*I quickly sign off the paper and pass it over to u*
“alright im all done and ready, what now?”
S: "Ohhh here it goes!" *signs the paperwork
DR: "Great please come with me to the two rooms!" *shows us two doors with our names on them but the rooms are connected to the main operation room
S: *Looks at Liam and hugs him tightly*
L: “alright Dr!” *I stand up out of the chair and walk over to my door*
S: "I hope to see you soon brother, if anything happens just remember that I am so thankful and loved every moment we had!"
*cuddles you more*
L: “dude stop we’ll totally be fine! don't even worry!” I say as I pat u on the back “this is gonna be totally fine! let's do this!”
S: "Let's do this!!!"
*opens my door to see a bed and a chair*
DR: please take off your clothes
L: “oh boy okay!”
While in the other room Sam just entered.
S: ‘’Knowing Liam he will just strip off and leave his clothes on the floor screwed up*
*I fold my clothes and possessions neatly
In the other room which DR Jacobs and Liam are in.
*I started to strip of my clothes, I pull of my red t-shirt, slipping down my black shorts, pull of my socks and shoes and throw them all to the corner of the room* “let's do this!” I say as I shake my hips teasingly
*goes onto my bed and lays down
Doctor Jacobs proceeds to the other room to see Sam waiting on the bed and deals with him first.
DR: breath this gas in slowly Sam *places the gas over my mouth and I fall asleep
Doctor Jacobs finishes the first part of the swap on Sam and he goes back to the other room to see Liam.
DR: "Liam please stop touching your penis and lay on the bed, Sam going to be so aroused by your typical Australian personality and traits"
L: *I sigh loudly and go lay down on the bed. the doctor comes over and puts the gas mask over my mouth as well. I fell asleep.
Sam and Liam have both fallen asleep now and we soon see what happens in Part 2 which is coming soon.
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foxstens · 4 years
this episodeeeeee
unsurprisingly i kinda hate the new op and ed. the visuals for both are great (particularly that one shot of akito in the op) but the songs are just not my kind of thing. honestly again and lucky ending are the only ones i’ve liked song-wise and that’s kinda sad tbh. and im pretty sure i’m not the only one. oh well. (the ed might end up growing on me tho)
BUT THE EPISODE. OH MY GODDDDDDD. it’s interesting bc a lot of the things this ep adapted are things i remember very well from the manga, and that tends to make my perspective more negative, but that didn’t happen here. 
honestly a pretty flawless episode if i do say so myself. not as emotional or hard-hitting as other ones but so well done in pretty much every way, especially when it comes to the characters. just *chefs kiss*. i can actually see it being one of those episodes i rewatch pretty frequently, just bc there’s nothing i dislike about it.
also when machi came on screen i squealed her name like 10 times. I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND I CANNOT WAIT TO GET MORE AAAAAA. also rin. i have no idea how anime-onlies feel about her but she’s one of my favourite characters, she just brings so much to the story AND HER AND HARU. THEYRE SO WONDERFUL INDIVIDUALLY AND TOGETHER. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND I’M SO GLAD THAT WE GET TO SEE THEM ANIMATED AND VOICED AND AAAAAAAA
when i saw that we were getting the grandpa stuff this ep i was kind of worried about how they’d do that kyo-showing-up-out-of-nowhere part which has such a specific effect when it happens in the manga but is hard to translate to screen.
BUT THEY DID IT SO WELL. I KNEW IT WAS COMING AND YET IT SENT SHIVERS DOWN MY SPINE. tho i am very curious about how anime-onlies are gonna react to what came before that, aka tohru’s tiny breakdown? i guess. 
also kyo....... i love him....... he’s so wonderful........ also half the ep my brain was just like ‘yuki yuki yuki yuki’ i love his arc so much. it feels like this anime loves him aND I LOVE IT HE’S SO WONDERFUL. also btw i can’t stop thinking abt that one shigure meta i rb’d and now this ep...... he’s such a good character oh my g o d
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rahleeyah · 3 years
i also like to think about how in the early seasons you see liv drinking beer for the most part, and now she drinks wine - liv is absolutely hard and tough and a survivor, more than capable of fitting in with the cops she works with, but it does lead me to think about how much she was, in a sense, performing that aspect when she first joined? and how it took her some time to settle into feeling respected and in place in the unit before she decided she didnt have to pretend to like beer, before she could start letting it show that she's more refined without worrying people wont see her as 'one of them' anymore also i love to think of elliot realizing the kind of money liv comes from for the first time - the way she pronounces foreign wines and scotches correctly the first time, the words rolling off her tongue like she'd heard them her whole life, because she did a bookshelf filled with the classics in various languages, maybe even some first editions a beautiful apartment she lives in all by herself that a cops salary really cant swing designer clothes in her walk-in closet that she didnt buy with an specific occasion in mind, but that she thought was beautiful and hopes to wear someday for a man who joined the marines at 17 to make sure he could support his family and became a cop because he has a GED and didnt see a different path, it must be wild to him, especially to think that liv really could have been anything she ever wanted to be, and that svu is what she chose. its a volunteer unit, yeah, but she chose it, maybe more than anyone else in that unit, because she had a world of oppotunity at her fingertips
Anon your mind!!!!!
The transition from beer to wine is so real and I love this take on it. Almost like Liv was trying to prove herself and then gradually loosened up, and was more authentically herself.
And goddddddd Elliot sort of finding out by accident about Liv's background? Like she doesn't wave it around but he totally notices- like you said, the nice apartment in Manhattan, the clothes, the way she seems to know things he just doesn't - and him being so shook by that? Maybe hurt, that there was this piece of her he didn't know about. Maybe hurt, bc Liv had everything, and he didn't, but then he pulls himself up short bc he knows what she went through, growing up. Money didn't keep her safe. Money didn't give her a good mother. Money didn't give her a chance to be loved.
And yasssssssss Liv choosing this life? Liv being able to do literally anything and choosing this? She did, but if she comes from a privileged background that choice seems...heavier, somehow. And she's not a tourist, tempted to see how the other half lives and then retreating back into security. This is her life. She just happens to have a lot of money in the bank, and enjoys it on occasion. She's still a fighter, still has a smart mouth and a hell of a temper, is happier in this life that she has chosen than in the restrained, suffocating refinement she grew up in.
You also pointed out one of my favorite little Liv details which is how many different languages she speaks. What was your education like Miss Benson I am so curious lmao
Really every word of this message is *chefs kiss* I love it so much
The only hole I have found so far in the Rich Girl Liv theory is that Elliot is the one who bailed her out of prison. Obviously she didn't know he was gonna do that, so maybe there's an argument that she had Trevor working on getting her out on her own terms and Elliot just beat her to the punch, but still.
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