#but my main bleach blorbo is still Starrk and I am so starved of content
Bleach Coyote Starrk X Silmarillion Curufin
Ok so I should be studying for exams and that didn't work out the whole day so let's put the most cringe worthy thing that has been in my head for a long ass time. Btw I'm a huge fan of crossovers but I'm also very picky towards them so yeah this is probably weird as fuck but here goes nothing lol. This is just a way to get my two current blorbos to interact ๐Ÿ˜„
So Curvo dies and instead of going to Mandos he goes to Hueco Mundo and becomes an Arrancar.
I kinda have this whole AU just so that a. Coyote Starrk and Curvo can be friends or ship them and b. so Curvo can eat Gothmog and haunt Finrod.
I'm always on the Finrod had no right to go for the silmaril and demand his kingdom to go on a suicide charge for a couple who could have just eloped side.
So Curvo gets killed by Gwindor. How it happens is that after Luthien gets taken to Nargothrond, she manages to tell Celebrimbor that Beren has been captured along with Finrod. Celebrimbor, who is friends with Finduilas tells her this and she cries to Gwindor about it.
Gwindor confronts Curufin about it accusingly. Curufin actually really likes and cares about Finrod, (but not more than his brothers and his Oath, so he's still bitter about the betrayal from his perspective, knowing that going for the silmarils is dooming his his family), but he answers Gwindor extra cruelly. Taunting him and going, " Why don't you ask the rest of Nargothrond to save him? Oh wait, they won't go on a foolish suicide mission with no chance of success. " Finduilas who's also there cries for Finrod's death sentence and Gwindor snaps. He kills Curufin, completely cutting his head of.
Then what he did dawns on him and he and Finduilas hide the body while feeling super guilty, cause kinslaying is still kinslaying no matter how much you hate the guy.
Keep reading for the Bleach part๐Ÿ˜†
Now we get to the Bleach part! This is where the fun Shonen stuff begins!
Honestly the concept of hollows, when read with the Silmarillion mood still there, is such a horror tragedy. In Tolkien language they're basically kinslaying cannibalizing wraiths. Like even Morgoth doesn't make monsters that tragic.
Like re watching the first Bleach episodes and it's like holy shit those hollows were so creepy, then so sad and tragic cause they were your family, they just wanna stay with you after death then they can't help but hunger for you. A silm character AU of going through the plot of Orihime's brother's episode, oh the angst! That's like the worst kind of kinslaying! Loving your family so much you wanna eat them so they'll never leave you!
So yeah rotating hollow Curvo in my mind๐Ÿ˜ƒ
But I want this story to have two perspectives with wildly different genres of a fun action packed Shonen kicking enemy ass and a horror tragedy movie of being haunted by your dead kin.
And since Curvo is my fave I'm spoiling him. He gets cool Arrancar powers and kicks ass and gets revenge for Feanor and Maedhros like an overpowered isekai protagonist.
But everyone around him especially Finrod and including his brothers are in a horror movie and for once it's not even Morgoth's fault.
I like Finrod, but whenever fics and metas have him as an angel and bash Curvo and Celegorm I get super annoyed, so he gets maximum horror here ๐Ÿคฃ
Gonna type part 2 cause this post feels too long.
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