People like to talk about how sons of Feanor all go by their mother-names in Beleriand, except Curufin, and what it could mean about their character and their relationship with their parents but let's be fucking real: their father-names sound goddamn ridiculous in Sindarin.
Can you imagine it? "Oh, those are the sons of the infamous Feanor: Nailfin, Gonfin, Turfin, Morfin, Curufin, Pînfin and Findui."
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I'm not sure where I saw this but I remember a post saying that Ichigo was someone who connected worlds, so if he was to find a normal job it kinda seems fitting to translate, connecting different cultures, and it has the bonus of working remotely and on his own schedule, so he can still be a substitute shinigami. Plus connecting hearts was a running theme in more than one of the volume opening poems. I mean as far as normal human jobs go I can't really think of any either, maybe a fireman or EMT if we're going with the saving people route, but then he wouldn't have time to be a shinigami since those to jobs are too busy. Also Kubo really liked using foreign languages in Bleach, so maybe he chose it for fun.
Discourse over Ichigo becoming a translator.
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Like please be serious right now lmao.
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Allow me to show him the wonders of Chinese romanization that differ across nations, Chinese characters in all their historic drawing like glory meant to torture foreigners, and debate why Japanese has to have three writing systems yet only have a limited amount of syllables. I just finished my exams and need a qualified linguist to vent.
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"When I was 18, I attended a rally in support of Gaza in San Francisco during one of the wars between Israel and Hamas. I was soon identified by a news reporter as someone from Gaza whose entire family is still there, who asked me what I thought of rockets being fired at Israeli towns and cities. I said that I oppose indiscriminate violence against civilians everywhere and do not support Hamas, its ideology, or its actions. Soon after, an activist pulled me aside and fiercely scolded me, saying that I should never talk about the rockets and instead immediately 'pivot' to the suffering of Gazans and Israel's role in what is happening.
This has historically been the way with Hamas apologists who disguise themselves as pro-Palestine activists. They have a pathological aversion to discussing the faults, problems, mistakes, and grave errors of Palestinian political groups, factions, and leadership that have plagued the Palestinian national project with countless setbacks. So the strategy was to pivot the conversation away from the group's actions and focus on Israel's reactions, the occupation, and the plight of civilians. They marginalized the significance of Hamas as a contributing factor in the overall degradation of Gazans' living conditions and erased how the group's choices and actions brought war, death, and destruction upon its people. A few explicitly told me not to 'air our people's dirty laundry' and that it would be better to maintain a 'veneer of unity' and keep the focus on Israel.
I was always troubled by such recommendations. Rife with inauthenticity, they also marginalized me, an actual Gazan, inexplicably demanding that I conform to the opinions and beliefs of privileged Western activists detached from what people in Gaza actually feel about Hamas and other Palestinian groups and leaders.
Yet Hamas' Oct. 7 massacre of 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians, has bred a far more disturbing form of Hamas apologia. Instead of their usual distracting methods, this time you had people actually gleefully endorsing Oct. 7 as a form of legitimate armed resistance to occupation. Others attempted to 'contextualize' the attack by pointing out the conditions in Gaza and the overall injustices experienced by Palestinians. Still others tried to downplay the atrocities themselves—either their horrific nature or the numbers involved.
This Hamas apologia is new. Something has fundamentally changed. Many Hamas apologists have upgraded, becoming actual enthusiasts. They are now less interested in using verbal gymnastics and manipulation and have become eager to show affection, empathy, admiration, and reverence for the group's tactics, methods, and strategies.
Artistic and illustrative renderings of paragliders, bulldozers, and motorcycles made Hamas 'cool' and hip, a sexy 'symbol' of the underdog and underprivileged fighting back. These images were shared on social media, with thousands adding those pictures to their profiles, names, or bio lines.
These Hamas enthusiasts have now been emboldened by widespread protests and an unprecedented global outcry against Israel's military operation in Gaza.
Of course, as someone whose family is dodging bombs and collapsing buildings, I detest the targeting of hospitals and schools, the systematic destruction of entire neighborhoods, and the ensuing mass deaths.
Yet Hamas enthusiasts cloak their immorality in 'intellectual' arguments for how international law grants the oppressed a blank check to commit any act they deem suitable to fight back and are entitled to use 'all means necessary' to liberate themselves. They have an inhumane disregard for the over 200 Israeli hostages and murdered civilians.
Hamas enthusiasts obfuscate the fact that no Gazans were being killed on Oct. 6 and that their beloved resistance group could have made different choices, which would have resulted in the loosening of the blockade and the unification of Gaza with the West Bank, improving the odds of obtaining a Palestinian state and ending the occupation.
Most dangerously, Hamas enthusiasts erode support for the just and urgent cause of the Palestinian people, who have endured the consequences of a decades-long Israeli occupation, an embarrassingly incompetent Palestinian political class and leadership, and a largely indifferent Arab and international community. They further entrench an unhelpful narrative that refuses to work with Jewish and Israeli perspectives and grievances, worsening the impasse that is so chronically characteristic of the Israel and Palestine conflict.
And those of us willing to tell the truth are branded a 'traitor to your own people,' a 'white wanna-be' sellout and an 'apologist to your oppressor,' as I experienced first hand thanks to the writing I've done since October explaining the destructive role of Hamas.
They shamelessly hurl these insults at me, whose 57-year-old uncle and 13-year-old niece were killed in Israeli bombings that destroyed my family's home and entire neighborhood. They didn't display an ounce of sympathy for the fact that most of my immediate and extended family are homeless and that half of them have been injured by IDF fire; my grandmother lost her home, and two cousins are paralyzed for life. They skip over the fact that I hold the Israeli government and IDF directly responsible for the senseless killings of my family and thousands of Gazans, who are paying the price for a massacre that they didn't commit.
It shouldn't be difficult to explicitly and unequivocally condemn the abduction of children and women, even if Israel imprisons Palestinian women and children, often through unjust processes and procedures. It isn't that hard to realize that Hamas paraded hostages as it released them, creating deceptively edited footage showing its supposed humanity, despite having violently captured these women and children and killed their loved ones on Oct. 7.
Praising terrorists who committed horrendous atrocities because they high fived their captives as they let them go is indicative of moral bankruptcy and decay.
There are millions of well-intentioned, sincere, humanitarian, ethical, considerate, tolerant, well-spoken, and peace-seeking pro-Palestine activists who are not Hamas enthusiasts or even apologists. But they need to distance themselves from the increasingly normalized fringe activists who are spreading throughout the pro-Palestine community like wildfire.
We should teach our youth how to exercise impulse control, restraint, and verbal and physical non-violence whenever they participate in protests. We should avoid incendiary rhetoric, slogans, and imagery that only serve as emotional outlets that deliberately or inadvertently cross the line from anti-Israel anti-Zionism to antisemitism.
We should accept that Palestinians' fate is inexorably linked with Israelis' and that millions of Jews will forever be part of the land—even as we oppose settler violence and colonialism, push back on anti-Arab bigotry by mainstream Israeli figures, and engage in non-violent efforts to unify Palestinians and work toward having a prosperous and sovereign state of their own.
Hamas has been an utter disaster for the Palestinian national project. It has set my people back by 30 years. I am pleading with all pro-Palestine activists and those who are horrified by the sheer death and destruction that the people of Gaza are experiencing: We are at an inflection point of no return. We must separate our peoples' legitimate struggle for life, freedom, liberty, and self-determination from the violent, corrupt, exclusionary, chauvinist, immoral, and detrimental ideology and practices of Hamas.
Hamas enthusiasts are dangerous and must not be allowed to infect the righteous and just cause of the Palestinian people."
You just know this won't get 1/100 of the notes blood libel and shit-for-brains tankie posts do.
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So I finally got to picturing my Bleach figures, Ichigo and Zangetsu. They've been sitting in their boxes for too long cause I lost interest, but now it's back. I desperately need a Grimmjow figure tho, hopefully one that I can pose and dress up! The lack of Bleach Nendoroids 😭.
Also the eggs are there cause I saw them along with other miniature stuff in a stationery shop with my friends and she said she wanted to see Ukitake with it cause it was the perfect size 😃. Added Ichigo messing with Zangetsu cause those set of faces just spelled mischief and annoyed, plus Ichigo needs to lighten up and Zangetsu being pouty or pissed off is so rare in canon 🤣.
Also it sucks that Ichigo's Shikai and Bankai are two different figures, while Zangetsu is a two in one. I guess that gives Ichigo more faces, but nah they just wanna make more money🙃, too bad I only have enough for one, I wouldn't be able to justify buying two of nearly the same figures with only different outfits and items to my mom.
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Curu!You had said that Coyote Starrk was your number one favorite, so I want to ask, do you also like Lilynette Gingerback?─── ⋆⋅
Yes! She is so cute and balances Starrk's unmotivated energy.
Starrk actually became my fave because of his tragic backstory and angst potential, and Lilynette is a huge factor to that, so yeah I love her. But yeah I focus more on Starrk than her because Starrk was the one with the sad boi vibes 🥲, so she kinda becomes an accessory to Starrk in my mind than her own character.
Also my favorite Starrk fics are by darkling59 and the writing about their relationship is really amazing! In fact she is his main motivation in most of the author's fics!
Btw I recommend the god tier Starrk centric fic Turnabout, it's the best Starrk fic in my opinion, especially since he really is the main character completely, and for once everyone else is a supporting role, which is hard to find for Starrk as he's usually a side character in most fics, even when he is part of the ship.
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Bleach Coyote Starrk X Silmarillion Curufin
Ok so I should be studying for exams and that didn't work out the whole day so let's put the most cringe worthy thing that has been in my head for a long ass time. Btw I'm a huge fan of crossovers but I'm also very picky towards them so yeah this is probably weird as fuck but here goes nothing lol. This is just a way to get my two current blorbos to interact 😄
So Curvo dies and instead of going to Mandos he goes to Hueco Mundo and becomes an Arrancar.
I kinda have this whole AU just so that a. Coyote Starrk and Curvo can be friends or ship them and b. so Curvo can eat Gothmog and haunt Finrod.
I'm always on the Finrod had no right to go for the silmaril and demand his kingdom to go on a suicide charge for a couple who could have just eloped side.
So Curvo gets killed by Gwindor. How it happens is that after Luthien gets taken to Nargothrond, she manages to tell Celebrimbor that Beren has been captured along with Finrod. Celebrimbor, who is friends with Finduilas tells her this and she cries to Gwindor about it.
Gwindor confronts Curufin about it accusingly. Curufin actually really likes and cares about Finrod, (but not more than his brothers and his Oath, so he's still bitter about the betrayal from his perspective, knowing that going for the silmarils is dooming his his family), but he answers Gwindor extra cruelly. Taunting him and going, " Why don't you ask the rest of Nargothrond to save him? Oh wait, they won't go on a foolish suicide mission with no chance of success. " Finduilas who's also there cries for Finrod's death sentence and Gwindor snaps. He kills Curufin, completely cutting his head of.
Then what he did dawns on him and he and Finduilas hide the body while feeling super guilty, cause kinslaying is still kinslaying no matter how much you hate the guy.
Keep reading for the Bleach part😆
Now we get to the Bleach part! This is where the fun Shonen stuff begins!
Honestly the concept of hollows, when read with the Silmarillion mood still there, is such a horror tragedy. In Tolkien language they're basically kinslaying cannibalizing wraiths. Like even Morgoth doesn't make monsters that tragic.
Like re watching the first Bleach episodes and it's like holy shit those hollows were so creepy, then so sad and tragic cause they were your family, they just wanna stay with you after death then they can't help but hunger for you. A silm character AU of going through the plot of Orihime's brother's episode, oh the angst! That's like the worst kind of kinslaying! Loving your family so much you wanna eat them so they'll never leave you!
So yeah rotating hollow Curvo in my mind😃
But I want this story to have two perspectives with wildly different genres of a fun action packed Shonen kicking enemy ass and a horror tragedy movie of being haunted by your dead kin.
And since Curvo is my fave I'm spoiling him. He gets cool Arrancar powers and kicks ass and gets revenge for Feanor and Maedhros like an overpowered isekai protagonist.
But everyone around him especially Finrod and including his brothers are in a horror movie and for once it's not even Morgoth's fault.
I like Finrod, but whenever fics and metas have him as an angel and bash Curvo and Celegorm I get super annoyed, so he gets maximum horror here 🤣
Gonna type part 2 cause this post feels too long.
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Hi Curu :°) I drank my first boba milk tea today! I went to a local restaurant I usually go to to buy one.
But I found it gruelling to keep chewing and chewing the black balls at the bottom >_<
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are there any milk teas that you know of without the black balls? do you by chance know what these black chewy balls are called?
In my last ask to you, you wrote this, “Milk tea with bubble, grass jelly, pudding or taro balls.” What exactly are these ingredients? What is “bubble”? What is “grass jelly”?
Hi! The black chewy balls are the bubbles or boba of the milk tea, yeah too many in one drink could make chewing them very tiring. I usually order mine with less boba cause I like them at first but if I finish the drink before the boba then they get annoying.
Grass jelly is a black colored jelly made with an herb, the pudding is usually egg pudding that's popular in convenience stores and taro balls are made by mixing mashed taro with water and flour to make them more springy.
Here's a common dessert in Taiwan with both grass jelly and taro balls with non dairy creamer or milk.
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And the pudding that stores tend to use is this one, it's kinda mass produced and not the highest quality though, but is a childhood favorite!
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Sibling Showdown Round 2 Bracket D1
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Image credit: The Oath of Fëanor by Jenny Dolfen (goldseven.de) used with permission, also showing Fëanor
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*blows a kiss* for curufinwe atarinke
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curu . . .
what flavor of tea would you pick out for me? • - • this is important!
A coco classic like 3 guys or two ladies is nice🥰 If you don't mind sweet and chewy milk teas and want something more than the basic bubble tea then these are probably are the best to try out, but keep in mind that coco is a very sweet brand, I always pick less sugar for it. Milk tea with bubble, grass jelly, pudding or taro balls. It depends on you which and how many kinds of toppings you wanna add.
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For something more fruity maybe strawberry drinks🤔 They are usually seasonal tho and each store has it's own variety 😆
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Nah, the best way to drink tea is with a bunch of toppings like grass jelly, boba or fruit chunks, and with all sorts of milk or sugars.
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Look at all the menu items, you can even choose how much ice and sugar you want. You can even add toppings. THIS IS GOOD TEA!
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hi uchihasaukeycurufinweatarinke!
do you have a Tumblr nickname you'd like to go by? or do you not mind being called by your username?
also, were there no figures of coyote starrk for sale?
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Just my username, but if it's too long Curu is also nice❤
To my unnumbered tears, there are so so few Starrk merch, of any kind really, and they are usually overpriced. Starrk doesn’t have a movable figure or a nendoroid, and while there are statues of him in stock, they are all WAY too expensive and huge in size that I wouldn't know where to put them. There are chibi ones that are also too expensive and not even in the nendoroid style of chibi that I like. There are 2 Starrk statues that I might buy if I had the money, but I don't think I'll be able to afford them anytime soon. A custom nendoroid would be more affordable than these two masterpieces😭
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I want Curvo to be so good a father that Tyelpe was raised so right and so sheltered to the point of maybe naivety. Like he knows there's a war, but his dad had always protected him that he didn't know how hard it was, that he could still hold on to his morals because Curvo gave his up for him. Like Curvo has never sent him to the front lines, but he has sent plenty of other elves and their sons to the most gruesome battles, some straight up suicide missions, especially during the Bragollach where some were ordered to be decoys. Tyelpe didn't need to forge weapons and taint his fëa by forging swords because Curvo would do the forging of things solely meant to kill. Tyelpe could still make things as pure as the elven rings becuse Curvo can't anymore.
That whole Nargothrond disaster, a big part of it was because of the oath, but another big reason was that Curvo didn't want his son to die a meaningless death for a mortal who could've just eloped. Even if Nargothrond had a chance against Sauron or Melkor, he couldn't be completely sure Tyelpe would survive it, Fëanor and Fingolfin both didn't.
I headcanon Curvo as being driven by love and loyalty to his family, but that love turns ugly and cruel quickly to anyone against them. He and Tyelko do the dirty work for the rest of the house of Fëanor. And Maedhros is both frustrated and grateful for it, but that's another can of worms.
My Naruto mind is making me think that if elvish society had allowed it, Curvo and Tyelko would have been in charge of the Fëanorian anbu🤣
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****hi again uchihasasukeycurufinweatatinke!****
i'm here to ask more questions! what made you pose the Ukitake figure next to a tray of food [cheeseburger and fries]? and when will your ichigo figure arrive?
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Tbh my friend is also a Bleach fan with Ukitake being one of her faves too, (Starrk is our no.1 tho) so I wanted to show her as soon as I got him. So I had him in my bag the whole day and we even got time to pose him.
So you know how nendoroids are usually photographed next to food? Yeah that's basically the idea behind that picture when we got dinner together. Also I don't bring my figures out often since they might lose a piece or get dirty so this was a golden opportunity🥰
I don't know when Ichigo will arrive since I think the seller will have to get it from china first then send it to me, but it was the cheapest price left so I'm willing to wait😗
Ukitake should still be in stock if anyone is interested and has extra money to spare. For a posable figure with a cloth outfit he's reasonably priced, even a bit on the cheaper end if you ask me. Saw a Sasuke with a cloth outfit but it is twice Ukitake's price😭
Thanks for asking me about him, I'm happy that people also share my interests in Bleach and figures, makes me glad I bought him!
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Anyways, here are some other pics I took of him❤
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***** hi uchihasasukeycurufinweatarinke! *****
I came across your post of the jushiro ukitake figure sitting in front of the burger and fries under the #bleach tag, and I had some questions! was the photo taken by you? if it is, what kind of burger is in the photo? and do you have any other Bleach character figures? >_<
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Yes! it was taken by me. I'm glad you liked it ❤ It's a hash brown cheese burger btw. I also have a hollow Ichigo figure (the small one), I'll probably take pictures of it too, with Ichigo when his figure arrives.
Here's another photo I have of him btw.
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