#but my middle school once had a costume contest and i really wanted to participate. so they agreed as long as i didn't dress scary
moonchild-in-blue · 1 month
vessel sleep token the first belly dancer
*runs away*
Come back 🥺 You're cooking 🥺
I wanna give him those cute belly dancer waist scarfs with the clinking coins 🥺✨
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potterblondie · 7 years
Magic Meeting
So I went to a Harry Potter convention here in Argentina, and it was really great. So I thought i would make a little review about it.
The Magic Meeting Argentina its held in a very old Hogwarts-like school in Buenos Aires, called San Jose, its been open since 1858. (You can look up pictures online if you are interested, the school is absolutely insane, and when its decorated like Hogwarts its even better)
At the Magic Meeting you can attend different lessons (DADA, Herbology, Potions, etc), you get to choose your house (you earn points in lessons, competions, games,etc), and at the end of the second day, the winning house gets to participate in a raffle to win Harry Potter merch.
Its the second time I went to the Magic Meeting, and as far as i can tell, every year they have the same system. You choose a house (each one have prefects who are part of the staff and help you along), each common room gets decorated by the house members (they create groups on facebook as far as I know), people participate with their house in mind to win different games and trivias, there are small shows at the stage and the host keeps people entertained. At the end of the first day the staff chooses their favorite common room, and the best one gets a bunch of points for their house. At the end of the second day prefects and professors get awarded, the 3 best professors get the order of merlin, and two prefects get to be Head Boy and Head Girl.Then the winner for the house cup gets announced (there is a counter next to the stage wich tells you how many points each one has) and the member of the winning house get to participate in a raffle to win Harry Potter merch.
Lets start with day 1, shall we?:
So the theme for this year was the 20 years since the release of the philosopher stone, and the 10 years since the release of the Deathly Hallows.
The first day was all philosopher stone themed,the trivias were from the books 1-4 and there was a small show at the begging where the host (who looks like Drell from Sabrina the teenage witch) used a time turner to get us all to 1991. He made a joke about not telling any Harrys about the future (which we all laughed about).
On the stage there were two shows that day:
One was a Dancing with the stars parody (or in the argentinian version, Bailando por un sueño, Dancing for a dream) where the Triwizard Tournament champions danced and got judged by Karkaroff, Madam Maxine and Gilderoy Lockhart. Favorite moments: In the Argentinian version (I dont know about the other ones) each star dances for an organization they want to help, one of them was to help the Weasleys. The points that Fleur got from Karkaroff was his phone number.
The other one was a Weird Sisters concert (with hits such as “Do the Hippogriff”)
The cosplays were quite good, As always there were a ton of Hermiones (more children than anything else), one of them had the Yule Ball outfit. Te most original one was a Fawkes costume (that worked great with the Golden Snidget costume that the host had) and a Minerva McGonagall half cat costume.
In the outdoor area they played quidditch all day (which again worden great for the Golden Snidget costume, as the seekers started chasing him around)
Weird parts from day one:
At one point the Gryffindors House points reached -40 for some reason (The host proceed to make fun of us, mostly because he is a Slytherin)
Day 2:
On day two we celebrated the 10 years since the release fof the Deathly Hallows.
This was the best day on my opinion thanks to the awesome shows they had on stage.
For the opening show the host announced that Dumbledore was trying to peacefully trying to solve the difference between the Order and the Death Eaters, so Dumbledore proceed to hold a contest between them.
Representing the death eaters : Voldemort, Bellatrix, Lucius Malfoy and a random death eater with a mask
Representing the Order: Harry, Hermione, Ron and Tonks.
They had a blow up the balloon and pop them between their bodies contest, a rock, paper, scissors contest (apropiately named, wand, stone and cloak), a miming contest and a dancing contest. The contestans bad mouthed each other and joked around during the game. It ended in the dancing contest (where jokingly Harry and Hermione copied the dancing scene from the movie while Ron threatened Harry). During the Harry vs Voldemort stage of the dancing contest (Both of them danced the Macarena) Voldemort killed Harry leading to a small video of Harry encountering Dumbledore and then resurecting. After he resurected they all proceed to dance, and hex each other at the same time, it all ended with Harry, Ron and Hermione standing like they did after the final battle in the movie.
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The photo was in the middle of the contest, you cant see very well in the screen behind them, but the show is “sponsored” by “stupefy” (spotify) and “McGonagall” (McDonalds)
(For some reason Ron’s hair glowed under the black light)
As they all prepared for another short anouncement, the host proceed to entertain us by showing us different Prophet headlines. Because Slytherin was 1000 points behind everyone in the scoreboard (even though they had a lot of people) a special headline saying that Slytherin had finally won after taking out all the competion (The Magic Meeting has been a thing since 2011, not once has Slytherin won the house cup). There was another headline saying “19 years since the Dark Lord winning!” the explanation was that someone had told Harry what was going to happen, he got confused, and ended up fucking shit up. The last headline was “Cursed Child still sucks” (after the cheering stopped, the host asked if anyone liked it, a few raised their hand)
Then in the stage both the order and the death eaters asked everyone (in avery dramatic and cool way) to join them. (you could either join the order or the death eaters, they put a stamp on your hand and you could participate in a “Hunt the horcruxes” game.)
A few hours after that, a live band played the soundtrack from the movies (quite beautifully I must say)
Then another band called “Los tumberos de Azkaban” (I dont know how to translate this honestly, but they were basically playing the stereotype of the prision ex-con, disrepectful, still a criminal, etc) they played cumbia, with all the lyrics changed to Harry Potter stuff. They also did a parody of “despacito” which was quite hilarious. They were great, we all laughed and had good time.
The cosplays were also very good, we had quite a lot of couples in cosplay, Quini and Jacob and Tonks and Remus, for example. (Still isnt better than one of last years couples who went as Harry and Ginny, dressed in their Quidditch outfits, and kissed on stage). There was also a big cosplay group that went as the epilogue scene (During which James Sirius accidentally dropped his owl and trunk). The host this time dressed as Bellatrix (because he has the same hair as her), and him and Delphi shared quite a moment when she went up on the stage.
At the end of the day Ravenclaw won by just a bit of difference. 
End note: Im still annoyed because the Host asked how many people liked James Potter, and I raised my hand with a couple of other people. I still want to give a long ass speech about my love for James Potter and my hate towards someone I wont name.
End note number 2: If you want to see any photos, look at the #magicmeeting hashtag on twitter or look for CHPArgentina also in twitter.
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