#but no lol who cares about all that because ace people said asexual coffee shops would be fun so now the idea is Clown Town
timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Remember back in the day where a lot of Tumblr youths said they wanted alcohol free LGBT+ spaces like coffee shops or something to meet with other people but not be barred from entry based on age or alcohol being present? Then ace people said the same thing but with ace coffee shops and now if you say you want an alcohol free LGBT+ space on Tumblr your fuckin clowned to Christian hell and back because people are so aphobic they deadass threw out ideas THEY came up with because asexual people also liked that idea lmao. Now every time I see someone mention alcohol free LGBT+ spaces or stuff other than gay bars I ALWAYS know somewhere on that post the idea queer people may want to hang out without alcohol around or hang out not in a fucking club is some sort of Extremely Cringe Horrible Sexless (oh, a callback to the aphobia that started it all because obviously the worst thing you can be is celibate the church called they want their number back) Behavior that's Mocked and Ridiculed so we all know how Hilarious and Stupid it is to want spaces that aren't bars to hang out in. Like really, the idea that even adults might not ONLY want bars to hang out in is actually ridiculous to you? Really?
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crackinwise · 6 years
More things my counselor has told me:
--If you get Medicaid you can get a breast reduction. (I have made no comments about my boobs and she knows the back pain is from a car accident.)
--More about her pos boyfriend
--I’ve never..... no, never heard of a ‘phone phobia’ in anxiety in 25 years. (”It’s literally everywhere on every social anxiety and avpd sites.”) No, you just need practice! Play Telephone like kids do! (”I have a mother attached to her phone. I’ve been forced to ‘practice’ since childhood, trust me.”) How are you going to communicate? (”Mom, websites, texts, emails, face to face. If i’m forced to i pop a xanax and rehearse all possible replies in my head.”)
--(She asked my orientation and i said asexual.) That’s not... There’s a saying we’re not allowed to say anymore, but it’s like the phrase “you don’t know what you’re missing until you find it.” (No, i’m pretty positive i’m asexual. Since forever. “Gay people don’t need to have sex with the other gender to know they’re gay.”) But that’s because they know their same sex gets them hot. You just haven’t found the right guy that gets you hot. Or girl; maybe that’s the problem. (No, i find neither sexually arousing.) But asexual just means without sex. (It means you’re not sexually attracted to anybody. You’re thinking celibate.) No right in the definition it means no sex. (Are you... The reproducing thing? “Just. Please.”) 
--Okay but you need to find SOMEbody. Some non sexual partner, friend, the Cheech to your Chong. (Oh i have a best friend, she just lives in another state.) Why? (....She was raised there and has her own family?) No, you need to find someone without that. Someone that wants to spend their life together with YOU. (I’m. Aro. Ace. Where tf do you want me to find another best friend and one who wants to live just like me??) *changes subject*
--I don’t care if patients don’t like me. I don’t like most people.
--But you don’t need the Avoidance PD because i already documented your panic disorder and depression.
--*makes coffee in the room as i gag from the smell*
--(”The midterms sure didn’t help my depression.”) Why do you even need to worry about politics? (I mention everyone being hurt locally and globally.) But why worry about things that don’t affect yourself? (.............DID I GET A COUNSELOR WITHOUT SYMPATHY FOR OTHERS OMG WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS JOB?)
--Go dancing! Go back to conventions! Go to concerts! (lol money. “I’ve been to concerts. They’re okay; i don’t miss them. Too crowded and noisy.”) You haven’t been to the right concerts! (....Cher and Neil Diamond?) *changes subject*
--You shouldn’t plan to get on SSI so much cuz you can’t live your life on the little money they pay. (Can i fuckin get it so i can get help FOR NOW please so i don’t have to see unhelpful unlicensed shit like you? PLEASE?!?)
--You’d only get about $700 a month. What’s tv and internet, $70? What else would you need? (I guess pay my car insurance instead of my mom. Buy more than one set of clothes to go outside in.) See? That’s the whole $700 right there! (Holy shit, woman, where do you shop???)
--Find something you can do where you won’t have to worry about what people think of you. (Uh) Go into medical billing. (I have to worry about what a boss and insurance companies think of me, right? Also ugh.) Who cares if you hate it? You’d make money. (...Aren’t you supposed to be leading me out of depression?)
--What you do is you go home, work on the treatment plan, then make me sugar free oatmeal cookies. (Omg lady i hate you so much.)
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