morsusengel-blog · 6 years
i will wonder forever- if love shall be so difficult in the future. honey dip kisses, liquid gold simmering in a steel pan, your eyes dancing with speckles of marigold saying sweetly ‘i love you tonight.’ and it really was just another 'tonight.’ next morning, the sun seared across our skin, leaving lashes of red that we could no longer touch. it was so beautiful when we were dandelion yellow, mistaking traffic lights for the stars- holding hands into the break of dawn- but our love was brief, periodic, a cycle of everything convenient till it simply was not anymore. but, i’ll be back again tomorrow.
flicker |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
if y’all wanna follow my instagram as well (since tumblr is being a butt about quote posts rn) its just morsusengel  on instagram!
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
sooooo.... i’m gonna be working on another book i think!! two years after the release of my first, my writing has developed so much more and i want to bring something new to the table!
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
he used to call me a lover late at night when he would walk me past old buildings pulling me closer as it grew quieter. he’d said that his arms could stretch millions of miles if it meant holding onto me for just another second. i began to observe the city lights glow, just to pretend as if he was there to watch with me, celebrating the prettiest skyscrapers in awe. his eyes had a kind, doe look- as if they were the apology note accompanying a thousand bullet holes. still, when i scrolled his favorite playlists, all i could remember were our lonesome city nights together, all their glory, beauty and sparkle. and tonight, in the unfamiliar, small town glow, i crave the familiarity of his touch dancing across my skin. i wonder if the stars really do look prettier here than back home. losing him was a romance of its own.
losing. |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
as a woman, i’ve had violence threatened upon my body multiple times after rejecting men’s sexual advances. 
i’ve been called names repeatedly, i’ve been demeaned and insulted after rejecting men’s sexual advances. 
i’ve been harassed and followed, i’ve been the subject of many sexual advances that made me feel uncomfortable and inhuman.
i have been reduced to an object, something that men are entitled to, something that should be without boundaries.
but i am so much more than that. i am so much more than a body. i am so much more than an object. i am so much more.
i can’t believe our humanity is still up for debate.
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
in light of the current events, I would like to say to all survivors: I believe you. I support you. I love you. You are human, you are significant, and I will always stand with you. You are not alone.
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
the day i realized that i didn't harbor old love for you anymore, was a beautiful one. it had been months since i'd last felt your presence in every quiet pause. and i had moved on ages ago, i just forgot to remember each time you reappeared in my thoughts- if you ever did. so now i don't have a date of when i finally let you go, i simply have a date of when i finally realized that i let you go. and maybe that's all i ever needed.
letting go happens quietly |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
when you tell me that- nobody will ever love me the way you do, i know you mean for it to break me. your eyes glimmer, hoping i'll fall to my knees and ask you to love me once more. but to your dismay, i only begin to celebrate with sweet, caramel joy dripping off my tongue i say- 'then it is a beautiful thing, that nobody will love me the way that you did. for, with all the bitterness, fabrications and destruction- i certainly do not want your kind of love ever  again.'
nobody can love me better than i. |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
as we finally came to an end, your memories collapsed against the foot of my bed. i shuffled them into boxes and taped them shut. with a black, sharpie pen, i wrote ‘unimportant mish mash’ all over the cardboard. as a few more summers passed, the tape began to peel and your memories swept out in a lazy waterfall. those memories crawled across my carpet, peering back to see if i noticed their antsy fingers reaching for the door, but i wasn’t even home. a few months later, on a breezy monday afternoon, i chanced upon the boxes of all your memories that i stashed away a few summers ago. their mouths were all open, the tape had turned a withered yellow, and nothing but dust remained inside. those boxes were emptier than the city parks on a rainy day. and who knew emptiness could be such a pleasant surprise?
empty boxes. |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
if they do not carry the world on their shoulders for you, then do it for yourself. if they do not look at you with gentle eyes and fluttering eyelids, then do it for yourself. if they do not hoist you up and show you the sky, then do it for yourself. if they do not make your toes curl and make your heart sing, then do it for yourself. if they do not make you feel like there is sunlight filling your throat, then do it for yourself. if you deserve the universe, and they only give you empty nights, then give it to yourself. even alone, you can carry the world on your shoulders, admire yourself in the soft autumn light, make the climb to see the sky, love every inch of your tender skin, pour yourself a glass of warm sunlight, and see the universe that exists behind your eyelids. if they do not, then you absolutely can.
you deserve nothing less than the universe. |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
Hi y’all, sorry for being inactive for so long (work and school and summer were actually very busy) I’m gonna get back to writing very soon so look forward to that I guess!💕
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
a plant may grow until the walls of its home push against its roots. so sometimes, it is necessary to replant- to uproot entirely,  and hope for a fresh start. not every home will foster growth in the same way, when you feel yourself outgrowing your place in life- uproot, replant, and let yourself grow.
do not constrain yourself |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
i’m playing with formatting to make my poems appear closer to what i want them to be, and i think i’m figuring it out! its not perfect but its good enough
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
but it’s not like
our love is over,
not when it lives so furiously within the confines of my mind.
and i wish to always love you-
in a mellow way,
in a silent way,
the whispers of “i love you”
drifting in a breeze,
tumbling to somewhere a little less cold.
it’s an escape of love that could once overflow oceans-
but i’ll just hold on to our last drop.
-goodbyes |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
letting go of people/feelings/emotions you have is so so difficult. just when you think you’ve made steps forward, you’re overwhelmed with all the thoughts at once. it’s as if by allowing one sliver of a memory enter your mind, you are suddenly consumed by it all.
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
i am love. i am the epitome of love. i am the sky making love to the sea, i am the hands tracing bodies under peach tinted light. i am finger-painted walls and forbidden glances. i am unrelenting ecstasy. i am overflowing with kind words and warm palms. i am of love, born from carefree liberation and endless sunshine. i am love in every way i exist. i am love because when the hate consumed me- nothing was beautiful, nothing glowed, and nothing lived in radiance, not even me.
everything is beautiful. |(morsus engel)|
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morsusengel-blog · 6 years
what’s some type of writing y’all would like to see more of? 
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