#but no one wants to read about a lesbian ballerina that fights aliens and dark wizards and has a gaggle of teen sidekicks
themandylion · 7 years
The Storybook Hour AU headcanons/things not addressed in the series (contains spoilers for Coming of Ages)! Sorry this got really long when I was typing it up on mobile and then I had to wait until I could get on the laptop and put in a cut because tumblr is stupid and I’m still mad about not being allowed sub-bullets. >:(
Gabe is the only active Silurian wizard because all the others are in stasis. He's sort of persona non grata with most Silurians because he hangs with humans, but he doesn't let it bother him.
Related: He's from a secretive South American colony/town where Silurians and humans have coexisted in relative harmony for decades if not centuries. Gabe's still considered a super-radical in his family.
Silurians are interesting creatures in DW canon because even in old!Who they had different varieties? Like, I guess the show creators tried to unify old!Who design with new!Who design by given new!Who Silurians masks that looked like the old face design when they first showed up? Gabe is basically a hybrid between old-and-new Silurians in that his face is more human-like but he still has the third eye (which is closer to where a human hairline would be and more eye-like).
Parthenogenesis among Gallifreyans results in offspring that is, at least in terms of physical features, identical to the parent. So, like. That'll lead to some interesting rumors regarding Shax's parentage when he gets older. (Either the Smiths will have to come clean or Ryan's going to get accused of knocking up his sister. :X )
Mikey and Gerard are totally-probably wizards of the Harry Potter variety. (This fact is no doubt directly related to why they didn't last very long during the Year That Never Was; they probably drew attention to themselves early on and the Toclafane took them out, alas.)
The hilarious thing is that while actual-vampires are in fact canon to the Doctor Who universe (though I think they might have left the main universe for an alternate one at some point in the past? Whatever, I looked into this years ago, my facts are rusty), Bob never does encounters them in the fic beyond his final scene? With the exception of Nadeen the Empacyte (who was created based on my vague recollections of Arcateenians when I had no internet), all other mentioned vampiric aliens are canon (or at least practically so in the case of the Gwanzulum near-alike, who's only a near-alike instead of a Gwanzulum because I wanted something slightly more humanoid for space issues).
Relevant because Bob and Frank are totally on the trail of an actual-fact vampire at the end of CoA and they'll probably run into Mikey and Gerard along the way, as That Is the Way of Things.
Ryan's bio parents never show up for him even after the Doctor brings Gallifrey out of limbo? Who knows why! Possibly because he is alien!Patrick's grandson? The things that don't make it into fics when I don't have betas to bounce ideas off of.
Val goes back in time and finds her mom right after human!Patrick dies. Alien!Patrick thinks Val is a regeneration-induced hallucination when Val removes her alien!Patrick's clothes and steals her wallet.
Val also steals the human identity her mom was using prior to unexpected regeneration (advantage of having the same face) and lives on Earth into the early '90s, keeping an eye on toddler!Patrick!mom and teaching little Earthling children about Cool Science. Yes, she is one of the stealth crossover cameos in the fic. Joe was one of her students, though he doesn't realize it until he sees her step into her bright yellow TARDIS and leave for the past.
Frank's dad was Turlough, in case I didn't make that clear enough.
Carmela and Frank meet at some point and totally hit it off, even though Frank's relationship with the Speech and his use of it is actually more in alignment with wizards than Carmela's status as a more casual speaker. (To make things even more interesting, it turns out that Helena is a fan of MCR and is not sure she can handle that her little brother's questionable dealings with "magic" have resulted in Frank occasionally showing up at the Rodriguez household.)
It's greatly implied but I don't think I ever explicitly stated why Andy was kicked off his planet? Basically, he kept drumming against local sound ordinances and it was attracting the attention of the carnivorous terrorbeasts native to his planet. He was never the political radical he likes to pretend he was. This eventually comes out when his distant cousin Liz shows up, which is, like, a hot second after the end of CoA.
Related: Liz is the Professor's traveling companion/girlfriend and was busy parking the Professor's TARDIS while the Professor took care of personal, mom-related matters. (You didn't think I made Andy a chameleon-like alien on a whim, did you? Because I totally did, he's basically Randall from Monsters, Inc., the entire MSB stealth-crossover was was added in the last six months, alien!Patrick was a man in the first scene up until last year.)
Emile did become a wizard (part of the reason why he and Joe were able to continue to keep in touch long after the Greens left Earth). Because of Time Shenanigans and the Professor, he and Benji end up sharing an ordeal, even though Benji doesn't have his ordeal until six months after the Greens returned to Malacassario.
Malmooths are a bit different in CoA than they are in the DW partly because they're living on Earth and using human social standards/practices to blend in (so they don't frame their sentences with their names) and because the end of the universe (and thus the DW episode Utopia) happens a loooong time after CoA and the Malmooth species changes a lot over the intervening millennia.
Pete eventually told his family about Andy (after Andy'd been secretly living with them for about five years) and he's made an honorary member of the family. Pete's parents never do find out Andy's spaceship is in their garden shed.
Georgie and Susie end up becoming Sky's legal guardians after Susie's cousin Sarah Jane dies so that Luke can continue with university. To make the change easier for Sky, Luke lets them stay in the house on Bannerman Road.
This also means the Bannerman Road gang basically end up adopting Susie and Georgie as their new adult-types for helping with alien-related shenanigans? Which as a result of Georgie's inclusion broaden to also occasionally include magic-related shenanigans?? Spencer is less than pleased about his baby sister's new hobby, but he is in no position to judge, what with how he's been doing the same thing for years.
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