#but nobody really KNOWS ykno? they dont know the details or the specifics bc.. its not obvious at first glance
crypt1dcorv1dae ยท 3 years
being trans adds so much extra annoyingness to like... having people know im queer. like bro i am the LEAST subtle fruit on the tree but people dont always know that bc they think im a giiiirlllllllllll.... blehhhhhh why does it have to add soany LAYERS..... i just want people to look at me and the way i stand and the way i speak and be like "yep. thats definitely a queer person" instead im just a weird little creature that exists in gender limbo to most people and they get confused when i dont act as drearily and emo as i tend to dress and so if i want people to KNOW know i have to TELL them and LAY OUT THE DETAILS and ughhhhhh i hate it... cant u all just automatically clock me as a trans mlm and move on ???? ughhhhhh
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