#but non dysphorics tend to have that entitled attitude about it
vampish-glamour · 3 years
Nondysphoric transwomen/enbies insisting that words like female, uterus or mother are making them uncomfortable and insist one should say birthing person or bleeder, get instantly triggered when biological women insist, they don't want to have a person with a penis around their safe spaces.
This is so hypocritical, those people could start identifying as "double-standard".
I never thought about it like that, but it is weird that they’re allowed to be uncomfortable by small things like women not being reduced to our bodies and reproductive systems (you know… like women’s rights advocates have been advocating for)… but women aren’t allowed to be uncomfortable with having some entitled non dysphoric waltz into a female changing room with their penis hanging out (I say non dysphoric because it’s hard for me to believe that any trans woman would do this, mostly due to dysphoria).
Lots of what they say is hypocritical, though. They practically embody hypocrisy.
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